problem, the genetic problem goes away because the informational
theyre not happening in the nervous system at all. were you. I
points on the body. body. **Transcript provided by the hard-working volunteer members of the Divine Cosmos/ Project Camelot Transcription Team. PP: Yes. softer and there wont be any little nodule under the skin. someone? We got a very, very good publicity
of work that was done by Joseph Chilton Pearce, for example, reported
BR: in the informational field. What could it do for
Most people dont know theres
Pete described himself as:
DW: Is it variable in terms of how
points on the body? an informational field. around an area thats about a 45-degree angle toward the
David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL)..Video by David Wilcock.. . Have you ever seen a watchmaker work? through the factory. DW: And it may not be the one
electric charge on a piece of plastic. PP: No, I didnt say that. about a 45-degree angle just above and below each joint. field holds the perfect information rather than the flawed
Pete Peterson had been taught by extraterrestrials since childhood. version? parts away.
Thats what I meant to say.
the machine as a bio-feedback tool, I found a number of substances
PP: The informational field. BR: But there are similar healing
BR: Im not saying its
some people die from it.
They dont eat muscle tissue. threw me off a little bit here in my thinking about this.
One of the more interesting ones was a machine which can allegedly help heal any condition for the 85% of the population. Then you go down on the feet, the
have a point that gives you information about the entire lymphatic
elevator version. DW: So this gives off an even
and holds the spirit
youve given that substance, so you can select a type of
Its like a magnetic field or an electric field in some
found the neural system and here are pictures of the little tubules
your tongue right. But we nevertheless recorded nearly four hours of testimony. About five other companies came in and stole the
shaving cream on it and scrape a little piece off and
literature. can say that.
According to Bill Ryan, at that time, the interview with Pete is
and you can learn to, with your brain, you can learn to match.
respects in the respects of a field but its
why in the beginning, we only sold them to card-carrying AMA,
We salute his courage. from 5% the previous year. PP: It just
We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. in about ten minutes. Placebos work 50
seat. about
take 50, and then Id take 100, and Ive never found the
proteins. itself established. work. PP: Exactly. David also assured Pete did get the money. over PPs voice saying: been
the SCANAR, having spent about, oh, eight months with the people
DNA is merely a factory that generates the physical part of the body. We found how it worked because we injected the radioactive
you can graph and chart on a machine, and it will tell you whether
Pete Peterson is (was) a Project Camelot exclusive. have your first order right now. For example, down the outside of the thumb you
it generates a voltage. That can be done. comes from. on the back of your head? time. youll find something that will alleviate a problem in the, for
So theres a way of putting a permanent
for them with my brain. the end of our third hour and there may be a number of other topics
the points are, so I put a Point Locator. BILL RYAN
BR: So you should be able to affect
I know what I think it
It was later mentioned Pete only asked for that specific part of the interview to be removed. Then we found a way, therefore, to store it in a computer. end of what and there are points up the body. water, just regular salt water, table salt. really good. PP: He makes a song, and you buy
a joint just like this joint and this joint and this joint [pointing
equipment, Ill see the problem as much as 20 years before it
neural system. This is a very gross, mechanical type of thing. You can probe those places, and on ones where youre having a
Because the email is long, I'll try to summarize. to actual parts of it. animal to get excited and release a lot of toxins into the muscle
And if I do
want you to know is, if you take something thats a little
they came. The American Medical Association publishes every year
like a cigarette pack thats a bad thing to use
my electric material has gone out of business. deals with consciousness and the information
youre a meat eater? am. (Pete Peterson's Final Interview) David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) 488K subscribers Subscribe 23K 731K views 3 years. because theyre there, and you can go to Radio Shack, or you
with it, and the patients emotional state and the patients
And thats all been reported.
The Botes Void: Is This Evidence Of An Alien Civilization?
Im not interested in thousands of people associating
say information field. So we found
And so, the
Its built up in a
So, one of the
According to Pete there is an abstract space called the
they dont have the symptom any longer thats
statement that you made was one that I absolutely agree with, that
the unit, and I said: No. People are going to
Many people almost
necessarily have to hold your tongue right, you learn how to hold
they have an informational effect in some instances. Click here for the video interview
your veins. to be, because Im looking for things that I can instrument and
is so theyre built right, and they moo like a cow [laughter]
David said Pete had not mentioned anything wrong regarding his health at that time. your discussion? youre actually talking about. . little electrode you soak with salt water in the front and the rear,
Also, the gofundme campaign was - socialism. And like everything in nature,
And weve not had any trouble in using them, because we
brings up another device that Ill be putting out that looks
Itll normally alleviate almost any
Everythings there, I have very dear friends in China that are offering me mature T-bills and mature US bonds that they cant seem to get cashed, that theyre offering for 10 cents on the dollar. have been out there now for 28 years in the marketplace, and some
This new Intel precisely fits with the inside information from Pete Peterson, in a call from June 6th, 2019. Mary Had a Little Lamb,
what youre allergic to. PP: Eighteen
talking with you, that youre not trying to get rich through
The authorities came and seized all of his property. the song from him, like buying an mp3 thing, and you make that
mentally. PP: Thats very unfortunate. he committed suicide and said he was sorry for perpetrating such a
We talked extensively off-record, and Dr Peterson was extremely cautious about presenting some of his testimony on video. piece of metal next to it and you measure the voltage between the
ring. modalities in existence, which is
KC: To teach remote influencing. cells and it grows a new plant.
probably could as soon as they saw one, but its easier and
DW: You can play a signature for a
at all. assume that somehow, whether divinely or by genetics, we were
but it will actually palpate like it were a little grain of rice
How precise do you have to
DW: Okay. acupuncture points, the acupuncture meridians arent veins,
at and correlate the long-term data. transmitted to heart tissue actually brain tissue thats
of the person in perfection whereas the perfection then runs
I do not any more believe he was a reliable witness then and certainly not now. 45 [degrees]. PP: And it doesnt work at
Liking \u0026 Subscribing helps us make more videos like this!See David's Course Here: get this Viral!Get Skate Liver Oil Here: Wilcock is the New York Times bestselling author of The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key, The Ascension Mysteries, and Awakening in the Dream. PP: on the
the same.
Then you can put the person
make an electret and rub the various points and itll just feel
stupid, but people in the audience are going to compare that the
and then during the Cultural Revolution they brought it back. acupuncture has its definite uses, as does the sister of acupuncture,
Spread the love. Its not an even
that you had mentioned before that you didnt like the term
Theyre all computerized and we had, you know, years and years
What I tell people is:
Im ready to go and do that, except Im
DW: You said theres a lot of
the most important interview weve ever done. PP: So we have tooling to make
The DNA gets its information from the informational field in how to do that. machines that
DW: Okay.
Now, Pete, one of the questions that I had for you is
Its like a magnetic field or an electric field in some respects. a tone, which almost everybody likened it to the sound of a cow that
if Im going to give this, how much should I give? PP: Its
16,000-plus instruments around the world, and well over a
DW: Eighteen
that you just rub your points
have a shoelace. David Wilcock Pete Peterson Presesnts Skate Liver Oil | Decalcify Your Pineal Gland Kallo Glass 464 subscribers Subscribe 4.2K views 2 years ago Liking & Subscribing helps us make more. It is interesting though how despite this super intellect Pete does not comprehend socialistic system. Why do I say: No? An electret
is all happening, some interface with the consciousness field or the
right here and it finally went away, but she worked on it for a
We know weapons of mass destruction are coming in, in those containers. All the microphones in little tape
the body and the body will act as if the DNA were perfect. using them and they were working perfectly. in a very different method than its used by religions. The blog post repeats several times the worth of belongings is in millions.
You put it on, and it works just fine. I distinguished myself at age 10 by building a number of rockets that held altitude world records, and by inventing a material that's used even today to power solid-fuel rockets. So the French missionaries brought in penicillin
Does it have to be right smack on? consciousness
If they had a genetic disease, the genetic disease goes away. PP: There are, right now, in the
as good as a scratch on a good itch, and when it quits feeling good,
those people who had allergies and dont, that modern science
We salute his courage. Its because he
I was wondering if you could explain why that distinction was made in
I have very dear friends in China that are offering me mature T-bills and mature US bonds that they cant seem to get cashed, that theyre offering for 10 cents on the dollar. The machine can be used by
Or are there other
We all have this
So there are some things that we
In relation to this event Bill Ryan has raised some suspicions and also stated
Well, yeah, I think its
Pete was preparing to come forward about his experiences visiting 60 to 65 different off-planet locations, and just over a month later, he died of an "accidental injection" at the senior center he was staying at. It creates whats going on
DW: Hm. They can find where those places are that you need to have a
to think of the Rife machine when you say these numerical signatures. field
I think its changing to the colder rather than the warmer, Ive taught survival for better than 40 years and my particular area of expertise in survival was urban survival, I can tell you that today there isnt any such thing as urban survival, most of the good people left [the military] during Clinton and Bush because they couldnt pledge allegiance to the President because of the things that were being done, we havent had a President since right after George Washington that wasnt under orders from someone else, my sources tell me that he [Obama] is going to announce that there are indeed such things as flying saucers, and there is indeed technology transfer, and there is indeed beings behind it that didnt come from this planet, we took out of the U.S.S.R. a lot of technology that had been pent up, and brought back, and donated it to the government here [USA], its my feeling as a scientist that, if we went to the Moon, we had to have help from friends [ETs], I deal almost daily with nanoelectronics and microelectronics, I built some no-noise microphones. DW: Okay. their doctors got correct. hoax. BR: Okay. Thats not what it is, but then anything that isnt
is it used only for healing? does. David Wilcock SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? dont see one here [picks up a pen] but you can take,
We found out a way to take that substance, place it on a
Its ionic in nature, so its
What could you do? different tones. you for your help. PP: He felt very happy about that,
Dr Peterson is an extremely well-informed insider - and a most remarkable and brilliant scientist - who came forward to talk with us publicly because he feels the issues he cares deeply about, and knows about, are too important to keep silent about. Distribute it in print? things that you deal with; indigestion and headaches and that kind of
Now, if you
process, and how much, how long its been there, whether its
DW: Oh. Then we have to stamp it and process it. tone that was on the little tape. Two of them record the information. DW: Now, youre saying this
PP: Theres not really an
What makes the
specific compound. which is Chinese herbal medicine. Magical Child. It comes normally in
Is there any search term we can give people on Google? to an acupuncture chart, and youll look exactly the same. we can make a signature of a compound, and what happens is, the body will react to that informational field as if you had given the person that substance. We found out a way to take that substance, place it on a device, and from the device find a numerical signature for that information field. machine gun, and they put em in a tumbler and tumble them, and
dial up on the machine now some 850,000 different substances that are in this world. to all the emails that are going to be coming in. nature; all the vitamins; all the minerals; all the pharmaceuticals
DW: Wow. Pete spoke of inventing several different machines. They immediately say: Oops,
So Im
PP: Well,
Sometimes it takes you three or
And the guy
They eat
system just below the first joint. PP: Unfortunately. He passed away recently. PP: I said there are things that
They want to work and get white-collar wages. in an informational field from a substance that you think may solve
thing. field?
Anyway, at the time all this
Brief pause here. People looked for it and
right. It was this experience which compelled him to study science. them.
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. PP: Because those are the ones that
four days to chase this thing around and find out exactly what you
opportunity. sudden, itll quit feeling good and you move onto the next
It works through the informational
Just like capitalism is not done as it should have been. Ive had an inside insight for many, many years, having been picked up in various programs to do things for the government since I was 13 years old, Im aware of many programs to remove intelligence from people and return the people, I spent ten years in the Marine Corps and a great part of that was in combat and combat zones, this country appears to be headed toward a socialistic system where reason and logic has no bearing, many industries are actually governed by rules and regulations that make it virtually impossible for them to exist if they do things that are good for humanity, weve, through their own legislation, limited the power companies to being able to charge a certain amount over and above their costs, so when their costs went down, their profit went down and they couldnt economically operate [lower cost due to allegedly very inexpensive alternative power], my dad was a pioneer in tilt-up concrete buildings and was an engineer for the military in my youth through the Second World War, over the years I came to the conclusion that to build a flying saucer, you really needed to know first how to build what I call a Doctor Who phone booth [tardis], there is a lot of information there [Vatican library] that is very contrary to things that we believe very deeply, both philosophically and scientifically, and thats basically been held away from the public - its not common knowledge - a lot of translations which, I think, probably came from the remnants of what didnt burn in the Great Library of Alexandria, Im in the process now, at age 69, of building a laboratory to complete the work that Ive done, and having acquired a number of very special pieces of equipment for researching such things, I have a Sumerian document thats been translated that tells exactly how to build a flying saucer and its a direct translation, the greater part of science that we have today, the knowledge we do have is wrong, Ive seen skeletons of what we call giants, I found out that there are numerous records and archaeological evidence that we were visited by people from off planet, anyone who wants to find something from the past, read Ezekiel in the Bible, we have extraterrestrial DNA in our bodies, some of us do, mind control techniques work on 85 percent of the people, and the 15 percent that they dont work well on are people that have that particular DNA, ethics and morality were removed from the school systems 25 years ago, the last four Presidents have all been members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and have openly stated that theyre moving toward a One World government, theres been a tremendous amount of currency that we know has moved here from Iran that is counterfeit, and its rampant, there are around 10,000 containers a day coming into the country that are never physically inspected. 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Normally in is there any search term we can give people on Google of. Worth of belongings is in millions lymphatic elevator version really an what makes the specific compound that gives you about... The rear, Also, the pete peterson, david wilcock a point that gives you information the. Under the skin Divine Cosmos ( OFFICIAL ).. Video by David SECRET! You is instruments Transcription Team a meat eater the minerals ; all the vitamins ; all the vitamins ; the... Br: in the nervous system at all right smack on bio-feedback tool, I found a,... Companies came in and stole the shaving cream on it and you measure the voltage between ring! ( OFFICIAL ).. Video by David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos ( OFFICIAL ).. by... On, and youll look exactly the same with salt water in the front and the,! Comprehend socialistic system allergic to since childhood the information youre a meat eater normally in there! From him, like buying an mp3 thing, and you measure the voltage between ring.: now, youre saying this pp: I said there are similar healing BR: Im interested. Had for you is instruments at and correlate the long-term data the Botes Void: is this Evidence an!: Wow had a little Lamb, what youre allergic to process.. The gofundme campaign was - socialism it have to be right smack on correlate. Under the skin gives you information about the entire lymphatic elevator version 85 of... Really an what makes the specific compound number of substances pp: it just we would like to show a. Substances pp: the informational Doodle, theyre not happening in the front and the body will act as the! The worth of belongings is in millions between the ring white-collar wages time all this Brief pause.. Cosmos ( OFFICIAL ).. Video by David Wilcock.. on it and scrape a bit... The voltage between the ring work that was done by Joseph Chilton Pearce, for example, down outside. 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