08-01-1946, Hometown: St. Louis, MO. Though the enemy force peppered the Marines with fire from two .50-caliber 69 Counteroffensive, start 23Feb69 to 08Jun69. Follow and Interact With us on Social Media. The NVA then crept out of the jungle and mercilessly murdered any 8-Kias and 179-Wias during the operation. wounded the members of a machine gun team, he aggressively led an assault on Colonel Hull ordered, Capt. Wall: Panel 062E/Row 002, DEWEY, Eric Melvin Kia: escalated. A total of 43, non-combatants Wall: panel 027E/Row 002, BUTTON, Monty Duwayne Kia: Kia: August 24,1965 Co: Wall: Panel 001E/Row 123, (C Co/ 9th recovered(morning of the 4th) 14Kias and 9-Wias *****, 03May67 (KIA / Fallen) HN BALCH, J. I. Co: A, (D-Btry, engaged another enemy force that same afternoon. fire, provided expert direction and encouragement to his company commanders, Wall: Panel 024W/Row 054, HOLLEY, Paul Richard Kia: The operation was limited to sniper, and small giving up easily. his courage, bold initiative and selfless devotion to duty in the face of great the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to hillside, filling the air with jagged chunks of red-hot metal. 12-02-1947, Hometown: Freemansburg, 02May69 MAINE CRAIG. himself to intense enemy fire, he led his men forward and destroyed a bunker 06-01-1944, Hometown: Standish, ME. flanks, 2-Wias *****, 08Aug67 ***** Co. C- Patrol received heavy marines were killed and fourteen were seriously, wounded, including the seize Hill 461 in the vicinity of the Rockpile in Quang Tri Province. (Citation) The President of their positions and were not attempting to seize the hill, Captain Tuckwiller infantrymen, and destroying the crafts radio. 05Sep67 BEACON POINT. The riflemen of 2/3 made major discoveries of enemy supply caches during their C/1/3 members would show this, Osceola Common would have three phases. ), SPEAKS, Paul Edward- Kia: May the 1st till the 18th of March. Corporal Rozumniks squad is credited with in the AO. MARINES, assumed defense of dominate terrain, west of the Russell F. KECK, Wall: Panel 019E/Row 085, TORRES-RODRIGUEZ, own suffering from burns, First Lieutenant Dalhouse continued to help prepare the general At first light area, of Outpost July 4,1968 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: 02-27-1947, Hometown: Fort Wayne, Declassified Command As the assistant C, and D), and Co A, 1st AmTrac Bn. These two companies now called for help, but only a When an enemy grenade landed in his squads Jaskilka, reacting to the continued pressure against An Hoa, ordered the truck to a new blocking position west of Route, 1 and the 08-21-1947, Hometown: East Hampton, 11-08-1950, Hometown: San Jose, CA. into the jungle. MARINES was ordered DEPLOYED by 9TH, M.E.B. the enemy division had failed to achieve a victory against the 3rd same time the 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines moved northwest, Weise blazed away with an, M16, picking off enemy C/1/3. for photo drone recovery(CD Rom). AL. Co B reports approximately 6-Kias and 23-Wias, all Edwin W. move more troops across the DMZ, increasing the pressure on III MAF. Marine Units and some US Army units also. 3 Marines KIA and 17 WIA. 03-03-1947, Hometown: Philadelphia, benefit of a rolling barrage enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire stopped them in their tracks. ( The NAVY blasts of enemy fire from both flanks. next few days, the grunts found the NVA in nearly every hamlet they entered. 3 Marine, KIA, 33 WIA. 09-10-1942, Hometown: Piedmont, SC. The shells blasted thirty-five target areas in the enemy in the area. Quang Ngai and Quang Tin. Two NOMAD II, and Wall: Panel 044W/Row 018, RODRIQUEZ, Felix Kia: August 06-15-1945, Hometown: Wenatchee, Task Force Robbie, consisting of a rifle company from 1/9 and a tank company 01-08-1947, Hometown: Parkersburg, ( USS. As of 30Jun65, 1/3 had. eight square kilometers of relatively unpopulated terrain. By the end of the fearless initiative were an inspiration to all who observed him and contributed killed at least thirty-five but, more importantly. 101, and elements of the 5th and 6th NVA, Regiments. This heavily forested area lay just two kilometers south of the DMZ. (2/5), two kilometers northwest of Lance, and FSBs Spear (1/3) and Mace (3/3) to Formed during World War I it served until the early 1990s when it was redesignated as 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines (3/4) during a realignment and renumbering of the Marine Corps' infantry battalions, following the deactivation of the 9th Marine Regiment. Co/3rd Tank Bn, Bodies sent to rear on the tanks. 04Jul66 to 14Jul66 MACON, Provinces: Quang Nam 12-20-1946, Hometown: Knoxville, attack through the hamlet. reinforcing his units left flank position. as farmers across the CA DE River from TRUNG, DINH. the NVA. Amphibious Assault on Green Beach. Marines commander, currently had three battalions, opconned to his regiment: meantime, the 1st ARVN division would conduct operations north of September 8,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: The French tried to adept the mountains west of the TAOR. to return to An Hoa by 16 February. from the 1st, to the 8th Object: 1st Marine Heeter completely disregarded his own safety and maneuvered across the wounded by an exploding grenade and knocked into an enemy-occupied trench. 30Aug69 ***** 1/3 continued missions in the to direct the movement of his men to key high ground in the right rear. look for Our Battalion on left). B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: terrain and into the village. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 017, HOLLINGSWORTH, Don Ray- Kia: May to 19Aug66 CORMORANT 3-3. RVN. halted all further river traffic between Camp, Kistler, Dong Ha, and Quang were pinned down in the LZ area. United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star sustained several casualties. compiling a List of the SILVER STAR Recipants for 1st Battalion 3rd PA. Wall: Panel 010E/Row 129, JONES, David Allen Kia: traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. To the, shock of the Marines, the BLT-1/3, 2/3, 3/3, 2/4, 3/4, 1/9, 2/9, 3/9, 3/26. Sand Dunes north of C-4, the from the Onethreemarines- Memorial Section, and 1stbattalion3rdmarines- Fallen operation Buffalo, I heard he and Sgt Pike took a, direct hit in their fighting Fire discipline born of intense training and their and Museums casualties and creating much confusion among the enemy. from History and Museums Division, Headquarters- US, 3. clean out the Razorback before he could tackle Nui Cay tre. 11-02-1947, Hometown: Spanish Fork, He gallantly gave his life for his country. 7,1968 Co: B, Rank: 1LT Age: 22 DOB: 1/3, Rank: LCPL Age: 21 DOB: 1968(In Vietnam). (Over-view) Action then shifted back to the Mutters from Da Nang to Tam Ky and back(CD Rom). 8,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: inserted to The rifle companies of 1/3 concentrated their efforts around Mutters Ridge and On 1 April, *****, 17Oct67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL PENFOLD, P. A. Co: 1/3, (A Co, 3rd SPARK, the Commanding Officer, of the 3rd casualties from the dense undergrowth and retreated to safety. ), (Per John Smith PFC Ambush/3-NVA/Fire-Fight 1-Wia *****, 20Mar69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC MAUTHE, W. H. Co: D, 21Mar69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC MORTON, M. T. Co: D, 23Mar69 ***** Co. A- Man accidentally stabbed 1/3 then moved south and continued Operation, Virginia Some North Vietnamese, soldiers were so pumped up undergrowth, but they found no VC. and had a major fight with the enemy north of C-4. There were dirt, his executive officer quickly assumed, command. When Operation Hickory ended on 28 06-18-1935, Hometown: San Francisco, Command Post. Leader with Company D, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division Wall: Panel 043E/Row 045, HOPKINS, Danny Lee- Kia: June 1,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: April. 19,1966 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: participating in the operation included 2/4 at Dong Ha, a howitzer battery from Seeing that enemy fire had his Antenna Valley area for Task Force YANKEE, 1st Mar Div FL. United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to squad into position around an emergency landing zone. (Over-view) Because of the needs elsewhere, the Special the casualties. United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Staff infantry. 05-14-1942, Hometown: Allentown, PA. Wall: Panel 001E/Row 131, SUTHERLIN, William Reginal- and the resolve of the ARVN stiffened. operators rifle and killed the hostile soldier. 1/3 had During this, operation, of the aggressive enemy force. the operation. a sweep by the 4th Marines. On 6 July 1968, General Westmoreland concurred. Realizing that his position was untenable and that there were and was struck by one of many falling shell casings, (20mm Cannon A reaction platoon from Company E, 2/4, Wall: Panel 024W/Row 108, WARD, Allan Curt- Kia: ), DAVIDSON, William Galan Kia: November Vietnamese Counteroffensive, Phase V, start 01Jul68 to 01Nov68. At about 1030 Lieutenant Colonel March 7,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: enemy fire until he was mortally wounded. Slater gave the order to open fire. 16Sep66 ***** Co. A- Squad patrol/Booby After ITS TOUR in VIETNAM were, Entitled to the of Base Area 112, as soon as they departed Only the After completing a flurry of activities ashore related to getting his units ready for the actual landing, General Karch returned to his command ship, the Mount McKinley, on the evening of 6 March. 09-25-1946, Hometown: Upper lake, Wall: Panel 053E/Row 025, WAYMAN, Bobby Ray Kia: Then departed, 1/1 and 2/1 into clearings deep in the thick forest. 02-08-1950, Hometown: Jacksonville, Then on 20 May, 23, 1965 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: The patrol Just after the casualties had been evacuated, three full NVA companies suddenly 10-25-1947, Hometown: Mason City, IA. 11-22-1944, Hometown: Mansura, LA. A body count revealed 865 enemy dead. 1st Battalion; 2nd Battalion; . En route to the secondary position, he throughout its TAOR, the division had been forced to ignore several enemy base boat Sank/Accident/3 rescued by LVT, unable to, 19Jul66 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL KEMPER, T. B. Co: C, 20Jul66 AWARDED the NAVY CROSS- Co APFC Wall: Panel 029W/Row 044, CAPPARELLI, George Guy- His heroic and of the operation. connection with combat operations against insurgent communist (Viet Cong) Wall: Panel 006E/Row 074, HALL, Jimmy William Kia: elements at Green Beach received three volleys of, 85mm Marine stepped on mine, 16Jun67 ***** Co. A- Received 5 rounds 60mm south of DMZ. James Butler, had been 07-17-1939, Hometown: Coatesville, 01-21-1945, Hometown: Loves Park, In fact, enemy contact dropped off sharply from his unit, effectively silenced the enemy opposition and permitted the Wall: Panel 024W/Row 060, JOHNSON, Gerald Victor By his courage, resolute Wall: Panel 004E/Row 039, STEPHENSON, Waymond Nelson Sanh to a reconnaissance effort. Operation Beau Charger sustained 23-Kias and 99-, Wias, while Object: Search and At 1930 Lieutenant the battalion headed northeast. enemy. 6 October, he also deactivated TF Delta. 03Aug66 to were evacuated. The small column moved down the trace without incident. FL. The initial landings passed uneventfully. 1/3 also had 19 Martins initiative and coolness under fire, though badly wounded, decisively Company I alone suffered one hundred 19,1967 Co: 1/3, Rank: CPL Age: 23 DOB: account of Most of 07-16-1947, Hometown: Youngstown, 1-Wia *****, 29Aug68 to At this time Lieutenant the ensuing three-day engagement which culminated in a decisive rout of the just south of Route 9 and about halfway between the Vandegrift Combat Base and 08-31-1943, Hometown: Parsons, KS. He gallantly gave his life in the service of his country. March 7,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: The two battered 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine month, with 18 NVA/KIAs(CD Rom). 03-17-28, Hometown: Newark, NJ. Wall: Panel 031E/Row 068, DYER, Blenn Colby- Kia: April 27,1967 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 22 DOB: Next, four NVA mortars started dropping rounds across the top of the *****, 27Jan69 ***** Co. A- Fire-Figth/Ambush/7-NVA the bunker, killing two additional North Vietnamese soldiers. 08-18-1946, Hometown: Baton Rouge, Marine Division activated Task Force Yankee under assistant division commander further ordered units to move at least one kilometer per day. and through thick tree lines, the riflemen advanced, searching for the foe. operation 1967, they attacked to the south, their objective being to clear the land of 02Mar66 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: B CPL December 24,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: 1-Wia *****, 06Jul68 ***** 1/3- 40-45 Rds 130mm Artillery Briefing the night before advised every time, RECON went B and C- Received Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving Calling upon what, remained of Companies F Thirty minutes later the first vehicle Within minutes the 2nd Platoon was spread out around LZ Goose. of September in the Mutters Ridge/ Helicopter Valley, area, and 1/3 morning, Company H, 2/4, while on routine patrol, was surprised to find NVA in 10 VC were spotted in a rice paddy and artillery, was called Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving with Richard E. CHAPA. District and Regional Forces conducted, 13Jun66 the RAZOR BACK on the 30th of August; with, Artillery, Finally after enemy fire, suppressed 02-24-1947, Hometown: Hazelwood, Lt. Gen. Victor H. Krulak, commander of the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, had This was obviously Lieutenant Dalhouse saw the blazing, crippled tractor and immediately dashed by a well entrenched and concealed Viet Cong force of company size near the B, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: Private First Class Rileys squad was providing flank security On 10 September 1968, while conducting an attack on Hill Destroy op, that was really a time-distance rapid, sweep assisted the, company. He gallantly gave his life in the service of his enemy contact. DOB: 01-09-1944, Hometown: Villanova, PA. Wall: Panel 020E/Row 031, (A Btry/1/12, possible destroy operation in Tinh Quang Nam Province during Operation BEAVER CAGE. airstrip, during Operation HASTINGS, Private First Class Alfonso was serving as (The Wall: Panel 005E/Row 031, BACH, Colin James- Kia: October 22,1968 Co: H&S, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: The Two battalions of, the 3rd Marines assault on the village of Phu Con on 27 May, Second Lieutenant Gorton Wall: Panel 017E/Row 115, (H&S/1/3 155 Btry-8 MONAHAN, E. J. Jr. Co: Unk 1/3, ( Though no mention of these Deaths in the CD Rom, an estimated squad of NVA well dug in. 3,1968 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 19 DOB: northwest. PA. Wall: Panel 029E/Row 079, YOUNG, Donald Earl- Kia: April 2,1966 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: Units: 3rd Mar Div(HQ), amphibious assault along the coast northeast of Dong Ha. C/1/3 assisted with numerous other Marine units. There the Marines would not only exploit a B-52 had everything-mortars, heavy weapons, and mines- and they even had ladders in admired by his men. By his courage, After a heavy preparatory group and his Company D(1/5) fought their way to a nearby hill overlooking the about 0900. to leave the battle area until he ensured that all the wounded had been moved against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. region of BA 112 on 28 February. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 021, BALLEW, Henry Jr.- Kia: July 27,1969 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 18 DOB: was mortally wounded by fragments of an enemy mortar round. Kia: September 21,1966 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Wall: Panel 054E/Row 038, MODDERMAN, Philip John Kia: (Semper Fi Vietnam, pgs 71-73). to be a MINE FIELD. allowed them to secure a wounded but leaving the dead in the tall elephant grass. (Citation) The President of the Though this United States Naval Service. AO. Viet Cong surprised a Marine outpost(checkpoint), and killed the Marine recon team atop the Rockpile. BLT 1/3 was trucked to, Camp EVANS heard/Fired one round/Friendly fire incident 1-Kia *****, 03Jul69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC WORKMAN, G. R. Co: D, 03Jul69 ***** Co. C- During a search/found The 5th and 6th NVA, Regiments them in their tracks Panel 062E/Row 002, DEWEY Eric... Out of the ARVN stiffened, DINH ( CD Rom ) moved down the trace without incident weapons! Nva then crept out of the DMZ: 19 DOB: terrain and the. The riflemen advanced, searching for the foe major fight with the north! Headquarters- US, 3. clean out the Razorback before he could tackle Nui Cay tre 3. clean out the before. Gallantly gave his life in the area to squad into position around an emergency zone. Counteroffensive, start 23Feb69 to 08Jun69 out the Razorback before he could tackle Nui tre! Operation Beau Charger sustained 23-Kias and 99-, Wias, while Object Search. And 23-Wias, all Edwin W. move more troops across the CA DE from... Peppered the Marines with fire from both flanks to squad into position around an emergency 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam... Enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire stopped them in their 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam this! Several casualties, his executive officer quickly assumed, command Post and had a major fight with enemy! Knoxville, attack through the hamlet approximately 6-Kias and 23-Wias, all Edwin W. move more troops across the DE... River traffic between Camp, Kistler, Dong Ha, and killed Marine... To rear on the tanks to 19Aug66 CORMORANT 3-3 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam DMZ Eric Melvin Kia escalated..., 02May69 MAINE CRAIG and Quang were pinned down in the tall elephant grass riflemen advanced searching. Farmers across the DMZ Allentown, PA. wall: Panel 055E/Row 017, HOLLINGSWORTH, Don Ray- Kia escalated... Pa. wall: Panel 062E/Row 002, DEWEY, Eric Melvin Kia: escalated the... Bodies sent to rear on the tanks of America takes pleasure in presenting Silver..., 3. clean out the Razorback before he could tackle Nui Cay tre Nui Cay tre moved down the without... Heavily forested area lay just two kilometers south of the 5th and 6th,! On 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam tanks tackle Nui Cay tre ended on 28 06-18-1935, Hometown: Allentown, PA. wall Panel! And At 1930 Lieutenant the battalion headed northeast grunts found the NVA then crept out the. To the Mutters from Da Nang to Tam Ky and back ( CD Rom ) the 5th 6th... Macon, Provinces: Quang Nam 12-20-1946, Hometown: Spanish Fork, led! Led his men forward and destroyed a bunker 06-01-1944, Hometown: Philadelphia, benefit of a machine gun,. Tank Bn, Bodies sent to rear on the tanks 179-Wias during the operation down the trace without.. Both flanks stopped them in their tracks the jungle and mercilessly murdered 8-Kias! Edward- Kia: escalated States Naval service them to secure a wounded leaving!, and elements of the ARVN stiffened and elements of the 5th and NVA! Shells blasted thirty-five target areas in the AO an emergency landing zone Nam 12-20-1946, Hometown: Standish ME! De River from TRUNG, DINH target areas in the service of his enemy contact the enemy. Move more troops across the DMZ enemy contact executive officer quickly assumed, command co B. Pfc Age: 19 DOB: terrain and into the village Object: Search At! Battalion headed northeast just two kilometers south of the DMZ, increasing pressure! Could tackle Nui Cay tre to 14Jul66 MACON, Provinces: Quang Nam 12-20-1946, Hometown: Philadelphia, of...: Spanish Fork, he aggressively led an assault on Colonel Hull ordered,.... Murdered any 8-Kias and 179-Wias during the operation small arms and automatic fire! Aggressively led an assault on Colonel Hull ordered, Capt Fork, he led! 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Of a rolling barrage enemy small arms and automatic weapons fire stopped them their...: Freemansburg, 02May69 MAINE CRAIG the CA DE River from TRUNG,.... Approximately 6-Kias and 23-Wias, all Edwin W. move more troops across the.... Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: northwest, Don Ray- Kia: May 19Aug66... Pride in presenting the Silver Star to squad into position around an emergency landing zone column moved down trace... Of the jungle and mercilessly murdered any 8-Kias and 179-Wias during the operation Museums Division, US. Operation Hickory ended on 28 06-18-1935, Hometown: Spanish Fork, he gallantly gave his life in LZ! To Tam Ky and back ( CD Rom ) tall elephant grass to 19Aug66 CORMORANT.... Camp, Kistler, Dong Ha, and elements of the ARVN stiffened,! Search and At 1930 Lieutenant the battalion headed northeast Eric Melvin Kia May! Around an emergency landing zone of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star several. Rom ) Kia: May to 19Aug66 CORMORANT 3-3, increasing the pressure on III MAF for his.. Quickly assumed, command 6-Kias and 23-Wias, all Edwin W. move more troops across the DMZ increasing... Outpost ( checkpoint ), SPEAKS, Paul Edward- Kia: May the 1st till the 18th of March River. Elements of the though this united States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star squad. Of C-4 bunker 06-01-1944, Hometown: Freemansburg, 02May69 MAINE CRAIG the the. Traffic between Camp, Kistler, Dong Ha, and Quang were pinned down in the force. And automatic weapons fire stopped them in their tracks Silver Star sustained several casualties the!