They still preach the meat and potatoes, the need for Jesus for salvation which is restoring your relationship to the father. Please do not be insulted by everyone that do not agree with you. Sins against the holy spirit can not be forgiven in eternity. God is infinite! They but seek and desire The Will of GOD, their Father and Creator, as they await their final transformation. I am, however, concerned with possible judgement/slandering against Bill Johnson. Well then, why dont we let the sinners do the martyring and you take a break. And what did Jesus say about the truth? The New Age is full of this. You adulterers and adulteresses, dont you know that friendship with the world is to be at enmity with The Only True GOD? You need to stay with Gods Word and not try to get in my personal business. It speaks about a global transformation ..there is one coming. clucking like chickens "If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. Both were scriptural yet would probably freak you out and no one will ever be able to convince me Im possessed by a demon. His ways and thoughts are higher than our ways and thoughts. If is not a sin to be rich. Jakes Charles Finney C. Peter Wagner Joseph Prince James Robison John Piper Joel C. Gregory, holder of an endowed chair in preaching and evangelism at Baylor; the Rev. please pray for us He is married to Joy and has two sonsBen and Andrew. There has been many disputes over things that are not related to salvation, but people have been treated as non believers. Corruptible to Incorruptible ndeed and Truth! That ALL who follow Jesus will be hated by the whole World, and many called home to Heaven in their young age. Jesus juice For men to speak of doing that before the judgment of this earth is spiritually arrogant. For readers of this blog: Study this documentation: Macedo is also the founder of Grupo Record, the largest media group in Brazil. Not to mention that our post was stolen from our mailbox too. That is the theme for a week end outpouring of deceptive spirits in the largest Pentecostal Church in Norway, Filadelfia in Oslo. * We are already in the Tribulation, but at the same time, we are in the Millennium. God Bless. You will never convince me that I was drunk on demonic spirits. David danced before the Lord and told his scolding wife that he would get even more undignified than that. Already you have become rich! Paul was not looking for gold dust or feathers in the airto prove that He was right, or that God was with him. High Priest of bliss There are many reasons why people think they are smarter and more wise than Jesus.. These groups ALL embrace the Dominionist theology (which is a terrible distortion of Biblical Truth) also known as Kingdom Now. 3Pre-Reformation 4Lutheran 5Calvinist 6Presbyterian 7Anglican 8Puritan 9Baptist 10Methodist 11Independent 12Seventh-day Adventist 13Church of Christ 14Pentecostal 15Charismatic 16Preachers with secular professions 17Gallery 18References Toggle the table of contents List of Christian preachers Add languages Add links Article Talk English Read Gregor, it is our obligation as Christians in Christ, to tell others when they are being deceived. Read what the Word says, and dont go beyond what is written. DO NOT JUDGE What were the sceptics saying on the morning of Pentecost? praise god you do good work for christ., Chinese churches join in the persecution of 'underground' churches. His Word keeps the world spinning. What blasphemy. The main problem that I see with prosperity gospel teachers is that they put the cart before the horse. What if that laughter is coming from a revelation of that persons freedom in Christ and is out of joy and coming straight from Gods word? The Hindu-priests release claimed to be Holy laughter, vibrations and shaking on their flock. All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. John the Baptist was so empowered, that he was beheaded. Simply, all other religions are impure, defiled and of this wicked, evil world! 8.5 Hours on 2 DVDs, Produced by Justin Peters and SO4J-TV . His teaching is based on the belief that Christians can reign on Earth as Kings, without the King of Kings present. The visions of your prophets were false and worthless chamber room intimacy with Jesus AMEN. It is an effort to use the church to make the world perfect for our Lord's return. Live in His spirit, not this world where the enemy reigns. On the other hand I have seen Johnsons intentions misconstrued by naysayers here and elsewhere by applying emphasis and contextual distortion. But accept that you are a sinner, who do commit mistakes. in our church apart from preaching the gospel of jesus christ we are doing the economic empowerment, training the members who to be rich in bible way just as it written in the book of 8:18 at the same time we have pastors felowship we train pastors in good gorvance. I noticed you have made the comment more than once about your not owning anything. That being said, I fully understand that I have spoken up in a forum that will not easily receive me. And Paul rebukes them, and explains that the true Kingdom awaits servants of Jesus that never became King`s on Earth, but rather persecuted martyrs. huffing the Bible hurricane of the Spirit The main Hindu spirit that moves within Christianity is the Kundalini spirit. Therefore whoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of The Only True GOD. (James 4:1-4), The world cannot hate you; but the world hates Me, because I testify that the works of this world are evil. (John 7:7) and The Messiah gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of The Only True God, Our Father.(Gal 1:4), The Messiah testified: If the world hates you know that it hated Me before it hated you.(John 5:18) Truly, Truly, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die it brings forth much fruit. Ralph Douglas West is founder and senior pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, which has grown from 32 members to more than 24,000 families. Jesus the Messiah did not recognize them. smoking the Holy Spirit crack pipe in Papas pleasureland I realized the true love of God and became much closer to Christ and am a more loving person. loaded with the revelation beer of heaven However the issue is of course the timing. religious demonic persecution You say: Currently, Satan roams the earth roaring like a lion seeking to kill and destroy, and is the first blasphemer recorded in Gods written word, the Bible (1 Peter 5:8; Genesis chapter 3). My name is Mesfin Getachew, Project Manager of bishan Jilba Community Development Project. These are men who walk in falsehood, misusing his name, being deceived to accept a false Holy Spirit. (especially one who is in the church!) And one recurring theme whith BJ and Bethel Redding seems to be the dominionist view of us being like God, or Christlike in a sense, that the Lord never intended. Ralph Douglas West. You do not have to take me seriously. He works with World Hope Ministries International to train pastors in remote global locations, coaches planters and pastors, and teaches seminary occasionally. In Him. A list of preachers and teachers to analyze. I dont see how Ivarfjeld was judging anyone. But my family and friends would tesify it has been the best thing I ever did! Jesus did not have nice words for them.. Jesus, life of the party You said: Jesus injected into your spirit (with needle) That was because of bad conditions and terrorism that we experienced from this person. Do they not blaspheme the fair name by which you have been called? God says in Isaiah 66:3-5, I will choose their delusions. I believe that is the reason for so much confusion, false theology, and apostasy today. buzz evangelism The lord our god has placed on my heart that his churches are a sleep his people are asleep and its time to waken them for he is doing something new. Our booklets are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use. Thanks Hank. Heaven invades the Earth. You may disagree with what he teaches but that doesnt mean he should be written off completely. So, I will state my most-Christ-like position on the post. I just dont want others to think it is a sin to be rich. RESOURCES firewater of God > street,other kids get to street because young girls produce when still in In the area of health, we working on prevention, and care and support and, health centre establishment. Obama, the pope and Bill Johnson. It is not a sin to remain rich. Empowered men. Birthdate: July 10, 1509. you if your organisation is willing to partner with us. Yours Gregor. smoking the Lamb of God It strips the gospel of its effectiveness.Those same churches are generally (almost always) weak on preaching the full gospel of salvation. In all humble intension I have a question (that is not to be answered but is for you alone). For I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (I Timothy 2:11,12,14). caught up in the ecstatic realm A theology that claims all signs, wonders, miracles, healings and spiritual gifts are no longer of God but exclusively of the devil is not biblically rational. Our church looks also for any exchange programme with you. Woe to them! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. It appeals to the flesh-when the Bible elementary basics teach us we should actually die to our old carnal nature and our self-life. they rely on new revelations from their corrupt leaders, and consider themselves the holiest of all. To rule in the midst of your enemies.I dont know bill johnson, and i did not say anything about political power. smearing ones face into the gospel like a pig in a trough Jesus said it was hard, but not impossible! After all, children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children. I promise I will respect you and love you regardless of what you say in response to this, because that is what I believe Jesus requires of me. Either we like it or not, no Christian can claim they own anything. Tell me how that shows Christs love, or builds unity in the body? That is the opposite of what if going on in the Charismatic movement. Your claim of poison is a bit rich without providing clear quotes while assassinating these preachers with a stroke of your pen. 1 Timonthy 6:10 says: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. they condition and desensitize new recruits over a period of time to believe what they sayeven over the Bible. It is sad that so many people: young and old Christian alike fall away, but is it really worth arguing with people who are not ready and/or do not wish to believe the truth. He rose to fame in the late 1980s when he debuted his faith and revival meeting summits called "Miracle Crusades." Quit serving time in the prison that is this world and take heed unto The Call of The Only True GOD to Come Out of her, MY people!. It absolutely does not! They are using it to reach the lost. I have attended Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship on several occasions over the last 5 years and I have only been blessed. Ive seen that happen. Im not falling for you horrible debate practices. If we diminish the reality of the Holy Spirit in His reality then He will not manifest. Very true, but the modern Church does a serious disservice by neglecting to bother with even those basic elementary teachings, and instead promote a profoundly superficial falsehood with what they consider to be a suitable ecumental substitute. John Piper John Piper is a very well-known preacher for his style (straight forward/not passive) and knowledge of the Bible. Jesus warned us about massive deception just before He returns. The dangerous deception of Kingdom Now theology. Concerning Bill Johnson, he is seriously one of most Godly men I know. I dont know what you have heard or read about Mr. Johnson or if you have spoken with him. We analyze all kinds of theological perspectives and the people who preach and teach those perspectives. This is what Bill and others in his movement teacha Church fully empowered, fully representing on earth the way things are in heavenjust like Jesus did, in exactly the same way. Pastor Crabtree put out a report to the pastors in his district that featured this warning about the dangers of dominion theology: Kingdom Now teachers have redefined the Gospel which requires re-evangelizing the church without an emphasis upon Jesus Christ. Since huge TV-canals do reach the sheep I have been told to look after, 24X7, am I allowed to warn my flock about people like Johnson? like so many other dangerous teachings and movements, the danger is not always apparent right away it can take a bit of digging to find out what a teacher or a movement actually stand for. Matthew 12:24 My citizenship is in Heaven, and the true church is a rescue operation to save people from the false Kingdom builders. I had been thinking about this teacher for some time, and I would have had to start searching for him in a couple of weeks time. Neither have I met Benny Hinn. imparting the anointing, apostolic covering ball cap possessed by a realm of supernatural glory 1. People who manifests like snakes, dogs, cats or any kind of animals, do have an animal spirit within them. 1. I immediately knew I had judged wrongly. drinking with the Holy Ghost The minute a holy ghost preacher asserts the divine character of the Son of God, and preaches Christ and Him crucified-oohhhh sorry dude, thats WAY too heavy, thats too religious and legalistic. By far. There might be many interesting interpretings of scripture. We sadly see this dangerous development in Sweden as well especially affecting our young people. But growth and popularity within what claims to be Christian doesnt necessarily mean it is sanctioned by God. They drive the unsaved further into sin and further away from Jesus Christ (i.e.. they are severely malnourished in Gods written word, and driven by their own feelings, emotions, and experiences. I guess you need to try to change and side track this debate with insults to me and a different topic, just like you did in the other thread about The People of the Book. All over the World apostles and prophets are speaking about the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on the EARTH as IT IS IN HEAVEN. How are we going to face God if do not treat our brothers and sisters like brothers and sister? This is a classical error within the Charismatic circles of Pentacostalism. And are you persecuted and martyred much yourself? If that is some echo of what is in your heart, we are siblings. If God were their Father, they would love and understand Jesus Christ. Some people roam around with a Bible under the arm, collecting money for them selves. These are People Full of Love for the Lost and Not for the devils works. I want to promote a culture of honor, because its in honoring and loving one another and those around us that we see the Kingdom advance. How many times did Jesus bless a storm, and told it to go to the nearest town and humiliate the people who lived there? I see the article is just a list of cowardly, disrespectful slanders on a man of God whose sole purpose is to glorify Jesus. He has the Word of Faith teachers as mentors. Pensacola Outpouring And the world will pass away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of The Only True GOD will abide for ever. (I John 2:15-17), If you were of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. The Hindu spirit of Laxmi bring gold dust to her believers, and money angels are used to bring in cash. I dont know if the devil can do creative miracles like that. permiwhacked on Jesus But at least take the message from Jesus seriously. I assure you I would be running a mile if I heard such false theology. Desire heavenly, eternal things. So you want me to cut my hands off, Ivar? Many of the current GOP in high level positions, and some members of Trump's staff are actively trying to install dominionist doctrine into our laws. Now is the day of His Kingdom. Prominent adherents of those ideologies include Calvinist Christian reconstructionism, Charismatic and Pentecostal Kingdom Now theology, and the New Apostolic Reformation. He does. by Olive Tree Ministries with Jan Markell. Yet stronger than woman is The Truth, which is in those who have received a love of The Truth. Why? Bill Johnson just held his much marketed meeting in the Norwegian pentecostal Church of Oslo. 7. David Platt was pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Ala (now at McLean Bible Church in metro Washington DC) Steven Furtick of Elevation Church An Inside Look. My friend is in no way directly connected to this movement, merely responding to what he believed to be Gods urging. dreuling (slobbering) in the spirit Truth is forever, lies reside in never, never land. This is called the millenium. The Crack Shop whacked up on the cross of Jesus Christ Acts 18:28 We are providing school service starting from kindergarten to high school level. And The Only True GOD will destroy them who destroy the earth. (Rev 11:18). Their terms and words would be filled with honor, respect, and humility for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 8:42-44). The King of Kings has made me His Son. His Kingdom was established at that moment and with the outpouring if the Holy Spirit He fills us with His authority and power to do the works He calls us to and enables us to stand strong and unimpressed by the forces of Hell. I have heard many instances of people finding gold dust and even gemstones from heaven in church services. Sarcastically? Edir Macedo Bezerra is the richest pastor in the world with an estimated net worth of $950 million. I have never heard any of these types of assertions or anything near them in the several hours of Bill Johnson I have listened to. Jesus is my bartender Blessings to you my friend! Just google this topic if you do not believe me. Reverend Jarena Lee. He is a Lutheran, with links both to Toronto, and the claimed to be Kansas prophets around Bob Hartley. This is delusional and keeping people out of Heaven. While I agree completely that our ultimate home is heaven and our ultimate rule is on the new earth/new Jerusalem after Jesus return, Jesus himself states that the kingdom is here right now. If the answer is yes, we better become aware of their classical ID-marks. Find more information on Dominion Theology/Kingdom Now at my Web site at the link Prophecy Watch: and/or Spiritual Deception. You may surprise when you read this message. I want to profess that I love the Jesus of the Bible, I seek after Him daily and desire His will on Earth. We have to be careful. am taking prints all your sermons and distributing to pastors so those helpful to them .is it possible for me to visit Ur church Dont you know that the Lord warned even his first disciples, that from their very midst would come wolves, false brethren and false teachers? you present a common argument, Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. The Bible has plenty of warnings against miracles workers, and those who follow such events, or even demands to see such things as a foundation of their faith. I encourage you to flee such false teachers. Kingdom Now theology sees the second coming of Jesus in two stages: first through the flesh of the believers (and in particular the flesh of today's apostles and prophets), and then in person to take over the kingdom handed to Him by those who have been victorious (the "overcomers"). Ive had two pretty crazy encounters with the Holy Spirit. Christ made the point that arguing is bringing division into the church. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. * Rather than following traditional Bible prophecy, they follow new revelations.. All who have endorsed a man like Todd Bentley as a Christian, have no discernment at all. holy whacking teachings The Norwegian Christian Daily has quoted Johnson saying. permiwhacked on the gospel of Jesus Christ 4. I have no particular adherence to Bill Johnsons ministry. But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived (2 Timothy 3:12-13). The post Pensacola Christian College Cancels Kings Singers Concert Over [Homosexual] Lifestyle' appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. If you would like your pastor or a church leader to begin receiving these mailings, please send the name and a valid mailing address to us at names and addresses on this list will remain confidential. And please dont go beyond what I have said either. I have no church building positioning yourself for transport in the Spirit For THE NAME OF GOD IS BLASPHEMED AMONG THE GENTILES BECAUSE OF YOU, just as it is written (Romans 2:24). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. glory chunks Not only are the Arnotts children of God who are living sacrificially to help others, but my life was changed for the better because of their obedience. We can also wish that this verse was never written. Yes, I believe that the Lord has brought material blessing to the West because of the presence of His Bride there, but it is evil to be anything but grateful for what He has doneto constantly ask for more is greedy and the New Testament roundly condemns greed in the followers of Jesus. The following is a recent example of 'Kingdom Now' teaching. Neither through right or false teachings. Baker, the great missionary to China said this parable shows in the end times when Christ comes, the Church will be at its full potency (bearing all the fruits of the Kingdom as Christ did) and the devils army will also be at its full potency (bearing the fruits of darkness.) In what can be best described as savagery in the name of God, the above terms and catch-phrases are the product of twisted minds, and a bi-product of doctrines of demons the Apostle Paul warned about in 1 Timothy 4:1-2. Than, Jesus the Messiah will come and collect your soul. they mock the God of the Bible (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and refer to God with words and actions that bring dishonor to the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.they downplay sound, Biblical theology and teachings, and twist and misinterpret Scripture to conform to their particular belief system. 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