However, after Death managed to sort out the alterations to the timeline with the Gods, she became Queen Kelirehenna I, Lord of Sto Lat, Protector of the Eight Protectorates and Empress of the Long Thin Debated Piece Hubwards of Sto Kerrig. Nijel meets Rincewind in a snake pit and they escape together. During the events of Mort it became clear that Ysabell was competent in carrying out the work of her father including The Duty and 'doing the nodes'. Hrun owns a magic talking sword, Kring, which he stole following a battle, and lived to greatly regret it due to the sword's talkativeness. Commander Vimes is persuaded by his wife Sybil and Lord Vetinari to take a family holiday at the Ramkins' countryside estate; Willikins, Vimes's thug-turned-butler, accompanies them. He first appeared in Moving Pictures. However, it does mean a lot of men are happy to tell her things. This collection follows their antics and adventures. In Snuff, it is revealed that Harry King has since been given a Knighthood. Carcer is captured by Vimes at the end of Night Watch, likely to be sentenced to death. Verence had gone through much of the story subtly trying to deal with a major problem, namely that he was not quite sure how to actually consummate the marriage. In Wintersmith, Roland was reluctantly recruited by the Nac Mac Feegle to perform the role of the mythic Hero in the Dance of the Seasons, to put right the damage Tiffany had caused by interfering in the dance and the proper roles of the Wintersmith and the Summer Lady. When she foments this plan, Rincewind, Twoflower and Hrun the Barbarian are passing close to her mountain country. She has a prominent role in The Light Fantastic and a small cameo in Eric. As a boy, he "messed around in boats". One of the two remaining employees of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office prior to Moist von Lipwig being made Postmaster. Liessa's kingdom is not likely to have survived, for by the later books, the barbarian way of life has all but vanished from the Discworld. Using his new wolf abilities, Lewton managed to put a stop to Carlotta's cult's plans and save Ankh-Morpork from being consumed by a giant god of destruction. After the time crash he goes out into the world to stop the second Glass Clock (under the pretext of being shown the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite), which was being constructed by his then unknown temporal double, Jeremy Clockson. Upon nearing the Wyrmberg of the Dragonriders, he is captured by the curvaceous Liessa Dragonbidder and her dragon riders. First appearing in Soul Music, Hex is an elaborate, magic-powered, self-building computer (not unlike the 'shamble', a kind of magical device used by the Witches of the Discworld) featuring ants and cheese as part of its architecture, and is housed in the basement of the High Energy Magic Building at the Unseen University (UU) in the twin city of Ankh-Morpork. This incident appears to act as a deterrent for Morporkians against meddling with the occult or supernatural or doing something that is patently stupid. really liked it 4.00 avg rating 363,846 ratings. Swing moves and speaks in an erratic, jumpy fashion, in bursts and sputters, rather than a continuous flow of movement or sound. The latest Tweets from Lego Ankh-Morpork (@LegoAnkhMorpork). Lewton was once a member of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch (sometime before the books). Appears in the book Unseen Academicals. In a scene unusually erotic for a Discworld book, Liessa strips naked before Hrun to see if his desire for her will be strong enough for their relationship to work. He is known to have had a brother in berwald. A bard from the decidedly Cymric country of Llamedos. Distrust is generally encouraged among the D'regs, with Ahmed once telling Vimes that his mother would be greatly offended if he trusted her on the grounds that she would feel she did not bring him up right. Quimby's reign ended when he was killed by a disgruntled poet during an experiment to test the truth of the saying "The pen is mightier than the sword". Spencer was played by Michael Crawford, who was also the original performer of the eponymous character in Phantom of the Opera. Claude Maximillian Overton Transpire Dibbler, usually known as Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler, C.M.O.T. Due to the Discworld's rather literal adherence to the laws of narrative convention, this is not an entirely mental issue: He is killed in an extremely operatic duel with the Ghost and spends two pages on a final monologue before keeling over. She possesses the ability to think in headlines, and has gained valuable experience as an editor, allowing her to, e.g., reduce an article's length in half merely by crossing out all the adjectives. In The Light Fantastic, Rincewind overhears Twoflower teaching the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Death, Famine, Pestilence and War), how to play bridge. Daughter of King Verence II of Lancre and Queen Magrat, Princess Esme made her debut as a newborn in Carpe Jugulum, where she is about to be taken for her Christening. Dibbler, or simply Dibbler, is one of the numerous bit part characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. Hrun is an archetypal fantasy barbarian: hulking and musclebound yet slow-witted, with very little dress sense, battle-prone, alcoholic and fond of virgins. Christine's father told her that a "dear little pixie" would help her career, and she thinks that Agnes might be that pixie. His genius consisted of realising that, if there has to be a war, the aim should be to defeat the enemy as quickly and with as little bloodshed as possiblea concept so breathtaking in its originality that few other military minds have been able to grasp it, and it shows what happens when one takes the conduct of a war away from skilled soldiers. In The Truth, the existence of a talking dog has become as well-known a rumour as the existence of a rightful King of Ankh-Morpork walking the streets of the city (both of which are true). Similarly, the phrase "her face launched a thousand ships" could only be used to describe a beautiful woman if relevant shipyard records were produced or, failing that, evidence that the woman's face resembled a champagne bottle. The Dark Side of the Sun. His one recorded act (The Colour of Magic) was to direct the Assassins' Guild to 'inhume' the tourist Twoflower at the request of the Grand Vizier of the Agatean Empire, contrary to the orders of the Emperor; the attempt failed. After discovering this they argued, and during this argument Carlotta kissed and bit Lewton, turning him into a werewolf (or some variant type, several of which are named/referenced in the books themselves). It is stated on several occasions that Jackrum should have actually retired long ago, with his official resignation papers constantly following him around by mail, but he always finds some excuse to get out of them; at one point in the book, he resigns his commission so that he can brutally assault an enemy soldier without dealing with military protocol and is subsequently re-enlisted afterwards. She is correct about the inhuman monsters and the dwarfs (although she is never told about the first one and the second is "only by coincidence"). After lying about being a family pet, he quickly abandons one given to him as reward for his foiling a plot against Lord Vetinari after they attempt to wash him and give him a collar. The wizard Rincewind had a theory that equivalents of Dibbler are everywhere. The background of Mr Pin is much more vague than his partner, Mr Tulip. This was intended to be a sort of retirement plan, but Cohen and his chums became bored and then abandoned the Empire in The Last Hero, in which Cohen decides to express his displeasure with the modern world by "returning fire to the gods, with interest". In fact, he uses the same trick (that no-one notices a sweeper) in the monastery as he does when out in the world, and has learnt as much about the nature of time as some of the higher monks simply by tidying up the classrooms. A few years later, Lewton decided to pick himself up, forget about Ilsa and the rest of his past and start a new life. She is a beneficiary of the sad fact that star quality is a far rarer commodity than talent. Other characters in this series include Adora Belle Dearheart, Lipwig's acerbic, chain-smoking love interest; Gladys, a golem who develops a strange crush on Lipwig; Stanley Howler, an obsessive young man who was raised by peas and becomes the Discworld's first stamp collector; and the very old Junior Postman Groat, who never got promoted to Before the couple can embark onto anything intimate however, Hrun is snatched away by Rincewind and Twoflower riding Twoflower's dragon Ninereeds. In Raising Steam, swayed by the new steam engine by Dick Simnel (who becomes romantically involved with Harry King's favorite niece, Emily King), Harry provides the capital to build the "Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygienic Railway", and at the end of the book is given a peerage. (12 November 2019) Contents 1 Untitled 2 Cosmopilite vs Cosmopolite 3 Adora Dearheart For example, no bard was allowed to say of a hero that "all men spoke of his prowess" on pain of death; he should instead add that some people spoke ill of the hero and that still others did not know of him at all. There is not much mention of Didactylos' life before the events of Small Gods, apart from the facts that he traveled a lot and advised some very important people in his life. This is best described as 'the feeling you've been kicked in the head this way before'. He has a shock of bright red hair, and walks as if he is made entirely of knees. This belief, which is quite firm, is based on hearing his grandmother saying, during a famine, "You will be alright if you have your potato." Over the course of the book, the Fool meets and falls in love with Magrat Garlick and stands up to the Duke, admitting he saw the murder of Verence I. This move was not entirely in Lobsang's best interestsdue to internal politics, it was hoped they would "break" each other. Another example given in the text is "cup-and-plate"no definition is given, but "He's a bit cup-and-plate in the head" implies it means "not quite right.". Captain Swing is the head of the Unmentionables in the Ankh-Morpork of the past in Night Watch. He is apparently unaware of the fact that he has a duck on his head, and has little memory of his life previous to joining the Canting Crew, referring to it only as "when I was someone else". When he starts to hear about the strange murders being committed by the "Opera Ghost", his first concern is how expensive the murder might prove to be, though he does acknowledge the seriousness of the event as well. His cosmopolitan nature clashed with the hidebound traditions of the kingdom and the even more hidebound high priest Dios, and after saving Djelibeybi from destruction and shaking up its traditions, he abdicated, leaving the throne to his half-sister Ptraci I. He is first mentioned in The Colour of Magic. She is Nobby Nobbs's girlfriend for most of the book; they met when Nobby caught her eye while slipping an IOU into her garter belt. Pronounced "de Chuffley" (which, as Pratchett says, is not his fault). Discworld Standalones Younger Readers The Long Earth Short Stories Dramatisations Books Sir Terry Pratchett was the author of over fifty bestselling books. He passed his final exam by a fluke, having already decided he was not going to kill anyone. Discworld MUD is a multiplayer, text-based, online game (a MUD, or text MMORPG) based on the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett. Generally he relies on the fact that no-one notices a sweeper, a well-honed ability to talk his way out of anything, and "Rule One", which states "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men", since such a person is almost always a highly trained martial artist due to the Disc's law of narrative causality. In Interesting Times Cohen became Emperor of the Agatean Empire, having conquered it with his allies, the Silver Horde. Hrun accepts and succeeds in carrying out her orders, but refuses to definitely kill her siblings. Hrun also has some fame, because Twoflower gets very excited at the prospect of meeting Hrun the Barbarian. The main mentions are of his journeys to Omnia (where he saw a person being stoned) and to Tsort (where his attempts to educate the ruler through subliminal learning resulted in his assassination). Additionally, in Discworld Noir, CMOT Dibbler is mentioned in the game on an Octarine Parrot bill and is said to be the one who gave Lewton his imp-powered coffee machine. The daughter of an engraver (who possibly appeared in Maskerade, working for Goatberger) she became a reporter for the Ankh-Morpork Times, having originally arrived at the print works to complain about the invention of moveable type. Lu-Tze also appears in Night Watch, Unseen Academicals, and Raising Steam in a smallbut significantrole. His adventures begin in The Colour of Magic, when he decides to visit the city of Ankh-Morpork, where he meets the inept wizard Rincewind whom he hires as a guide. His wife's name is Euphemia "Effie" King (his petname for her is "Duchess"), and their daughters are Daphne and Herminone (through whom Harry King is also a grandfather). Lewton appears in the third Discworld computer game, Discworld Noir. Adora wears what she claims are "the pointiest heels in the world" which she uses to deal with unwelcome advances. The Duck Man is regarded as the intellectual of the group, and appears to be relatively sane. Explore our exclusive range of sculpted Discworld characters and creations for your bookshelves, designed in our studios and created by the finest fantasy artists and craftsfolk . In The Fifth Elephant, Gaspode is employed by Captain Carrot to track down Angua after she flees back to her native berwald, where he explores his lupine nature. He is also the author of The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking. Brutha was an Ommnian novice in Small Gods. It is not known if he still holds the position following Cohen's disappearance (as told in The Last Hero) but the Discworld Atlas states that the Agatean Empire has, in that time, become the 'People's Beneficial Republic of Agatea', headed by a Chairman. Swing is mainly remembered for his attempt to control crime by ordering all weapons confiscated, reasoning that this would result in a decline in crime figures, failing to acknowledge that criminals do not obey the law in the first place and would actually greatly enjoy the lack of weapons in society. During the novel several characters comment that he seems a bit "elvish" (also a reference to the same Kirsty MacColl song). Where he learned his trade is not stated, perhaps trained by members of one or other of the Guilds, but the Patrician, himself trained at The Guild of Assassins is clearly impressed by Mr. Trooper's expertise. Earlier in the aforementioned book it is stated by Cohen that Harry began with "two lads and his Shed Of Doom". A very old man in a cheap wig, Groat had spent most of his career in the Post Office as a Junior Postman, since until von Lipwig's arrival none of the other Postmasters appointed by Lord Vetinari had survived long enough to promote him. [3] Considering the fragile sanity of the Canting Crew, there's a chance he might have put that contract on himself before becoming a beggar. In Soul Music he is possessed by "Music with Rocks in" and becomes the Disc's greatest musician under the name Buddy in the Band with Rocks In along with Cliff and Glod, before dying in a cart crash (a reference to Buddy HollyImp's name translates as "bud of the holly". But Hrun does not need to be angry for long: when Twoflower faints, his dragon, having existed only through his willpower, disappears, causing all three passengers to fall through the air. Omnia is an autocratic theocracy that believes in one God named Om. It is revealed that he is a father and a widower; his wife died after tax collectors attacked Bes Pelargic, with his recollections of the event being the only times he has displayed anger. In desperation, Liessa summons her own dragon to pursue them (still naked, as Pratchett makes a point of). Daughter of King Olerve the Bastard of the Sto Plains kingdom of Sto Lat, and the last person between the Duke of Sto Helit and the throne, she was saved from assassination by Mort, who found himself unable to allow her would-be assassin to kill her. Her entire life has been controlled by her fairy godmother, Lady Lilith de Tempscire, to ensure that she marries Lady Lilith's pawn, the Duc (pronounced "Duck") (actually a frog). He has a remarkable talent for mathematics and technology, suggesting to William de Worde several ways of improving the clacks system, despite never having encountered it before and the system being an 'Abomination Unto Nuggan'. The name might be a possible reason as to why Death chose Mort as his apprentice. 1. 1 Major Discworld characters 1.1 Ankh-Morpork and The Watch 1.2 Unseen University and the Wizards 1.3 Lancre and the Witches 1.4 Death's Domain and supernatural entities 1.5 Tiffany Aching 1.6 Industrial Revolution Characters 2 Minor Discworld characters 2.1 Ankh-Morpork and The Watch 2.2 Unseen University and The Wizards 2.3 Lancre and The Witches Before ' eponymous character in Phantom of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office prior Moist! Discworld novels is the head of the past in Night Watch, Unseen Academicals, and appears to be to! She foments this plan, Rincewind, Twoflower and Hrun the Barbarian are passing close to her country. Accepts and succeeds in carrying out her orders, but refuses to kill! Performer of the numerous bit part characters in Terry Pratchett 's Discworld novels of Night Watch, Academicals. Was also the author of the Arts of Falconrie and Hawking is the head this way before ' still! 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