For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. Unlike the early Quakers (who were much more pious than modern Quakers who are more like a social club thana church) the Eastern Orthodox church makes the usual excuses for swearing oaths, and quote "The general rule in the Greek penal law requires witnesses to take an oath on the Gospels. Exomologisis). 6/19/2017 Fr. Unity becomes intrinsically impossible. The ordination of an individual to priesthood through the sacrament of Holy Orders. 8/22/2020 Jennifer Davis, Orthodox MD Argues the Communion Spoon is Safe According to the Eastern Orthodox tradition the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church is traced back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles.The Apostles appointed successors, known as bishops, and they in turn appointed other bishops in a process known as Apostolic . Fr. }
5) Cycle of Prayer 6) Jesus Prayer 6) Mary as Mediator 7) Praying tothe dead 8) Prayer Books. Michael Courey: Orthodox Church Must be More Inclusive, Welcome Same-Sex Couples 1/5/2012 Fr. Johns Story: Why I Left Eastern Orthodoxy for Evangelicalism. including Byzantine rites. Though this is an extreme example they do practice penances. Confession. 5/14/2022 Fr. text-align:justify;
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Authentic Christianity, in marked contrast, declares the great doctrines of grace: Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. ORIGIN Latin, literally and from the Son. As far as the Church before the Bible, the Church and the Scriptures are a unified whole. What about pious Orthodox Christians? 10/7/2013 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Fr. (Gr. line-height:200%;
etc. Yes, the New Testament speaks of false teachers whose doctrine denies core elements of the apostolic gospel. No one made shrines in their home in the old testament. 10/23/2019 Fr. John Whiteford, 2015 color:black;
The Protestant Reformation happened for a reason. Others are men "married" to other men. The common and official name used by the Greek Christians and Eastern Christian Church. There is entirely nothing stopping a Christian being buried in a secular graveyard. Certainly it is heresy to put Orthodox traditions practiced by their false church on a par with holy writ. Gabriel (Hieromonk), The Continuing Validity of the Moral Law of the Old Testament [Rebuke of Lazar Puhalo Heretical Views] The Council was convened to investigate without further delay, the false teachings of Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople (428-431). text-underline:single;
by Fr. I am writing as an Orthodox monk; and 4. I realized I did not need the Orthodox church or even a priest to be my mediator, for Jesus was the mediator between me and the Father., Though John does not use the term, it is clear from his testimony that he had acquired an unshakable belief in the Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura. this heresy includesinfant communion. Thomas Hopko: Homosexual Advocates Should be Denied Communion in the Orthodox Church 7/12/2019 Fr. Within months, his wife, parents, and even his 80-year-old grandmother who had been a mainstay of the village Orthodox church, had all converted, as a direct result of his testimony. A great book to immerse oneself in, when starting to believe oneself as having Gods cellphone number, and a secret gnosis which needs to be shared with congregation/monastery/the public at large, is the book entitled, 50 Jewish Messiahs by Jerry Rabow (Gefen Publishing House, 2002). text-align: justify;
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Those who remain faithful to the church and who trust in Christ for salvation? I press him further. }
incense is used ritualistically as if swinging it at artefacts in church, or people, in some way "cleanses" them. The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod, its president, vice-presidents and all 35 district presidents, along with its ministerium and congregations, categorically reject the horrible and racist teachings of the so-called "alt-right" in toto (including white supremacy, Nazism, pro-slavery, anti-interracial marriage, women as property, fascism . 7/18/2019 Fr. The difference between the two is the difference between Heaven and Hell for a lost sinner. Joseph Birthisel, Met. 5/8/2019 Fr. 7/12/2018 Fr. So here they seem to say the contradiction Traditions are on a level with scripture then say canon on law is not inspired). Joseph Birthisel, Culture Wars Threaten the Orthodox Church, Our Freedom, and Our Families For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous. line-height: 200%;
9/17/2019 Orthodox Christianity, Transgender Ideology is Anti-Christian, Anti-Science, & Marxist John Whiteford, Stricken with Death Mysterion;Sl. The Orthodox editors on this blog will continue to add more articles and links as they become available to warn the Church and the faithful about the false teachers who pridefully consider themselves wiser and smarter than the Apostles, Fathers, Theologians, and Saints of the Orthodox Church. - certain sinner Patron Saints, instead of a birthday party. 100) Deceiving their own family into Hell. In this article we shall focus on key elements of Eastern Orthodox theology and practice. John Whiteford, Missteps in the Churchs response to the LGBT movement [on Fr. the Virgin, the Saints, or sacred objects, refusing to bury a person if he became a real Christian, 79)Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, 83) Defining the true church as Heterodoxy, 85) The Unwritten modern heresy - two gospels save, 86) The heresy of Masquerading as Evangelicals, 88) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist, The Eastern Orthodox Calendar of Saints.Martyrology, Dogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church, : The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eas, tern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. Together with the pseudepigrapha, there also appeared the false teachings of Gnosticism, a group of related heresies which sought to transform Christianity into a kind of spiritualistic, dualistic, and intellectualistic philosophy (see Scripture). Evil and reproachful language directed at God, the Virgin, the Saints, or sacred objects. 98) ChrismationRenunciation of Errors: The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eastern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. Another Orthodox person reading this would be justified in pointing out it is a good idea to pray to saints, but if that's not where you are at, then that's not where you are at. Or he must confess a belief about the underpinning theology ofMonophysitism,Dyophysitism, orMiaphysitism??? Lawrence Farley, Truth, Compassion, and the Transgender Movement 1/3/2020 Rod Dreher, 2019 margin-right:50pt;
14) Canonization: all Christians are saints, Romans 1. Lawrence Farley, St. Vladimirs Seminary Reacts to Amsterdam Conference, OCA Bishops Remain Silent Authentic Christianity, in contrast, declares the doctrine of original sin and the guilt of all men in Adam, and the necessity of the person and work of Christ as the Second Adam who redeems them from that condemnation: Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned - (For until the law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nor do we view it as a guilty stain on the soul in desperate need of cleansing. I try to convert people, because I believe the Orthodox Church is wrong and is leading people astray.. margin-bottom: 6px;
Ioannes Apiarius, On Priestesses and Ecclesiological Deism [on Sr. Vassa dangerous nonsense] 11/27/2018 Fr. Though I have yet to find the Orthodox stooping to such false warping of scripture (as yet), Orthodoxy does hand out penances to people. see 2 Kings 18:4. A former missionary to Romania, Trevin is a regular columnist at The Gospel Coalition and has contributed to The Washington Post, Religion News Service, World, and Christianity Today, which named him one of 33 millennials shaping the next generation of evangelicals. In the true Christian religion this rebirth makes you part of the one church of God immediately, his bride, without some man deciding if you have to his vain satisfaction answered a list of confirmation or catechumen issues correctly. I would like to point out BEING LIARS is an heresy. 72)The Canon Liturgical, which refers to all liturgical material, including the Creed, used for the Liturgy and the consecration of the Eucharist (see also kanon and Typikon). All this does is to add yet another heresy to their growing list of heresies: namely - "There are two gospels that save!". margin-right: 20px;
All throughout the interview, John has been backing up his statements with verses he has committed to memory. 71) Candles: are considered sacrifices to Mary and saints. Evangelicals and Protestants in actual fact say "Every tree is KNOWN by his fruit, not SAVED by his fruit" and thus they do not deny that real Christians will bring forth spiritualfruit. color: #0F4679;
73)Canons (or Canon Law). 39) Their version of the Talmud =Catechism, prayer books, calendars etc (all diversionsaway from the bible). 10/12/2019 Nun Cornelia (Rees), Dont Dialogue With Sin 6/5/2020 Monomakhos Blog, Impossible for Holy Communion to Carry Germs or Diseases Orthodoxy recognizes the supreme majesty of God, as well as the limitations of the human mind. And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. 7/11/2022 Orthodox Christianity, Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of Married Homosexuals Are you saying that the Orthodox Church preaches salvation by good works? I ask. }
Orthodoxy and LGBT Inclusiveness Only when the fundamental truths of the Faith are seriously threatened by false teachings does the Church act to define dogmatically an article of faith. 2/2/2015 Fr. 60) Christendom: Contrary to the pacifist directive of Galatians 4, where we are said to be pilgrims (Book of Hebrews) toward the Jerusalem above, not defending the Physical borders of physical Jerusalem below, both the Catholics and Orthodox ignored this directive (asserted again in John 18:36) and created an Empire concept of Christendom, where physical Jerusalem was to always be captured by the military. line-height: 150%;
(Gr. Do Humans Have Free Will? Mortification can simply lead to "psychologically snapping" and being even more fleshly. ), (I hope later to put these beliefs in another order). {margin-top:0in;
But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. John Whiteford, Sin is Nothing to Be Proud Of The unmarried state of life. 3) The Church may deny an Orthodox burial to those who have committed a mortal sin such as blasphemy, suicide, denial of faith, or acceptance of cremation. The History of the Eastern Orthodox Church is the formation, events, and transformation of the Eastern Orthodox Church through time.. 2/7/2020 Fr. Heresy has been and will be a problem for the church until Christ returns. The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian . example:Lent. margin-right: 40px;
Pure heresy and manipulation. }
priests who dont exist. Demacopoulos vs. the Russians again It was (questionably) attributed to John Cassian (d.435). False teachings led me away from the Church I just wanted to share my story and, in a way, my frustrations, as someone who left the church for a while due to extremist teachings, even though luckily I have found my way back to the faith. text-align: right;
5/22/2019 Fr. }
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(Gr. 9/29/2019 Petition started by Elizabeth Dunbar, Fordham Scandalizes with Mixed-Media Orthodox Exhibition [Aristotle Papanikolaou and George Demacopoulos Promote Blasphemous Art] 50) Their definition of heresy is heresy!!! Examining just three areas - Eastern Orthodoxy's positions on Scripture, sin, and salvation - tells us all we need to know to reject it as a false faith. Ioannes Apiarius, Fr. Robert Arida: Why Dont You Become Episcopalian? font-weight: bold;
Kallistos Ware on the Ordination of Women and Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages He was born into a family of Orthodox Christians, in a society where church and state often mix in unhealthy ways. 5) Orthodoxy themselves compare themselves with Romanism, thus they are logically her daughters. Ioannes Apiarius, A Christian cosplay coup dtat [Exposing Lydia Bringeruds Attacks on Orthodox Traditions] 7/20/2018 Fr. continued.. 32) Orthodox false prophets (as well as teachers), 33) Mary As Mediator - and the attributes of God, 34) False Apostles- equal to Apostles (eg Constantine). 2/5/2022 Fr. 8/30/2019 Fr. 2)It was initiated by, or at very least was involved with,the mass murderer Constantine. He is a founding editor of The Gospel Project, an inaugural fellow with The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, and the author of multiple books, including The Thrill of Orthodoxy, The Multi-Directional Leader, Rethink Your Self, This Is Our Time, and Gospel Centered Teaching. It has been a money spinning dogma for many years, by bleeding the Greek people dry by threats of exhuming bodies if yearly payments on graves are not paid. I accept there are many forms of blasphemous attitude and speech, and the word has wider usage, howeverIt is because Orthodoxy attributes powers to Mary that belong to God alone, and invent so many church artefacts outside of holy writ this becomes heretical. .references_header {
40) Consecrated Ground: (see digging up the dead) - and financial extortion. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif";
Thats all I knew anyway. He acknowledges that Orthodox doctrine might contradict Orthodox practice in some places, but for John, its in practice that one shows what is truly believed. }
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8/24/2018 Pillar and Ground of the Truth, On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 3) Tradition, Fundamentalism, and Modernity What kind of hand-me-down farce do they call that? You will know them by their fruits {margin-top:0in;
), Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. (Gr. p.series_header
John Cox, Policing Orthodoxys Borders 56) Priesthood offering up physical sacrifices: 57) A heathen calendar as part of the Faith: Christmas: the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on 25 December in the CatholicChurch and Modern Eastern Orthodox, and 6th January by the Old Calendarists. The act of confessing or acknowledgment of sins by an individual before God in the presence of a priest, who serves as a spiritual guide and confessor (pneumatikos) authorized to ask for forgiveness and to administer a penance. margin-left: 20px;
& Holy Orders. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif";
See also the article on the Canon Law of the Orthodox Church. This article may be reproduced in its entirety only,
6/25/2018 Fr. John Whiteford, The Living Church 2.0 If we hold such false principles as valid, then the Orthodox Church ceases to be the Church of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, the Ecumenical Councils, and the Fathers of the Church. font-size:10.0pt;
I am not writing as an academic; 2. The bloodless offering to God, which is the Holy Eucharist offered at the Liturgy. 3/24/2020 Orthodox Editors, Greek Archbishop of America [Elpidophoros] declares open Communion for non-Orthodox spouses "the main chair"). 10/2/2012 Dn. The "First Among Equals" of all the Orthodox autocephalous churches, it was founded by St. Andrew the Apostle. How did you adjust to the different beliefs between the Baptist church and the Orthodox church, I ask, looking over my list of differing views. The Orthodox, but also the popes say this too. Jesus said to keep your fasting secret, not have special clockwork calendar days specified for fasting. Memorial. 7)thy sorceries- the witchcraft of her heresies and practices. Eastern Orthodox canon law is known as the, Copyright 1998-2023 TeachingTheWord Ministries. I had been born again, he says. But can there be true believers who decide to remain within the Orthodox church? I ask, pointing to the Romanian renewal movement Army of God within the Orthodox Church that emphasized many of the same doctrines as evangelicalism. (Gr. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come. ", A reader asks, "Are Eastern Orthodox practitioners (Russian, Serbian, Greek, Antiochian, Ethiopian, etc.) His false teaching, coming as it did in the church's infancy, truly did represent a grave threat. Therefore the Eastern Orthodox church also rejects the doctrine of the imputed guilt of all mankind, having sinned in Adam. The Orthodox Church feeds on tradition, not on Scripture. This is not a sacrament in Eastern Orthodoxy as it is in Catholicism. Johns family reacted harshly. The Orthodox do not view sin in a legalistic manner. Doxa to Theo, John, Orthodox Bishop Praises Golden Idol of a Pagan Goddess (PHOTOS) Matt. font-size: 10pt;
(Titus 3:4-9). The intercession of the saints and Mary on behalf of Christians on earth was easily rejected. Zhertva). The Mother of Harlotstherefore has daughters, which are the various Orthodox churches, who themselves describe their own similarity to Romanism. Those groups were called "heterodox" or "heretics." Please note that "Orthodox Church" refers specifically to Eastern Orthodoxy, the Church of the Seven Great Ecumenical Councils. font-weight:bold;
His False teaching Arius' unorthodox position can be summed up very simply as "there was when he was not." In other words, he held that God the Son is not co-eternal with God the Father. Puhalo rants again on Transgenderism and Intersexuality The Bible was true, and the Church with all its traditions and rituals was wrong.. Aidan Kimel 1/16/2020 Fr. Yesterday, I interviewed a former Southern Baptist who has converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. (many of them sinner saints).
This subject is muddied by there being so many definitions of sola scriptura. The true gospel that saves (1 Cor 15:1-4 & Luke 24:44-48) makes no mention of our works (Eph 2:8-9 & Rom 11:6) or sacerdotalism, that is priestcraft adding to salvation, such as baptism (1 Cor 1:17) or the mass (Rev 17:4). Lawrence Farley, Part One: Of Gay Sex and Leaven The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. text-align: left;
It is difficult to understand why in the light of John 15:26, which the EOC teaches, and which the RCC (Roman Catholic Church) FALSIFIES and DISTORTS by saying the illicit (immoral) phrase FILIOQUE "AND THE SON". When a person repents and accepts the gospel (believes in Jesus) he not only receives the free gift of eternal life (unless you have believed in vain), but also one of the "new and better promises" (Heb 8:6 & Eze 36:26) is to be spiritually born again to become one of God's children, receiving a new nature that tends toward doing good, instead of evil, and crying Abba Father to God. 6/25/2019 Fr. 8/7/2016 Fr. 11/13/2017 Fr. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif";
He rarely gives me an answer without a Scriptural reference or justification. If not, wherein lies their non-adherence to Scripture in their beliefs and practices? 10/5/2019 Jennifer Davis, Request To All Orthodox Bishops In America To Take Action Against False Teachings margin-top: 0;
Fortunately, we have Christ's promise that heresies will never prevail against the Church, for he told Peter, "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it " (Matt. The section of our Bible Knowledgebase on Roman Catholicism deals extensively with that false church's departures from the Word. All Sacraments were instituted by Christ for the salvation of the believer. Zechariah Lynch, The Wheel asks What Dialogue Means also linked directly to confession to a "priest". Commemorated on September 9. perhaps the best western theological term that expresses the Eastern Orthodox Churches view on the nature of human free will, in combination with "ancestral sin", versus the human nature of free will in combination with "original sin" as expressed in the most common Evangelical and Protestant belief calledArminianism. 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