You may believe it will help to prevent gender stereotyping or sexism in your childs future. Atlas 4. Amber was encouraged to sing in the Mens Choir for vocal range, but did not identify with that ensemble. 763-566-1460 | Toll-free 888-678-6632 Make audition materials trans friendly. This is likely due to the creative freedom and wanting a memorable or catchy name that will stick in the minds of your audience. French for The Arts Flourishing, this is an acclaimed and worldwide early music group. Naming your baby is a special part of welcoming a new member to your family, and choosing the perfect moniker might take some time. Bai - This Chinese name means pure. Refer to singers by their voice (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) rather than genders. Explaining how these changes create a safer and more welcoming environment for all singers and why that is important to your choir can be an effective strategy with those who raise concerns. Please consult our Resource List for Welcoming Transgender Singers companion, compiled by Ari Agha. 11). There are a number of terms people use to identify their gender. Lily: Nothing. Fun Fact: Tom Sawyer is a classic American fictional character created by Mark Twain. For example: The Sixteen This group were originally an unnamed choir of sixteen good friends who decided to name themselves after the number of members, this UK choir is now one of the best in the world. *This piece was originally published in the Spring 2017 volume of the Interval. Keep reading to discover beautiful names that work for both genders! Fun Fact: Raggedy Andy is a doll and book character. Beemyn, G., & Rankin, S. R. (2011). Our working together has made me aware of how much I dont know. For example, is there already a choir with the same name? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Judge and Barrister wigs. A unisex name might be the best choice if you don't know the gender of your baby or you'd like to give your little one a moniker that doesn't evoke a feminine or masculine feeling. Fun Fact: Storm is a powerful fictional character and member of the X-Men who can control the weather. The Transgender Singing Voice Conference was held at Earlham College in January 2017, and the Trans Voices Festival hosted by One Voice Mixed Chorus will take place April 13 and 14, 2018, in Minneapolis. Joshua received hisPh.Din music education (choral conducting cognate) from Michigan State University; his dissertation explored the experiences of three transgender students in high school choral programs. He is Raggedy Anns brother and a member of the National Toy Hall of Fame. Are you looking for a nonbinary name for either yourself or your child? At MSU, he studied conducting with Dr. Sandra Snow, Dr. Jonathan Reed, and Dr. David Rayl, and received a university-wide award for his work on LGBTQ inclusion in choral music education. In a large-scale study of nearly 3,500 transgender people, participants used 603 unique identifiers to describe their gender identity (Beemyn & Rankin, 2011). It was mortifying. I distinctly remember putting the dress on for the first time, and I felt sick tomy stomach. After this stage, there are other practical considerations before you go ahead with the final decision. Here are the best unisex baby names and gender-neutral names, suitable for both boys and girls in 2023. There are pros and cons of choosing arbitrary choir names, some examples of these types of choir names look odd and could be a name for anything out of context meaning people may not realise what your choir is about. Fun Fact: In Welsh myths, Dylan ail Don was a sea-god. The most important thing is that choral conductor-teachers take the time to consider these issues and that they beunafraid to have conversations about gender and how it plays out in the choral environment. singers. Now I am nally seated in the tenor section. In rehearsal, I sometimes find myself saying gentlemen, Thomas admits. It is one of my favorite things to bond over. Many practices that have traditionally been part of choral culture can be alienating and harmful for trans singers. Once you have a list of your top three or so its time to test it on the public. Social Security Administration. They might be at the other end of the country. Daniella Amato is a biomedical scientist and fact checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research. I want to t in with all others, male and female, regardless of what section I sing in. In contrast, the voices of AMABs who take estrogen do not typically get higher. Resource List for Welcoming Transgender Singers. Fun Fact: John Lennon is one of the co-founders of the English rock band The Beatles. Yau also notes the names that have switched the most, ping-ponging back . I was eager to join the group in our performance at the nationalACDA conference. London, Lennon, or Greer? Its important to see how both singers and non-singers alike react. Consider the implications of gendered language in chorus names, 5. Here are some steps your chorus can take to avoid them. There may, in fact, be transgender singers in your chorus, even though you dont know it. Once you know the meaning of the word, this name makes perfect sense for a choir! You might not want to sound too trendy, or you might really want your choir name to roll off the tongue. I am grateful for these students with whom I work. Fun Fact: A quidditch player named Aidan appears in one of the books of the hugely popular Harry Potter series. I started singing in choir in 8th grade. Professional conversations throughout choral music education are focused on the semantics of being inclusive. The reeds come from certain types of plants. Gender-neutral names are super popular right now, but that doesn't mean you won't find a unique name for your new baby on this list. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Check out the most popular unisex baby name ideas. Jamie is an alto by vocal range and currently sings in and is President of the Womens Choir. While its not appropriate to ask a trans person if they are taking hormones, consider asking auditioning singers (trans and cis) if they are, or expect to be, going through a vocal transition in the coming year. The important thing is to choose the name that you feel best suits your child. Getting ready for little Jayden or sweet Finleys big arrival? And, does that matter? Fun Fact: Winter is a famous dolphin and star of the movie Dolphin Tale. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. If all these considerations have got you overwhelmed, just take a moment and, as you would prepare to sing a note fortissimo, breathe! There are good days and bad days, but in the end, choir will always be worth it. When posting for singer auditions keep language about voice parts gender-neutral. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Encore Tours Accept Read More. This can be a fun and inclusive way to involve the entire choir in choosing choir names. Nothing. Unique gender-neutral baby names Amari eternal/immortal Amory home strength/ruler Brooklyn one who lives near a brook/a borough in New York City Campbell from the beautiful field Clay to stick together Easton from the east town Eden place of pleasure Ember spark/burning low Grayson son of the steward Grey grey-haired/pleasant Fun Fact: Finley is the name of Elvis Presleys granddaughter. You may believe theres no need to work on gender inclusion because there arent any transgender singers in your chorus, or maybe because youre not an LGBTQ+ ensemble. What are some additional unique gender-neutral names? Keep the cool and vintage sounds going with the following unisex baby names! Everybody has to be on the same page, and that starts with a stated intention, says Danielle Steele, interim director of choral activities at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. For all of us, but especially singers, voice is critical to our identity. Lily currently sings tenor in the Concert Choir. Fun Fact: In medieval times, Noel was often given to a child born around Christmas. Plus, you can also pick any name you want for your child, regardless of the gender it is typically associated with. There is a sense of honesty in choral music that is important, says Timothy Shantz, chorus master of the Calgary Philharmonic Chorus in Calgary, Alberta. Fun Fact: Blair Castle is a historical castle in Blair Atholl, Scotland. Thomas admits she was once one of those who would just go with the status quo but she found that one day it hits you upside the head. She remembers thinking to herself, If I was a new singer moving to Seattle and I wanted to audition for choirs, I wouldnt audition for my own choir because I dont want to wear a dress. With the help of a singer task force, the chorus has since created new, more gender-inclusive guidelines for attire along with other adjustments to welcome trans singers. They are guidelines for creating more space, to make room for singers to bring their whole, authentic selves to your chorus and the music you make together. If you still need some inspiration, weve added more names below, for more than 150 unisex baby name options! For many of us, choruses arewhere we come together to make music and feel like were part of a welcomingcommunity. 2). Be knowledgeable about transgender singing voices. Fun Fact: August is from the name Augustus, the first Roman Emperor. Fun Fact: Sasha Williams is a firefighter turned sniper on the TV series The Walking Dead. Making this choice early on works to focus your naming efforts and help steer the process of deciding on choir names. Seattle Pro Musica rebranded its small ensembles. Fun Fact: Marin Boulevard is a main road in Jersey City, New Jersey. Discuss what type of name you think most suits your choir brand. 2012-2023, Chorus America. Here is a list of 75 of our favorite nonbinary names. Fun Fact: Skylar is a character portrayed by Minnie Driver in the 1997 movie Good Will Hunting. Fun Fact: River has appeared as a name in "Doctor Who," "Firefly," and the Harry Potter series. If youre planning on keeping your performances small scale and local, then a conflict in names with another choir shouldnt be too problematic. Meanings, origins, popularity, and variations for 100 gender-neutral names. What do we call our choirs? Fun Fact: In the Indian culture, there's a similar name, Kiran, which means ray of light. All Rights Reserved. Your email address will not be published. Be aware of how top dysphoria and chest binding can affect breathing. Jordan. I sincerely hope that you will take some time to consider how to include all singers. Fun Fact: Alex is the name of the African lion who escapes from New Yorks Central Park Zoo in the animated film Madagascar. Uniforms. So, if you do choose this type of name, your child will surely know other kids with unisex names, too. Not everyone who looks like a man wants to be referred to as he, and not everyone who looks like a woman likes to be called she. Getting pronouns right is a crucial part of affirming someones gender identity. Inquire about their medical transition if applicable. No wonder then, that peoples nerves often set in when they start overthinking about choir name ideas. There truly is no shortage of options for good gender-neutral baby names. Lily was encouraged to sing in the Mens Choir for vocal range, but did not identify with that ensemble. Fun Fact: Cassidy is the name of a song by The Grateful Dead. Remember, your choirs name must embody your choirs spirit. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Awareness of our students gender identity and potential issues originating in traditional choral settings are a current concern for many choral directors. AERO AINSLEY ALEXIS AMARI ANGEL ARDEN ARI ARIEL ARMANI ARTEMIS ASHTON AUBREY AUGUST AVERY BECKETT BELLAMY BLAKE BRIAR CAMERON/KAMRYN CARTER/KARTER CHANDLER CHARLIE DAKOTA DALLAS DARCY DENVER DIOR DREW DYLAN EASTON ECHO EDEN ELLIOTT ELLIS EMERSON EMERY/EMORY EZRA FALLON FINLEY FRANKIE GENESIS sang in the Varsity Womens Choir with Lily last year. Audition materials are a key source of information about your chorus, so it is important that they include a trans-affirming statement (see No. However . It's important to note that certain names have different meanings in other languages. When choosing choir names such as these, its important to make sure outsiders will understand that your name is actually a choir. Fun Fact: Dr. Leslie Winkle is a recurring character on the TV show The Big Bang Theory. As a genderqueer person, someone who is not either a man or a woman, I myself have experienced gender dysphoriabecause of my involvement in choral singing. Your name is often the first taste people get of your choirs purpose and personality. We cant stay the same. Fun Fact: Lois Lane is a well-known comic book character and Supermans romantic partner. Asher - This Hebrew name means blessed or happy. Fun Fact: London Bridge Is Falling Down is a traditional childrens song and game. this literally means the style of simultaneously combining a number of parts, each forming an individual melody and harmonizing with each other. William Sauerland, who teaches at Chabot College in Hayward, California, is focusing his dissertation on the teaching of transgender singers. Reconsider the names of your ensembles to match the identity of the ensemble. I spent hours carefullycrafting an email to my conductor asking to wear a tuxedo instead, explaining that I would not be comfortable in my own skin while wearing a dress. Jamie: Im afraid of losing my range and my voice becoming scratchy and hard to sing with and losing my vibrato/voice quality that Ive worked very hard for. I was always an alto. Arden: An English name meaning "valley of the eagle," but it also has origins in Hebrew as a word for the garden of Eden. It grows in the colder regions of the northern hemisphere. Some Examples of descriptive choir names are: As simple as descriptive names might be for your choir, there are a variety of different ways you can express your choirs message. Instead of "women's" or "men's" choruses they are called "soprano-alto" or "tenor-bass." "It's cumbersome," says Thomas, "but at least it addresses the issue, and maybe in a couple years, language will have evolved and we'll have shorter, easier names." Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. Ensembles can clarify who is welcome with language like open to all self-identified women or open to all cis and trans men and nonbinary people.. There are lots of Global Harmonies out there for instance. This method is a favourite among barbershop quartets and a capella groups, fanciful choir names are made of invented words or phrases put together that could have no inherent meaning other than the one assigned to them by the choir. Here are just a few examples from my list - Unique: Pax, Ever, Lennox, Hartley, Kit Polyphony this literally means the style of simultaneously combining a number of parts, each forming an individual melody and harmonizing with each other. Fun Fact: Devon is also the name of a county in England. Simply put, if you dont know, ask! But thats often not the case for singers who are transgender. We know that uncommon and unusual unisex names can be very appealing, so weve continued our list below. With so many pretty gender-neutral names out there, weve expanded the list below! It is the courtyard area that is surrounded and protected by strong walls. Fun Fact: An Orca whale named Morgan lives at Loro Parque in Spain. You may like the idea of a gender fluid name, or you could be thinking about how your kid's gender identity might evolve over time. Fun Fact: Carson Drew was the father of the famous fictional sleuth, Nancy Drew. Use gender neutral language in rehearsal and insist that all follow this expectation. Use gender neutral language in rehearsal and insist that all follow this expectation. Lambert identifies as a gay and bi-curious male; Levine is a straight male, who is open about and supportive of his brother's gay identity. Fun Fact: Brett is a nickname for an ingredient some brewers use to make their craft beer. Look no further, as we have compiled a list of 100 gender neutral baby names and their meanings. These two students have been abundantly patient, understanding, and gracious as we work through these years together. Fun Fact: Rain is not only a given name, but its also the name of a few places, books, movies, music groups, and many songs. Any time you work on behalf of the most marginalized population adds Steele, you are working on behalf of everyone.. When you first choose a name for your choir, youll need to decide whether you want to make it descriptive or non-descriptive. : I have always had a lower voice. But depending on the method used, tightness of the binder, how long its worn, and the age and experience of the singer, binding can also negatively affect breathing and, therefore, singing. Although their personal journeys and testimonies are different, they share common thoughts about singing in choir. Fun Fact: Chez Ashton is a fast food restaurant located in Quebec, Canada. Be knowledgeable about transgender singing voices. 3. Some parents love the idea of cool or vintage unisex baby names. Transgender people are not a monolithic groupit's hard to make simple recommendations that will serve all of them welland this list is by no means comprehensive. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Top Tip: Use your singers to help you with this by running a competition for your singers, whoever wins gets a prize of your choice. All singers should feel safe in our choirsregardless of gender identity. As a lifelong singer, what are your thoughts or concerns about your voice throughout this process of change? Having written statements, she stresses, can ensure clarity and accountability among all stakeholders. They can also include baby names traversing the traditional gender line, such . This leaves little room for confusion or doubt and means that audiences know what theyre in store for when they watch your choir perform. Inclusivity in action: Transgender students in the choral classroom. Lily currently sings tenor in the Concert Choir. 7). Jamie is an alto by vocal range and currently sings in and is President of the Womens Choir. Fun Fact: The name Emerson may also take inspiration from the American writer, poet, and thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson. Fun Fact: Jo March is one of the main characters in Louisa May Alcotts Little Women. These names are a little tougher to create but if you make sure your listeners understand the context surrounding your choirs name, you are onto a winner. The series begins with the 1976 classic novel Interview with the Vampire. Fun Fact: Sloan is the name of a rock band from Canada. Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S. Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in the U.S. Why do they wear them? How to Become a Barrister: 6 Things You What to Expect from Your Winter Graduation. The descriptive nature of these types of choir names is that straight away anyone hearing or reading your name will know the style of and, often, the location of your choir. We also offer a bespoke service to personalise your robes with a name to remember. If you have further questions, please email me at or visit While it can seem challenging to completely make up a new word, there are simple ways to form a fanciful choir name for your singing group. Fun Fact: In ancient Egypt, Shai (Shay) was the God of Fate and Destiny. Choral teachers should refer to sections, not genders, says Palkki in his 2017 Choral Journal article Inclusivity in Action: Transgender Students in the Choral Classroom, because not everyone who sings soprano or alto is a woman, and not everyone who sings tenor or bass is a man. From having the location at the start, leading with your singing style or including other descriptive factors for example if you are a signing choir or the Military Wives Choir. Jamie: Misgendering, difculties with breaks in voice, good and bad voice days, and uctuations in voice. In a past Choral Journal article, Jane Ramseyer Miller addresses the topic of Creating Choirs that Welcome Transgender SIngers. Regularly track a singer who is undergoing testosterone treatment. Kane 8. If youre looking for trendy, gender-neutral names, these monikers work for any gender. Fun Fact: Ryans Hope was an American Soap Opera that appeared on television from 1975 to 1989. Miller, J. R. (2016). They could wear a dress as wellI had the sense that they didnt want to stick out in the section, visually.. What are the challenges that you face in choir? Although focused on transgender singers, the following steps can help your chorus become more gender-inclusive, so that it is safe and affirming for all singers, of all genders. Fun Fact: Sydney is the largest city in Australia and a top tourist destination. Excluding gendered words from chorus names allows continued use of S/A or T/B repertoire. Vocal health shouldalwaysbe taken into consideration, of course, but the connection between the choral experience and gender identity may determine whether or not a student continues to sing in choir (Palkki, 2017, p. 25). Then Ill be like, Oops, tenors and basses, Im sorry. Even with the best intentions, missteps or oversights will occur. Assign sections based upon range and vocal color rather than gender. Or, if you want people to know that you only perform a particular genre, like an a cappella group. When Im in choir, differences dont matter; gender, race, sexual orientation, trans. Les Arts Florissants French for The Arts Flourishing, this is an acclaimed and worldwide early music group. For Sauerland, the uniform thing is just an utter no-brainer. The name, Sierra Nevada, means snow covered mountains. 2) Haruka, pronounced HA-ROO-KA meaning "spring" or "fragrance". Im proud of my singing voice, and the fact that it is higher than I want it to be doesnt change that I enjoy singing. Male and Female Clergy Shirts: How to Choose a Clerical Shirt, Nursery Graduation Outfit: How to Prepare Your Child For Graduation Day, 5 tips on How to Celebrate Graduation Day 2023. Was originally published in the tenor section use of S/A or T/B repertoire Walking Dead Flourishing, this makes... We have compiled a list of 100 gender neutral language in rehearsal and insist that follow. For Sauerland, who teaches at Chabot College in Hayward, California, is focusing his dissertation on the of. With each other means snow covered mountains to discover beautiful names that work for any.... Raggedy Anns brother and a top tourist destination for the Arts Flourishing, name. Ari Agha our identity jamie: Misgendering, difculties with breaks in voice, and! Also the name of a song by the grateful Dead in one of the African lion who from! 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