Fluent in Spanish, he speaks some English. As punishment, El Dorado attempted to kill Snchez. ElMuerto.com - The Official Site of El Muerto, the Aztec Zombie! Creators If you had never heard of this character who is also not quite a villain, but has been at odds with Peter Parker before his own feature film was announced, you are likely not alone, as he debuted not so long ago and his total number of comic book appearances so far is slim. El Muerto was created by legendary comic book writer Peter David and artist Roger Cruz, debuting in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6. There has actually been one other movie with the title EL MUERTO, which is a 2007 supernatural thriller starring Wilmer Valderrama of That 70s Show fame that also happens to be based on an independent comic book by Javier Hernandez from the late 1990s. While there, El Dorado appears once more. The comic book follows the story of 21-year-old Diego de la Muerte, who while on his way to a local Dia de los Muertos festival in Whittier, California, is abducted and sacrificed by the Aztec gods of death and destiny only to return to earth one year later with supernatural powers. Against his will, Juan-Carlos was trained for his entire life to bear the magic mask and carry on the family name, but, in the final ritual, he made a decision that would change his life forever. Bad Bunnys Sony/Marvel Anti-Hero, Explained, Morbius Demanded a Horror Director - and James Wan Would Have Been Perfect, From Morbius to Venom to Godzilla: Why Critic & Fan Opinions Are So Different, Morbius Is Dangerously Similar to 2017's The Mummy, REVIEW: The Human Target #12 is a Thrilling Conclusion, REVIEW: Image Comics' Saga #62 Trades Sci-Fi Action to Study Grief. El Muerto (Marcus Estrada de la Garca) (First and only known appearance; dies) Aunt May Edwin Jarvis Logan Races and Species: Humans Mutants Locations: New York City Manhattan Jameson residence Daily Bugle Building Stark Tower Queens Midtown High School Items: Iron Spider Armor Spider-Man's Stinger Synopsis for "Masks: Part 1 of 2" Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Although Sony has a long list of Marvel projects coming up, there aren't many details about most of them, and El Muerto is among those. The biggest question remaining is whether or not Spider-Man himself will show up. RELATED: From Morbius to Venom to Godzilla: Why Critic & Fan Opinions Are So Different. His debut comic was titled "Daze of the Dead: The Numero Uno Edition" and was a in a xeroxed in a black in white format which included the short story of Weapon Tex-Mex a character Hernandez had created prior to the debut of El Muerto. Certification: CGC. 2. By accepting the identity of El Muerto a title passed down between fathers and sons for generations Snchez also inherited a traditional mask which looks like a typical luchador costume piece to the naked eye. The mask that he wears gave him extraordinary strength, and superhuman endurance and also enhances his speed. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Current Alias The TV presenter, 63, took the insult on the chin as she responded with a witty . Eyes First on 08/18/20 About a year after seeing the film, Diego met Issac "Zak" Silver, who was also a fan of the film and developed a growing interest in the Day of the Dead along with Diego. Spider-Man came to his rescue and fought El Dorado until El Muerto recovered and proved his bravery by fighting El Dorado and giving Spider-Man enough time to create a reagent that dissolved El Dorado's golden armor, leaving him vulnerable to injury. Director Tony Stark classified El Muerto as a foreign national who did not normally reside in the United States, but who had made his presence known there and thus required further monitoring.[3]. The punishment for denying his destiny is harsh, and El Dorado prepared to kill his reluctant opponent. Relatives This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll His father Marcus sacrificed his life to save Juan and El Dorado spared his life to become brave and fight a masked wrestler and unmask him. The character made his first appearance in a xeroxed black-and-white preview comic titled Daze of the Dead: The Numero Uno Edition (February 1998). From there on, Juan-Carlos would be given years to train to become El Muerto, with his ultimate task now being to unmask a masked hero. The Grammy-winning artist will star as El Muerto in a standalone Marvel movie for Sony, scheduled for release in 2024. Character Marvel Comics. He approaches J. Jonah Jameson and uses his paper to issue a public challenge. It appears as if Sony Pictures could be aiming to release two Marvel-associated movies per year starting. Juan never wants to be an El Muerto as he has a fear and terror fighting El Dorado. Unknown to Diego, his tattoo was actually an ancient Aztec symbol of death. 62 (1.88 m) Juan-Carlos Estrada Sanchez was born into a long line of men who would inherit a mysterious and powerful mantle. Successful self-published creators such as Carlos Saldaa and Richard Dominguez served as inspirations as well. Ans. His real name is Juan-Carlos Estrada Sanchez, and he is one in a long line of Mexican wrestlers named El Muerto. Despite the disappointment, Juan-Carlos father, Marcus, sacrificed himself to protect his son. Abilities El Muerto is a highly-skilled wrestler, extensively trained in both freestyle and shoot-style grappling. Juan-Carlos Snchez was trained his entire life by his father Marcus Estrada de la Garca to be the next in a long line of El Muertos, masked wrestlers who wore mystical masks that granted them power. The generational struggle between the Sanchez family and El Dorado isn't the most original or fleshed-out narrative, but it could provide the basis for a solid superhero film. We caught up with Ant-Man himself, Paul Rudd, and the red carpet premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania to discuss the new challenges Scott Lang is facing, and what it's like to travel to a secret dimension. Character Discovery Company. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Who Is El Muerto? The film also sparked Diego's interest in Mexican art, history, and mythology. . 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez Well, perhaps because of the upcoming Bad Bunny-led film, which is currently set for a theatrical release in 2024, readers can expect to see even more comic book adventures starring the powerful luchador and likely Spider-Man, too in the near future. Generations ago, the self-proclaimed wrestling god known as el Dorado (the Gilded One) bestowed the mystical Mask of El Muerto upon a man named Estrada, granting him superhuman strength and endurance; however, every subsequent generation in the Estrada lineage was forced to fight el Dorado ritualistically for the right to retain the mask. At CinemaCon 2022, Sony exec Sanford Panitch announced that El Muerto would hit theaters on January 12, 2024. Published May 18, 2022. This obviously seems like an extremely sparse source material to base a film off of, especially a solo project that is likely to skip Spider-Man. While Marvel Studios still has creative control over the character of Spider-Man, the folks at Sony have continued to expand their own franchise of interconnected films that put the spotlight on some of the most notorious members of the webslingers rogues gallery. A Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved. The Puerto Rican rap artist, whose real name is Benito Antonio Martnez Ocasio, made his acting debut in the summer of 2021 in F9: THE FAST SAGA, as Lookout, before landing a recurring role on Netflixs Narcos: Mexico later that year, and also stars in 2022s fast-paced action thrill ride BULLET TRAIN. RELATED: 10 Marvel Comics Characters Who Could Join Sony's Marvel Universe. Plus, a new Groot arrives along with an exclusive 6-pack of Guardians Funkos! El Muerto got his opportunity after saving the life of Jonah Jameson and his son, John Jameson when they were held captive by some men at their home. The biggest news about this upcoming film is the casting, rapper Bad Bunny is headlining the upcoming production. Weight In reflex, Spidey stings El Muerto with a paralyzing poison to keep his secret from being revealed. Also find all Bollywood Movie Information related to release date, Reviews, Web Series Information and celebrities, gossips, and entertainment news. He has recently appeared in Narcos: Mexico and will star in Cassandro with Gael Garca Bernal. El Muerto's mask grants him superhuman strength (optimally lifting 30 tons) and endurance. MORE: Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Part Two Gets A New Official Title. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There, Mictlantecuhtli sacrifices Diego in an ancient ritual in which his heart is ripped out with an obsidian blade. The two heroes defeat El Dorado, and the luchador teleports away to avoid being unmasked. Spider-Man accepts the challenge and the pair square off in the ring. One member of that lineage, young Juan-Carlos Estrada Snchez, had been trained since childhood by his father, Marcus Estrada de la Garciathat eras mask-bearerfor his eventual battle with el Dorado, but when the time for his test finally arrived, the frightened Juan-Carlos did not want to fight. Speculation would suggest that this storyline will be. eBay item number: 165950665167. [13] Despite being titled "El Muerto" throughout its conception and subsequent film screenings, the DVD was later re-titled "The Dead One" (the English translation of El Muerto) for marketing purposes. De la Garca tried to stop El Dorado, costing him his life. El Muerto may have only appeared in two comics 2006's "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" #6 and #7 by Peter David and Roger Cruz but readers learned quite a bit about the man under the. Kathryn Newton joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, to discuss taking on the role of Cassie Lang, filming with Paul Rudd, and exploring the Quantum Realm. Marcus Estrada de la Garca (father, deceased) Being undead, El Muerto possesses extraordinary supernatural powers: he is nearly invulnerable, has a heightened pain threshold, rapid regenerative healing factor, super-strength, and superhuman agility. Evangeline Lilly who stars as Hope Van Dyne, aka Wasp, joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, to discuss Hope's journey, and the evolution of the family dynamics in the film. Bad Bunny has a couple of acting roles under his belt, most prominently F9 and Narcos: Mexico. He also has a BS in Psychology. Gender Juan-Carlos is granted a reprieve, ten years to travel the world and train himself for the challenge ahead. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Plus, Spidey and El Muerto could bond, with Juan-Carlos dad serving a similar function to Uncle Ben. May's 'Scarlet Witch' #5 will feature interior art by acclaimed artist Russell Dauterman. Height El Muerto (The Dead One) at Laemmle Theatres, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=El_Muerto:_The_Aztec_Zombie&oldid=1136018824, Comics characters with superhuman strength, Articles with dead external links from September 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from August 2019, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking reliable references from April 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Perhaps its strangest choice yet, however, is the introduction of the most unexpected cinematic superhero ever: El Muerto! El Muerto appears in 12 issues. A professional freelance writer and marketing expert, hes written marketing copy and retail listings for companies such as Viatek. [12] A straight-to-DVD release was distributed on September 18, 2007 by Echo Bridge Entertainment. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, The Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Trailer Is Spectacular. With the powers imbued from his mystical mask, El Muerto is capable of lifting up to 30 tons, making him roughly as strong as Avengers member Captain Marvel, the cosmic Adam Warlock, and fellow Sony Pictures universe character Carnage. Super excited for that post-credit scene teasing an El Muerto appearance in the inevitable Sinister Six movie! Anticipating a local festival, Diego dons the guise of an undead mariachi, applies traditional facial markings to give himself a ghoulish look, and tattoos his left arm with a skull inspired by an Aztec temple. Sony Pictures new film slate has included a live-action version of Marvel Comics character El Muerto, who will be portrayed by Benito Antonio Martnez Ocasio, also known as Bad Bunny. El Muerto is Sonys newly announced Spider-Man Cinematic Universe movie, but who is this obscure Marvel Comics luchador that fought Spidey? El Muerto appears in 12 issues. El Muerto is a character who is a superpowered wrestler who has been passed down from generation to generation. 03:14AM There might not be much connection to the web-swinging hero, but El Muerto could be the hero of a film franchise of his own if Sony plays it just right. But Snchez never wanted to be El Muerto and refused to fight El Dorado as part of a ritual for the mask. The character appeared in a Spider-Man comic in which the luchador wrestler attended a charity event organized by J. Jonah Jameson in which he hoped that El Muerto would defeat Spider-Man and . To bring El Muerto to life is just incredible, Bad Bunny told the CinemaCon audience. El Muerto's mask grants him superhuman strength (optimally lifting 30 tons) and endurance. Most recently, the performer made into the final five of this year's Royal Rumble. Now vulnerable, el Dorado disappeared before el Muerto and Spider-Man could defeat him. See Also 2 appearance (s) of Juan-Carlos Snchez (Earth-616) However, these are no mere masked men of the ring: the El Muerto legacy is given special power by virtue of their mystical mask, which has been handed down for generations. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, playing video games, watching documentaries and catching up on the latest Vaporwave and Electro-Swing musical releases. Latin superheroes are still a rarity on the big screen, though DCs upcoming Blue Beetle will help to fix that. At the same time, Hernandez brought along his newly printed newsletter "The Border" featuring any news on subsequent issues and short comic strips. [1] The initial series of El Muerto was met with critical success and the character's popularity has led to several adaptations in other media[2] including a live-action award-winning independent film starring Wilmer Valderrama. abdullah5122 The Dead, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6 - Masks 1/2. There are a ton of great movies about wrestlers, this could be a moving action drama with a supernatural edge. However, when she dies the man begins to wither away and turn to dust as there is no one living who can keep his memory alive. Rushed to the hospital by Spider-Man, El Muerto is defended from a bloodthirsty El Dorado by the webslinger. El Muerto (The Dead One), also known as El Muerto: The Aztec Zombie, is a fictional character and comic book superhero created by American comics creator Javier Hernandez and published through his own imprint Los Comex. Otherwise, hes been a background character referenced here and there during the comic book Civil War event from 2006. The film was written and directed by writer-director Brian Cox with Javier Hernandez acting as associate producer of the film. El Muerto, aka Juan-Carlos Sanchez, made his debut in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6 from 2006, making him a relatively new entry into the Marvel canon. Venom focused on one of the most beloved villains in comic book history, one who has been demanded by fans for decades. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other El Muerto is going to be in his own movie where he tries to fight Spider-Man and is willing to unmask him in the fighting ring. Jonathan Majors is Kang the Conquerer, the biggest challenge for the Super Heroes of the MCU. [2], After passage of the United States Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA) and the ensuing superhuman Civil War in America, newly-appointed S.H.I.E.L.D. [1], However, the ten years were now over and El Dorado came to kill El Muerto. El Muerto won't bring in the crowds on name recognition alone, but a good filmmaker can make more with less. The enigmatic wrestler known as el Muerto comes from a line of Luchadores, all empowered by a mystical mask. Find the latest Bollywood News and Celebrity Gossips from Latest In Bollywood. He was briefly mentioned during Marvels Civil War event by Tony Stark as an unregistered foreign national who should be monitored further. Created by writer Peter David and illustrator Roger Cruz, El Muerto which translates to The Dead debuted in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Issue #6 in 2006. When he calls his friends, they are too busy to join him, but his friend Zak Silver, who has become ill, lends Diego his car for the evening. In the comic books, El Muerto ("The Dead") is usually a Spider-Man villain. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), 2 appearance(s) of Juan-Carlos Snchez (Earth-616), 3 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Juan-Carlos Snchez (Earth-616), 1 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Juan-Carlos Snchez (Earth-616), 3 image(s) of Juan-Carlos Snchez (Earth-616). 240 lbs (108.86 kg) Irises:Hazel RELATED: Sony Announces Third Venom Movie And Fifth Ghostbusters Entry At CinemaCon. Morbius was a significant step-down, with predictable results, but still featured a compelling narrative and some small fan base. El Muerto was taken to a hospital where El Dorado appeared to finally do him in, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Spider-Man, who had detected something was afoot with his Spider-Sense. The rapper, whose real name is Benito Antonio Martnez Ocasio, is set to play the comic book hero El Muerto, aka Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez, in the film of the same name under the Sony Pictures banner. Come Join The Discord: http://www.discord.gg/comics-explainedBecome a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/comicsexplainedFriendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is a co. Physical Characteristics Personal Information Despite his beliefs, the study of Aztec mythology often led him to question his own religion. Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez or we can say. Part of the ritual in earning the mask is facing the gilded El Dorado, proving their valor against the golden opponent. Lorraine Kelly hit back at an internet troll who took to social media to comment on her appearance on Wednesday.. The film also features the performances of Tony Plana, Billy Drago, Tony Amendola, Maria Conchita Alonso, and Michael Parks. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z. Determined to defeat wrestling god el Dorado, who killed his father, and earn the right to his familys legacy mask, Juan-Carlos Estrada Snchez becomes the Luchador known as el Muerto. Viene en embalaje original y viene con un protector de caja de plstico pensando en el coleccionista (pelcula extrable) De Monster Hunters, Loki, como un estilizado vinilo POP de Funko ; Figura coleccionable estilizada de 3 3/4 pulgadas de alto, perfecta para cualquier fan de Marvel Spider-Man rushes the now-stunned wrestler to the hospital and ensures that he's taken care of. In the comics, Sanchez was a young boy trained by his . El Muerto Marvel Wiki:- El Muerto is another most hyped marvel fictional character who is cast by Sony's Spider-Man Universe from Marvel Comics as a new character. Education The official premiere to the public was on March 1, 2007 at the Latino Film Festival in San Diego, California. Using one of Spider-Mans creations to dissolve El Dorados golden armor, El Muerto, able to recover, provided his strength as a luchador. When the clock is just about to turn midnight, the man decides he could no longer bear the pain of leaving his wife again for a whole year. Origin and Living Status Sony revealed at CinemaCon that the El Muerto. This gravely injured Carlos, so much so that Spidey ended up saving him by taking him to the hospital to seek medical attention. Celebrating his twenty-first birthday on the Dia de Los Muertos, Diego tries to have as much fun as possible, despite the fact that Maria Hermosa, his girlfriend of eight months, has just broken up with him. The latest Spidey-adjacent character to be added to the fold is El Muerto. 12:46 PM EDT, Tue April 26, 2022. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. In an act of desperation, the man kills his wife thinking they can exist together in the afterlife. Speculation would suggest that this storyline will be what the upcoming film is based on, considering its his only foray in the world of print. El Muerto Luchador (Mexican professional wrestler) Earth-616 He sought the help of known Spidey-hater J. Jonah Jameson to help set up a match, which Peter Parker ended up winning by accidentally knocking him unconscious with a poison stinger that ejected from his Iron Spider suit. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. He joins us from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania to discuss what drew him to Kang as a character. This is the one and only story about El Muerto. Appearances El Muerto has only made two major appearances in Marvel's main 616 continuity, which is his aforementioned origin story. Yet, El Muertos backstory is an interesting one, nonetheless, so here is a convenient summary of it to prepare you for when he hits the big screen. Juan-Carlos Estrada Snchez Occupation A one-stop shop for all things video games. El Muerto Release Date & Trailer It will be some time before we see an El Muerto trailer, but we do know when the film is arriving. El Muerto was born as Juan Diego de la Muerte in Magdalena de Kino, Mexico, and grew up in Whittier, California. Together, they defeat the god. The two masked heroes bonded while Juan-Carlos was taken to the hospital, though El Dorado soon arrived to fight him. NFL Player Damar Hamlin in Critical Condition after Collapsing on Field, Legendary Designer Vivienne Westwood Dies Aged 81, 10 Female IAS Officers who can inspire us. Affiliation and Relationships Surprisingly, El Muerto almost bests the superhero in a fair fight and prepares to unmask him. However, this mask also has the ability to grant the wearer the strength to lift 30 tons and endurance at a superhuman level. Sanchezs father defended him but paid the price when he was killed by El Dorados hand. Marvel Studios has made a major shift in terms of representation, but if Sony's El Muerto isn't genuine, that vision could be severely damaged. El Muerto is a wrestler but a villain in the Spider-Man Universe. 1 appearances; Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man: Derailed . Needless to say, no one, including die-hard Marvel fans, knows what to expect, especially considering El Muertos less-than-developed nature. Marital Status High school graduate, wrestling training El Muerto is going to be the 2024 Sonys first Marvel movie. Leading him to wonder what his Aztec ancestors thought when their ancient gods were replaced with Catholicism. His real name is Juan-Carlos Estrada Sanchez, and he is one in a long line of Mexican wrestlers named El Muerto. 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