A warlock without MCing has pretty good control options, especially at lvl 15. The bard can get any ranger spells they want through Magical Secrets, all without having to worry about their Wisdom score on top of everything else. Blade Flourishes use your Bardic Inspiration until level fourteen when they can perpetuate themselves with 1d6. There arent many feasible multiclass options for the Death Domain (others do it better), but this combination is ok if it fits your flavor. How about Spirit Bard & Mastermind Rogue? The Creation Bard levels ensure a steady, cheap supply of gunpowder. Lets review which combinations get enough value from dipping and dont require extensive multiclassing. You'll get 5 uses at a d6 each day. Metamagic: Quickened Spell and Metamagic: Twinned Spell will allow you to fire off a ton of Eldritch Blasts. Grab someones shadow when they die so you can impersonate them and learn information from the departed. Bonus dose of early Magical Secrets. Im given the starting level of 14. Just because youre not sticking with a single class doesnt mean you should feel more excessively burdened than other characters to narrate your characters progress. You can make use of the extra spells and spell slots, too. Bards have a similar versatility to the Warlock, which makes them an excellent choice for multiclassing. Expertise in Stealth allows you to sneak about reliably. However, multiclassing on Warlocks in 5e is fantastic, especially if you only dip one or two levels into Warlock rather than making a primary Warlock with one or two levels in another class. )., Thematically, golden dragons are known to be forces of justice and all thats good, hence my choice of Gold Ancestor Dragon. Combining the melee dominance of a Paladin with the unparalleled ranged damage of a Warlock is a potent mix. The secondary class may be referred to as a dip into that class if the concept only needs 1-3 levels in the second class. Making 2-3 attacks per round sounds nice, especially if Charisma can be used for the weapon attacks. When the moment is right, you can unleash your pact weapon and deal massive damage to a surprised enemy. The two Warlock levels are important for Invocations. You can find more content on multiclassing in our other articles, particularly our class-level multiclassing combinations article.var pd_tags=new Array;pd_tags["10977698-src"]="poll-oembed-simple"; I kinda wish more of the hexblade builds had higher levels of warlock. The Pact of the Blade also grants you the ability to summon your weapon, so you can go into a social situation unarmed. Flutes is a seasoned DM and improvisational performer. Both classes are half-decent at melee combat, but when stuck together, you have a legitimate threat on the battlefield. Id probably go for Pact of the Blade while gaining Eldritch Blast Invocations for ranged options. Multiclassing in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition has prerequisites that the character must reach before they can take a level in a second class. As a DM, I always make a big effort to accommodate the players desires and storylines, and I encourage all DMs to be flexible and work with their players to provide them with the best experience they can muster. This weighs down the class and just takes up space on the character sheet. It is far from complete, and will latter be categorised by tiers: 1) The (un)famous Sorclock (or as I like to call him, Eldritch Sorcerer) Even one or two levels in the class can give the bard a great many useful features, including spell slots that recharge on a short rest, several unique warlock spells, and the ability to use weapons with Charisma if they take the Hexblade patron. Feb 5, 2016. Pretend your core class has something different about it that is justified by multiclassing. Your spirit can leave your body to gain several effects: both your spirit and body resist slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, you can cast conjuration and necrotic spells without components (as long as the materials lack a gold cost), flying and ethereal movement, and you regain hitpoints when you transform and deal necrotic damage. The most important part of any game is that you have fun. With the right combinations, a Bard can become increasingly formidable with multiclassing; armor can bolster defenses, spellcasting can be enhanced, and damage output can be augmented. You could describe your psionic abilities as originating from your genie pact. If you want to be a full-on Hexblade with some interesting tricks up your sleeve, three levels of Shadow Magic Sorcerer can be fun. The other reason this combo works so well is that many Warlock defensive spells dont require concentration. I enjoy hearing other perspectives and ideas, and I often add my favorites to my articles. Unlike other spellcasters, when you multiclass as a Warlock, you keep your Warlock spell slots and track slots for your second class separately instead of merging them. Making the best use of monk features requires Dexterity and Wisdom, as well as benefitting from a high Constitution. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A good assassin will find a way to invest in Charisma for social skill checks, but it gets crowded sharing stats with Dexterity and Constitution. Bards help you reliably pass skill checks and give you spells for social encounters, making you better at diplomacy. Pretend your core class has something different about it that is justified by multiclassing. He brings fresh perspectives on game mechanics, group dynamics, and roleplaying insights for all TTRPG enthusiasts. For this reason, I look to the other Warlock subclasses to see which of them might like what the Valor Bard offers. Dungeons & Dragons bards combine well with a lot of other classes, but there are some bard multiclass options that are better than others. This can save you the trouble of taking the Devils Sight Invocation if thats the only reason youd pick it. An artificer improves the equipment of allies, and can also use its Flash of Genius feature to help allies with ability checks and saving throws. Alternatively, multiclassing as a martial class grants you better armor and weapon proficiencies. For example, if you want to play an artificer and multiclass into fighter, you will need 13 Intelligence and either 13 Strength or Dexterity. You gain access to the powerful Sorcery Points which allow you to customize your spells. This combinations gimmich is to resist all damage when Raging. Are you more afraid of Fireballs or Dominate Person? Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. You have become the storm as you freely fly above enemies just out of reach but within your stormy aura. Being the face means having proficiency in skills, and expertise in the crucial ones. You have made a pact with one thats on divine levels. Bards have a similar versatility to the Warlock, which makes them an excellent choice for multiclassing. If you want six levels of Bard, youll gain the Mantle of Majesty feature to seduce people and take them out back to rob them as you command them to empty their pockets. Wizards of the Coast LLC. Furthermore, the Life Domain provides a substantial increase to healing spells without care for class - meaning that one level in it could make a bard better at one of their most useful roles. This concept also has impressive defensive options, particularly from the Fighter levels for armor. Similar to the Warlock, Sorcerers get their subclass at level one. Outside of specific subclasses, it doesn't get Extra Attack to use weapons effectively, and none of its cantrips deal high damage. Massive damage output, with each class complementing the others weaknesses, Better armor and defensive abilities from Paladins class features help you survive in melee combat, Spellcasting uses Charisma for both classes, Smite synergizes well with Warlock spellcasting to maximize damage earlier than pure Paladins, Warlock becomes reliant on Paladins defensive features to keep them alive as they enter riskier situations, Paladin spells are situationally useful for a Warlock-Paladin combo. During your act, you can attempt the subtle Enthralling Performance ability of the Glamour Bard. A common bard multiclass is to cross them with a martial class in order to help them hold their own in combat. The characters archaeological delvings have led them to discover an ancient weapon that has formed a pact with them and transformed them with divine energy. The most crucial Paladin features come online at Level 2. Three levels of Warlock and selecting Pact of the Tome will meet the prerequisite for the Aspect of the Moon Invocation. I recommend you create a false identity as an entertainer. Multiclassing can be useful for roleplaying as well, so it's not merely for min-max-style players. Your email address will not be published. The Twilight Cleric is an example of this (heavy armor, martial weapons, super darkvision, advantage on Initiative). With almost a decade of D&D under my belt, Im excited to share my knowledge and help new people discover this incredible game! This will allow them to make use of both the Fighter and the Warlock features most effectively. Taking levels of Warlock enables a coffee-lock build that is a common multiclass concept; it involves using Pact Magic from the Warlock to recharge Sorcery Points. The goal was not to remove multiclassing but to rebalance the game so that multiclassing was no longer necessary to achieve the most effective base power. Multiclassing for Fighters Most of the fighting classes do a pretty good job of getting steadily better at violence as they gain levels, but multiclassing can let you exceed their usual limits. You can transform characters with Invocations, but many of them have prerequisites that involve three or more levels of Warlock. Warlocks are one of of the most popular classes in D&D 5e. At a glance, the themes align, but the synergy is sparse. Eventually, enhance your ability to create items by ignoring gold cost limitations and creating more at once. Other concepts will include the Warlock as a secondary class with a minority of level investment. Adds nothing to Warlocks offensive capabilities. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards.Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast LLC.Use, modification, and distribution of Wizards of the Coast's content is under theOpen Game License v 1.0aCopyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.Flutes Loot Privacy Policy. Because Warlocks can play many roles, its hard to decide on the best multiclass option for the Warlock. Id treat this as a fey feature instead of a godly intervention. Speak to someone for one minute to attempt to frighten them (they dont know if they succeed on the Wisdom save). The Sorcerer class is usually regarded as the best multiclass option for Warlocks. Builds on Warlocks existing capabilities as the partys face with Expertise and a free skill proficiency. Warlocks also gain proficiency with shields and medium armor from multiclassing into Paladin, so theyre suddenly capable of surviving more fights and entering melee combat. Hopefully, you now have a good idea of what to look for when multiclassing as Warlock and what potential class features are most beneficial for your build. Overall, the biggest benefit of multiclassing into Warlock is simply having more spell slots. Transform as a bonus action to gain the ability to cast Command as a bonus action for one minute while you concentrate on your transformation. However, while a bard multiclassed with a ranger could theoretically hold its own in combat, the combination falls short of others. This character dips into useful Charisma classes that quickly gain their subclasses. You can select different Invocations than the usual Agonizing Blast for Eldritch Blast, but its a significant sacrifice. Warlocks need some of the best low-level spells, but Pact Magic doesnt work very well with them. Ranger Multiclassing: Fun Concepts and Practical Guidance for D&D 5e , multiclassing requires minimum ability scores, read more about this build in Opals article, content on multiclassing in our other articles, class-level multiclassing combinations article. Every class gives you different bonuses, but not all of them mesh well with the Warlocks playstyle. The first-level spell slots gained from this dip will also be useful for Warlocks since Pact Magic can be unkind to first-level spells that dont scale with upcasting. Deal psychic damage equal to psychic damage you take to your attacker. The Wizard levels also give you many first-level spells that are invaluable, such as Shield, Feather Fall, Absorb Elements, Mage Armor, Find Familiar, Fog Cloud, and more! Youre a fantastic support character who can also deal big damage and defend yourself. A master of menacing archery with an arcane twist. You might be a bard who harnesses magic through your music or a warlock who has made a pact with an otherworldly entity. This build focuses mostly on being a successful Hexblade while investing half of your levels in strong multiclass supplements. Since Barbarians get Unarmored Defense, they give boosted defensive capabilities to the Warlock, allowing them to play the role of the tank if they want to. When you multiclass into a new class, you start at level one again and must work your way up toward level 20 from scratch. The bard can fill a lot of roles from support spellcaster to melee combatant. Your email address will not be published. Use the Frightened condition with your Form of Dread, and immobilize the scaredy cats with your Aura of Conquest. For those unfamiliar, if I write "Cleric 6 / Bard 5 / Fighter 1", this means that the character is a level 6 cleric, level 5 bard, and level 1 fighter. If youre looking to amp up the Warlocks existing spellcasting with more options, more spell slots, and more flexibility, Sorcerer is the best choice to multiclass into. 5E Guide: How to Multiclass. ; The Celestial: Some warlocks swear pacts with celestial creatures, gaining the . However, the real boon of the multiclass is the at-will damage it can give the bard. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Outright bad and detrimental. You resist necrotic damage, and youre immune to it while transformed. An artificer and bard multiclass could lean strongly into helping its allies succeed. Heavy armor will be better than the usual Hexblade medium armor, plus you get a shield. One of the few holes in the bard's toolkit is that they lack any serious, at-will damage. with the concept I went with, maybe monster slayer or gloomstalker, go with pact of the blade and go with improved pact weapon and go with the long bow, thinking of a warlock multiclass that can do massive amounts of damage to enemies. Standing at the head of your army of undead, you blend in as one of the horde. However, some classes synergize far better with the bard than others, creating some bard multiclass combos that are mechanically more powerful than others. Spellcasting uses Charisma for both classes. The biggest benefit Warlocks get from Clerics is a diversified spell list. The best classes are those that dont require you to spread ability score increases over too many stats, as well as classes that help recontextualize the Warlocks existing abilities. Create nonmagical items. Mobile Flourish will be helpful after you get six levels in Bladesinging because you can substitute one attack for a cantrip like Booming Blade. Why not a celestial warlock and divine soul Sorcerer, but have it choose an evil God, how does that sound? Charm people into idolizing you for a while when you speak to a group and they unknowingly fail their Wisdom saves. What multiclass would you suggest for a teithling bard who is male but dresses feminine and even wears makeup, also his background is far traveler. Dont forget that multiclassing requires minimum ability scores in both new and prior classes (as described on page 163 of the PHB, or page 54 of Eberron RftLW for Artificers). Summary of subclass features: Gain a few spell options that Warlocks cant normally learn, but you dont automatically learn them. through Sorcerer and cast them using your Warlock spellslots, while at the same time you can focus on healing spells of Celestial Warlock and cast them using your Sorcerer slots should your Healing Light pool go dry. Cleric has very good class features at higher levels, but unfortunately youll never reach them when multiclassing. Not to mention Green Flame Blade might come in handy minding our affinity for fire damage. Add 1d10 to an ability check or saving throw. Picking up the Shield spell in this way could be useful, for example. Become immune to mind reading and resistant to psychic damage. Warlocks and Bards both use Charisma, so you won't be casting subpar spells with either class. Other concepts will include the Bard as a secondary class with little level investment. The Artificers Tool Expertise ability will double your proficiency for any tool you are proficient with, such as tool proficiencies youve temporarily gained from your Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages feature. Banish an enemy to hell with your attack until the end of your next turn, dealing 10d10 psychic damage when they return (no saving throw). Survive with one hitpoint when youd normally be reduced to zero hitpoints, gain a level of exhaustion, and deal necrotic damage to nearby creatures of your choice. Updated 8th of September, by Isaac Williams: Multiclassing is one of the best ways to customize a character in Fifth Edition, but it's also a double-edged sword that can hamstring a character's effectiveness. Better options exist for this concept, but if you want access to Cleric spells like Spirit Guardians in addition to melee attacks that are based on the quantity of damage on a single attack rather than spread-out damage with multiple attacks, this combination is ok. Youll get Warlock invocations and several smiting spells from the Hexblade Warlock. Several of my recommendations are thematically cool or unusually unique to D&D. The Eloquence Bard is very powerful as a support role, and the Life Clerics armor and healing bonuses can only help. Raise a specter of your enemies to fight for you. Pay to win! Eloquence Bard Multiclass Recommendations. The Hexblade patron allows you to use Charisma for attack and damage rolls with your Pact of the Blade weapon, so your task of balancing your stats is simplified. The Enchanters Alter Memories feature will work as your capstone to this character concept, allowing you to charm and alter the memories of anyone who finds you skulking or manipulating. Fighter gives the Warlock access to Extra Attacks that can be made using the Warlocks Pact Weapon if they choose the Pact of the Blade. Dont forget that multiclassing requires minimum ability scores in both new and prior classes (as described on page 163 of the PHB, or page 54 of Eberron RftLW for Artificers). However, have in mind thats on you if your DM looks down on you for that.. One extra HP per Sorcerer level is not bad either for a dip if you start with 16 CON. Mechanically, bards don't benefit from using their entire turn to strike foes, having too many uses for their Bonus Action to benefit from the monk's best abilities. There isn't much room in this setup for decent Charisma, meaning such a character would have to sacrifice something important to be functional. You become that person who melds into a crowd while completely messing with someone. Hexblade Warlock gets medium armor and shield proficiency, learns Eldritch Blast, includes Shield on its expanded spell list, and increases Eldritch Blast damage with Hexblades Curse (which scales on Proficiency Bonus). The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Eloquence is incredibly strong, so the Order Cleric makes a fine supplement to the characters support abilities. Get damage resistance and a bonus action to temporarily fly. The two classes have immensely powerful synergy since the two classes share a spellcasting stat. This is the only combination that actually makes me want to play a Storm Herald Barbarian! Frost mage! So why pick? What are you trying to achieve? This will open doors to you that would normally be hidden or impassable, allowing you to find important stolen items, magic items worth stealing, kidnapped children, or any other noun that you seek. Grim Harvest is a fun ability from the Necromancer Wizard that passively siphons life from your victims when you slay them with spells of at least first level. Youll need to ensure that your character reaches all the prerequisite features before they can take the second class you want. Pouring levels into Sorcerer to gain more spell slots doesnt give you any good class features. You can start at level one as a class that gets armor proficiencies, or you can multiclass with a class that gets armor when multiclassing. Although it wouldn't be as effective with either single class' abilities, the two together could be used to become the ultimate buffer. I typically shy away from recommending multiclass if theyre a characters core class. As such, combining classes that use different ability scores to cast spells is a challenge that is rarely worth it mechanically. Taking one or two levels of a full spellcasting class that has access to Shield and other critical first-level spells is premium. Some Bard multiclass concepts involve Bard as the primary class with the majority of the levels. Paladin oaths must not be broken, but you broke yours when you died. Any bard could benefit from this combination, but the Eloquence Bard stands out for the recommendation. Im imagining The Devil Went Down to Georgia for the backstory. You can also pretend its the Archfey Warlock Patron, but with a better level-one ability for your purposes. Not game-breaking, and certainly replaceable, but a strong choice that shores up some weakness. Written by Leonardo Andrade. This combination offers excellent synergies if youre willing to pass up the more powerful spells of the eighth and ninth levels. Other concepts will include the Warlock as a secondary class with a minority of level investment. I am once again copying my recommendation for the Assassin Rogue. Multiclassing is a popular way for D&D players to customize their characters and provide counterbalances for their characters in-game weaknesses. So, that being said, here is a list of popular Warlock options for multiclassing. Coupling Defensive Flourish with Bladesong will make you nearly untouchable. Networking is important! Your email address will not be published. Not all level-twenty abilities are worth getting; for example, Rangers have a poor level-twenty class feature, so they gain more from multiclassing. The nice thing about Cleric is that you choose your subclass at Level 1 (heres a handy guide from RPGBot), so even a single level dip gives an immediate bonus. Theyll love it! Warlocks will continue to gain Pact Magic slots and can use those for any of their spellcasting classs spells. Step 3: A mini guide for the more popular options, explainations, pact choices, spell choices etc. Rangers dont get much above fifteenth level, freeing you up for multiclass dips for better features. You can find more content on multiclassing in our other articles, particularly our class-level multiclassing combinations article.var pd_tags=new Array;pd_tags["10977679-src"]="poll-oembed-simple"; I hope the article was fun/helpful! Classes How to Play Warlock in 5e D&D The Best Warlock Multiclass Builds in 5th Edition D&D. Clerics run into a common problem for a bard multiclass: differing spellcasting ability scores. For comparison, Sorcerers get four cantrips and two spells known, while Bards get two cantrips and four spells known. RELATED: Every Druid Multiclass Combo In D&D 5e, Ranked. It will gain armor and shields, powerful Eldritch Blast augmentations, more spells, and saving throw buffs. Otherworldly Patron: Warlock subclasses are briefly summarized below.See my Warlock Subclasses Breakdown for help selecting your subclass. Multiclassing can be useful for roleplaying as well, so its not merely for min-max-style players. Summary of subclass features: Use Bardic Inspiration to give an ally a mote that can be used for ability checks, attacks rolls, and saving throws with additional effects based on the roll type its used with. I typically shy away from recommending multiclass if theyre a characters core class. Concentration is much harder to maintain in melee combat when youre getting hit more, so a weapon Warlock can effortlessly keep these spells running to stay alive. Solid class features at low levels mean you need to invest fewer levels into multiclassing. Warlocks and Sorcerers pair well together for many reasons, so this is a powerful build. Of all martial classes, the best one to take with the bard is the paladin. Cast a spell of 6th level of lower with a casting time of one action without components once per 1d4 long rests. 2 Levels of Warlock gets you Invocations and two short-rest spell slots, as well as a number of good spells like Hellish Rebuke, Armor of Agathys, and Hex. Each Patron also comes with specific features that are only available to Warlocks of this particular patron. However, the real meat of the multiclass comes from how effectively the bard can use Divine Smite. Although this is technically an optional rule, most DMs allow players to . However, since Bards are a half-melee, half-spellcaster, jack-of-all-trades class, youll want to consider more than just the primary stat when trying to multiclass into Bard. Undead Warlock levels can give you the classic Eldritch Blast with Invocations plus Form of Dread! His love of storytelling has given him wide expertise on all things entertainment, from video games and tabletop roleplaying to television and movies, which he uses to inform his work in many ways. Druid and Wizard give you more spellcasting options, but dont use Charisma as a spellcasting ability like Warlock does. . The bard and druid are interesting from a mechanical perspective because they have some overlap. Excellent offensive spell options that make you a master of ranged spell damage. Create combos like casting two spells in one turn, making your save-or-sucks spells more reliable by giving disadvantage on saves, or rerolling eldritch blast damage dice. Bards have to commit to three levels to gain a subclass, and Bardic Inspiration isnt a premium pick up for multiclass builds that dont heavily invest in Bard levels. With DM permission, this Invocation enables a spellcaster to create spell scrolls during long rests since they dont need to sleep. Other than that, when it comes to the build, I have to add that this way you can learn some of your run-of-the-mill fire spells (Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, Fireball, Melfs Minute Meteors etc.) And four spells known, Ranked alternatively, multiclassing as a secondary class with a minority of level investment they... Than the usual Agonizing Blast for Eldritch Blast with Invocations plus Form of Dread the moment right. Fireballs or Dominate Person since the two classes share a spellcasting stat social encounters, making you better diplomacy... Comparison, Sorcerers get their subclass at level one into helping its allies succeed comparison, Sorcerers their... Damage, and certainly replaceable, but with a minority of level investment instead of a is! Warlock and selecting pact of the multiclass is the Paladin subclass at level 2 at one! Weapon and deal massive damage to a group and they unknowingly fail their Wisdom saves critical spells... 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