If the people who built this place cut these stones using stone cutting techniques, then they would have had to have used diamond tools. These mysteries have arisen ever since the Inca civilization first laid eyes on the ruins of a site that was abandoned centuries before they came across it. They either have warp drive capabilites or can get around Einsteins laws of physics related to the speed of light, via worm holes or something we have not yet discovered. The last 10 years I have lost many hours of sleep at night due to my dreams of this. Even when i was really little - age 5, 6, 7 etc i used to === night dream and day dream about steps and pyramids. A comet that came too close to the Earth? This is supposed to have been achieved by a civilization that had no writing system and was ignorant of the existence of the wheel. One last comment: the amount of power required to move heavy objects depends as much on speed of movement as the weight to be moved. Yes these were ancient aliens that look alot like us and they did leave us a few teaser foot prints of information and building, etc and they worked with the mostly uncivilized peoples and passed along some simple knowledge, that is interesting, why because these mostly uncivilized peoples were not capable of these feats without someones guidance and mentoring for years.. To build a place like Puma Punku, there must have been significant planning and writing involved, but there is no record of any of this. The same thing happened here. You can see the past stretching in front of you as the future comes unseen from behind. Oh yeah, on Mars. Lots of good stuff here. But based on this corrupt and greedy world we live in it could be getting close to our end, read the events in the Bibles Book of Revelations as those scrolls and writtings survived for a reason.. @ Sara, yes I do know, I know your full of it! as to puma puncu, it shows no learning curve like the egyptians. Now my hypothesie is that 15,000-25,000 years ago they stopped at our planet for x years to replenish their fuel and or replenish whatever they needed many times. Hear the secrets of the UNESCO-listed archaeological site of Tiwanaku. I can almost say I would think they made some a form or a template they crushed the rocks and made large amounts of small particles like "Dust" from the materials mixing the two like we do today as with concrete same method I have made similar forms of art using the same method the smooth look to the sharp corners and flat side are the same I believe they are the reason why we have had stone art from many centuries because as time went on people starting teaching others how to reform rock just a theory. Does this mean Puma Punku was at sea level when it was built? times. There is always an interaction going on between us and them, they are apart of our existences, they affect our behavior and what we see and think. Scott Campbell from Central Vermont on April 30, 2014: I live in Vermont, the granite capital of the world. And no one seems to be paying attention to the fact that the Aymara insist that Puma Punku was built "by the gods" in "a single night". An interesting thing in regards to it being a seaport Lake Titicaca is the only place in the world with freshwater seahorses.. Puma Punku does indeed look like a usable seaport. These people can travel across our galaxy like we fly to Europe. Not only were these stones cut somehow, but they were finely cut. The name means "door of the puma," and as far as archaeologists know, Puma Punku was a thriving, ancient town originating somewhere around 500 and 600 C.E. How on earth do you move a stone 800 tons in weight form the quarry which is 10 miles away and to the site in the mountains? The inverse shapes may have presented the degree of difficulty that had to be mastered in order to graduate. Built to Last: The Secret that Enabled Roman Roads to Withstand the Passage of Time, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Enduring Mystery Surrounds the Ancient Site of Puma Punku, New Discoveries at Tiwanaku & Puma Punku: The Lost Statue of Viracocha and Secret Rooms of Hidden Artifacts, Advanced Ancient Architecture of Puma Punku Site is Fully Recreated With 3D Printing, Ten Unsolved Ancient Archaeological Mysteries, Ancient Sacred Sites Triangularly Aligned by the Footsteps of the Gods, https://amarilo.com.co/blog/especial/el-misterio-de-puma-punku/, http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/boliviapumapunka.htm, https://www.theepochtimes.com/enduring-mystery-surrounds-the-ancient-site-of-puma-punku_1053085.html, https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology-latest-historical-news/new-discoveries-tiwanaku-puma-punku-lost-statue-021912, https://allthatsinteresting.com/pumapunku, http://arquehistoria.com/puma-punku-el-lugar-de-los-bloques-imposibles-15941, https://www.ancient-origins.net/unexplained-phenomena/stonework-0011405, https://heritagesciencejournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40494-018-0231-0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=e2qE0lOIBtE, The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare, The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer, Helicopter Hieroglyphs? The Tower of Babel: An Ancient Symbol for Modern Globalism. Not only is there evidence to support the claim of a cataclysmic flood, but there is even evidence to support the theory that people once lived there before such a flood even occurred. Chemical analysis reveal the red sandstone blocks were transported up a steep incline from a quarry near Lake Titicaca roughly 10 kilometers away. I know the years I live now . in this life are measured much more shortly than in my previous life. Yes, trees die. With maybe 500 billion stars, we hardly need to travel two and a half million light years to Andromeda to look around. Tiwanaku, Bolivia Bolivia - 27 January 2017: Stone walls uncovered by archaeologists at the Puma Punku section of Tiwanaku, a UNESCO world heritage site near La Paz, Tiwanaku Bolivia puma punku stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Forty miles west of La Paz, Bolivia . In the end, Mars will not go away, but the artifacts are gone forever. The word "Meghalaya" literally means the Abode of Clouds in Sanskrit and other Indic languages. Even large structures can disperse and seem to disappear in a short period of time depending on what happens to them. Owing to the work of University of California Berkeley researchers, Puma Punku mapping has brought the ancient archaeological site into perspective. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions, the place where it was once believed the world was created. I think archaeologist need to take a serious look at the lost lands of MU. Thirdly: lol, thirdlythe bible is a collection of stories that the sheep herders use to tell to pass the time an someone collected them through oral tradtion an wrote them down as a collection an someone said these stories are true an gods word an what not an called it a holy book of stories an thats how the bible came to be, through oral traditions an camp fire stories. We by no means live in a large galaxy. With stone-age man ruled out for building it, the pre-Incan culture is likely the culprit for building it. Skeptoid Media. that all members of society from infants to the elderly regularly used psychoactive, hallucinogenic plants. It would seem, however,that they would either have or not have adequate power to undertake such an endeavour. Personally, I'll continue to read everything I get my hands on and remember how to make fire without the lighter. Until recently, due to the condition and placement of so many stones laid strewn across the landscape, there was really no way of seeing what Puma Punku may have looked like during its peak. It has been said "we are condemned to rise, be knocked down and rise again". It grew and expanded as its people did, reflecting the increasing power of the civilization that built and rebuilt it over hundreds of years. No doubt you'll be combing your visit to Puma Punku with a visit to Tiwanaku, and I'd say it's worth the time and money to visit these 2 archaeological sites and the 2 museums. Have you ever heard about the Fuente Magna scripts found in Tiwanaku. My intelligence an everyone else has been unchanged since we were 5 years old. Stones in pictures look like cast concrete . Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? Even landfills would eventually decompose into an unrecognizable mass. The 80 ton pieces could not be moved by any method we have today. Sorry, if that's youown it! So your statment in incorrect as well. SOLVED! . Read revelation 13 and be ready. What you say is so true. The priest prays and the stone starts sliding or floating in the air and moves. They could just as easily have been brought in thousands of years later. To make up for this, we have a trek to the peak once a year to maintain contact with our heavenly brethren. A quick examination of both sites shows major differences in building styles and the quality of stonework. The materials we have found suitable to build such cranes do not last long, so it's reasonable to expect the tools that were used for Puma Punku have long since vanished. The debate on Puma Punkus construction date and its builders continues. The Mystery of Puma Punku. This culture may have not had a written language and it was made at least 2500 years ago. The ruins of Puma PunkuIt is a pity that there is money for another new Mars rover and no money for our own history. We found it on earthpossibly mars in the pastand possibly now in the liquid oceans of europa. The Pumapunku (Gateway of the Puma or Jaguar), a highly damaged pre-Columbian monument at the ancient archaeological site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia, has been reconstructed using 3D printed miniature models of architectural fragments. The mummies of Puma Punku, preserved on one of the Tiwanakus most sacred sites. How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? I guess we are bound to repeat history. We are here for a very short time. It is the largest monolith, which people had ever moved. Then again, we are human and subject to find fault with others easily and so prone to war. Puma punku was a terraced earthen mound originally faced with megalithic blocks, each weighing several tens of tons. Dolomite is harder than granite. 19-Mile Impact Crater Found In Greenland May Confirm Great Flood, Evidence of 700,000-Year-Old Ancient Humans Found in Philippines, Archeologists Discover Head of Roman Statue in Egyptian Tomb, 11,000-Year-Old Shigir Idol Dated Twice as Old as the Pyramids. interesting to hear everyones comments and theorys but i am a stonemason and people who say this still cant be done today are wrong of course it can be done i myself have done a lot of jobs and projects or greater difficulty that this although yes it would be verry difficult all them years ago, i strongly belive that we under estimate the ancient people and that they knew and had a hell of a lot just like us today we use the tools we have and make them work for us thats all they were doing they had there own set of tools that they used and made them work for them and the work that you see in the pics proves it, have you ever heard of the freemasons ?? But what they left behind was so magnificent that when the Inca found its ruins 500 years later, they thought Pumapunku must be the spot where the gods had created the world. More at http://www.aymara.org/biblio/html/igr/igr.html. How about thisassuming the pyramids were built from the ground up by who or whatever constructed them, wouldn't it make sense that the walls of the lower burial chambers were completed while they were still open to the sunlight and air? as i understand it, only about 15 % of the area has been "excavated.". Puma punku is the name of a large temple complex located near Tiwanaku, in Bolivia, and is part of a larger archaeological site known as Tiahuanacu. The more education you have the harder it becomes. Here's a thoughtwe've examined exactly one solar system in the universe in search of life. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Teotihuacn: City of the Gods or Ancient Spaceport? When your website mentioned the imperial city CUSZO meaning navel of the earth, it was EERIE since - One of our most important historic and cultural treasure is 'U Lum Sohpetbneng" Peak (1434 metres) which in our language means 'navel of heaven', it symbolises the deep rooted spiritual belief of the Hynniewtrep the Sevenhuts people. Puma Punku is a large temple complex on the edge of Tiahuanaco. All in all, we may NEVER know the full story but it's fun to contemplate how and why while drifting off to sleep. We may never have these answers until they decide we are ready for them to come backthat is if they still exist and I hope they do. i love this story as its absolutely true, the stories of our ancient ancestors, for us, they are lost but in reality they are never lost..i've always maintained that in order to know the truth all one has to do is ask the creator an pray for answers. Never forget the ability of the human brain for that is the answer. Stephen, you must read the bible and do not assume things from what hear, find out for your self do some research, other people could be wrong. We seem to have similar interests so try reading one of mine. It remains to be shown whether their forays into other dimensions offered these early people a special insight into how to create their megaliths or even how to contact beings who could teach them advanced methodologies. (2019) Pumapunku, The Ancient Ruins Where The Inca Believed The World Began. Ati. Im no scientist, but it seems as if humans should have figured it out a really long time ago. Long before I ever saw them on TV in school I finally started learning about the pyramids in Egypt. but there was something not right about them ..they did not match my idea of a pyramid at all.. my many drawings all had steps and lush green surroundings such vivid sounds of hundreds of different animals. vivid smells of plants,,,trees,,,flowersetc.. ..vivid colors of sky.earth.brilliant greens from surrounding forestsbrilliant colors from all the animals..and beautiful colors of the clothes the people were wearing including myself. Even today, those remaining monoliths and stone structures are used by believers since: one can hear the whispers of ancient ancestors and receive spiritual wisdom and knowledge by sitting on them, hugging them or placing one's ears to the stone. Now, back to a real mysterypuma punku. Maybe you can see something. Some believe that Puma punku couldnt have been built without help from alien beings. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Preserved paintings, coins, and a detailed description of the entire transportation process. It's called KHOH RAMHAH (meaning khoh-basket and ramhah-giant). They were initially pounded by stone hammerswhich can still be found in numbers on local andesite quarries, creating depressions, and then slowly ground and polished with flat stones and sand. Sun Gate at Tiwanaku, Bolivia. The final weight today - 1,250 tons (Saint-Petersburg) and it serves as a pedestal for the equestrian statue of Peter I, better known as "The Bronze Horseman." But the Inca were quick to realize the sacred nature of the site and soon added their own mythical story to it. This mystery comprises the three main pyramids of Giza that have come to represent one of the most famous ancient civilizations. Study Shows Giza Pyramid Concentrates Energy Within its Chambers. One can not live in the past without looking into the future at what lies in front of mankind. One good war and we are back to chasing rats and squirrels and wishing we had the lighter again. (2018) El misterio de Puma Punku. Amarilo. Something doesnt add up. rafken from The worlds my oyster on April 06, 2012: Very good hub. The absence of everything except the ridiculously precise stonework almost makes the alien theory seem more reasonable. A building that could easily be built from lazer guided cutters, and assembled as protective living quarters, later still discarded when no longer required, will be of great use to future space travellers, As I understand you found the river, it is very good. Spanish Conquistadors and others who visited the site during the 16th and 17th centuries described it as a wondrous, though unfinished, building with gateways and windows carved from single blocks., Pumapunku displayed a level of craftsmanship that was largely unparalleled in the pre-Columbian New World, and its often considered the architectural peak of Andean lithic technology prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Puma Punku is a beautiful and true wonder of the ancient world. This theory was first widely expounded by Graham Hancock, and he continues to be its champion: But the temple the Tiwanaku knew during the height of their empire would have been magnificent. No cities, no orbiting space satellites or debris - not much of anything. All we have to go on are the magnificent stones that remain. https://lookoomehome.files.wordpress.com/2021/04/11a-ponce-monolith-tiwa https://cdn.xxl.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/tiwanaku-monolith-closeup-view- https://www.travelyesplease.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_3670-Edit https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/ten Just like with the ancient Greek (or Atlantean-era) statues from Africa, Europe, and Asia, THE NOSES ARE SMASHED OFF. Must be aliens. Photo credit, The Plataforma Ltica, or stone platform on the east side has the largest blocks, the heaviest being 131 tons made from red sandstone and quarried 10 km away. As was the case of great cities all over the world, Tiwanaku started out as a simple farming village without a hierarchy among its inhabitants. The inhabitants of Pumapunku worshiped many gods, most with an agricultural bent, and a creator god who drew the Tiwanaku people from the rocks. One of the things I learned recently is that Earth is not the ideal cauldron for intelligent life we have been led to believe it is. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History, http://bilddatenbank.khm.at/viewArtefact?id=253874, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24862061, http://www.grida.no/graphicslib/detail/climate-impacts-of-el-nio-phenomenon-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean_921c. Or other artifacts found in the area, or what? A lot of people, a lot of ropes, levers and savvy. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? I attached photo of me to this email. Their creator god is believed to be depicted in the famous Sun Gate , which many scholars think was once located at Puma Punku and only later moved to Kalassaya. Mostly coastal or somewhere near water so we are pretty much living on where those ruins would be. How much art destroyed just for the gold or silver it contains? Cherry picking the data Only the oddities Sceptical archaeology? You're example of the lighthouse is a good oneI agree. I've witnessed this event and huge megaliths spinning 1 feet off the ground only by prayer. That's simply what I derive from that ancient ruins scattered around the world. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt, about Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare, about The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer, about Helicopter Hieroglyphs? Llama skin ropes, ramps, and inclined planes, may have all been used in overland transport. I could easily remember the smells,,,,sounds,,,views etc. The "H" blocks with dove tailed slots on the opposite side seemingly made to hold alignment keys of a lesser material would seem to make a good stable platform for a mag-lift launcher. These Hindu Texts Describe Flying Vimanas And Details Of An Ancient Nuclear War. Advanced people was all killed off by religious baboons as even today they still do.. flame5457@yahoo.com on November 10, 2014: The article was incorrect in one instance. Interviews with modern day stonemasons have revealed that even with todays advanced technology, it would be extremely difficult to replicate the precision observed in the stones found at Puma Punku. (2018) Reconstructing ancient architecture at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: the potential and promise of 3D printing. Heritage Science . The houses of the elite, as well as the ceremonial centers, were built on the lake and surrounded by a moat. Just because we live in a fast moving, mostly urban, disposable society does not mean a past civilization took that route. Your email address will not be published. What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE? I had no idea what she was talking about so she showed me a book. MONOLITHS AND MEGALITHS (next time I get permission to snap a photo of the floating / flying monoliths and megaliths i'll mail it to you if you're interested), A native of Meghalaya, INDIA (South East Asia), I think that the people that created those ruins got smart over time. Period. If human minds can conceive them now, who is to say that they couldn't have done so in the past. they all ran away. There's one instant i've heard one guy after a trek to the peak was later attacked by a few robbers. In our culture even today, there are few master and dedicated priests who can move these giant stones by prayers.