Box 158Tierra Amarilla, NM 87575Phone: (575) 588-7724Fax: (575)588-7418Website: ljpadilla@rio-arriba.orgElection & Registration, Clerk: Mandi Park (R)109 West First St. The 2020 United States Senate election in Colorado was held on November 3, 2020, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Colorado, concurrently with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate, elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections. Enter your address. Phone: 505-827-3600(Option 2) border: none !important; YES: NO: 910: 1,520: Update. File UCC's, AG Liens, register a trademark or other commercial filings. Apply today! Deputies used DNA sample from urine left at scene to arrest suspect who burglarized Magnolia Park church in 2021 . Despite our good faith efforts to be accurate, these pages and our databases may contain inadvertent errors. } width: 300px; City of La Junta Ballot Question 2B. (Click here to read about the Eight Quality Benchmarks for a Sample Ballot Lookup Tool. Santa Fe, NM 87501, Hours of Operation Francis Drive in Tularosa. During the June 9 Otero County Commission meeting, all three commissioners voted to remove all mail-in ballot boxes and remove all Dominion voting machines. Search for your existing New Mexico voter registration. Otero County, N.M. will not certify its primary election results in order to take a stand against imaginary threats to elections. New Mexico Audit Force tried to rally support among the GOP gubernatorial candidates for a statewide audit of the 2020 general election, in hopes of proving that former President Donald Trump actually won the election. Monday through Friday from Oct. 11-Nov. 4 and from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5. #content { Election Results Homepage. View Election Results. This, despite the fact the EchoMail was given the contract by Otero County at the urging of a volunteer group of citizens called the New Mexico Audit Force. Voters fill in their ballots at the Otero County Fairgrounds on June 7, 2022. font-weight: 600; The group is led by former NMSU professor David Clements and his wife Erin Clements. Shall Judge Mahew D. Grove of the Colorado Court of Appeals be retained in office? New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State, New Mexico Capitol Annex North / 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 / Santa Fe, NM 87501, (505) 827-3600
Learn about how we protect your voter and business information. Registrar of Voters. Ballotpedia includes comprehensive election information for the largest 100 cities by population, as well as all state legislative, statewide, and congressional races across the nation. The clerk says that translates to a lot of small text on the double-sided ballot.Spokesperson Joey Keefe said sample ballots are now available.This is the ballot you'll see when you show up at a polling location, Keefe said during an interview with KOAT-TV, showing a sample ballot at Bernalillo Countys voting warehouse.The race for president is right up front, along with state Senate and state House races and other elected officials. It should also include every candidate running in those elections, except write-ins. 47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 Email:, Ethics Division color: white; All rights reserved. Tierna Unruh-Enos is publisher at The Paper. This sample ballot tool includes: All candidates in every upcoming election occurring within the 100 most-populated cities in the U.S., plus all federal and statewide elections, including ballot measures, nationwide. Nicole Maxwell can be contacted by email at, by phone at 575-415-6605 or on Twitter at @nicmaxreporter. We also provide race overviews if you want additional background information. Shall Judge Jaclyn Casey Brown of the Colorado Court of Appeals be retained in office? Election Day Voter Hotline Toll Free: 1-800-477-3632 . Proposition FF (STATUTORY) Healthy School Meals for All (Vote Yes/For or No/Against)SHALL STATE TAXES BE INCREASED $100,727,820 ANNUALLY BY A CHANGE TO THE COLORADO REVISED STATUTES THAT, TO SUPPORT HEALTHY MEALS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS, INCREASES STATE TAXABLE INCOME ONLY FOR INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE FEDERAL TAXABLE INCOME OF $300,000 OR MORE BY LIMITING ITEMIZED OR STANDARD STATE INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS TO $12,000 FOR SINGLE TAX RETURN FILERS AND $16,000 FOR JOINT TAX RETURN FILERS, AND, IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, CREATING THE HEALTHY SCHOOL MEALS FOR ALL PROGRAM TO PROVIDE FREE SCHOOL MEALS TO STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS; PROVIDING GRANTS FOR PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS TO PURCHASE COLORADO GROWN, RAISED, OR PROCESSED PRODUCTS, TO INCREASE WAGES OR PROVIDE STIPENDS FOR EMPLOYEES WHO PREPARE AND SERVE SCHOOL MEALS, AND TO CREATE PARENT AND STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEES TO PROVIDE ADVICE TO ENSURE SCHOOL MEALS ARE HEALTHY AND APPEALING TO ALL STUDENTS; AND CREATING A PROGRAM TO ASSIST IN PROMOTING COLORADO FOOD PRODUCTS AND PREPARING SCHOOL MEALS USING BASIC NUTRITIOUS INGREDIENTS WITH MINIMAL RELIANCE ON PROCESSED PRODUCTS? Shall Judge Chrisna Finzel Gomez of the Colorado Court of Appeals be retained in office? View the status of your Absentee Application and Ballot. Otero County is located within the Twelfth Judicial District, along with Lincoln County.The people of Otero County are served by a District Court, a Magistrate Court, a Probate Court and Municipal Courts.The people of New Mexico are also served by a Problem-Solving Court and a Workers' Compensation Administration Court.. text-align: center; The deadline is Oct. 11 and early voting starts Saturday, Oct. 22, at all polling places across the city of . Sign and date the form. display: none; deaths in pulaski county, missouri; rick roll link hidden copy and paste. Please reload the page and try again. } Box 898Silver City, NM 88062Phone: (575) 574-0042Fax: (575) 574-0076Website:, Clerk:Robert Serrano III (D)1448 Historic Route 66, Suite 1Santa Rosa, NM 88435Phone: (575) 472-3791Fax: (575) 472-4791Website:, Clerk:C.J. Otero County Courthouse 13 W 3rd St #210 La Junta, CO 81050 _____ Information from the Otero County Official Sample Ballot for the 2022 General Election listed in the same order as the ballot . } color: white; Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Otero County Voter Convenience Centers are: For more information about Election Day voting or to check your voter registration, visit the Otero County Clerk's Office website call the Otero County Clerk's Office at 575-437-4942. Enter your email if you would like to receive Ballotpedia's election news updates in your inbox. Voting Rights Bill Draws Mixed Opinions at Legislative Hearing, Voting Rights Bill Sails Through First Senate Committee, Its Time To Expand Indigenous Access to the Ballot, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Voter registration ends October 5th See our more detailed registration information and links. padding-top: 80px; Here's where to find a Voter Service and Polling Center in Otero County. Email:, Ethics Division On April 15, EchoMail returned $15,125 to the county and canceled the remainder of the contract. . border-radius: 6px; padding-top: 80px; } Clerk:Cindy Fuller (R)P.O. Election Challengers, Watchers & Observers Information, Guidance on Voter Intimidation and Discriminatory Conduct, Native American Election Information Program, 23 NM Federally Recognized Tribes in NM Counties, 2022 General Election Candidate Information, 2022 Candidate Campaign Finance Reporting Guide, 2022 New Mexico Public Financing Information, CFIS System Resources for Candidates, Campaigns and PACs, FAQs for Primary & General Election Candidacy, How To Become A Political Action Committee, CFIS System Resources for Financial Disclosure Statement Filers, Campaign Finance Random Examination Report, CFIS System Resources for Lobbyists and Lobbyist Employers, Recommended Harassment Policies for Businesses, International Schedule of Classes of Goods and Services, FAQs for Special Congressional Election Candidates, Official State Song O Fair New Mexico, Spanish Language State Song Asi Es Nuevo Mexico, State Bilingual Song Mi Lindo Nuevo Mexico, Official Cowboy Song Under the New Mexico Skies, 2021 Regular Local Election Candidate List, Find My Registration & Election Information, Job Openings at the Secretary of States Office. When does early voting in New Mexico start? Otero County Courthouse: 13 West 3rd Street. Garrison (R)35 Pine StreetMosquero, NM 87733Mailing AddressP. @media only screen and (max-width: 500px) { Enter your address. You can use this site to register to vote or update your current voter registration, request an absentee ballot online, find a voting location, view important election dates, request a military or overseas ballot, or look up third-party voter registration agents. Additional local ballot measures may also be included. What you need to know before you cast a ballot. The note below discusses how we do that, and how you can help. Information on Voting and Elections in the State of New Mexico. Ill keep looking for ways to improve the voting process in New Mexico so please feel free to contact my office if you have any ideas or suggestions. Use the state's Find My Voter Registration system._____. color: #0B406A; } 2022 General Election Official Results NM Voter Information Portal. Disclaimer -A Word of Warning Released at 10:37 am 11/18/22. Proposition 122 (STATUTORY) Access to Natural Psychedelic Substances (Vote Yes/For or No/Against)Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning legal regulated access to natural medicine for persons 21 years of age or older, and, in connection therewith, defining natural medicine as certain plants or fungi that affect a persons mental health and are controlled substances under state law; establishing a natural medicine regulated access program for supervised care, and requiring the department of regulatory agencies to implement the program and comprehensively regulate natural medicine to protect public health and safety; creating an advisory board to advise the department as to the implementation of the program; granting a local government limited authority to regulate the time, place, and manner of providing natural medicine services; allowing limited personal possession, use, and uncompensated sharing of natural medicine; providing specified protections under state law, including criminal and civil immunity, for authorized providers and users of natural medicine; and, in limited circumstances, allowing the retroactive removal and reduction of criminal penalties related to the possession, use, and sale of natural medicine? 47 6 042-532028 , 042-532027 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, Business Services Division Learn about Lobbying in our state. 113San Miguel County CourthouseLas Vegas, NM 87701Phone: (505) 425-9331Fax: (505) 454-1799Website:, Clerk:Anne Brady-Romero (D)P. O. .mobile-app-cta { 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 .hide-mobile { Register to Vote. Not sure if you are registered to vote in Colorado? . Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Watch KOAA News5 on your time, anytime with our free streaming app available for your Roku, FireTV, AppleTV and Android TV. Legal documents show that EchoMail contended that it had completed its contract and found no election fraud as a result of its services. 2022 Election Information. If you have questions about your subscription, please contact Customer Service or call1-877-301-0013. Description: 4th Unofficial Otero County Midterm Election Results from Otero County Clerk and Recorder Lynda Scott. Nicole Maxwell can be contacted by email at, by phone at 575-415-6605 or on Twitter at @nicmaxreporter. The Land Grant Permanent Funds were established as part of the New Mexico Constitution in 1910 by an act of Congress. Published June 10th, 2022 at 2:54 pm. Want more news like this? Read News5's analysis of the affordable housing issue. Once logged in, you can: View the status of your Absentee Application and Ballot, View your County Clerks contact information, Search for New Mexico Voter Registration Agents, Track the status of your Provisional Ballot. Proposition 124 (STATUTORY) Increase Allowable Liquor Store Locations (Vote Yes/For or No/Against)Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning increasing the number of retail liquor store licenses in which a person may hold an interest, and, in connection therewith, phasing in the increase by allowing up to 8 licenses by December 31, 2026, up to 13 licenses by December 31, 2031, up to 20 licenses by December 31, 2036, and an unlimited number of licenses on or after January 1, 2037? But those races dont take up much space, Keefe said.All of those candidates only take up half of the first page, Keefe said.The majority of the November ballot in New Mexico is full of bond questions and advisory questions.One of the most notable is a statewide constitutional amendment that would allow judges to deny bail to the most dangerous criminals.That is included with more than a dozen other questions to vote for or against on Bernalillo County ballots.Keefe said the clerk's office recommends that voters read through all of those ahead of time.Those are very dense questions, they have a lot of information in them, Keefe said.On Monday, voters across the state can access sample ballots online.Find sample ballot for your countyYou must register to vote before Election Day. Questions or Issues:Ballot questions referred by the general assembly or any political subdivision are listed by letter, and ballot questions initiated by the people are listed numerically. Maria Runyon (D) Learn about how we protect your voter and business information. We test the tool on an ongoing basis for accuracy. Election Day Voting Convenience Center Locations. } Days and times of operation vary by location. .sample-ballot-mobile-promo, .mobile-app-cta { Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. 100% remote. The Sample Ballot is a document sent to all registered voters to help them prepare for an election. There are 15 different advisory and bond questions on the ballot. Otero County Voter Convenience Centers open at 7 a.m. on Election Day, Nov. 2. View My Voting Options. /
Colorado Court of Appeals Judge (Vote YES or NO). On Monday, voters across the state can access sample ballots online. Tribal elections are not included. Proposition GG (STATUTORY) Add Tax Information to Petitions and Ballots (Vote Yes/For or No/Against)Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes requiring that the ballot title and fiscal summary for any ballot initiative that increases or decreases state income tax rates include a table showing the average tax change for tax filers in different income categories? Republican Party HQ. Shop Our Favorite February Amazon Deals Before the Sales End, The 14 Best Mineral Sunscreens of 2023, According to Pros, 14 TikTok-Famous Cleaning Products That Actually Work, According to Our Experts, 14 Best Healthier Candy Alternatives of 2023, According to Taste Tests. Absentee voting became controversial in Otero County when New Mexico Audit Force questioned the process and the results of the 2020 election. Connect with us for the latest Webb County News through Facebook . Email WEBMASTER if you encounter an issue with the website. New Mexico Capitol Annex North Get it delivered to your inbox for FREE. We strive for our sample ballot tool to be 100% accurate. New Mexico Audit Force announced in their public Telegram chat room that they have a meeting in front of the Lincoln County Commission next week in the hopes of convincing the commission to remove ballot boxes and Dominion machines. Search By: County. ABQ's independent, alternative, reader-supported news. You can get more information or check your voter registration from the State of New Mexico elections office or Contact your local elections office. color: white; Email:, Receptionist Results will become available after 7 PM on Election Day, November 2, 2021 and will be posted as they are received from the county offices. 2021 Local Election Contest/Candidate List. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. #contentwrapper { New Mexico Capitol Annex North / 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 / Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 827-3600 / (800) 477-3632 / Email SOS Elections Otero County Courthouse: 13 West 3rd Street. } Public Works, Land Use, & Building Department: 411 N 10th St. Rocky Ford, CO 81067 (719) 383-3035. Voters in Otero County for the 2022 midterm General Election have choices for how and when they would like to cast their ballot. We'll provide the mailing address for you. General Obligation Bond Question 3: This General Obligation Bond asks that $215,986,000 be used for capital improvements at higher learning institutions, special schools and tribal schools. New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State Phone: 956-523-4050. Send the note to: @media screen and (min-width: 550px) { Be an informed voter.View the elections you will be voting in with this sample ballot lookup tool. Use the state's Find My Voter Registration system. The commission voted instead to move to hand-counted ballots only for all votes cast after the June 7 . Otero County, New Mexico Commissioner Couy Griffin speaks to reporters as he . You can unsubscribe anytime. County Commissioners expressed concern over the security of the ballots and the accuracy of the . But those races dont take up much space, Keefe said. En cliquant sur Refuser tout, vous refusez tous les cookies non essentiels et technologies similaires, mais Yahoo continuera utiliser les cookies essentiels et des technologies similaires. Your absentee application and ballot status, Find out where there are Same-Day Registration polling locations, Enter a street number and zip code to find data on the voting location that is nearest to a specific address, Find voter registration agent information. Constitutional Amendment 1: To provide for additional annual distributions of the permanent school fund for enhanced instruction for students at risk of failure, extending the school year, teacher compensation and early childhood education; requiring congressional approval for distributions for early childhood education. Inn of the . The United States District Court for the District of New Mexico has . Contests for all precincts in Otero County, NM combined are shown below. text-decoration: none; Click on your candidates to read their biography, view past election results, read their campaign themes and responses to our candidate survey, and more. Once your voter information appears, just scroll down to Current . Email, Bureau of Elections font-size: 90%; }, 100); The chart is based on the bills Gaetz has sponsored and cosponsored Sports and Recreation (7%). display: block; New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State. A little more than 7,300 Otero County voters cast ballots in this month's primary, according to the secretary of state's office. If you prefer to vote on election day (Nov. 8th), you can find your polling place here. So by voting in November, we symbolically mark the survival of democracy. padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px; County Court Judge - Otero (Vote Yes or No) Shall Judge Douglas R. Manley of the Otero County Court be retained in office? Click here to find your sample ballot. 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 If you . Email, Bureau of Elections Tuesday, November 8 - Election Day - All ballots must be received by county clerks no later than 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 16 - Last day for military and overseas elector ballots to be received by county clerks, Friday, November 18 - Deadline for County Clerks to tabulate all mail-in and in-person votes, Jared Polis / Dianne Primavera - Democratic, Paul Nol Fiorino / Cynthia Munhos de Aquino Sirianni - Unity, Danielle Neuschwanger / Darryl Gibbs - American Constitution, Kevin Ruskusky / Michele Poague - Librertarian. View Current & Upcoming Elections. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Cast after the June 7 can access sample ballots online N.M. will not certify its election! Registered to Vote additional background information Permanent Funds were established as part the... Election results in order to take a stand against imaginary threats to elections where to a! 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