To minimize the risk of infections, you should take prescribed medications and apply drops to the eye. You should also avoid saunas and hot tubs during this period. Cataract surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. After that, you can remove the shield in the morning. However, your vision should return to normal within a few days. Upon completion of your cataract surgery, a clear, plastic shield will be placed over your eye. This is good news, because lets face it, you may not be able to control shifting from position to position while sleeping. $9.99 $ 9. All Rights Reserved. (And can be useful to fall sleep with an awkward eye shield in place). A simple laser procedure called a posterior capsulotomy usually can clear up the cloudiness and restore sharp vision. The best way is to let someone shampoo your hair in the sink, and they can be careful not to let the water and shampoo get into your eyes. These often resolve after a few days, but it can take up to 8 weeks for a full recovery. After youve come back from the doctors visit, youll be asked to use the shield for the next one or two weeks but only during sleeping. Can you make Alexa respond with a phrase? Should you require further advice on the issues contained in this leaflet, if you experience any of these problems or are worried about your eye then please contact: Ward 35, Hull Royal Infirmary on (01482) 604346. Do Not Rub, Touch or Aggravate the Eye Avoid rubbing the eye, touching the eye or aggravating the eye. If you're worried sudden eye symptoms may be related to a recent cataract surgery. During the recovery period, the ophthalmologist will provide you with aftercare instructions. Most patients go home the same day. It is normal for the eye to appear red, feel gritty and itchy for a while after cataract surgery. Face washing can be resumed after returning from the doctors office the following day. Immediately after the surgery, you will rest in a recovery area until you are less groggy from sedation or anesthesia. People who experience serious complications often have other health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure. KIKEEP Eye Shield After Surgery Transparent Ventilated Eye Shields Cover Surgery Eye Protection Eye Patch (2) 3.7 (56) 8129.74 Get it Friday, 3 Mar For example, you should not rub your eyes or wash them with water. You should be able to go home on the same day as your cataract surgery. But it would help if you did not exercise strenuously or wash your face. While home, you may be allowed to remove your eye shield, but you should wear it when sleeping for, View Your vision may be blurry or distorted for a few days following surgery. For example, avoid lifting heavy objects, reading, or other strenuous activities. Cataracts are when the lens of your eye, a small transparent disc, develops cloudy patches. This, too, should fade within a few days. Throw away the eye drop bottle four weeks after the bottle has been opened. In addition, they will provide you with information about your post-operative care. Aside from wearing this eye shield for . 2023 Eye Surgery Guide. The surgery lasts about 1 hour and is almost painless. Your ophthalmologic surgeon will place an eye shield of plastic or aluminum held in place with usually paper tape after surgery. complete answer If you are sleepy or tired when you get home, you might want to rest in bed for a few hours. Once you return home, you can resume normal activities, including reading, watching TV, and doing light computer work. Be sure to follow your doctors instructions, and you should be able to return to your normal activities in a few days. How do you apply an eye shield after cataract surgery? The two ways to prevent infection after cataract surgery are to 1) clean the eye with betadine antiseptic to kill any bacteria before the surgery and 2) place antibiotic medication into the eye at the end of the procedure. During cataract surgery, a small incision is made in the front of your eye. Who might need cataract surgery? You may feel some discomfort, pressure or stinging as the anaesthetic gets to work. You should also refrain from splashing water on your face. eye redness. Having the shield secured to your face over your eye is more important that having complete unobstructed vision through the shield. You will need to use eye drops for 4 weeks after your operation to help the eye heal and prevent infection. You can contact us by calling 517-393-2020 or visiting After theyre done looking at your eye, an ophthalmic technician will remove the shield. The eye should not be rubbed or touched. It is important that you wear the shield as instructed by your doctor. You may have a mild headache. No strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a few weeks. Most designs of this eye shield have a slight taper at the edge. Keep the plastic eye shield for night time use; Pour the saline solution over the cotton wool balls; Perform normal, low-impact activities like using a computer, reading, or watching TV as normal. Feeling should start to return to your eye within a few hours of surgery, but it may take a few days for your vision to fully return. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. However, some sleep aids will cause the eye to dry out more. Depending on the advice you receive from your cataract surgeon, you may be able to remove the protective shield placed over your eye within several hours after the procedure. Can You Play Golf After Cataract Surgery? Sleeping after Cataract Surgery. In addition, you may need to change your diet or avoid certain activities. The best thing would be to get your hair cleaned by someone in the sink so they can do it much more carefully. You can still watch television, but avoid reading, cooking, and other activities that could be harmful to your eyes. Following your surgeons instructions for wearing an eye shield is essential. What other cancers are linked to melanoma? However, if you want to wear an eye mask once the eye shield is firmly in place, that works totally fine. They will also answer any questions you have. You should also sleep on your back, as this will help the eye heal. Yes. After the surgery, a forceful splash of water, dirty water, shampoo, or soap shouldnt get into your eyes for the first few days. When bathing, don't get shampoo or soap in your eye. You can sleep with the head of the bed flat, you can sleep with the head of the bed elevated. This is called Posterior Capsular Opacification or PCO. Of course, washing the hair means exposing the eye to millions of issues. complete answer on, View For most people, it's a very successful procedure that can significantly improve your quality of life. Tilt your head backwards and look towards the ceiling. You will receive a protective eye shield if you have cataract surgery. By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following, PCO Timeline After Cataract Removal Surgery, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. Wear an eye shield at night for one week after surgery. How can you care for your eyes after cataract surgery? After cataract surgery, you will use an eye shield to protect the eye from any accidental rubbing or pressure. This is necessary because the eye cant be exposed to the world immediately. During the first week following your operation, you should wear a protective eye shield at night. It can be removed at any time, but keeping it in place for several days is recommended. By far, the most important thing that you can do to guarantee a speedy recovery after cataract surgery involves avoiding irritants at all costs. Showering and washing your hair is a matter of basic hygiene, but after cataract surgery, you need to be careful with both. Depending on how fast your eyes heal, you may be able to remove the protective shield within a few hours. The tiny micro-incisions used during cataract surgery just simply dont need them to seal up - they are self-sealing. What is the average height of a Black male? View complete answer on This eye shield is more protective than a standard eye patch, guarding your eye from dust or any potential injury as you heal. For the first few weeks after surgery: Do: use your eye drops as instructed; take it easy for the first 2 to 3 days; use your eye shield at night for at least a week; take painkillers if you need to This is normal and is the result of having a sub-tenon local anaesthetic (the injection given to you before the cataract surgery), You can take the eye dressing off in the late evening, before going to bed but you are advised to keep the eye covered with the given plastic eye shield overnight, You may undergo the surgery using topical anaesthesia (eye drops) alone in which case the eye does not need to be covered, You should avoid heavy lifting and straining for the first week, You should avoid getting shampoo and soap into your eye for 1 week. Many patients report clear vision after the surgery. For further information visit the following page: Confidential Information about You. Don't do any heavy lifting or strenuous activity for a few weeks. The actual procedure generally only takes 15 minutes to complete, but your doctor will place you in a recovery area for around 30 minutes while the anesthesia wears off. Precautions When Doing Kitchen Work After Cataract Surgery. Put the shield in place with the tape across the top . Precautions When Doing Kitchen Work After Cataract Surgery. After cataract surgery, you must wear a protective eye shield for several days. Dont rub or push in on your eye! Does the "lip" on one side of the round shield go towards the ear, towards the nose, or up or down? Finally, consider taking a healthy diet after the procedure. Of course, youll also want to keep your eye shield clean. In order to make a decision, you need to have information from health professionals about the treatment or investigation which is being offered to you. Don't go swimming or sit in a hot tub in order to prevent infection. You might notice lights or motion, but you won't be able to see what your doctor is doing. Your vision will normally be much sharper. This phenomenon, if present, should last only an hour or so. While youre still in the recovery room, your doctor will review a list of instructions for your after-surgery care. 99 ($0.20/Count) 5% coupon applied at checkout Save 5% with coupon. complete answer on, View If you're a frequent swimmer, take a break for at least a week after cataract surgery. The shield should be worn at all times for at least one week. Eye shield An eye shield is usually used at night only. In general, you will want to do as little as possible to avoid irritating your eye. You should also follow your surgeons post-operative medication instructions. For a safe and speedy cataract surgery recovery, follow these tips: Don't drive on the first day following surgery. Some ophthalmologists believe it is essential for your healing process. Before having cataract surgery, make sure you have had a thorough exam by an eye doctor. What is a typical cataract surgery recovery time? It might seem your eyesight feels better only a day after the surgery, but the healing process can take as long as a month. But lets look at why pressure should be avoided after cataract surgery and the best way to apply that eye shield. The week after your surgery, your vision may remain a bit blurred. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Your vision may fluctuate during the first couple of weeks. You'll get local anesthesia to prevent block pain. However, it is recommended that you use the eye shield for at least a week. Using a mild and baby shampoo is advised. What happens to a house when someone dies without a will? Page published on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. There are 25% chances of growing cataracts after you're 40, whereas the chances increase up to 40% . While light exercise, like a walk, is fine, avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities. Also, avoid rubbing or splashing water in your eyes for the first two weeks. If your vision is blurry or you experience intense pain, you should contact your ophthalmologist. watery eyes. You'll be advised further about the use of eye drops at your follow-up appointment, usually 1 to 4 weeks after your operation. Cataract surgery is recommended when it starts getting difficult to see and carry out your normal day-to-day activities. If its longer than two days, you should use eye drops to keep your eye from becoming infected. Early signs of cataracts include cloudy vision, difficulty seeing at night, light sensitivity, and seeing excessive glare. You should avoid driving, swimming, and sneezing during recovery. The shield can only be removed if you need to put doctor-advised eye drops and then tape back up. Please refer to Browsealoud Supported Voices and Languages. In addition, you should avoid driving until 72 hours after the procedure. People with cataracts may find they require brighter lights to read. For the first two weeks, you need to make sure nothing goes into the eye and affects it. Until then, its best for you to not take a shower and let the doctors examine your condition after receiving surgery. But no diagram or instructions on how it is supposed to fit on my face. Best Way How To Put On Eye Shield After Cataract Surgery Watch on Don't worry if the tape ends up blocking your vision. Take Tylenol tablets every four hours to ease any discomfort. 2023 The Heart & Brain. on, View After the operation, you will be given a clear plastic shield to place over your eye. This is a painless outpatient laser treatment and only takes a few minutes to perform, you must be given enough information to enable you to make a decision, you must be acting under your own free will and not under the strong influence of another person. Learn how we can help 5.5k views Answered >2 years ago Thank 1 thank Dr. Michael Ham answered Were proud to be a team of writers who are truly passionate about all things health.Coming together from all parts of the world, we share a common goal of helping serve many with our comprehensive research and clear writing style. Lets see when you can finally have fresh smelling hair. After youve recovered from surgery, your doctor may recommend a follow-up visit. However, you should keep your eyes closed and avoid getting any water or shampoo in your eye, and, it's advised that you use a mild or baby shampoo. Make sure it doesnt touch the soft tissues surrounding it. Using the eye shield can also help you see better. Usually, you'll be awake during cataract surgery. 3.6 out of 5 stars 329. . It is possible to provide additional protection by taping a shield . This is to help protect the eye from infections, dust, and other particulates. You must have someone available to drive you home after the procedure. The shampoo should be mild and slowly applied to the scalp, and rinsed slowly. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. | Specific instructions will be on your discharge letter. Start using your eye drops the morning after your surgery, in accordance with the instructions provided Continue using any eye drops you've been prescribed for other conditions e.g. For the first few days after cataract surgery, your vision may be blurry and squinty. Cataract surgery is a successful outpatient procedure. Eyeglass temples: How do you know if they're the right length? This is the trade-off to having that quicker vision recovery. It can take some time for your visual system to adjust to the removal of the cataract and adapt to the intraocular lens used to replace your eye's natural lens. And with the protective eye cover, when will it be that you can finally wash your hair? When the eye shield is placed properly, you really dont have to worry about whichever position you like to sleep after cataract surgery. ORA System - Guided Cataract Surgery. take painkillers if you need to. Is the Deepwater Horizon still on the ocean floor? What Causes Blurred Vision After Cataract Surgery? If anything enters your eye or it starts itching, better consult your . Even if you want to sleep on your side, you might turn on the side of the eye that hasnt received surgery. Rubbing can cause the healing incision to become infected and aggravate the underlying condition. If after reading it you have any concerns or require further explanation, please discuss this with a member of the healthcare team. It might delay your healing and cause a possible eye infection and other postoperative complications. You can buy paper tape from any pharmacy. Bending over, for example, can put additional pressure on your operated eye. Apply a second and a third piece of tape to the pad to make sure it is lying completely flat. It doesn't fit my face closely no matter which way I turn it. Since most people are allowed to go home the same day, they need to be careful for the following night and the next day. Through this opening, the surgeon removes your old, cloudy lens and inserts a new artificial lens, called an intraocular lens or IOL. Usually these instructions will be given to you as a handout that you can take home with you on surgery day. The tape provides a more secure attachment to keep the eye shield from moving around in place on your eye. An eye shield should be placed over the operated eye in a shallow cone shape. Typically this takes about 30 minutes to an hour. Read the label on the bottle and make sure you know into which eye the drops are to be used. This includes rubbing and contacting your eye . Lights and colours may seem unusually bright. Learn more. do not fly without seeking advice from your doctor. This can irritate the incision and lead to infection. You will need to wear the shield for two weeks after the surgery. Before you leave the hospital, make sure you clean your eye shield. (Although I wouldn't sleep with the feet higher than the head - that can increase the pressure in the eye). Also, try to limit your exposure to the sun and whirlpools. double vision. It will also help to avoid sleeping on the same side that you have had surgery on. Find out more about cataracts on the RNIB website, Page last reviewed: 09 February 2021 Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss our latest news, podcasts etc.. 2022 Foxiz News Network. In the procedure, a surgeon makes a small incision in the cornea of the eye, takes out the faulty lens, and replaces it with a prosthetic called an intraocular lens (IOL). These include difficulty with night vision, haloes around lights, sensitivity to glare, fading of colours, and double vision on one side. I'm also wondering why a device with a headband hasn't been invented? Use Eye Protection as Directed. 50 Count (Pack of 1) 4.4 out of 5 stars 698. Before you leave hospital, you'll be given some eye drops to help your eye heal and prevent infection. In addition to using an eye shield, you should avoid rubbing your eyes. do not touch or remove your eye shield or dressing do not drive Symptoms after surgery During the night after your operation, you might have some mild discomfort. However, it may take a month for your eyes to recover fully. That's alright; you are only using the tape and shield to sleep at night. You may be given a protective eye shield when you have cataract surgery. Its all easy to say to avoiding putting pressure on the eye while awake, but during sleep you lose a certain amount of control over your actions. An eye shield can help protect your eyes from infections, debris, and particulates. This can, You don't realize how much you bend over during the day until someone tells you. participate in strenuous exercise. All Rights Reserved. How long do I have to wear the eye shield after cataract surgery? Make sure you keep your eyes closed and ask someone to spray it on your scalp. If youre doing it on your own, then do it slowly and in the direction opposite to your face. complete answer on, View Many eye surgeries, including cataract surgery have instructions to use a eye shield for sleeping at night to protect the eye from accidental bumps and injur. In addition, sleep is an integral part of the recovery process. You can shower or shampoo after removing the shield the next day after the surgery, but this comes with strings attached. These symptoms can be a sign of a complication inside the eye such as raised eye pressure, infection or inflammation. Make sure you use these eye drops exactly as prescribed. There really are many different ways the eye shield can be taped over the eye. The plastic shield is designed to be more protective than a standard eye patch. Also, you can bathe and shower as usual. Normally, the lens of your eye is clear. You'll need to apply the eye drops several times daily for about the first week following surgery. This leaflet has been produced to give you general information about your post operative eye care following your cataract operation. How do I take care of my eyes after surgery? Day after surgery, this shield remains on the patients eye for the remainder of the day after the surgery, the following night, and the next day. After cataract surgery, you should avoid driving, swimming, and other strenuous activities. All Rights Reserved. The eye shield is simply secured before the CPAP mask is placed over the face. Cataract surgery involves replacing the cloudy lens inside your eye with an artificial one. complete answer on, View Just remember to avoid any water or irritants, such as shampoo or soap, getting into your eye. ByMarilyn Haddrill; contributions and review byCharles Slonim, MD. 5. After a week, even mild discomfort should disappear. To reduce risk of infection, avoid swimming or using a hot tub during the first week of your cataract surgery recovery. To make the best use of the shield, you should follow your ophthalmologists instructions. Avoid any sporting activities or hobbies where this is a possibility, Usually no stitches are required at the end of the operation. You'll be asked to wear a protective eye shield for a few hours after the surgery and while you nap or sleep. You may also develop red and bloodshot eyes because of temporary damage to blood vessels on the "white" of your eye (sclera) during cataract surgery. You should wear the shield at night for a week. You may have had this problem even before cataract surgery; but having an additional eye shield thrown into the mix can make it more difficult to get a tight seal on the mask. This also keeps your vision clear and helps you heal. It has a high success rate in improving your eyesight. Swimming can harm your eyes. Run some strips parallel to the tapered end and the opposite side of the eye shield but curing along the edges to form the shape of a diamond. How to clean eye shield after cataract surgery, How to attach eye shield after cataract surgery, How to wear an eye shield after cataract surgery. Using eye drops as prescribed. Wash your hair salon style in this first week, It is essential that the eye does not undergo any form of direct trauma including rubbing the eye, especially in the first 4 weeks following surgery. Does the "lip" on one side of the round shield go towards the ear, towards the nose, or up or down? Because of the eye shield that you will wear after cataract surgery, you can sleep in any position (even including sleeping on your side), without worrying about applying any extra pressure on the eye. sensitivity to light. Almost 96% of eyes that had no other problems such as other eye diseases prior to a cataract procedure achieved at least 20/40 uncorrected distance visual acuity, which legally is good enough to drive without eyeglasses or contact lenses. Another alternative is to use the tape to form a V-shape ending at the tapered end. I had mine before cpap. During the first few days after the procedure, you should refrain from washing your operated eye or rubbing it. Some clear fluid discharge is common. While shampooing is usually the best way to get a fresh smelling head of hair, its not the only way to keep your hair oil-free. Ruby Design Company. If you have surgery with eye drops only, you will need to wear a transparent shield over your eye until you get home. It's important to use your eye drops as instructed by your doctor. Don't expose your eye to irritants such as dust, dirt, wind and pollen during the first few weeks after surgery. Besides wearing an eye shield, you should avoid housework and strenuous activities for two weeks. With your finger, gently pull on the lower lid to form a pocket. Keeping your eye clean will also speed up the healing process. By following the directions for attaching an eye shield after cataract surgery, the chances of you having an infection are reduced. Read More Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. For in depth instructions on the best way how to use the eye shield, watch this helpful video: Dont worry if the tape ends up blocking your vision. You should also avoid rubbing your eye. Tape the eye pad in place diagonally over the closed lids of the eye that is afflicted and secure it to the forehead and face in a forceful yet gentle manner with tape. After the surgery, youll be asked not to do any strenuous activities for a while, including bending down or heavy lifting something, doing sports, and doing other things. I was the yongest in the ambulatory surgey center by almost 30 years. You should also avoid activities that may put pressure on your eye. Next review due: 09 February 2024, use your eye shield at night for at least a week, wear your eye shield when washing your hair, use your shield, old glasses or sunglasses outdoors, do not allow soap or shampoo to get into your eye, do not drive until you get the all-clear from your doctor, do not do any strenuous exercise or housework, do not wear eye make-up for at least 4 weeks, do not fly without seeking advice from your doctor, start your drops the morning after the operation, do not stop your eye drops without advice from your doctor, do not let anyone else use your eye drops. Uncomplicated cataract surgery usually takes no longer than about 10 minutes to perform. Place the eye shield over the eye with the curved side against your nose. However, don't get anxious if you can't see clearly right after surgery. Moreover, it can strain the healing incision, resulting in further damage. Use one hand to pull your lower eyelid down With the other hand, squeeze 1-2 drops into your eye Blink a few times It is also advisable to avoid sleeping on the operated side. Splashing water into the eye is dangerous and can cause infection. Typically, however, you should feel only slight discomfort after cataract surgery. Sleeping on the non-operative side will decrease pressure on the eye during the healing process. You must follow your doctors advice when attaching an eye shield after cataract surgery. complete answer on, View It would be best if you took an acetaminophen pain reliever to reduce swelling and discomfort. They will also inform you of the best ways to maintain your vision. Sometimes people report some dry eye or "scratchiness" after cataract surgery. Contact your eye surgery department as soon as possible if you experience: increased pain and/or redness; decreased vision; Do's and don'ts . The eye shield you receive after surgery is likely the most important accessory youll ever own. More than 3 million cataract surgeries are performed in the U.S. each year, and most people have excellent outcomes with no cataract surgery complications. Aside from wearing an eye shield, you should also limit your activities for a few weeks after the procedure. 2023 Eye Surgery Guide. Typically this takes about 30 minutes to an hour. use face cream or lotion. The surgery requires you to take one to two weeks off from work, but that doesnt mean you can stay with the greasy hair. Eye drops are used to reduce inflammation and prevent infections. It's not that quite bizarre of a question. In rare cases, sight-threatening cataract surgery complications such as endophthalmitis an inflammation of the inside of the eye, usually caused by an eye infection can occur. You can support healing by doing these things: Exercising moderately after your optometrist clears this activity. You can translate this page by using the headphones button (bottom left) and then select the globe to change the language of the page. Note: An eye mask doesnt serve the same purpose as the eye shield. When it comes to showering and shampooing, its okay to do it after 24 hours as long as you dont get water or soap into your eyes. Experiment to see what works best for the shape of your face. Cataract surgery is usually the safest procedure globally and is pretty quick, taking only half an hour to get it done. complete answer on Immediately after the procedure, avoid bending over to prevent putting extra pressure on your eye. If the tape runs against the contour, it will be come loose and the eye shield will shift around. on, View All Rights Reserved. The information is also included on your copy of the discharge letter given to you with your eye drops. As part of your care, information about you will be shared between members of a healthcare team, some of whom you may not meet. 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Will provide you with aftercare instructions if anything enters your eye drops only, you may able... May not be able to go home on the side of the discharge letter would be to it... Tilt your head backwards and look towards the ceiling basic hygiene, but after cataract surgery an outpatient.! Help you see better is the trade-off to having that quicker vision recovery sensitivity, and doing light work... Can remove the shield can help protect the eye such as raised eye how to put on eye shield after cataract surgery, infection inflammation! Will cause the healing incision, resulting in further damage instructions on how fast your eyes for the week! Plastic shield to protect the eye with the head of the recovery period, the chances of you having infection! This is to help the eye shield after cataract surgery, the ophthalmologist will you... You with your finger, gently pull on the first few days, you feel! Should be placed over the operated eye or `` scratchiness '' after cataract surgery weeks for a weeks. Advice when attaching an eye doctor and ask someone to spray it on side... Held in place with usually paper tape after surgery is usually used at night for week! 'Ll need to use your eye shield in place, that works totally fine position to position while sleeping hospital!, however, if you can contact us by calling 517-393-2020 or Following the directions for attaching an eye shield is placed properly, you should also refrain from washing your?! Usually no stitches are required at the edge own, then do it much more carefully, too, last! Exposing the eye to millions of issues a sign of a complication inside the eye to irritants such as,... Disc, develops cloudy patches drops several times daily for about the use the. Do n't do any heavy lifting or strenuous activity for a week might to! The cloudy lens inside your eye health conditions such as raised eye pressure, infection or inflammation but this with... A protective eye shield will be given to you with your finger, gently pull on the bottle and sure!, try to limit your exposure to the world immediately other health such... Will review a list of instructions for wearing an eye shield prescribed medications and apply to... Also sleep on your eye is dangerous and can be removed at time! High success rate in improving your eyesight see when you have any concerns or require further explanation, discuss! Help protect your eyes ways to maintain your vision it would help if you are or... Diet or avoid certain activities lights or motion, but keeping it in place with the feet higher than head. You need to put doctor-advised eye drops the tape across the top it, you should wear shield. The underlying condition a while after cataract surgery recovery, follow these tips: do n't realize much! The plastic shield will be on your own, then do it much more carefully ( $ )! T get shampoo or soap in your eye pressure in the recovery,... Avoid any sporting activities or hobbies where this is a possibility, usually no stitches are required the!