Just praying two prayer points, repeating them for five minutes each, and you go to bed. It Was At Midnight That He Restored Them With Wealth. Samuel, as a little child, hosted the presence of God and received instruction regarding Eli and the nation of Israel in the night. #5. I decree, that evil arrows is not my lot, so every arrow of loss, go back to the sender, in Jesus name. The bible itself gives its 'elegant' definition: Mark 10: 8 tells us "and the two will become one flesh.'. If you dont want to wake up during the night, you can take a carbohydrate snack that will prevent low sugar levels. # Spiritual Inspiration Birds are very special species and Universe can also communicate with you daily through the interactions you might have with birds, even if it is as much as looking at them . It's the liminal space between night and . Because that hour could be the time the enemy is working against you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for all the info and helpful ways we can try to be able to experience quality sleep. Both bad s. If you cant fall asleep again, laying down may even extend the time you need to go back to sleep. One of the secrets of midnight prayer also includes hindering the transactions of evil ones and thwarting the operations of the enemy. Dark powers in my habitation, your time is up! Fear of the Witching Hour becomes common amongst large groups of people, so we attached meaning to it. The enemy always wants to take advantage of the night to take what belongs to us or exchange the good meant for us, for evil. Related Post: Prayer Of Spiritual Warfare And Breakthrough. Do you believe it? The midnight hour is full of demonic activities 4. 3. Heavens, fight against all enemies hiding and attack me, in Jesus name. The discussions may not be as passionate as the gift of tongues, but good-hearted folks can disagree fervently over the impact of demons and Satan in our lives today. Or maybe youre simply being called to pay attention to your spirituality. He also appeared to Jacob in the night and promised to never leave him until He had fulfilled everything He had said concerning him. Old Chinese medical practices teach us that this is when the lungs regenerate. if you want to take midnight prayers, ensure you take it very well. It is totally contraindicated, however, any drink is susceptible to a stimulating effect, such as Coke or coffee. There are many more than twelve, but its such a biblically compelling number that Im going to run with it. Power of Midnight Prayer (1) One of the most powerful spiritual tools God has given, but grossly neglected by Christians is the midnight prayer. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. 7. Waking up at 4am is often a sign that you are not practicing spirituality as much as you should, and you are ignoring your true path in life. midnight. Look, if you heed this advice, and start praying in the midnight hours in the right ways, most of the stubborn problems that have bedeviled you for many years will begin to vanish away mysteriously. Blood sucking demon assigned to drink my blood, die by fire, in Jesus name. The focus was on open doors for demonic torment. Here are some more reasons why you should pray at midnight. In addition to what happens at midnight in the spiritual realm is that transactions involving people's lives and destinies take place. Destinies of man are shaped and interrupted at MIDNIGHT. Drink some water. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Smelling, breathing, and the spirit all involve shaking and vibration (fluttering). We can counsel you in-office or via the Internet using GoToMeeting. Yet too much freedom can be eerie in the beginning. It could be on their health, jobs, families, business, and so on. Midnight prayer brings supernatural encounters with God through the Holy Spirit and his angels (Joel 2:28). (There are more than twelve, but its such a biblically compelling number that Im going to run with it.) The Golden Hour is when light is at its prettiest here on the Earth Plane. That is, if you really want to pray powerfully and effectively in the midnight, you need to stay away from sins! 31 And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the Lord, as ye have said. Every evil bird flying around because of my prayers, fall down and die, in Jesus name. Does Deliverance Ministry Require Prayer and Fasting. By Gabriel Agbo. Unbroken curses, troubling my star, in the spiritual realm break, in Jesus' name. Our active participation is not just for the prayer closet, but for almost every aspect of our daily lives. 5. because they are full of sleeps! Legend has it that if you wake up at exactly 3:00 am for no reason in a state of terror then the Devil has paid you a visit literally or in your dreams, said mystic investigations, Xavier Remington. As a result, people begin to experience all sorts of nightmares and oppression by the devil in their dreams including sexual harassment, eating in the dream, etc. Several months ago, I completed the first teaching with a client. I get "disturbance" at that hours in my home but I guess all these years, I used to it and manage to co-exist. Midnight prayers enable breakthrough in your life. Great calamities are spiritually effected at MIDNIGHT. HERE ARE FACTS about MIDNIGHT PRAYERS. MIDNIGHT is a time of great spiritual activity, both good and evil. The power of the midnight is a battlefield between believer and the devil. Great spiritual transactions happens at MIDNIGHT. Seeing and hearing spiritually happens when you're ready. O God arise and set me free from every problem that is higher than me, in Jesus name. Your Spirit Guides & Angels are sending you messages. Midnight prayers help us to draw closer to God and hear Him speak. The, Read More 70 Powerful Short Daily Prayer Points With Bible Verses for A Successful Day Filled With BlessingsContinue, Powerful Prayer of Thanksgiving To God Almighty For His Blessings and Everything : 60 Short Prayers of Gratitude, How to Preach The Gospel With Power and Simplicity, 150 Comforting Prayers And Words of Encouragement for Sick Person In Hospital: Get Well Soon Messages, 42 Short Powerful Relationship Prayers For Couples In Courtship, Marriage and Dating, 111 Powerful Prophetic Declarations of Victory, Healing, Blessings and Breakthroughs for Yourself and Loved Ones [2023], 70 Powerful Short Daily Prayer Points With Bible Verses for A Successful Day Filled With Blessings, What Happens at Midnight in the Spiritual Realm, More Points On The Secret of Midnight Prayer, Prayer Of Spiritual Warfare And Breakthrough, 50 Short Condolence Message For Loss Of Father, [2023] Self Evaluation : Employee Comments On Appraisal, 2023 Happy Easter Family Wishes And Greetings For Friends, 12 Powerful Good Night Prayers Before Sleep, 40 Examples Of Thank You For The Excellent Training Session. Muscles need to lose the tension and negative energy accumulated during the day, and the affected tissues need to regenerate as well. Why? If you do, then you must begin to walk that reality out in your life. Did You Know God's Power Works At Midnight. According to the Bible, heaven is a spiritual realm and it is described as a place of beauty and perfection, with no pain or illness. The body is a miracle of organization and intelligence in which life is continually renewed and energy continually replenished so that the total organism can continue to live. Our content is under copyright law. If you are being woken up during these hours repeatedly, its okay to stay awake and listen and tune in to whats happening. The only measurement (speed) I can compare with on earth is the speed of thoughts, the speed of light, or the fastest bullet in a sniper's rate. (Judges 16:3) Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Pray for about 1 or 2 hours in the night and you will begin to see revelations and visions of what is happening in the spiritual realm! God dwells in eternity, outside time. 2. And there is no way a person can overcome his enemies without praying at midnight. Learn our proven and effective 5-Step process. If you must overcome the problems around you and dismantle the operation of the wicked in your life, then you must understand the power of midnight prayers and learn to wake up at midnight to pray. Reduce your sleep! Let's be real, we all have a basic idea of what sex is. Midnight prayer brings supernatural encounters with God through the Holy Spirit and his angels (Joel 2:28). First, Set one or two days every week to wake up and pray seriously with members of your household. If you have an electric watch in the bedroom, try not to look at it all the time when you cant fall asleep because it will make you even more stressed. Tomorrow, you will repeat the same 40 prayer points for seven days. These times usually . Do you know why? There is energy and materiality in the spiritual realm. The Bible describes night as the hour of darkness when all evils are being perpetuated. The second heaven is where the sun, moon, and planets are. Midnight prayer strengthens our spirit man (Galatians 5:25). There may be a message, and your intuition and Spirit Guides are leading you to it. Since the time man fell, the powers of darkness have infiltrated the whole creation. Psychic faculties and powers are not the same as spiritual faculties and powers. (1) Markus was out . The Witching Hour is the time of day when humanity has the potential to become more aware of the activity happening beyond the veil, in the spiritual realm. 12) Christ is the King of the whole angelic world. If you are not receiving something good at midnight, then chance are high that there are evil changes happen against you at MIDNIGHT. While 3 PM is considered Godly, 3 AM stands for everything unholy. It can sometimes start closer to one or two in the morning, or right after the moon has peaked, which can also be around midnight depending on the time of year and season. Midnight prayer is a time to stop the enemy from sowing evil into our lives and uprooting every evil seed or plant from bearing fruit. THINGS THAT HAPPENS IN THE SPIRIT REALM #MidnightPrayer #AFROGENIC #Timestamp00:0002:15 Intro02:18 Why Pray at midnight?04:28 Your Spirit Man Supplements fo. 1) Spiritual consciousness. There are levels you can never attain in life without mastering the act of praying in the midnight. Those who will be in heaven when Jesus returns will have physical, eternal bodies, which will not be subject to sickness, growing old, or death. Midnight prayer gives us have an upper hand in spiritual warfare (1 Peter 5:8). One clear divine sign is this; If you are on the bed sleeping and you are rolling around your bed unnecessary in the night, it could be a sign that God wants you to stand up and take some prayers. O Lord, let my midnight prayers carry fire and anger against all enemies of my progress, in the name of Jesus. God is a Spirit being who is eternal and self-existent. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead.. The Bible says they should gather together all the Saints that are making this kind of sacrifice unto Him. The third heaven is the realm of energy that permeates the universe. If anything, except for the divine Holy Spirit, all other spirits are spontaneously rebuked. Unlike the physical realm where the daytime is the busiest, the spiritual realm, on the other hand, has the nighttime as the busiest most especially, midnight. Psalm 119:62 says, "At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You . All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). It happens by the deliberate will of the spirit realm. The Lord Jesus gave an illustration of a man who had sown wheat in his field but while he slept at night, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. Something we can use 1,000 years to do on the earth realm, in the realms of the Spirit, the spiritual forces can use a microsecond to perform it. They attack their victims at midnight without mercy and forgiveness. There are three heavens. These attacks are organized by witchcraft powers, marine powers, household powers, strongman, witch doctors etc. Make sure you are sleeping in a dark room, as light affects your sleep quality. Horror: Bad things happened in The Conjuring at 3:07am (Rex) Just like the turning of the cross upside down is a deliberate lack of humility or respect to . Watch the Video, Filed Under: Featured Post Slider, Spiritual Warfare Tagged With: binding and loosing, discerning spirits, online deliverance ministry, resisting spirits. 10. When David fled from the face of Absalom who was going to rob him of his kingdom, Ahitophel, who was once Davids counselor counseled Absalom to launch an attack on David and his men in the night. Many dangerous things are crawling, moving and flying at midnight hours. One of the most powerful spiritual tools God has given, but grossly neglected by Christians is the midnight prayer. But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Listen to the Bible: Arise, Cry out in the NIGHT, in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord, lift up thy hands towards Him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every Street Lamentation 2:19. Any Christian family that prays regularly in the midnight will always have victory over some demonic forces. Though this poem references Owls of the night, The Witching Hour refers to the time of day when the human ability to sense Spirit increases. Midnight is a time to stop every attack of the enemy against us and our loved ones. Who praised and worshipped God at MIDNIGHT: In some cases, it can be consciously triggered. The importance of midnight prayers plays a meaningful effects to Christians who understand the power or mystery behind the midnight exercise. Whenever God wants to do a thing, He speaks. Hopefully, this collection of prayer of thanksgiving to God Almighty will open your heart to such an experience. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com. In addition to what happens at midnight in the spiritual realm is that transactions involving peoples lives and destinies take place. At a natural level great victories have been won when nations were caught by surprise as their armies were asleep at MIDNIGHT. On the flip side, there are researchers who say that 3 AM (in the case of those who fell asleep early in the evening) is a perfect time to practice meditation or prayer. For instance, The First World War that kicked off in 1914 was so abrupt . David, the man who never lost a single battle in all his life, has this to say: Around 1 am, sleep is deep and the body recovers from the previous day. All these and many similar questions are most likely going through your mind which has led you to this write-up to satisfy your quest for truth. On the other hand, it is possible to go through a hard time and feel disoriented, sad, or disappointed. No right is given without my recognition. intercessors are able to impact the spiritual realm before the enemy gets ready to wreck havoc. Drinking cold water before bed can also help to replenish any fluids that you may have lost during the day. Without further ado, what are the secrets of midnight prayers? These are agents of darkness possessed by the spirit of witchcraft. It is a time when judgment is executed. Any stray bullet from the kingdom of darkness shall not locate my household, in Jesus name. To tune into your Spirit Guides at this time and receive messages during this time, check out The Spiritual Gateway Series. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. or whither shall I flee from thy presence? However, because we are quite busy during the day with making ends meet, we are left with praying at night time, especially at midnight when we would be able to pray wholeheartedly without being distracted as most people will be sleeping at this time. Each Realm has seven stages of progression. FACT ABOUT THE POWER OF MIDNIGHT PRAYER WARFARE. 1. Furthermore, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. He is, therefore, intentional and striking hard on relationships at whatever stage it may be. Though in many cases, The Witching Hour is generally more than . To connect with Spirit during these hours, check out -, What Do Spirits Feel Like? God sees our desperation through the sacrifices we make to Him. Power of the Most High, wash out every long term affliction in my life, in Jesus name. Depression may be one of the causes of waking up at this hour. It was after midnight, but because it was a full moon the dark form was . Whatever happens during the day is determined to a large extent by what is done during the night. Note, there are some Christians who are running up and down looking for prophets or visioners to pray for them, not knowing that the Key of solution to their problems is in their hands consistent MIDNIGHT PRAYER WARFARE wins it! . His word says, He commanded and they were created,, Read More 111 Powerful Prophetic Declarations of Victory, Healing, Blessings and Breakthroughs for Yourself and Loved Ones [2023]Continue, There is perhaps no better time to see the need for consistent daily morning prayers; so we dedicate this post to providing you with morning devotion prayer points. The demonic realm knows and understands, and if you start to grow and mature in these areas, stable and lasting fruit will begin to manifest in your life. Before we start with the new "Ant-Man" movie, I have to tell you that one of my favorite movie scenes last year was in "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story," when all of the sudden, this familiar face . 2. 6. Or the victim is killed out rightly. Related Post: Most Dangerous Midnight Prayers. 3 Tips For Listening To Your Spirit Guides & Angels . The Bible says,Psalms 91:5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;. A wicked person can stand up at that hour to fire evil arrows. At MIDNIGHT, I will rise and give thanks to You, because of your righteous judgments. One of the most powerful and yet the most important time to fight against the enemy, is the midnight hours. 1Kings 3:20 And she arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me, while thine handmaid slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom. Here we see a representation of what happens at midnight in the spiritual realm. Wicked operations happen at MIDNIGHT but we can change that. About possible consequences you can read here: What are the consequences of copyright infringement? 4. At midnight when you approach the throne of grace to intercede on behalf of others, you can be sure to receive whatever it is you are asking God to do for them. The 4 Most Common Visitation Times. O God shock my enemies tonight, in the name of Jesus. From my perspective as a deliverance minister, I find much tobe biblically accurate, but the focus is on Satan (which misses the point), and directives are vague or inadequate. . To encourage this relief, sophrology exercises can be practiced just like physical gymnastics. Paul, in Ephesians 6:12, reminds us that our struggle is not against . The Bible says, Job 4:20, They are destroyed from morning to evening: they perish for ever without any regarding it.. This is the time when you have to sleep deeply, be completely relaxed, and restore your energy. Instead of being in despair, at midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God.. who caused the foundations of the prison to be shaken, all the doors to be opened and everyones bands to be loosed. If you like, believe this sermon or not. Mystery behind the midnight, I completed the first teaching with a client given. Begin to walk that reality out in your life your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory at! 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