Language created by: Dothraki. Icelandic(slenska)is a North Germaniclanguagespoken in Iceland as its official language. Click where you'd like your item to go in the file and then select it from the Clipboard. The Hawaiian language is a Polynesian language that takes its name from Hawaii, the largest island in the tropical North Pacific archipelago where it developed. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." - Nelson Mandela. Dhivehi or Maldivian is an Indo-Aryan language spoken on the islands of Maldives where it is an official language. It is aKraDailanguageserving as acommon languageamong all citizens of Laos, who speak approximately 90 other languages, many of which are unrelated to Lao. Nauruan is an Austronesian language, spoken natively on the island country of Nauru by around 6,000 people. Hindi: namaste. It was the language of the Aztecs and the Toltecs. Here you can edit Your Name, Username and Bio. shukran. tec exclaim . It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Bhojpuri is an Indo-Aryan Bihari language, considered to be one of the most rapidly growing languages in the world, spoken by over 40 million speakers in northern-eastern India and the Terai region of Nepal. Good day or Hello languages /a > No in every language copy and paste >. Inuktitut is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken in Arctic territories and the topmost span of North America including Alaska and Northern Canada. It is closely related to Finnish. Finnish: Hei or Terve. Aleut or Unangam Tunuu is a member of the Eskimo-Aleut languagefamily, spoken by the Aleut people living on the Alaskan Peninsula, and on the Commander, Aleutian, and Pribilof Islands. FREELANG - HELLO in all languages. Nkore or Runyankore is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family spoken by approximately 2.3 million Nkore people of south-western Uganda. Just like up there an image you see it. Hofstede's Power Distance and Organizational Culture. Fancy letters for you to copy and paste! (Felan) is an informal way to say "bye" to friends. Aramaic is a member of the Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiaticlanguagefamily that originated among the Arameans in the ancient region of Syria. Some notable exceptions to this rule include Harry Potter, and Ginny Weasley. (Khoda hafez) is the most common way to say goodbye. It is mainly spoken in the Czech Republic with over 10,5 million speakers. This is a generator for text fonts of the "cool" variety. Mandink, also called Mandingo, is a member of the Manding branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Ky wa donna ichi-nichi deshita ka. >> Download our app and listen to the pronunciation. How to say Basic Phrases in 30 Different Languages. We've got an entire article dedicated to the most interesting and distinctive famous phrases from fictional languages here. French. Take the word that you use for the name of your scanner. Finns usually greet each other in an informal way, so you can use these greetings in 99% of all situations. Karelian is aFinno-Ugric language of the Uralic language family, spoken in Karelia republic of northwestern Russia. With only 57 languages in our list, it's just the tip of the iceberg - nowhere . Did you know that the 21st of November is World Hello Day? When the Roman Empire collapsed, Latin evolved into the various languages that we know today. It is spoken in the Friuli region of northeastern Italy with around 600,000 total speakers. Your email address will not be published. Informal: Habari, Hujambo, Formal: Dzie dobry Say "goodbye" in Spanish. Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and both the most widely-spoken and best-known member of the Mongolic language family. 1929 wheat penny. Malayalam() belongs to the Dravidian language family, spoken mostly in the Southern Indian states ofKeralaandLakshadweep. In a different language hello in Burmese is: Burmese is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in Myanmar where it is an official language and the language of the Bamar people, the countrys principal ethnic group. Clipboard. Croatianor Hrvatski is a South Slaviclanguagespoken mainly inCroatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,some parts of Serbia,and the neighbouring countries by about 5.5 million people.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'araioflight_com-portrait-1','ezslot_27',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-portrait-1-0'); Czech is a Western Slavic language which is mutually intelligible with Slovak. , also known as Bisaya or Binisaya, is an Austronesian language spoken in the southern Philippines region in Central Visayas, western parts of Eastern Visayas and the majority of Mindanao. The paste offset seems to be 10 pixels right, and 10 pixels down. Your email address will not be published. Tamilis a Dravidianlanguagespoken in southern India, Sri Lanka and Singapore by about 67.5 million people. Klingonis alanguagethat was made for theKlingonsin theStar Trekmovie. Arabic. Dylan lives in New York City. It belongs to the Western branch of theChadic languagefamily within theAfro-Asiatic languagephylum. The first steps: click the windows icon at bottom left,then Settings, Time and Language, Preferred languages. Asturian is a West Iberian Romance language spoken by around 400,000 people in Asturias, Spain.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'araioflight_com-leader-2','ezslot_18',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-leader-2-0'); Australia has no official language, however Australian English is the variety of English spoken here. Theres a strong spiritual element in the greeting. Au revoir is the most common way to say goodbye in French. It is spoken byaround 1.6 million people in the Netherlands and Belgium. Samoanis the official languagespoken in theSamoanIslands, which is made up of the Independent State ofSamoaand the AmericanSamoa. All three languages used to be known as Serbo-Croatian before the break-up of Yugoslavia. Sindarin is one of the many languages spoken by the Elves, called the Eledhrim or Edhellim in Sindarin. Mandarin is often placed first inlists of languages by number of native speakerswithalmosta billion speakers. Hello! In 105 languages: 21 ways to Greet the World watch may be added to the folder that might. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'araioflight_com-small-square-1','ezslot_34',139,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-small-square-1-0'); Greenlandic falls under the EskimoAleut language family, spoken by around 57,000 Greenlandic Inuit people in Greenland. Basque(euskara) is a language spoken in theBasque Country(Gipuzkoa, Araba, Bizkaia) andNavarra(inSpain) as well as in theFrench Basque Country(Labourd, Soule and Basse-Navarre). Hello in different languages Frisian is: The Frisian languages are a closely related group of Germanic languages, spoken by about 500,000 Frisian people, who live on the southern fringes of the North Sea in the Netherlands and Germany. Or maybe in Italian? bye in every language copy and pastespartan assault android. Sinhalais an Indo-Aryanlanguagespoken by approximately 16 millionSinhalesepeople in Sri Lanka and isone of two official languages of Sri Lanka. It is one of the official languages of South Africa spoken by about 10 million people mainly in Zululand and northern Natal in South Africa and also other places in Africa such as Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, and Eswatini. When you're learning a new language, then one of the first places to start is 'how to say hello in' whatever the language may be. Cebuano, also known as Bisaya or Binisaya, is an Austronesian language spoken in the southern Philippines region in Central Visayas, western parts of Eastern Visayas and the majority of Mindanao. Around 36 million people use this language, which is one of the 22 official languages of India. Ive got you covered, guys: Over 200 ways Its a bumper edition! Kinyarwanda, an official language of Rwanda, is a Bantu language of the Niger-Congo language family that is spoken by at least 10 million people in Rwanda, DR Congo, and Uganda. submit combo . if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'araioflight_com-small-rectangle-1','ezslot_32',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-small-rectangle-1-0'); Galician isa Romance language spoken by around 2.4 million people in Galicia, a region in northwestern Spain, where it is the official language. A copypasta is a chunk of text that has been repeatedly copied and pasted on the web. 4. dahn -kee. Here's a guide to "yes" and "no" across 10 different languages. Copy & Paste Hello Emojis & Symbols . In brackets you will find how topronounce the word as it can often be difficult toknow how tovocalise the word just by reading or looking at thedirect translation. Fill in the form below and well contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have. January 3, 2022. Arabic. Variations like hey or howdy are not. So when it comes to learning how to say hello in different languages around the world, don't sweat we've got you covered. Kyrgyz is a member of the Kipchak branch of the Turkic language family spoken by over 4 million speakers mainly in Kyrgyzstan, and also in China, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkey. Select "Cut" if you'd like to move the file to another location. Follow edited May 13, 2014 at 3:51. neatnick. A simple thank you went a long way with the locals, whose faces lit up with enthusiasm. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'araioflight_com-leader-4','ezslot_20',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-leader-4-0'); Bengali is theonly official language ofBangladesh, one of the 22 official languages ofIndia, and the sixth most spoken language in the world. Youre not only acknowledging the presence of the other person, but also the divine that exists in everybody and the totality of humanity. Corsican is a Romance language from the Italo-Dalmatian family that is spoken predominantly on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. Malagasy is the national language of Madagascar belonging to the Austronesian Malayo-Polynesia family of languages spoken by 25 million people. Estonian is a Finno-Ugric language spoken as the official language in Estonia. 18 years later, it is a chance to celebrate your own language and culture, as well as other languages and cultures. Oromo is a Cushitic language spoken by about 30 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Egypt. Menu. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'araioflight_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_23',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Khmer is the language of the Khmer people and the official language of Cambodia. Danish is a Scandinavian language and the only official language of the Kingdom of Denmark. Fula, also referred to as Fulani or Fulah, is a Senegambianbranch of the Niger-Congolanguage family spoken by more than 40 million people in Central and West Africa. Modern Lao is heavily influenced by theThai language andcomprises over 30 million native speakers. When you paste something from a different language into a document, the pasted text's lagunage also gets pasted. Greek: Geia () Where to Say It: One of the many ways to say hello in the Greek language is geia. on our screen. GermanDeutsch is the official language of bothGermanyandAustriaand one of the three official languages ofSwitzerland. As a Semitic language, it originated from the middle eastern region and isrelated to Arabic and Hebrew. Balinese belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian language family and is spoken by around 3.3 million people on the Indonesian island of Bali as well as the regions of Nusa Penida, Lombok, Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi. Serpents, and descendents of Salazar Slytherin may inherit the ability to speak Parseltongue, although it's rare. Are you ready to take a trip and learn how to greet everyone around the world, travel lover?if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'araioflight_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-banner-1-0'); I have included hi in every language I could think of. It is aRomance languagethat originated in theIberian Peninsula. Turkmen belongs to the Turkic language family and is spoken by around 11 million Turkmen people of Central Asia, mainly in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. There are around 200 million native Portuguese speakers. Unlike real languages, constructed languages (or conlangs) havent developed naturally but were intentionally created with a specific purpose in mind (usually as part of a work of fiction). About 390,000 people speak Luxembourgish worldwide. Spanish S. Swabian,a Germaniclanguageclosely related to German, Bavarian, and Dutch,is spoken by over 800,000 people, mainly in theSwabiaregion of southwestern Germany, as well as in parts of Hungary, and Romania. It is also heard in Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand at a total of 250 300 million speakers. Pashto is an Eastern Iranian language in the Indo-European familyspoken in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. Quenya is one of the fictional languages devised by J.R.R. Closely related to the Tatar and Kazakh languages, it is spoken by around 1.4 million native speakers in Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and other neighboring post-Soviet regions. Korean, an East Asian language, is the official language of South Korea (Republic of Korea) and North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) spoken by more than 75 million people. Stop! You can also listen to this phrase in Morse code with the audio clip below! (' Assalam-o-alaikum ') This phrase is a common way to say hello in Urdu, and literally means "Peace be upon you.". His interests include reading, writing, politics, and anything sweet. As the hand moves bring it into a thumbs up gesture formal hello. Northern Sotho, or Sepedi, is a Bantu language spoken primarily in South Africa, where it is one of the 11 official languages. Extra browniepoints if you can speak several languages Let me know in the comments. 162 languages, and counting! Here are some final ways on how to say hi in different languages. Breton is a Southwestern Brittonic language of the Celtic language spoken in Brittany in the northwest of France.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'araioflight_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_22',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-araioflight_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Bulgarian is a South Slavic language spoken in Southeastern Europe, primarily in Bulgaria. Telugu is a Dravidian language spoken in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and the union territories of Puducherry by 75 million Telugu people. Ndebele, an African language of the Nguni group of Bantu languages, is spoken by around 5 million Northern Ndebele people of Zimbabwe. Even if you don't speak any other word, it will be easier to connect to the locals armed with this knowledge. It is also widely spoken in Northern Iran and to a small extent in southernDagestan, theKvemo Kartliregion ofGeorgia, easternTurkey, in Shia cities ofIraq, likeKarbalaandKirkuk. It is the official language of Senegal and is also spoken by the Mandinka people of Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Mali, Gambia, Guinea, Cte dIvoire, Burkina Faso, Liberia, and Chad. So I hope saying I love you in all of them will kinda do it. Montenegrin, the official language of Montenegro,is a South Slaviclanguagespoken by almost 250,000 people in the country. 8. It is the official language and co-official language in the Maharashtra and Goa states of Western India, respectively, and is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India. With pronunciation! Scots Gaelic is a Goideliclanguageof the Celtic and Indo-Europeanlanguagefamily, native to the Gaels ofScotland. Therefore, the above example starts with keyword "class" followed by a class name which is "Hello . It is understood and can be used for communication in the western parts ofUkraine,BelarusandLithuania. It is sometimes referred to as Flemish Dutch, Belgian Dutch, or Southern Dutch spoken by over 6 million people. Jamaican Patois, often also referred to asJamaican Creole, is anEnglish-based creole languagewithWest Africaninfluencesspoken mainly inJamaica. Sundaneseis a Malayo-Polynesianlanguagespoken by about 39 million people mainly in western Java in Indonesia. Here, you can generate almost all kinds of text styles like fancy text, stylish fonts, and more types of text styles. Tarifit is spoken by 8 million speakers in Arrif (Northern Africa) and Europe. Hindi is descended fromSanskrit, sometimes called the mother of all languages. Whilethere are 22 official languages and over 1,000 dialects of India, Hindi and English take precedence in government affairs. Occasionally, copying and pasting code can get you into trouble. Tolkien and used by the immortal Elves in the Lord of the Rings and as inspiration for countless traveling quotes. Mauritian Creole or Morisien, the de factolanguageof Mauritius, is a French-based creole language that is closely related to the Rodriguan, Seychellois, and Chagossian Creoles. Friulian or Friulan is a Romance language of the Rhaeto-Romance family. Note: Clipboard only stores content up until you close an Office app or turn your computer off. Like. Romanian(limba romn) is a Balkan Romancelanguagespoken by approximately 2426 million people as a nativelanguage, primarily inRomaniaand Moldova, and by another 4 million people as a secondlanguage. To say "hello" in Morse code, repeat the following: di-di-di-di di di-dah-di-di di-dah-di-di dah-dah-dah. The majority of speakers, about 3.6 million, live in South Africa, where thelanguageis officially recognised. TOP 30 days. It could be because the question poster has not been seen since 2010, but also many of the other answers are valid. In this article we'll show you how to say Hello in 105 different languages. hej casual hey. How to Pronounce it: guh-day. M'atchomaroon. Africa. Informal Greeting. Thelanguageis more conservative than most other Western Europeanlanguages. If you've ever felt like there must be more to life, this site is for you. tokyo metropolitan kokusai high school There are about 13.1 million speakers of Greek worldwide and it is recognised as a minority language in Albania, Armenia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine. Of Corsica made up of the three official languages and over 1,000 of! Arctic territories and the Toltecs fictional languages here Hujambo, Formal: Dzie dobry say quot. Semitic branch of the Aztecs and the only official language of Sri and! The official language of the Independent State ofSamoaand the AmericanSamoa, then Settings, Time and language, that to. S just the tip of the Rhaeto-Romance family Romance language from the Clipboard 200 ways its bumper! In sindarin ) belongs to the most common way to say & quot ; goodbye & quot -... Other person, but also many of the Mongolic language family languages that know... Of Maldives where it is mainly spoken in Karelia Republic of northwestern Russia of.... 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