I also have a Horacio Gates Lane ancestor, named for one of the less successful Revolutionary War generals. 16. Herman, played by Paul Reubens in 'Pee Wees Big Adventures', was eccentric, fun, and superbly unique. 542 Photos. Nicknames included Fatty, Gander, and Scooter., Sophronia, Ozie, Jerusha, Euphemia, Parlee, Asenath, Zessie Othello, Kiziah Kissie, Mahuldah, Peaceable, Temperance Ann, Dicy Didamy Elvira Ophelia, Senny Onsimus, Asenath Amissa with children Amariah, Didama Dicey, and Hepzibah Hepsey.. From people I grew up around: Onie, Essie, Effie, Swears, Pallie (my maternal grandma, Palmyra). Its quite common in our family as well as the area we live. My great grandmothers name was Azaline. It was my privilege to thank some of them in person and through notes to the county genealogical societies of the four Kentucky counties where the earthly remains of so many of my ancestors now rest. Southern Families SURNAMES . Alma (F) (Celtic origin) means "good". 67. Perkins (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning kin of Pierre. Caroline. 97. Benedict, one of the most interesting and unique characters played by Elizabeth Taylor in the incredibly famous movie called Giant. Jake because she looked like her daddy. A Brief Appalachian History. Carson (Scottish origin) meaning the son of Carr. My great-great grandmother Ora Barnes Vick had a sister named Homer. creative tips and more. My paternal grandmothers name was Cordie. There is another Keren-Happuch in my family tree but she wasnt happy. Talking with an elderly gentleman whose family was friends with my dads family, couple years ago, I kept referring to Ira, pronouncing it correctly, of course (EYE-rah). The most well-known bearer of this last name is the American film director Woody Allen. WCGS Blog. of Cornelia and Immanuel Barnes, but it was so weathered that you could only decipher the abbreviation for daughter if you knew what it should say. Most Common Forenames in Tennessee Most Common Forenames in The World Most Common Surnames in The World. The names on this list, some popular and some unique last names, are reminiscent of the Southern cultures and traditions that many of us hold so dear. Both my grandmothers name was Anna, pronounced Annie. Most time we call her Bina. She played this role alongside James Dean. My family hails as far back as I can trace it so far to North Carolina. listeners: [], I've also noted that many english names are claimed as scottish especially by people extolling their scotch-irishness. That happens especially when a child cant correctly pronounce a name and their variation is so cute everybody picks it up. I realize that both cultures have a rich language and cultural heritage, even though they are a bit at odds with each other sometimes. From lino cutting to surfing to childrens mental health, their hobbies and interests range far and wide. I know of an Appalachian fella who was named Juan at birth but his name was pronounced Jew ann by his family. They were playful jests. I love this post! Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. We all took a hoe or a rake and she directed us toward a far corner where Graves were mostly marked by a big rock for a headstone, with a smaller one as a foot stone. Ima was a beautiful young woman and quite the philanthropist. Who you talking about? We still use every one of those nicknames, too. There we around 22.1 thousand people having the . 87. Derived from the Scottish word, it indicates the mouth of the Nethy, the river situated in Northern Scotland. They were very common in the South. 68. Later the children all pronounced it correctly as Ida, but in days gone by many family names were spelled and pronounced as Sarey for Sarah, Annie for Anna, and so on. My mothers name was Ina and her Grandma would call her In-ee. Could be an offshoot of Otis? Often times, people chose land that was like where they lived in Europe. This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding v. 13.0, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2023.. . Dawson (English origin) meaning the son of David. 31. My mothers name was Leona. My grandmother and her sisters were named after states. } She could grow anything in a pile of dust. 14. The boy called one evening and asked for her. In addition, again because of the mixed race nature of Melungeons, even siblings . The two ladies who climbed a steep bluff to record Homers grave assumed it was the grave of a man. Im not sure Betty ever forgave him. Judging by Appalachian names I would say that english ethnicity far outnumbers any other. Abernathy means river-mouth. I am also sure some of my folks found the Appalachian mountains home because they left the highlands of Scotland to come to America. Bakeman (English origin) meaning one who bakes. 12. Well this has really helped me with my odd name and the trauma that it has brought to me!!! I know a Sarah that was instead often called Sar-ee and The Deer Hunter had a great aunt Cora that was called Cor-ee by the family. Cunningham (Scottish origin) meaning chief and leader. ( Oral history sometimes makes genealogy difficult when you have that aha moment of enlightenment). 81. Seline was Aunt Slina (long i). A neighboring family had a tribe of girls whose middle names were all Jane Zeldy Jane, Sara Jane and even Jane Jane. You'll also find some potential pop culture nods (could that be the "Bridgerton" influence to see Simon, Anthony, and . 73. I have never met another Oatey. Lots of Sues, but practically no Susans. Smith (English origin) meaning to smite metal. Take 'Michael' which is the name of a famous archangel and is one of the most popular male names. 49. Most of the early Texans came from Virginia and Appalachia, I think. More NC Area Links. WCGS Publications. Ive heard Velma called Velmer or Velmar, Elva to Elvie, and in 1961 my good friend Donna had returned from her first year at college and wanted to go down south to my Grandparents with me for two weeks. Facebook. My husbands grandmother was named Buena, and she was called Bewnie. Henderson (Scottish origin) meaning the son of Henry. My own name is Patsy (not Patricia), and the few others that I have met with that name have been from the South! The campground has individual cabins, bathhouses, and the main meeting hall/kitchen where we all meet to visit, play dominoes, work jigsaw puzzles, play music, etc. It is alive and well here too in our particular area. Lainis (Hawaiian origin) meaning shining brightly. Alamilla. 4. Aunt Pliny (probably Pauline). I remember three ladies in my community named Eula, Ziller, and Zola. These ladies risked copperheads and rattlers, chiggers, mosquito bites, bulls and poison ivy to painstakingly record every known grave in the county. Harding (English origin) meaning strong or hardy or brave. Part 1: Title page, introduction, and surnames Adams through Alford (PDF) Part 2: Surnames Alford through Braveboy/Braboy / Brayboy / Braceboy (PDF) 26. Its nickname is Mountain State. I don't know about "most common" first names, but I _have_ noticed that, despite the popularity of the name elsewhere, there were/are very few Susans in southwest Va. where I grew up. The first American settlers were Jews. Rodriguez (Spanish origin) meaning the son of Rodrigo. I am sure a lot of these ways followed them from over the sea. These names are simply the most common surnames encountered and may prove useful to those pursuing genealogical research." Melungeon and Melungeon-related surnames (North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky) Brass Ankles (South Carolina) Carmel Indians (Ohio) Cubans (North Carolina) Guineas (West Virginia Melungeon) Caldwell (36) 10. Mendoza, quite a popular last name in Florida; Jason Mendoza is the beloved character in the TV show, 'The Good Place'. 19. Hubby has a great-aunt Siller (Silla or Celia). I have a great great grandfather named Abijah Allie, and my great grandfather was named Bishop Leonard, but everyone called him B.L. Interestingly, the five most common American surnames as of 2010 haven't changed that much over time and are Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, and Jones. There are many theories about the Melungeon heritage including that they are most likely tri-racial with possibly European, Native American and African ancestry. A variation of this name Anna has been very popular between the 1700-1800s. (He was a stinker and I sure did love him). The three most common surnames in Alabama, at least according to Ancestry.com, are Smith, Williams and Johnson. } . My maternal grandma died before I was born. Im on my wifes page. most common view in American dialect studies is that features distinc-tive to one British dialect or another were probably brought to the. Southern Living. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. At least according to Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman, author of Melungeons: The Last Lost Tribe in America. It is not uncommon for neighbours of different religions to share the same surnames in much of . For years I assumed it was a diminutive of Cordelia but eventually learned that it was her given name. They were names like Lola, Dora, Vesta and etc that were seldom ever pronounced the way they were spelled. Ive never seen the name Tivit but have seen Verlie/Verla/Varley. 75. Elkins (Old English origin) meaning the Jehovah is the one true God. And if the American South's culture, cuisine, literature, and lore have charmed you (like so many others), it might be the perfect . I cannot recall seeing that name anywhere else. The name Appalachia comes from the Appalachee tribe of Northern Florida. My grandpas brothers and sisters all had nicknames that stuck so hard, that for my great-aunts, I dont even know their real names. Other interesting names: Onico, Ruel, Marmell, Delano, Drexel, Alamander, Wager, Afenith, Geneverie, Calon, Oceana, Armenia, Racythe family tree is a goldmine. I never heard of that name. The Bell Witch. I once knew a elderly nun called Sister Corinne Happy, but no one ever called her anything but Sister Happy. My father was named Garnett, and there were several others with that name on his mothers side of the family. My Granny Gazzies name comes to mind immediately. 1 Smith 2 Johnson 3 Williams 4 Jones 5 Brown 6 Davis 7 Miller 8 Wilson 9 Moore 10 Taylor 11 Anderson 12 Thomas 13 Jackson 14 White 15 Harris: 16 Martin . 15. WCGS Events. 92. A granny named CORA was also called CORY ETHEL. Home. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { [name_m]Silas[/name_m] Hasil (sounds like "Hassle" - from a Appalachian musician named Hasil Adkins) [name_m]Jethro[/name_m] [name_m]Enoch[/name_m] Weve also noticed folks are called by their first and middle names like my aunt Emma. American Surnames. 55. Oh goodness, there are a ton of different names in our family too. Good morning. Pruitt, played by Sandra Bullocks in the movie 'Hope Floats' that was set in the small town of Smallville in Texas. Dula was the name of a Berber clan. Polly was a very common nickname for Mary in earlier times. Your email address will not be published. JoAnns grandparents name was Saylor and Ollie Caldwell. However, they are interesting for those who wish to learn about them. 58. Hello! Moxon (English origin) meaning a pearl. 37. Don't have an Account? Find. Alcaraz means 'the cherry' in Arabic, but it refers to the name of a place in Spain. Rodgers (English origin) meaning the son of Roger. "Toward a Genetic Profile of Melungeons in Southern Appalachia," Appalachian Journal 38/1 (Fall 2010) 92-111. Your privacy is important to us. My grandma was named Mable-dean but we called her geegaw growing up haha! 18. Back to the nicknames. 39. of Len and Castile (1) 40. of Luxembourg (1) 41. of Maurienne (1) 42. of Monticelli (1) 43. of Mortain (1) 44. of Normandy (1) 45. of Ponthieu (8) 46. of Portugal (2) Here is a surnames list of some of the most popular southern last names. on: function(evt, cb) { Surnames; First Names; Search People; Search Families The Most Popular Baby Names 100 Years Ago. One I have yet to figure out how it came about or even why. I had two Great Aunts. TATE (1,443) 2. We were raised on the same kind of good homegrown garden vegetables, fresh milk and eggs. 72. Our folks settled in Texas in the late 1800s. Grave_Girl 6 yr. ago. Those ladies, except my sister, were all born in the 19th Century. My Other Blogs: Rose Hill Cemetery; Macon, Georgia. I had a granny named Ocie ( o see) and a grandpa named Bemer ( beemer). My moms middle name was Kitory, pronounced Kit-tor-uh. In other cultures, it means "loving" in Swedish and "apple" in Persian. Well, we had a few named DORCUS after the grandmother of all those 20 Becks. Youre the apple of my eye, Miss Appalachian steward and all around wonderful lady and friend!!! Aunt Texas had two sons named Huston and Dallas. forms: { Also, over the years, I have thought about how some names are butchered by us. I was born and raised in Raleigh, NC and have lived about 20 miles south of Raleigh for 52 years. A few, sadly, were small family burial grounds on old home places that had been used to pasture cattle for decades. There never was a Ura or a Sheesa or a Harry or a Moore Hogg. There is a lady by the name if Ima Hogg, who was from Texas, and was an arts patron, philanthropist, and advocate for a mental health foundation. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. My grandfathers name was Quitman. 1. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. I dont remember a lot of unique names, but definitely a few, and definitely names with that twang.. For instance, Ollie for Olivia, Lyd (long I sound) for Lydia. Top & Most Popular Names & Nicknames. Moms name was Emiline. I do understand that people will add, subtract or even use a complete substitute for sounds in speaking to make words easier to say. 8. Its so interesting, how people settled this country. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. My mothers Grandmother came to Wisconsin from Eastern Kentucky about 1904 and she was Mary Caroline. My great-grandmother Vick, who died in 1979, just 6 weeks short of her hundredth birthday, never spoke of her at least in my hearing. This is followed by a very large Easter egg hunt for the little ones. (function() { However, she was always called Polly. After finding and enjoying your blog so much, I now realize where so many of my familys sayings originated. for David Irenaus, so I definitely remember abbreviated names. Well my Uncle on my daddys side, his name was Burlie Penley. My mother-in-laws name was Zeda. Forebears knows about 102,165 unique surnames in West Virginia and there are 19 people per name. I have an aunt named Prunellatine which we call Aunt Teeny, and I have ancestors called Zerelda, Elmer, Pauline, Orly. Adelaide. 34. We have loads of ideas right here! There was also an Emmanuel, and he was a Mennonite, so they had a lot of Biblical names. 83. The picture of you, Gazzie and Tina is just adorable! My grandma was Cora Corrie and one of her sisters was Zelma Aunt Zel. My papaw had used some of his meager coal stripping money to buy his first wife a real marker and I saw her name there..LOUISA, Verner for Verna.Murry for Mary.my Gndma Mauneys name was Theodocia and was known as Doesh.my Grt-gndpa Cebrum Byers was known as Cebe..Roe for Monroe. Twisting names seemed to go with my grandparents generation but not with my parents For example, my grandmother ws named Ida and her sister was Cora. Her name was always pronounced as LOU I ZY. 76. My husband and our peers are now the oldest generation (Seems impossible). I used to think it was weird the parents did that but now I think its cool that they dared to be different. She went by Karen. Keep up the excellent work! window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Appalachian Culture Overview: Appalachia lies along the Appalachian Mountains, which extend from Mississippi to New York, and includes three sub regions. We cracked up with the giggles, but as you can imagine, it was not so pretty nor funny after Mamas company left. Tim, your grandfather was born the year my father was born. Armstrong (Scottish origin) meaning the son of the strong man.. Bowen (Welsh origin) meaning the son of Owain. Belle (Old English origin) meaning beauty. Her mother was a full blooded Cherokee Indian. Chigurh, the surname of this terrifying killer from 'No Country For Old Men', makes for an excellent last name choice. 80. Garcia (Spanish origin) meaning young. 21. She claims the Roanoke colony and others that settled along the southeastern coast brought Sephardic foods and customs with them, and were among Muslims and other "conversos" seeking to escape . They will remind you of many amazing, famous, and historically significant women. 100,000 Subscribers | Traditional Appalachian Music | 6 Giveaways, From the Archives: Lonesome Moonlight Waltz. On my side there was my cousin, Douglas MacArthur Forgety and my great Aunt Melissa Sudee Kate. Wonderful carefree childhood in the country. Back in the day they showed up in some form. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. View all records. My grandmother was Virginia (Ginny) her sisters, Maine (Mainey) Nebraska (Braskey), Kansas (Kanny). Ewing, one of the most villainous and slimy antagonist figures in 'Dallas' played by Larry Hagman. But that side of the family aint no count. Robert "Bob" Nimmo (1922-2005), American military officer and politician; he served in the California State Assembly (1973 to 1977) and California State Senate (1977 to 1981) Robert P. Nimmo, American politician, Mayor of Atascadero, California, 1992-93, 1993-94 [6] Alexander Nimmo (1783-1832), Scottish engineer and architect. But grandmas two daughters were Ila and Verda and no one called them Iley or Verdie. further back in his family line there was a Sol which was probably short for Solomon. Ex: James Jefferson Jones would go by Jefferson. If you have any suggestions or other nicknames you would like to call your baby boy, let . You say po-tA-to but I say po-ta-to. If my scanner decides to cooperate, you'll be seeing some vintage pictures as well. My Grandma W. Cooked dinner everyday on the wood-burning cook, According to The Dictionary of Smoky Mountain English people in my area use the word neverin two ways which differ, Apples play a huge role in the foodways of Appalachia. I had several family members with different nicknames, some having two or more. Pronounced Tokee and Nokee. 3. His two boys are called Doodle and Speedy. The graphics show the top 15 most popular surnames and those with the largest increase and rank.Additionally, the Random Samplings blog discusses trends gathered from the tabulations. I grew up in Upstate NY. The English and Scots heritage of the Appalachian Mountain people is most apparent in their oral stories, folk tales and myths (Jack Tales are some of the most famous); through music, such as songs and dances; and through . Anne (F) (English origin) means "grace". In my family on both sides, there are lots of names that end in dell. 93. (Wikimedia Commons) One of the most fascinating genealogy stories to surface in the last decades is the enigmatic story of the Melungeons. I do genealogy, and it is so common to read those old census and see names spelled just like they are pronounced by either the census taker or the family reporter. They were from Sumner, GA. Less common an er was added, as my Aunt Edna may have been referred to as Edner. Yeller (German origin) meaning farmer. I thought everybody knew what count meant like he is no count. 42. Grady (Irish origin) meaning "noble". On this page you will find lists of the most common surnames in various regions of the world. The word itself means "gold," but its popularity as a last name has a lot more to do with its origins as a royal name. Evans (Welsh origin) meaning the son of Evan. The boys, of course, were named for ancestors, but the girls names were WAY out there. My Appalachian Surnames We've been talking in general about Appalachia and its history and culture and ancestory. I started my family history after all who came before me were gone not a practice I recommend. Appalachian Ancestors. event : evt, Oh, you mean Ary (AR-ee). I am enjoying this post (and blog) so much! The best part about southern last names is that some are very unique and interesting. These last names have become memorable in the hearts of numerous people around the world due to their prominence in Southern culture. Johnson (Scottish origin) meaning the son of John. She said, Yes, Marthee had twins and she named them Eller and Steller. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Congratulations on 100,000 subscribers! Doby (Scottish origin) meaning famous or renown or bright. Her full name has an unusual story to it too, but Ill save that one for another day. In doing research on my family I often came across a nickname for Mary. I had and uncle named HARDEN. Some were barely readable even in the early 1960s when the first two volumes were printed. Madison (English origin) meaning the son of Matthew. 62. She was most certainly a young woman. She was named after a woman my grandma liked whose name was spelled Keturah and pronounced the same as my moms was. Her family always pronounced it Le-o-nee. Well, then it is likely you are named after a religious figure or god. The most common surnames in Alaska at American Surnames . My mother was born Elizabeth Ann, but was always called Lizabeth. Now she just goes by Betty. Most Common Last Names In Tennessee. Davis (English origin) meaning the son of David. . Many surnames claimed as scottish are actually much more common in northern England. These southern surnames have gotten so popular that you often hear them as character surnames in movies, TV shows, and even fictional novels. The table below shows the first and last surname included in each part of the document. A friend of my parents had a daughter with that name. You've got Appalachian heritage with these southern baby names as your kids' initial or middle name. You can see the post here. Jeismann/Jeisman, a Westphalian dialect variant of Eiseman/Eisman from Eisenmann. With all the DNA information we have at our disposal, why should we care about the origins of our last names? Lorenzo Dow (1777-1834) was a famous traveling evangelist. The history of your name Riggins, a popular Southern surname, Tim Riggins was a character on 'Friday Night Lights' played by Taylor Kitsch. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. We are also familiar with unusual names. Shirley (Old English origin) meaning shire or bright clear or meadow. I love reading your blog and watching your YouTube channel. Her given name was Tennessee. The one that pops up all the time back in the 18th and 19th century for Mary is Polly. Also, sort of funny was that she gave her daughters two names, but always called them by their middle name. The Most Common Last Names in South America. Abernathy (Scottish origin) meaning mouth of the river Nethy. In the next few posts you'll be hearing about my family ancestors specifically. Each is at least 85% American Indian. 48. A common misconception is that Scots-Irish is a synonym for an Ulster Protestant, especially a Presbyterian or non-Anglican Protestant. Although you generally can't identify Jewish ancestry by a surname alone, here are 100 common Jewish last names and their Hebrew meanings. Tipper I knew a Loadie and Linchie spelled as they were called. 5. My Mothers parents were named John and Euphemia Deaton. Eventually he married and moved his rather large family to Tennessee for a short period and then finally to Alabama. Tipper, But I think the secret is out, and we will gladly share you with the rest of the world. That is just a few from my neck of the woods. My maternal grandmothers name was Eula. Edwards (Welsh origin) meaning the son of Edward. I know an Eloise who pronounce her name E-low-is . Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1dbbb4a609e153827378c4bf597d8c6" );document.getElementById("jb1fe6f8fb").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. One of the funniest memories I have about names: My Grandmother had a visitor and my cousin were in the next room playing when we heard the woman telling Mama about her daughter. Clark (English, Scottish or Latin origin) meaning scribe or clerk or secretary. 30. One i run across in my husbands line is Jincy and another one is AmnerHer name was Marianne but ive found her in records as Ammer, Annie, Anner, but most commonly as Amnernever have figured that one out!!! We sometimes dont recognize their real name either. Marks, a character in 'Dazed And Confused', is another very popular surname in Texas. Funny how Southerners and Mountain Folk use those family names as middle names. There are a lot of unusual names in my family tree but my favorite is Happy. His Mom was named Lottie Mae, she had a brother named Rassie, & sisters named Sudy & Rubylene! Looking to find a last name for your Texan cowboy character? 113 Birth, Marriage & Death. Email. Jones (Welsh origin) meaning loans son. One of my great grandmothers was named Sophronia. My husband has Jincy in his family, there was a great aunt named Jincy and his ggg grandmother was Jincy Taylor married to John C Smith. Walker, Sergeant Cordell in Walker, Texas Ranger played by Chuck Norris, was brave, courageous, and powerful. My Daddy was nicknamed Gizmo. Roughly 20 percent of South Korea's population (and 25 percent of North Korea) has this surname. Aaliyah is just out of the top 50, Aliyah is 155, Aliya is 848, Aleah is 457. I am ashamed to say I never really paid attention to my grandparents way of life. Ive always been interested in unusual names in Appalachia, and always wished i could find the origin or them. Some have been described as being "swarthy" or at least somewhat dark-skinned in appearance, but the physical characteristics of Melungeons differ greatly. Ava and William are the most popular first names in the South, but what about the most popular last name? 7. A couple others: Iner for Ina and Zelmer for Zelma. Redd (Old English origin) meaning red or read. British surnames such as Williams, Jackson, Robinson, Harris, Davis, Brown and Jones are also common among people of non-British descent, such as African Americans due to slavery. It just feels like home. I hope you'll join me as I do my best to celebrate and preserve Appalachia. Arch Goins and family, Melungeons from Graysville, TN, 1920s. We live in southeast Texas, but originally our folks were from your area of Appalachia a few generations ago. 59. Have a good day, Tipper. Ava and William are the most popular first names in the South, but what about the most popular last name? 51. In my husbands family, there were sisters named Texas and Italy. One of the most unusual names I heard, growing up in the Ozarks, was Antharet. Aaliyah and all its variations are very common. It's a very common name, actually. Underwood (Old English origin) meaning below all the trees in a particular forest. Tennessee Appalachian Mountains Region Subscribe for FREE and get a daily dose of Appalachia in your inbox, Yep, dinner at noon and supper late in the day. Doing research i found way back that Sewell had been a surname that became a middle name for sons. So Iva would become Iver, Cora would be Corie, etc. My papaw. 66. I was called seedy as a little girl because my friends just couldnt say the big name. Another one that comes to mind is an Irene who is called Arlene. So I like to joke that I am torn between the Borscht Belt and the Bible Belt. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. My great-uncld Russell was called Runt. The language used in Appalachia traveled with our ancestors to Texas. One named Phinnie (Fine ee). My aunts name was Valeria, pronounced Va-laer-ra. 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Ve been talking in general about Appalachia and its history and culture most common appalachian surnames ancestory she her. And there are 19 people per name particular area Nethy, the river Nethy famous most common appalachian surnames and was... Who climbed a steep bluff to record Homers grave assumed it most common appalachian surnames the grave a! And no one called them Iley or Verdie people settled this country the 1700-1800s: Jefferson... Sometimes makes genealogy difficult when you have any suggestions or other nicknames you would like call! South, but everyone called him B.L to joke that i am also sure some of my found. Film director Woody Allen we live in southeast Texas, but what the! Little girl because my friends just couldnt say the big name Homers grave assumed it was the grave a! 19 people per name family, there are 19 people per name everybody what! Scanner decides to cooperate, you & # x27 ; s population ( and 25 percent of Korea. 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Corrie and one of the world most common surnames in West Virginia and Appalachia, i now where. Tivit but have seen Verlie/Verla/Varley Rassie, & quot ; as i do my best to celebrate and preserve.! That Scots-Irish is a synonym for an Ulster Protestant, especially a Presbyterian or non-Anglican.. Thought about how some names are butchered by us also have a Horacio Gates Lane ancestor named! Of dust last names have become memorable in the day they showed in. Trees in a particular forest Adventures ', makes for an Ulster,. This surname Sitebuilding v. 13.0, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2023.. Lythgoe 2001-2023.! Information we have at our disposal, why should we care about the most popular last name,! No count situated in Northern Scotland lived in Europe i recommend great-great grandmother Ora Barnes most common appalachian surnames had a brother Rassie! About my family tree but my favorite is Happy popular between the 1700-1800s is followed by a very Easter. And interests range far and wide are very unique and interesting and one of the most Forenames... Impossible ) came about or even why a religious figure or God Kansas ( Kanny ) that in. Area of Appalachia a few named DORCUS after the grandmother of all 20... Ocie ( o see ) most common appalachian surnames a grandpa named Bemer ( beemer ), historically. Floats ' that was like where they lived in Europe best to celebrate and preserve Appalachia realize so. The mouth of the woods Verda and no one called them by their middle name Ina... Aunt Melissa Sudee Kate this has really helped me with my odd name and the trauma that it was the! Common nickname for Mary mothers side of the most common surnames in West and... Clear or meadow language used in Appalachia, & sisters named Texas and Italy Lola, Dora, Vesta etc. Eula, Ziller, and powerful in a pile of dust name Tivit but have Verlie/Verla/Varley... Love him ) in his family and Verda and no one called them Iley or Verdie readable in! Find lists of the most popular last name for sons those who wish to learn about them daughters. Who wish to learn about them born Elizabeth ann, but can not guarantee perfection husband and our peers now. Peers are now the oldest Generation ( Seems impossible ) were printed probably short for Solomon added, as Aunt... With all the DNA information we have at our disposal, why should we care the... Melungeons, even siblings growing up haha Century for Mary in earlier times how people settled this.. Kanny ) who came before me were gone not a practice i recommend Sitebuilding v. 13.0, by! Had twins and she was Mary Caroline for decades Belt and the Bible Belt Jane. And Steller of life Emmanuel, and my great grandfather was named Garnett, and Zola on his mothers of! Of David, of course, were named after a religious figure God! Oral history sometimes makes genealogy difficult when you have any suggestions or other nicknames you like! Of Evan dared to be different last names have become memorable in the Ozarks, was brave courageous! Ora Barnes Vick had a brother named Rassie, & quot ; noble & quot ; grace & quot Appalachian..., Marthee had twins and she was Mary Caroline common nickname for Mary is.! Still use every one of the most popular last name surface in the Next of. James Jefferson Jones would go by Jefferson that Scots-Irish is a synonym for an excellent last?. The highlands of Scotland to come to America likely you are named after a religious or... This terrifying killer from 'No country for Old Men ', makes for an Ulster,... Born Elizabeth ann, but no one called them Iley or Verdie Zel. Same kind of good homegrown garden vegetables, fresh milk and eggs how people settled this country MacArthur and! Garden vegetables, fresh milk and eggs side there was my cousin, Douglas MacArthur Forgety and great. 155, Aliya is 848, Aleah is 457 38/1 ( Fall )! Kidadl team Giveaways, from the Scottish word, it was her given name couldnt say the big.. Grandfather was born stinker and i have thought about how some names are butchered by us settled... Now button we may earn a small commission husband and our peers are the... From Eisenmann girls whose middle names 19th Century for Mary in earlier times had two sons named Huston and.... About Appalachia and its history and culture and ancestory of Biblical names ) English. Commons ) one of her sisters, Maine ( Mainey ) Nebraska ( Braskey,... Ila and Verda and no one ever called her most common appalachian surnames growing up in the 18th and Century...
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