All travelers flying the route from Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) to Denver International Airport (DEN) can enjoy everything from short-term parking and long-term parking to valet parking at LAS airport. Star Alliance is the only airline alliance operating flights between Las Vegas and Denver. ", "Ease of check-in, friendly staff, clean plane, smooth flight. App. For airport or terminal information, visit the airport terminal information tab on the left or visit our Airport Information page. ", "Excellent flight crew was helpful answering questions got safe and happy to my destination thank you for the service", "Seats are comfortable with sufficient leg room. Travelers can use either public transportation, ride-share services, or taxi services. Las Vegas (LAS) Frontier Airlines #773 : A38: On Time: 10:45 am: Las Vegas (LAS) Southwest Airlines #1423 : C66: On Time: 11:31 am: Las Vegas (LAS) United . Funny, help full, accommodating! Search. wtf??) Frontier Airlines A Scheduled - On-time [+] Las Vegas (LAS) 04:42 pm F9776 Frontier Airlines A Scheduled - On-time [+] Milwaukee (MKE) 05:01 pm F9435 Frontier Airlines A Scheduled - On-time [+] Dallas (DFW) 05:28 pm F9505 Frontier Airlines A Scheduled - On-time [+] San Diego (SAN) 05:31 pm F9552 Frontier Airlines A Scheduled - On-time [+] @media (min-width: 992px) { ", "In both going on vacation and coming home there was a 2 plus hour delay both time for no reason. ; The route will be operated on Airbus A320neo aircraft with a capacity of 186 seats in a single configuration and promotional fares are available from USD 147 each way.. Denver (DEN) This Friday, Frontier began operations between Denver (DEN) and Montego Bay (MBJ), the only airline to connect the state . ("undefined"!=typeof FormData&&t instanceof FormData))try{return JSON.stringify(t).length}catch(e){return}}}},{}],22:[function(t,e,n){var r=0,o=navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/);o&&(r=+o[1]),e.exports=r},{}],23:[function(t,e,n){function r(){return c.exists&& Date).getTime(),i))-a}function o(){return i}var i=(new Date).getTime(),a=i,c=t(31);e.exports=r,e.exports.offset=a,e.exports.getLastTimestamp=o},{}],24:[function(t,e,n){function r(t){return! The Airbus A320neo is the aircraft model that flies most regularly on the Las Vegas to Denver flight route. Flight price didnt include cary on lufadge and it wasnt shown. You can then pick the flights that suit you best. For Sale Today - Limited Seats Left! Roughest landing ever on a plane. Flight status is not available at this time, please check back later. Also, the airport runs a bus line, SkyRide, which operates until midnight. Roundtrip One-way Multi-city 1 traveler Economy Leaving from Going to Departing Returning Add a place to stay Add a car Direct flights only Cheap Flights from Harry Reid Intl. I ultimately paid $85 for baggage which didn't make up for the difference of ticket price from other airlines. Show all airlines instead Destination Duration Weekdays Miles Price In a market where check in bags and choosing seats are sadly common fees, paying an outrageous $40 for a carry on bag is a new low in customer service offered. Fares From. Cities with daily nonstop flights Monday through Friday to DEN. Search for the best airfare deals, compare plane ticket prices and book airline tickets, flights schedule for 2020. . Pool also out service. ", "We were able to take off a bit early and we came in to Denver at least 20 min early. Prices and availability subject to change. Slow boarding and deplaning. Skip to main content. baggage fees, seat fees, check-in at airport fees). No snacks, even soft drinks were for purchase. The airline also announced it plans to add 149 new aircraft to its fleet, scheduled to arrive between this year . Frontier Airlines Flight Schedule Today. 2023 Travelscape LLC, an Expedia Group Company. } Boston to Montego Bay . Passengers can also access taxi and ride-share services from Level 5 of Jeppesen Terminal. _trfx = { Search. Official Website of Denver International Airport. Frontier Airlines flights from Las Vegas to Denver - 28. T The staff friendly, but should smile!! I had to quit and start over to try to work around the less than obvious pitfalls. On average, tickets were most expensive for Saturday departures, so if you need to fly out on a weekend, you might look for deals ahead of time. })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-TBBV55');(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':
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Enter the destination city of the trip. At Travelocity our vast and up-to-the-minute inventory putsall ofour best flight deals in one place. Compare ticket fares and find the right price for your next trip. ", "The plane was clean and the rise was quick and safe", "The flight was delayed but that was not communicated. Getting to downtown Denver from Denver International Airport is easy. For Sale Today - Limited Seats Left! Frontier unveils 20 new routes, including a direct flight from Denver to Central America Most of the new flights for Denver-based low-cost carrier will fly out of Florida airports You can fly in Economy and Business Class. Outbound direct flight with Frontier Airlines departing from Las Vegas Harry Reid International on Wed, Mar 8, arriving in Denver International. I know they were just doing their job, but the two sales reps at the booth were so pushy that I saw people actively avoiding that walkway and having to ask the attendants to stop pressuring them to sign up for a card. Check the table below for F9779's most recent flight history: The new flights to Mexico represent Frontier's commitment to expanding travel opportunities to exciting destinations while maintaining its 'Low Fares Done Right' approach. ", "The crew did an awesome job. ", "WILL NOT FLY THEM AGAIN THEY CHARGE FOR CARRY ON TRAVELER BEWARE YOU WILL PAY MORE FOR YOUR TICKET AS MY HUSBAND WERE CHARGED FOR BREIF CAST AND TWO CARRY ON'S", "Horrible airline. But what can you expect for the cost? 119 *. ", "Paying extra for what would have been a carry on for UA or AA", "Nothing, service when we got to the airport was terrible we have been charged for 40 dollars extra for our lugagges for nothing. The airline plans to begin flying from Durango-La Plata County Airport to McCarran International . That did not bother me but I cannot give a score of anything except the lowest possible score since it was not provided free of charge. They were able to get it started and we were able to fly. Official Website of Denver International Airport. Thanks to TravelocitysPrice Match Promise, if you find a betterairfare dealanywhere else within 24 hours, well credit or refund the difference. Period. I couldn't even get a cup of water without shelling out $3. } Couldn't believe them. ", "Price and boarding process quick and easy. today. CST# 2056372-50. To Selector collapsed. Carry on bag $50, water and a snack $10. Traveling on business? The $19 flights to and from Las Vegas are the best deals in the sale. However, local authorities might ask for an official ID. Learn what we are doing to ensure your peace of mind. Denver (DEN) 01:15 pm AS682. Booking your flights between Las Vegas and DEN can sometimes prove cheaper using this method. (m[v]("DOMContentLoaded",i,!1),h[v]("load",r,!1)):(m[w]("onreadystatechange",o),h[w]("onload",r)),c("mark",["firstbyte",a.getLastTimestamp()],null,"api");var N=0}},{}],"wrap-function":[function(t,e,n){function r(t,e){function n(e,n,r,s,f){function nrWrapper(){var i,a,u,l;try{a=this,i=d(arguments),u="function"==typeof r?r(i,a):r||{}}catch(p){o([p,"",[i,a,s],u],t)}c(n+"start",[i,a,s],u,f);try{return l=e.apply(a,i)}catch(h){throw c(n+"err",[i,a,h],u,f),h}finally{c(n+"end",[i,a,l],u,f)}}return a(e)?e:(n||(n=""),nrWrapper[l]=e,i(e,nrWrapper,t),nrWrapper)}function r(t,e,r,o,i){r||(r="");var c,s,f,u="-"===r.charAt(0);for(f=0;f