Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news in your domain of interest. Altamera74, from a chicks point of view, you are going to end up a very sad and lonely man if you take that sort of attitude into your life when it comes to choosing a partner. The reason is that education and being over age 25 when first married are negatively correlated with divorce. Furthermore for both sex d rare and tear is evident. I dont feel, I KNOW that there is a double standard at play. Times may have changed in some perspectives but evolution is a long process and these inbred instincts are deeply rooted which is why most men will have sex with a slutty girl, but will never marry or commit to her. We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. choosing to be selective in whom they sleep with. Amen brother. If you are a woman and you want to get married, you need to be smart about your dating. She had to These weren't the low quality dudes either. There surely will be another at the When the male wants a woman with good morals and respects her body. Ask her about how she views your relationship, and what she is hoping it can be. Not always, but often. You seem to be fairly obsessed yourself, and I seem to be controlling your time and responses today. You say what happened to encouraging people to do better, but how is continuing the practice of judging people on their past a good thing? Being promiscuous is bad for both men and women. As soon as women get that into their thick sex driven heads they will realise the truth. Its more like rape in nature than sex but the female does not sleep aroundstudy this if you must knowand God says so too! They either find out later and it becomes a big issue, or they never find out but its those secrets that at times manifest into other issues. I believe this because I have been with someone that had many many partners. The former is a wife prospect. To those guys dating a girl that has been around you know your boys are all laughing at you behind your back. kidsbut things were crazy for me four years ago. We would also need to Sad to say that women nowadays are sleeping around more than men do. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, FFS IDK WT HAPND 2MY QUESTION AND I DIDNT GET TO READ THE REPSONSE IF U HAVE As @ BIO, 2023 entry A100 / A101 Medicine fastest and slowest offer senders, TSR Community Awards 2022: Favourite Oldie - VOTING OPEN, BBC Fast Track Production Apprenticeships 2023. Respect her wants and needs, respect her goals, her hopes, and her plans for her future. You can question the theory of evolution, or gravity, or anything else, but your questioning doesnt impugn their validity. Cut it out and replace it with positive experiences. Lets be serious. i must say im a hypocrite on this one. I know plently of them. I never agreed with the cant turn a hoe into a housewife Because a man being a player is just a nice word for manwhore. to be selective in whom they chose for a mate. business trips while Jerry came over and played house with mommy, a Im not condoning it but I think we should keep an open mind about it. The good news is women dumb enough to believe the feminist hype also the type that never learn that guys lie to get laid. LOL. Awesome! Get yourself a virgin problem solved.If this man doesnt want to judge women on their number of sexual partners then let him do that.Let him live. There is nothing wrong with your disagreement, but they way you go about it is very negative and very unnecessary. Only to then change the number 2 more times from 13 to the final number now which is 15 and me being the 16th. This shit is not a game. I completely understand your position on having a right to judge. Being promiscuous is not always a conscious decision. Good, glad to know my position is clear. Its profitable and acceptable. Promiscuous people usually are incapable of having long-term Because mens focus on a Maybe you men can enslave women and lock them up. Women with more sexual partners are less likely to remain in stable relationships: Now lets imagine you want to buy a car and you go to the dealership and you see a car that you really like and the salesman tells you that the car that you feel is so beautiful and would make such a great addition to your life has 289,832 miles on it (NOTE: before the comments flow in about what if the car only had one previous owner, which I'd be more than happy to discuss, for the sake of this article this is only to focus on the number of miles). This doesnt make them bad people, but it does make them completely unsuitable as life mates. Nah, I would like somebody who had value for themselves like I did. Being a guy in his thirties who has waited until marriage it gets really tiring to hear from so many people things like Your future wife isnt going to be a virgin so shut up and get over it or Her sexual past shouldnt matter now stop whining and man up or my personal favorite You just need to get laid, sex isnt that big a deal. Well sex is a big deal, at least for me, Im not going to have it with just anyone, I shouldnt be shamed or forced into dating or marrying a woman who didnt take sex seriously. Im seeing this guy and hes super hesitant bc he doesnt know the exact # of people I have been with. In this day and age, very few women or men will be virgins when you marry them. That scares me more than anything else. There's countless men with who she has either talked or shared pictures with or kissed etc etc, some of them while she was in a relationship as wel. After all who wants to get busted for being less-than-perfect when we see HIM face to face? Nobody wants to end up with the town whore who every guy has ridden. Thats deepmakes me feel foolish for rejecting some females because of my insecurity about their sexual past. There are all kinds of reasons why things happen and who you were at one time doesnt necessarily mean you are the same person now. Hell, 2 girls ASKED HIM for a 3some. Their lack of experience makes them fantasize about the what ifs. Yes; if you are a man who is desperate, with few options, lonely, or perhaps a submissive beta, settling and investing in someone everyone else has gotten for free may be a solid option. Me personally I know everyone does things they are not proud of but if i meet someone that has the potential to be the one why not at least get to know them and consider giving them a chance no one on this earth is flawless and perfect but its up to us to have a clear mind and not let the things mess up something that could be special. 3 Risk Factors For Women Who Sleep Around Having Unattached Sex You also assume that these women who love sex you reserve it for the men they love actually have love prospects. And who wants to commit to an easy girl? One wished the best for me. The fluids can be washed off easily by men, however the mans fluids or remnants of it can remain inside the woman for years before it can leave her system. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a promiscuous sex life is indicative of other personality problems. A man with emotional baggage or self esteem issues cannot believe that a woman with past relationships can be committed to loving only him. I continued to live. No I dont want to do it again. So either the person is tested positive or they test negative. Now i think the man also has the right to either loke what u did or not Now if you ask her and she lies about the number, then your point is much more valid in my opinion. You still come right? So, I really dont care how many women (yes I am a chick) my man has or has not slept with, my only rule is that whilst we are together, I am the only woman he sleeps with. According to studies the chance of divorce strongly correlates Continue Reading Lawrence C. FinTech Enthusiast, Expert Investor, Finance at Masterworks Updated Thu Because in each of our lives (male and female)we have had that hoeing moment. I Dont see it as passing judgement. Statistically, relationships and marriage are more likely to fall apart the younger you are. Tough shit. I feel if we allow ourselves to be more open, honest, and loving in our approach then we can see much better results. I totally agree with you. She just revealed something from her past and instead of embracing who she is today you are making a choice to hold it over her head and view her as the woman she once was. You can develop a dont care attitude. If you are that Datson? Me personally i do not sleep around and i am not going to lower my standards and try and act like a womans past has no bearing on her present let alone is not relevant. Stephan says my past shouldnt matter, so there!. Next!! Planned Parenthood business is booming. I understand why you would hold the position that you hold since you arent aware of the actual science behind my statement. Out of every 10 girls, say about 5-6 hv premarital sex. Nope that s*** is nasty cant be with a girl with a body count higher than 4, You made some good points but i dont think its fair to tell someone which criteria they can use when deciding on a mate or not some use someones number of partners while others use looks and others use certain personality traits etc. See I do not expect for anybody to be with someone that does not share some of the same core values that they have. My girlfriend of 8 months told me in the beginning of the relationship she had only been with 2 other men which were her past relationships. It's not just red pill stuff that is telling me this is a bad idea as I have heard my whole life from every which direction that dating a slutty girl is a bad idea and I have agreed with this logic and have tried to avoid this situation but honestly I like this girl a lot and we have a ridiculous amount of chemistry and if she wasn't a slut I would have no reservations. I appreciated the honesty and had no problem with it. Also, having a high number of partners can cause him to have negative opinions of her. We can do better. Folks need to grow up and kill all the judgement as if they are walking perfection. What should matter is if she is STD free. If you sleep around it shows your unstable and dont take relationships serious. You make a great case for why women should not be promiscuous, but what the article is trying to convey is that their past should not be held over their head forever. amenities; whether it was in the far past or recent past. As well, it is simply shameful to have such low standards as to have slept with dozens of people. I may not be properly explaining this but I hope you get what I am trying to say. Fuckboys should marry women who slept around and end up opening the relationship when they will inevitably reach the point where they realize one dick or one vagina is no longer enough. The problems with childbirth grow exponentially by year I believe focusing on the number blinds us from the things we should really be looking at when trying to determine if this is a person we can have a successful relationship with. Currently behaves in a way that can hinder the growth of a relationship, and not allow herself to be the woman you would need. You will feel that you left . Men are dogs, they will stick their dong in anything with a heartbeat if its offered. Or cheated or whatever. It comes in handy. But you would never have known looking at her. 20, 30 or more men is wrong then I hope you take that same logic and school your boy on that too because every time she opens her legs to someone there is always a man willing to climb between them, and that makes him just as ho -ish following your logic. I think the double standard is wrong, but the answer for me is to use the same standard for men as we currently use for women. Altamera74, from a chicks point of view, you are going to end up a very sad and lonely man if you take that sort of attitude into your life when it comes to choosing a partner.. If she likes you, trust her in that too. Who has the power there ??? Now if the real reason you hold this against a woman is because you dont want to have to compete with the level of pleasure her past lovers provided, well you just need help then. Its a reality of biology. Hell to some if you arent a virgin you are a whore. I will definitely address it and I hope you let me know what you think when that time comes : ). Great article. And, what does your sex life say about your character? He simply presented a good enough resume for her to push forward. Yeah so shut up lol. Bianca, why in the world would you think the number of men you have slept with should not matter? All in all I think monogamy is a cruel joke. Men and Women are MADE for the AVERAGE, and able to adjust to the Exception. it just kills me that women be the main one judging other women. I still think we shouldnt use the numbers as judgement because what happens to the woman who does not have a conflicting view with that man on relationships, yet she does have high numbers. I like how you caught yourself on that : ). Yes, there is certainly a price I am paying: not seriously dating sluts. Then she knocked on a door and a guy in his underwear opened it, and she walked in and closed the door. Though neither worked out I had two completely different experiences. And because women economically couldnt take care of themselves and would have been shunned by their communities, women were forced to stay in their marriage. I am pointing out that sex is vastly different for men and women.. That is how we are made.. Eh. Not truly. Obsessed much? -Becos men come in sizes and shapes, we view sex differently from women Yeah but we need to respect our bodies as men too. We dont know what that woman may have been going through or her full reasons for her choices. Nothing special about a woman who has casual sex. But as woman I would be ashamed to pass by and guys keep saying that I slept with her, oh and me2.. I told her not to be judgmental. Hi Stephan, I dont see where you think I was insulting others. As for the sinful lifestyle, if that person is no longer living that life (or even if they are) then is not judging them still wrong? Stings don't it? Take that Woman, Do as I say and not as I do double standard mindset and flush it down the toilet! The world is hard on us women. I dont think anyone is saying (Im not) that a persons number is the /only/ factor is deciding whether or not to take someone seriously as relationship material, but it is /a/ factor, and a major one, for many men. Rich, sexual prowess and even sexual organ size Do you feel it is because she has cheated in the past or because she doesn't have to be in a relationship to sleep with a guy? If a woman was promiscuous and had sex with numerous men, she was a bad mate choice due to the fact that he may be mistakenly wasting his resources raising another mans child(ren). Sorry but it is a cutoff and a major factor in a potential mate. As promiscuous as men are! She came clean with me (after wewere together)during a deep conversation. Some women can be a virgin and have all kinds of issues due to other experiences in their life, while a woman may have once been promiscuous, turned away from that and now is in a much better place mentally and emotionally. Xper 5 Age: 23. YOU HAVE THE SEXUAL POWER, YOU ALWAYS HAVE, stop trying to put men as the sexual power holders, its just dumb. Women want a guy who wants a woman to love and respect herself to value a but its not. You really want to marry miss double penetration? Blanksie if you take the time to read the article and many other articles I have written you will notice that I always mention that I think it is best for women to wait. Accross nations, the average man gets married 2 years after women get married. Disappointed I decided to move on but I had to know what else she could be hiding. I mean, come on, theres more to life than sex, right? Not all relationships were meant to last. If you want to examine the paper, look it up yourself. Respect yourself ladies, and men will respect you. It is what it is, but the most important part is your STD FREE!!!!! Some may just love sex and wanted to explore. Oh, you gave all your goods outwhen I didnt but I should be accepting of that? What I want to encourage you to do is to understand what is done is done. Strength and confidence have nothing to do with it in my opinion. Just continue to pour love into her and your relationship and you will continue to see things improve. People are different, and want different things at different times in their lives. You can say no, no, no as much as you like and deny up and down till youre blue, but that still doesnt get the idea about a woman, out of a mans mind. This makes sense. Does that past lover (so to speak) affect her current situation? I am already spoken for. My opinion on how many people is too many: Since people They almost always act differently then those who havent. Men have just as much of a right to choose as women do. To bring YOU back to reality, every PERSON has both sides of the coin, not just men. It encourages an atmosphere of male entitlement. , I am asking you to state your sources. Women need to stop judging other women. If we had a daughter and son, our daughter would do those things as well because her mommy did those things so it must be ok for her to do it too. I love this article! And if you are use to doing it, you really shoulnt be in a relationship because those be the ones that cheat. If u need to walk away sometimes and have a breath of fresh air. It honestly is a question of a womans character. Sure, love is tough. Men stand to lose their homes, assets and children even when they were the ones who honored their vows, to have and to hold, for better or worse. I know it would be for me. If you find someone youre into, thats all that matters. it is also about the fact that many men are with women they love but have no idea how she may have been in her past sexually. : https: // what would you marry a girl who slept around woman may have been with someone that had many many partners a 3some women... Sides of the coin, not just men 25 when first married are negatively correlated with divorce to have with... Different experiences of cases, a promiscuous sex life is indicative of other personality.! 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