The Registry provides detailed information about every known exoneration in the United States since 1989cases in which a person was wrongly convicted of a crime and later cleared of all the charges based on new evidence of innocence. On Wednesday afternoon, released from the State Correctional Institution Phoenix to his brothers home just a few miles away in Montgomery County, Hicks said he was both overjoyed and overwhelmed. False testimony was used, and I believe its impossible to say that did not contribute to the conviction.. It appears that for years and even decades the Philadelphia criminal justice system has shown a pattern of locking up Black men for crimes they didnt commit based on the work of corrupt police officers and conviction-happy courts that never really consider that a Black defendant might be getting railroaded despite a glaring lack of evidence to support their guilt. This is my ministry, he says. When recovered, the firearm was covered in blood belonging to the victim, who was bleeding profusely when the police arrived at the scene. The new analysis outlined a case in which ample physical evidence available 19 years ago ought to have been enough to clear Hicks, who was known in court records as Jermaine Weeks. Surveillance tape from that night could reconcile her account with Hicks. WebHicks Settlement Settled by Tobias Hicks and sons about 1800. Thank you for visiting us. Hicks heard her screams and rushed to help. The cover up of shooting an innocent man required the false testimony of three officers and the acquiescence of a dozen more. I liked interacting with all of it. Termaine Hicks case marks the 16th exoneration since 2018 attributed to the Philadelphia District Attorneys Office Conviction Integrity Unit. As the Psalmist wrote, God knows our frame and remembers we are made from dust. With that understanding, I am able to move forward. It was 2012 by the time Hicks withdrew his appellate rights, which meant he would have another 13 years to serve. The victim had told police the attack stopped when bright lights shined on her assailant, spooking him. Lettman-Hicks filed to run for the District 8 seat on June 1, just days before a federal grand jury indicted on charges of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit mail fraud. Then he pulled out the S.T.E.P.U.P. The Innocence Project, which is affiliated with the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, took on Mr. Hicks case in 2011. Termaine Joseph Hicks, 45, was freed from prison in Philadelphia on Wednesday He was jailed in 2001 after cops Marvin Vinson and Dennis Zungolo testified against him In fact, he'd run to the woman's aid when he heard her screaming and the real rapist ran away At that moment, police, responding to the calls of several neighbors, arrived on the scene. When Black Marxist Angela Davis found out her ancestors owned slaves. Wednesday, December 23, 2020, The Front Page Podcast: Pumping the Brakes, NEW: Its not polite to pretend boys can be girls, SCOTUS takes on Bidens student debt agenda. Finally home, Mr. Hicks said hes most proud of himself for staying strong and remaining determined to prove his innocence. Court records for this case are available from Pennsylvania Eastern District Court. Ive been saying the same thing since day one. He wrote 12 plays and musicals while in prison and, now that hes free, he hopes to eventually produce and direct plays. The women feared that if they came forward theyd be sent to another federal facility far from their families, interrupting the education and work programs they had at Coleman, which is the largest federal prison in the U.S. Settlements were approved by the Attorney Generals office on Monday. My motto was, Im not going to ask you to do something I would not do. One of the bullets that entered the back of his arm lodged in his chest, collapsing a lung and requiring emergency surgery. The lawsuit contended that Bureau of Prisons officers at Federal Correctional Complex Coleman in Sumter County sexually abused female inmates for years and threatened the women if they didnt comply. Hicks survived, but was charged with the rape and sentenced to 12 to 25 years in prison. One of those plays, Soldiers in the Army of the Lord, was performed at Graterford in 2012 in honor of Hickss EfM graduation. God saw fit to keep me alive. Vinson and Zungolo still work for the Philadelphia police, the Inquirer reported. Until then, he just wants to spend time with his family as a free person. A spokesperson for the District Attorneys Office declined to comment if it would pursue action against the officers. After his dramatic exoneration and release from prison, Hicks spent six months just trying to ease back into society. The 45-year-old was exonerated on Wednesday, the Philadelphia Inquirer first reported, after a new analysis suggested the conviction was based on false testimony and questionable evidence possibly in an attempt to justify a botched police shooting. | Editorial, Tampa man who was first to face trial for Florida voter fraud in 2020 election gets probation, St. Pete womans dream home turns into a nightmare after she finds code violation, DeSantis, GOP lawmakers pursue efforts to weaken news media protections, Florida man paralyzed by officer who mistook gun for Taser sues, Explosive found on Florida-bound Allegiant flight, man arrested, States move to crack down on nurses with bogus diplomas from Florida schools, correctional officers at a federal prison in Florida repeatedly sexually abused them, Florida teen charged as adult in rigged homecoming election. You cant be in this box when it comes to God and religion, he says. The agreement announced Wednesday is the latest in a string of seven-figure settlements stemming from claims of misconduct by city police in the late 1980s and 90s. Now, he hopes to produce work for the wider community, including a play about his own life and performances inspired by the oldheads who shared their wisdom over decades in prison. Read Mr Hicks Motion to Vacate, the Commonwealths response and the Joint Stipulation of Mr. Hicks and the Commonwealth. It was a chance for me to try to find out how God operates with us. December can be a busy month for exonerations, as prosecutors and defense attorneys try to wrap up cases before the end of the year. Photo: Jason E. Miczek/AP Images for The Innocence Project. He served 19 years for a wrongful conviction. also offers motivational speaking and training in schools, teaching positive decision-making, how to recognize bullying, and how to communicate with peers who carry guns, sell drugs, or who drink and drive. The footage then shows a delivery van arriving, the flash of its headlights flooding the alley. Yet, forensic examiners found no blood inside of Mr. Hicks jacket pocket. During that time, in the fall of 2008, Hicks joined the EfM group. Termaine Hicks was released from SCI Phoenix Prison Tuesday, Dec.16, 2020 in Collegeville, Penn. Im excited for younow go live your life manyou deserve a good one. He had his hand in his pocket because he was going to attempt to call the police when they arrived and shot him in the back. For 19 years, Termaine Joseph Hicks maintained his innocence. The Innocence Project recruited high-profile forensic pathologist Michael Baden to determine the direction from which the bullets were fired at Hicks. After realizing theyd shot an unarmed man who did not match the description of the attacker, the officers conspired to cover it up. They have told me that the trauma of a retrial would be unbearable, she said. I chose life, because my Father God allowed me to live and continue to grow., Candler School of Theology, Emory University, New CDSP Continuing Ed Courses Include Liberation Theology, New Testament Greek, Emory Universitys Candler School of Theology to Launch Hybrid MDiv in Fall 2023, Trinity Church Wall Street Announces Final Round of 2022 Grants, Bringing the Total to $57 Million, Bexley Seabury Hires Hailey McKeefry Delmas as Director of Deacons Formation Collaborative, Seabury Resources for Aging Introduces Common Threads: An Intergenerational Worship Series, Birds of the Air with the Rev. A judge ordered him released last year at age 49, citing evidence that police and prosecutors built their case on fabricated statements from people they coerced as witnesses and later withheld evidence pointing to the likely true perpetrators of the crime. We must have had 150 people in the audience, both inmates and guests, remembers Slichter. Vinson, most recently assigned to the Third Police District, has not responded to requests for comment. Hicks calls the Innocence Project team relentless, God-sent, true advocates. Still, it would take nearly another decade to set Hicks free. They were happy for me, banging on doors, he said. Along the way I found a hidden talent, he says. Joseph Tremaine Hicks, his lawyer said, is going to be returned to something that he should have had when police encountered him the presumption of innocence.. I cant imagine the hurt in your heart and the million reasons you would have to hate someone but instead you are just happy and thankful. Then a 26-year-old father of one, Mr. Hicks had been walking home when he heard a woman screaming. Hicks was convicted of rape and weapons offenses, with 20 officers testifying against him. Hicks was in South Philadelphia on the early morning of November 27, 2001, when he heard a woman screaming. Six of the eight accused officers admitted to having sexual contact with inmates, according to a July document filed by the United States in response to the complaint. Potkin notes that several other police officers were at the scene as Hicks was shot or shortly thereafter. into a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to produce and promote the videos, which are now being requested in schools around the nation. Termaine Hicks, 47, on West Girard Avenue in West Philadelphia on Dec. 2, 2022. She said Hicks had gone to the victim to render aid. His brother Tone after a wrongful incarceration for 19 years. He was exonerated However, the recent assessments by both the chief medical examiner for the City of Philadelphia and an independent medical examiner concluded that Mr. Hicks was shot from behind meaning he wasnt coming toward the officers when he was shot. They instead retired or resigned, and some still receive benefits from their federal employment. For the most accurate data, please search on the Detailed View page. Hicks had been exonerated. Hicks was not eligible for parole because he maintained his innocence and would not express remorse for a crime he did not commit. Twenty-seven judges had looked at my case by then, explains Hicks. Hicks says Vinson muttered something like, damn, and then began to cry. A spokesperson for the District Attorneys Office declined to comment on whether it would pursue action against the officers. He was sentenced to 12 and to 25 years in prison. That means its over; youre going to serve your sentence.. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. I was replacing my beloved EfM predecessor, Dennis Warner, who had died recently of a brain tumor in the prime of his life. Mr. Its a joyful day for me and my family, Mr. Hicks said after being released. Website by MADEO. According to lawyers, it shows a man in a hoodie dragging the victim into the alley. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA A federal grand jury has returned a twenty-one count indictment against Andrew Demetric Gillum, 42, and Sharon Janet Lettman-Hicks, 53, both of Tallahassee, Florida. The indictment was announced by Jason R. Coody, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida. You went with an armed guard, but its still pretty darn intimidating, this long walk to an ugly little room., There were 12 men in the room, and they all stood when I walked in. Ignatius, Discernment, and You with the Rev. His attorney Amelia Green said the evidence supporting Hollmans innocence which garnered media attention first in the form of a 2017 report in The Inquirer and, in April, an episode of the Netflix series The Innocence Files put pressure on city officials to resolve the case swiftly, though neither they nor police admit any wrongdoing as part of the settlement deal. Then I was invited to EfM by an usher in the church. Both Gillum and Lettman-Hicks were indicted as part of the FBI's long-running investigation into public corruption in Tallahassee. The investigation already netted convictions and federal prison time for former Mayor and City Commissioner Scott Maddox, his longtime aide Paige Carter-Smith and wealthy entrepreneur John "J.T." Burnette. Termaine Hicks was released from SCI Phoenix Prison Tuesday, Dec.16, 2020 in Collegeville, Penn. Hicks said he showed up at the scene moments after the true assailant ran away from those headlights and just a few moments before police arrived. As a result of receiving this information, we have opened an Internal Affairs investigation into the allegations of police misconduct, the spokesperson said in an email. The things that are promised to citizens should be delivered: a fair trial, and a fair look at whats being presented.. Hicks exoneration hinged in part on forensic analysis that cast doubt on his testimony. Vinson told the court he saw Hicks attacking the woman and saw him reach for a gun. Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lotta Attitude. I am quite cognizant of the pain and the trauma of the victim, and then more pain in realizing that the wrong person was convicted, Brandeis-Roman said Wednesday, the Inquirer reported. Its unfortunate and sad that it took how long it took for me to clear my name.. Help us advocate for the innocent by sharing the latest news from the Innocence Project. When Hicks nudged her, she did not move. Going back to the morning of the crime, the victim was not able to identify her assailant. Mr. Hicks was exonerated after the Philadelphia Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU), led by Patricia Cummings, joined the Innocence Projects motion to vacate his conviction. In his 19 years behind bars, Hicks always maintained his innocence. But that defendant was acquitted at a re-trial when the defense presented evidence that Officer Ellis planted ballistics and falsely attributed guns to the accused that he did not in fact possess.. information about the Registry, Assault, Other Violent Felony, Gun Possession or Sale, Perjury or False Accusation, Official Misconduct, Inadequate Legal Defense. In the early morning hours of November 27, 2001, Mr. Hicks heard the screams of a woman being raped in an alley in South Philadelphia and went to her aid. Falsely claiming under oath that they recovered a gun from Mr. Hicks right jacket pocket, which they asserted he placed back in his pocket after he was shot. Hicks lawyers argue that was the light that caused the attacker to flee before Hicks, and then police, arrived. All Rights Reserved. Recent forensic examinations by the chief medical examiner for the City of Philadelphia and an independent medical examiner conclusively prove that the officer shot Mr. Hicks three times in the back with one bullet entering near his spine, one in his buttock, and one in the back of his right arm. Photo: Peter Tobia. NBC10s Brian Sheehan has his story. the $9.85 million agreement the city struck in 2018 with Anthony Wright. He was exonerated after the Philadelphia District Attorneys Office conceded that lead police officers lied under oath to cover up shooting Mr. Hickswho was innocent of any crimein the back three times. But, he added: Its unfortunate and sad that it took how long it took for me to clear my name. In 2016, the city paid $15,000 to settle a civil-rights lawsuit naming Vinson as one of two officers who dragged a taxi driver falsely accused of stealing a cell phone out of his cab, assaulted him, and told him if he did not like it, he could go back to his country., The Police Advisory Commissions executive director, Anthony Erace, said he was not familiar with Hicks case but would seek a review. Dennis Zungolo have been placed on restricted duty and the identity of the third officer has not been released. Termaine Joseph Hicks was freed from prison in Philadelphia on Wednesday after serving 19 of 25 years on a trumped up conviction Hicks, now 45, was jailed in 2001 after Philadelphia cops Marvin Vinson and Sgt. If he needs access to an editor, publisher, or manager. One witness was threatened with arrest and the other was promised help on his own pending criminal case in exchange for falsely implicating Hollman. She said Hicks had gone to the victim to render aid. The way that cops approach Black and brown men and women stems from years of systemic racism. scripts he had written while incarcerated. Mr. I could have been paralyzed; there are still fragments of that bullet near my spine. Hicks came from Maryland, Possibly with former slaveowner, White Brown. We welcome new information from any source about exonerations already on our list and about cases not in the Registry that might be exonerations. Realizing Mr. Hicks did not match the description of the attacker provided by a neighbor to 911 and that he was unarmed, the officers embarked on a cover-up, which included: Based on the officers testimony, Mr. Hicks was convicted of rape, aggravated assault, possessing an instrument of crime, and terroristic threats. Three shots rang out, striking Hicks in the arm, chest, back, and buttock. It was ready to take his case. Making it easier for Black people to vote had unexpected consequences, Latinos who use Spanish-language social media get more misinformation, How public colleges have already backed away from affirmative action. The website is updated daily, frequently with exonerations that occurred in the past. Sometimes it comes out in the spiritual autobiography, but we dont ask. According to the National Registry of Exonerations, The officers involved in this case had extensive internal affairs files with numerous allegations of lying, planting evidence, excessive force, and substantiated complaints filed by civilians. The timing was uncanny. As the case slowly made its way through the courts, she said she couldnt sleep through the night. Slichter invited the Rt. They lied under oath to cover up for shooting an innocent man three times in the back, Innocence Project lawyer Vanessa Potkin said. Hicks says, In the judicial system, theres something called finality that is very hard to overcome.. Seeing so many inmates broken by the prison system, Hicks determined he would find his strength in God. Returning & Becoming: Kanuga Christian Formation, Episcopal Parish Network 38th Annual Conference, African American Readings of St. Paul with Dr. Lisa Bowens, Life Together Fellow, Church of Our Saviour, Milton, MA, Graduate Resident Youth or Childrens Minister. You can learn more about how we consider cases here. Why are prominent Los Angeles Latinos saying such racist things? Hicks served 19 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Yale honors Black girl who was reported to police as she sprayed lanternfli Tyre Nichols videos join patchwork of violent police footage. All NRE reports represent a moment in time. Web7.9K views, 321 likes, 112 loves, 25 comments, 220 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Innocence Project: Termaine Hicks wrote 12 plays and countless poems during his 19 years of wrongful Termaine Hicks - Just Another Day | Termaine Hicks wrote 12 plays and countless poems during his 19 years of wrongful incarceration. I was writing Christian plays, engaged in independent study, and searching Scripture. The National Registry of Exonerations is a project of the Newkirk Center for Science & Society at University of California Irvine, the University of Michigan Law School and Michigan State University College of Law. Dr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones, Two-Year Spiritual Direction Training Course, Spring Music Season at Trinity Church Wall Street, Parables, Spirituals, and Our Own Stories with the Rev. But no officers were prosecuted. Upon entering prison, Hicks was forced to separate from his son, who was only 5 years old at the time of his sentencing. Hicks fought for years to get the forensic evidence in his case reviewed. Slichter said to them, I dont know how you feel about having a woman for a mentor. Terms of Use / Privacy Policy / Manage Newsletters, By Associated Press - Most of those officers have since retiredas opposed to firing, charges or any semblance of actual accountabilitybut some, like those involved in Hicks case, remain on the force and have even been promoted. CIU chief Patricia Cummings said her office would not retry the case, as it was tainted beyond repair. The spokesperson declined to confirm the identity of the third officer under investigation. Then a 26-year-old father of one, Mr. Hicks had been Termaine Hicks was released from SCI Phoenix on Dec. 16 after 19 years in prison. He wrote and directed 12 plays in prison. Termaine Hicks, Shot in the Back by Philadelphia Police, Is Though EfM groups commonly gather in parish buildings, some convene in prisons. She assumed the lights were police flashlights, but the enhanced footage suggested the light had instead been the delivery trucks headlights. A spokesperson for the Philadelphia Police Department had not provided a comment as of Wednesday afternoon. Falsely claiming under oath that Mr. Hicks wore a gray hoodie like that a neighbor described the assailant as wearing. Pennsylvanias statute of limitations for perjury and other relevant criminal charges bars prosecution after five years. A Maryland Dumping Site Was Actually A Black Cemetery. As a white man in the deep south(Ms) Ive seen racism and its unfair and uglythis world has no place for I dont care if you are pink, purple or polka dotted you are welcome to come eat with me and my family anytime.would love to meet you. Im just sad because honestly those officers got away with a crime, Rojas said. He often speaks for the Innocence Project. Officer Martin Vinson and Sgt. WebAfter doing time in prison for a crime he did not commit, Termaine Hicks wrote Step Up, a series of educational videos to teach conflict resolution and critical thinking, to help combat Philadelphias gun violence crisis. Only Jesus can do are blessed. Jason E. Miczek / AP Images for The Innocence Project. He purchased land and other AA's settled near him. Termaine Hicks (Photo: Jason E. Miczek for AP/Innocence Project), Support The National Registry of Exonerations , The Contribution of Forensic and Expert Evidence to DNA Exoneration Cases, Race and Wrongful Convictions in the United States, 2022, Government Misconduct and Convicting the Innocent, Witness Recantations: Preliminary Findings, May 2013, Exonerations in the United States: 1989 - 2012, Tell us about an Exoneration that we missed, Other Philadelphia, Pennsylvania exonerations. Before finalizing the decision to drop charges, she consulted with the victims family. She couldnt clearly see her attacker in the dark, and she suffered a head injury. Wow you are a hero.and a very blessed man. Dennis Zungolo, who testified he saw Hicks pulling up his pants when police arrived, were both placed on restricted duty, the spokesperson confirmed. William Campbell, S.J. Press "Enter" or click on the arrow to show results. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Witnesses also testified that they had seen a man in a gray hoodie attack the woman, according to court records. Hicks is the 16th person exonerated by the Conviction Integrity Unit since District Attorney Larry Krasner took office in 2018, and the first to be cleared of a rape. I dont know how you feel about having a white woman. One of the inmates replied, Miss Ginny, everybody needs a mama! For the first couple of years, she was known as Mama Ginny. Deep-seated police misconduct and institutional protections are too often the source of wrongful convictions and injustice in the system. The Philadelphia police did not immediately return a request for comment on the case, but Anthony Erace, the executive director of the Police Advisory Commission, told the Inquirer he would seek a review of the investigation. Had these records been publicly available, Mr. Hicks may not have had to endure so many years of injustice or been wrongly convicted at all, she said. Vinson testified that he fired because Hicks reached for a gun and lunged at him and his then-partner Zungolo testified he saw Hicks pulling up his pants when police arrived. As he reached for his cell phone to call 911, two police officers ran to the scene. Used, and she suffered a head injury before finalizing the decision drop... Attacker to flee before Hicks, and then police, the Commonwealths and... The rape and sentenced to 12 to 25 years in prison for a crime, Rojas said attacker, Inquirer! Sometimes it comes to God and religion, he says searching Scripture are still fragments of bullet... 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