This will make the grass eligible for better growth during the spring seasons. While it is similar in many ways to Manila grass, Emerald grass spreads faster. The nurseries no longer carry Emerald but have Zeon instead. With dozens of varieties to choose from, Zoysia grass types can provide slightly different advantages, depending on what you need, how much time you want to spend on your lawn and the conditions in your lawn. The Meyer family of zoysiagrass has a medium-coarse leaf texture, while the Emerald family has a finer leaf texture. Zeon is available only through a select group of licensed certified producers, Zeon is grown & sold under a rigorous set of rules & guidelines designed to promote on-going quality, purity, and uniformity, Certification is the only method of assuring the consumer is receiving the variety they purchased, Zeon can only be produced and sold as a Certified turfgrass variety, unlike many other varieties, Certification agencies in each state inspect all Zeon production fields regularly, protecting the interests of the consumer by providing a third party system of quality control. It is hard to come up with a distinct winner in the battle between Zeon Zoysia vs. Emerald Zoysia. For this reason, sudden changes in the temperatures could cause severe damage to Emerald Zoysia grass. Let ABC take care of your yard, so you and the butterflies can simply relax and enjoy the view! On the other hand, Zeon sod requires a regular watering schedule for maximum growth. Ready to make passerby and neighbors envious? Today there are many ways Read More, Having a beautiful lawn with green grass is every American homeowner's dream, especially here in Atlanta. This Zoysia sod cultivation originated in the Georgian state. I place it in spots of my lawn where emerald was troubled and it thrived. It has a rapid spread by stolons/rhizomes and has a deep, thick root structure. Unlike Zeon sod, emerald zoysia reaches this height by mowing every 7 to 10 days. Features I designed my home myself with the help of my beloved wife. Of course, if you dont mind noticing a slight change in col0r and some patchy regions where Zeon is prevalent, you can mix the two with no issues. Emerald Zoysia is designed in such a way that it can only withstand generic climate changes, conditions, and milder pest attacks. In retrospect, the Zeon version has an even, rich and dark green tint. Emerald: Emerald Zoysias roots absorb comparatively less water and nutrients, and therefore might not be quite resistant to pests and diseases. The Zeon zoysia grass is able to grow through warm, humid environments, but youll have to ensure that it is watered regularly. Dethatch Zoysia during peak growth to help ensure quick recovery. Take a Moment to Browse Through the Zeon Zoysia Image Gallery, The new year has arrived, and its time to start fresh. It has good tolerance for drought and shade, and also for wet growing conditions. In the Zeon Zoysia vs. Emerald Zoysia debate, both grass types can be used to make your lawn have a great appearance with a bit of maintenance. Emerald is one of the slowest growing Zoysia grasses making mowing every 7-10 days in the growing season one of its best attributes. Both grass types have unique features that make them useful for any lawn. This means that the grass can reach your lawn provide better coverage. But thats not it. I would like to fill the old playset area in with sod and was wondering if it would be okay to use Zeon Zoysia to fill the space. Lime should not be applied without a soil test. With regular Zeon lawn mowing schedules, you can regulate the height to be around 0.5-1.5 inches. If you like soft turf and prefer darker green, Emerald could be your best option. Most Zoysia grass types will do well at an inch and a half tall. Emerald: Emerald does well from full sun to moderate shade. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. If you experience more broadleaf weeds, pre-emergents like Prodiamine 65 WDG and Crabgrass Control Plus 0-0-7 With 0.37% Prodiamine are better solutions for your zoysia grass. For best results, use a reel mower. Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye? The blades can become curled and usually grow to be between one and three inches long. This region includes states such as: Sunbelt regions are described as southern areas that are below the 32 min north latitude. Cashmere zoysiagrass resembles emerald in appearance and texture but has less of a bristly feel. The Zeon turf belongs to the fine-texture family of grasses. It is the fastest growing zoysiagrass, tolerates mowing with a rotary mower and produces less thatch than Meyer. Our pros know all about the soil types and grass varieties that work best in your area, and can recommend which types would best fit your needs. Crabgrass Control Plus 0-0-7 with 0.37% Prodiamine Herbicide. Emerald: The Emerald Zoysia too having dense growth, can be less disturbed by the weed population. It has a dark green color, a very fine leaf texture, good shade tolerance, high shoot density, and a low growth habit. While both kinds of grass are more resistant than other types, Zoysia establishes its roots deep in the soil, which allows it to absorb most nutrients and retain moisture for long. Zeon will work, it is superior to emerald. I like the fine-bladed Emerald and the thick turf. On the other hand, Zeon zoysia is a faster-growing grass that is less tolerant of shade. Add to cart. Continue to water your lawn during periods of little to no precipitation. With the first fall frost, it will turn brown and will remain dormant throughout the winter. This is definitely Barefoot Grass, In golf course fairway applications, Zeon can be maintained at as low as 3/8 mowing height, Zeon can be easily maintained using a standard rotary type lawnmower, All herbicides and fertilizers necessary for the maintenance of Zeon can be purchased at your local nursery or hardware store, All herbicides used on other zoysia cultivars can be safely applied to Zeon Zoysia. I know that everyone says zoysia grows slow - but it is not really that slow. However, unlike Zeon, Emerald sods can reach up to the exact size of 0.5-1.5 inches without having to run a mowing machine over the lawn every week or ten days. Due to the aggressive rhizomes of this cultivar, it will thrive in a wide variety of soil types found throughout South Carolinas. Keep doing this until you have sown all the seeds. Meanwhile, it can finally take around 50 weeks to see the emerald zoysia finally reach its adult stage finally. However, both of them are fewer maintenance grasses and can get mowed with a standard rotatory mower easily. The emerald zoysia will need time to grow more than the zeon zoysia grass. Use a hose or sprinkler to ensure that a depth of 4 inches is properly moistened. Leisure Time zoysia is a relatively new cultivar that is promoted to be tolerant of shade, heat, cold, and drought. You can apply any soil fertilizer according to the labeled instructions on them. Zeon: Zeon Zoysia tolerates traffic like family and pets and is used in high-impact areas like golf courses and also those designed for entertainment and picnicking. Deep green in color with extraordinary visual appeal, Excellent late season color retention & early spring green-up, Vigorous root, stolon and rhizome production, Available only through licensed producers, Zeons extensive root system, high stolon frequency, and vigorous rhizome growth produces a thick compact turf that recovers quickly from injury, Zeons turf quality tested much higher, compared to other zoysia cultivars in the National Zoysiagrass tests, In controlled testing by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP), Zeon produced less thatch than all other zoysia cultivars except JaMur another of The Turfgrass Group, Inc. varieties, Zeon will consistently establish in a wide variety of soil types, Zeon exhibited superior genetic characteristics in replicated turf stress trials in Illinois, Georgia, & Texas, When maintained at 1-2 Zeon has the feel of a Bermuda type. No Comments. It's hard to tell but there is a very subtle difference between the 2. Due to Zeons robust hydration capacity, they endure the most resistance against diseases, pests, and insects. 2021 Walter Reeves / The Simple Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved. While most species commonly found in residential areas share similar characteristics, there are some distinctive qualities that make some types do better or worse under some conditions, particularly in parts of the country that are hot with little rainfall. On the other hand, Zeon sod maintains an equivalent mowing height by mowing every 7-10 days. With that being said, no one grass type is better than the . The color retention quality of Zeon Zoysia, even in late seasons and early spring, is its most prominent trait. It has very good to excellent drought tolerance, excellent heat tolerance, and excellent cold hardiness. It has a medium-fine texture and a dark green color. Several gardeners have experimented by mixing these two types of grass. All Rights Reserved. These are regular mowing and pre-emergent herbicide application (recommended for Zoysia lawns) in the spring and fall. Having a beautiful yard outside the house can complement the way it looks. However, growing Read More, If you are planning on laying down centipede sod in your lawn, then chances are you have already Read More. This grass is most used within the sunbelt areas within the U.S. He will replace with Zeon if I insist. In turn, this helps the turf to gain strength to fight possible diseases and pests. Zeon vs. Emerald Zoysia Grass: The Basic! Water the newly seeded lawn very lightly three or four times per day to keep the seed moist for best germination. Zeon Zoysia is described as grass with superior shade tolerance, accelerated growth speed, and reduced thatch. I too live in Austin, TX and have been trying to get Emerald Zoysia, but its not going to happen anytime soon since no one can get it. Zeon: Zeon grass can grow very quickly with its high stolon frequency and vigorous rhizome growth. With blades that are soft to the touch, Empire Zoysia has deep, thick roots and spreads relatively quickly. The delicate blades of Zeon Zoysia stand erect and being bright green in color and standing upright, this lawn looks very attractive. quote:Originally posted by maryhern:I live in north Atlanta. Emerald Zoysia is a modern version of the traditional Zeon and the best replacement if you are looking for a deeper lawn color. 2016-05-11. Would it be OK to use Zeon as a patch? People prefer using emerald grass because it requires less maintenance. Zeon Zoysiagrass is an excellent choice from the Zoysia family for shady lawns. During the coldest months of the year, when your grass becomes dormant, you can set your mower height a little shorterbetween and inch to an inch and a half high. Zeon zoysia is sold by the square foot, so the price may vary depending on where you buy it. Zoysia does best when mowed as short as possible; somewhere around two inches allows most varieties to thrive. While it is possible to do so, you might be disappointed by the result. However, the optimum watering by which it thrives well is applying 1-inch of water every week. However, due to its slow growth habit, recovery may be slow. However, when water and fertility levels are minimized, the grass generally recovers. If your lawn is too dry, you may notice a bluish tint. Youll want the emerald zoysia grass to get more into the soil before adding the zeon. If your grass is located in part shade, aim for between two and two and a half inches. ), Does Tenacity Kill Crabgrass(How to use Tenacity to Kill Crabgrass). Youll want to keep mowing your Zoysia grass regularly until fall weather arrives. Its artificially bred with high rates of weed control, drought, and wear tolerance. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia species) was introduced into the United States from Asia and grows best during the warm (80 to 95 F) months of spring, summer and early fall. Its slow growth means that you dont have to mow your grass often too much time. If you are considering adding this to your lawn, you should know that it can be susceptible to nematode damage. Therefore, you can utilize generic reels or standard rotary mowing machines equipped with smart blades to keep these turfs neat. Emerald Zoysia is another fine-textured variety that is perhaps the most attractive among Zoysia varieties. You can expect to see zoysia grass coverage results within 20-40 weeks. Emerald: Emerald, on the other hand, grows comfortably when exposed to at least 3-4 hours of sunlight daily. Cultivars of Fine-textured Zoysiagrass. Emerald Zoysia is a grass that has a thin-bladed leaf and can grow easily on your lawn. If you decide to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to discourage weed growth in late February or early March, youll want to delay aeration until your next treatment, which is usually about 8 to 10 weeks after the initial application. I place it in spots of my lawn where emerald was troubled and it thrived. This makes zenith zoysia more comparable to emerald zoysia because both grass types will require long-term care. Emerald Zoysia too, although drought tolerant, performs best when provided weekly with around 1 of water. That may be due to a unique combination of two different varieties of zoysia that get cultivated in a unique combination to form a mat. It possesses a deep, emerald green tone with wide-spaced blades, almost giving themselves an impression of the St. Augustine grasses. He is trying to convince me that he is giving me a better variety for the conditions in my yard. The zoysiagrasses form a dense, attractive turf in full sun and partial shade, but often thin out in dense shade. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to During this time of year, youll want to test your soil to determine the best fertilization schedule for your lawn. As an Amazon Associate I Earn From Qualifying Purchases. Relatively, the Emerald grass poses slightly higher delicate recovery features when attacked by severe diseases or wild insect attacks. You can be unbothered about mowing your lawn for days, as it grows around 6 to 12 inches overall. Mixing Emerald And Zeon Zoysia Expect coverage from plugs on one foot centers in about twenty to twenty-four weeks which is considerably faster than Emerald's normal growth rate. Try to avoid using herbicides when its warmer than 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Mowing By the way, did you do any special soil prep work before laying the sod? Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustinegrass, South Florida Turfgrass Field Day and Expo. hi, Where do you live? Emerald Zoysia is known to be the Cadillac for lawns. Leave a gap of 2 to 3 inches and then disperse the Bermuda seeds. If over-fertilized, Emerald quickly grows excess thatch.Due to its remarkably attractive green color and fine texture, its been declared the Cadilac of lawn grasses. - UF/IFAS Extension Putnam County. However, both can be cut by a reel or standard rotatory mower with smart blades. Yet all were called Emerald zoysiagrass. Furthermore, both Zeon and Emerald zoysia grass maintenance requirements are less than all other grasses. The fertilizer should be labeled as "recommended for Zoysia lawns". Lime should be applied after soil tests if required. A: There is a true Emerald zoysiagrass but the grass you presently have may not be it. En cliquant sur Accepter , j'accepte l'utilisation des cookies telle qu'elle est dcrite plus en dtail dans la Politique d'Utilisation des Cookies de Houzz. If environmental conditions turn bad, its negatively affected and recovers comparatively slowly. Zoysia japonica, more commonly known as Japanese or Korean lawn grass, was introduced to the United States in 1895a bit earlier than Manila grass. Joey Williamson, 2016 HGIC, Clemson Extension . Emerald: The grower should apply 2 to 4 pounds of slow-release nitrogen per 1,000 sq. Neither Zeon Zoysia nor Emerald Zoysia is better than the other when compared, because both have some qualities that can look good to some and not-so-good to others, and vice versa. The grower should never fertilize their Zeon Zoysia lawn with high nitrogen fertilizer during fall or winter. Can Grass Catch on Fire from the Sun (And Also what Temperature? I like both. Your lawn might look untidy, as you wont be able to keep the two types of grass at the same height for long. This includes replacing my existing bermuda grass that I grew from seeds with some type of Zoysia grass. The most common warm-season species are bermudagrass, buffalo grass, centipede grass, seashore paspalum, St. Augustine and Zoysia grass. Different herbicides can be applied throughout the fall and winter months, depending on which types of weeds you are seeing. Its also a top favorite amongst lawn lovers, as they have incredible drought resistance. This grass is known for its low growth habit, fine leaf texture, and increased density. Both the zeon zoysia and zenith zoysia are not the same. The fertilizer should be labeled as recommended for Zoysia lawns. Exceptional shade and drought tolerance. However, it may require several years to cover if not properly maintained. 1. A treatment solution is usually the most effective for mole crickets and grubs in mid-July, when these insects are nymphs. Its cultivars are adapted to the entire state and are some of the most cold-tolerant of the warm-season grasses. Footprints will remain if its too dry. Emerald zoysiagrass is a fine-textured hybrid that is possibly the most attractive zoysia. I simply cut up a piece of sod, tossed the pieces into a wheelbarrow full of water for about 20 minutes then planted them in strips about 4-6 inches apart. Emerald: The grower should water Emerald Zoysia lawn too to supplement rainfall shortages only. Thus, it is most commonly utilized for covering flat surfaces as well as for halting erosion on hilly slopes. Zoysia grass-like centipede grass is a warm-season lawn grass that is loved by homeowners because it's able to withstand heavy foot traffic, drought, heat, and many more challenges. Zeon vs. Emerald Zoysia Dave (7b) 5 years ago I plan on installing zoysia sod in my front yard in the next few weeks. 5. Aside from their fundamental diversity, many people have formerly experimented by combining the two. At what temperature does grass stop growing? From the basic part, both of them sound promising, right? Geo Zoysia is a patented and trademarked product of Sod Solutions, Inc. Water the lawn well and you should get coverage fairly quick. Geo Zoysia is a wonderful choice for homeowners who may have mature trees that create shady parts of their lawn. One person says use 10-10-10 and another lime and another says to not fertilize until the sod is down. You can also use a more traditional lawn mower, if you regularly sharpen the blades and set the mowing height at two inches. However, during drought conditions, this grass turns brown. Here's a detailed comparison between the two varieties. I will report late in the summer on how they are doing. Since its blade density is much higher than other grasses, it gives a carpet-like look to the lawn. In general, zoysiagrass is slow to cover completely (thus more costly to establish), less drought-tolerant, but more shade tolerant than bermudagrass, and they are recommended for lawn use only when the homeowner is willing to provide the required maintenance. Zeon supposedly produces less thatch and spreads easier. If you want to discover how the Dutch lived in the 17th and 18th centuries, we recommend Zaanse Schans. Moreover, extreme weather conditions could also affect and slow down Emerald's recovery period. It is supposed to be better than Empire, Emerald and based on my research the best zoysia if you like lush thick lovely green lawn. Emerald and Zeon zoysiasodare somehow similar externally. Released in the 1950s, Emerald Zoysia quickly became a popular turfgrass variety. Emerald Zoysia is artificially bred with high levels of resistance to drought, weed control, and wear. Whether one lives in a warm region or cold region, whether the area receives rain or frost, whether the soil is sandy, clay, well-draining or not well-draining, etc. Thats because the grass might spread over the emerald grass, so consider that when you mix the two. The first thing many people think about is what, Zoysia grass is native to Asia. Ive been dealing with TurfAmerica (W. 290 location) and they havent been able to get the Emerald lately because of rain and slow growth of the variety. For those who dont get much time for maintenance tasks, this is the best lawn grass because it grows around 6 to 12 inches and one can go without mowing for days. Zenith zoysia grass has a low density, meaning it will take longer to grow. It is better adapted to the southern coastal regions of South Carolina. Zeon: Zeon does well from full sun to partial shade and requires at least 4 hours of direct sunlight. Cultivars include Meyer Zoysia grass, which is often advertised as super grass because it spreads more quickly than most other Zoysia varieties and is relatively cold tolerant. Of course, before installing turf in your grass, youll have to ensure that it will thrive in your soil and temperature conditions. Two of the unique features of this sod are that it is a natural weed repellent and can withstand fungal growth easily. 2021 Walter Reeves / The Simple Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved. It has good shade tolerance but lacks good cold tolerance. Some find it similar to Bermuda grass because of its dense but delicate texture. Although seed is available, this grass is usually established through sodding or plugging. Zoysia grass was introduced to the United States from Asia. Only apply sulfur when the outdoor temperature is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. When it comes to warm climate, one prime choice is Zoysia grass. If the pH of your soil is higher than 6.5, apply sulfur to get your levels between 6.0 and 6.5. Zoysia tenuifolia: This zoysiagrass will form small clumps giving it a somewhat puffy appearance. ft. Rake your lawn and water it thoroughly. Zeon Zoysiagrass is a luxurious and resilient turf grass ideal for use in the "sunbelt" areas of the country and stretches further into the northeast region that many other warm-climate varietals! For homeowners who may have mature trees that create shady parts of their lawn, although tolerant... Blades, almost giving themselves an impression of the warm-season grasses a more traditional lawn mower, if you soft. May require several years to cover if not properly maintained root structure too, although drought,. Buffalo grass, so consider that when you mix the mixing emerald and zeon zoysia high of... Dans la Politique d'Utilisation des cookies telle qu'elle est dcrite Plus en dtail dans la Politique d'Utilisation cookies... 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