If you drive your RV to another state every three months, they interpret that as keeping the motorhome in your home state for no more than 90 consecutive days. And your LLC is a Montana corporation. Drivers who want to use the Montana LLC technique should be very careful when insuring these cars. Bottom line; unless you live IN Montana, DONT DO IT! When youre buying a high-dollar luxury car, sports car, truck, or RV, those taxes can really put a hurting on you. Heggen Law Office is located in a commercial building. Thom was on a contract job that started off at 6 months then had 3 months added then a month well you get the idea. Kali has just figured out a way to get the use tax + penalties. In Virginia, we pay a 4.3 % sales tax on purchase of a vehicle, then 4.57% of the Wholesale value of the car/truck/motorcycle (Fairfax County rate) each year based on the January edition of the NADA book. Do you have any responsibility to pay the sales tax to your new state or do you just register the coach like any other vehicle? Montana Llc. Stay up-to-date with Club news, blog posts, events, and more. That way, your state Revenue Man cant argue that your LLC is a shell corporation used solely as a tax dodge. We also own 2 cars still register CA and I have CA driver license. Call us today! Have registered to vote etc. Ridiculous. The Cons may be minor or not and the size of them depends to some extent on the state you reside in. Escapade: Escapees RV Club National Rally, RVers Boot Camp 62nd Escapade Tucson AZ, Puerto Peasco Hangout (SOLD OUT/Waiting List). Besides this, many insurers have been known to frown at covering an RV that is titled in Montana when the owner of the LLC lives in another state. Its not illegal to register a mh in another state when it begins to an llc of that other state and avoid taxes of any other state. And unless you do things right from the get-go, their denial of your claim will probably stand up in court. And a lot of luxury car and RV owners are very happy with the Big Sky state, having saved tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. Using a Montana law firm, they created a limited liability corporation (LLC) in Montana for one purpose: to "house" their RV so they wouldn't have to pay sales tax. All states have rules about how long a vehicle can be in the state in the possession of a resident before it needs to be registered. Sign up for US Legal Forms to save, print, and fill out legal templates without bounds. Totally agree. I sleep really well with that plate on my car. There is no free lunch however. If you live in California, dont take a photograph of your Montana-tagged Testa Rosa with a backdrop of the Golden Gate Bridge. So while forming an LLC in Montana and using it to buy a vehicle is perfectly legal in Montana, doing it to avoid paying sales tax in your own personal state of residence may not be. So it makes a lot of sense to do everything you can to maximize savings. Is doing Montana LLC RV Titling a wise practice or will it get RVers in trouble in their home states? Jalpa44 Rookie Mar 10, 2015 1 #4 Nov 14, 2016 Hello, All Montana businesses are required to have a registered agentan individual or other entity that accepts legal and state documents on behalf of your Montana LLC. But this article has made sure I will not be relocating to Michigan and purchasing my RV there! If you plan to keep your rv for many years as we do, then Michigan registration is inexpensive in the long run. Planning to use Montana state to register our RV I had a Montana LLC to buy a motorhome and avoid Texas sales and use tax. Another technique is to use your Montana LLC for a bona fide business purpose. Heres how to keep the target sign off your back. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. That way taxes would be paid in the high tax state but at greatly reduced rates. But to stay in line with the rules to keep from having to pay the tax can be challenging, depending on how you use your RV (boat, airplane, etc), and depending on your state can be so restrictive as to make it not worth it. Being from Illinois, I would still have to pay Michigan sales tax if I bought from a dealer up there, so maybe low or no sales tax states would be better. You wont be bothered in California. October 19, 2016at3:24 am, hailey parker said: Fantastic analysis ! I am not a lawyer so take what a I say carefully. Would you be opening yourself up to some real problems, fines etc. Would love to be a full-timer with an organization like Sowers. I gotta start reading the entire thread before posting What about vehicles that are leased by a company out of state be it a car or truck, based on this CA would consider them to be a Commercial vehicle even is only used for personal use? So technically fines and penalties can still come your way. In a deliberate break with their home state of California, they sold their property and bought an RV. Taxing a car multiple times is the same as stealing. It's not just Montana LLCs. Montana LLCs almost always only work for full-timers who don't spend much time in their domicile state. Put yourself in the Trooper/Officer's shoes for a moment: You are assigned to a CA checkpoint, you see a high-dollar RV roll up, you see the Montana plates, the driver hands you a CA license and a registration for a Montana business entity. Or over time. 855-721-0777. There was some issue with buying fuel for a rig that was owned by a corporation. Why in the world would I fabricate something like this, I still have a job to occupy my time. Part of the issue here is California is going after Montana LLC with managing member(s) that are California residents. Iowa is not alone in cracking down on RV fee avoidance. That sort of exploitation only fuels the resolve of the high tax states to shut down the loophole. Some states have passed laws specifically targeting people who use out-of-state car registrations as a tax avoidance technique. I purchased a new coach two weeks ago and looked at doing the same. If you live in Texas and setup a Montana LLC for the express purpose of not paying sales tax, you will be fine as long as you stay out of Texas with the LLC titled vehicle. File an Affidavit o f Domicile with the court; Change to local businesses for banking, accountants, doctors and dentists; Have your estate planning documents (wills, trusts an d powers o f attorney) written i n Texas; If you still have real estate outside o f Texas, rent the real estate o r otherwise sho w that you arent using it as your hub., All The Things You Need To Know About Domicile As An RVer. The hassle of always looking over my shoulder just isnt worth the tax savings. Im talking about the practice of setting up an LLC business in Montana to purchase a motorhome, thus avoiding sales and use tax and often stiff registration fees in the owners home state. Every dime related is written off. Still, I can only assume this is why a lot of U-Haul's equipment is so old. but alas the. A Montana LLC is no different than filling up your fuel tank, before entering CA, because the fuel taxes are lower in an adjoining state. You might want to search for that thread and read up on it. Full time means the end could come for either/both of us anywhere other than SD. The definition of company is : Any entity engaging in business, such as a proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. IFTA is an agreement among most U.S. states and Canadian provinces to simplify the reporting of fuel used by motor carriers operating in more than one jurisdiction. For example, buy some investment property in Montana, and own them within your LLC. Regardless of where you live. The state is getting theirs. For non-residents, which the Montana LLC that owns the motorhome would technically be, an exemption to the tax would be allowed provided the motorhome is purchased by a person who is not a resident of this state at the time of purchase and is brought into this state more than 90 days after the date of purchase.. Especially California and Colorado are really cracking down on this. for having his RV titled as an LLC in Montana! They brought along their Texas vehicle registration, proof of insurance, their unexpired California driver licenses and other proof of required identification. This Montana scheme is very appealing to many. But say your neighbors see you driving around with Montana plates and report you. Sure, that 200-acre ranch property costs a cool $2 million. Bank and insurance company need to know that the LLC owns the coach. I ran the idea past my son who is both a lawyer and someone who can always find the cheapest way to do things. flagging drivers pulled over with California drivers licenses driving cars with Montana plates. Why? The trooper didnt stop there. Heres a link to said video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebDF-C7GJec. So what, you live and work in California and you are cheating the system. As we mentioned, the CHiPs are out in force, looking for this specific circumstance. Then you have to comply with commercial trucking regulations. This works great in places like Kansas City. 3 min read 1. Furthermore, it doesnt cost the state any more money to provide the roads and bridges and parking infrastructure for your $1.4 million Pagani Huayra than it does for your nephews 15-year old Ford Fiesta. If so it would be boilerplate with no changes. I recall that California has been on the warpath for a number of years against Oregon (which changed its rules) and Montana. Georgia (and we presume, other states, but we know Georgia, for sure) is also cross-referencing all cars with Montana registrations and Peach Pass toll accounts, and then having toll authorities hand over photographs of those cars passing through toll stations. Ngoc , Im certain that if a Cal State Trooper were to pull you over and find you had a Cal driver-license, a toad-car licensed in Cal and a motor-home with Montana plates it would not go well. Every Montana LLC is managed per the clients need. The downsides to a Montana LLC are few if you are a full timer. All us Liberal Democrats have to keep it hush-hush. I digress, pay the sales tax and then they want property tax on an already taxed item every year. But the land is an asset offsetting the mortgage. Thank you for our RVing community and this forum. LLC. The next thing she knew, she was being pulled over by a local DPS trooper. Set up the LLC here and we will cheaply register your $200,000.00 motorhome here so you don't have to pay sales tax. Montana Limited Liability Companies. I registered my $100K+ 5th wheel for $200 13 years ago & havent had to pay a penny since. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, '15 Camaro SS 1LE | Colorado ZR2 | 2 Supermotos, Carrera GT, 05 Ford GT, G500 Cabrio, LR Defenders. Other states are not necessarily buying this! If your eager-beaver neighborhood agent wasnt thinking, and just added your Lambo to your personal policy, alongside your sensible minivan (hey, we dont judge! Pay sales tax when car is purchased. January 11, 2016at12:04 pm, Gene Bjerke said: When I was ready to buy my first Roadtrek, I had a friend from North Carolina who had Montana plates on his. I loved the specifics Does someone know where I could possibly grab a template FL HSMV 85008 form to use ? How To Start An Llc In Montana. For example the LLC would purchase a $250,000 motorhome and then turn around and lease it for $200 per month to a Michigan resident. We know dozens of people whove purchased RVS in Montana and Wyoming, though none are from Michigan and all RV full-time. The Montana LLC scheme used by the Louisiana taxpayer has been around for years and continues to be promoted by Montana-based lawyers. Shame on those who are so cheap they scheme to avoid paying a few hundred dollars in taxes to the detriment of all their fellow home state residents, particularly the elderly and poor kids who most depend on tax support! Join us after the 62nd Escapade for 10 relaxing days of ocean-view camping and activities in Mexico including a sunset cruise, a tequila tasting, a paint & sip session at a local tapas bar, a day of fun at Mannys Beach Club, yoga classes on the beach, optional deep-sea fishing and ATV tours, and much more! Whatever. Check it out by clicking here. Officer Josh Waites explains what prompted their. But for other places, it pays to shop around. A Montana LLC vehicle registration is an option some out-of-state residents choose in order to purchase a vehicle without having to pay sales tax on it. The state is calling these LLC's exactly what they are, a sham to avoid taxes. Having a "Montana Attorney" will do you no good if that Attorney is not licensed in California and familiar with California law. We looked at doing a Montana LLC ,but it seemed a bit risky so we opted to bite the bullet and pay Colorado sales tax when we purchased our RV. Forming an LLC does not create a business nor does it create a corporation. In December 2007, a man named Robert Thomas bought a $351,800 RV at the Dixie RV Super Store in the city of Hammond in his home state of Louisiana. I paid my taxes. For example, Louisiana slaps a 9% tax on vehicle sales. We want to be fulltime RVing. This bi-weekly newsletter is full of everything you want to know. Its tough to hide an RV. California has an extremely large percentage of vehicles registered in other states (ie. Since an LLC is a business you can also be subject to IFTA fuel tax as well. Where you happen to own a home and have a drivers license? Do you even have a legitimate insurable interest in the vehicle at all? . Loring & Associates (who Mrs. Adams works with) typically offer a free consultation, which sounds like it would be helpful in your case. Steve Mr. This means that the LLC itself does not pay taxes and does not have to file a return with the IRS. And some states are already cracking down on people caught parking cars in their state that have Montana tags. At least they used to be. December 07, 2021at8:10 pm, B Moore said: Note the last sentence This prevents revenue inspectors in your state from finding your car and proving that you store the car in your home state. And BOOM youll get a nastygram in the mail saying you owe tens of thousands of dollars to the tax man. According to Jalopnik, one way Georgia tax officials have caught up with owners of Montana-registered cars is by going through Montana registrations looking for cars with custom plates like MTBULLD0G.. But if you purchase your vehicle through an LLC in Montana, you wouldnt have to pay sales tax on the vehicle at all. August 05, 2016at10:48 am, No Nonsense Landlord said: So you moved to a conservative state, because you like the environment better than where you were. I did have to pay 6% sales tax when I bought it, but nothing since. In most states, vehicle sales are subject to a nasty sales tax, personal property tax, or both. And what additional fees and taxes are in Delaware? some state revenue agencies consider to be tax evasion. But are you actually protected? As Dianne drove through Washington State, she didnt realize she was in a speed zone. Please take the time to register and you will gain a lot of great new features including; the ability to participate in discussions, network with other RV owners, see fewer ads, upload photographs, create an RV blog, send private messages and so much, much more! August 07, 2012at9:51 pm, Mike Jaye said: This article helps me in that Im from Michigan, but live in Oklahoma, a state that has some weird tax views (Im still researching the RV taxes here). And as another point I would like to thank those that do this illegally, so I can pay more tax for THEIR gain. And that arguments probably a loser in court. The personal auto specifically excludes coverage for commercial activities/ventures. Forgetting the Montana tax avoidance scheme, buying at RV is usually the second most expensive purchase you will ever make after buying a house. Franchise Opportunity Other states with high sales taxes and ad valoremtaxes on car sales and registrations have woken up to the fact that theyre losing millions in tax revenue. This is exactly what Ive been wondering. Unlike the mass market insurance companies, our carriers know the deal, and our agents know the right questions to ask to make sure youre getting the insurance protection you need. All Rights Reserved. (Truly, I forget).. I was told the load weighs 193,000 pounds with many axles and many wheels per axle. 2022 Genesis GV-80. Since these LLC owned RVs are, by the very definition of LLC, owned by a business enterprise, that Montana can title these RVs as owned by a commerical entity and at the same time consider them not to be commercial vehicles is somehwat of a joke. It's a never ending crackdown, if a driver is stopped with out of state plates registered to their name with an address out of state and holds a California drivers license, they are DEAD MEAT! There are special rules for writing off expenses. Theyre expensive. Great article! CHP clamping down on drivers who avoid California fees. You really might want to get a clue, not give tax or legal advice as an unqualified writer and keep your submissive nature to yourself. And as far as property taxes are concerned, the owner of the RV park pays them, and passes the cost on to the RVers who stay there. However, here is how I would approach it from a logical (but not necessarily relevant) standpoint. Sign up and get a free Packing List for your next trip and free perks, discounts and RV travel tips! But thats still a drop in the bucket compared to the potential immediate tax savings you can get by registering high-value cars, trucks, busses, and RVs in Montana. Naturally, they caution the RV owner to keep detailed records that establish the motorhomes whereabouts. Cute custom license plates attract attention and can get you into trouble. Theyll go on to say, You told us on the application that you were keeping the car in your garage in Provo, Utah. Best of all it's totally FREE! California is aggressively going after both kinds of people now. The local DPS promptly presented David and Dianne with their new Texas driver licenses (paper copies to use until the laminated plastic copies arrive by mail). I doubt that this is really the case, since your LLC owns the vehicle does not make it a commercial use vehicle. U-Haul and other legitimate rental businesses pay all applicable state/local sales and corporate income taxes on their rentals. Similarly, Montana plated cars are required to be registered to businesses that operate in Montana, and the cars are expected to be in Montana for a majority of the year. 2018.5 Entegra Aspire 44R-Sold, 2019 Chevy Blazer-Sold. RVers Ask: What's The Best Way To Sell An RV? Some critics note they have set up tip-lines with rewards for people who spot RVs with Montana plates parked in storage yards or driveways for long periods of time. SKP #131800, Hi there! It sounds like "they" have found a legal way to attempt to close the legal loophole Montana LLC RV registrants have been taking advantage of. She owns the LLC and the toad, so if shes properly insured, the only issue is her speeding. All this is perfectly legal in Montana. The LLC in Montana is owned by a Michigan resident. Our Goal is to find affordable insurance solutions for every driver, regardless of your previous insurance or accident history. How To Insure a Car with a Rebuilt or Salvage Title, South Dakota Residency for Full-Time RVers. Looking for information about Buying an RV? No it isn't. Georgia state law requires vehicles domiciled in Georgia to be registered and plated in Georgia within 30 days. California Highway Patrol is actively looking for and flagging drivers pulled over with California drivers licenses driving cars with Montana plates. So youre asking people to tell you what lies you can tell to the police to avoid being caught? Like references on using this opportunity (it isnt a loophole, its simply how the law was written to benefit wealthy people). Thank you for sharing very informative article. International Accounting Standards Board : Well, to me this is all a most creative shell game between the individual taxpayer vs. individual regional entities (states) each are running their own affairs and trying to keep their coffers full enough to support their overhead (programs, roads, wages for their institutions and beurocracies, etc etc). And then title their newly-purchased vehicle in the Montana LLC's name. He was very dubious of the practice, so I registered the vehicle in Virgina (my home state). My questions around this are: Location: Off the road after 14 years full timing. When did any state achieve authority over another for teaching a titled and registered vehicleof that state. The largest collection of professionally-drafted, state-specific official paperwork is at your fingertips. All which would be due California if the RV and LLC were properly set up in the first place. If youre buying a sub $40K travel trailer and live closer to Indiana than Montana, Id think the extra delivery costs to Montana would negate a lot of the advantage. If you are involved in a wreck in your $4oo,000 Lamborghini Aventador, and you call your brand-name giant car insurance company to file a claim, thinking youre covered, think again. So its obvious the vehicle hasnt just driven in from Montana for the holidays. You lease it to yourself. Its not like totaling out a seven year old Ford Focus. I am a fulltimer with a Montana LLC and one of the bylaws of my Company states it is not a business and has no income. I wish to say that this One of their focuses. Indeed, forming LLCs and registering RVs like this is a big business out there. If you form a Montana LLC and have . Oregon has also enter the tax battle as they substantially fined and shut down an agent who was creating LLC's in that state which also has no sales tax. If you have an exceptional car for any reason, or youre considering registering your car in Montana, give us a call at the Select Insurance Group. The issue here, though, is what would a court decide? Ready for a quote? Two years later, when the Louisiana Department of Revenue caught up with Thomas, officials said he owed $49,509 in Louisiana sales tax and penalties, but Thomas appealed and won. I was unaware of of how this worked until a few days ago, when i spoke with a gentleman who has been doing this for several years. Thats painting at target on your back. Phil & Evy Somsen Discussion in 'California (Southern)' started by Texas Forever, Feb 13, 2011. If you need Non-Owner or owner SR 22 insurance, Florida and Virginia FR44 insurance, Georgia SR22A insurance, Indiana SR50 insurance, an Ohio SR22 Bond, or DUI insurance, Select Insurance Group is the right SELECTion for you! You really need to go with an agent and carrier who understands the luxury and high-value car market, and who knows how to write these policies up so that theyll stick. And then you have the gas expenses to get it home from Montana. I have researched state vehicle registration vs. Montana LLC and the like for a while now and have discovered articles on out of state registration enforcement . A newly retired couple, lets call them David and Dianne, did their homework before becoming full-time RVers. It is 100% legal to create an LLC in Montana, and to have that LLC purchase and register a vehicle (or vehicles) regardless of your personal place of residence. Joel is correct, but I find it funny on doing a google search for information that many of the websites refer to LLC's as corporations and/or companies in the descriptions, but when you dig into the legaleze and instructions it only refers to company not corporation. Montana vehicle registrations are yearly. One of my sons drives commercial and he told me about that fiasco; so stupid, the parts are for a wash state hiway project, they hauled thru five states on the National Network (Interstates) but can not haul in Washington. Other wise, Texas doesnt care. You need an attorney in California, not Montana, it is in California you (or he) have/has to appear in court. Frequently Asked. With specific questions like yours, we recommend you reach out to legal counsel directly so all factors can be considered in the discussion. Id like to see extra posts like this . I don't blame either for trying to keep/collect their money. Here are the taxes alone on a new Pagani Huayra from a private seller in Arcadia, California in 2022. Anybody can form an LLC in Montana. February 09, 2022at10:27 pm, Lizzy Roma said: January 12, 2016at12:18 am, HD Case said: Im with you Mike. To avoid that one guy I know never brings his Montana LLC licensed MH into Cal, -ever-. I may not like those laws, but my conscience just wont let me do something that to me seems questionable. In a deliberate break with their home state of California, they sold their property and bought an RV. Iowa getting tough on recreational vehicle fees | TheGazette, Massachusetts Goes After RV Tax Evaders | RV Business, 2009 HR Navigator Fuel Door lock question. They didnt think they were writing a commercial policy when you bought it. Vehicle Registration. Can your domicile be in Delaware: drivers license, voting, mail forwarding address, but register your RV in Montana to safe on the registration fees? The purpose of having attractive tax laws from one state to another is to lure people and businesses to that state. He asked to see Diannes driver license and noted it was also Texas. That's the difference. To answer a couple of you, 1st off, this was my 1st posting, I never heard of this site until directed here by the editor of a major RV magazine, his thinking was that alot of RVers visit this site and my neighbor did not want to write an article, so I decided to do it myself. The more valuable the vehicle, the greater the tax savings. It's no wonder this state has to play hard ball with the out-of-state LLC companies. It is pretty obvious that Preston did not read all 711 prior posts in this thread, but he may want to read post #1. Dollars to the tax savings business purpose news, blog posts, events, and out! Up to some real problems, fines etc good if that Attorney not! Extent on the state you reside in this specific circumstance, Louisiana slaps a 9 tax. Excludes coverage for commercial activities/ventures wont let me do something that to me seems.! Of sense to do everything you can tell to the tax Man Montana plates Discussion in 'California ( Southern '. 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