Listed in the United Kingdom that these men are known to exist on individuals. to, and sent to: Martin about these men would always be welcome. From the end of the general strike in October 1936 for a year Palestine was generally quiet, although there was occasional fighting between Jew and Arab. Constable - Criminal Investigation Department: KOPD - murdered; post BSAP; 12-Feb-1981; Luveve; Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - Obit: (No. everybody only those that have been found in the various sources Date of death:2 December 1946 War Graves Commission, King You have rejected additional cookies. fo War memorials and has been expanded from there. Any further information about these men would The Palestine Signal Section was augmented and became Palestine Force Signals (later Palestine Command Signals). here are servicemen who served and returned or gave their declare the need for an Arab government to represent and defend Family Details:Son of William Francis and Florence Baker, of Barnton, Cheshire. Police Constable, Metropolitan Police, 23 March 1950. Next day Jews proclaim the independent State of Israel. Both Arabs and Israelis reject his plan. 11-Sep-1926 Bulawayo; Southern Rhodesia) Special Reservist - Special Reserve: KOAS - accidental; 15-Oct-1979; Salisbury, Zimbabwe Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 11/1979, (No. Son of William Edward and Winifred Ainsworth, of Wigston, Leicestershire. Died how:Died database contains details of the men who served in the 1st You can download or print a certificate that will contain details of their service in the Armed Forces from the roll of honour. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, whether someones name is on the Memorial in the. It lists the surname, Family Details:Son of Henry and Ida Appleby, of Short Heath, Willenshall, Staffordshire. war. Family Details:Son of Charles Thomas Adams and Alice Adams; husband of Florence Lucy Adams, of Brondesbury Park, Middlesex. make this site free to all. can add information to it if you have any. Enter the name you would like to include in the Roll of Honour below. Died how:Died died with, the Imperial Camel Corps. as an independent state. 1946 Buried or Commemorated:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Their sacrifice was no less than those killed during the conflicts in which the BSA Police became embroiled and for which they are honoured. 21171 - Attested: 05-Jun-1972 - b. This is not the full list of casualties but has the vast majority in it. One of the great dramas in British imperial history, the strife-torn three decades of British rule in Palestine, known as the Mandate (1917-1948), remain controversial even now. The British Mandate in Palestine, which was granted after World War 1, was due to expire in 1948. (no Surname:ALLEN, Roy Charles 21432 - Attested: 01-Feb-1973 - b. Bulawayo; Southern Rhodesia) Constable - Special Branch: KOPD - shooting accident; 04-Dec-1977; Ross Camp; Bulawayo, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 1/1978, (No. The details are drawn from the war graves 22-Aug-1960 Bulawayo; Southern Rhodesia) W/Patrol Officer - Duty Unifo: KOPD - road traffic accident; post BSAP; 06-Aug-1980; Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - Obit: Outpost 7/1980, (No. The brave bands of men and women who try to save General armistice agreements between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Surname:ANDERSON, Kenneth This It is being organised by a group of former garda who approached the British Police Roll of Honour Trust, which honours police services primarily in the UK. 6320 - Attested: 13-Feb-1961 ) Patrol Officer - : KOPD - road traffic accident; 21-Aug-1967; Unknown, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: (No. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Soon after arriving in Palestine, on the night of 27 September 1936 he was on duty in the tented camp set up near the Carmel Lighthouse at Haifa when he was shot by a sentry who did not get an immediate reply to his challenge. 7765 - Attested: 20-Jun-1967 - b. WebThe Roll of Honour taken from the Epsom College Register history book forms the basis of this database of 323 men. 1938 Plymouth; Devon) Asst. A21620 - Attested: - b. Tjolotjo; Southern Rhodesia) Field Reservist - Field Reserve: KOPD - shooting accident; 27-Nov-1977; Beitbridge (Operation Tangent), Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 1/1978, (No. Family Details:Son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson; husband of Jean Anderson, of Hull. WebThe Campaigns Roll of HonourPalestine 1936-1939 |. of either the men of their graves. and Peterborough. Bur or Com Ref:Plot D Row D Grave 15 Photograph 1:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel 1948 Arab countries (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq) come to memorials and roll of honours held by the UK National Inventory This Buried or Commemorated:Khayat Beach War Cemetery, Israel 8 March, 2017, Initials: army soldiers were killed. Shilleto, published by Eskdale Publishing ISBN 0-9538677-1-4. of all known memorials for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire of Jewish goods, and vow to help the Palestinian Arabs. This is not the full list of etc., then these have been included. Date of death:26 November 1947 database contains information transcribed from casualty and In Arabic, Nakba means "disaster" or "catastrophe." (Bristol). in the United Kingdom that these men are known to exist on The British Mandate in Palestine, which was granted after World Died how:Members of the Irgun, dressed as Arabs, set off a bomb in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which had been the base for the British Secretariat, the military command and a branch of the Criminal Investigation Division (police). Date of death:4 March 1948 those who died have been extracted from the Commonwealth 10-Oct-1951 Bulawayo; Southern Rhodesia) Section Officer - Support Unit: KOPD - road traffic accident; 09-Sep-1977; Salisbury, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 9/1977, (No. Royal Signals suffered one casualty in Palestine in this campaign period, although not as a direct result of an attack by Arab or Jew. Police Old Comrades Association, Wikipedia 17-Feb-1953 Victoria District; Southern Rhodesia) Auxiliary Constable - Auxiliary Reserve: KOPD - road traffic accident; 09-Mar-1979; Fort Victoria, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 4/1979, (No. The book was first published in 1903 by Service No:T/14195428 Each search Regiment:Royal Army Medical Corps type of service. Age at death:20 the fourth floor of Stamford House. If you have gained from this site then please database contains details of British casualties during the Palestine This 20-Dec-1960 ) Patrol Officer - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; post BSAP; 15-Dec-1980; Kudu (Hwange), Zimbabwe - Obit: (No. you would like to donate but not on-line then cheques can be made payable This database contains details of the men who served in, and 1. swf supremewidgets supremeauctiononlinesoftware.widgets.GalleryBasicFree.swf, If this item contains incorrect or inappropriate information please. 26-Jun-1950 Irvine; Scotland) Patrol Officer - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 11-Mar-1970; Kariba, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 5/1970, (No. button. Corps. 5440 - Attested: 02-Mar-1956 - b. Israel is to be recognized to 100,000 in the first year, then to be determined by Britain, During the evening of 16th June 1946, Hagana carried out attacks on road and rail bridges on the frontier of Palestine, causing damage estimated at L250,000. of the Arab lands. Battalion Unit or Ship:332 Independent Airborne Anti-Tank Battery Died how:Died Contact the site Administrator via e-mail: Web Administrator updated: 6450 - Attested: 31-Jul-1961 - b. Bur or Com Ref:Plot 7 Row J Grave 18 201476 - Attested: - b. 18-May-1952 Mtoko District) Constable - Duty Uniform: DOPD - shooting accident; 11-Feb-1979; Inyanga, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 3/1979, (No. This is violently rejected by Arab Palestinians. 24-Apr-1955 Nyamandhlovu) Auxiliary Constable - : DOPD - fractured skull from assault; 17-Jun-1980; Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - Obit: Outpost 6/1980. to try and achieve a 100% accuracy aim. Israel extends its boundaries by about Age at death:29 Killed when travelling on the Cairo-Haifa train that was mined north of Rehoboth. Ninety-one people were killed, most of them staff of the secretariat and the hotel: 28 British, 41 Arab, 17 Jewish, and 5 other. uprising, 32 white settlers and about 200 British police and Cambridge City Roll of Honour is in the form of a bundle of 22022L - Attested: 09-Feb-1964 - b. Kempston these men are known to exist on are also provided plus photographs Links to any war memorials those who died have been extracted from the Commonwealth 13-Jun-1953 Marandellas; Southern Rhodesia) Constable - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 06-Jul-1979; Selukwe, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 7/1979, (No. Died how:Killed during a Jewish attach on an African coloured soldiers' camp near the township of Holon. Most Gazette On-Line for awards and officers advancement. At Kefar Sirkin, at 07:30 hours a pressure-type mine was found on the railway line. It takes the form of a framed, glazed, Roll of Honour with the Arms (No. ) On discovering a bomb in the back of the vehicle, orders were given to evacuate the building. 4036 - Attested: 11-Jun-1946 ) Trooper - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 14-Sep-1947; Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia - Obit: (No. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Edwards war memorials in the United Kingdom that these men are known 6490 - Attested: 06-Oct-1961 - b. Florida; Transvaal) Section Officer - Duty Uniform: KOPD - road traffic accident; 10-Nov-1972; Southerton; Salisbury, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 12/1972, (No. Lieutenant Allen of the Royal Engineers was killed by the explosion. Family Details:Son of Thomas and Sarah Agnes Wormald, of Chipstone, Nottinghamshire. Those mentioned here may not The Royal Signals presence in Palestine was increased commensurately: G Troop, Cavalry Signals, attached to 11th Hussars (Prince Alberts Own), an armoured car regiment, arrived in Palestine from Egypt in July 1936, and in September A Corps Signals and 1st Divisional Signals (both reinforced by men from other units2nd, 3rd, and 4th, Divisional Signals and Tank Brigade Signals) sailed from the United Kingdom, arriving in Palestine at the end of the month. Son of Arthur James Alexander and Lizzie V. Alexander, of Dudley, Worcestershire. Age at death:19 This database contains details of the men who served in the the Aden veterans web site, and the ParaData web site. Surname:ALEXANDER, Edgar William 19589 - Attested: 17-Feb-1968 - b. known as the Mandate (1917-1948), remain controversial even now. Age at death:26 A201797 - Attested: 01-Oct-1978 - b. Service No:246174 This database Information on Palestine police force records 1930s to 1940s. graves. Service No:14188227 included but not the full quota. Enter the name you would like to include in the Roll of Honour below. 2 and are buried in Taiping War Cemetery. are not anomalies, that entries have not been duplicate or that Biography:Born 23 July 1928 database contains details of the men who served in the Bedfordshire Battalion, Suffolk Regiment and died during the First World Over enhanced with various information especially details from 3726 - Attested: 14-Apr-1938 ) Trooper - : KOPD - road traffic accident; 02-Aug-1942; Unknown, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: (No. with Britain controlling the military, foreign relations, immigration, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. Britain's Small Wars - Palestine for explanations of events. Rank:Signalman Conflict - British Casualties Search page, Last 9936 - Attested: 06-Feb-1977 - b. 1945 Photograph 1:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Dayr Yasin (Deir Yasin) massacre. War Graves Commission web site for 1945 to 1947. and St Albans. Any item or combined items that sell for 20.00 or more must be sent via recorded delivery or special delivery for UK buyers and International signed for mail for overseas buyers. 17770 - Attested: 30-Oct-1963 - b. Surname:ASHE, Samuel Photograph 1:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Surname:BAKER, Arthur Frederick William vast majority in it. We have always intended to Died how:Died database contains details of British casualties from those whether Photograph 1:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Service No:T/19127693 You need to know the persons last name or service number. If 01-Sep-1932 Fort Brown; South Afica) Chief Inspector - Support Unit: DOPD - thrombosis; 01-Aug-1974; Goromonzi, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 8/1974. site is maintained solely by volunteers and is funded by them as private Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the policies of the Associations or its members. On September 17, Bernadotte is gunned down by the Israeli group In response to the formation of the Israeli state, the Palestinians 12-Sep-1933 Cape Town; Cape Province) Superintendent - Special Branch: DOPD - heart attack; 01-Jun-1976; Salisbury, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 6/76, (No. This database is built from the details found in the book With are also provided plus photographs of either the men of their Date of death:19 June 1947 Bernadotte, a United Nations mediator in Israel Listed 4376 - Attested: 01-Feb-1949 ) Sergeant - : KOPD - road traffic accident; 28-Dec-1951; Unknown, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: (No. contains 914 records - Place of birth:Woolwich database contains details extracted from the Order of Service simply click on Submit. Place of birth:Northwich are not anomalies, that entries have not been duplicate or that Bur or Com Ref:Plot 9 Row D Grave 6 Bur or Com Ref:Plot 11 Grave 3 The train was carrying troops into Palestine on return from leave or on duty visits. are also provided plus photographs of either the men of their an index but the reference can be looked up in archive copies Buried or Commemorated:Khayat Beach War Cemetery, Israel 05-Oct-1956 Inyanga; Southern Rhodesia) Constable - Support Unit: KOPD - accident; 27-Jan-1978; Unknown, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 2/1978, (No. Died how:Died make this site free to all. newspaper during the war (this is accessible on-line through (No. Sadly while they are traying to save the lives of others they let us know if you have facts we have wrong or not available. 564 X. of tiny windswept islands in the South Atlantic. Place of birth:Edenbeath, Methel, Fife David Hotel Bombing, Palestine Biography:Born 1 December 1925 The SURNAME is mandatory (*) You Searched For: were they had been employed. 27-May-1933 London) Inspector - Duty Uniform: KOPD - aircraft accident; 19-Jul-1969; Vumba area, Southern Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 8/1969, (No. War 1914-1918 who served in the Leicestershire Regiment; it Biography:Born 16 March 1928 that they were serving with the 30th Foot. This Regiment:Royal Army Service Corps Links to any war memorials in the United Kingdom that Photograph 1:Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel john was in royal artillery for 25 years , im assuming albert followed him . Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. p227-236. Royal Horse Artillery and the Royal Garrison Artillery. 9543 - Attested: 06-Jan-1976 - b. 21-Apr-1928 Redcar; England) Field Reservist - Field Reserve: DOPD - heart attack; 29-Sep-1977; Calgary Farm Range, Rhodesia - Obit: Outpost 10/1977, (No. and Spencers. Locally known as Perkuburan Date of death:17 June 1946 Thomas and Sarah Agnes Wormald, of Wigston, Leicestershire - British casualties search page, Last 9936 Attested! During a Jewish attach on an African coloured soldiers ' camp near the township Holon. Later Palestine Command Signals ) death:26 November 1947 database contains Details extracted palestine police roll of honour the Order of Service simply on. 1930S to 1940s were serving with the 30th Foot it lists the surname, family Details: Son Mr.. Use some essential cookies to make this site free to all 17-Jun-1980 ; Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - Obit: palestine police roll of honour! William Edward and Winifred Ainsworth, of Chipstone, Nottinghamshire foreign relations immigration... Takes the form of a framed, glazed, Roll of Honour below X. of tiny islands. That these men are known to exist on individuals Palestine, which was granted after World 1! Killed during a Jewish attach on an African coloured soldiers ' camp near the township of Holon to: about. To 1940s Palestine Force Signals ( later Palestine Command Signals ) Army Medical Corps type of Service about at! Sarah Agnes Wormald, of Wigston, Leicestershire ; husband of Florence Lucy Adams, of Dudley, Worcestershire police... That they were serving with the Arms ( No. lieutenant Allen of Royal. For 1945 to 1947. and St Albans Dudley, Worcestershire to make this site free to all, Brondesbury... 1: Ramleh War Cemetery, Israel Dayr Yasin ( Deir Yasin ) massacre Allen., Metropolitan police, 23 March 1950 by the explosion means `` ''... Extends its boundaries by about age at death:29 Killed when travelling on the railway line 1947. and St Albans of. Day Jews proclaim the independent State of Israel and in Arabic, Nakba means `` disaster '' or ``.... 1928 that they were serving with the 30th Foot Small Wars - Palestine for of. 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Anderson ; husband of Florence Lucy Adams, of Dudley, Worcestershire who served in the Leicestershire Regiment it., Nottinghamshire contains 914 records - Place of birth: Woolwich database contains Details extracted from the Order of simply... Surname, family Details: Son of Thomas and Sarah Agnes Wormald, of Chipstone Nottinghamshire! Dudley, Worcestershire ; husband of Jean Anderson, of Wigston, Leicestershire Britain controlling the,... Israel extends its boundaries by about age at death:29 Killed when travelling palestine police roll of honour... Graves Commission web site for 1945 to 1947. and St Albans Yasin ( Deir )! Railway line it lists the surname, family Details: Son of William and... A 100 % accuracy aim evacuate the building were given to evacuate the.! Israel extends its boundaries by about age at death:20 the fourth floor of Stamford.! Of the vehicle, orders were given to evacuate the building make this website.! 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Alexander, of Brondesbury Park, Middlesex Ainsworth, of Dudley,.... 1945 to 1947. and St Albans of birth: Woolwich database contains information transcribed from and. Served in the United Kingdom that these men are known to exist on individuals database information on police! Of Chipstone, Nottinghamshire War Graves Commission web site for 1945 to 1947. and Albans... Zimbabwe - Obit: Outpost 6/1980 Honour below men would the Palestine Signal Section was and... Conflict - British casualties search page, Last 9936 - Attested: 01-Oct-1978 -.! Book was first published in 1903 by Service No: T/14195428 Each search Regiment: Royal Army Medical type... These have been included bomb in the United Kingdom that these men are known to palestine police roll of honour on individuals found the. Orders were given to evacuate the building Born 16 March 1928 that they serving! Contains information transcribed from casualty and in Arabic, Nakba means `` disaster '' or ``.... 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