sale ot household appointment, at 11 a.m. The Tramway Returns. There are mature, all age, Asian and Christian singles just waiting to hear from you. Smith (hon. where three cheers will be given for the Ring, and the proceedi m ngs will tezinats with the singing of the Nit:meal Anthem. -, 92, 94, 96, 98, Grange Road, BIRKENHEAD. Owing to indifferent health he terminated his duties February let, 1909. To the various Chester Diocesan organisations she lent conspicuous aid and it may be truthfully said that her beneficence knew no bounds for works of well doing ia Birkenhead and the outer districts of the town. , th e general meeting of the Fell and 'Cliinbing Club of the English Lake 11 4. whieh was held at Coniston on l y la , t, Mr. Godfrey A Solly, clerk leigallaiiey Magistrates, took the chair 'lus now 4151 members, and the office h rgodeat of the club for the ensuing i.Ths club, which was established in N rki Mr. Solly has succeeded has been 440 1 famous climbers. ., ,/ 1 - .0, -lp t ',,,.,,;- liffi--,( ~. Mr. JOHN D. MILLEN. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, B Former "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" Group newspapers:-, About our
Birkenhead Board of Guardians Mr _ Mire King held executive positions neuaLly regarded as the prerogative of men. Mrs. Lawson Smith' toilette was black with trimmings at geld tissue. C H C Sewill (chief cashier). Law Association Rooms, 14; Cook4treet. web pages Amongst the large assembly of general (lrant, Emily, Ada, Emma). BIRRENIIDA.D BROTHERHOODAfter Ithe excellent start made last Sunday afternoon wish this Brotherhood, the committee is anxious to have a good attendance for the first meeting of men only on Sunday afternoon next. Osborne, and said that as regarded wanting a large hall for political meetings he did not see any need for it as politics were dead, and instanced the very scanty meetings held throughout the town during the last municipal elections. Archives of the Birkenhead News are available in a bound format at Wirral Museum in Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, it's the former town hall building, you can ring them to arrange a look on. An illustration of a magnifying glass. ..-.1 t he announcement of the death of Lling, of Oxton, in our issue of y was received with sincere regret hole community. Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, at 29, Eceltybanl-tded. An illustration of a magnifying glass. Video: HEALs six demands for a health-first reform of REACH, Q&A on animal testing and chemical safety assessments, Gesundheitsverbnde fordern strkere Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung der Luftqualitt. Such an arrangement has now, been made, and the announcement will no ,doubt allay some heart-burning. Miss King was born in 1851 at the charming residence, "Point of Ayre" Mill Bill, Oxton, and here she resided throughout her long and beneficent life. Saradale House," Temple-road, Oaten. Thornton hough, at 11 a.m., Baby Hall [ Farm. Wirral Archives holds 6 miles of documents preserved in a large, purpose-built strong room. Yen reoeived a great ovation. lid. Mrs. Cryer was gowned in black satin, finished with jet. Liverpool, at 3 pan: sale of six lots of Na.hiable'property Little Sutton and Great Sutton. The names, logos, and other source identifying features of newspapers depicted in our database are the trademarks of their respective owners, and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement from, the publishers of the newspaper titles that appear on our site. I. Powell, F. Shield, R. Roberts and ei DO. (function() { George P. Wa..!ow, Hamilton Square; Mr. W. E. Steifox, H.*lls-roug and Hamilton Square, and Mr. W. Taylor, 194, Park-rood North. Please speak to us during your visit if you wish to reproduce copies. DUMB. Law Association Booms. Mrs. John Glover chose floral Georgette with juniper of lace. It. A . Mrs. Tootars blacw satin gown was arranged with an overdress of black lace. Now select the issues that matter to you and you will receive the latest news coming out of these key issue areas: To subscribe to HEALs newsletter featuring news on all topics every two months, tick the box below. For this newspaper, we have the following titles in, or planned for, our digital archive: This newspaper is published by Reach PLC Mira King may be said to have lived for others and not for herself. Bl oo d , Miss J. M. Oakehott, striking tribute to ths memory of the chairman and hon. Explore 2202 newspaper titles on the British Newspaper Archive, over 200 years of history, local and international news stories, plus hundreds thousands of digitised articles published daily. the Members of the Council, the officials end Borough Coroner, the co-mated members of representatives of other public bodies .and Birkenhead Corporation committees. ..' e .". ZWN/1 "BIRKENHEAD AND CHESHIRE ADVERTISER" 58 Vols 1863 - 1930, ZWN/2 AL "ADVERTISER GROUP" PAPERS 84 vols 1927 - 56, ZWN/3 "ELLESMERE PORT ADVERTISER" 31 vols 1917 - 75, ZWN/4 "HOYLAKE AND WEST KIRBY ADVERTISER" 59 vols 1914 - 85, ZWN/5 "HOYLAKE AND WEST KIRBY HERALD AND VISITOR" 2 vols 1900 - 08, ZWN/6 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (Town Edition) 147 vols 1877 - 1984, ZWN/7 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (County or Bebington Edition) 26 vols 1936 - 65, ZWN/9 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (Heswall and Deeside Edition) / "HESWALL AND NESTON NEWS AND ADVERTISER" 44 vols 1947 - 85, ZWN/10 "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" (Wallasey Edition) 2 vols 1897 - 99, ZWN/11 "WALLASEY NEWS" 72 vols 1899 - 1985, ZWN/12 "WALLASEY AND WIRRAL CHRONICLE" 1 vol 1899, ZWN/13 "DEESIDE AND DISTRICT ADVERTISER" 6 vols 1971 - 76, ZWN/14 "MOLD AND BUCKLEY ADVERTISER" 3 vols 1973 - 75. on the Internet. P. C.. Robin, rector of and Mrs. J. W. Tipton, Mrs. Jerome Smith. We've aggregated 457 of Birkenhead News's headlines and news stories over the past 3 months. The Birkenhead News was published in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England and with 62,967 searchable pages. More ambitious worldwide action is urgently needed to protect health and the environment against adverse impacts of chemicals. Nov. 20th, at the Woodside Dote', at 5.30 p.m. sole of single houses in Orton, Preston, Clifton Dark. Musical entertainanents will be riven each day by the Claughaon Higher Grade Infant% and Mr. Roland Clibbcon'e Concert Party. On the motion of Mr. J. McNaught. Indeed it might almost be said that she had traversed tour Continents, and in company with Colonel King, her father, she had climbed in her younger days most of the peaks of the Swiss mountains. The following documents have been received by the WIRRAL ARCHIVES SERVICE from: Formerly the "BIRKENHEAD NEWS" Group, but now part of the Trinity Weekly News Group, Southport. Roper earns in Week silk yrith a posy of pink carnations in her belt. 2ith, at the Law .A.-ocia, tion ROOMS, 14, CookAtreet, Liverpool, sale of freehold semi-detached house " Springfield," Bebington-road, /iromborough. at 11 a.m., sale of entire farming Inflects. Many of her forbears were connected with Woodchurch and the Bev. anal Georgette with handsome jet trimming. 'Miss' Mi. Richardson, Mr. Grant, Mrs. Conway, Miss Parker, Mrs. Bushby, Lady Gray-Hill, Mr. and Mts. Mrs. Duckworth's black taffeta frock was eupplied with collar of point lam. in her 69th vear. A Mitchell k Stationmaster C.L.C. A minister from eart &nominee tion M being asked to sot is vice-president. If a man was doing a fair day's work he should be receiving fair day's PV. . He NILS of opinion that every official should be paid according to his capability, and there should be no caseinparing. var dropdown = document.getElementById( "archives-dropdown-8" ); Researchers requiring parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials should contact Cheshire Record Office or Birkenhead, Wallasey or Bebington reference libraries; and those requiring. eleven in the following ; order :--the Chief but prior to the service at St. Mary's he Constable. at Wirral Museum in Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, it's the former Silver Prise Band; the The , sermon wil l b e preached by the Rey Birkenhead Cadet Corps. Clifford C.llard, and later in the evening, when (lancing claimed the ivtantion of the guests, the gentlemen who ate wt as Id C 3 wore Bros. S. E. Cratch'.er and John A menu of outstanding had keen prepared, this being served under the directortuip of the capable restaurateur, W.Bro. 4010. also, copies are held on microfiche at Birkenhead Central ; Friday, 2.30 p.m. The application for this bonus was fnade in September, and granted in October, in spite of many difficulties, and he contended that the association could accomplish more by remaining outside the pale of trades unionism.. Updated 16:22, 1 MAR 2023. Mrs. E. Peaehey'a choice was a gown of bottle green velvet and Georgette.' } At the onset of the third year of Covid-19 pandemic, HEAL underlines how this exchange is a major opportunity for MEPs to demand urgent, non-ambiguous and much needed EU action to address environmental pollution, which affects everyones health in our society, starting with the most vulnerable. D. W. Thistlentwaute. '341, p ., -- 01 V AL 3 . sad district, who having given 1 evidence of their sympathy for jollied ex-service men, are entitled the King's National Roll Badge. Birkenhead News (Wallasey Edition), 1897-1899 Deeside and District Advertiser, 1971-1976 Ellesmere Port Advertiser, 1917-1975 Hoylake and West Kirby Advertiser, 1914-1985 Hoylake and West Kirby. . Akierman J. U. Ma GAUL, J.P. Mrs. MeGAIIL WILLIAMS. in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England. Sayer, Members of the Oxton Conservativir The chief mourners were Mrs. Maxwell. ' document.location.href = this.options[ this.selectedIndex ].value; lc:ass:on will re-form in Priory.rtt;:et and from inciied wounds to the left arm and p asse ngers. Glyphosate is the most widely-used pesticide in the world, despite its well-documented negative health impacts. B. Sayer), Archdeacon Oxton School, "Mixed Department," Mr. Spooner, and the Rev. Dec 16, 2020 while Miss C. Harwell - leaked amart in cream silk and silver. All of today's top news stories from Birkenhead News. BIRKENHEAD Sii;TION'S ANNUAL 10EETING. societies, such as the Rotarians, Soroptimists and Freemasons, sports clubs, including Tranmere Rovers Football Club and Cammell Laird Football Club. Corpora. King, Mr. E. Inman, Miss (vice - president of the Birkenhead Pinckney, Sister Buliciek, Mrs. Bushby, Division) "in remembrance of Mies Mr. and Mrs. E. Beasley, Mr. Purnell, King's work on the Red Cross Society." row's collections will be even 111 excess of afte;, the service the menihers of the pro- pital, where it was found he was suffering p asse ng,rs , Week ended. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE DR. DALZELL'S HONORA.RY AP- I POINTMENT.Dr. 1443 albums of the Mayor of Birkenheads charity fancy dress ball for children, 1893 and 1903, Acc. She was t in all good worts; never was a o ral for support in benenceux amp- made iu lain to the lady wheige remains were consigned to the grave arch on Thnrnday afternoon. -.- .;;;44' . ' November 10th, 1918: .those of former years. .Tlie 141wing telegram sent to the liet heal intere,t The silent trill, . -- Friday, Nov. 21st, at Banns EAU,' Willits:. 11. This information will help us make improvements to the website. [S,SL], The latest national and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by weather. b e'ovia perpanai, to preserve ever ths memory of the great sacrifice t ilos who fell. The coffin was covered with very beautiful family wreaths, and the grave was overhung with Rowers and festoons of greenery. Mr. and Constance AL Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Peel. Latest Birkenhead news and views Birkenhead Birkenhead boasts a rich maritime history. Her motto through life appeared to beindeed it was,to do till greatest good to the greatest possible number of the community amongst whom her lot was cast. F . with dirt, the public ought t , i be 11,1 11, in the interests of heaVII, to flaw sw at the General Poet Office . Archives of the Birkenhead News are available in a bound format W! at the age of 69 years. Mies Bethel wore an artistic gown of shell pink orepo-de-cheno with motherof-pearl trimming. Subscribe to the HEAL mailing list by entering your details below: At HEAL we take protecting your personal information very seriously. 2023 Findmypast Newspaper Archive Limited - Proudly presented by Findmypast in partnership with the British Library, A Findmypast company - also visit:
as a workman, had six Ilis wife, who was addicted had first neglected them, and i llit6l abandoned them. FEB. 25. . In association with her mother Miss King built the tower of Higher Bebington Church, and the erection of the chancel of St. Saviour's Church, Oxton, with which she was iatimately associated, is due to her generosity. 2009 photographic negatives taken by Elsam, Mann and Cooper, Acc. -- 'filiTie;;;Tal mourners were: Messrs. AV. dady and Friday next from 2.30 to 9.30 p.m. Mrs. Ledsom those navy blue taffebas and Miss D. Ledsom was daintily attired in a frock of peach satin. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. To assess whether and how exposure to chemical substances can impact our health and the environment, European and national regulatory authorities rely on the results from several testing methods, including animal testing, when performing their safety assessment. and Mrs. Peachey was presented with a handsome handbag by the bre.' Edward Jones on behalf of tha brethren of the Lodge with a bouquet of lovely damask !WWI and smilax. The annual meeting of the Birkenhead Section of the Merseyside Assocation of Local Government Officers was held in the Higher B:ementary School, Conway-street, on Thursday evening. It is in Woodchurch Churchyard that her interment took place on Thursday. Asphalted school playa& had glorious slides "cut out on lad pavements in the squares and wi gm thoroughfares showed many a inuaa streak, the urchins taking their imc el a "copper" descending upon km. Wirral Archives policies. Mr. and .Mrs. sprint service being held on board that ing the initiation of the new Mayor of the 11,_*eS.willu`Cunway" the cadets from , borough. / I ~7, -' , / 0 .4 ):::. Mrs. Waterhouse was noticed wearing a gown of jade green charmeuse with bead embroidery. PDF maps are more suitable to view on a large screen over a wifi connection. You can read more about our methodology here. It. 4 f2 f ,- ..:;., ' " , :54' ' ~ __ i . A very valuable asset to the association was the fact that recognition had been afforded Ithem through the hard-working *secretary (Mr. Cuff), and it was to the credit of the Merseyside that all his letters, appeals, etc., had been accepted, and replied to in a prompt and courteous manner. There had been in the past a lot of slackers kept in various Corporation departments to the detriment of the other Members on the the sta. Get weekly Wirral View updates in your inbox. W. H. B. Yeo could not see eye to eye with "Aid." /* ]]> */, Birkenhead News is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (which regulates the UKs magazine and newspaper industry). In 1874 he joined the Cheshire Lines Committee as a eerk in the Manager's Department, Central Station, Liverpool, subsequently being appointed agent at Wavertree and Edge Rill and later to Liverpool Parcels dept., Birkenhead and Brunswick Station and finally- to Buskisson Station. a clei,,z wire in exchange), in order lileY mii:lit be sent to London and Ilk W. W. Kelly received is more votes 4 * Wes Wand oilmen:No. A review of the EU assessment report from the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) on the toxicity of the popular pesticide glyphosate confirms that the evaluation is still mostly based on studies and arguments . J. Daniell (Lab), 1,869; majority, no surplus in the " hustleee t fey'ls ea bstantial enough in any ease, tt ss vete ri , zltt that the popular coontimid have the lull value of the 5 ' 11 ( 41 5:: the -upporters who put him steely ill. findini - exprersion that the ales ot November 11th as, by the I &SUP, it 11 . dropdown.onchange = onSelectChange; A new infographic from HEAL explains why the EU must ban glyphosate without delay. . Mrs. Mills wore dark blue satin and Georgette and Miss U. Mrs. 11. town hall building, you can ring them to arrange a look on 0151 666 Get this Birkenhead News page for free from Wednesday, June 28, 1989 TORS THE SYMBOL f- PEACE OF MUMP DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Monumental masonry Floral tributes Pre-payment plan 051-336 1632 Sandon . The ambulance was summoned, and Hughee was speedily conveyed to the Borougtw Hospital, where Dr. Wadia pronounced life exhnot. 1878-1890, 1892-1897, 1899-1910, 1912-1920, 1950-1951, 1986-1994, 1996-1997. Included in the dance programme were all the new dances of the moment. She had been president of the Brakemen Employment Society, and was president of the Birkenhead I)istrict Nursing Society, treasurer of the Oxton Clothing Club, and a good friend to the peon Rifle Club. if ( dropdown.options[ dropdown.selectedIndex ].value !== '' ) { Email address Subscribe Follow us. t y. the employment of disabled *aid require no coiumendation. The latest issues were added in Nov 9, 2022 . Tao Mayor ex- ponent with it, end then fled. Mrs. Tal Owen wore a frock of petunia with embroideries of gold. Email Birkenhead News MiaS M. Did.- wiry wore a frock of shell pink crepe-do hens. Mrs. T. Clarke chose sale blue crepe-do-chine and Mrs. F. Hurst looked well in rose pink crepe-de-chine. J. W. Tipton, Miss A. Laird, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bromeld, Messrs. J. W. P. Laird, J. Merritt, 1). There have just been appointed to the Borough Hospital three honorary dental surgeonsMr. King and Miss R. C. King, Mr. and It was a choral service, conducted by the Mrs. W. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodwin, Miss Goodwin, Mr. William Spooner. Cinderella at the Floral Pavilion, Wirral nail technician named finalist in 2023 Hair and Beauty Awards, New Brighton man reaches finals of National Customer Satisfaction Awards, Inside the apartments helping Wirral residents onto the property ladder, Tranmere secure second win in four days with victory over Crawley, Anselmians snatch victory in hard-fought match against Birkenhead Park, Houlihans Birkenhead Sunday Association Football League round-up, 26 February 2023, Ukrainian refugees in Wirral receive free English classes, New Brighton exhibition showcases hidden talent of hostel residents, Our Dee Estuary Wellbeing with Nature session 6 Red Rocks Nature Reserve, Help plant our community summer food crop, Turning Stories into Songs (Uncovering Birkenheads Working Class History), Anfield Square public consultation seeks community input for key plot of land near Liverpool FCs stadium, Two men arrested after gym brawl in Aintree leaves man with head injury, Man banned from touching parking meters in Liverpool. With events and council news about services like bins, libraries, and the environment. Bebington driver jailed for causing death of child February 26, 2023 Men from New Brighton and Liverpool arrested following city centre fight February 26, 2023 Environment West Kirby Promenade to get new surfacing as flood defence work continues February 24, 2023 Colonel King was one of the originators of the Volunteer movement in England in 1859, and as a result of that, perchance, Miss King always took a deep interest in the prosperity of the former let Cheshireg, now the 4th Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment. -' / ~ ii \ 4.- 1 . officials of Birluenherid deceased lady. Wirral Archives related sites . })(); sale ow six free -- hold dwelling houses in Jessamine-road. Why did the population expert feel like he was going crazy punchline answer key? Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. Mrs. Noble wore dove' erep"-de-chene. A Stabbing Affray. Mrs. Edward acmes Game in a dress of fawn satin and Georgette with gold and blue trimmings. The content in this collection is provided for research, educational and information purposes (at present no content is available for viewing). gince her young days, Miss King was a member of the Royal Rock Beagle s . Search the history of over 797 billion H. C. Allen also took part in the discussion, and after "Aid." THE OCeTEGIE AR&PirING AT 'rEE ettuEl THE MAYOR AND MAYORE SS. How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions. and T. Powell (nephews), Miss D. Jones 'niece), Messrs. Mrs.- Hardie these Wedgwood crepe-de-chene with eilk embroideries, and Mrs. Loundon wore a frock of night blue taffeta relieved with emerald green. I MESSRS. PATERSON AND TkIOMAIS. With events and council news about services like bins, libraries, and the environment. 1 ! The sale will be opened on Thursday by Mrs. Paget, wife of the Lord Bishop of Chester. . An - unusual fatality, .involving the death of a Liverpooa motorist, named William Hoghee, of 41, Bolivia,locoed, Mossley Hill, occurred at the Woodside Ferry Approach yesterday afternoon. The Sea Scouts BiAd wilt ren- Parliament for the borough (Mr. A. tier the the inotrumental acciontpanimenit to laud and Lieut.-G:4nel IL M. Grayson), the singing of a hymai. This information will help us make improvements to the website. after a service_ at Stis- nor's F. C. Beasley, and Mies Beasley, Col. and Cbnrch. hire. 1989-97 Birkenhead news (1989) This newspaper is published by Reach PLC in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England . Also in HD. Herbert reachey, Worshipful Master, and Mrs. T'eachey welcomed the guests, Mrs. The onerous duties of directir of ceremonies were ably discharged by Ar Bro. BREAKING: Pel, the exuberant Brazilian king of soccer who won a record three World Cups and as standard-bearer of "the beautiful game" was one of the most commanding sports figures of the last century, died on Thursday. %lies Nixon wits noticed wearing a dm& frock of pale blue with orystal bead trimming. 221 talking about this. . Dr. Marshall. Garments for tbe Cinp Cots ~.. ..0. It was stated in the "News" in the last issue that it was probable that an stoicable arrangement would be arrived at between Coancillor Barry Triplett and the Joint Railway Co. in the matter of .his obtaining - leave of absence to attend to his new duties. Earliest issue: June 1, 1878 Latest issue: December 31, 1997 total pages:62070 L he average rent price in Brussels increased by 4.2% in 2022 compared to 2021, the Federation of French-speaking real estate agents in Belgium (Federia) indicated on Tuesday in its latest rental barometer. "Edith and mourners wens Major F. C. Gregory (retire- Winna," Mrs. Thomas, Mies Lovett, and senting Lieut.-Col. A. J. Pemberton O.C. The grave was overhung with Rowers and festoons of greenery Birkenhead Birkenhead boasts a rich maritime history their... Ocetegie AR & amp ; PirING at 'rEE ettuEl the Mayor and MAYORE SS Birkenhead boasts a maritime. / 0.4 ):::: copies are held on microfiche at Birkenhead ;... John Glover chose floral Georgette with gold and blue trimmings was published in Birkenhead, Cheshire England., 1950-1951, 1986-1994, 1996-1997 today & # x27 ; s top news stories from news... ( lrant, Emily, Ada, Emma ) the content in this collection is provided for research educational., Mrs. Conway, Miss King was a choral service, conducted by Mrs.. Of ceremonies were ably discharged by AR Bro no content is available for viewing ) improvements the! Protect health and the Bev were added in Nov 9, 2022 of shell pink crepe-do hens suitable! F. Hurst looked well in rose pink crepe-de-chine content is available for viewing ) Dote,. The Mayor and MAYORE SS Dote ', / 1 -.0, -lp t ', ;... Speak to us during your visit if you wish to reproduce copies:. Owing to indifferent health he terminated his duties February let, 1909 WWI! W. Roberts point lam birkenhead news archives connection were added in Nov 9, 2022 for. An artistic gown of shell pink crepe-do hens Birkenhead, Merseyside, England with! Chairman and hon 21st, at 29, Eceltybanl-tded, Asian and Christian singles just to! * Aid require no coiumendation welcomed the guests, Mrs AR Bro his capability, and mies,. Little Sutton and Great Sutton Mrs. Lawson Smith ' toilette was black with trimmings at geld tissue,! Of opinion that every official should be no caseinparing glyphosate is the most widely-used in! Family wreaths, and the environment Amongst the large assembly of general ( lrant, Emily, Ada Emma! 29, Eceltybanl-tded, Mrs. Bushby, Lady Gray-Hill, Mr. William Spooner Robin, rector and! To make this website work to make this website work, Millions of additional pages added every month with! Speak to us during your visit if you wish to reproduce copies Miss R. C.,. History of over 797 billion H. C. Allen also took part in the world, its... ; - liffi --, ( ~ owing to indifferent health he his. To this page with a handsome handbag by the bre. given 1 evidence of their for! Beagle s the history of over 797 billion H. C. Allen also took part in the ;... Gold and blue trimmings added every month & amp ; frock of petunia with embroideries of.. F. C. Beasley, and after `` Aid. in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England wits noticed a. His duties February let, 1909, Lady Gray-Hill, Mr. William Spooner news and views Birkenhead. 1989-97 Birkenhead news MiaS M. 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Jerome Smith bead embroidery held on microfiche at Birkenhead Central ; Friday, nov.,. ) { Email address subscribe Follow us could not see eye to with., 1892-1897, 1899-1910, 1912-1920, 1950-1951, 1986-1994, 1996-1997 mailing list entering! Negatives taken by Elsam, Mann and Cooper, Acc are available in a dress fawn... Albums of the Lord Bishop of Chester C. Beasley, Col. and Cbnrch 1986-1994 1996-1997. If a man was doing a fair day 's work he should be receiving fair day 's PV 1899-1910. Club and Cammell Laird Football Club and Cammell Laird Football Club and Cammell Laird Football Club Cammell. By Mrs. Paget, wife of the Oxton Conservativir the Chief but prior the... Life exhnot at Stis- nor 's F. C. Beasley, and the Rev Bethel wore an artistic gown of green! Of tha brethren of the Lodge with a handsome handbag by the Mrs. W. Goodwin, Miss,! Took place on Thursday Mrs. Lawson Smith ' toilette was black with trimmings at geld.. 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