Please tell us your location and we'll give you local content. 21-3.2 Receptacle) You may drop your electronic equipment off at the Borough Recycling facility or any other facility that accepts electronic equipment to be recycled. No employees updated for this department. The Neptune Township Recycling Center is located at the westernmost entrance to our Public Works Facility at 2201 Heck Ave. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Residents who have a large item which will not fit in the automated waste container may call the Public Works Department at 732-542-3400 ext. Did you know you can follow any of our 175 Special Interest calendars and stay informed better than ever before? Therefore, continuation of this household battery recycling program will become prohibitively expensive, at a time when the need for this segregation of these spent batteries has become almostacademic. For a number of years, the Township of Neptune Department of Public Works has not accepted grass cuttings from homeowners. To dispose of propane tanks, call the Monmouth County Hazardous Waste facility at 732-683-8686to make an appointment for disposal. Televisions, computers, and electronic equipment will not be collected. The Resource Recovery Division provides curbside recycling collection for more than 191,000 . Something went wrong while submitting the form, Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Senior Services, Includes leaves and small twigs tied in a bundle, Please put yard waste in a brown bag or tied in a bundle, Refrigerator, air conditioners, and other large appliances. of liquid (no container larger than 5 gals).Facility is for residents only.Business owners must contact a private hauler. ALUMINUM CAN FACTS*Throwing away an aluminum beverage container wastes as much energy as filling the can half full with gasoline and pouring it out. Plastic bottlesshould be empty of their contents and rinsed. The Recycling Zone is open to all residents living in Dakota County or the other metro . The MarlboroughDepartment of Public Worksprovides residents of Marlboroughwith trash disposal and recycling services, through the curb-side collection program and at the Resident Drop-Off Facility. It comes in different forms; like cereal boxes, shoe boxes, gift boxes, macaroni boxes, toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls and wrapping paper rolls. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO FILL OUT A FORM - PROVIDE PROOF OF RESIDENCY ALONG WITH A COPY OF REGISTRATION FOR VEHICLES LISTED FOR ACCESS. Thankyou! It will even send you reminders! Recycling & Solid Waste Planning Solid Waste Advisory Council Model School Recycling Program Recycle Coach APRIL 30TH AVON 301 MAIN ST. REAR OF BUILDING. Bagged or boxed items will not be collected on bulk day and must be placed with your household refuse. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. This event also occurs on: 01/31/2023, 02/14/2023, 02/28/2023, 03/14/2023 and 20 other dates [see all dates] NO - Plastic toysNO - Laundry basketsNO - Plastic bagsNO - Plastic cutlery, Municipal Management Software and Websites bySpatial Data Logic. The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Your submission has been received! Give us a keyword or zip code and we'll see if we have any calendars for you! 85) March 21, 2023 - 7:00am to 6:00pm TVs & Computer Monitors If the (CRT) picture tube is not smashed and is still intact with all components it will be accepted for disposal. Please note: we don't use this information to track you in any other way. Not open on Township holidays. Published Calendar - DPW Dispatch - Subscription (.ics File). Tinton Falls, NJ 07753. Municipal Aggregation Program can SAVE you Money. WHAT IS CHIPBOARD?Chipboard is similar to very thin cardboard. Hours of operation areMonday through Friday from8amto4pm andSaturdays8amto12:30pm. If your items have not been collected by 5pm, please leave them curbside and leave a message at 732 536-0188 or email emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_473248ec", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_a91d9dd0", 1); open 24/7 and is located at 1979 Township Drive in the Justice Center. Automobile Tires may also be conveniently disposed of at the Monmouth County Reclamation Center on Shafto Road. Propane tanks will not be collected. The Town Planner serves American hometowns from coast to coast! Bulk curbside collection is twice a month. Any person, firm, corporation, or entity that violates, fails or neglects to comply with the provisions of this Subsection, or rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, shall be punishable upon conviction thereof by a fine or penalty. DPW staff investigates each complaint. 2451 Fax: : (732) 414-3227 Recycling Center Hours Seven Days a Week Except Holidays 7:30 am - 3:00 pm Directory Howell Township Municipal Building 4567 Route 9 North, 2nd Floor P.O. Register for a user account. o PHONE BOOKSPlace your whole telephone book in with your newspaper, magazines, junk mail, office & school papers, and chipboard. Trash/Recycling Collection Calendar now available for your Smart Phone!! LARGE METAL ITEMS AND TIRESWednesday pick-up is scheduled in advance by calling Public Works, 542-3400, Ext. For more information on disposal hours and cost you may call the Reclamation Center at 732-683-8686. Try it out here on the Hazlet Township websiteor download the RecycleCoach app on your smartphone. Visitwww.call2recycle.orgfor more information. Matawan, New Jersey 07747 create your own public or private calendar here. Construction debris will not be accepted at the Tinton Falls Recycling drop-off located behind Borough Hall. CARDBOARD & BROWN PAPER BAGSCorrugated cardboard boxes and brown paper bags are to be broken down. These type of batteries should now be disposed of with regular household and commercialtrash: Common carbon-zinc and alkaline batteries: AAA, AA, C, D and 9volt, Neptune will continue to recycle some types ofbatteries, The Township of Neptune will continue to accept rechargeable batteries and small buttonbatteries. Place chipboard with your papers. 51. Complexes need to contact the property manager at their complex for information on Trash and Recycling required for their apartment complex and location of where to place recycling. PLASTIC POURABLE BOTTLES with numbers 1 & 2 inside atriangle will be accepted on recycling day. Maximum amount per visit:200 lbs. Thank you! Tel:732-775-8797 Ext504, 25 Neptune Blvd In an effort to keep grass out of the garbage containers, gutter lines, storm drains and water ways we will begin accepting grass clippings at the Recycling Center from residents beginning July1. : 8 am - 4 pm. 33300. All questions regarding curbside lawn debris, bulk pickup, recycling collection or the recycling center should be directed to 732- 536-9295 or email emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_be34f249", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_bc08305d", 1); Monmouth County Recycling Regulations NO PLASTIC BAGS Click HERE for detail. 03/23/2023, 04/06/2023, 04/20/2023, 05/04/2023 and 17 other dates, 03/23/2023, 04/06/2023, 04/20/2023, 05/04/2023, 05/18/2023, 06/01/2023, 06/15/2023, 06/29/2023, 07/13/2023, 07/27/2023, 08/10/2023, 08/24/2023, 09/07/2023, 09/21/2023, 10/05/2023, 10/19/2023, 11/02/2023, 11/16/2023, 11/30/2023, 12/14/2023, 12/28/2023. Never miss a collection again! For disposal of:Motor Oil, Antifreeze, Batteries, Gasoline, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Herbicides,OilBasedPaints, Solvents, Thinners, Varnishes, Pool Chemicals, Propane Tanks. Rating. ZONE 1 - EVERY Wednesday ZONE 2 - EVERY Wednesday RECYCLING PAD Hours of Operation: 7am to 3pm - Monday through Friday. Hours M - F 7:00 AM 6:00 PM Sat 7:00 AM 6:00 PM Sun Closed. For over 30 years our free calendar has been delivered to communities all across America. Recycling Centers Structural Engineers Metals. We have encouraged the NJDEP recommended policy cut it and leave it lawn care and will continue to doso. MECHANIZED REFUSE COLLECTIONPlace your automated container at the curb with the wheels against the curb or the wheels facing your residence. For more information please call973-733-3644, Lead acid batteries (household and car) should be dropped off at62 Frelinghuysen ave. in NewarkMonday through Friday from8:30amto3pm, For more information on refuse collection, street-sweeping, recycling, bulk pick-up, and sanitation code enforcement issues, or any other municipal program or policy, please contact the Non-Emergency Call Center at(973) 733-4311, Department of Public Works62 Frelinghuysen AvenueNewark, NJ 07114, City Hall920 Broad StreetNewark, NJ 07102, Report missedpickupsorillegaldumping. For many years The Township of Neptune has worked with Monmouth County to recycle common carbon-zinc and alkaline batteries (i.e. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Want to post on Patch? MONMOUTH COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITYLocation: 3211 Shafto Road, Tinton Falls(Building H - One mile from the intersection of Shafto Road and Asbury Avenue)Telephone: 732-683-8686. All Computers, Monitors, Laptops, Portable Computers, Televisions, Servers, Telecomm Equipment, Printers, Stereos, VCRs, DVDs, Cell Phones, Remotes, Etc. Single-Stream Recycling Single-stream recycling allows residents to place all single-stream recyclable materials into the blue, Township-issued cart. It has become obvious that many of our residents want an alternative to thispolicy. Matawan, NJ 07747, FOR MISSED TRASH ORRECYCLING PICKUP PLEASE For more information on refuse collection, street-sweeping, recycling . If an inspection shows that the mailbox was hit by plow equipment, a standard 4x4 post and standard mailbox will be installed. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Saturday and Sunday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Doors must be removed from appliances and tires must be separated from the rim. Neptune & Ocean Grove Residents, Zone A Street Map Zone B Street Map Zone C Street Map Zone D Street Map Ocean Grove Street Map. . 732-566-3898 ext.132 - Email:, Matawan Municipal Community Complex MONMOUTH COUNTY AWARDED $1.18 MILLION FOR SAFE STREETS AND ROADS FOR ALL COMPREHENSIVE ACTION SAFETY PLAN GRANT 2023 PAPER SHREDDING DATES UTILITY ASSISTANCE THROUGH NJ SHARES Brown Station Road Public Convenience Center (Drop-off) . Feature Overview. Cloth face coverings are required while in the yard. 4. MARCH 26TH HAZLET HAZLET DPW GARAGE, 39 LEOCAIDA CT. APRIL 9TH MANASQUAN 4TH AVENUE PKG LOT - MAIN & 4TH. All Rights Reserved The grant is issued each year to all municipalities in New Jersey submitting a tonnage grant application. This program will end immediately. Place in the blue automated recycling container. Each year, the official Marlboro Township Recycling Calendar is mailed to every home and posted on the Township website. Installation Technician, Welder. CHIPBOARD -flatten, do not tieCORRUGATED CARDBOARD & BROWN PAPER BAGS -flatten, do not tieMAGAZINES & PHONE BOOKS -do not tieMAIL & SCHOOL PAPERS -do not tie or place in plastic bagsNEWSPAPERS & INSERTS -do not tiePLASTIC POURABLE BOTTLES 1 & 2 only -#5 plastic containers (such as margarine tubs, yogurt cups, and baby wipe containers). Manufacturing. The bags are being purchased utilizing grant funds supplied by the Department of Environmental Protection. ZONE 1 RECYCLING. Money issued is based on the amount of recyclables a municipality recycles.Keep recycling! Residentsmust bring the grass onlyand not mixed with any other yard waste, leaves or brush to the Neptune Township Recycling Center located at 2201 Heck Ave, Neptune during the hours Monday - Friday 8 am - 7 pm & Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 3pm. Why are these changes takingplace? 2022 MONMOUTH COUNTY SHREDDING DATES. (excluding plastic covers). Please check back next year for newcalendars! MAGAZINES, JUNK MAIL, OFFICE PAPER & SCHOOL PAPERS, NEWSPAPERS & CHIPBOARDMagazines, junk mail, office, and school papers must be recycled. Job in Newark - Essex County - NJ New Jersey - USA , 07101. Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm and Saturdays 8am to 12:30pm. Copyright 2023 Neptune Township. Beacon Scrap Iron and Metal Company. Brown Station Road Public Container Pad & Recycling Area, Residential/household recycling and cardboard. Based upon CDC Guidelines, Township staff will not be able to assist residents with placing items in any of the containers. Beginning July 2013: Alternative to Cut it and leave it lawn careFor a number of years, the Township of Neptune Department of Public Works has not accepted grass cuttings from homeowners. No permit or fee is needed. Marlboro and Colts Neck recieved about 11.5 inches of snow during a nor'easter that brought up to 16 inches of snow to some areas of Monmouth County. In an effort to reduce the ongoing problem of plastic shopping bags littering our landscapes and clogging our waterways, the Borough of Tinton Falls Department of Public Works and Recycling purchased reusable shopping bags for Borough residents to use for their shopping needs. Items must be placed in a reusable container that is not larger than 32 gallons; plastic bags or larger containers will not be collected. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 7:00 PMSaturday and Sunday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The Neptune Public Works Department welcomes your questions, comments and suggestions. Construction debris, wood, windows, or doors will not be collected and cannot be placed at the curb with your bulk. Not open on Township holidays. Brush collection will be postponed until further notice and recycling pickup for Zone 1 (originally set for Feb. 2) will be postponed until Feb. 9 (the Feb. 16 collection date will be as scheduled). Howell, NJ 07731 Directions Phone: : (732) 938-4500 ext. Phone 732 536-0200, Phone: 732-566-3898 Fax: 732-290-7585, EconomicDevelopment,Business&RedevelopmentCommission, 2015BOMZoningMapExistingLandUse(pdf), BidNotices&RequestsforProposals(RFPs), Recycling Center Informationfor Residential Property Owners. The south end of town (from Tinton Avenue to Rt 33 Neptune) is collected on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. . Monmouth County Recycling Directory 2021_Paper_Shredding_Flyer.pdf ; Contact Us. You can find the recycling calendar here. Electronics such as TVs and computers areNOT picked up curbside as per state regulations, but may be dropped off at the township recycling yard at no charge and without a permit. Additional Dates. Neptune Township proof of residency must be presented to the inspector to enter the . Recycling Drop-Off Center Hours MONDAY - SATURDAY 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Most of the above items may be brought to the Monmouth County Reclamation Center located on Shafto Road in Tinton Falls. (1) Website Directions More Info. 21-3.2 Receptacle), For an interactive solid waste/recycling map and schedule. Use the resources here to find out how to help keep Newark clean. Marlboro schools closed Feb. 1 and followed a virtual schedule on Feb. 2. Brush collection will be postponed until further notice and recycling pickup for Zone 1 (originally set for Feb. 2) will be postponed until Feb. 9 (the Feb. 16 collection date will be as scheduled). The yard continues to be open for cardboard, comingled paper, cans, bottles, electronics, brush and leaves (no permit or fee required). of dry material / 20 gal. can be dropped off at Essex Country Electronic Recycling Depot located at62 Frelinghuysen Avein Newark. Bring 20 or more plastic bags to the Department of Public Works Office at 556 Tinton Avenue between the hours of 7:00 am 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. All items must be curbside by 7am on Monday, June 2nd; the first scheduled pick-up day. MAY 21ST EATONTOWN MUNICIPAL LOT OFF THROCKMORTON AVE. JUNE 4TH UPPER FREEHOLD MUNICIPAL LOT 314 RT 539 CREAM RIDGE. are not eligible for the Neptune Township E-Waste RecyclingProgram. Recycling Center Informationfor Residential Property Owners TO OBTAIN AN ACCESS CARD PLEASE CALL 732-566-3898 X600 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. Questions about recycling can be directed to the Department of Public Works at (732) 536-9295 or by email at Brown Station Road Public Container Pad & Recycling Area . Solid Waste/Recycling Bureau All questions regarding curbside lawn debris, bulk pickup, recycling collection or the recycling center should be directed to 732- 536-9295 or email Each year, the official Marlboro Township Recycling Calendar is mailed to every home and posted on the Township website. Neptune Township proof of residency must be presented to the inspector to enter thefacility. If you do not receive the Town Planner in your community, you may be looking at a great business opportunity! NOTE: It is illegal to dismantle E-Waste for parts unless you are a NJDEP permitted Class D Recycling Facility. CO-MINGLED - GLASS BOTTLES & JARS, PLASTIC BOTTLES, ALUMINUM CANS, AND TIN CANSGLASS BOTTLES Wash or rinse bottles and jars. Standard Hours: Updates to the brush collection and recycling schedules will be sent via email and posted to the township website, according to Hornik. HARDCOVER BOOKSBooks may be placed with your magazines, junk mail, office & school papers, newspaper, and chipboard. Hardcover BOOKSBooks may be brought to the Monmouth County Hazardous waste facility at 732-683-8686to make an for! Reclamation Center located on Shafto Road in Tinton Falls recycling drop-off located behind Hall. Is open to all municipalities in New Jersey submitting a tonnage grant application hit by plow equipment a! 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