St. Cecilia Motherhouse is located a half mile from downtown Nashville, easily accessible from Interstates 65, 24, and 40. We have been visiting the Blue Mountains since we first arrived in Sydney. 1 cup of the unbleached flour, and the cooled oat mixture to the yeast. On a Nun Runfor young women considering a religious vocation, the Dominicanswere one of the communities the group visited, she said. 3173 or email Ed.D., University of Memphis The community continued to grow and by the late 1880s, it was necessary to build not only an extension to the convent but also the school. This grace-filled gathering came to Sydney, Australia in 2008, with the world convening on the beautiful shores of the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit to welcome Pope Benedict XVI and the youth of the world. In each place they are sent, the sisters seek to serve the Churchs mission of the New Evangelization. Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia elect prioress general, councilors August 22, 2018 The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation have elected Mother Anna Grace Neenan, OP, to lead the religious community for the next six years as the prioress general. Dr. Donlon is a native Nashvillian, and married to David (Geometry teacher at St. Cecilia Academy) and has 3 children Mollie, Jack, and Thomas. In 1944 his heir, Colum Crichton-Stuart donated the convent to the Sisters of Mercy with the provision that should they leave, the property would pass into the hands of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen. RELATED COVERAGE: Sisters are doin it for sake of others (SMH), Numerous Australian women have joined the Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia since their arrival in Australia and interested women can contact Sr Mary Rachel OP at Patrick Feehan, then Bishop of Nashville, joined with some friends to purchase the property, immediately returning it to the Sisters. However, unlike many other groups, the Nashville Dominicans decided to retain the wearing of a religious habit, in a slightly modified form. To learn more about the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, visit This is the culmination of the preceding years. The attractionThat desire is what drew first-year postulant Sister Zandra Man into the order. 'A Guide to Religious Ministries For Catholic Men and Women New Rochelle, NY: Catholic News, 2018, Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, "Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 915", Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia official website, Vatican Website: Catechism of the Catholic Church, Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Monastic Family of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint Bruno, Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word, Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Congregation of the Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God, Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Oblate Sisters of the Virgin Mary of Fatima, Order of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa (SCCG), Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods,, Religious organizations established in 1860, Catholic religious institutes established in the 19th century, Short description is different from Wikidata, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Religious Order of Pontifical Right (for Women), 801 Dominican Drive, Nashville, Tennessee, Education, campus ministry, nursing, hosting retreats, Hispanic evangelization, This page was last edited on 25 January 2023, at 09:12. She has taught classes in general education, special education, and applied behavior analysis in higher education institutes since 2005. The average of new entrants here is 23. When Sister Mariam recited her profession of vows, she did it first in English and then in Arabic. PHOTO: Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia. Their monastic practices that allow them the space to listen to God. They are: Bishop J. Sister Elena Marie Piteo, O.P. Sr Moana Grace OP after taking her First Vows in Nashville, Tennesse. Her Ph.D. is in Mathematics Education at Middle Tennessee State University. CATHOLIC PASTORAL CENTER 2800 MCGAVOCK PIKE | NASHVILLE, TN, 37214-1402. Sister Moana Grace Taufa'ao OP, a former parishioner at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish . She notes the Dominican Order was founded during an equally turbulent social period and stresses sacrificial service to others. Mark Spalding (Bishop of the Diocese of Nashville), Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain (retried Archbishop of Seattle), and Most Reverend David Talley (Bishop of the Diocese of Memphis). Sister Mary Angela, O.P. She then spent four years directing research projects in the areas of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, reading and writing strategies for students at risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, and prevention of behavior problems. Sister Alma Marie is the daughter of Richard and Stephanie Learner,also parishioners at St.Peters. The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia are dedicated to the apostolate of Catholic education. A typical weekday may follow the following schedule: The Sisters rise at 5:00am and begin 30 minutes of meditation at 5:30am. The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia are seeing a boom in new young sisters: Twenty-seven joined this year and 90 entered over the past five years. M.A., Middle Tennessee State University The Congregation of St. Cecilia, commonly known as the Nashville Dominicans, is a religious institute of the Roman Catholic Church located in Nashville, Tennessee. "[7] Sister Monica Marie is currently serving at the St. Cecilia Motherhouse in the Office of Mission Advancement. This is the first stage, during which a young woman corresponds with the Congregation, has various conversations with the director of vocations, participates in a retreat and undergoes a psychological evaluation. [6] For the Catholic Church the "perfection of charity, to which all the faithful are called, entails for those who freely follow the call to consecrated life the obligation of practicing chastity in celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom, poverty and obedience. Get The Southern Cross delivered straight to your inbox twice per month. Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia in Australia. She came to Nashville seven years ago to join the congregation and begin the formation that led to her perpetual profession of vows. "Its just a really great, a springtime for the church I suppose," she says. As a college student, she met them again at Theology on Tap events and started to get to know them. . "Sister Zandra was also intrigued by the full, head-to-toe white habits worn by the Nashville Dominicans, a traditional form of dress no longer practiced by many Catholic orders. "[5] M.A.T., Aquinas College This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Postulancy begins when the young woman enters the convent and is given a modified version of the religious habit. This year we had 27 young women enter. They remained, where today theyserve as teachers, their main apostolate, and in university chaplaincies. Throughout the year, the sisters host vocation retreats, retreats for women of all ages (Encountering Christ womens retreats), and days of recollection. He is glad to know about the sisters and be able to tell more people the photographs backstory. Sister is passionate about helping educators in seeking the truth about the whole human person including the cognitive-linguistic-intellectual, volitional, moral, spiritual, social and emotional components that is aimed at true flourishing. Sister Anna Kolbe Brown, O.P.,a former parishioner of St. John the Evangelist Church in Westminster, Maryland,in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Our Lady Queen of Preachers House of Studies. to attend Mass with our dear friend Cardinal Pell, followed by a lovely dinner. World Youth Days have become a great gift to the Church and lasting legacy of St. John Paul II. M.A., Austin Peay State University Founded in 1860 in Nashville, Tennessee, the Congregation of Saint Cecilia todaynumbers 300 Sisters. St. Cecilias in Nashville, Tennessee looks and sounds much as it has since its founding 150 years ago. Ph.D., Middle Tennessee State University Theirreally strong community life and the personalities of the individual sisters, she said. In 2018, the community opened houses in Melbourne, Australia; and Bremerton, Washington. [2] After the battle, the new community took on the responsibility of caring for numerous children at a nearby orphanage. Sister graduated from Aquinas College with a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and a license in elementary education. Bishop J. Sister Cecilia Anne has experience teaching at the elementary, secondary, and collegiate levels. Director of the Center for Catholic Education. The Congregation is grateful to be serving in the Archdioceses of Sydney and Melbourne. In 1867, the year in which the community welcomed its first postulant, debts were so serious that the property was put up for public auction. The Voice of Tennessee Catholic Life since 1937. "It was very easy for me to choose the Nasvhille Dominicans because theyre so happyand theyre a teaching order too, and working with children," says Sister Zandra. For other uses, see St John Paul II Catholic School (disambiguation). The community prospered to such an extent that, just before the onset of the Great Depression, it was able to purchase prime Nashville land that would later become the site of Aquinas College, Overbrook School and St. Cecilia Academy. It is also possible that a sister may begin teaching during this period if she has previously obtained her certification.[8]. Two years later, the new community witnessed the US Civil War at the Battle of Nashville in December 1864. 801 Dominican Drive "By religious profession, members assume the observance of the three evangelical counsels by public vow, are consecrated to God through the ministry of the Church, and are incorporated into the institute. Dr. Donlon teaches Methods in Teaching Language Arts, Social Studies, and Culture, Childrens Literature, Speech, and Drama, Methods of Instruction for Secondary Teachers, and Modes of Instruction. Dr. Annette Little taught special education classes in residential treatment centers, public schools, and alternative schools for eight years before moving into higher education. The Three Sisters, the Blue Mountains. In addition to the sisters making perpetual profession of vows, six sisters professed their first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience with the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia on August 10, 2022. The sisters combine a monastic communal lifestyle of contemplation in the Dominican tradition with an active apostolate in Catholic education. They have also been blessed with opportunities to travel throughout Australia, New Zealand, and beyond, attending retreats, witnessing to religious life, and giving talks. Today, the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Congregationlive out this mission through a life of prayer, study and community, which nourishesa contemplative spirit and bears fruit in their teaching apostolate. Sister AnnaMaria isthe daughter of Michael and Laura Schreyer, also parishioners at Sacred Heart. Our Lady Queen of Preachers House of Studies. In 2013, the sisters launched an online educational program entitled the Virtues in Practice Program. Sister Cecilia Klein, O.P., a native of Akron, was among six Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia who professed perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience during a Mass on July 26. Arlington, VA Atlanta, GA Baltimore, MD Birmingham, AL Charleston, SC Cincinnati, OH Dallas, TX Denver, CO Galveston-Houston, TX Gaylord, MI Joliet, IL Knoxville, TN Lafayette, IN Louisville, KY Memphis, TN Nashville, TN Phoenix, AZ Providence, RI Richmond, VA Rome (Italy) St. Louis, MO St. Paul & Minneapolis, MN Vancouver, BC (Canada) Washington, DC. The community of just over 300 sisters serves in 41 schools throughout the United States, with mission houses also in Australia, Canada, Italy, Scotland, the Netherlands, and Ireland. Our sisters have instilled our community with role . Facebook The Congregation is grateful to be serving in the Archdioceses of Sydney and Melbourne. Two sisters are teaching at St. Anthony Primary School in Melton South and sister teaches at Catholic Regional College in Melton. Sister Anna Kolbe is the daughter of Dave and Donna Brown, parishioners at St.Louise de MarillacChurchin the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is a member of the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, one of the two organizations which represent women religious in the United States (the other is the Leadership Conference of Women Religious). Aquinas College welcomes all students regardless of race, color, ethnicity, or national origin who desire to be part of the faith-based mission of the College to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the College. In 1860, the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia was established in Nashville, where its Motherhouse is located. She was attracted by the pleasure the sisters appeared to take in their work and in their apparent devotion to serving children. 615.251.0053 The six sistersmade their profession of vows before an audience of family, friends and fellow Dominican Sisters. Nashville, TN 37228 In 2018 at the General Chapter the period of novitiate was extended to two years novitiate It follows postulancy. The Lord has chosen to call you to be that bride of Christ, that one to bring Christ to the classroom or another ministry he may call the sisters to, said Father Albert Trudel, O.P., the homilist for the Mass. As of 2018, the congregation has 300 sisters.[1]. Thus, the novices are given the opportunity for longer periods of prayer and spiritual reading, as well as silence, in order to reflect on the vocation God is offering and their response. Scriptures providing opportunities of growth this Lent, Dear brothers and sisters Bishop Vincents homily for 26, Catholic Diocese of Parramatta Services Limited, A Catholic community gives thanks for St Josephine Bakhita, Dear brothers and sisters Bishop Vincents homily for 22, Catholic schools looking out for future generations at Project Compassion, Dear friends Bishop Vincents homily for 19 February 2023, Trinity Catholic College, Regents Park/Auburn, Melbourne convent of Dominican Sisters of St Cecilia, Sisters are doin it for sake of others (SMH), Pope: We need courage to dream a different economy serving, Pope: We need courage to dream a different economy serving all. Sister Mariam, who grew up in Sydney, Australia, as a member of a family from Lebanon, represents the increasingly international flavor of the congregation that was founded in 1860 in Nashville. In the mid-1860s, Nashville suffered a particularly serious outbreak of cholera. "[9] Thus, the Nashville Dominicans pursue ongoing formation and study throughout all their lives. The program covers 27 virtues over a three-year cycle, with 81 saints held up as models of the virtues. Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Congregation Official page of the Nashville Dominicans 1860 Sign up to receive our email newsletters: Eight centuries ago St. Dominic de Guzman, inspired b See more 18,734 people like this 19,508 people follow this [ 8 ] AnnaMaria isthe daughter of Richard and Stephanie Learner, parishioners... May follow the following schedule: the sisters appeared to take in their devotion... Great gift to the church I suppose, '' she says people the photographs backstory postulant sister Zandra into... Her perpetual profession of vows before an audience of family, friends and fellow Dominican sisters of St. Paul. Given a modified version of the unbleached flour, and in University chaplaincies immediately returning to... 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