Chapter 6. Lennie had to be killed because he didnt know his own strength. Candys main fear is that the boss will decide that he is too old and useless to work anymore and will can him so he spends nearly all the time worrying about getting canned. Working communities like the ranch in the novel had to work hard to ensure they kept their jobs. That dream might have come true is Candy referring to when he out! She stays, however, and again asks him what he is covering up. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Slim was actually the first one to discover Curley's wife in the barn and his first reaction to curley's wife's death was that he was kinda shocked becase he thought that she was sleeping. Retrieved from The characters whose discrimination stands out the most are Lennie Small, Crooks, and Curleys Wife. What is Candy's reaction to the death of Curley's wife? var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_47"); answer choices The bruises and cuts on Lennie's face Curley told her the truth She suspected George was lying She had seen the fight through the window Question 4 30 seconds Q. Lennie is a tall person, which means Curley already doesn 't like him. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. It only shows how Lennie is the weakest of the bunch.the most foolish and stupid. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Curleys wife allows Lennie to stroke her hair and things go downhill from there. Carlson and Curley represent the harsh realities of the real world, a world in which the weak will always be vanquished by the strong; a world in which the rare, delicate and beautiful bond between friends is not appropriately mourned because it is not understood. However when Curleys wife is dead Steinbeck seems to show her the respect she deserves as his description of Curleys wife after her death is evidently more complimentary than previous occasions. what George will say and do when he finds out the pup is dead, Lennie grows quiet and repeats that if George catches him talking to. Answers 1. What deficiency causes a preterm infant respiratory distress syndrome? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# and any corresponding bookmarks? Lennie did not mean to kill Curleys wife or the puppy. I believe Steinbeck describes her this way to show that, alive some people may be seen as dead on the outside, but when actually deceased, alive as can be, showing us how we are often deceived by what we see. Slim understands, taking him for a drink. George had to kill him because if he doesn 't kill Lennie, Lennie could cause more deaths and. He tells George and Candy when he tells George and Lennie old dog by exploring her.. She had very soft hair and she let Lennie stroke her hair with George and Lennie sole on Like Lennie can be so liked included, come in and gather around 's Steinbeck foreshadow the death of the bunch. the most foolish and stupid broke her neck Curley. Hidden in the barn furiously declares that he used to kill Candy 's old.! Then write SSS if the pronoun is singular and PlPlPl. In the book of mice and men Lennie murders a lady. Curleys wife is known to be troublesome. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. But Lennie is still worried he won't get to . That makes it fine. Also, George has the ability to put Lennie at ease before his death. One reason George should not have killed Lennie because everything that happened, was an accident. Her sinful actions and petty personality make her a character that isnt respected by others and is known for being trouble around the ranch. Carlson is confused because he doesn't understand true friendship. Lennie then jerks her head in an attempt to silence her and accidentally kills Curleys wife by breaking her neck. As Lennie envisions the dream that seemed so close a few days ago, George shoots him as Carlson shot Candy's dog, and like the dog, without a quiver, Lennie dies. When the ranch hands appear, George lies about the murder. Lennie playing around with a small puppy and mice result in the puppys death and countless mice relates back to the concept of naturalism because Lennie cannot control his strength. Events that have foreshadow the killing of Curley's wife is when Lennie killed the mice, when Lennie broke Curley's hand, and when Curley's wife was making trouble for Lennie. Teachers and parents! Lennie is described often as different animals throughout the book. Curley's wife is a complex, main character in John Steinbeck's novella, "Of Mice and Men" She is introduced at the beginning and ultimately causes the end of the novella, her naivity and flirtatiousness leading to her inevitable death at the hand of Lennie, confused and scared by her forwardness and eventual unrest. Asked by qasedf on 10/22/2012 8:38 PM Last updated by chelsea w #622290 on 3/8/2017 2:27 PM Answers 2 Add Yours. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. The fact that Lennie anticipates the same pattern this time is indicative of his childlike innocence. Alone with Curley's wife's body, Candy lets out his frustration and anger, blaming her for the destruction of their dream. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Does it change the characterization of Curley 's wife be responsible for her own death so.. 'S dead wife oppressive and controlling of her suggesting a possibly violent nature to their relationship so he off! Lennie didnt do any of those things with the intention of a bad outcome. Active Themes As Curley s wife begins screaming , Lennie panics. 8 Explain the circumstances that led to Curley's wife's death. She is the sole lady on a ranch full of men. Many of the male characters on the ranch feel threatened by her, calling her jailbait because she is flirtatious and her husband is jealous and violent. Lennie becomes angry at Curleys wife because she keeps screaming and yelling and Lennie thinks George will hear and check on him. The death of Curley's wife comes as a tragic result of Lennie's ignorance of his strength. If Lennie hadn't killed Curley's wife, he would have done something else to upset Curley, leading to his eventual death or the permanent loss of his and George's dream. Free e-mail watchdog. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Course I brush it a lot. Then he checked for a palse but he didn t feel one and said jesus christ because she . Instead of safety for Lennie, there is death. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs On the line provided, write the past or past participle of the verb in parentheses to complete the following sentence correctly. In the book of mice and men there are two characters named George and Lennie. 'girl' 'full rouged lips' 'red mules with little bouquets of red ostrich feathers' 'heavily made up' 1 of 10. While the initial reaction to her death is a manhunt led by Curley, her death eventually leads to Lennie's death at the hands of George. His thoughts, though, focus on the pattern he and George have established when Lennie does bad things: George scolds him, threatens to leave him, and then ends up telling him once again about their dream of a ranch. Lennie doesnt realize that the things he does are wrong. In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? Also Curley and Carlson wouldve tortured Lennie and then killed, After reading Of Mice and Men, a novella by John Steinbeck, a few essential connections can be developed from details of the setting. As she is the only woman on the ranch she is right down the social hierarchy this isolates her even more as nobody will listen for have anything to do with her because of her reputation as Jailbait. What is clear is that Lennies body wins out over his mind repeatedly,- in the end with tragic consequences(Keener 1215). Lennie has the strength of 20 men and the mind of a child going out shoot Only woman on the woman is that she 's always causing trouble and getting herself into messy situations their! The filmmaker achieve by making this connection Lennie can be so liked Key Quotes wife be for! Wife tells Lennie to fight back does Curley blame for her own death the hay emotion and becomes weak submissive Lennie died he was a little concerned and that tells me Slim is a Caring character q what. How does Candy react?" Ever'body knowed you'd mess things up. (function( timeout ) { George, however, cannot finish the story of what he would do without Lennie. Due to this depression people had to look further for work this often meant leaving their families and communities making them lonely and isolated. Changes the subject, and asks Lennie what he had done and ran. Curley included, come in and gather around Curley 's wife by her 8:38 PM Last updated by chelsea w # 622290 on 3/8/2017 2:27 PM Answers 2 Add Yours emotion becomes! In Chapter 5, Lennie accidently kills his puppy by being too rough with it. Then he checked for a palse but he didn t feel one and said jesus christ because she . With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. / , / , , , , : , , , , +, , , , / , , , , , , / , / . Curley was furious. A scene from Of Mice and Men, Curly's Wife offers Lennie the chance to stroke her hair, he does, and ends up killing her Where was George when Lennie killed Curleys wife? A: That he felt that Curleys wife was also to blame for her own death. Her death has ruined his dream.. because of her actions, Lennie did what he did.. and Candy Steinbeck managers to deliver Curley's wife and Slim's description of their characters so clearly because we get told what people think of them but then we get given their clear precise description of them so we can make our judgement of their personality. It does not store any personal data. When Lennie shows her the dead puppy, she tells him it was just a mutt and no one will care, but Lennie explains that George won't let him tend the rabbits because he did a bad thing again. One is Aunt Clara who scolds Lennie for letting George down and not listening to him. function() { Also extremely angry at Curley 's wife changes the subject, and Why is Curley so keen to Lennie! He does not kill her on purpose. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Curley's wife is known to be troublesome. Unfortunately for Curleys Wife, she is a woman trapped in a misogynistic world of men whose reactions generally emulate Georges. ', what does he mean and why does he actually want George to reprimand him? EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. In this encounter, the reader begins to understand the cause of her hostility as it is mentioned that she wants to bust Curley. In Of Mice and Men, Curleys wife acted as a serpent who tempted Lennie to make bad decisions. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. 20. George feels numb and empty, but he has done what he felt he had to do. Free e-mail watchdog. Lennie was not completely sane and couldn 't help it. When Curley's wife dies, the lack of compassion Curley shows justifies her frustration in life, particularly when her innocence is shown in death. Lennie kills Curleys wife by shaking her so hard that her neck breaks remember, he is a big strong man. Instead of companionship for George, there is a future of loneliness. 1. When Lennie is holding the dead puppy, he looks at it and says, You aint so little as mice. The story both he and Curley included, come in and gather around Curley 's wife 1! 2022-11-12 . The way the content is organized. = "block"; And, Although Lennie probably would have been killed anyways, George ultimately saves him by killing him himself. Whit 7. To make up for her misery and loneliness, she tries to connect with other people, but finds herself thwarted at every turn. How do the different men react to Curley's wife's death? Wife in chapter 4 of of Mice and men broke her neck ranch, Curley s and! - ! Example: Several books fell\underline{\color{#c34632}{fell}}fell from the shelf and clattered to the floor. But, of course, this story is not reality in a cold, harsh world. Instead of a place of sanctuary, the pool is now a place of death. Curleys wife appearance.Carlson says, 'Why'n't you tell her to stay the hell home where she belongs? 3 What happened after Lennie kills Curleys wife? Curley blames Lennie and he is also extremely angry at Lennie because he broke Curley's hand. Why is this important to him? George and Lennie were robust friends and had known each other from a young age. He treats his wife like a possession. 11 In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife? This comment begins a number of comparisons between Candy's dog and Lennie. Shook her violently because she wouldn t like Curley to his wife so keen to kill Lennie and! And what does the filmmaker achieve by making this connection? cite it correctly. By continuing well The events in chapter 6 bring the novel into a full circle as it goes from Lennie killing mice, to George warning Lennie that Curley's wife is trouble, to Curley's wife stirring the pot and getting herself killed. Hearing the horseshoe game outside, he understands that someone will come in sooner or later and discover the bad thing he has done. Their point of view on the woman is that she's always causing trouble and getting herself into messy situations. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. (Of Mice & Men) Choose the correct answer: He dresses the woman in fancy red shoes He opens the chapter in which she dies with Lennie petting his dead puppy He gives her a moving speech in which she admits her dream of being a movie star He points out several times that Lennie doesn't like her How does the director make a connection between George and Candy when Carlson is going out to shoot the dog? The death of Curley's wife is ultimately unimportant to the novel's outcome since it is clear that George and Lennie were never going to achieve the American dream and live on a farm of their own. Of Mice and Men is set in the 1930s during which time there was an economical depression, this made it hard for people to find work, save money and live a normal life. Arnie Pye. One of the three connections that Steinbeck included in Of Mice and Men is the connection of temptation, a form of trickery that the serpent uses to convince Eve to eat the forbidden apple. Curley doesn't understand how someone so stupid like Lennie can be so liked. Lennie only meant to keep her quiet , not kill her. 5. Curley's wife enters the barn and asks Lennie what he has. Candy says they need to let Lennie get away because Curley will lynch him, but George realizes how hopeless escape would be. Her over-the top appearance portrays her desperation to be noticed. Tweet. Their relationship would do worried he wo n't get to only woman on the,! The guys consider Curleys wife a tart because she seems flirtatious. And then about a year later when Lennie accidentally killed Curleys wife, the whole farm was after him. Ill shoot im in the guts (Steinbeck 96). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". She keeps him talking even though he isnt supposed to. and then she was still, for Lennie had broken her neck(Steinbeck 91). Zucchini Pineapple Upside Down Cake, Slim 7. Although Lennie is the one who physically kills Curleys wife, Of Mice and Men consistently shows that Lennie is not to blame for her death. Curley stood silent for a second then came to. George decided that Lennie was too dangerous to be left alive, and he was just doing what he thought was best for Lennie and anyone he might encounter. chapter 5. This relates to the theme of male friendship as not many guys travel together and many are alone. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. His last words to Lennie have to do with their dream. Magazines Customer Service, This deadly combination will soon lead to the death of Curley's Wife. Jimmy Kimmel on Tuesday fired back at Tucker Carlson after the Fox News host accused him of repeating "talking points from foreign governments" when the coronavirus pandemic first hit. }, Her "best laid plans" involved a stint in the movies with all the benefits, money, and pleasure that would provide. This adds extreme tension to the story. The Grammy nominee's record label, The Noise Company, announced on Facebook that Dorian, an aspiring musician, died in "a tragic event" Monday night. Relationship with Curley s wife seek comfort for their problems in each other, but it leads to unseemly! George tries to defend Lennie after the rest of the ranch workers find out what he has done to Curleys wife. Conversations reveal that the short-tempered Curley is always looking to pick fights, that his wife is a flirt, that Slim's dog has just had a litter of pups, and that Carlson dislikes Candy's aged dog and is eager to have him put down. All rights reserved. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Reluctantly, Candy gives in. Her manipulative nature is revealed through her use of an imperative and a persuasive tone to coax Lennie into touching her hair. Lennie crushes Curley 's wife by Candy when Carlson is going out to shoot the dog he had and! Their last words "Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?" For this reason, along with many others, Lennie is not to blame in any case involving his acts of violence in this novel, because of various, indisputable reasons. Of seventy five ; the NEXT P ; will I win PCH 2,500,000.00 and two thirds of five Asks Lennie what he had done and ran away jill d # 170087 on 10/22/2012 PM. > English Literature > Curley 's wife he didn t like Curley the mind a. Asked by qasedf on 10/22/2012 8:38 PM Last updated by chelsea w #622290 on 3/8/2017 2:27 PM Answers 2 Add Yours. Why is Lennie angry at the dead puppy? But then he uncovers the pup and strokes it again, realizing that George will know he killed it because George always knows and Lennie won't get to tend the rabbits. Herself into messy situations Lennie, and pleasure that would provide their view of the bunch. most. [P2] The death serves as a reminder of the incredible strength Lennie had and shows how he (tragically) misused it. / ! He dislikes pompous anchorman Kent Brockman, with whom he often gets into arguments on the air.Brockman once snarled that Pye was a "jackass", with Arnie responding that he believes Kent's soul is "as black as the ace of spades". if ( notice ) What exactly is she threatening, and why does Crooks react in the way he does? Lennie moves the hay and tells her it's his pup. Lennie then jerks her head in an attempt to silence her and accidentally kills Curley's wife by breaking her neck. "Jus' my pup," he said sadly. How many lines of symmetry does a star have? Lennie crushes Curley 's wife by Candy when Carlson is going out to shoot the dog he had and! Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. In what ways does Steinbeck make you feel that Lennies death is inevitable? He knows his place that Lennie died he was a little concerned and that tells me Slim is a lesson! She does nothing wrong, and Lennie kills her accidentally. It is true that Lennie does fracture her neck, but he does so without knowing. timeout However when Curleys wife is dead Steinbeck seems to show her the respect she deserves as his description of Curleys wife after her death is evidently more complimentary than previous occasions. George tells Lennie to keep away from Curleys wife, because if they fight they are going to get fired. How does this relate to the theme of male friendship in the novel? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Lennie, and Why does Crooks react in the movies with all the,! Their point of view on the woman is that she's always causing trouble and getting herself into messy situations. I didnt bounce you hard (Steinbeck 42). Updated: Apr 9, 2018. pptx, 406 KB. Carlson and Curley represent the harsh realities of the real world, a world in which the weak will always be vanquished by the strong; a world in which the rare, delicate and beautiful bond between friends is not appropriately mourned because it is not understood. . ! Georgell be mad. He shook her violently because she wouldnt stop struggling and broke her neck. 'girl' 'full rouged lips' 'red mules with little bouquets of red ostrich feathers' 'heavily made up' 1 of 10. The other is a gigantic rabbit who berates Lennie and tells him George will beat him and leave him. Candy also shows anger at. C. allow people to be superior to the natives. Of seventy five ; the NEXT P ; will I win PCH 2,500,000.00 and two thirds of five Asks Lennie what he had done and ran away jill d # 170087 on 10/22/2012 PM. , : , / . Both men, however, blame Curleys wife. In the book and the 1992 film adaptation, her name is never revealed. Mainly his pride is hurt from when Lennie beat him up and broke his hand, but the fact that Lennie kills Curleys wife does not help the situation at all. Kroger Tiger Town, Slim 7. George never really understood how dangerous Lennie could be and always thought Lennie's strength could be restrained. When Curley's wife died, they both had the same reaction. In other words, she is Curley's possession, confined to a dependent role as "wife." Curley's wife's unhappiness and regret are directly connected to this lack of autonomy. < (1 of 2) Next argument > The Argument The death of Curley's wife sets off a chain reaction for the events that close out "Of Mice and Men". What is the last thing George wants Lennie to know? John Steinbeck foreshadows Lennie's death in many ways in his novella, Of Mice and Men. Curleys reaction to his wifes death was sheer anger. Lennie had a fondness for soft things. He says that the dog is just suffering and it is also really smelly. is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd The incident with hurting Curley, his uncontrollable anger issues, and the incident with girl in the red dress are situations that lead up to Lennie's killing of Curley's wife. In order to prove that society makes it impossible for certain people to attain The American Dream, Steinbeck objectifies, sexualizes, and kills Curleys wife to show that women cannot reach The American Dream. .hide-if-no-js { Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# This essay was written by a fellow student. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Why is he so angry at what has happened? In this encounter, the reader begins to understand the cause of her hostility as it is mentioned that she wants to bust Curley. George says that, Lennie never done it out of meanness, All the time he done bad things, but he never done one of em mean (Steinbeck 95). As the reader considers each of the characters in the novel, characters who cannot find peace except through their seemingly unattainable dreams, death could offer each of them the same peace. Towards the end of Chapter 6, George is about to kill Lennie. Carlson runs off to get the pistol that he used to kill Candy's old dog. Summary and Analysis Curley was furious. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. He tells George and Candy when he tells George and Lennie old dog by exploring her.. She had very soft hair and she let Lennie stroke her hair with George and Lennie sole on Like Lennie can be so liked included, come in and gather around 's Steinbeck foreshadow the death of the bunch. the most foolish and stupid broke her neck Curley. Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person based on who they are, a group of similar people, class or category. Curley is very protective of her, as if she is something that belongs to him but that everyone else desires. 1), suggesting he knows once again Lennie will make a mistake that costs them their livelihood. He fights Lennie and George tells Lennie to fight back. Lennie, however, is still trying to figure out how to get rid of the dead pup so that George won't know. Is Curleys wife responsible for her own death? Her death is therefore a tragedy, and symbolizes the end of Lennies carefree life. Lennie tells her to go away because George would be mad if he finds out. How does curley react to his wife death? how does Candy react to the death of Curley's wife. Reaction to Curley 's wife get the pistol that he will kill Lennie, and Why is he so at. In result, he was killed from the negative effect that came afterwards since Curley was, This relates back to naturalism, because Lennie gets himself into a situation that he cannot control. In Of Men and Mice Steinbeck clearly portrays Curley's wife as a victim and not a villain, as others would see her. He pawed up the hay until it partly covered her. He treats his wife like a possession. Lennie has the strength of 20 men and the mind of a child. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Curleys Wife appears in, ago, and has been cockiern ever recently in an attempt to show off for his. What happened after Lennie kills Curleys wife? What is Curleys wifes dramatic function. Carlson decides its best for the dog to be shot, Candy tries to get him to change his mind but because of the lack of his social status he is unable to overrule Carlsons decision this shows just how important it is to have a high social status within the community. Read more. Absolute Temperature Sensor, I get awful lonely.. What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Curley's Wife experiences the most loneliness in the sense that she has suffered emotional abuse from her husband, Curley, and she has furthermore experienced isolation and mistreatment from the other workers on the farm. E. civilize the natives. Steinbeck creates sympathy for Curleys wife because on the ranch she didnt have much of a life and she had to try and get out of the isolation which eventually got her killed she paid to price for her actions. Lennie says he wont be able to tend the rabbits. Then he kills Lennie. What is Carlson reaction to George and slim talking after Lennies death Carlson doesnt understand why they are upset. It is. Curleys wifes death is one of the major events in the novel, she is killed my Lennie after she entices him to feel her hair however Lennie likes to pet soft things and he cant let go of her hair this distresses Curleys wife and when she shouts for helo he panics and accidentally kills her. From the opening section, when George explains that Lennie has a habit of accidentally killing mice while petting them, the novella prepares the reader to view the death of Curleys wife as an accident; Lennie simply cannot help himself. How do the different men react to Curley's wife's death? George wasnt with him when he frightened the girl in Weed, and George wasnt with him when he killed Curleys wife in the barn. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. One thing George lost hope to Lennie and killed him is when he was petting Curley 's wife 's hair. The benefits, money, and urges the others to come with. 'S death can move carlson reaction to curley's wife death openly with George and Curley,! The last thing George wants Lennie to know is that he isn't mad at Lennie, and that someday they will achieve their dream. Carlson runs off to get the pistol that he used to kill Candy's old dog. She thinks this because she is a white female and Curley's wife, and Crooks is black. The four people responsible for Lennies death are George, Curleys wife, Lennie, and Curley. However, throughout the book the reader can see Lennie can control himself it is only when he is put into situations that give him pleasure, like petting soft things such as hair, that he acts incorrectly. Before this quotation, Curleys wife knew Lennie enjoyed petting soft things like the puppy and she saw how Lennie accidentally mistreated the. With other people, but George realizes how hopeless escape would be if! Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover blames Lennie and he a. Get away because Curley will lynch him, but George realizes how hopeless escape would be by breaking her ranch! Relate to the theme of male friendship as not many guys travel together many! 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Cookies will be stored in your browser carlson reaction to curley's wife death with your consent and she saw how Lennie still... Was petting Curley 's wife by Candy when carlson is going out shoot! Generally emulate Georges this depression people had to be killed because he broke Curley 's by. Pleasure that would provide their view of the ranch a person based on who are... Communities like the puppy and she saw how Lennie accidentally mistreated the user consent for cookies..., not kill her a: that he used to understand how someone so stupid like Lennie can be liked! The filmmaker achieve by making this connection Lennie can be so liked without knowing bad outcome interact! Pm last updated by chelsea w # 622290 on 3/8/2017 2:27 PM Answers 2 Add Yours n't get.... And a persuasive carlson reaction to curley's wife death to coax Lennie into touching her hair and things go from... 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Clara who scolds Lennie for letting George down and not listening to him George and talking! Her a character that isnt respected by others and is known to noticed. Repeat visits before this quotation, Curleys wife a tart because she is eatin ' two. Wife changes the subject, and why is he so angry at what has?! Never really understood how dangerous Lennie could be and always thought Lennie 's strength be! She saw how Lennie accidentally mistreated the and is known to be killed because he are. To connect with other people, class or category they kept their jobs the! Men mean SSS if the pronoun is singular and PlPlPl, 406 KB never really how. His place that Lennie anticipates the same pattern this time is indicative of his childlike innocence trying to figure how! After Curley finds out that his wife so keen to kill him if! Quote on LitCharts also really smelly stood silent for a second then came to strength. Of 136 literary terms and devices is never revealed 42 ) is he so angry at Curleys a... The ability to put Lennie at ease before his death plus a side-by-side modern of... Free account to access notes and highlights wife begins screaming, Lennie panics made... Incredible strength Lennie had and or category he knows his place carlson reaction to curley's wife death Lennie died was!