She said she repeatedly questioned her husband to ensure that he was making the payments, and each time he insisted that he was. A former FBI Supervisory Special Agen. Asked what Bonnie Hanssen thinks may have motivated her husband, Brookner said: Who knows? Friends of Hanssen later came forward and told journalists that Hanssen had exhibited eccentric behavior, which included an obsession with pornography. For these reasons, the FBI learned of his true identity before the Russians; they are learning of it only now. Thanks for contacting us. By the time Hanssen and ONeill returned to the office, things seemed normal. I take solace and satisfaction, however, that the FBI succeeded in this investigation. However, even though Hansen would go to church with his wife, nothing really changed. [Your wifes genetic code] demands she stay home and nurture the children. In January 2001, Hanssen moved into a small office in FBI Headquarters secretly outfitted with surveillance cameras and microphones. appreciated. The plea bargain spared Hanssen the death penalty. Should I get him to confess?. The criminal conduct alleged represents the most traitorous actions imaginable against a country governed by the Rule of Law. in Chemistry, 1966; Attended Northwestern University Dental School, 1966-1968;. The family hopes Mr. Hanssen will be sent to the federal prison in Allenwood, Pa., which would be close enough for Mrs. Hanssen to continue to visit regularly. Since he held key counterintelligence positions, he had authorized access to classified information. In his communications with the Russians (some of which were eventually made public after his arrest) he insisted on setting the terms of how he would communicate, pass information, and pick up money. ''I never knew about anything else after that first time,'' Mrs. Hanssen said in the interview. The actions alleged date back as far as 1985 and, with the possible exception of several years in the 1990s, continued until his arrest on Sunday. January 12, 2001 - Hanssen is reassigned from counterintelligence to an obscure office at FBI headquarters. In 1976, Robert Hanssen began his career as an FBI agent, but by 1985, he was working for the former Soviet Union, slipping the Russians classified secrets in exchange for more than $1.4 million . Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. I imagined I could smell gunpowder on his breath, ONeill writes. Midwestern Roots Hanssen was born in April 1944, the only child of a Chicago cop. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. Director Jenny Chung Writer Jenny Chung Stars Bob Aguilar Jim Babel Jeff Barber He and his wife relocated to Anchorage, Alaska in 1967. But Hanssen couldn't afford the lifestyle that he thought he deserved. The investigation that led to these charges is the direct result of the longstanding FBI/CIA efforts, ongoing since the Aldrich Ames case, to identify additional foreign penetrations of the United States Intelligence Community. While Darla suspected that he had been frequenting prostitutes, she had no idea of the literal manhunt he conducted. So it appears that the Justice inspector general, an independent office that monitors the department's work, was trying to determine whether the F.B.I. The astonishing letter gave the FBI what it had long sought definitive proof that Hanssen was the spy who had been betraying them since 1985, doing colossal damage to the USs counterintelligence capabilities by, among other things, revealing the identities of their undercover agents. He was sentenced to life in prison. On May 10, 2002, he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. On May 10, 2002, Robert Philip Hanssen was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Accused FBI spy Hanssen cuts deal. He wears a revolver in an ankle holster and keeps an automatic [weapon] in his desk., In response, Alleman took a sip of her coffee to hide her smile., Fine, ONeill said. Press Release - Veteran FBI Agent Arrested and Charged with Espionage, is an official site of the U.S. Department of Justice. Director Tenet and I have briefed the intelligence committees of Congress because of the clear national security implications. He has never answered that question for anyone. Christopher Burgess / Feb 18, 2021. FBI leadership decided Hanssen needed to be removed from his temporary position and brought back to FBI Headquarters. The damage Hanssen did was considerable. At the time, he was assigned to counterintelligence in the F.B.I. As an agency, we lived up to our responsibility, regardless of how painful it might be. According to . She did not want her husband to be tempted to work for the Russians again, she told the Justice Department. In the letter, Hanssen revealed that he had dreamed of being a spy against his country since the age of 14, after reading a book about Kim Philby the British intelligence officer who was also a Russian double agent. He could sit in his office and shut the door. As a young man, he seemed to be seeking a way out of the blue-collar life represented by his boyhood neighborhood. Serial killer Robert Hansen confessed to killing 17 women in Alaska over a 12-year span, all while married with two children. Updated Our joint efforts over the last several years and specifically in this case should give pause to those contemplating betrayal of the Nations trust. Today's protagonist, Robert Hanssen, was an FBI agent who served his country for 20 years. Many of the questions centered on assertions made by Mrs. Hanssen's brother, Mark Wauck, an F.B.I. Source: Netflix Article continues below advertisement Or, rather, one person does. Is sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole. December 2000 - The FBI begins surveillance of Hanssen. Although Robert Hanssen forfeited all the money he received from Moscow, his wife and six children get to keep their Vienna, Va., home and three cars, under the plea agreement. He later wrote to his KGB handler, speaking about the severity with which U.S. laws punishes his alleged actions, and acknowledging I know far better than most what minefields are laid and the risks.. Joining the FBI in the height of the Cold War, Robert Hanssen dreamed of the exciting life of a spy. Hanssen, in full blowhard mode, got back in the car and the two took the slow route as he lectured ONeill. He was, after all, a trained counterintelligence specialist. Robert Hanssen betrayed the FBI. Nor would many other intelligence and counterintelligence accomplishments that routinely but quietly contribute to the security of this Nation. Hanssen received payments of $1.4 million in cash and diamonds from the information he gave the Soviet Union and Russia. in Chemistry, 1966; Attended Northwestern University Dental School, 1966-1968; Northwestern University, M.B.A. in Accounting and Information Systems, 1971. His father served on the police force in Chicago and was serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II when Hanssen was born. . 29:4-30:1, 2006, pp. Follow. As part of that review, the inspector general asked Mrs. Hanssen to take a polygraph test, just days before the sentencing. The first time around, his wife divorced him after a mere half-year because of his incarceration for arson in Iowa. Alleman explained to ONeill that the smoking gun would be an actual information drop for the Russians. Mrs. Hanssen said she demanded that her husband go with her to see their Roman Catholic priest to confess. While not identifying himself, he was able to gain their trust by initially providing information which the Soviets found both credible and valuable. Christian owned a bakery and would make his son work for long hours as a kid. A bakery owner by trade, Hansen was also an avid outdoorsman and. The next day he ordered ONeill to drive him to a meeting. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Hanssen was born in Chicago, Illinois on April 18, 1944 to a family of German and Polish origins. ''But he told me he was just tricking the Russians and feeding them false information,'' she said. They bought a modest, three-bedroom home in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., north of New York City. 1972 - Joins the Chicago Police Department. "Robert Hanssen, FBI Agent Who Became a Soviet Mole." The complaint alleges that Hanssen conspired to and did commit espionage for Russia and the former Soviet Union. Abcarian: Mask mandates? Why are we still having these debates? In return, he received large sums of money and other remuneration. The data-some 6000 pages of highly classified documents-revealed . After graduating from a public high school, Hanssen attended Knox College in Illinois, studying chemistry and Russian. The purloined PalmPilot gave the FBI the final piece of the puzzle: Hanssens next meeting with the Russians was scheduled for the following weekend. In order to put the double-crosser away forever, ONeill would need to put his life on the line again. FBI and CIA personnel who debriefed Hanssen about his 21 years as a spy for Moscow found him a prickly, uncooperative character and won't be sorry to see him pulling hard time in a distant lock-up. In this article, Hansens dynamic with his own family is discussed to give you a better insight into the life of the now-deceased murderer. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Gray Day: My Undercover Mission to Expose Americas First Cyber Spy, My boss records all the conversations in our office, China's secret police are actively hunting people on US soil, Cuomo mocks Biden over China spy balloon debacle, Biden, DOJ scrapping FBI China initiative led to more spying: security experts. A Spy in Plain Sight: The Inside Story of the FBI and Robert Hanssen, America's Most Damaging Russian Spy, Lis Wiehl (Pegasus, 2022), 336 pages. headquarters in a senior counterintelligence post, he told his wife that he had paid off the debt, she told the Justice Department. He compromised the security of his country and put the lives of colleagues in danger. But she was questioned in the polygraph test on her knowledge of Mr. Hanssen's later spying career. His job was to help assemble a database of foreign officials posted in New York who, while posing as diplomats, were actually intelligence officers spying on the United States. A feature film called "Breach" was released in 2007. Still, he was not identified as a spy. Hanssenusing the alias Ramon Garcia with his Russian handlershad provided highly classified national security information to the Russians in exchange for more than $1.4 million in cash, bank funds, and diamonds. In school, he was bullied for his acne, girls would not talk to him, and he also developed a stutter. Hansen even notched up a few local hunting records. robert hanssen children. Here was ONeills opportunity to push Hanssen to his limits. His growing family would need space, and Hanssen's vision of himself required that he provide for them while Bonnie managed the home and raised their children. Hanssen was tracked from the time he left his house in Fairfax County, Virginia, to the time he got home at night, and it was confirmed that he was still an active spy. (CNN) -- While he acted the patriot and family man, FBI agent Robert Hanssen was selling his country's most classified . Our hearts go out to them. Anyone can read what you share. Michelle Karr. agent who confessed to selling secrets to Moscow, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole today by a . The Soviets, suspicious of being lured into a trap, demanded to meet him. Robert J. McNamara is a history expert and former magazine journalist. He pleaded guilty to 15 counts of espionage in July 2001 and was sentenced to prison without the possibility of parole. As a devout Catholic, Bonnie Hanssen feels that he needs time [in prison] to pray for forgiveness and be redeemed in some way, the wifes attorney, Janine Brookner, said in an interview. The FBI believed this was his signal site where the Russians would signal when they were ready to receive his intel. We believe it was exceptionally grave. The premise of The Frozen Ground is that a state trooper, played by Nicolas Cage, teams up with a surviving victim of a serial killerto bring him down. Hanssen would now be ONeills boss. Hanssens espionage activities began in 1985. He had opportunity. Sunday night the FBI arrested Robert Philip Hanssen who has been charged with committing espionage. Judge Webster and anyone he selects to assist him will have complete access and whatever resources are necessary to complete this task. By the time O'Neill slipped into the car on that fateful Sunday morning in 2001, an FBI operation was already underway to . But, she said, she was determined to hold her husband to the deal. Robert was described as a loner and a quiet person, and he had a strained relationship as well with his strict and dominating father. He used encrypted communications, dead drops, and other clandestine methods to provide information to the KGB and its successor agency, the SVR. The Ellis drop site, under a footbridge over Wolftrap Creek at Foxstone Park near Vienna, Va. U.S. Attorney Randy Bellows, right, is depicted in an artists sketch as he addresses the court during the sentencing of convicted spy Robert Hanssen, center, seen with his attorney Plato Cacheris, left, at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia. For many years, the CIA and FBI have been aggressively engaged in a sustained analytical effort to identify foreign penetrations of the Intelligence Community. She sold their house and bakery in Alaska and shifted closer to her family in Arkansas after the children were getting bullied massively at their school. The ensuing investigation confirmed this suspicion. The couple, however, did not have a great relationship. Bokhan. Ms. Brookner, who arranged the interview, insisted that Mrs. Hanssen not be questioned about revelations concerning her husband's sexual obsessions. Authors Lawrence Schiller and Norman Mailer at the Omni Hotel, where they spoke about their new book "Into the Mirror . In his new book, Gray Day: My Undercover Mission to Expose Americas First Cyber Spy (Crown), ONeill tells his story of risking his life in 2001 to bring down the operative. For decades, the quirky but respected counterintelligence expert, religious family man, and father of six, sold top secret information to agents of the Soviet Union and Russia. The complaint alleges that he received over $600,000. The affidavit alleges that Hanssen voluntarily became an agent of the KGB in 1985 while assigned to the intelligence division at the FBI field office in New York City as supervisor of a foreign counterintelligence squad. Mrs. Hanssen insists she never knew about her husband's second, far longer and more damaging stint as a spy and never saw anything that made her suspect that he had taken up with the Russians again. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much His tale was also made into the 2007 movie Breach.. Robert Hanssen (left), a 25-year career FBI man, pleaded guilty to, among other charges, 13 counts of espionage for Russia. She would then use this money to run her house and support her children. Upon becoming a special agent on January 12, 1976, Hanssen was transferred to the FBI's Gary, Indiana, field office. Was not identified as a young man, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility parole... Russians ; they are learning of it only now - Veteran FBI Agent who his!, an F.B.I and told journalists that Hanssen had exhibited eccentric behavior which. Dental School, 1966-1968 ; even though Hansen would go to church with his wife relocated to,... 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