believe should have never existed given the discerned age/period of their It follows that mining and farming have been fruitful sources of curious The next morning there were several concrete blocks laying in the room. and billions of years old and the result of natural phenomenon . Second, ancient man was a very sophisticated person. The world is big. While Nevertheless, these things exist. Under the In 1944, as a ten Crude choppers and scrapers of quartzite were found deep in the earth and had But his parents and others witnessed the bell that he brought up from the basement and it became an object of conversation, residing on an old secretary desk shelf. Xinhua. . There they work in The figure atop the bell which Anderson discovered is strikingly similar to that of the Hindu deity Garuda, which is commonly placed on top of Ghanta bells used in Indian, Tibetan, and Nepalese worship. J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie bought coal mines for vertical integration- the practice of owning every step of the industrial process. In 1961, the Rio Ica burst its banks and flooded parts of the Ocucaje Desert. A resident of Vladivostok, which is sandwiched between China, North Korea, and the Sea of Japan, was adding ordinary coal to a fire when he noticed a shiny metal object peeking through a piece of the friable black rock. It left some shaking their heads, others pondering if it was an ancient form of life or perhaps just a creature that is identifiable today that wandered deep inside somehow and proceeded to mummify in the permafrost. It is said that in 1844, quarry workers at Rutherford Mills, England, found a The stones of the earth contain sapphires, and the dust contains gold. The story said only part of framework. So it continues to be a bit of a puzzle. in China (Mertz, 1972, p.99). The mines were a prime source of economic activity since the fifth century BCE, but future excavating resulted in two cathedrals. 1300 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Android Bible app. The Salzburg Cube is yet another ancient puzzle found by a worker named Reidl in Stunned, they are often unable arsenic, iodine, and selenium). SUBSCRIBE:: LIKE AND SHARE:: HELP GROW YOUR CHANNEL THIS CHANNEL COVERS 9 DIFFERENT SUBJECTS !!! Genesis 4:22 states that Tubal-Cain was "an Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, What is a Wendigo? With this in mind, it would seem absolutely impossible for any human artifacts to be found within this ancient substance; but incredibly, many items have reportedly been found in such deposits, either buried inside the coal itself or found buried deep down within coal veins found in mines which have been tunneled out far beneath the Earths surface. Geological Map of West Virginia. Once the miner broke it open, a gear shift-looking object was discovered. ( Metallicman). Known for their equestrian skills and bravery in battle, they played a crucial role in expanding the empire and establishing its dominance. . Again, the coal from that particular mine is supposed to date back to around 300 million years ago. This particular mine location tapped into coal from the Redstone Coal Seam, which is clearly composed of bituminous coal (USGS, n.d.). Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. creationists who see no conflict for such finds within a biblical time California quite as well as Job 28 (TEV). much of America. CLICK loneliness, clinging to ropes in the pits. evidence that man had been present there. Found at a depth of 40 meters in the country's Kuznetsk Basin, the artifact is approximately 1.2 meters in diameter and weighs 200kg. Many competent observers have commented on the remarkable freshness This bizarre phenomena is often called toad in the hole. And while that length is dramatic, it's not too hard to believe compared to some current pythons and anacondas. Bizarre Discoveries in Mines - YouTube 0:00 / 8:35 Clerksdorp spheres Bizarre Discoveries in Mines Talltanic 2.39M subscribers Subscribe 5.1K 1.1M views 6 years ago Here are 11 of the most. crystal, or rubies, or the finest topaz and the purest gold. Finding a human artifact such as this with the possibility of being crafted hundreds of millions of years ago raises the most unlikely of questions , should we choose to accept that a) the object was actually located inside the coal as reported and not simply discovered alongside it and b) the geological age of coal itself has been accurately dated. Anderson was found to be credible and he clearly passed the test. human feet ever travel, men dig the shafts of mines. The mystery of the bell found in coal. Copyright Haley's Daily Blog. Much of Washington, The Horsemen of Oyo were legendary warriors who served the Oyo Empire of West Africa. surface of the North Sea the trunk of an oak was removed from a long submerged A handful of other such accounts have been recorded, No The object itself, like the Klerksdorp sphere, is covered in strange craters and idents, giving it a mysterious appearance. When the stone was accidentally dropped it split open and inside was a cut-iron . Front and back view of the bells figurine. They decided to take the oddity home and. The winged figure on both Andersons bell and a Nepalese bell reveal a stepped design with a ribbed grip and a figure on the platform praying in a kneeling position. year; the hammer itself turned out to be more than 500 million years old. deeply below the earth's surface? Every once in a while archaeologists (and sometimes But what happens when a piece of the metal was determined to be aged more than three-hundred million years? The item was dubbed the "Thimble of Eve" 1970. As she was breaking a lump of coal preparatory to putting it in the scuttle, she discovered, as the lump fell apart, embedded in a circular shape a small gold chain about ten inches in length of antique and quaint workmanship.. demon-like figure on top. In 1844, a curious report appeared on June 22, in the London Times which mentioned the bizarre discovery of a gold artifact in Early Carboniferous stone dated between 320 and 360 million years old. The find has never been William Mapes, 73, of Freeburn, Kentucky, died Sunday, Justice said Sunday in a news release. The story behind its finding has been related by its discoverer, Newton Anderson, who appears to be a credible witness. Within the Creation Evidence Museum at Glen Rose, Texas, can be found a cast about. Audaxviator translates to bold traveller which refers to the fact that the bacteria was found 2 miles below the surface of the Earth and is the only organism in its ecosystem. Moreover, one can speculate that when civilization came to an end in the Flood, one of the bells made prior to the Flood was buried with a floating mass of vegetative debris that would later become WV coal, and finally end up, thousands of years later, in Newt Andersons coal bin. Anderson eventually moved to Florida and became a chemistry teacher. The man noticed the artifact in the coal and puzzled, took it to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. a sharp tool on the horn of fossilized rhino remains in Ireland. Men explore the deepest darkness. -- From the book of Job, chapter 28. Home projects 6. to explain what it is theyve found, how it came into existence, or ascertain 1997. How is it possible that a bronze bell could be found in coal that was formed before the dinosaurs had even evolved? So it is important to employ caution and objectivity regarding such claims. An amazing number of stone relics have been found. able to bore into the bowels of mountains for gold and silver. Timeless Mystery: How did a Swiss Ring Watch End up in a Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb? We are sure there are many others which we don't know about or have gone The snake, dubbed the Titanoboa, reached a length of 40 feet. The value of wisdom is more than coral, or and dishes, used a circular, skillet-like vessel made of lava, hard as iron, Basically, its a nuclear waste eating bacteria. 6, November/December, 2013.). I traced the source of the coal, and found that it came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma Mines., The iron pot OOPart found in coal with the affidavit. Bell Found in Coal. nature could have achieved without an assist from modern technology. Nonetheless, it is intriguing to investigate an archaic implement that might provide clues about the world before the Flood. students that the world is billions and billions of years old. Some geologists think that the spheres are actually volcanic sediments, but it is fun to believe that they have been created by aliens! of the deposit "can easily be imagined by the fact that the Snake River has cut HERE for more information on this remarkable find. ( Public Domain ). of Springfield, Mass, brought a piece of quartz home from a trip to California. He argues that the bell is a Garuda bell, made of brass that could have come from pieces of scrap metal remanufactured by an artisan in India or elsewhere in Asia. There is no doubt that the best-case scenario for a pre-Flood artifact would be to have evidence which has been documented insitu by a professional scientist. Now referred to as the Dorchester Pot, the bell-shaped vessel, which many have described as a vase but is more likely a pipe-holder or candlestick, was 4.5 inches (11.43 cm) high with a diameter of 6.5 inches (16.51 cm) at the base and 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) at the top, with a thickness of about 0.12 inches (3 mm). Therefore, it should not seem strange that we find almost no trace of. authentic. Photograph of the bell found in coal. Ironically, what they found within seemed to Mining is a very comprehensive process. In order to validate his claims, Newton Anderson took a polygraph test in 2007, which he passed comfortably. The Cave of the Crystals, connected to a mine in a town called Naica, contains enormous crystals. (Heizer, 1962, mined at Wilburton, Oklahoma. Creationist books and articles continue to describe this mysterious bell, touting it as a genuine antediluvian artifact (see for example Morris, 2008). bring to light what is hidden. 5, located two miles north of Heavener, Oklahoma. An evangelistic tract was made that presented the bell as indisputable proof of the worldwide deluge. --Matthew 24:30. Fossils in the cave also preserved some of the smallest cockroach fossils ever found and their color patterns. That may turn some heads. dramatically new light. On June 11, 1891, an Illinois newspaper reported the unusual discovery of a modern artifact found embedded in a lump of coal that had originated from a South Illinois mine, which the Illinois State Geological Survey said had formed between 260 and 320 million years ago, at some time during the Carboniferous Period. Proceedings of the American Philosophic Society . The nail was described as perfectly straight and with its head The probable location of the original mine was established, essentially ruling out claims by critics that the artifact is of modern origin. Probable Original Minable Extent of the Coal Seams of the Redstone Coal. Men dig iron out of the ground The Krabia minuta was thought to have originated from Asia, before somehow ending up in African areas. CLICK of the day for those who are indoctrinating students that the world is billions If the coal was Carboniferous, as would be expected, this would mean that the wall dates back to at least 286 million years. So it is important to employ caution and objectivity regarding such claims. The new species, dubbed Krabia minuta, after the Krabi coal mines where it was found, was an ancient . But 90% of WV coal is bituminous, which is softer and flat black in appearance. W.W. McCormick of Albilene, Texas kept a document recording his grandfathers account regarding a stone block wall that was exposed whilst mining for coal. to commonly accepted geological dating: a hyena tooth sawed by a flint before it its existence was made public in 1976. A Norm Sharbaugh Ministries, Brownsburg, IN, p. 190. Methane is also a greenhouse gas that is more than 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide on a mass basis over a 100-year time period ( learn more about . There were upwards of 200 specimens of detailed shrubs, trees, flowers, and even insects. One of the most prodigious lava flow in the history of the world occurred in the For example, how do coal miners find man-made artifacts in coal veins buried The fossilized jaw of a pint-size primate that lived about 35 million years ago in Asia has been unearthed in Thai coal mines. 2008. Heizer notes a number of impossibilities according in America, but no earlier than 2000 In 1944, as a ten-year-old boy, Newton Anderson dropped a lump of coal in his basement and found that it contained this bell inside. Or maybe not too many years, just a one BIG, globalheat event? According to the World Coal Association, the process responsible for the formation of coal began 360 to 290 million years ago. ( Workers will usually work to extract valuable minerals from the Earths surface, to be processed for various purposes later on. The bizarre report printed in The Morrisonville Times went as follows: A curious find was brought to light by Mrs. S.W. Top 5 Reasons Why Vaping Is Preferred Over 7 Office Kitchen Rules and Etiquette for Employees. The older one was shut down in 1992 due to safety concerns, while the more recent one opened up in 1995. Typically, the end result of these stories is disappointment. Gordons Blog. item as a meteorite, but more recent analysis shows that the object was a forged N. 1997 Ammunition for Piercing the Armor of the Philosophy of Evolution. Bronze implements could easily survive for the roughly 4,000 years from the Flood to the present. 15:193-198). Among them was picked up a metallic vessel in two parts, rent asunder by the explosion. Though certainly not definitive, it makes more sense than believing in the extremely improbable chain of events presented by critics. The blast threw out an immense mass of rock, some of the pieces weighing several tons, and scattered fragments in all directions. The Wolfsegg Iron, as a result, still perplexes researchers and scientists alike to this day. Critics of the bell artifact have seized on the similarity to Garuda bells (Figure 3) to suggest that the Anderson bell is of modern origin. In 2007 I hired Stan Fulmer, an expert polygraph specialist who worked on death row cases. feet. The sides are inlaid with In 1973 he attended a presentation by Dr. John Morris of the Institute for Creation Research and brought the bell to Johns attention. old! ( CHECK IT OUT) 1. tunnel, a mortar and pestle weighing 30 pounds, beads, perforated stones, a Some of these items are "problematic" to the accepted teaching Even if a handful, perhaps a few thousand, were preserved, when such a small number is distributed through the vast volume of Flood sediments, the chances of one being found at the surface are mathematically very, very low, let alone of being found by a professional scientist who could recognize its significance and document it properly. Oregon, Idaho and portions of neighbouring states was covered. Ancient Thick-shelled Turtle Discovered in Coal Mine | LiveScience Animals Bugs Live Animals Frog And Toad Natural Phenomena Science And Nature Bizarre Serving Bowls Impossible Stuff Found In Coal And Rock : Ancient Mysteries Alien Life Forms ufo tooth wheel Ancient Astronaut Theory Ufo Tooth Wheel that contradict the "scientific orthodoxy" of today. The strangeness only increases when it was dated to be over three-hundred million years old, being made almost entirely of aluminum. finds in the past. The slurry then completely buried the bell and eventually dried, hardening into a pure coal concretion that appeared to be a solid lump of coal when it was later mined! Ripleys Believe it or Not found out about the bell and sent a representative to investigate. As man Washington to a time before the Pleistocene epoch, which scientists are Figure 3. conventional dating (Edward, 1962, p.100-101). These bells are generally made from brass and are usually adorned with a figure. California. Top Image: This iron pot is allegedly an OOPArt found in coal. which had three legs and a spout, made polished stone axes with perfect holes challenged except to say that it was impossible. eruptions took place a mere fifteen million years ago. On the other side there six figures of a flower, or a bouquet, beautifully inlaid with pure silver, and around the lower part of the vessel a vine, or wreath, also inlaid with silver. It is also known to hold a capacity of up to ten thousand people, so you may want to add this destination to your bucket list! bell submitted to the lab at the University of Oklahoma. Men dig the He dropped a lump of coal onto the basement floor and it broke in half, revealing that it contained this bell inside. The clapper inside the bell is composed of iron and it still rings beautifully. about Bizarre Finding of a Swiss Ring Watch in a Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb, about Latter Day Forgeries: The Hoax of the Kinderhook Plates. Archaeologists delved into the 250 feet deep mine to explore and record the fossils. It was a large, smooth wall, disclosed when a great mass of coal fell away from it, and on its surface, carved in bold relief, were several lines of hieroglyphics. (Jessup, M.K. In . 10 Innovative Medieval Weapons: You Would Not Want To Be At The Sharp End Of These! LIKE WHAT YOU'RE READING?subscribe to our top stories. the chain was revealed when she first broke open the coal, and that the rest of Rapid change of the terrain is also Newton set aside the piece with the curious object and placed the remainder into the furnace. The Salt Cathedral of Zipaquir is an underrated tourist attraction, with most not knowing of its existence at all. Tasked with stoking the furnace at his home in Buckhannon, West Virginia, Anderson went down to the basement one evening and picked out a particularly large lump of coal which he placed onto his already loaded shovel. southern Illinois mines. - The Case for the UFO. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. found in lumps of coal, we are inclined to perceive human history in a From a creationist worldview, it certainly seems reasonable that the bell could be the work of an antediluvian artificer like Tubal-Cain (Genesis 4:22). Figurine on the handle of the hand-bell. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. Garuda (a beaked, flying god) is sometimes depicted on top of bells, as is the Egyptian winged goddess Isis. It would not necessarily be expected to match any mix of known, post-Flood metal workings. 2010. unreported. Here are 11 of the most unusual findings deep in the earth like ancient and time primate fossils or trapped toads alive in rocks! - Cicero, greatest orator of ancient Rome. A strange saucer-shaped object has been dug up by miners during excavation work in Siberia. Creation Evidence Museum). Read this detailed and sophisticated memory of what Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. creation. Workers in stone quarries also have found impossible objects. Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior, Ruler and Raider, The Warriors Who Shaped African History: The Horsemen of Oyo, What is Shambhala? forest. The lava spread over an estimated 200,000 square miles in It seems that everywhere we look, we find things following: a mortar for grinding gold ore at a depth of 300 feet in a mining It is important to note that there were two primary types of coal mining procedures common in the area during the 1940s, surface mining and underground mining. 40-pound oval granite dish. Strange objects that are more than millions of years in age are more prevalent than youd initially think. Yet another story found in Epoch Times told of a Colorado rancher who in the point, and the identical pattern is found both in China and over Retrieved May 16, 2013, from, Hudson, G. 2010. After considerable research into property records and walking lots, the realtor was able to find the location of Carl Hoylmans dilapidated old mine (Figure 4) and even the remnants of his decaying coal wagon. Thus when "impossible" NOTE: Picture are just to tell the story and not actual pictures of the events. A slender metallic object was revealed, protruding from one of the broken halves. Examining Out-of-Place Stone Figures from the Forgotten City of Oxkintok. rhinoceros and on other animals at a site near Paris, and evidence of the use of The item is not perfectly square, with slightly The bell was even displayed at the San Diego Museum of Natural History for a couple ofyears, and they made an offer to purchase it. Hmmm. Other finds include the He goes on to say: All we have is the testimony of one person who says he found the bell when he was ten years old (over 60 years before he took the polygraph test). Wildlife Videos 3. Carboniferous Period? hawk sees the roads to the mines, and no vulture ever flies over them. A shiny, rod-like object was once discovered by a Russian coal miner, which was not readily distinguishable at first. Another wall-in-coal-mine story was reported by author and astronomer M.K. coal and found a metal cube embedded inside. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), there were 853 coal mines in the U.S. in 2015, producing a total of 896,941,000 short tons of coal. by the media. In the 1940s a neighbor named Carl Hoylman delivered coal to the Anderson household. Did you hear about that space capsule found near Casa Grande by DPS officers earlier this week? He first became fascinated by the possibility of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings in his late teens during the early 90's; the last decade before the Read More. An amazing anomalous fossil. startling find was made in 1889 near Nampa, Idaho. dug. When the water had retreated, the local farmers inspected the damage. If the vein ran into a hillside, then a shaft was dug into the ground to follow the coal seam and mine it out. Using a croquet mallet, Anderson bashed the bituminous coal lump that had been mined in Upshur County not far from his house, and extracted what appeared to be a small and ornate brass bell with an iron clapper, before cleaning it with lye and a scrubbing brush. But the Bible says they will mourn when this happens: "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will Far from where anyone lives or The expansive, dark, and hot mine is almost impossible to completely keep watch over so every once in awhile an illegal squatter will be discovered. images of flowers, fines or a wreath. Klerksdorp spheres are rounded with very distinguishable grooves on the surface. solid pudding stone, about 15 feet in the ground, at Dorchester, Mass. There a nuclear Italian author Biagio Catalano pointed out that the vase was almost identical in appearance and style to an Indian pipe-holder which is being housed at the CSMVS Museum in Mumbai, India. original site was an ancient river bed dated long before the last Ice Age They 6 Most Common Nickel Uses in Our Daily Lives, 9 Best Investment Opportunities for Young Adults, 9 Popular Types of Detectives and Their Duties. It is completely made out of salt, located almost five-hundred and ninety feet below the ground. This is a comprehensive list of such artifacts; artifacts that many By Tia Ghose. CMM refers to the methane released from coal and the surrounding rock strata from mining activities. Researchers have dug up remarkably ancient and well preserved bones in an Indian coal mine. Morris, J. Snelling, Andrew A. Before the basalt flowed, sophisticated humans lived in the area (Velikovsky, vegetation that became coal and ended up thousands of years later in Newt Nature Videos 8.Mining History 9. He negotiated with landowners to extract the coal, mined it, sold it, and delivered it. Another bizarre and anomalous coal discovery was made in 1944 by Newton Richard Anderson, who was ten years old at the time. rounded sides on two ends. Hopefully, in time, these strange things found in mines will provide us with more answers than questions. however, their existence challenges everything we thought we knew about the Polygraph tests are unreliable because they only tell us if someone thinks they are lying and there is no doubt that Mr [sic] Anderson believes he is telling the truth. The coal that is mined at the southern end of WV, near the Kentucky and Pennsylvania borders is anthracite, which is very hard and the highest in quality, having a shiny black appearance. The bituminous coal that was mined near his house in Upshur County West Virginia is supposed to be about 300 million years old! The Bible says, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by theword of God (Romans 10:17). the chain remained buried within the coal. An amazing number of stone relics have been found. Protruding from one of the broken halves was a slender metallic object; so setting aside the piece containing the unusual item, the curious boy threw the remainder into the furnace. There, within a block of solid coal, was discovered a perfectly-formed cuboid object of what seemed to be iron or some other type of metal, measuring 2.64 by 2.64 by 1.85 inches and weighing 1.73 pounds, its purpose unknown. This bizarre find is very important for archaeologists, because it indicates a period of extreme evolution of primates in the area and will continue to yield more discoveries in years to come. The workmanship andauthenticity of the bell have been examined. of the deposit, as though the eruptions took place in very recent times. If told in isolation, then one might feel rightly inclined to ignore tales of modern artifacts found in ancient strata, but these accounts should be considered as part of a larger context. The new species, dubbed Krabia minuta, after the Krabi coal mines where it was found, was an ancient, extinct member of a group of primates called anthropoids, which includes the ancestors to . The animals were about the size of a gray mouse lemur (shown above). The coal that is mined at the southern end of WV, near the Kentucky and Pennsylvania borders is anthracite, which is very hard and the highest in quality, having a shiny black appearance. The iron cup had been displayed at the private museum along with the following signed affidavit made by Frank J. Kenwood in Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, on November 27, 1948: While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla[homa], in 1912, I came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. Into the bowels of mountains for gold and silver the practice of owning every step of the Redstone.. A biblical time California quite as well as Job 28 ( TEV ) a! 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