You want to be as precise as possible since you really dont have much to work with, especially at the end of the .410s range. I handloaded TSS No. We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. Optics ready. The TSS manufacturers will tell you that their advantage over lead and the heavier-than-lead tungsten with this data is that they could put many, many more #9 or #9.5 pellets in a .410 hull than their competition could with the larger shot sizes. The J America : Zen fleece. These are the days when less is more. A standard Model 500 tang safety is ambidextrous-friendly. Skip to main content Skip to . This M500 had a smooth-operating slide, nice Mossy Oak Bottomland camo finish, and offered light to minimal recoil. If your looking for a silky-smooth action, this is the best .410 pump shotgun you'll find. Turkey hunters across the country are discovering the incredible combination of TSS turkey loads and the .410 shotgun. Weve harvested gobblers with an old single shot .410 as well as an O/U, but never a dedicated, specialized turkey guns in the baby bore. This update is intended to allow the gun to take advantage of today's . For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. If an Impact Guns error causes the need to return an item or we are replacing a returned defective or incorrect item, then we will pay the associated shipping costs. The action wont open or close when the hammer is cocked. and the Cheaper Than Dirt symbol are registered trademarks of Direct Investments LTD. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Carlson's TSS Turkey Choke Tube .410 Bore 0.385" Stevens 301. Dont underestimate the power of the .410 Shotgun when it comes to your next turkey hunt. The Wingmaster .410, as the name implies, is geared for upland with a fixed Modified choke. MSRP on the new baby bore is set at an even $500, the same price as both the 12- and 20-gauge Turkey models, with online retailers already listing it around four bills. Suggested MSRP is $199.00. As expected, the results on the pattern from the .390 Indian Creek in the Stevens 301T .410 was just outstanding. If you received a damaged, defective, or incorrect item, Impact Guns will ship you a replacement of the exact item upon receipt of the damaged or defective item. NOTE: We make every effort to get your order shipped as fast as possible. Serious turkey hunters love a challenge. The little gun has a 26-inch barrel optimized for Federal TSS loads and weighs in at just a tick over five pounds. If fact, this gun consistently patterns better than any .410 Ive shot. Here's the story of his hunt. The guns and optics listed above are specifically designed as turkey models or deemed perfect for turkey hunting by the manufacturer, but there are other options that you might want to consider when making the .410 your gun of choice. With the increase of urbanization and short-term timber harvesting, wood duck nesting habitat is decreasing. TSS changes everything. Have only shot fiocchi golden turkey tss #9 so far. .410 CHOKE TUBES Beretta-Benelli Mobil 410ga; Long Invector (1.9" Flush) Short Invector (1.5" Flush) . Win-Browning Inv-Mossberg 500-Savage-Weatherby 20ga; Huglu 20GA; 28 GAUGE CHOKE TUBES. Charlie Boswell at Comp-n-Choke has long been known as an innovator when it comes to custom choke tubes. The Venom feature a 1X magnification and is fully windage and elevation adjustable. Mossberg 500 Turkey 410 Pump Shotgun with Mossy Oak Bottomland Camo $584.00 $434.99; In Stock Brand : . The Mossberg .410 is chambered to 3", has a vent rib barrel at 26 inches, and features a fixed full choke. If knocking down birds with your 20 or 28 has become just too easy, this is a classy and classic option; its also a fun choice for rabbits, squirrels, and clays. Retay Masai Mara Turkey XT in 20-Gauge. The good news is that the .410 is now a more viable option for turkey hunters than ever before. .410 Mossberg International SA-410 Shotguns. This one-ounce optic comes ready to mount on the gun using Weaver or Picatinny applications. Instead of noting a defined constriction in the chokes, Jebs offers their .410 turkey model in Improved, Modified, Full and Extra Full. That conversation seemed to dominate the internet turkey talk sites over the past few years, but now the talk has shifted to finding that magical blend for the smaller shotgun gauges, including the diminutive .410. Mossberg 500 410 Bore All Purpose Field Pump Shotgun $489.00 $399.99; Notify Me When Available; Brand: Mossberg; Item Number: 50104; Mossberg 500 Tactical HS410 410 Gauge Home Security $463.00 $374.99; Notify Me When Available . When it comes to pump-action shotguns, Mossberg and the 500 Series set the standard. The 6 MOA dot size is plenty large, though the 12 brightness settings mean hunters make the sight adaptable for any kind of lighting. Theres now a host of current-production .410 shotguns to consider. The most expensive choke in our testfire, the Strike did not pattern especially well out of our test gun, underperforming at both 20 and 30 yards. Other features include a vent rib with a front fiber optic sight and X-Full extended turkey choke to keep things tight downrange. The Mossberg 500 pump I tested had a fixed Full choke, a 26-inch barrel, and Obsession camo. Its some of the deadliest turkey ammo youll ever shove into a shotgun. The tang safety is familiar to 500 fans. Making a .410 turkey choke isnt as easy as just tightening the constriction. The slide action Mossberg 500 Turkey .410 is fitted with a 26 inch ventilated rib barrel that ends in a fixed full choke optimized for tight patterns on gobblers. Designed to increase the range and pattern density of your favorite turkey gun! Today, the company manufactures its Black Diamond custom choke in .410 for a variety of different turkey guns. . Back in the day, when turkey loads only contained chilled or slightly hardened lead shot, turkey guns, regardless of barrel length and choke, were limited in their range to harvest a gobbler at much more than 40 yards. The Model 1100, until recently the only autoloading .410 on the market, provides more versatility with Rem Chokes. Savage 320 Turkey . 4 to No. Weatherby Element Turkey Gun. The difference between any other .410 turkey load and TSS is night and day. Interchangeable, carbon fiber-reinforced adapter plates accommodate most popular shotgun rib sizes. By using this site, you agree that we may store and access cookies on your device. Returns must be charged back to the original credit card used in the purchase. Turkey Hunting with a .410: Shotguns, Loads, Chokes, What You Need to Know, NWTF Announces NWTF TV Sponsored by Mossy Oak, Bobby Sears of JEBS Chokes Achieves Single Season Turkey Slam with .410 Handgun, Camouflage, and the Best Guns for Hunting Doves, Gear Review: Stevens by Savage 301 Turkey, Scott Sharp Grows and Hunts Turkeys on His Small Properties, Lining Up for a Mr. Fox Vest: The NWTF Experience, Best New Turkey Hunting Guns and Ammo 2023, Illumination in the Flatwoods: Bottomland Book Club, Getting The Most Out Of Your Diaphragm Call with 3 Champion Callers. On the range, I saw the best results from standard Full-choke constrictions for the .410 (.391 to .396). JEBS Turkey Choke | 410 Gauge | Head Hunter $100.00 Weight: 5.00 Ounces Shipping: Calculated at checkout 61 product reviews * Shotgun Models: * Choke Tube Restriction: Quantity: Product Description In our ever increasing quest for choke tube excellence, we are proud to introduce our line of .410 choke tubes. Compare specifications of Iver Johnson Arms IJ700 Youth .410 Ga and Mossberg 500 Turkey Mossyoak .410 GA 50107. The good news: There will be plenty of .410 TSS from Federal and Apex and Browning this spring. Mossberg International SA-410 PRODUCT SAFETY RECALL NOTICE , Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, O.F. The .410 shotgun is getting more playtime among turkey hunters these days than it likely has in the history of the gun. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! Note: We do not ship outside of the United States, When it comes to pump-action shotguns, Mossberg and the 500 Series set the standard. Break Action. Before you hit the turkey woods this 2023 season, check out the latest turkey hunting guns and ammo so you'll be ready with the best turkey gear for the season. Spent a small fortune figuring it out in 3 calibers. However, the bird I shot was standing 40 yards away. But if youre new .410 has to do double duty in the turkey woods, look at the 870 Express and the autoloading Model 1100. Where can get that service, quality, and attention to detail in today's market??? The #6 tungsten-based pellets in the Hevi-X Strut outperformed its lead counterparts. The scope uses the Weaver mount system that most shotguns readily accept. It was little more than a stunt at the time, given the limited reach of standard .410 shotshells. The Nylon 66, a relatively inexpensive rimfire with faux woodgrain, was the first successful synthetic-stock firearm. Watch Now at Your first thought is probably, What are they thinking? Have federal tss on order to try also. HOURS OF OPERATION It weighs in at just 6.5 pounds, has a 24" barrel, and is chambered to 3 inches. Its his go-to turkey gun now, too. We normally will ship FedEx and US POSTAL. It's dressed in the popular Mossy Oak Bottomland pattern and weighs in at just 6.5 pounds. Bobby knew if he could accomplish this slam with his .410 handgun, it would not only bring more credibility to their line of small bore chokes, but it would also give them more insight into their sustainability of todays market. In fact, my host on a recent Ohio hunt had already taken several turkeys with Federal TSS in an old break-action, Full-choke single-shot .410. There are still a lot of them around to look for on the used market. The Mossberg 500 .410 turkey gun, combined with TSS turkey loads, just might make for the perfect run-n-gun turkey gun for hunters wanting to go light on weight, yet pack plenty of punch on a gobbler downrange. All returns are subject to inspection and approval prior to refund being issued. Fiber optic front sight. Sizes Small to 3XL ( tends to run a size smaller) Browning Inv - Moss 500 Bone Collector Turkey Choke Tube. BARREL 28" With Accu Chokes at the best online prices at eBay! Hazlehurst, GA 31539, In our ever increasing quest for choke tube excellence, we are proud to introduce our line of. It's available for all popular turkey guns in 10-, 12- and 20-gauge and will accommodate all lead and hybrid heavy loads from No. It hasa 5+1 capacity and an overall length of 45.75 inches. Browning/Winchester Invector .568, Mossberg 12 Ga. Accu II X-Factor Choke Tube, XX-Full Ported, Mossberg 12 Ga. Accu II Choke Tube, XX-Full, Mossberg 20 Ga. Accu II Choke Tube, XFull Ported, Mossberg 20 Ga. Accu II Choke Tube, XFull, Mossberg 20 Ga. Accu II Choke Tube, Imp. It is hammer driven and features manual safety located on the receiver of the gun. All shot well out of the choke but rogue had the best pattern at 30 and 40 yards. They recently introduced the Carlson TSS Turkey Choke in 12, 20 and .410 gauges. Capacity-Shotgun. Available at the following Premier Online Dealers. The Kaspa line 1X-4X-24 model comes finished in Mossy Oak Obsession camo and features the unique Weaver VZT reticle. Free shipping for many products! Just $1 per month , Tungsten loads mean hunters can now drop wild birds using small-caliber shotguns. 7-1/2s for turkeys this year, and no gun patterned it better. Jebs 410 Head Hunter Turkey Choke $79.89 to $79.99 Hevi Shot Hevi-13 12ga Shotgun Turkey Choke Tube Winchester Browning Mossberg $19.99 Only 1 left! Carlson's Long Beard XR Ported Choke Tube, 12ga. This little gun features a 26-inch barrel with a Beretta/Benelli Mobil turkey choke tube and a fiber optic sight. CHOKE: X-Full Extended Turkey Choke ADDL INFO: Vent Rib MFG MODEL NO: 50108 UPC: 015813501088 Need more information? For testing purposes, we fired a mix of the Federal Premium TSS, Federal Premium #6 Game Loads, Winchester #4 Super-X, and some reloads as well. Ammo manufacturers Federal and Apex expected to sell plenty of 12- and 20-gauge TSS loads, but they were unprepared for the run on .410s. Though theres not much not to like about a proven platform, there are a few points of which hunters must take note. Bobby Sears, co-owner and CEO of JEBS Choke Tubes, the worlds most trusted choke tubes, set out in spring 2018 to tackle a modern day turkey hunting challenge. All products need to be in new and original manufacturer condition. 9s, my 7-1/2 turkey handloads, or No. This compact optic weighs only 3.5-ounces and allows hunters to keep both eyes open, for a more complete view of those gobblers approaching from the periphery. Although the 500s receiver isnt drilled and tapped, I was able to mount Aimpoints excellent Micro S-1 on the rib, making it even better for the woods. But if technology keeps improving the guns, chokes and ammo, which it most likely will, we may soon be wearing hunter orange in the turkey woods since those face-to-face experiences with Mr. Tom will be a thing of the past. Comp-n-Chokes Turkey Choke for .410 models is bored .385, and they offer chokes for many of the more popular shotgun models. By using this site, you agree that we may store and access cookies on your device. However, because of the growing demographic of hunters wanting either red dots or turkey scopes, it is noteworthy that the 500s receiver is not drilled and tapped. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. The Heavyweight TSS shells will include the FliteControl Flex wad that gives hunters the ability to shoot any choke tube they prefer. Top Mounted Ambidextrous Safety; WHY CUSTOMERS CHOSE THIS ITEM. Do turkeys have good eyes? As an alternate method, you can send an email to,, . Browning/Winchester Invector, & Mossberg 500 $59.46 3 Mossberg has unveiled an updated version of its 500 Turkey 410-bore pump-action shotgun. In the world of prescribed burning, three types of fires are used; a "backfire," "head fire," and "flank fire," and each type provides differing intensities for varying results. Tracking has disappeared. Legacy Sports International in Reno, Nevada has introduced a new gas operated semi-auto to the market called the Pointer Phenoma. This all makes it quick and easy to operate safely in the field. This pump action model comes in Mossy Oak Original Bottomland, features a 24-inch vent rib barrel with a X-Full Extended choke tube, a synthetic stock with a length of pull just under 14 inches, a top mounted safety, swivel studs on the stock and forearm cap and an adjustable fiber optic front sight for easy target acquisition in low light. As an avid turkey hunter, I knew that I wouldnt be the only person thinking about how special the release of this vest was. First bird at 31 yards flipped backwards and never moved and the one at 39 yards flopped very little. Less really is more with TSS. The bird he shot was at 25-30 yards. The gun weighs in at a slim and trim 6.5 pounds. All Rights Reserved, Mossbergs First .410 Gobbler Getter: The Baby Model 500 Turkey (VIDEO). TSS stands for Tungsten Super Shot. Whether youre a first-timer or accomplished in the shooting sports, you cant go wrong with Mossberg International sub-gauge autoloaders. Lightweight and quick-swinging, these versatile smaller-gauge shotguns provide maneuverability when hunting nimble upland and woodland targets, or when busting clays. Sure, we fully expect a full, or even an extra full on their line of specialty turkey guns, but its tough to tout a scattergun these days without the option of interchangeable chokes. Mossberg 500 Turkey Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. 55% cotton / 45% polyester Indian Creek Shooting Systems I wouldnt call hunting turkeys with a .410 and TSS a challenge, because youre not giving up much of anything. Browning/ Winchester/ Mossberg 500 & 930 Invector . With a 14.75-inch length-of-pull and a fit-and-finish aimed at a more discerning eye, its a full-blown big-boy small-bore. Before we get ahead of ourselves and start pronouncing the .410 to be a 50+ yard turkey gun, lets pause for a moment and look at why we get after Mr. Tom so hard in the first place. The Express .410 has a fixed Full choke and patterns very well with lead and TSS. Without question, the 500 is the most versatile shotgun platform available on the market no wonder that over 12 million have been sold,,, Thats because Indian Creek was among the early pioneers of turkey specific custom choke tubes. Manufacturers Mossberg Shotguns 500 Chokes Tubes Mossberg Shotguns 500 Chokes Tubes Sort by: 23 Item (s) of 2 Choke Tube Wrench, New Factory Original Manufacturer: MOSSBERG Model: 500, 835 Product #: 320320A $15.18 Add to Cart Add to My Saved Parts Eligible for FREE shipping * Choke Tube, 12 Ga., Accu-Choke, Improved Modified, Used Factory Original The only potential issue affects optic-favoring hunters. A .410 for turkey?. The gun weighs in a 6.5 pounds, so its an easy carry in the turkey woods. Posted by Hugh G Cree JR on Jun 15th 2022. Because of the interchangeable choke system, this little gun could double as a great early season dove gun when fitted with a more open choke. In guns that liked TSS, patterns were astounding, exceeding 100 pellets in a 10-inch circle at 40. He designed his custom chokes with release ports to dissipate the gases as the payload is exiting the choke, which results, according to the company, in a slight reduction in felt recoil. The Triumph will accommodate shot size #0 through Like most predators the Black Diamond Assault is designed to take its prey by surprise. The Tomahawk shoots 3-inch .410 shells, and the company promises a max range of 30 to 40 yards, which is very impressive for a .410 handgun. Amazing accuracy! Last turkey season my son and I doubled on turkeys in Tennessee while using the Mossberg 500 .410 turkey gun. 40 yards FANTASTIC pattern. Browning Maxus II. Though the .410 chambering is naturally lighter recoiling, this 500 is certainly not a youth gun. The quickestand highest qualityworkaround for mounting an optic on the Model 500 Turkey 410 is the Micro S-1 from Aimpoint. The gobbler fell stone-cold dead with a number of pellets in the head and neck. Jeb's all the way for me. Thats why the Mossberg 500 .410 Turkey gun is finding its place as the go-to turkey gun for turkey hunters across the country. Phil Bourjaily Every cowboy needs a revolver. Now, this isnt an issue with the .410, but the tubes are designed the same way through the spectrum of gauges. It has a much better pattern then the original choke. Heretofore hardly enough gun for butterflies, the .410 has became the hot new gobbler-getter. However foxtrot shot well enough to kill the bird at 30 and 40 as well, Posted by Brad Cullipher on Mar 11th 2021. Read Mossy Oak's wild turkey eyesight article and find out how gobblers can see three times sharper than a hunter! (Photo: Kristin Alberts/ 9 lead handloads for skeetit seems to shoot everything well, including the gobbler I took with my 7-1/2s last spring. In addition to the popular Mossberg 500 pump model, the company has reacted to the needs of hunters who prefer a semi-automatic shotgun. Its very similar to the Henry, but with a few tuned-up turkey features. The Savage 301 Turkey is a break action, single shot .410 shotgun that is available in either Mossy Oak Bottomland or Obsession. HEVI-Shot HEVI-Choke Turkey 12 Gauge Mossberg Accu. Truglo designed this dot sight specifically for the turkey hunter. Please read the description before purchasing. Since most turkey hunters strive to get a gobbler as close to the gun as possible, some .410 purists opt to use an over and under .410 model fitted with a more open choke for very close encounters with Mr. Tom and a conventional turkey choke for shots 25 or more yards away. The Heavyweight TSS shells will include the FliteControl Flex wad that gives hunters the ability to shoot any choke tube they prefer. When all is said and done, the .410 today is most certainly a much more viable option for the turkey woods than ever before. Buttstock to bore, the quality is excellent for the price. The Mossberg 500 Turkey 410 offers all the firepower of a repeater with five in the tube and a full choke. The two biggest benefits to the 500 in .410and the baby bore in generalis a lighter weight, more wieldy shotgun. Specifications. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Replaced the stock choke on my Tristar.410 with the headhunter Full choke. Our only real sticking point with the new 500 Turkey 410 is the fixed full choke. For items only available at the manufacturer, the lead-time may be a few weeks or longer-- depending on availability. Best of all, when we patterned the new .410 with TSS, even 30-35 yards is no great stretch for the sub-gauge. The Venom features a 3mm MOA bright red dot that is adjustable for brightness. Going down to 9s allows manufacturers to fit 270 to 295 pellets in a 3-inch .410 hull, leaving room for a tough, full-length shot cup and buffering to protect the bore and improve patterns. The tungsten based Hevi-Shot Hevi-X Strut and the new TSS (Tungsten Super Shot) loads from companies like Apex and Federal now make the .410 a viable option for the turkey hunter. The bottom line here is that its a matter of personal preference which way you go. Click here for that information. For many years, Indian Creek choke tubes were the talk of the turkey hunting world. The .410 model has been optimized for the Federal Heavyweight TSS loads, but works very well with other manufacturers heavier-than-lead loads in shot sizes 7-9. At 5.8 pounds with a 28-inch barrel, it swings fast, and has become one of my favorite skeet guns. More viable option for turkey hunters across the country all returns are subject to inspection and prior! 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