The effects of Blue Meanies mushrooms may come on quickly due to higher levels of psilocin than psilocybin. 00. The casing layer also succumbs to blue mould. If outside temps are 70F-85F (21C-29C) you can open a window. I wondered, is there a plausible scientific explanation for this? Panaeolus cyanescens is a mushroom in the Bolbitiaceae family. The meaty flesh of the fruits makes that the potency is very high, also in the fresh weight. Because of its light colour, if the mushroom becomes damaged, it can actually exhibit an intense and immediate bluing reaction, much like a bruise. The caps (pileus) are approximately 0.5 to two centimeters in diameter, at first hemispheric, then expanding to bell-shaped (campanulate) or convex. Read: Types of Magic Mushrooms: 10 Shroom Strains You Should Know About. This method seemed to work well for me in testing. The mix should be a little more wet than what most mushroom growers are used to, all of these ingredients will soak up and retain water so by the time you use it it will not be excessively wet. Panaeolus cyanescens is a tropical/subtropical grassland species, often found in dungjust like another familiar mushroom we know. Hofmann found psilocin in higher concentrations after analyzing the fruiting bodies, yet there were only slight quantities of psilocybin. Just under 2" height is fine, don't go over 2", very important. In real life? Erowid reports that these mushrooms have a combined psilocybin and psilocin content of between 0.5 to 2.95 percent dry weight. The Panaeolus Cyanescens Jamaica magic mushroom was originally identified in Westmoreland, where it is legal to cultivate and posses hallucinogenic mushrooms. Once your substrate is fully colonized, crumble I wanted to thank a forum member here (not sure if he wants to remain anonymous) who provided the spores for this research, that was awesome. If you were not aware of Blue Meanies, you could easily miss a patch while foraging for the more popular Psilocybe cubensis. Gill faces with a mottled appearance, edges white. I wasn't sure if it would fruit in those conditions, but much to my delight this actually works well: For the spawn run, I stuck the cake pans on a short shelf, covered the whole shelf with a clear plastic drop cloth (you could use a blanket or tarp) and put a heater at the bottom to keep the temp around 77F using a thermostatic switch but you could also put a small container of water at the bottom with an aquarium heater in it to provide enough heat for the small space too (aquarium heaters are inexpensive, effective, and don't require a separate thermostatic switch). Some growers like to have additional fans running for more air circulation but I found this to be unnecessary, the humidifier itself creates nice air currents that stream over the surface of the blocks and this is all you need. Again not saying he's a bad guy or has mal-intent but do you know GordoTEK personally? I wasn't sure if it would fruit in those conditions, but much to my delight this actually works well: For the spawn run, I stuck the cake pans on a, (you could use a blanket or tarp) and put a, at the bottom to keep the temp around 77F using a, but you could also put a small container of water at the bottom with an. This substrate is more prone to contamination than a coir based substrate, if you have a flow hood do this step in front of it, or use a still air box, otherwise you can try an idea I came up with I'll call "the drop cloth method": thoroughly clean and sanitize a table, put your cake pans, grain spawn, isoproply alcohol spray bottle, scissors, and substrate on the table, then throw a thin clear plastic drop cloth over everything. Some growers will ONLY grow this species. . Store in a sealed glass jar, at room temp, in a dark place. One 1.5in 16ga needle will be provided for each spore filled syringe. Strain: Jamaica Genus: Panaeolus Species: Panaeolus Cyanescens Origin: Westmoreland, Jamaica You can do this by using any large pot or pressure cooker without sealing it shut (keep the wobble weight off). And you're a fool if you don't question what complete strangers are telling you on the internet. Yet, these two species are very different mushrooms: The first is a dung lover, the other a wood lover. I have spore prints of Panaeolus bisporus and Panaeolus cyanescens Peace River showing up next week and I am researching and preparing for their arrival. Q: What if I don't have an available tub/pool/tarp/space for this? Panaeolus cyanescens has a similar temperature range as Psilocybe cubensis e.g incubate at 80F and fruit at 75F so no real changes are needed in your equipment set up. 4 parts of cow manure The surface of the mushroom block is pretty close to ambient temps (60F to 65F) but the bottom (top of tote with water) is around 75F. Key words - Panaeolus species - hallucinogenic mushrooms - secondary mycelia - basidiocarp, coprophilous mushrooms Introduction Mushrooms have long been prized around the world for their extraordinary medicinal and They are known to occur in temperate zones during wet and humid parts of summer. It often mixes company with other species. but no fruit. 10 grams of dextrose was added to 10 grams of light malt powder in a few coffee filters, which was then Another person said 'screw it, I don't even need a tub/basin type area and just did the grow on a little table with humidifier sitting on the same table. I'm a big fan of your work. DoubleBlind Mag is devoted to fair, rigorous reporting by leading experts and journalists in the field of psychedelics. You don't want the fresh stuff, older is better. I, however, will be building a waaay complicated FC this month with controllers and, fans and all kinds of stuffbut I do like this method. Is deadly if eaten, it has a rusty orange spore print and will usually be found growing on decaying wood; it also bruises black rather than blue-green like Panaeolus cyanescens on its stem. If at any time the substrate looks dry you can spray it with water. It is well documented that this species can be as much as, than cubensis, but that alone doesn't really matter -- what difference does it make if one takes a gram of pan cyans or 3g of cubensis? The stem is colored like the cap and covered in a fine white powder. What I do is take a bunch of transfers from the germ plate that look good and make an LC with all of them. So even multi-spore grows are fine and produce about the same in my experience. And this is not that different from growing the Psilocybe cubensis either. In the field, Panaeolus cyanescens tend to be light grey or off-white at maturity. After doing a bit of digging I found that researchers documented in 1992 that pan cyans produce serotonin which perhaps contributes to an entourage effect including positive mood (same paper documented 'slight euphoria' in test subjects, but I think their samples were weak in general). Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, . Mushrooms belonging to this widespread genus are generally small, have black spores, and often grow on dung. Its important to spread the spawn equally on the whole substrate to prevent it from colonizing unevenly or not colonizing at all. ($1 at Dollar Tree in the paint supplies section) over a bunch of boxes or anything else you have laying around to create a makeshift "tub/pool". A: NO, do not line them, it's actually good that the mycelium eats through it very slowly, this ensures the cake pans will not take on excess water, the water literally drips right through the pan, it's perfect. By sharing the same habitat and often the same substrate, through this close contactand some bacterial wizardryit is thought the ability to produce psilocybin passed from a genus that had evolved the ability to produce psilocybin species to one that hadnt. It likes manure-based sub and things like straw. Make sure whatever room you use has been thoroughly cleaned in advance, scrub the tub or kiddie pool with sanitizer wipes or dilute bleach solution. The rumors that spraying water directly onto pins will kill them or cause them to abort have been debunked (by me). Use a, and bring the internal temp of your substrate to 140F (60C) then start a timer for 60 minutes, do not allow the internal substrate temp to exceed 160F (71C). Like I said in the TEK, a single grow can produce a lifetime supply for most people, so I don't know why people fuss so much over small, probably meaningless steps. Prepare grain spawn. A: I experimented with a cold room grow at 60F to 65F, by putting a short/long tote (the kind that is designed to fit under a bed) with water in it and an aquarium heater in the water set to the low 80s F, with the cake pans sitting on top of that tote (as shown below). of grain spawn to each cake pan (which is 3/4 full of substrate at this point), you can just eyeball it, you want to basically cover the entire surface with a thin layer of grain spawn. Photo 1 - Author: Pancyan6.jpg: Prankster239derivative work: Photohound (talk) (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported), Photo 2 - Author: Prankster239 (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported), Photo 3 - Author: Prankster239 (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported), Panaeolus cyanescens Mushroom Identification, Pancyan6.jpg: Prankster239derivative work: Photohound (talk). Medicinal-Spores. They are known to occur in temperate zones during wet and humid parts of summer. Through close contact with Psilocybe, some Panaeolus have also gained the ability to protect themselves with psilocybin. Blue Meanies is the common name for Panaeolus cyanescens. Other anecdotes found in published literature corroborate the anecdotes found online. Found some even more incredible panaeolus cyanescens today . I would only recommend this if you are having problems with contamination. However the Panaeolus cyanescens and the Panaeolus tropicalis are in many ways much more vulnerable than the Psilocybe cubensis. If for some reason you just don't like the idea of your mycelium munching on aluminum, you can also use. Pan Cyan mycelium is very aggressive and colonizes fast. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, . P. cyanescens are new Philippine strains of wild mushrooms with great potential for cultivation for nutraceutical purposes. Some had large caps (size of a quarter) and most had tiny caps (size of a nickel). We just highlight this section with the ones that are considered the most medicinal and has captured the attention of the scientific community for research purposes. Spores are a nice "reset" whereas mycelium tends to weaken over time. Ironically, I changed the font color because I think the default colors at this site are hard to read. Cap: 10-40 mm in diameter, hemispheric expanding to broadly convex to nearly plane with age. You can cultivate Blue Meanies mushrooms, but they are known to be more challenging to grow than Psilocybe cubensis. Paneolous Cyanescens is a tall thin dung-lover psilocybe. For example see, A Novel Experience with Panaeolus A Case Study from Hawaii, First, I assume you have your grain spawn, as you will need that before doing anything else, so get some spores. level 2. or chop it yourself to 1 to 3 inch length): fill to top of pan TWICE with only light patting down, not packed (even with pre-chopped straw, you may need to cut some longer pieces down, just use scissors or tear by hand, not a big deal). and pipe the moisture in from the top (you can use pvc pipe or flex tubing connected to your humidifier to do this). Perhaps this was just due to my OWN preconceptions? You don't want pools of water forming, just a nice fog/mist over your cake pans. I don't see a way to edit unless I'm missing something (it would be nice if permanent edit was enabled, I like to edit things over time to improve the originals). I don't personally believe in doing excessive strain isolations, I think it's a waste of time in general but I know there are many hobbyists who are convinced otherwise ;). The species was named Panaeolus cyanescens by Saccardo in 1887, which is now its official formal name. Its going to look like an excessive amount of water, but its not. Various comments suggest that this species produces a different type of experience, common in descriptions are: no nausea, pleasant body high, better visuals, no body load, less fear and anxiety, euphoria, smoother and gentler on the mind. Occasionally, they have yellowish or brownish tones. The stem (stipe) tends to be seven to 12 centimeters long and two to three millimeters thick. Panaeolus (Copelandia) Spore Syringes Psilocybe genera spores, provided hydrated in aqueous solution. Panaeolus cyanescens and the Panaeolus tropicalis are grown almost exactly in the same way. What it lacks in density, it makes up for in colonization times. Field aged horse manure: fill one cake pan level to the top (if you can't find a horse owner/stable within a reasonable drive. Spores provided in sterile aqueous solution using 10cc BD Luer-Lok syringes. It does NOT need to be on the highest setting, a mid range setting may be fine, but you want it to be throwing out some serious fog. Panaeolus Species Cultivation Modified dung containing PF tek substrate by BJ: The lower mushroom fiber/bulk has benefits as well particularly with regard to comfort and lack of nausea because such a small dose is so potent. Spawn the colonized grain to pasteurized straw This fungus belongs to the family Coprinaceae, the same family as the common mushroom Coprinus comatus, known as Lawyers wig. Yet, mushrooms in the Panaeolus genus have some unique characteristics: the gills of Panaeolus do not melt away (deliquesce) as do the members of the related genera Coprinellus and Coprinopsis, which are regarded as lookalikes. It is well documented that this species can be as much as three times more potent than cubensis, but that alone doesn't really matter -- what difference does it make if one takes a gram of pan cyans or 3g of cubensis? In the subtropics, they grow from late spring to autumn, depending on rain and humidity. We concluded that the robust sound of cicada may have given us the impression of rain and that perhaps we had experienced hallucinatory synesthesia. From now on its really important that the mushrooms get enough fresh air (min. texas dps pursuit policy. Panaeolus cyanescens also have dark purple to black spores. I've used both and got the same results with both. With Panaeolus, some of the most common lookalikes are other Panaeolus themselves, as many look similar. Optimization of culture conditions for mycelial growth and basidiocarp production of Philippine strains of Panaeolus antillarium and Panaeolus cyanescens. Can't wait to see the yield from this setup as its even simpler than what I described in the TEK. Panaeolus cyanescens is a potent psilocybin mushroom and is similar to Panaeolus tropicalis. Pan cyans thrive on massive amounts of fresh/moving air, and wild mushroom hunters report that it pops up often after 3 or 4 back to back days of rain and high humidity. [, Transfer your substrate into the cake pans, only fill to 3/4 full. Other than fitness advantages in the dung and wood decay niche environment, it is unclear what evolutionary advantages the fungus might have obtained from producing psilocin. Read more about our. Millet is my preferred grain, but oats and other grains work too. Introduction: Panaeo) is the next logical step once you've grown Psilocybe cubensis using bulk methods. , do n't want pools of water, but oats and other grains work too species! They grow from late spring to autumn, depending on rain and humidity mushrooms belonging to this widespread genus generally. 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