Show your audience the vase is still visible. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. THE TEXT IS A REMEDY FOR UNREALITY IN RELIGION.1. able, it would lose immensely in its character for truth and its power for good.2. One or two of the world's heroes and sages have won wide admiration and respect, but who has laid his hand on so many hearts and touched for good so many lives? (c)That we live in entire confidence in and dependence upon Him.4. Differently to be admonished are servants and masters. Preached February 9, 1851. In Jesus we have not a man dead long ago, but a living Saviour and King ever near us, bearing the one name by which we may be saved. Yea, all of you gird yourselves with humility, to serve one another: for God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. One question that rises in every mind is this: "How can I live that life of perfect trust in God?" Neale. Do all under the authority of Jesus Christ. One offers it in his own name, he is sacrificing to selfishness; another offers it in the name of fashion, another in the name of respectability, but there can be no reality in our services unless offered in the name of Christ.(H. For His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31; John 5:23; Revelation 5:12, 13).5. A. There is something in these words that might surprise us. (b)That we act according to His will. For when Adam and Eve, being created after God's own image, and placed in Paradise, that they and their posterity might live in a blessed state of life immortal, having dominion over all earthly creatures, and only restrained from the fruit of one tree, as a sign Lewis BaylyThe Practice of PietyChrist all and in All. The Christian at his daily task is not ever pondering spiritual truths. There are of course many visionaries, men pursuing objects which have no real existence, but to them they are not unreal. Does it not give strength to self-denial to take up our cross after Jesus? 4. 2 Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth. A. Jacob, D. D.)Doing all in the name of ChristI. By Jesus this gratitude is to be rendered. )PeopleChristians, Colossians, Paul, TimothyPlacesColossaeTopicsAct, Deed, Giving, Praise, Thanks, Whatever, Whatsoever, WhetherOutline1. And who has not seen the dullest rain-cloud, when it turned its weeping face to the sun, change into glory, and, in the bow that spans it, present to the eyes of age and infancy, alike of the philosopher who studies, and of the simple joyous child who runs to catch it, the most brilliant and beautiful phenomenon in nature? But it is necessary that we have this deposition so formed in our hearts, that when circumstances allow us to think of Christ our souls may lean that way as being habituated to it.II. 12 Put on therefore, as God's elect, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering; 13 forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any man have a complaint against any; even as the Lord forgave you, so also do ye: 14 and above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. To do all by His authority (Matthew 18:18-20; Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Timothy 6:15). Servants, to wit, that they ever keep in view the humility of their condition; but masters, that they lose not recollection of their nature, in which they are constituted on an equality with servants. How, then, can they be done? "For ye are dead" (Col. iii. Colossians 3:1-4. is also included in the commentary below, because these four verses reveal the foundation in Christ for the way of life . (Dean Alford. And yet, after all, this is the most Christ-like ministry of all, for the Master Himself does not even appear in the work of the church except as her hidden Life Rev. Little things are the very instances of acceptable service in Scripture. (c)That we live in entire confidence in and dependence upon Him.4. "But now do ye also," saith he, "put down all;" [1927] and he makes mention of several more evils of that sort. Here, as in nature, the deepest is the stillest; but by this very stillness all who are observant know its depth. Neale. (2) Some religious people, like the former, strain the Bible to its literal meaning, and then require that meaning in full, and thus lead to the same point, and encourage indolence and unbelief. But what is it, that it is not enough for him to say, "Do ye put down all," but that he added the conjunction and said, "ye also?" It is not in our power to act as we please, or for our own ends (Romans 14:7-8).2. A good fable for the world, and just as good a fable for the Church. To do all by His authority (Matthew 18:18-20; Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Timothy 6:15).3. (Admonition 6). Thanksgiving is one of the most necessary and universal offices of a Christian. Nothing so mean that it was thought unworthy of this monogram; nothing so glorious that it was considered unfit to have that excelling glory added thereto. )The acceptable prayerH. Bring common iron into proper contact with the magnet, it will borrow the strange attractive virtue, and itself become magnetic. For Charles KingsleyAll Saints' Day and Other SermonsMay 5. So they are ready to think that they cannot help themselves, that they must fall into sins of infirmity, and thus they cast their faults on God, or they look upon them as no great faults at all, and so they act as though they could not sin. He would be a bad workman and a bad Christian if he were. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Christian Training of Children. There they taught us the great lesson "Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus." The distinction between things secular and things sacred has wrought unspeakable mischief. Little things are the very instances of acceptable service in Scripture. (1) We have a proof of the divinity of Christ. 1. For it is impossible that they should be in the name of Christ except our understandings and will so address them. When He had done that upon earth, He went to heaven, that He might do more than show us, might give us, and live in us that life of trust. There is nothing can do it but the Cross of Christ and the Spirit of God. THY REMEDY. The church is full of half dead people who have been trying, like poor Nero, to slay themselves for years, and have not had the courage to strike the fatal blow. Colossians. It must therefore be concluded that He is not a creature, but very God. (2) Our thanks cannot be grateful to the Father except addressed and presented by Christ. How can we do both at once without distraction study, speak, or do and think of Christ at the same time? "WHATSOEVER YE DO IN WORD OR DEED," etc.1. Mallock.Religion is one of the colours of life which mingles most intimately with all the other colours of the palette. Very many of those prayers are like letters with no name and address upon them, which never reach their destination. "GIVING THANKS INTO GOD AND THE FATHER BY HIM." MEMORY VERSE: Colossians 3:2 "Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth." BOOK TO REMEMBER: 1 Corinthians. Or hast thou done anything for man's praise, feeling that the eye whose praise thou prizedst was upon thee? (6) Such deep constraining motive is not usually displayed before men; but its existence is not easily concealed. The letter of your Holiness, which we received at the hands of the bearer of these presents, so expressed priestly moderation as to soothe us, in a manner, with the bodily presence of its author. THE MOTIVE POWER OF A HOLY LIFE. Another spirit came and took the body of a poet and did his work. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth February 17. Again, is it a sacred or a secular work when a young girl, under a deep sense of duty, consecrates her life to attendance upon a suffering mother? He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. The aims of an ambitious man and of a true believer have no external difference, yet if you examine the inward springs of both, you will find one a piece of vanity, the other a fruit of charity.2. I want to emphasize that word "all." (2) The name of God is taken for the power, authority, and will of God (Deuteronomy 18:19; 2 Kings 2:24; Psalm 20:7; Psalm 89:16, 24; 1 Samuel 17:45; 2 Chronicles 14:11). As to daily life. Here is the sum of religion. He infers holiness from this also. He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. Again Jehovah said: "Ephraim is like a cake not turned." It is well, as people's devotions now are, if Christians really prayed to God to carry them through the trials of the day, as really believing that for this they needed the special help of God. Our Father, our Friend and Brother, who came down from heaven and suffered for us, is ready to help and reward us. Thanksgiving is one of the most necessary and universal offices of a Christian. Whatever mystery a man makes of his object in life, spectators generally arrive at correct conclusions.2. (Admonition 5.) Specifically the name of Christ is the rule. save that lest they should not think that they did those evils and lived in them with impunity on this account, because their faith set them free from wrath, which cometh upon the sons of unbelief, doing these things, and living in them without faith. What is it that makes our public services in church so frequently cold and spiritless? "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts." (Dean Alford. (4)All our actual supplies (Philippians 4:19).2. how we can obtain it? (5) There are certain solemn times when this great motive is and must be expressly recognized; but when the whole man is possessed with the love of Christ, the whole ordinary being follows the direction of the central impulse. And who has not seen the dullest rain-cloud, when it turned its weeping face to the sun, change into glory, and, in the bow that spans it, present to the eyes of age and infancy, alike of the philosopher who studies, and of the simple joyous child who runs to catch it, the most brilliant and beautiful phenomenon in nature? (2) The facts implied in the name, "The Lord Jesus," rest upon evidence as strong as can possibly be alleged for anything. Baltimore, U.S., 1874. A large proportion of the infidelity of the working classes is due to this unreal teaching. save that lest they should not think that they did those evils and lived in them with impunity on this account, because their faith set them free from wrath, which cometh upon the sons of unbelief, doing these things, and living in them without faith. One question that rises in every mind is this: "How can I live that life of perfect trust in God?" It is worth while to do so. "If ye then be risen" (Col. iii. 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to the which also ye were called in one body; and be ye thankful. Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. Be cause all we are, have, or can do, is of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:22, 23). Remember what we are to God through creation, providence, and grace.2. It must have points of contact with every part of my life. "If ye then be risen" (Col. iii. If we were asked this moment if we were filled with the Holy Spirit, how many of us would dare to answer "yes"? To live a life of faith for a supply of all things for life and godliness (2 Peter 1 ; John 16:23).6. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Mere precepts cannot touch us at all points, or constrain us to do all things in a teacher's name. Differently to be admonished are subjects and prelates: the former that subjection crush them not, the latter that superior place elate them not: the former that they fail not to fulfil what is commanded them, the latter that they command not more to be fulfilled than is just: the former that they submit humbly, the latter that they preside temperately. What God hath joined together let no man put asunder; and He has wedded religion and life. What He was and did for us, and above all what He now is and does, explains it. "GIVING THANKS INTO GOD AND THE FATHER BY HIM." Colossians 3:13 Bear with one another and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. (Admonition 6). THIS DISTINCTION IS RADICALLY IRRELIGIOUS, Implies that all things are not of God. Are they evermore in his view and present to his thoughts? For when Adam and Eve, being created after God's own image, and placed in Paradise, that they and their posterity might live in a blessed state of life immortal, having dominion over all earthly creatures, and only restrained from the fruit of one tree, as a sign Lewis BaylyThe Practice of PietyChrist all and in All. Bring common iron into proper contact with the magnet, it will borrow the strange attractive virtue, and itself become magnetic. A. But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. Westminster Abbey. "But now do ye also," saith he, "put down all;" [1927] and he makes mention of several more evils of that sort. It is sufficient that we frequently and ordinarily make this application of mind. One spirit came and took the body of a king and did his work. Even now the good is gaining the victory, and the King is Christ. How Subjects and Prelates are to be Admonished. One offers it in his own name, he is sacrificing to selfishness; another offers it in the name of fashion, another in the name of respectability, but there can be no reality in our services unless offered in the name of Christ.(H. Such an object is consciously present when he chooses to reflect on it, but day by day in the toil and struggle he is not ever thinking of it, but he is pursuing it. 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; 7 casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you. As to ordinary matters men, e.g., think it unlikely they will die to-day because they have lived safely through so many dangers, and take it for granted that their food will nourish them because it has always done so. For the glory of Christ (Acts 15:26). And shall not such love quicken us to do all things better. Colossians. It is a privilege to have peace, but it would appear Frederick W. RobertsonSermons Preached at BrightonChrist is AllObserve in this chapter that he begins by reminding the saints of their having risen with Christ. --Colossians iii. A large proportion of the infidelity of the working classes is due to this unreal teaching. The merest crystal fragment, that has been flung out into the field and trampled on the ground, shines like a diamond when sunbeams stoop to kiss it. Observe I. One question that rises in every mind is this: "How can I live that life of perfect trust in God?" 1 If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God. 3). Very many of those prayers are like letters with no name and address upon them, which never reach their destination. (2) Some religious people, like the former, strain the Bible to its literal meaning, and then require that meaning in full, and thus lead to the same point, and encourage indolence and unbelief. Great, moreover, is the power of charity, beloved brother, which binds hearts one to another in mutual affection with the Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatHow Servants and Masters are to be Admonished. So in like manner the name of Jesus (Acts 4:7; Matthew 7:22; Matthew 24:5; Matthew 18:20). A good fable for the world, and just as good a fable for the Church. A beginning indeed, I find, but no end of thy miseries. There is no act, however little, which Christ does not see and .touch, and which may not tend as much to His honour as the songs of the Seraphim; there is no affection, talent, energy on which He does not put His hand and say, "That is mine," and which may not be transformed into a worship as sincere as that of the communion; no step we can take in life over which He does not watch, and which may not be made a step on the road that brings us nearer Him; no time here or hereafter when it will not be a delightful duty to "do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." Nay, a good and a spur which quickened every nerve. He has consecrated what we call secular employments by Himself engaging in them. In the case of the former pursuit will lead away from, in the case of the latter it will lead to, the truth. Many do not know the right answer, or the full answer. All we have to do is to present our empty, broken self Roy Hession and Revel HessionThe Calvary RoadWhat have I to do with Idols?MUCH is said in reproof of Ephraim by the prophet Hosea. At the Arno GaebeleinThe Lord of GloryChrist Our Life. But what is it, that it is not enough for him to say, "Do ye put down all," but that he added the conjunction and said, "ye also?" impart sweetness to teaching children that in them we receive Jesus? We must live in close communion with Jesus in the use of all His ordinances (Zechariah 4:12).4. All divine truths may be reduced to these two heads,--faith and love; what we ought to believe, and what we ought to do. (c)That we live in entire confidence in and dependence upon Him.4. the best one has been left for you." If we were asked this moment if we were filled with the Holy Spirit, how many of us would dare to answer "yes"? Great lesson `` do everything in the name of ChristI, a fable! 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