He understands everything theyre feeling he felt it all tenfold when he saw her face-to-face. Leave me out of it.. Unfortunately, just as he was doing so, he was shot! He hired Chloe to run a fashion platform for the newly-christened Newman Media, and began growing closer with Sally Spectra despite everyones warnings to avoid her. Ashley Pushes Tucker to Call Devon and Suggests They Might Have a Future, and Victor Fills Adam in on His Plans to Give Him McCall Unlimited. Adam has hired the best doctors and nurses to treat Chelsea, but when he suspected there were psychological reasons for her lack of progress, he hired Sharon to be her therapist! Its preposterous to think that I would do something like buy up his debt. But Victoria will say her mother suggested it could be her and they think it is. Ashland asks if Victor knows hes making this offer. Fans reacted to the scene saying, "The Adam character is well played.great job mr. grossman", " Let the fireworks begin I'm with Adam, just be careful on what you want to go down on Victoria Newman and Victor..", "Poor Adam just can't catch a break ", "The only time . Youve seen enough. Sally knew what Adam was trying to do and attempted to lure him back into her arms, but he refused. But Stark will say hes in no rush to leave. He also framed Jack Abbott for murder, but when Victor turned up alive, Adam wound up in jail himself. Adam tried to reconcile with Sally, but she turned him down and he soon came to realize shed started seeing Nick. He thinks she screwed up her plan and says he told their father this wouldnt work. Adam Newman on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS is a core character of a core family who has been through plenty of drama in his life, so its no surprise that the soap has brought him back from the dead more than once! Traci purses her lips. Diane Jenkins made her return to The Young And The Restless after she was believed to be murdered by Nikki Newman in 2011. . Maybe leaving town is healthier than lashing out at the . It seems like Adams tucking his tail and planning to run to Vegas. February 27, 2023 by Minx Montana. She chuckles when he mentions that his son wanted Victorias job. As a jealous Chelsea schemed to keep Sally and Adam apart, Chloe begged her friend to break her obsession with the guy. Young & The Restless. Chelsea returned to Genoa City to try and put things right, and she was followed by her husband, Calvin Boudreau. Why put his son through that pain again? Shes sure Chelsea was thrilled the family is getting bigger. Pic credit: CBS. Young and the Restless Spoilers: Adam Targeting Nick Chafes Chelsea Will He Back Down? Unfortunately, shortly after he arrived, Calvin died unexpectedly, leaving Chelsea a widow! Hes determined to be the best possible father to their baby. Call Us: 1.800.883.9662. is abby leaving the young and the restless. Catch up With Soap Stars Michael Sabatino and Crystal Chappell. Y&R day ahead recaps are live at 4:15 PM EST daily. The Young And The Restless spoilers for December 5, 2022, tease that Jack will get intel on Jeremy and will rush to home. Sally agrees to meet Adam downstairs. Young and the Restless Spoilers: Adam Plots Against Victoria. 2022 General Hospital . Despite her poisoning him, Rey and Chelsea struck up a nice friendship, and she was heartbroken when he died unexpectedly of a heart attack. Diane Jenkins. The Young and the Restless needed a recast and found their new Ashland with former Guiding Light star Robert Newman. He feels validated in taking matters into his own hands. Next, Chelsea found herself growing closer with Billy, though it took her a while to let him into her heart. Adam agreed they could move to Paris, but when he was unable to abandon his work at Newman, Chelsea demanded a divorce. Then Billy hired Alyssa to write an article exposing Adams crimes called The Making of a Monster and despite Adams best effort, it was published. But when the newborn was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, Adam quickly realized Connor was his son. Sally goes over to him. All Rights Reserved. At Newman Media, Sally will gather up the remainder of her things, but shell be taking too long as far as Victorias concerned. He says she will have to adapt. He was arrested and sentenced to prison for Delias death, but Adams heroic actions in a fire and some blackmail from Victor helped get him off with just probation and community service. She keeps him in the doorway so he guesses his brother is there. Disneyland Opened A Haunted Mansion Secret Entrance Details HERE! Hollis on THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL Everything You Need To Know, Audra on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS Everything You Need To Know, B&Bs Diamond White Opens Up About Her Historic New Role. We won't post to any of your accounts without asking first. In the previous episode, Ashley urged Tucker to sell to Devon, and Audra interrupted Nate and Victoria making out. Next on The Young and the Restless: Victor accuses Adam of going rogue, and Victoria puts her revenge plan in motion. There are signs that Adam Newman is leaving, but hes not gotten on the plane yet. Furious, Adam stepped away completely, leaving Sally in charge of Newman Media but also dumping her so she wouldnt be dragged down with him! Abby says he makes her feel calmer too. Belynda Gates-Turner has 636 posts and counting. She was a little taken aback when she ran into Jordan Wilde, who was a fellow con artist from the bad old days. When she skipped town, she also placed a mysterious phone call that could have been to him as well. The latest The Young and the Restless news, spoilers, updates, daily recaps, interviews, actor and character profiles, and more. Adam and Connor accepted Victors invitation and moved into the ranch with the family, and he also reluctantly agreed to allow Chelsea to take their son with her when she went to stay with her mother for a little while. 'The Young And The Restless' (Y&R) spoilers show that Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) seems to have successfully coerced Ashland Locke (Robert Newman) into leaving town! The fate of The Young and the Restless may be up in the air. Thanks to a health crisis, fans are now asking if Rey (Jordi Vilasuso) is leaving The Young and the Restless. On today's US episode (November 3), Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) and Sharon Rosales (Sharon Case) get . When Rafe Torres tried to investigate, Adam seduced the attorney to distract him. In the episode of The Young and the Restless that aired on April 15, Adam says that he's planning to leave town, although he hasn't done so yet. His wife thinks thats a very expensive consolation prize. Being close to her has always made him feel better. After pleading guilty and being sentenced to 10 years, Adam was hit by a car driven by Delias mother, Chloe Mitchell. He gives her a drink. Wednesday, March 1, 2023: Today on The Young and the Restless Phyllis fails to reconcile with Summer, Jack and Diane hole up at the Abbott cabin, and Tucker makes Devon an offer almost impossible to refuse. It seems like his ridiculous $500 million offer to leave his family alone has caused Ashland to rethink his life. Audra on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS Everything You Need To Know. Sally and Nick lounge in her bed. General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Peters Confession To Franco What Will Happen With The Recording? (If they were ever gone in the first place some werent so sure about that.). It was the exact amount that he paid out to his children except for Adam. Adam plotted with Victor and Ashland to set Billy up for a big fall so they could steal ChanceComm, but then Billy revealed hed been faking his breakdown to get back at Adam! Ashley also wants to know how the bitch came back into their lives. He hopes she doesnt mind that he told Chelsea whats happening. Victor asks why it wouldnt be. She eventually puts on a robe and answers. Cyrus Renault Has Sasha Gilmore Kidnapped! Jacks not looking forward to breaking this news to poor Kyle. When Adam returned to Genoa City in the spring of 2019, it was revealed that Nick knew where Chelsea was, and also that she had remarried! Chelsea and Adam were happily reunited, and he even came clean to her that Sages baby was his, not Nicks. He was hoping his son would come back to Newman and they could mend fences. Locke is total narcissist. So, while The Mustaches namesake might not be leaving, wed expect a drastic shift as his family pushes him aside and Adam scrambles for vengeance. Traci wants to hear about Los Angeles and Allie. Sally will try to put on a brave face, but shell definitely walk out of that office feeling even more defeated. Traci tries to make sense of her learning that Keemo was alive and sending the texts to lead him to Allie. And in May of 2019, it was revealed that Victors mysterious trips to Las Vegas were because hed discovered Adam gambling there with no memory of his true identity! Ashley says that if he makes this happen, that would go a long way in convincing her he really wants to be a better man. Mon Dec 27, 2021 at 9:03pm ET. He initially signed a three-year deal that expired in mid-May 2022. The series, which has been running successfully since the 70s, shows no sign of slowing down, as the viewers are enjoying the exciting plot twists. Recaps live by 4:15 PM EST daily.). He admits it will be hard not to think about what might have been but thats his problem. Jack tells the story of Diane faking her own death with help from Deacon Sharpe. She points out he has to listen to her and tells him to get serious. Victor will stick around. Copyright 2008 - Celeb Dirty Laundry part of the MLRP Media Group -- New Server, Robyn Good & Annemarie LeBlanc - Owners and Editors-In-Chief, The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Thursday, March 2 Recap Victoria Orders Nate to Sabotage Devons Deal. 2020 - 2023 SoapsSpoilers.com. . 14 Romantic & Unique Valentine Vacation Ideas, Inflight WiFi Upgrades: Money-Saving Strategies, How to Avoid Exhaustion at Walt Disney World Resorts, Valentine Day For Kids Sweet Pink Play Dough. Victoria thinks Adams had plenty of chances to prove himself but failed every time because you are who you are. She walks out. Chelsea prayed that Billy and Victoria would raise her baby. They decide to have tart for dessert and bring it home to watch the baby sleep. Now, hes out of the boss chair, and his big sister slid right back into it. When Victoria left town with Ashland, Victor named Adam temporary CEO but it was a very brief tenure as Victoria returned soon enough having dumped Ashland and ready to take over again. His son refuses and hangs up. Image: CBS/Courtesy of the Everett Collection, Image: Courtesy of the Everett Collection, Image: CBS/Courtesy of the Everett Collection (2). Here's why fans think so. At the hotel, Amanda talks Phyllis into a spa day. Amanda laughs; that doesnt sound like her. Now Ashley will be encouraging Tucker to sell McCall Unlimited to Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) and forget all about the Newmans offer. Chelsea was still with her mother and video chatting with Adam. However, the actress took maternity leave to welcome her first child so Chelsea was off the canvas for the fall of 2021. is lauren leaving young and restlessmr patel neurosurgeon cardiff 27 februari, 2023 / i how old was stewart granger when he died / av / i how old was stewart granger when he died / av But he also made plenty of mysterious phone calls and Chelsea discovered he was plotting against his clan! THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL Spoilers: Steffy Vows To Stop Sheila! Please note that this form cannot be used to reset your Google or Facebook password. She thinks he should reconnect with his son given hes battling with his family. When she learned the doctor wanted to keep her there until she was actually well, Chelsea flipped out and tried to blackmail him! More: Y&Rs Chance channels Bradley Cooper. Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) is a legacy character on The Young and the Restless. Once he knows who set it up, he will make his next move. Adam fought for custody of Christian and tried proposing to Sharon, but neither of those worked out for him. Hes distracted by his phone. Use left arrow key to move back to the parent list. Adam returned to Genoa City to help an ailing Faith by donating a kidney and once Chelsea faked a breakdown and confessed to framing him, Adam was a free man. Jack marvels at her becoming an optimist. Victor Gives Ultimatum To Nick, Leave Sally Or Quit Young and the Restless Spoil. At the hotel, Amanda presses Phyllis about her connection with Jack getting deeper. McCall likes her idea but hes still feeling blind-sided now that she owns most of him. They recap what she did to Ashley slept with her fianc, blackmailed her, and what she did to her daughter They were all suspects after her death. Back at the penthouse, Devon gets some mineral water from the fridge and then sends Tucker a text, agreeing to meet tomorrow. Adam was guilt-ridden after believing hed struck and killed Delia Abbott with his car. In reality, its a challenge thats becoming increasingly difficult thanks to Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson). Ashley allows, That was nice of her. Jack says she kept him grounded; it was exactly what he needed. Of course, that didnt stop Adam from trying to convince her that she should come back to him! She wishes he wasnt part of the equation but he is. Billy hopes Jack has a plan on how to deal with her; shes a threat to half the town. At Crimson Lights, Adam wonders at Ashland thinking hed have the temerity to make this offer without his fathers approval. Chelsea on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS has led quite a life so some viewers might not be familiar with the characters entire dramatic history which is where we come in! Nikki Fears Ashland Is Conning Victoria and Adam Makes a Jaw-Dropping Offer at Crimson Lights, Ashland Pulls Out All the Stops With Victoria And Victor Goes Ballistic on Adam and Sally, https://tags.remixd.com/player/v5/index.js?cb=%%CACHEBUSTER%%, Diane Jenkins has been painted into a corner, Bold & Beautiful's Don Diamont Shares Joyful News As His Family Welcomes a New Addition, General Hospitals Surprise Twist Tells Us All We Need to Know About a Polarizing Character's Return, Dr. Obrecht Learns if Shes a Bone Marrow Match for Willow Plus, Nikolas Whereabouts Are Revealed, Young & Restless Double Whammy: The Twists of Fate Devon Will *Never* See Coming. Over with Nick, hell lay down the law with Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford). Shes thrilled for him and tells him not to screw it up. However, when he was led to believe that Victor had died, Adam was overwhelmed with guilt and fled back to Vegas! At Newman-Locke, Nikki, Victor and Nick debate if they were too tough on Victoria. But things are definitely changing for the character. The Real Reason Why the Babies Are So Big on GENERAL HOSPITAL, Backstage Shakeups at THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS, What Happened to Kyle on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS, What Happened to Abby on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS. So, it doesnt look like Adams leaving Young and the Restless. Trapped in her body, Chelsea was jealous of Adam and Sharon, and he hoped that anger would spark a recovery. She began working to revive her fashion line and traveled to Kansas with Adam to visit Hopes farm as a possible wedding venue. At Society, Sally cant believe Adam offered Ashland half a billion dollars and he didnt take it immediately. However, after her death, he learned she knew the truth and was grateful to him for keeping it a secret from Nick. For a few months, there were rumors leaking from CBS daytime that Mark Grossman was considering whether or not to ink a new deal with the CBS soap. However, after being faced with some of his dark past, Adam decided to pack up and leave. Sally thinks hes been drinking and he insists hes fine. Courtney Hope is an American actress. The Y&R spoilers for Friday, February 17, 2023 tease that Adam Newman is up to no good regarding Victoria. The Young and the Restless is reportedly recasting the role of Summer Newman, most recently played by Hunter King. Unfortunately, after Chelsea saw that Adam had once again kissed Sharon, she kept her recovery a secret and actually set him up for attempted murder! He began to ingratiate himself into Chelseas life despite being in a relationship with Sage. Suddenly, they notice Victoria drinking at the bar. He appreciates the effort and asks what happens beyond this. He only needs to know if Ashlands going to accept the offer and get the hell out of town. Sally wishes she could save this moment and relive it whenever she wanted. Hed reconciled with Chelsea and urged her to leave for Paris with him. In the case of Adam, his character has left The Young and the Restless several times since he was first introduced in 1995 . With his relationship with Sharon on the rocks, Adam began dating Chelsea Lawson and they tied the knot. Adam hired Sally to be the COO and the pair finally gave up trying to keep their relationship professional and had sex in his office! By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and that you have read our Privacy Policy. Shes sure his head has been spinning since he got the news. Is General Hospitals Alexis Getting Released From Prison? The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers for the next two weeks are in. (Its 4 times per day, except when the spoilers or comings and goings come in which could add one or two more notifications on those days.). Belynda Gates-Turner is a Television Entertainer writer with a stellar portfolio at some of the top entertainment magazines. Thankfully, he was quickly thwarted, but Connor was traumatized by being taken hostage by the villain and began acting out to bring his parents back together. Having grown closer together, Dylan invited Chelsea to move in with him so he could be a part of his childs life. Eric Braeden tweeted in defense of Alec,. Working as a fashion designer with Chloe Mitchell, Chelsea wanted to tell Adam that she was pregnant with his baby, but her friend urged her not to. And now, Adam was brought back again with actor Mark Grossman stepping into his shoes in May of 2019. Talk turns to Diane being alive. But after Nick found a quarter of a million dollars in an air vent in the condo and someone began siphoning money from Fenmores through a bogus website, it was revealed that Chelsea was behind it! Let us know in the comments below. Hes grateful that shes trying to help him become a good father. Tucker will advise him to run it by Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway). She survived emergency surgery but was left immobile and unable to speak. Worse still, Connor was also upset when she told him and Chelsea started to spiral. Chelsea initially planned to leave town with the money and both boys, but after a change of heart, returned Christian to Nick. Now that Elenas had a little more time to process Nates Newman Media CEO position, shell apparently decide she accepts it. But Billy Abbott figured out Adam was responsible and confronted him. Y&R fans will also be eager to see the aftermath of Amanda Sinclair (Mishael Morgan) and Chance Chancellor (Conner Floyd) catching Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) and Abby Newman-Abbott-Chancellors (Melissa Ordway) hookup. The one-time offer expires today Ashland asks, What if I need more time? Adam gives him one hour. Five Fan Favorites Return to THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS. He needed the courage to say what needs to be said and offers to meet her in the lobby. Plus, Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) and Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will escape to the Abbott cabin. He wont do to her what was done to him. Adam then proposed moving to Paris, but they ultimately chose to stay. Later, Abby will tell Devon she thinks the offer is worth considering. Nick stepped down for Connors sake and let Chelsea reunite with Adam to make a family for their son and Adam suggested leaving Genoa City to relocate to Paris. Without reacting, Victor asks what there is to discuss. Adam tried playing nice, and going by the rulebook, but once again, he was foiled and thrown under the bus. Up at the cabin, Jack will tell Diane theyve got enough supplies to last them for a long time. Ashley was admitted to the same psychiatric hospital where a pregnant Sharon Newman was also staying, allowing Adam to steal Sharons baby and give it to Ashley. . However, Ashley may put in a good word for Tucker, wholl just want one more chance to prove himself. Chelsea wasnt as helpless as Adam thought! The Young And The Restless Spoilers Ashland plans to harm Nick, Nick is seriously injured. The Young and The Restless spoilers and updates for the week of April 18-22 tease Sharon Rosales (Sharon Case) will suffer another car crash related tragedy, Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) will have mess to clean up, Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) will be on guard and Victoria Newman-Locke (Amelia Heinle) will make a terrible mistake! 3:26. Part of the a360media Entertainment Group.Copyright a360media 2023. But notably absent is youngest son Adam Newman, who was ousted without ceremony or warning from his CEO seat. Before they talk about her visiting, he has something else to tell them. Adam will get updates on Victors grand plans and may seem quite interested in the chance to run McCall Unlimited. Sally thinks Adam handled it masterfully. Promise.. And neither is her alter-ego, Chelsea. But while alone at the cabin, Adam was shot with a tranquilizer gun by Chloe, who had never forgiven him for Delias death. Soap Hub provides the latest in The Young and The Restless spoilers (Y&R), giving fans up-to-the-minute changes in plotlines and story points. In fact, she . In this episode of CBS The Young and the Restless, Abby urges Devon to listen to Tucker, Adam reassures Sally, and Victor is reluctant to believe Ashley bought Tuckers debt. Reconnecting with Chelsea, Adam revealed his true identity and they rekindled their relationship. Nate's plan to broker peace backfired. Chelsea returned in December and found herself butting heads with Sally at Newman Fashion. Montalvo all those years ago! Thats not really Adams thing. They cant shut Stark out of their minds forever. Kim Kardashian photos, pictures, galleries and videos. He tells his father that he would like to hear his plans for the future if hes not just stringing him along. He gets it. Shell glance over and see Stark smiling at her. GENERAL HOSPITAL Spoilers 2/28/23: Portia Has Another Secret! When her mother, Anita Lawson, arrived, Chelsea wanted nothing to do with her because she was a con artist. Little People, Big World: Matt Roloff Keeps Zach in the Dark. Hes smiling. Im tired Summer. He floors them by revealing, Its Diane Jenkins. But Adam was alive and married Skye Lockhart before returning to Genoa City where he covered his tracks with Patty before wooing Sharon again. Chelsea gave Dylan a very unique wedding gift a baby! He asks if she wants him to take the deal. Courtney Hope and Mark Grossmans Unforgettable Night Out! He claims he video called just to see her smile. Sally wonders if Adam can adapt. All Rights Reserved. And Devon Hamilton (Bryton James) will consider his fathers proposal. Jack tells her what a help shes been. Is Amelia Heinle Leaving The Young And The Restless? SIGNUP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER, HERE!. Y&R Spoilers: Eric Braeden Defends Alec Baldwin. Adam Newman talked revenge to Ashland Locke (Robert Newman). Connor required a corneal transplant and in a tragic turn of events, he got them from Delia Abbott after she was killed in a hit and run. Although investigators found Adams remains, he was really alive and recovering elsewhere. I hope all hell reigns down the Newmans., I Love Adam!!!! Hes read about her but theres so much more to know. Hes hit a roadblock. Shes glad they talked and she hopes nothing will change. SIGNUP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER, HERE!! The Young And The Restless Spoilers Shock Billy and Adam will be leaving Y&R, wr. If he doesnt take it, Good luck dealing with what comes next.. Now, hes lost his footing, and events conspire to push his dark side to come out again. But then she reverted back to her old ways and skipped town in February of 2018! She tells Adam it has been a big day and she needs some rest. But she wanted him out of Newman and when she found out she was pregnant, she claimed the baby was fathered by Dylan McAvoy. Heather Stevens, who he was dating at the time, noticed Adams failing eyesight and worried he could have inherited his mothers blindness. Also coming up, Summer Newman (Allison Lanier) will leave Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford) feeling vulnerable. Buying his debt may be the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him. She got pregnant, but lost the baby in a car accident caused by Summer Newman. is lily leaving young and restless motion to disqualify counsel california. Billy says, Youre stalling. Jack gushes about Allie, who reminded him of Keemo at times, but mostly reminds him of Ashley. Nick struggled with Chelseas past but eventually got over it. Although Billy was the prime suspect, it was later revealed that Alyssa had tried to take revenge for her fathers murder. Jack explains she flew down to L.A. to support him knowing it might be difficult with Allie. Victor. Is this about them too? Victor watches and Nikki glares behind Ashlands back. The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Wednesday, March 1 suggests Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson) will find herself on the hot seat. Nick and Chelsea became close, and she continued to keep Adams secret that he was really Christians father. This led them straight into a mystery where they learned Alyssa Montalvo was investigating her fathers death and Victor was the prime suspect! She stayed with Chloe temporarily but Chelsea eventually worked things out with Adam. She wonders why he came to bang on her door. Ashley purchased Tucker's debts. Adam clashed with Chelsea when she told Connor she was Johnnys birth mother and later grew concerned when he couldnt get in touch with her. Wednesday, April 13, 2022: Today on The Young and the Restless, Phyllis sets Amanda straight, Adam and Victoria butt heads, and the Abbotts are floored to learn Diane's alive. Adam acted inappropriately by showing up and making it clear that he wouldn't leave without a conversation. Then the same source did a 180 and said hed decided to stick around. Sally will reveal that shes made her choice and it looks like shell pick Nick over Adam. After a year, Engen chose to leave Y&R, so the soap recast the role with Michael Muhney. Propositions Abby Victor The Grinch, The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Melissa Claire Egan Leaving Y&R Chelseas Shocking Exit Draws Near, The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Melissa Ordway Reveals Y&R Return Details See When Shell Be Back on Set, The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Kyle Conflicted Stunned by Dinas Admission, But Feels Compassion for Jack, The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Comings and Goings Important Return Airdates Revealed Fun Y&R Guest Stars, The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Tuesday, June 5 Update Summer Busted for Felony Auto Theft Victors Custody Bombshell. Ashley mutters that this is insane. Open Victor and Nikkis anniversary scrapbook in the photo gallery below. Adam has hit his breaking point with Victor and is ready for a change., Fans reacted to the scene saying, The Adam character is well played.great job mr. grossman, Let the fireworks beginIm with Adam, just be careful on what you want to go down on Victoria Newman and Victor.., Poor Adam just cant catch a break, The only time Victoria was nice to Adam was when she was on the outs with Nick last hear. They ponder that. If he doesnt listen to her, he will spend the rest of his life alone with regret. Although Victor's youngest son is furious and wants payback, he seems resigned that nothing will change. An insider who works in that division at first said that he wouldnt stay with the CBS soap. Wednesday, April 13, 2022: Today on The Young and the Restless, Phyllis sets Amanda straight, Adam and Victoria butt heads, and the Abbotts are floored to learn Diane's alive. Adam helped Sharon skip town and go on the run from the law while trying to prove her innocence. The Young and the Restless (Y&R) spoilers recap for Monday, February 27, teases that Audra Charles (Zuleyka Silver) show up at Tucker McCall's (Trevor St. John) suite and pump him for information on who bought up his debt.. Tucker will play dumb and act like Audra has lost her touch at subterfuge, so there'll be some tension before she ultimately leaves. But Tucker will say hes already received some offers. Confronted by both men, Chelsea tearfully confessed the truth, and Dylan left her. How will Sally react to Nick's finding? Phyllis says intense doesnt begin to describe it. Bold And The Beautiful Scoop Wednesday, March 1: Hope Learns Her Line Is In Trouble The Forresters Celebrate Carters 10th Anniversary, Bold And The Beautiful Scoop Thursday, March 2: Steffy Puts Forward A Bold Solution Liam Bonds With Deacon. Its not as good as letting Adam take over the CEO seat at Newman Enterprises, but Adam will be intrigued. Plans to harm Nick, hell lay down the Newmans., I Love Adam!!... 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