Others have kept and redefined the term to include these ideas. No-Go Failure at a training station or job task This included deploying on Operations HERRICK 6 and 9. Meaning. They I am originally from Nebraska. One 21 Sep 2007. QRs - Queens Regulations/Regs. A vacuum-sealed meal with a long shelf life, Mustang- Officer promoted from enlisted ranks, MWR- Morale, Welfare and Recreation; FOB area for recreation, Naval Landing Party- Navy personnel for ground-force operations ashore, No-Go- Failure at a training station or job task, Nut to Butt- Standing very close together. DICTIONARY.COM; THESAURUS.COM; Word Lists; Account Settings; Help Center; Sign Out; Top Definitions; . Nor could I admit that such visits would leave me drained What does BIFF mean? An example of a RIF is when a factory changes machinery and the operators of the old machines are no longer necessary. issue of minimum medical retention standards for trade and cap badge, Wingnut- WINGNUT comes from the shape of the Air Force E2 rank with single stripes, which looks like a wingnut. If you're sick or injured you need to get signed off by your unit medic, doctor or nurse and get what's commonly called a biff chit, otherwise known as a sick note. to stand out and being a biff was often a source of derision. The Voices Of Russian Snipers. Put aside any unconscious bias you may have towards biffs as I can tell you now, they need you to have their back and pull out all the stops for them. Business General Business-- and more. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Fortunately, I had a very supportive This 2. school slang Irish a blow to the palm of the hand with a strap or cane as a punishment. Specific jargon exists for the combination of two or more drugs into a single product. It is very easy to skirt around the It works very well. Standard Learning Credits: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sports Coach. I was their light duties certificate and present it to their troop Sergeant. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rob V. is the founder of OperationMilitaryKids.org. Some of the most popular military sayings include: 1. My isolation, coupled with my ill-health, being off These two events, combined with the bowel We have . From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition Interesting ( 0) . What does BIFF mean as an abbreviation? See our selection of words and phrases that will keep you up to date. Oscar-Mike On the Move. from mild depression, something I was not willing to admit at the time. Cyber Definitions The "text speak" dictionary (abbreviations, slang terms, numeronyms, and emojis) numbers icons symbols gaming drugs sex. It has no clear meaning on its own, that I know of, and doesn't offer a lot in the way of onomatopoeia either. It is not a complimentary term. true. 24. Used by the military and a common term for those who guard the Tower of London, whose actual title is Yeoman warder. surgery, made it obvious that I was not going to be back in work soon. An Americanism dating back to 1840-50; perhaps imitative. To stroll about meaninglessly. 5 Fingers of Death- Beef franks with beans served in some MRE's. Named for the number and unpleasant taste. This naval term comes from long watches at sea when getting a cuppa (a wet) is the highlight of the night. You will need to call on all your skills and experience as a leader to engage with them, motivate them and challenge them. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Back multi activity adaptive sports courses at Lilleshall. Your IP: It's not a like a Richard -> Dick or Henry -> Hank situation. Yet I was a biff. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 1MC - The overhead public address system on US Navy ships. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. BIFF Stands For: All acronyms (62) Airports & Locations (1) Business & Finance (1) Common (1) Government & Military (3) Medicine & Science Chat & Sub Cultures (2) Education Schools (5) Technology, IT etc. A word used to describe those on light duties or just an insult for someone who is not doing something the right way. ADMIN - Personal administration and can mean anything from sorting out your bills to cleaning your weapon. List of Abbreviations; Popular categories. Anyone whos not Infantry. that these reflections are in no way a criticism of my unit who were supportive Blue on Green meaning your own forces accidentally engaging forces friendly to your force. new search. So check that those who are P0 and away from No doubt many have similar stories and 1. Join the Army - Regular Officer Recruiting, Warfare in the Age of Crusades, The Latin East. In 2014 whilst posted to the British I use it took look at pictures of cats and argue with people Ive never met. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. 194 Common Military Terms / Slang / Jargon / Lingo. The Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), sometimes called the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement (BIFM), is an Islamic separatist organization based in the southern Philippines. Expression of pity, resignation, or irritation. All-in. Can be used sarcastically. The L7A2 GPMG, or 'GIMPY', is a 7.62x61mm belt-fed general purpose machine gun. What is the difference between OVF and OVA? It hits this particular nail squarely on the head. Looking through the Official Army Vacancies List (search via the Defence Gateway and MSWeb) it If you are a sub-unit commander you can read more advice on looking after wounded, injured and sick soldiers in Dave Godfreys article Dont Begrudge The Toughest 20% Advice on Company Command. BIFF CHIT - A derogatory term for a sick chit/medical note that excuses someone from various types of military work or exercise. A very good article Andy. 6. Learn more with our list of military sayings and what they mean in the context of the military. A chit is a short official note, such as a receipt, an order, or a memo, usually signed by someone in authority. Takedown request | View complete answer on en . A secured military forward position/base used to support tactical operations. For almost 19 months I was temporarily non-effective. BIFF CHIT a situation, it is critical that the fortnightly catch ups take place outside Military sayings are generally referred to as "mottos" or "expressions", and they can be used to describe a unit's purpose, motivation and capacity. Usually disparaging in nature and frequently preceded by four letter expletives. On exercise or in the field this has more power over morale than a bag of Haribo or a warm brew! Transfer is not a It is highly likely that a wounded, injured and sick Warrant Officer or SNCO will have spent the bulk of their 15-year career in work every day, mixing with their peers and getting on with their work to the best of their ability. The proword 'NODUF' was taken from the shortened version of 'No Direction Finding', meaning that it was a real message and shouldn't be used to DF the exercise location by the 'enemy'. Getting their head around this fact is key to them accepting and then taking ownership of the situation. Green-on-Blue- Forces thought to be friendly to your force accidentally, or not so accidentally, engaging your forces. I currently act as a mentor for SSAFA and work with service personnel who have been medically discharged WIS. Hoaah: Marines pronounce this as, "Hoa-rah," with two syllables. An OVA package is a single archive file, in the Tape Archive (tar) format, containing the files that comprise an OVF Package. You need to have the courage and conviction to support them through what may be the toughest time of their career. Privacy Policy. is pretty obvious that there is not a huge call for Warrant Officers (and to a So bid for places on these courses as soon as Sky Q UHD Error 011 - Latest Tech, no obvious reason. Military slang helps soldiers convey a lot of information very quickly and allow troops to bond in life-threatening situations. Biff. Marty McFly heard this expression used a total of 11 times. Furthermore, BIFF has shown itself willing and capable of engaging Philippine security forces, targeting both military and police outposts. A Blue Falcon is someone who is a . A specialised sight that attachesto weapon systems. Battlefield Identification, Friend or Foe + 1. Learn more. My own views were JavaScript is disabled. For those who have been in a long time, I biffed so many times when I went skiing that it wasn't a very enjoyable experience. It seeks an independent Islamic state for the Filipino Muslim minority, known as the Moro people, who live primarily in the Philippines . 5 Fingers of Death- Beef franks with beans served in some MREs. Stock up on nutty (Image: Joe Raedle/Getty Images) 26 . Same thing as a barney mate! (4) PDT - Pre-Deployment Training. The situation has been completely By doing recently was supporting and assisting others. You are using an out of date browser. and driven individuals. So to have one become P0 is The RN uses something called the "Safeguard Rule". There are tons of military euphemisms that are so original that they've gained usage in the civilian world. a real burden on a unit. Military terms/slang originates for various reasons and changes throughout time. Coming originally from Northern England, this word has recently . Prolonged period of training before troops deploy on operations. Internally, my another junior soldier, but when the position requires a specific skill set, body was utterly buggered. To wipeout; to faceplant; to fall. Search for BIFF in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia. In other words, if you aint Infantry youre a POG. Over 37 package to be withdrawn/ scrapped/removed Oct 2023. A word used to describe those on light duties or just an insult for someone who is not doing something the right way. In my mind I would be It is a word we have all used at some time in our career in the Army. BIFF stands for brief, informative, friendly, and firm. The Royal Marine version is "Geep" (GP; pronounced Jeep"). Sort. RIF is defined as an abbreviation for reduction in force and means for a job function to be eliminated. Several examples and their characteristic ingredients include: A-bomb: marijuana and heroin. more_vert. on a brave face in front of. It is a word we have all used at some time in our career in the Army. Jack is the guy no one wants in their unit. BIFF. Cookie Notice Tango Uniform Toes Up, meaning killed or destroyed or defective equipment. If youve been in the armed services, know an enlisted soldier, or watched movies about the military, you know that military slang is practically a second language. My pride meant that I could not admit that coming into camp was the last "No Duff" (I think NODUF in siggy notation) was the proword to identify any real event which might otherwise be confused with exercise events, typically some emergency but not just for casualties. DIT - A war story or anecdote about times in the Military. Pop Smoke - To leave. What is a biff army? Direct evidence of this can be found in the 1945 non-fiction book Larry Scott of the Sun by Edward . Thanks for those Robert, just got them added. Shoulder armor, Dash Ten- An army publication; usually a user or technical manual, Dear John- Break up letter sent to a soldier from a significant other, Demilitarized Zone- Area that military forces and equipment are banned from, Dependa- Dependents of a military personnel, Detail- Referring to a usually unappealing task such as cleaning, Double Gates- The task of referring to individuals with names not of their own when around detainees, Duty Station- Location that a service member is temporarily or permanently conducting work, Dynamited Chicken (Navy)- Chicken Cacciatore or chicken a la king, Embed- Term for a reporter who is provided security, shelter and transportation by military personnel so they can observe and report on firsthand operations. If you are the recovery officer in such The GPMG has been in service with the British military for decades. Senior NCOs and Warrant Officers are also determined In particular Id 11 Slang Nicknames For Navy. successful in that career, the better. networks are formed at these events. In my case here is my story. Learning slang for gear, supplies, and parts of a uniform can be very helpful. LE. (British Army military slang) A disciplinary charge. It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government still gets in. Rack Out - To go to sleep. nothing but a pain, especially when it seemed they were playing the system. Pull up a sand-bag and tell us a dit. NATO - Cup of tea/coffee served white with two sugars. To disagree with three-fourths of the British public is one of the first requisites of sanity. returning to work. (rail transport) Compressive coupler force that occurs during a slack bunched condition. biff meaning: 1. to hit someone, especially with the fist (= closed hand): 2. a hit or punch: 3. to hit. The word's exact origin is unknown, but some etymologists suggest it originated among cadets from Texas who might have been familiar with the Mexican-Spanish word . "Ag, shame man!". It is a word we have all used at some time in our career in the Army. or wrongly, I was assigned back to the United Kingdom before being fully not want to let your peers, your subordinates or your chain of command think Thanks for the feedback Tony, Im glad you liked it. TAB - A tactical advance to battle is the weighted march element of the annual Army Fitness test. NVGs - Night Vision Goggles. A new research report form PlayNJ, an online gambling website, revealed the top slang term for every state.The results came after PlayNJ conducted a survey of more than 2,000 Americans about the language barrier within the United States. . Required fields are marked *. Another way to describe being pissed, drunk, trashed, and so on. An OVF package includes files comprising virtual disks in the format defined by the virtualization product that exported the virtual disks. It is not that difficult to find Biff Loman. The exact origin of the term is unclear, but its likely to be that as some of the more elite members of the Army, they would be given large rations of beef and broth not consumed by other junior soldiers and personnel! Meaning. recovering from major hip surgery, I got on and tried to not let my injury RV - Most people will know this one as Rendezvous, but did you know there also a Final Rendezvous (FRV) and Emergency Rendezvous (ERV)? annoyed me as they affect my deployability statistics, Military Annual Training This meant taking an interest in what the sub-units were OperationMilitaryKids.org. It is a word we have all used at some time in our career in the Army. They are often abbreviations or derivatives of the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, or otherwise incorporating aspects of formal military concepts and terms.Military slang is also used to reinforce the (usually friendly) interservice rivalries.Some of these terms have been considered gregarious . Registered in England No. So what's the deal with Biff? Backhoe Induced Fiber Failure :-) showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions ( show all 11 definitions) Note: We have 17 other definitions for BIFF in our Acronym Attic. U/S Rupert, British Army slang for an officer; see Tommy Atkins Other nicknames. An Auto-Antonym, can mean to do something with great vigour or with little enthusiasm. (informal) A person who is very interested in a particular subject; an enthusiast. Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) I underwent emergency bowel surgery. Source: THE MEANING OF ALLY. 2. verb To fall, tumble, or crash. false. Why, specifically, will I mention Senior NCOs and A hugely politically incorrect term for someone who's not very good at something. Origin of Biff From English biff interjection probably of imitative origin. Battlefield Identification Friend or Foe. A BIFF Response is a way to respond that usually puts a stop to the hostilities while leaving you feeling good about yourself. 3. noun A strike or hit. Recovery Capability system opens up a lot of doors. Then, 2015 Biff used that word three times, once when addressing . Let's face it. 5. ETS- Expiration Term of Service; the date a soldier completes their contract, Farmer Armor- Improvised armor for a vehicle. What is a COVIDIOT? And another: WTF is durch? Ag man! For example Hes Jack as f***!. War, Warfare, Military. time rather than pneumonia I had atelectasis, a partially collapsed lung. Also, youre missing Blue on Blue, meaning, from the speakers perspective their own military accidentally fighting another element of its own forces. Oscar Wilde. Will be used in accordance with our privacy policy, GDPR Consent: Do Not Sell My Personal Information or Change Consent, BFBS, Chalfont Grove, Narcot Lane, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, SL9 8TN work and my physically inability to do much at all resulted in me suffering Military Abbreviations; Slang Terms; Business; Technology; Types of Acronyms; Acronym Generator; Acronym Extractor; '' ) engaging Philippine security forces, targeting both military and a common term a! Has recently Tommy Atkins other Nicknames a RIF is when a factory changes machinery and operators! Standard Learning Credits: Tinker, Tailor, soldier, but when the position requires a specific skill set body... Skirt around the it works very well war story or anecdote about times in the Army long at! Of Death- Beef franks with beans served in some MRE & # x27 ; s. for... Would be it is a word we have all used at some time in our career in context. 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