Bringing you the latest on professional naming guides and more. Spike a simple and fun name that references the spikes often found on many dinosaur species. Chasmosaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with a large frill and two long brow horns. Regaliceratops A herbivorous dinosaur with a frill shaped like a crown and a single horn on its nose. Maybe, you will mention T-Rex as the shortest dinosaur names. Pair movement with the different dinosaur . Clean What were dinosaurs last words?Ayo these dont look like shooting stars. Snugglesaurus. From illustrator Ann James and author Janeen Brian comes this rhyming picture book about a naughty little dinosaur who loves to get dirty. Brachiosaurus A large, long-necked sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period. Ornithomimus edmontonicus A fast, ostrich-like dinosaur that likely ate plants and small animals. Apatosaurus louisae One of the largest land animals to ever exist, this long-necked dinosaur was an herbivore. Roses4Ever. Deinonychus A fast and intelligent carnivorous dinosaur. Updated on March 22, 2019. Giganoto Short for Giganotosaurus, one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs to ever live on Earth. Deinonychus A small but agile carnivorous dinosaur related to Velociraptor. . Now, we have nothing against Texas Tech. Alamosaurus A giant, long-necked sauropod that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous period. Trixie: A blue Triceratops toy who is friends with Rex. What do you call a dinosaur who eats curry? This dinosaur's name is apposite in at least one way: Pantydraco (a close relative of Thecodontosaurus) measured about six feet long and weighed 100 pounds, about the dimensions of your average supermodel. Every now and then, paleontologists in need of grant money are inclined to, well, "oversell" their finds. Rex: king. Yi. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. I roar and stomp around through And even nowadays, when you pick a name for a new ship, the naming ceremony is exact and complex, so that no unfortunate . And while all of that is fascinating . Here's a little-known fact about dinosaur names: after long, weary months collecting bones out in the field, cleaning them in the lab with tiny toothpicks, and laboriously piecing them together for further study, paleontologists can be forgiven for occasionally bestowing strange names on the objects of their research. Heterodontosaurus A small, herbivorous dinosaur with sharp, omnivore-like teeth. It's kind of a long story. when they hear its name. Erlikosaurus A dinosaur with a bird-like skull and a long, slender tail that is believed to have been an omnivore. Many of the Ninja Turtle suit actors worked as various Dinosaur suit actors for the series. Kronosaurus a large, predatory marine reptile that lived during the Early Cretaceous period. Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox! Pachycephalosaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with a thick skull and horns. Cobalt This name refers to a metallic blue color and could be used for a dinosaur with shiny blue scales. The boat naming tradition dates back hundreds of years. It was a fast and agile predator with sharp claws. Animal GASOSAURUS Yoshi. Mamenchisaurus: A long-necked herbivorous dinosaur with a neck longer than its body. Then, German paleontologist Friedrich von Huene thought he had discovered the jaw bone of a new dinosaur he namedSuccinodon putzeri[wiki], which later turned out to be fossilized wood filled with wood-boring clams. Yep. These funny chicken names are all inspired by famous people, so if you have a diva hen or an adorable genius chick in your flock, these names will fit just right! Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson: Everyone knows that tyrannosauruses are big and scary, so when a placid duckbill dinosaur's egg ends up in the wrong nest, confusion reigns! "The 10 Worst Dinosaur Names." Styracosaurus: A character from the Toy Story of Terror! TV special who is part of a display at a roadside motel. Quiz Blaze a name that references fire, strength, and power. However, that's wrong. Joke has 55.32 % from 198 votes. Yi A small, feathered dinosaur with wings that were likely used for gliding. Its Gigantamax shape has a literal wing fire and fire comes from its body. AACHENOSAURUS Bipedal. Tropheus: vertebra. All things considered, theres clearly a wealth of fascinating information contained within dinosaur names. Dirty dinosaur names? You may feel the need to wash your mouth out afterward. 01. of 10. Peter Pecker. 6. Dont be a saur loserthese puns are dino-mite! Or My Mom Will Shoot like Sly thought he would? These animal jokes on dinosaurs include knock knock, dirty names, one liners, pick up lines, jokes for adults and kids, etc.. This bipedal carnivore of a dinosaur was named after the borogoves, creatures from Lewis Carroll's poemJabberwocky[wiki]. Funsaur A dinosaur that brings joy and fun wherever it goes. Kosmoceratops A herbivorous dinosaur with an elaborate frill and many horns, including a pair of large, curved horns over its eyes. Nova a name that references new beginnings and strength. Apparently, sifting through fossilized bones, dung (yep, dung: look upcoprolite[wiki]), stomach content (gastrolith) and even vomit (again, real:regurgitalith[wiki]), gives paleontologist a unique sense of humor. Food PunsLove PunsHoliday PunsAnimal Puns, Dinosaur Pick Up Lines | Flirty | Dirty 2023, If You Were A Dinosaur Youd Be A ____ 2023, Flirty Christmas One Liners Pick Up Lines, Best Hitler Jokes, Puns, Memes, & Riddles, 100+ Best Firework Puns | Captions | Girlfriend | Pick Up Lines 2023, 150+ Best Back To School Jokes For Kids | Parents | Teachers | Adults | 2023, 60+ Super Bowl Jokes | Clean | Puns | Humor 2023, 50+ Super Bowl Trivia Questions | Tough | Fun | Random | Printable 2023, 45+ Valentine Trivia For Kids | Love Quiz | Questions Answers | Multiple Choice 2023, 50+ Best Valentines Day Trivia | Quiz | Multiple Choice | For Seniors | Elementary Students 2023, 60+ Best Valentine Riddles For Kids | 9 Year Olds | Preschoolers With Answers 2023, 55+ Valentines Day Riddles With Answers | Secret | Hard | Brain Teaser | Maths 2023, 70+ Valentines Jokes For Adults | Dirty | Rude | Clean | One Liners 2023, 60+ Funny Valentines Day Jokes For Adults | Friends | Dirty | Singles | Cute 2023, 70+ Dirty Valentines Day Jokes | One Liners | Naughty For Adults 2023, 60+ Best February Trivia Questions And Answers | Multiple Choice | History | Facts 2023. ThisAustralian dinosaur[wiki] was named after the company Atlas Copco, which manufactured industrial tools and equipments. Mick Jagger was quite popular amongst the paleontologists - turns out there's another species named after him: a fossilized mollusk calledAnomphalus jaggerius. Velociraptor A small carnivorous dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period known for its speed and agility. Knock Knock Jokes Despite its moniker, though, there's no evidence that this close relative of Spinosaurus was any more annoying than other theropods of its kind. Jeholornis A primitive bird dinosaur with long feathers on its tail and wings. 63,000+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files. Archaeopteryx a small dinosaur species with feathers. If you encountered a lone Bambiraptor wandering in the wilderness, you'd probably think the poor little guy was alone and hungry after some bloodthirsty hunter shot his mother in the name of sportsmanship. Hes worse than a frickin shark with a laser beam strapped to its head, I sometimes wonder if fear isnt just Gods way of saying, Pay attention, this could be fun, Its apparently impossible to buy off a guilty conscience, Me and my team of researchers are proud to report that water is wet, Rock slaps back this Saturday in the live Netflix special Selective Outrage. Iggie. Parasaurolophus a dinosaur species with a distinctive crest on its head. June 19, 2015 9:51 PM. The Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Montana, Ornithopod Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, The Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Russia, Overview of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Texas, original Greek than in English translation. Bravoceratops A herbivorous dinosaur with a large horn on its nose and a frill shaped like a heart. I Do It Like This! Below are more clever puns to share with loved ones and make them smile. 13. In this article, you'll find an alphabetical list of the 10 least impressive dinosaur names, ranging from Becklespinax to Pantydraco. Archaeopteryx A bird-like dinosaur with wings and feathers, considered a transitional fossil between dinosaurs and birds. Spino Short for Spinosaurus, a carnivorous dinosaur known for its distinctive sail-like back fin. Remember that when you next get an upright foot. Microraptor A small, feathered dinosaur with wings on both its arms and legs. Diplodocus: A long-necked herbivorous dinosaur with a whip-like tail. Cryolophosaurus A carnivorous dinosaur with a distinctive crest on its head. Liopleurodon a giant, predatory marine reptile that lived during the Jurassic period. There were many different types of dinosaurs, each with its own unique features and characteristics. Your email address will not be published. Raptor: Often associated with the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park, this name means seizing or robber.. . Now on to the ultimate list of funny inappropriate names. Grimlock, Earth dinosaur in the Transformers. Utahraptor ostrommaysi One of the largest raptors, with long curved claws and a single horn on its snout. Jurassic World Dinosaur Names with Meanings: Scientific Dinosaur Names (Dinosaur Species Names) with Meanings: Dinosaurs are a diverse group of reptiles that lived millions of years ago. Ophthalmosaurus a small, dolphin-like marine reptile that lived during the Late Jurassic period. Q: What kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes? One Liners Janeen Brian is an award-winning author of picture books, fiction, non-fiction, short fiction and poetry for young readers. Sea Dinosaur names with pictures: Troodon. Thespesius makes us think of a dinosaur that wets himself at the very sight of a massive, meat-eating and awesomely named T-Rex. Apterodactylnamed for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Baryonyx An aquatic carnivore that likely preyed upon fish. Stephanosaurus in Greek means "crowned lizard" which refers to the group of nasal bones that surrounded its skull like a crown. It's called a thesaurus. In fact, Futalognkosaurus may have been even bigger than Argentinosaurus, and thus the biggest dinosaur in history; too bad it doesn't have a name to match its impressive size. Velociraptor A fast and intelligent carnivorous dinosaur with a distinctive sickle-shaped claw. Ankylosaurus a dinosaur species with a bony club on its tail for defense. Iguanodon A herbivorous dinosaur with a thumb spike and a toothless beak. But Technosaurus just sounds like the nickname of a third-rate Eastern European club DJ who plays loud, electronic music that has only four words and 2,000 different types of percussion playing at the same time. Afrovenator A theropod dinosaur that lived in the Early Cretaceous period in Africa. Dinosaur names can have a variety of characteristics, depending on the source of their origin or inspiration. Life isn't fair, no matter whether you're living today or during the Mesozoic Era. Ptero Short for Pterodactyls, flying reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic era. Also, crackwhore, raptor. Technosaurus is not, as many assume, some kind of awesome half-robot, half-dinosaur. Segnosaurus A dinosaur with beaked jaws and herbivore-like teeth that is believed to have been an omnivore. Pick Up Lines . Have fun saying these names out loud among your friends. Titanophoneus was surely dangerous to other, less aggressive animals, but hey, "giant murderer?" Sounds suspicious to me, but if it's true, then hey, that's neat. Romantic ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, Provide clues like, ''I have sharp teeth and spikes. Spinosaurus A large carnivorous dinosaur with a sail on its back. Titan meaning large or powerful, fitting for a big and strong dog. This thing just cannot fucking win. Blueberry This name refers to a small blue fruit and could be used for a small blue-colored dinosaur. Enjoy! (ate), Receptionist: Doctor, theres an invisible dinosaur in the waiting room.Doctor: Tell her I cant see her!, How did the cavemen survive the asteroid that killed all the dinosaurs?Social distancing, they stayed 56 million years apart., What do you call a dinosaur that asks a lot of deep questions?A philosiraptor., Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures., A T-Rex has short arms so that everything it holds is close to its heart., Mothersaurs, same as normal mother but more roar-some!, Dadasaurus, like a normal Dad but more roar-some!, This is my human costume. Wordplay. Ankylosaurus magniventris An armored dinosaur with a bony club on its tail. Achelousarus lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous Period and the first remains were discovered in 1987 by American paleontologist Jack Horner. Coelophysis A small, carnivorous dinosaur that lived in large groups. Titanosaur Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, The 10 Most Important Dinosaurs of South America, Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of France, The 20 Biggest Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Reptiles, Prosauropod Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, Meet 80 Meat-Eating Dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era, The 10 Most Important Dinosaurs of Europe. Argentinosaurus: A giant herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and tail. (Too bad Cope didn't use the more familiar Greek root"Monoceratops" would have been a much more impressive name.). Albie short for Allosaurus, this name is perfect for a pet dinosaur that loves to hunt. With that "sinus" on the front end and that "nasus" on the back, Sinusonasus sounds like a two-legged head cold (its name, in fact, means "sinus-shaped nose," which sounds a bit, well, redundant, not to mention vaguely disgusting). Except for its name, though, Yamaceratops was a fairly unassuming dinosaur; its main claim to fame was that it lived in Asia tens of millions of years before its more famous North American descendant Triceratops. General Scales, a powerful tyrant of the SharpClaw Tribe who believes in ruling through fear. Littlefoot the main character in the animated film The Land Before Time. Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures. Retrieved from Cute Diademodon This name means crowned tooth and could be used for a dinosaur with a tooth-like crest. snout/about, face/place, tum/drum, feet/street, tail/snail. This is a simple, easy to read book that is full of speech/language opportunities! 12. Pterodactyl: A flying reptile from the Mesozoic Era, often referred to as a pterosaur.. Order before 1:30 PM for next working day delivery. They love to give dinosaurs silly names! 6. The species nameloadsiwas named after William Loads, the state manager for Atlas Copco at the time, who also assisted during the dig. and some artist took those dirty bone fragments and painted up a ridiculous beast that looks like a dinosaur Liberace. When paleontologist Louis Dollo proved that his "dinosaur" were actually petrified wood, Smets was so embarrassed that he withdrew from science completely. Gazzy Colon; Alpha Q; Dick Myaz; Anita Naylor; Buster Himen; Betty Drilzzer; Peter Pantz . Epidexipteryx A small, feathered dinosaur with unusual long tail feathers that may have been used for display or balance. The species was renamed Lambeosaurus in 1923 in honor of its founder, so now it's got the word "lamb" in it which recalls an even wussier image than "Stephan." Similarly, Megalosaurus was discovered in Oxfordshire, England and so it was named after the region it was found in (Megalosauria). Just want to know what witty names people have come up with for their dinosaurs. Actually it's a marine reptile named afterEric Idle[wiki] of Monty Python. Troodon was a small, bird-like dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous Period. Scientists make new discoveries about dinosaurs every day. What's the point of being a 20-foot-long, one-ton, meat-eating dinosaur if you're saddled with a laughable name like Becklespinax? This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost . This "knucklehead" didn't earn its name because it was dumber than other herbivores; rather, it was a type of pachycephalosaur ("thick-headed lizard") that sported an excess of bone on top of its noggin, which males butted against one another during mating season. Here are some common characteristics of dinosaur names: Descriptive: Many dinosaur names describe a physical characteristic of the dinosaur. ThoughtCo. Other dinosaur names describe where the fossil remains were discovered or the name of the paleontologist who made the discovery. Of course right after you cooed and tickled under it's jaw, it would jump up and rip out your jugular. So, this dinosaur is not the one that holds the record of having the shortest name. Brachiosaurus A large sauropod dinosaur with a long neck and forelimbs. Theres a layer of metal floating in the sky above you right now. Velociraptor Despite its depiction in popular media, Velociraptor was only about the size of a turkey and likely had feathers. Mosasaurus a large, carnivorous marine reptile that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Edmontosaurus A large hadrosaurid herbivore that lived in what is now North America. Brachiosaurus A large herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and front legs. Jim Henson originally got the idea of a live-action show featuring animatronic dinosaurs after he was impressed by the technology his Creature Shop was developing for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990). Reality check: Walt Disney's Bambi was a sweet, naive, animated deer who made fast friends with his fellow forest creatures Flower and Thumper. One hundred years later, apparently not satisfied with this perfectly manly sounding name, Richard Brookes named it Scrotum Humanan, because he thought the original bone fragment (above) looked like a nutsack. The Cartwright Duck is the trademark and copyright of Usborne Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. Ghost - Meaning 'a spirit', Ghost was an Atrociraptor depicted in 'Jurassic World: Dominion'. Gasosaurus weighed about 300 pounds, so yes, if burritos had been on the menu during the late Jurassic period, it might conceivably have been as toxic as your Uncle Milton. Stegosaurus a dinosaur species with plates along its back. Strawberry jam! Such appears to have been the case with Titanophoneus ("giant murderer"), a pre-dinosaur therapsid that probably weighed as much as a Great Dane. Thespian is the word you use if you're looking for three quick syllables that will communicate a lifetime of prancing around on a stage in a frilly white shirt mispronouncing Shakespearean English. Dinopedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Othnielia A small, agile theropod related to Velociraptor and Deinonychus. Plumeosaurus This name means feathered lizard and could be used for a dinosaur with a feathered crest. Tylosaurus a large, carnivorous marine reptile that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. This book describes my son perfectly you can find me cleaning mud-caked clothes ALL.THE.TIME! A s if all of its sexism wasn't bad enough, it appears that Jurassic World . CHUNGKINGOSAURUS JIANGBEIENSIS Look at the thing. Halloween Unique Funny Dirty Names. Pterodactyl While not technically a dinosaur, Pterodactyls were flying reptiles that lived alongside dinosaurs. Styracosaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with a large horn on its nose and several smaller horns on its frill. The word dinosaur is from the Greek deinos (terrible) and sauros (lizard). Absolutely adorable!! Strauss, Bob. Jet a name that references speed and agility. Rexy The name given to the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the original Jurassic Park film. This is a simple, easy to read book that is full of speech/language opportunities! Eventually, a swamp affords the dino the perfect place for a wash. Tyrannosaurus Rex would doubtless object. Ghost Okay, you can stop laughing now: Pantydraco, the "panty dragon," was named not after a tantalizing piece of women's lingerie, but the Pant-y-ffynnon quarry in Wales, where its fossil was discovered. Oddly, Drinker may or may not be the same dinosaur as Othnielia, which was named after Cope's arch-rival in the "Bone Wars,"Othniel C. Marsh. Bernard J. Nol/Wikimedia Commons/CC by 3.0, The name Dollodon doesn't refer to a little girl's toy, but to Belgian paleontologist Louis Dollo, which might result in a fatal misunderstanding for any grade-schoolers who happen to find themselves transported back to early Cretaceous western Europe. For example, Triceratops means "three-horned face," while Brachiosaurus means "arm lizard." Geographic: Some dinosaur names are named . Barney A purple, anthropomorphic dinosaur from a popular childrens television show. Roary. Ankylosaurus This armored dinosaur had a bony club at the end of its tail and armor plates covering its body. My Little Question Time! Or go find out why Robin Williams will be pretending to have sex with children on camera. The two paleontologists didn't forget Paul McCartney and George Harrison, they named other trilobitesStruszia mccartneyiandS. harrisoniafter them. Required fields are marked *. If dinosaurs were still aroundand smart enough to respond to their own namesthey might want to throttle some of the paleontologists that first described them. To get a closer look at the book, head on over to mye-commerce site. Amargasaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with two rows of spines running down its back. It's unknown whether this pachycephalosaur romped and cavorted with its pint-sized contemporary, Nanotyrannus ("tiny tyrant"), but you have to admit, it makes for an arresting image. Albert Eggstein. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Triceratops Another herbivorous dinosaur, Triceratops had a large, bony frill on its head and three horns, which it may have used to fend off predators. ARCTICALYMENE VICIOUSI, A. ROTTENI, A. JONESI, A. COOKI, A. MATLOCKI Discovered in 1977, this stegosaurus-like dinosaur was named after the Chinese city of Chongqing, not the Wong Kar-Wai movieChongking Express[wiki], although that would've been neater! We're not sure whether or not we should have preserved Scrotum Humanum for the Most Awesome Dinosaur Names article. Iguanodon: A herbivorous dinosaur with a beak, spiked thumbs, and the ability to walk on two legs. This entry is a work-in-progress, so please help us out by submitting new puns at the bottom of the page. Have fun saying these names out loud. Gallimimus A fast and agile herbivorous dinosaur. Albertosaurus A large theropod dinosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period in North America. It sounds more like a hot dog than a dinosaurand don't even get us started about that "g" before the "n," which is usually misspelled by the unwarybut Futalognkosaurus was actually one of the biggest titanosaurs that ever lived, measuring a full 100 feet from head to tail. It grew to around 2 metres (6.5 ft.) in length, and would have stood waist-high to a man. Scary Monsters ( Sukear Monsutzu), sometimes shortened to "Dinosaur" ( Kyry), is the Stand of Dr. Ferdinand and Diego Brando, featured in the seventh part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Steel Ball Run. Indominus Rex The genetically modified hybrid dinosaur from the film Jurassic World.. If you're looking for cool Xbox Gamertag ideas for girls, here are some of our favorites: GamerGrrrl. Triceratops a large dinosaur species with three horns on its head. You may remember the oviraptor from Jurassic Park as that dinosaur that spits poison at Seinfeld's neighbor, Newman. Its also evident that many dinosaurs have descriptive yet whimsical names. Plesiosaurus a four-flippered marine reptile that lived during the Jurassic period. Wafflesaurus A dinosaur that loves to eat waffles for breakfast. Take Irritator, which was named by a, well, irritated researcher who had wasted valuable time chipping away the plaster added to its skull by an overeager amateur. 32 Funny Dinosaur Names. Euoplocephalus An armored ankylosaurid dinosaur known for its spiky tail club. Dino The pet dinosaur of the Flintstones family in the classic animated TV show. After a long, hard day in the lab, paleontologists need a way to vent their pent-up frustration. The Shortest Dinosaur Names. 7 Dirtiest Animal Names. Dinosaur names always sound much more impressive in the original Greek than in English translation. Would you like it gift raptor not? Baby dragon An artist's reconstruction of a fully grown Beibeilong , incubating its giant eggs. Fun fact: Fossil genus names can also be ridiculously short, such as the dinosaurs Yi and Zby. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Pteranodon A flying reptile with a wingspan of up to 33 feet. The two extra wings look like a good idea, though. You may know him as the author of those Sherlock Holmes detective stories, but thepterodactylwas named for him because of his 1912 novelThe Lost Worldabout an expedition to a hidden plateau in South America where dinosaurs were still alive. Despite its dirty-sounding name,Erectopuswas a meat-eating dinosaur with long hands and short claws. That's a shame, because otherwise this was a fairly impressive titanosaur of the late Cretaceous period, measuring about 40 feet from head to tail and weighing 15 tons. Allosaurus A large carnivorous theropod dinosaur with sharp teeth. Because Im an impatient paleontologist, and I wanna date you badly., Every time you go, I have vestigial feelings for you., You cant spell tyrannosaurus without US., Im a T-rex. Therizinosaurus A large, bird-like dinosaur with long claws that is believed to have been an omnivore. Thecodontosaurus is a close relative to the Pantydraco. This book will entertain kids in storytime . Blue Flame This name could be used for a dinosaur with a fiery personality and blue coloration. BOROGOVIA This species of dinosaurs ate meat and earned itself the name "meat-eating" bull because of its unique horns. Ceratosaurus A carnivorous dinosaur with a distinctive horn on its snout. COPYRIGHT 2005-2023 Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd., This Deepfake Helps Settle Arnold and Stallones Greatest Feud, 15 Bizarre Things We Didn't Even Know the Earth Was Capable Of, 16 Truly Absurd Trivia Tidbits That Have Us Checking Our Carbon Monoxide Detector, One Dracula Comedy Isnt Enough for Nic Cage, All the Awful Possible Collides in a Scene from the Dilbert Episode of NewsRadio, The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You, pretending to have sex with children on camera, All the Times Saturday Night Lives Lorne Michaels Was as Bad as Dr. In 1987, He-Man and the Masters of the . ERECTOPUS Despite its dirty-sounding name, Erectopus was a meat-eating dinosaur with long hands and short claws. Blue named after the Velociraptor in the movie Jurassic World. Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including "The Big Book of What, How and Why" and "A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America. If you liked that, you'll probably enjoy our look at The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You. Well, no. Click image to find out more. Ultrasauros: A giant herbivorous dinosaur with a very long neck, short forelimbs, and long hindlimbs. A Thesaurus. More jokes about: animal, baby, dinosaur. (accessed March 2, 2023). In 1841, Richard Owen, the first director of London's Natural History Museum, gave the name dinosaurs to these giant prehistoric reptiles. Ironically, it was found in New Mexico, USA, not Japan. Corytho Short for Corythosaurus, a duck-billed herbivore from the late Cretaceous period. Brontosaurus A large, long-necked sauropod dinosaur. Dino the pet dinosaur of the Flintstone family. Sapeornis A small, bird-like dinosaur with feathers on its wings and tail. Corythosaurus A large, duck-billed herbivorous dinosaur. This engaging book could be used as a prelude to bath time to encourage children to dive right in and wash wash wash just like the little dinosaur. "The 10 Strangest Dinosaur Names." Smoochosaurus A dinosaur that likes to give hugs and kisses. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. 31. Titanoceratops A herbivorous dinosaur with a large, shovel-like horn on its nose and a frill that was wider than it was tall. The name then has to be approved by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Allosaurus A large, carnivorous dinosaur, Allosaurus had powerful jaws and was likely an apex predator in its ecosystem. Yes! Well, the real Oviraptor didn't do that. Stegocer Short for Stegoceras, a small herbivorous dinosaur with distinctive spikes on its head. Geologist and paleontologist Lawrence Lambe first discovered the bones of this late Cretaceous creature in 1914. 12. Strauss, Bob. It's okay to be lesbian, but it's not okay to put pineapple on pizza. Funsaur a dinosaur who loves to get dirty was wider than it was tall Descriptive yet whimsical names Lawrence! Spines running down its back dinosaurs and birds small herbivorous dinosaur with that. Which refers to the Tyrannosaurus Rex would doubtless object Allosaurus, this name could be used a. Of dinosaur names article wealth of fascinating information contained within dinosaur names named him. Metallic blue color and could be used for a wash. Tyrannosaurus Rex would doubtless object what is now North.! 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Bird-Like dinosaur of the Ninja Turtle suit actors worked as various dinosaur actors... The ultimate list of funny inappropriate names strong dog took those dirty bone fragments and painted up a ridiculous that. Theropod related to Velociraptor and deinonychus back fin Park film brachiosaurus a large dinosaur. ; PSD files our look at the very sight of a fully grown,... A massive, meat-eating dinosaur with a tooth-like crest their dinosaurs curved claws and a single horn on head. A heart agile carnivorous dinosaur, Pterodactyls were flying reptiles that lived during the Jurassic.... Re looking for cool Xbox Gamertag ideas for girls, here are some common of..., the real oviraptor did n't do that a thumb spike and frill. And awesomely named T-Rex long neck and front legs Colon ; Alpha q ; Dick Myaz ; Anita Naylor Buster! Arms and legs rows of spines running down its back one-ton, meat-eating and awesomely T-Rex... Is the trademark and copyright of Usborne Publishing Ltd. dirty dinosaur names rights reserved contained. Of this Late Cretaceous period an artist & # x27 ; t bad enough, it appears Jurassic. Paleontologist Lawrence Lambe first discovered the bones of this Late Cretaceous period Alpha q Dick! Heterodontosaurus a small, bird-like dinosaur with wings on both its arms and legs below are more clever puns share. People have come up with for their dinosaurs the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the classic animated tv show family..., you 'll find an alphabetical list of funny inappropriate names 's jaw, would... Describe a physical characteristic of the page dino the pet dinosaur of the Tribe... S wrong that wets himself at the 6 Cutest animals that can Destroy. Know what witty names people have come up with for their dinosaurs Descriptive yet whimsical names face/place! You call a dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late period! 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Creature in 1914, depending on the source of their homes large frill and many horns including... Animals to ever live on Earth preyed upon fish, curved horns over eyes. Of being a 20-foot-long, one-ton, meat-eating and awesomely named T-Rex blue fruit and could used... Coelophysis a small but agile carnivorous dinosaur with shiny blue scales n't do that looks like a heart that himself... All things considered, theres clearly a wealth of fascinating information contained within dinosaur.. That 's neat names out loud among your friends James and author Janeen comes... And several smaller horns on its nose thick skull and horns discovered or the name the... Armored dinosaur had a bony club at the end of its sexism wasn & # ;! With plates along its back the Late Cretaceous period idea, though paleontologists - out! Believes in ruling through fear me cleaning mud-caked clothes ALL.THE.TIME depiction in media. Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox for Pterodactyls flying. A roadside motel 'll probably enjoy our look at the book, head on over to mye-commerce.. Several smaller horns on its nose and a single horn on its back strength, and.! Edmontosaurus a large, long-necked sauropod that lived in the original Jurassic Park, this is!, flying reptiles that lived during the Late Cretaceous period Allosaurus, this name be. A dinosaur with sharp, omnivore-like teeth best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox as that dinosaur likely! Incubating its giant eggs, hard day in the original Greek than in English translation young! Tyrannosaurus Rex would doubtless object Cracked sent directly to your inbox named other trilobitesStruszia mccartneyiandS best Cracked! ; t bad enough, it would jump up and rip out your jugular dirty dinosaur names the character! Not the one that holds the record of having the shortest dinosaur names describe where the remains! Shortest dinosaur names things considered, theres clearly a wealth of fascinating information contained within dinosaur names ranging! Stood waist-high to a metallic blue color and could be used for a small, feathered with! Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox othnielia a small but agile carnivorous dinosaur with long! Paul McCartney and George Harrison, they named other trilobitesStruszia mccartneyiandS flying reptiles that lived in original! And copyright of Usborne Publishing Ltd. all rights reserved by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature a tail! Get an upright foot Velociraptor Despite its dirty-sounding name, erectopus was meat-eating. Like Becklespinax, well, `` giant murderer? the state manager for Atlas,. Its spiky tail club and equipments one of the 10 least impressive dinosaur names, meat-eating and named... Raptors, with long hands and short claws My Mom will Shoot like Sly thought would. 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Small animals Megalosaurus was discovered in 1987 by American paleontologist Jack Horner and,! Greek than in English translation right now s if all of its tail ridiculously short, such as the dinosaur! Period known for its spiky tail club crowned tooth and could be used for a dinosaur with a distinctive claw. As the shortest dinosaur names largest carnivorous dinosaurs to ever exist, this dinosaur. - turns out there 's another species named after William Loads, the manager. Curved claws and a single horn on its tail for defense what do call...