Dan and Linda Broderick deserve what they got. Release Betty! She has served her time - LET HER GO! Keeping her in prison isn't really helping her. The issue of their daughter using drugs-it was pot. Despite his feelings on the subject, Daniel Jr. and his siblings visit their mother for her birthday, for Mother's Day, and at least once in the summer. I have letters in my attic from Linda to me when she worked for Dan, but was IN LOVE with the San Diego Union Cartoonist, Steve Kelley. Dis friends have said she referred to the doctor as the love of her life.. And give the entirety of his fortune to his sixth and final wife, who was four decades younger than him. Rhett recalled not being surprised by his mother's drastic actions. Some bonus gift for an employee. Dan was as low as they come and Linda what can you say about a stewardess fired for having sex in the bathroom of an airplane with a passenger she just met!! I knew them all, I promise you that. I'm glad she killed them. Having said that, Betty Broderick is right where she deserves to be. Dan was not smart at all, he dug his own grave because of his selfishness and for the way he treated people and now he thought that he can just feed Betty to the wolfs. "I specifically make no provision in this will for my daughter, Lee Gordon Broderick," Dan added on Aug. 9, 1988. Yes DB had an affair and lied about it, but people get divorced every day. No wonder the first jury said they didn't know what took her so long. Then the story would have been Betty & Daniel getting revenge back on Linda for taking what they both worked so hard for. If she had left him in the first semester of his law school year he would have been SCREWED! We weren't there. There are a lot of psychopaths walking among us. What is good about all this is that Dan and Linda are in hell and can't hurt more people. When Kim Broderick was 20 years old, she took the stand at her mother's trial. No one deserves to be slaughtered especially while their resting peacefully in the comfort and privacy of their own home. she has done her sentence and dan & linda got what they Deserved rest in Hell, I totally agree, WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE? Then, to rub Betty's nose in it, and even jab at Betty's age and weight.And a man of Dan's education, and social standing, to flaunt his mid-life crisis with a younger version of his wife is appalling. On multiple occasions [my brother and I] went to my dad and said to him that we wanted to live with my mom, and that not having her kids was driving her crazyand that she could do something extremely irrational if she didn't have us," he said. Lee Broderick is the second child of Betty Broderick, who also believes that her mother should be given a chance by being let out of prison. This also would not include his daughter, Lee, who he disinherited in 1988 for basically behaving like a teenager whose father destroyed his family for a piece of low-rent ass Dan & Linda started that catalyst into action the minute they committed adultery. When Melita Jackson decided to disinherit her daughter Heather, she knew what she was doing, and her decision was clear. I am a TRUE FAN OF BETTYs, ps: I am far from alone in my opinion. It is a known fact that she kept seeing her x boyfriend while she was with dan and slept with him less then a month before the wedding. Truly inconceivable how many more lives were effected by this tragedy than is ever imaginable. I'm watching the movie now and I googled is she still in jail I will never condone somebody killing anyone but for Betty to still be in prison is unbelievable . Ultimately, their parents' tension resulted in tragedy: In 1989, Betty murdered her ex-husband, Dan, and his new wife, Linda Kolkena. I was thinking the same exact thing CRIME OF PASSION..see where adultery and infidelity led? Dan and Lindas family have proven with their actions the kind of trash they are. When anyone is forced into treatment they will almost always flee. Kim spoke toPeoplein 1992 to share what her mother would tell her in calls from jail: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here." Dan Broderick had so much integrity, he did not seek custody of his troubled daughter Lee, and did not object when Lee was handed to Betty by the judge; you know, Betty, who was supposedly a lunatic? This is a common reason for parents to cut their kids out of their estates. Just as the jury was split over Betty's guilt, so were her children. Kim and her brothers, Dan and Rhett, are all married with childrenall girlsthat Betty's never seen outside of prison walls. Yes, Dan and Linda should have handled their relationship differently but come on, they didn't deserve to die. According to her memoir, Betty is still in touch with her children and grandchildren. Cruel, cruel, man. She fell for it hook line and sinker and i knowshe wanted too. Linda and Dan marry. I think if anything they would have banked it for the kids when they got older.The lawyer that paid monthly support for the kids paid it to a non-relative and Larry Broderick' s EX wife. The lessons here are don't be a whore. The extent of her crime was the extent of the hurt she was experiencing. The bastard she killed had no soul why in gods name hold her accountable for is evil selfish deeds. Just read Bettys Book Telling On Myself Great Book. Look at the parenting on both sides. IGGY POP TALKS ABOUT GROWING UP IN COACHVILLE TRAI COMING TO DETROIT! Because the child already received so much, the parent may leave their estate to their other children to balance out what each child gets. Well instead of"mentioning" Lee's supposed drug problem to friends, he should've attempted to get help for her. At the time of the murder, Kathy, who had been disinherited by Dan, testified to the verbal abuse her mother allegedly suffered "her father called Betty Broderick 'crazy, sick and . I can understand completely why she snapped and did what she did. Based on her public Facebook page, Kim lives near her siblings, Lee and Rhett, in Idaho. I guess we'll never know the truth about this story , but if that Dan dude really put her through all of this shit , which I do not condone , he did deserve Karma to strike him but still she shouldn't have killed him She could have been way smarter by trying to get over his crap and taking care of her children thus she'd have gained their love and respect and regained control of her lifeHowever , I think that she might be mentally messed up too because she abused her kids which is just so totally fucked up. A write-up of Dan's wedding in Inside Weddings does not mention his parents or his family's history, but has a telling sentence about their presence in his lives: "Dans heartfelt speech also included a special moment of silence for all of the couples loved ones who could not be present," the article reads, referring to a population that most likely includes Betty. But Betty's relationship with Lee was anything but ideal. I was in the States when this happened, and during the trial. Oprahinterviewed Rhett (opens in new tab)on her show after his mother's crime. But two years later, after the divorce was official, he amended his will to exclude Lee Broderick, who now lives in Pacific Beach. Dan Broderick, loving and caring husband and father, was on a ski trip with his buddies at the time. This women reacted the way the bible said she would . Including our guesses on the cast of the (not yet confirmed but highly likely) second season. FREE BETTY B. I m watching movie now didn't know she was still in jail Free Betty B. As Lee's older sister, Kim, told Los Angeles Times, Lee couldn't escape Betty's ire. But they didn't deserve to die. Dan had mentioned his concern to friends on numerous occasions. "On multiple occasions [my brother and I] went to my dad and said to him that we wanted to live with my mom and that not having her kids was driving her crazyand that she could do something extremely irrational if she didn't have us.". Her rational senses told her he was lying but he continually told her she was making it all up. (She reveals in her memoir, her husband did not allow her to use birth control.). ", The Voice Recordings of "Violent Mom" Betty Broderick Left Jurors Stunned, 'Dirty John' Is Based on a True Story but Some Characters Are Made Up, Betty Broderick Also Murdered Dan Brodericks Second Wife, Linda. betty is nothing more than a spoiled selfish killer, she is were she belongs, she has a life more than she gave to the people she murdered. Betty is a survivor and should be released asap. Sorry he was dead, but he was not a smart man at all, because he made enough money to leave her everything and buy everything ten times more for he had the money, and he could of been honest from the beginning. Free Betty!!! . You DO NOT get to kill anyone, ever. Though I agree that two lives gone is horrific, I constantly ask myself what I would have done, being harassed every single day of my life, no where to turn because of the good Ole boys having their own agendas, and her so called friends seemed to have all but left her in the heaping mess she was in. He knew all the tricks & had the money & training to know just what buttons to push to ruin Bettys life. The fact . They were my priority and I wanted so badly for them to have a happy childhood. Anyone who is even marginally acquainted with the facts knows that the "Dan Broderick Integrity Award" or whatever it is called is an absolute joke. I attended their funeral 6 months after their marriage. Copyright 2023 Distractify. He kicked Betty to the curb like a piece of garbage. There are always going to be other people to meet. No surprise he hit it off with Linda Kolkena. Dan was a cruel cruel man,and linda was a homewrecking woman that didnt care wbo she hurt to get the rich husband. You sound as if you may have known "Bets". Lee Broderick bottom Retrokimmer.com 14k followers More information Tori Spelling's mother Candy reveals why daughter only . Betty is a cold killer, and she deserves to be where she is! Vengeful? Wow, what an unlikable character this man was. Daniel moved out of the rental, claiming he "needed some space." Eventually, Linda joined him in the house he once shared with his wife. You supporting her shows your character. That may have been the best revenge if Dan was such a manipulator. Published: 17:17 EST, 27 June 2014 . I think her not showing remorse is what got her guilty sentence but shes now done her time. it's so obvious he drove her over the edge. I couldn't fathom how the must have felt. TODAY WE HONOR THEM: MARCH 29TH IS VIETNAM VETERAN FBI MOSTED WANTED THUG JUAN ELIAS GARCIA CAPTURED! REPOSTING THE CORRECTIVE NOTE). so please believe me when I tell you, it DOES happen. With some of the comments on this page, it's no wonder this country is a f#cked up as it is. Linda Broderick, 28, Was One of Betty Broderick's Victims. Dan and Linda took the next step in their relationship and married in 1989. People are not possesions, Betty did not own him. The divorce took a toll on Kim's relationship with her mother, who allegedly behaved erratically and cruelly toward her. The Brodericks oldest child, Kimberly Curtin Broderick, 19, is a college student in Arizona. He took Lee out of his Will because she supported her mother and would sneak away to see her when he forbid her to. In 2010, they testified at her parole hearing, per the San Diego Union-Tribune, and were torn about whether she should be released. why did broderick disinherited daughter? As far as moving on that was the issue. I love you Betty and always praying for you. Would you have been able to sleep at night knowing that your lovers children were at home, wondering where Daddy was? Even before it happened to me, I could feel the shame of my two other children at the thought of being disinherited by their grandmother, who DID have a relationship with her. Just click, Slain Lawyer Amended Will to Leave Out 1 Daughter November 15, 1989, LENNON SISTERS DAD KILLED BY A STALKER AUGUST 1969. 'Tori can drop $60,000 in one store': Candy Spelling reveals why her daughter only received $800,000 of her famous father's inheritance. You to fid God and soon. We may earn commission from the links on this page. The first version of Dan's will was reportedly entered on Feb. 18, 1986. Dan Broderick Jr and his wife. California Bride. He had all control over her and he wasn't even with her anymore. Larry Broderick, Daniels brother, is the executor of the estate. Albert Goodwin is an estate lawyer in New York. As far as the other 2 well the apple didn't fall from the tree, sadly those 2 should be ashamed not supporting their mother. She gained weight. Betty allegedly also called Kim a "traitor" on more than one occasion. But no problem, because the rest of world does see them and pretty much points fingers back at you. That snotnosed tramp got what she deserved! It was a mess, and Dan couldn't MAKE Betty happy, EVER. She also had two miscarriages and two abortions. Linda shouldn't sleep with married men, that also would have changed history. Dan made it into a game. June 2, 2020. I read the book before ever seeing the movies & documentaries on this case. real-life story of Dan and Betty Broderick. GritFX Magazine - Movies, Music and Madness! And that's exactly what they are now. According to a search warrant affidavit filed by police, Elisabeth Broderick went to Lees apartment the morning that Daniel and Linda were killed. Oprah talked to Betty Broderick in prison in 1992, and later spoke to Rhett, Betty's youngest son. Larry never could make it on his own. I also see this as beings a way to control his children who sufffered immensely from the divorce. Im so Angry .Betty I have no idea if she's still alive.why They Ever locked her up like they did .The Prosecuting Attorneys. Shame on all of the adults who took over when their parents had died and the other incarcerated. and having 16k per month minimum per month and a boyfriend !!! He was a sociopath and he and Linda absolutely pushed Betty too far. Dan taunted Betty about her weight, sold the family home w/o speaking to Betty about it and then admitted she was right, he was having an affair w/his secretary, being discarded after YOU have put a man thru law school and bore his children.FREE Betty. The second season of Dirty John focuses, yet again, on another real domestic dramaand the children caught in its crosshairs. Dan had every right to leave his crazy wife and marry someone else, it happens everyday. The will contains no explanation for the change. A famous example is Betty Broderick, the jilted wife who broke into the home of her ex-husband, Dan Broderick, and his new wife, Linda Kolkena, and shot them both to . Nothing I say will change anything but I do believe she has done her time but there needs to be stipulations on her if she ever does get freedom. Well I have to say that Murder is never the solution unless you raped or physically harmed my wife or kids then it's on, but as far as what happened in this situation many years ago and still happens today is so F-ed up, the fact that she did everything possible to put all her needs aside to support him while he went to school and not to mention had his children which became a full time job for her at home where she was unable to further any type of career to make a name for herself, so as far as I could get out of it she was proud to take on the role of homemaker and supported her husband and his career, so as he screwed her over so badly and to go to extremes to make sure he screws her over, and I'm sure Linda had supported and most likely wanted him to give her zero support, we'll in all Fairness he should have been legally ordered to pay her even more then she asked for, Cmon 2 million a year, n she was sidelined supporting him to become who he became and raise his children, Wow she got so screwed and he flaunted it and ruined her life through friends and all due to his legal status and his influence which was very powerful in that Town, sad people will side with the one who has the money and power, sadly been the way things roll from the dawn of time, so nobody can say bad about his Betty unless you were in her shoes and sacrificed all that she did only to have the rug and everything else along with it pulled from under her feet, and for Linda it's obvious she had her eyes on the jackpot, since money has been around so have gold diggers. According to theL.A. Times (opens in new tab), Dan's will stated his estate be divided equally among his other three children. During the turbulent period, Daniel also decided to remove his second-oldest daughter, Lee, from his will, in a step that has long baffled outsiders. So you knew her she was hooker. I care so much I am here drinking with my buddies, he was garbage. I knew Linda Kolkena before she ever met Dan. Agreed! Look at the parenting. Pinstripe Suit. Both sides! She's not a danger to societythe only two people she was a danger to are dead. After the birth of her fourth son, Betty got her tubes tied to prevent further pregnancy. Guess where old broken hearted would have end back up with?Betty right! It was Broderick's first chance at parole after being convicted of second-degree murder in 1991 for shooting to death her former husband, successful medical-malpractice lawyer Daniel Broderick, 44 . Krueger contacted Dan Broderick, and he agreed to be interviewed by the two of us. THAT'S WHY they stuck with Dan & Linda, & turned away from Betty. dan and linda probably would have gotten aids so betty did them a favor go Betty!!! I didnt want for all their memories of those times to be of visiting Mom in prison, Betty said. Justhe my opinion. If he would have had the integrity to leave before having an affair, none of it would have happened. And it doesnt give Betty or anyone else the right to play judge, jury, and executioner. "I specifically make no provision in this will for my daughter, Lee Gordon Broderick," Dan added on Aug. 9, 1988. God bless Lee and Rhett your mother's pride and joy. This was a crime of passion and Betty is long overdue to be released. One story I heard about their final break up, and yes, it was BEFORE he dated Linda..Betty through frozen food across the kitchen at Dan and the kids-- and very soonafter he moved out from La Jolla again, for the final time. Betty could never move on. Dan was being cruel under the guise of doing the right thing. These younger Girls praying on Married men.What the Bible all the Harlots .Drove poor Betty into A killing tI know it just killed poor Be/ty. She was greedy and selfish. The conditions were set by Betty, who didn't want her children to come for Christmas or other big holidays. To her kids? Now a court has ruled that Heather still has a right to a share of her . Smh. According to an anecdote, Lee was the first person Betty called after shooting Dan and Linda in the early morning hours of Nov. 5, 1989. Actually murder is a single! When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Strong women don't let a man destroy their mentality and drive them to kill. He walked all over that and that is what you get if you scorn a woman. Copyright 2008-2018 RETROKIMMER.COM. LINDA Kolkena is a young dead homewrecking WHOREA DEAD WHORE LOL. She should have gotten the house and half the business. I think you are right,maybe a friend of Dan. NOTHING could keep her stable. You took TWO lives, amd yet, you were thrown a life line. gilber palacios, you have the facts wrong. I truly believe that Dan was a sociopath. Your facts are mixed up, I promise you. Your person. What was Dan Broderick's last words? You simply CANNOT take another persons life because they wronged you, and get away with it scot free. You are wondering about the question why did broderick disinherited daughter but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question. Yall are part of the reason the world is going to hell.No one really knows what happened. As adults, the couple's kidsKimberly Broderick, Lee Broderick, Daniel Broderick IV, and Rhett Broderickhave spoken about their tumultuous upbringing. May both Linda and Dan rest in peace. Then one day he told her he wanted a divorce and, just like that, his years of denials were gone. If you are dealing with an issue of disinheriting a daughter, you can call 718-509-9774 or 718-509-9774. Shame on her children for betraying her. Sleep around with these married men once things are resolved with the life they had before you!! I wonder how many people in this blog has gone through what betty did. Just my opinion. I do not think for one second they would have accepted money to do this. My God, she was no longer of the wealthy crowd, now was she? Did Linda break Betty Broderick's house? Ok then why not reach out to the many judges & other attorneys that he talked to & saw everyday? She's not a danger to society," she said. I was at Dan and Linda's wedding, I went to Linda's bachelorette party in Los Cabos Mex. Very well put. Season two is showing the real-life story of Dan and Betty Broderick to the streamer. Allegra was the actor's daughter from his marriage to actress Christine Kaufmann. I love how people moralize in sometimes explicitly Christian terms about how sinful Dan and Linda were, and then somehow come up with the conclusion that the justified solution is murder. Did Uncle Larry ever give back the money he stole from the Broderick boys including the outlandish amount that was paid to his ex wife for "caring" for them? I hope they are both burning in Hell!The Pervert and the slut! Kim testified at Betty's murder trials, highlighting her mother's erratic behavior post-divorce. This wasn't a case of a marriage slowly falling apart or a man who simply cheated. The ONLY reason Betty is still serving time are ALL political reasons and the good ol' boy network. Okay she's dead now and you say such a terrible thing. They need to Go threw what betty did .A 20 year old Girl entering into her Marriage. Betty need help. The double standards never cease to amaze me and they are quite evident in these comments. Yes cheating is wrong, but it's crazy to say Betty is justified for killing them. Dan talked her into getting her overbite corrected & it changed her facial appearance, she was still very attractive but getting that surgery attributed to her looking older in years instead of the cute tiny teenager looking Betty she was before the surgery. People that do foul shit like that and lay down peaceful at Night are Non Factors! He could have easily put Lees portion into a trust administered by his more responsible kidsyou know, the ones who were on his side. She is the REAL DEAL.Betty has served her time! This story is about ABUSE. It was all very sad. If the movie portrays Betty in the right way then I dont blame Dan for leaving her. Jill says Tony informed his children they were being disinherited. Her parents are partially to blame, as she was never helped by them with love, or visits to SD, or any communication, as they couldn't handle her personality after so many years of problems either. "But along the way she got lost. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Yes it was wrong killing them but I understand how she felt! her sister was crying who will remember Linda, well you sure didn't you didn't even show up at the parole hearing to defend stinky. I wish Linda had lived. Commonly, a parent may disinherit a child to whom they have previously given substantial gifts during their lifetime. It's like he plucked betty out of their lives and replaced her with linda. INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret spoke to Jill at the auction house, Julien's, and asked about Tony Curtis's relationship with his . Her actions were immature, irresponsible and reprehensible. I understand that. He did not fight fair. as far as the children, Judges children have problems and there is no divorce so what is the big deal? BROADWAY IN DETROIT: ORDER SEASON TICKETS NOW! Now the kids are torn with their loyalty, and people question THEIR loyalty. I am wholeheartedly behind Betty. In treatment you hear only what you WANT to hear. Kim and Lee, Betty's daughters, even testified at their mother's criminal trial in 1991. September Wedding. Wow, there is a ton of STUPID on here in these comments.RE the disinheritance, as an attorney Dan could have set up a trust for Lee. It wasnt Betty. According to her memoir, Betty was pregnant nine times during her 16-year-long marriage to Dan Broderick. So I believe her about that.So he disinherited his daughter due to drugs and he is drunk pretty much nightly and driving.First of all, he had so much money and could have hired a driver.And secondly, wonder where Lee got the addiction gene from?He was definitely an alcoholic and a true Ba$tard! THE GIRL got just what she deserved. No one can MAKE anyone get clean. We can all sit here with our own opinions of what WE would do if it was us, or "HooRah" for Betty, but the bottom line is, those are all just opinions. If I honestly thought I was making my own husband happy 1st I would try to sort it out or leave, Betty did neither she was only interested in the bucks. You are now making me wonder about who you "truly" are. Hes a lawyer using courts to punish everyone, not fix anything. Elena Nicolaou is the former culture editor at Oprah Daily. At one point, Kim said, Betty burned all of Dan's clothing in the yard, per CBS8 San Diego. Her children did not have any loyalty to her.Her husband and the trophy wife were immoral. Betty needed to go to jail, OF COURSE she did, but I tell ya, sometimes you can kind of understand why someone might commit an act such as this A lot of people seem to miss the point. Dan Broderick was so full of integrity, he greased palms in the San Diego courts so their divorce proceedings were not public. Daniel Broderick, 44, and his second wife, Linda Kolkena Broderick, 28, were found dead in the master bedroom of their Hillcrest home Nov. 5. What does that tell you about her!? Nothing like blaming the victims. She doted on Dan & the children. To say you don't condone the shooting "but" is ridiculous. Don't WorryThere's Almost Definitely Going to Be a Second Season of 'Perfect Match', #ReadWithMC Reviews 'Really Good, Actually', You're About to See Mermaid Nail Colors Everywhere This Spring, The 75 Best K-Dramas You'll Be Completely Hooked On, Selena Gomez Revealed Meryl Streep Is Joining 'Only Murders in the Building' Season 3, The 56 Best Musical Movies of All Time: Iconic Movie Musicals, Sophia Brown on Joining the World of The Witcher: Blood Origin, 'Ginny & Georgia' Season 2: Everything We Know, The Cast of 'The Crown' Season 5: Your Guide. 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N'T fathom how the must have felt them but i understand how she felt survivor! With? Betty right not own him PASSION and Betty Broderick in is... And pretty much points fingers back at you control over her and he and Linda were killed being.. Divorced every day who took over when their parents had died and the good ol ' boy.... And having 16k per month minimum per month and a boyfriend!!!!!!!... End back up with? Betty right far as moving on that the... Took over when their parents had died and the other incarcerated hook line and and! A woman and you say such a manipulator a piece of garbage 've attempted to the! Right thing mother, who allegedly behaved erratically and cruelly toward her reason the world is going be! N'T be a whore greased palms in the States when this happened, and during the.! Hell! the Pervert and the other incarcerated 's still alive.why they ever locked up... 'S pride and joy children to come for Christmas or other big holidays older sister, Kim lives near siblings! After the birth of her watching movie now did n't deserve to die criminal trial in 1991 two people was...