Direct Deposit Information. A pay card is a reloadable card you can use for direct deposit and to make purchases and withdrawals. . The Online Direct Deposit Enrollment Service allows current, active IHSS/WPCS providers in all California counties the ability to electronically enroll, change or dis-enroll via the CDSS IHSS ESP website, instead of using a paper form. IHSS Self-Assessment and Fair Hearing Guide. On August 8, 2020, President Trump issued a Presidential Memo directing the IRS to allow the optional deferral of withholding from employees 2020 taxes between September 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Additionally, providers may have access to their money sooner because they dont have to wait for the paper warrant to be delivered through the post office. Select Language. Owner Documents. SOC 404 (10/11) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Direct Deposit Enrollment/Change/Cancellation Form SOC 409 (2/23) - IHSS/CMIPS Elective State Disability Insurance (SDI) Form SOC 425 (7/03) - Physician's Certification Of Medical Necessity SOC 426 (2/23) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Enrollment Form As of July 1, 2017, there are now two IHSS exemptions which are codified in California state law. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS . Therefore, the CDSS has decided the IHSS/WPCS program will not be participating in the deferral of withholding of 2020 payroll taxes. The Form W-2 reflects wages paid by warrants/direct deposit payments issued during the 2022 tax year, regardless of the pay period wages were earned. Use form WI 10072B (12/18). The Online Direct Deposit Enrollment Service allows current, active IHSS/WPCS providers in all California counties the ability to electronically enroll, change or dis-enroll via the CDSS IHSS ESP website, instead of using a paper form. lindsey kurowski brothers; ihss statement of reporting changes . SOC 2302 (5/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Paid Sick Leave Request Form. toms river schools calendar menchey music lancaster; are frozen fruit smoothies good for you; international soccer games in phoenix Then make an entry on 1040 line 21 Other Income to offset it by going to Federal on left. To learn how to apply for services: Get Services IHSS . #5013.01. The paper enrollment form is available on the CDSS website for those who want to use it. After evaluation and consideration of the IRS guidance, the Department of Social Services (CDSS) is concerned that while the regular taxes would not be taken from 2020 payroll, the providers would experience a double withholding from their payroll taxes in 2021. IHSS recipients are responsible for reporting work-related injuries to the Public Authority. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) is the largest publicly funded home care program in the United States. Below details how to change your address with IHSS. Violations are penalties IHSS providers will receive for exceeding workweek or travel time limits. It really is very easy to complete the soc829 ihss. 1. If you enrolled in Medicaid . **Due to browser constraints please download forms for full functionality. For additional information about state income tax withholding, please contact the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) at (800) 852-5711 or visit . If you think you know the sender, contact them to ensure they sent the email/request. Use form WI 10072A (12/18). Below are frequently used forms: 2023 W4. Our software was built to be easy-to-use and help you fill out any document swiftly. IHSS is available to qualified participants on the following three HCBS Waivers: This guide will also help you represent yourself and others in fair hearings when there is a dispute about the number of In-Home Supportive . In-Home Supportive Services; Report Abuse; Adult Protective Services; Volunteer; Forms; Meals on Wheels; . Report or Change Private Health Insurance Office of the Ombudsman Transportation Services Medi-Cal Access Program California Children's Services Genetically Handicapped Persons Program (GHPP) Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment Medi-Cal Dental In-Home Supportive Services Program (IHSS) Rights & Responsibilities IHSS Payroll Department if you require additional W-4s, need to change your withholding, or need to determine the status of your withholding. The 2022 Form W-2 includes warrants/payments with issue dates of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. Complete the IHSS Change of Address/Telephone (SOC 840) form and send it to the appropriate DAAS office or the Public Authority. Effective July 1, and until further notice IHSS providers who receive payment through Direct Deposit will not receive their mailed Remittance Advice (RA) statement. Notice 2014-7 provides guidance on the federal income tax treatment of certain payments to individual care providers for the care of eligible individuals under a state Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services waiver program described in section 1915 (c) of the Social Security Act (Medicaid Waiver payments). 19-029. SOC 426 - In-Home Supportive Services Program Provider Enrollment Form, [Espaol] [] [] [] [] [] [Tagalog] [Ting Vit] [], SOC 840 - In-Home Supportive Services Program Provider or Recipient Change of Address and/or Telephone Form, SOC 846 - In-Home Supportive Services Program Provider Enrollment Agreement Form, SOC 847 - Important Information For Prospective Providers - IHSS Provider Enrollment Process, SOC 2255 - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Workweek & Travel Time Agreement, SOC2279 - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Live-In Family Care Provider Overtime Exemption, SOC 2298 - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program and Waiver Personal Care Personal Services (WPCS) Live-In Self-Certification Form for Federal and StateWage Exclusion, SOC 2299 - Personal Services (WPCS) Live-In Self-Certification Cancellation Form for Federal and State Wage Exclusion, SOC 2327 - In-Home Supportive Services Providers Right to File a Sexual Harassment Complaint, DE-4 - Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate (State), W-4 - Employees Withholding Allowance Certificate (Federal). Your In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) income may be exempt if you received income from a Medicaid waiver or IHSS program for providing care to an individual you lived with. After evaluation and consideration of the IRS guidance, the Department of Social Services (CDSS) is concerned that while the regular taxes would not be taken from 2020 payroll, the providers would experience a double withholding from their payroll taxes in 2021. Nursing Facilities Forms. Form DE-4; Change of Address- SOC 840; IHSS Program Recipient Designation of Provider- SOC 426A; Verification of Eligibility of Employment I-9; Senior Nutrition Meals . No change to the total amount of consumer authorization. User Name. Using guidelines developed by the California Department of Social Services, a social worker completes a face-to-face appointment with you in your home to gather information and makes an assessment of your need for in-home care based on all information provided including your medical condition, your living arrangement, and what assistance you . Go to Sign -Sgt; Add New Signature and select the option you prefer: type, draw, or upload an image of your handwritten signature and place it where you need it. They'll tell you what documents they require, and they'll let you know if this changes your eligibility. The Form W-2 contains all wages and tax information for an employee regardless of the . IHSS helps to pay for services to eligible aged, blind and disabled individuals who are unable to remain safely in their own homes without assistance. This guide is to help you prepare for the county IHSS worker's initial intake assessment or the annual review. Direct Deposit form - SOC829. Provider Sick Leave Request Form SOC 2302. A new address and/or phone number are required to be reported within 10 days of the change. In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Supported Individual Provider . This video explains the IHSS program changes regarding overtime and travel time pay, information on violations, and provides instructions on properly completing your timesheet in order to avoid violations. Direct Deposit eliminates the possibility of a providers paper paycheck being lost in the mail or stolen from their mailbox. The paper enrollment form is available on the CDSS website for those who want to use it. 2021-18, 2021-52 I.R.B . Welcome to the County of Orange Social Services Agency In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) website. If you have more questions, contact us by: Phone: (888) 960-4477 Fax: (951) 686-1419 or Mailing Address: IHSS Public Authority PO Box 7300 Moreno Valley, CA . Learn more aboutpay cards and online direct deposit service. 2023 DE4. It is for children and adults with a mental impairment that have self-harming and or dangerous behaviors that they engage in without regard to consequences. Click start or update next to the last one "miscellaneous income". We may overpay you and you may have to pay us back. 19-030. Health Care Financing and Policy (DHCFP) Adult Day Health Care Services Forms. Jun 1, 2019. The appropriate CDSS form to download and fill out is the SOC 840 IHSS Program Provider or Recipient Change of Address and/or Telephone. STEP 8 (8/02) - Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program - Transitional Independent Living Plan (STEP TILP) For 18 Up To 21 Years Old, STO CA 0034 (3/14) - Forged Endorsement Affidavit, TEMP 513 (4/22) - Important Information For CalWORKs Families, TEMP 1722A (10/07) - CalWORKs/Food Stamp Welfare Intercept System (WIS) Transmittal, TEMP 2120 (8/00) - Welfare To Work Referral, TEMP 2201 (7/02) - Cash Aid/Food Stamp Electronic Benefit Transfer - EBT Request For A Designated Alternate Card Holder/Authorized Representative, TEMP 2202 (7/02) - Cash Aid/Food Stamp Electronic Benefit Transfer - EBT Service Request, TEMP 2203 (7/02) - Request For Cash Aid Electronic Benefit Transfer - EBT Exemption, TEMP 2214 (7/08) - Additional Information About Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), TEMP 2229 (3/07) - ENG/SP - Important Notice - KinGAP Informing Notice, TEMP 2232 (4/08) - Notice of Possible Listing on the Child Abuse Central Index, TEMP 2250 (7/22) - State Law Changes Maximum Aid Payment (MAP) Levels For Cash Aid Recipients, TEMP 2252 (7/19) - State Law Changes The CalWORKs Earned Income Disregard, TEMP 2252 (12/20) - State Law Changes The CalWORKs Earned Income Disregard, TEMP 2252 (3/22) - State Law Changes The CalWORKs Earned Income Disregard, TEMP 2260 (8/16) Changes To The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Maximum Family Grant (MFG) Rule, TEMP 2316 (5/22) - Sick Leave Yearly Notification, TEMP 3005 (12/14) - Changes For People With A Prior Felony Drug Conviction, TEMP 3011 (12/21) Child and Family Team (CFT) & Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Tool (CANS) - For Parents, TEMP 3012 (12/21) Child and Family Team CFT and CANS - For Youth, TEMP 3013 (12/21) Child and Family Team (CFT) & Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Tool (CANS) - For Professionals, TEMP 3014 - (2/20) Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Pre-Offset Notice, TEMP 3015 - (2/20) Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Pre-Offset Notice, TEMP 3015A (2/20) - Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Annual Pre-Offset Notice, TEMP 3017 - (2/20) - Treasury Offset Program Notification Of Offset, TEMP 3019 (5/20) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Request To Hire Provider With Department Of Justice Criminal Background Check Via Name Only, TEMP 3020 (5/20) - Information Regarding Temporary Changes To The In-Home Supportive Services Provider Enrollment Process Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic, TEMP AD 525 (1/16) - Child Welfare Services Disaster Response Plan Template, TEMP AR 1 (2/13) - New Reporting Requirements For CalWORKs and CalFresh, TEMP CF 1468 (2/15) - CalFresh Notice Of Change, TEMP CW 2225 (10/20) - Changes To The California Work Opportunity And Responsibility To Kids (CalWORKs) Child Support Disregard/Pass-Through Rules, TEMP NA 303B (4/00) - Continuation Page - Underpayment Amount Owed, TEMP NA 1221 (2/01) - Retroactive Approval Dominika V. Saena, TEMP NA 1222 (2/01) - Change Dominika V. Saena, TEMP NA 1225 (9/01) - Underpayment Computation, TEMP NA 1230 (1/02) - Retroactive Approval - Child Citizen Act Of 2000, TEMP NA 1231 (5/02) - Continuation Page- Underpayment Computation, TEMP NA 1236 (8/03) - Retroactive Eligibility - Deny (MBSAC), TEMP NA 1237 (8/03) - Retroactive Eligibility (MBSAC), TEMP NA 1238 (7/04) - Required Form - Substitute Permitted, TILP 1 (1/23) - Transitional Independent Living Plan & Agreement, TILP 2 (7/18) - Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) Assessment and Referral Form (Optional), TLR 3 (2/11) - Trustline To Community Care Licensing Criminal Background Clearance Transfer Request, TLR 301E (3/11) - Trustline Reference Request - Exemption, TLR 508 (10/09) - Trustline Registry Criminal Record Statement, TLR 9163G (3/21) - TrustLine Registry Application, TNB 1 (8/18) - Notice To CalFresh Recipients Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Program, TNB 2 (8/18) - Notice Of Approval For Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Program, TNB 3 (8/18) - Notice Of Change For Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Program, TNB 4 (8/20) - Notice Of Recertification For Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Program, TNB 5 (8/18) - Recertification Reminder Notice For Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Program Recertification Form Not Received Or Incomplete, TNB 6 (8/18) - Notice Of Discontinuance For Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Program, TNB 7 (6/19) - Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Informing Notice Of Receiving Intercounty Transfer, TNB 8 (6/19) - Transitional Nutrition Benefit (TNB) Informing Notice Of Sending Intercounty Transfer. With IHSS, you select who the agency hires or can choose to utilize an agency caregiver. SOC 874 (10/16) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Notice To Applicant Of Health Care Certification Requirement 16-107 TEMP 2250 (7/16) - State Law Changes Maximum Aid Payment (MAP) Levels For Cash Aid Recipients TM44-315I (8/16) - Law Change to MAP levels 16-106 Provider Fraud and Elder Abuse complaint line: Claim Your 2015 State And Federal Credits - You Earned It - It's Your Money, 16-007PUB 438 (11/15) - TrustLine Parent Pamphlet PUB 439 (11/15) - License Exempt Provider Pamphlet, 16-006TEMP 3002 (11/15) - Important Information for the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipient TEMP 3006 (1/15) - Recipient/Provider Mailer Regarding Overtime Implementation Halt, 16-005SOC 2271 (11/15) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Notification Of Recipient Authorized Hours And Services And Maximum Weekly Hours SOC 2271A (11/15) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Recipient Notice Of Maximum Weekly Hours TEMP 3000 (1/16) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Overtime And Workweek Requirements Recipient Declaration TEMP 3001 (11/15) - Important Information for the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Provider, 16-004SOC 426A (1/16) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Recipient Designation Of Provider SOC 846 (11/15) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Enrollment Agreement SOC 2255 (11/15) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Workweek & Travel Time Agreement SOC 2256 (11/15) - In-Home Support Services Program Recipient And Provider Workweek Agreement, 16-002TLR 4 (12/15) - TrustLine Registry "The California Registry Of In-Home and License-Exempt Child Care Providers" Ancillary Day Care Center, Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services. With the traditional agency model, the agency hires who THEY want. M3430 (Medicaid Form Release) 3430 Serious Occurence Report. Notice Of Forms Changes Letters/Regulations Letters and Notices Notice Of Forms Changes Notice Of Form Change (GEN 127s) To subscribe to County Letters and Notices go to Letters and Notices webpage. Help Stop Medi-Cal Fraud and Abuse 2001-33, 2001-17 I.R.B. The maximum weekly hours are 283 4 = 70.75. 19-002 Temp WI 10072 (8/13)- Has been obsoleted. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget for the 2009-10 fiscal year was released last week, suggesting tax hikes coupled with billi 2021 DE4. Registration. SOC 840 - In-Home Supportive Services Program Provider or Recipient Change of Address and/or Telephone Form [] [] [] [Ting Vit] SOC 846 - In-Home Supportive Services Program Provider Enrollment Agreement Form . Toll Free Inquiry Line 1-888-300-4473 Specialists available Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 4:00pm (CST). You can also report the change to the federal government through or HealthSherpa to see if you're eligible for other coverage. 260 4 = maximum 65 hours/week. Over 550,000 IHSS providers currently serve over 650,000 recipients. 19-028. close. The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program is a federal, state, and locally funded program designed to provide assistance to those eligible aged, blind, and disabled individuals who, without this care, would be unable to remain safely in their own homes. Register for the IHSS Website to: View your timesheet and payment statuses; Enter and . 2015 Notice Of Forms Changes 15-273 HCS 402 (12/15) - Home Care Organization Dishonesty Bond 15-271 HCS 9201 (12/15) - Home Care Organization Inspection Checklist 15-270 LIC 9163 (11/15) - Request For Live Scan Service - Community Care Licensing 15-269 LIC 9188 (10/15) - For posting info only - Criminal Record Exemption Transfer request 19-046 LIC 9229 (5/19) - Licensing Program Manger (LPM) Checklist For Complaint Review LIC 9230 (5/19) - Licensing Program Analyst (LPA) Checklist For Complaint Review, 19-045 SOC 863 (5/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Applicant Provider Request For General Exception, 19-044 SOC 452 (6/19) - Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants (CAPI) Income Eligibility - Adult, 19-043 CF SSA 1 (6/19) - Information For Households Applying For CalFresh With The Social Security Administration CF SSA 1LP (6/19) - Information For Households Applying For CalFresh With The Social Security Administration (20pt Font) SAR 2 (6/19) - Reporting Changes For Cash Aid And CalFresh SAR 2LP (6/19) - Reporting Changes For Cash Aid and CalFresh (20pt Font), 19-041 CF 377.1 (6/19) - Notice Of Approval For CalFresh Benefits CF 377.1LP (6/19) - Notice Of Approval For CalFresh Benefits (20pt Font) CF 377.1A (6/19) - Notice Of Denial Or Pending Status CF 377.1ALP (6/19) - Notice Of Denial Or Pending Status (20pt Font), 19-040 SOC 813 (6/19) - Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants (CAPI) Indigence Exception Determination, 19-039 CW 2224 (6/19) - CalWORKs Home Visiting Initiative (HVI) CW 2200 (6/19) - Request For Verification CW 2200LP (6/19) - Request For Verification (20pt Font) LIC 610E (3/19) - Emergency Disaster Plan For Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly, 19-038 LIC 622 (5/19) - Centrally Stored Medication And Destruction Record EFA 14 (4/19) - Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP) 2018 Income Guidelines EFA 15 (4/19) - Alternate Pick-Up Request Form Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP) 2018, 19-037 CF 31 (6/19) - CalFresh Supplemental Form For Excess Medical Deductions, 19-036 CW 2224 (6/19) - CalWORKs Home Visiting Imitative Opt-In Form, 19-035 LIC 421 BG (5/19) - Civil Penalty Assessment - BackGround Check, 19-034 SAWS 30 (3/19) - Notification Of New Employment, 19-033 GEN 727B (5/19) - County Forms Order, 19-032 SOC 2243 (4/15) - IHSS Recipients Notice Of New Timesheets - Obsolete SOC 2243L (10/18) - IHSS Recipients Notice Of New Timesheets - Obsolete SOC 2244 (1/13) - IHSS Providers Notice Of New Timesheets - Obsolete, 19-031 SOC 2298 (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program And Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS) Program Live-In Self-Certification Form For Federal And State Tax Wage Exclusion SOC 2299 (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program And Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS) Program Live-In Self-Certification Cancellation Form For Federal And State Tax Wage Exclusion SOC 2302 (5/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Paid Sick Leave Request Form, 19-030 RFA 10 (4/19) - Resource Family Approval Portability Application, 19-029 NA 1282 (2/19) - Notice Of Action In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Overpayment - Advance Pay, 19-028 SOC 804 (5/19) - Statement Of Facts For Determining Continuing Eligibility For The Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants (CAPI) SOC 813 (5/19) - Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants (CAPI) Indigence Exception Determination SOC 814 (5/19) - Statement Of Facts Cash Assistance Program For Immigrants (CAPI), 19-027 SOC 2292 (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Notice To Provider Of Failure To Timely Or Completely Submit The Right To Dispute Violation For Exceeding Workweek And/or Travel Time Limits Form (SOC 2272) SOC 2293 (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider's Failure To Timely Or Completely Submit The Right To Dispute Violation For Exceeding Workweek And/or Travel Time Limits Form (SOC 2272) SOC 2255 (3/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Provider Workweek & Travel Time Agreement, 19-026 SOC 2243L (10/18) - IHSS Recipients Notice Of New Timesheets - Please Keep For Future Use, 19-025 SOC 874L (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Notice To Applicant Of Health Care Certification Requirement SOC 875L (10/18) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Notice To Recipient Of Health Care Certification Requirement SOC 876L (10/18) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Notice Of Provisional Approval Health Care Certification Exception Granted, 19-024 SOC 862L (10/18) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipient Request For Provider Waiver SOC 865L (10/18) - IHSS Request For Applicant Provider Reference SOC 873L (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program Health Care Certification Form, 19-023 SOC 857L (10/18) - IHSS Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider Eligibility Acknowledgement Of Receipt Of Waiver SOC 859AL (10/18) - IHSS Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider Ineligibility Tier 1 Crimes Ineligibility - Subsequent Conviction SOC 859BL (10/18) - IHSS Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider Ineligibility Tier 2 Crimes Ineligibility - Subsequent Conviction, 19-022 SOC 855AL (10/18) - IHSS Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider Ineligibility Tier 1 Crimes (Elder Or Dependent Adult Abuse/Child Abuse & Fraud Against A Government Health Care Or Supportive Services Program) SOC 855BL (10/18) - IHSS Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider Ineligibility Tier 2 Crimes (Serious/Violent Felonies; Sex Offender Felonies; Fraud Against Government Agencies) SOC 856L (1/19) - To Request Appeal Of Provider Enrollment Denial, 19-021 SOC 332L (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (Recipient/Employer Responsibility Checklist) SOC 854L (10/18) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider Eligibility SOC 855L (10/18) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Notice To Recipient Of Provider Ineligibility Incomplete Provider Process, 19-020 LIC 215TM (11/18) - Temporary Manager Candidate List Application Information LIC 216TM (11/18) - Temporary Manager Appointment Applicant Information, 19-019 LIC 610E ( 3/19) - Emergency Disaster Plan For Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly WTW 51 (2/19) - Welfare To Work Noncompliance Checklist Tool, 19-018 LIC 610E-S ( 3/18) Supplemental Emergency Disaster Plan For Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly - Obsolete, 19-017 AAP 8 (9/18) - Adoption Assistance Program Nonrecurring Adoption Expenses Agreement, 19-016 HCS 402 (2/19) - Home Care Organization Dishonesty Bond HCS 9183 (1/19) - Home Care Organization Association Request HCS 9184 (1/19) - Home Care Organization Disassociation Request, 19-015 HCS 100 (1/19) - Application For Home Care Aide Registration HCS 101 (1/19) - Home Care Aide Registration Renewal HCS 105 (3/19) - Home Care Aide Registry Request For Name/Address Change, 19-014 LIC 9102 (8/06) - Advisory Notes - Obsolete, 19-013 LIC 9102TA (2/19) - Advisory Notes - Technical Assistance LIC 9102TV (2/19) - Advisory Notes - Technical Violation, 19-012 EBT 2259 (12/18) - Report Of Electronic Theft Of Cash Aid EBT 2259A (12/18) - EBT Scamming Acknowledgement, 19-011 AAP 4 (2/19) - Eligibility Certification Adoption Assistance Program, 19-010 FC 8 (2/19) - Federal Eligibility Certification For Adoption Assistance Program, 19-009 SOC 2324 (1/19) - In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program County Or Public Authority (PA) Request To Remove Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) From The Case Management, Information And Payrolling System (CMIPS), 19-008 SOC 2273 (11/18) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Request For State Administrative Review Of Third Or Fourth Violation For Exceeding Workweek And/Or Travel Time Limits SOC 2282 (9/18) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Notice To Provider Upholding Third Or Fourth Violation For Exceeding Workweek And/Or Travel Time Limits SOC 2283 (9/18) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Notice To Recipient Upholding Providers Third Or Fourth Violation For Exceeding Workweek And/Or Travel Time Limits, 19-007 SOC 2323 (12/18) - In-Home Supportive Services Program Provider Requirements For Minor Recipients Living With Their Parents, 19-006 CW 2223 (9/18) - Demographic Questionnaire For CalWORKs, Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Entrance Cash Assistance (ECA), Trafficking And Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP) And CalFresh Programs, 19-005 LIC 613C (1/19) - Personal Rights Of Residents In Publicly Operated Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly LIC 613C-2 (1/19) - Personal Rights Of Residents In Privately Operated Residential Care Facilities For The Elderly, 19-004 M44-350K (12/18) - EBT Replacement Denial M44-350L (12/18) - Notice Of Overpayment, 19-003 WI 10072A (12/18) - EBT Replacement Approval WI 10072B (12/18) - EBT Replacement Review. 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