The data is delivered fast to the customer and is cost-effective. Find the right decision-makers for your brand with Principals Mailing Lists quality data that reveals insights to accurately target and connect with educators, schools, and administrators. Because differences are our greatest strength. No. Locale codes may be obtained from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE) Geographic Data via the School Locations and Geoassignments Do you need a copy of your school transcript or other records? These include respect for every member of the school community; "an upbeat, welcoming, solution-oriented, no-blame, professional environment;" and efforts to involve staff and students in a variety of activities, many of them schoolwide. Need technical support? web page. 12. . Contact our account managers for detailed information (800) 829-8560 Build Your List SCHOOL TYPES K12Prospects provides high quality K-12 school principals email lists with detailed segmentation and many filter options. Understood is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable . MBS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL : Sector-11, Phase-I, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 : 011-45312000, 45312008, 9717227299 : Guru Besar) (Lantikan bermula April 2021), Tel:2393170 / 2393171 / 2394771 / 2394772, Yang Mulia Dayang Saliha binti Haji Tinggal(Pmk. Full-time, in-person learning starts with a safe and healthy learning environment for every student and staff member and ensuring students have the tools and support they need to succeed. Are you looking for an outbound marketing for your edu-tech solutions? Congressional district maps SUBHASH CHAND: 8219951030: G : 12: 9: . The elementary, middle, and high school principals information from across the country makes the School Principals Contact List appealing to businesses to enhance communication. The Francis Howell School District is the top-rated school district in St. Charles County and 8th in the state, as ranked by To resolve an issue, learn more here. Obtaining Address Labels for Education Personnel. Do you have a question or comment for Superintendent Dr. Valerie S.Wanza ? Staff and Division Contacts Staff Directory The staff directory is a comprehensive database of TEA employees and their contact information. Where can I get an NYC school principal email list? K-12 Public School Principals Mailing List, K-12 Private School Principals Email Address, K-12 Charter School Principals Contact List, Public Elementary School Principals Database, Public Middle School Principals Contact List, Public High School Principals Email Address, Private Elementary School Principals Database, Private High School Principals Contact List, Charter Elementary School Principals Database, Charter Middle School Principals Mailing List, Charter High School Principals Email Address. Get 5 free searches. Print this one-pager and keep it handy. Those wishing to speak at a Board Public Hearing may now register by calling 412-529-3868, the District's new phone line dedicated for public hearing registration. The schools list contains the most up-to-date contact names and addresses of key decision makers. Jaspal Kaur Public School, B-Paschimi ShalimarBagh: Block B-Paschimi , ShalimarBagh,Delhi-88: 27476597: 417: North West A: 09: 1309238: Queen Mary's School, North End: Plot No. Sekolah Rendah Semabat. Office Telephone Numbers DEPED NCR Secondary Elementary SPED: 921-5630 921-3953 921-3895 860-6550: CONTACT INFORMATION Although you can build a school principal mailing list, but it is time-consuming. N.G. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. Marketers who wish to promote their products or services to top decision-makers, with purchasing power in renowned companies worldwide can benefit from our Education Mailing List. Where is Sso Schools based? Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. Steps to Becoming a School Principal If you would like more information on becoming a school principal, explore the Online Master of Science in Educational Administration or Doctorate in Education (EdD) Programs offered by Gwynedd Mercy University, or call 844-707-9064 to request more information. SchoolDataLists follows every aspect to provide highly responsive and accurate data. Contact Us; Register School; Registration Form; Applying for Nursery class Admission for session 2021-2022; Latest Forum Topics; Latest Forum Posts; Search Forums; Blogs; This download explains who to reach out to about different issues at school. Join the CDS Users listserv today! If you would like to learn more about the Nine Line, please contact the ESL department at 412-529-3516. All rights reserved. Are you keen to drive maximum campaign response? Gain extensive knowledge to make sound marketing, sales, and product development decisions. Guru Besar) (Lantikan bermula 3 Januari 2022), CLUSTER 2 - Cluster Leader Cikgu Hajah Sarifah binti Haji Matsawali, Yang Mulia Awang Mohamed Santra bin Haji Bolhasan (Pmk. 4-A Model Town-III,Delhi-110009: 27676626: 418: North West A: 10: 1310248: CHAUDHARI CHHOTURAM MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL: BHAGAT SINGH PARK DELHI: 0: 419: Visit our Adult Education pages and find out how you can enroll in classes. It is a highly effective way to receive a positive response and directly establish business ties with school principals. Phone Number; FAQs; . and general information about Stride K12-powered schools and if they're right for you. Public Elementary Schools district I BES BkES DDES KES NES NES I NBBNES NBBES SRVES BAGUMBAYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL M. Naval St., Sipac-Almacen, Navotas City Tel. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); You can now reach your niche prospects easily and get positive results from the email campaigns. Contact Number Regional Office Website Regional Office Contact Email Postal Address; AGRA: Sh. For a full list of district support team contacts, see our Superintendentspage. The middle schools list tends to only include grades 7 and 8. We can customize and create email lists that have custom grades, enrollment numbers and use demographics to sort out to specific criteria. Public School Options . Use this four-week plan to help get your child ready for the school year. CESA Contact Information. No School Principal Address Schools Contact No(s) FB Page Enrollment Focal Persons Name , Position, Contact No Name , Position, Contact No Name , Position, Contact No 6 PITOGO HIGH SCHOOL ALIXANDER H. ESCOTE CP#: 09178316673 Negros St. Pitogo Makati City 8882 -0460 https://www.facebook.c CBSE; MYP; . Older kids will likely have different teachers for each subject. School Data Lists is a leading international provider of high-quality Principals Email Lists, and marketing services that can help you succeed in your marketing campaign. Find contacts: direct phone number, email address, work experience. Also, we offer a free sample list to test accuracy before you invest in it. The goal of using this principal email list is to reach out to school principals in a targeted and efficient manner, allowing businesses and educational institutions to connect with their desired audience and achieve their goals. There are many ways to stay connected with your child's education, classroom, school, and the Department of Education. 3001 North Rocky Point Dr. E, Suite 200, Tampa, FL 33607. Emergency Preparedness & Support; . Over-the-phone interpretation is available in more than 200 languages. Payments can be made online by choosing the number of students you have enrolled and clicking "Pay Now" below. Ensure all these aspects before making a purchase of the School Principal Email Lists. For more information on the School Board of Trustees, visit the School Board tab or scroll down to view specific school contact information. (8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Admission Enquiries. View Gretchen Hart's email address: & phone: +1-xxx-xxx-9875's profile as Elementary School Principal at West Ada School District, located in Boise Metropolitan Area. We, at The Manthan School, strongly believe that education is the groundwork for evolution. You can customize your list for targeting Public School Principals, K-12 School Principals, Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals, Private school principals, Charter school principals with school principal mailing database. *NEW iHealth test kit expiration dates extended 3 more months. 18025 Marcella Rd. Principal 7032996400 2 ANANTAPUR APMS, Putlur Pagidela Lavanya Principal 7032996402 3 ANANTAPUR APMS, Garladinne Esapathi Padmaja Devi Principal 7032996404 . This Committee Consist of Experiences Professionals Who are Well Versed in Their Respective Fields. If you want to run geo-segmented marketing campaigns, you can talk to our experts to tailor your list to a specific geography. Pouvez-vous parler franais? . Get support with enrollment and admissions. Francis D. Raub Trending in School & District Information, Recently Posted in School & District Information, Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Materials, California School Dashboard and System of Support, Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS), Local Educational Agency Accountability Report Card, CA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), CA High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE), English Language Proficiency Assessments for CA (ELPAC), National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS), California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS), California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS), Current Expense of Education & Per-pupil Spending, Free and Reduced Price Meal Eligibility Data, CA Equity Performance and Improvement Program, Child Nutrition Information & Payment System (CNIPS), File Structure: Public Schools and Districts, Schools and Districts Data Filtering Instructions, US Department of Educations Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Legislative District Lookup for California Schools, File Structure: Public Schools and Districts, Special Instructions for Excel and Access Users. For details on what information are contained in each file, as well as descriptions of column headings and code set values used within these files, please refer to the corresponding file structure below. Avail these exciting benefits from SchoolDataLists by purchasing a geo-targeted and opt-in school principal email list. If you have $9.99 as marketing funds for your startup, then just give it a try and you wont regret. Buy a school principal email list from SchoolDataLists to gain more campaign responses and grow your ROI. List of DCB Schools: List of KVS Schools: List of Public Schools Recognised by MCD: List of Public Schools Recognised by DOE: List of MCD Aided Schools: List of Government Aided Schools: List of NDMC Schools: List of MCD Schools: List of Government Schools: About the Department: Organogram The contact information is 100% permission passed and privacy compliant. Yang Mulia Awang Mohamad Firdaus bin Mohd Aus (Pmk. Amanda Morin is the author of The Everything Parents Guide to Special Education and the former director of thought leadership at Understood. Contact Us. $9.99 for a limited time only *By purchasing you agree to the Terms & Conditions. At School Data Lists, we offer a school principals database created with reliable contact information. At School Data Lists, we provide well researched and high-quality Principals Email List that can enable you to achieve success in your marketing campaign. We encourage our community to use our facilities and resources. Business corporations can use these email lists to send promotional offers, newsletters, and relevant content through multiple channels, increasing the chances of sales growth. Start by selecting a list of businesses from dozens of search selections as well as geographic information. While you are encouraged to discuss all concerns and complaints with your school, students and parents may use this form to initiate a formal written complaint against a charter school in the City of Pittsburgh. Download the Indian College principal email database, Best for running email campaigns for college placement cells, Best for emailing colleges about opportunities and collaborations, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, 6k+ Indian College Placement Cell Email Database, Indian Colleges Database with Emails 2021, Placement Officers and Placement Cells Database 2022, PARAM POOJYA SHREE RAMKRISHNA SARASWATI GURUKUL, PO CHORODE VIA VADAKARA DISTT KOZHIKODE, KERALA, VILLAGE SHAHPUR , V.P.O. Address: Boys and Girls High School 1700 Fulton Street, First Floor, Room G170 Brooklyn, NY 11213 Phone 718-804-6790 Email: Register for a workshop Bronx Address: DeWitt Clinton High School 100 W Mosholu Parkway South Room 150 Bronx, NY 10468 Phone: 718-581-2250 Email: Register for a workshop You can call, write, or sign up for alerts and emails. Name of Schools: PRINCIPAL: Adress: NAME: CONTACT NO: 1: Amritsar: Officiating Principal Ms. Daljeet Kaur Ms.Gagandeep Gill: 9888559563. . * * *. Here are the things you need to keep the focus on-. Get Nigel Ludlam's email address (n***** and phone number at RocketReach. Equity & Inclusion / Professional Standards, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), Assessment Information for Parents & Students, Andrew Jackson High School of Advanced Technology, Fort Caroline Middle School of the Visual and Performing Arts, Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership, Richard Lewis Brown Gifted and Talented Academy, Smart Pope Livingston Primary Learning Center, Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Leadership, Young Men's and Women's Leadership Academy, John E. Ford English and Bilingual Montessori Pre K-8 School, Mattie V. Rutherford Alternative Education Center, Darnell-Cookman School of the Medical Arts, Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology, Samuel W. Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Leadership. It includes entity name, administrator, address, contact information, grades served, legislative districts, NCES ID, and other information listed by Public, Special Education, Regional, CTE Area Career Centers, Non-Public, and Private Special Education Entities. Karnataka India +91 80 6723 5900 COVID-19 School Dashboard. For new admissions call - 8879753461. Knowing which staff member to contact can save you time and energy. Our school principal mailing lists will help you meet your campaign objectives. Falls Church, VA 22043. Pengetua) (Lantikan bermula April 2021), Guru Besar) (Lantikan bermula April 2021), Guru Besar) (lantikan bermula3 Januari 2022), CLUSTER 4 - Cluster Leader Cikgu Haji Juma'ata Sonadey bin Haji Mornie, Guru Besar) (Lantikan bermulaApril 2021), Guru Besar) (Lantikan bermula3 Januari 2022), CLUSTER 5 - Cluster Leader Cikgu Abdul Wafi Sia bin Abdullah Sia, Yang Mulia Dayang Hajah Adimah binti Hj Mohd Said *(Pmk. As the authorizer or chartering district, the School District of Pittsburgh provides oversight and makes every attempt to ensure that the needs of all students are being met and that charter schools are living up to the terms and conditions of their charter agreements. The data sources, privacy compliance, and opt-in data are the most vital factors for the School Principal Database. Researchers and academic institutions can use list of school principals by state to conduct surveys and gather data on educational practices and policies. Director / Principal. Call the Pittsburgh Public Schools Nine Line at 412-529-6463 (NINE)! Interested in working with us? 311 (24 hours a day, seven days a week) and let the operator know you have an education-related issue. Marketers can contact school principals and superintendents from various educational institutions such as grade schools, primary schools, and K-12 schools to engage in marketing avenues. Guru Besar) (Lantikan bermulaApril 2021), Yang Mulia Dayang Juliana binti Haji Abd Hamid(Pmk. Access to high-quality principal email data is critical for a successful school marketing strategy. However, we have a volume pricing method that implies that the more contacts you purchase, the lesser the cost. Principals typically report directly to the school superintendent, but may report to the superintendent's designee, usually an associate superintendent, in larger school districts. Use these school contact lists to get organized. So, what are you waiting for? Get up to the minute announcements on social media: Visit the Employees page for DOE staff information. Sso is based out of Houston, Texas, United States and works in the Education Administration Programs industry. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Maximize your marketing results with our user-friendly and customizable contact database. No credit card required. You can obtain email addresses, postal addresses, and other information from teachers. Therefore, information, or the absence of information, in the Directory should not be relied upon for any purpose and should be used only to contact the LEA. Please leave your name, phone number, the name of your child, the school your child attends, and your question or comment. Concerns also may reported to the Office of Employee Relations at 412-529-3607. Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. For existing parents call - 022-26001311. SchoolDataLists has compiled data of school principals to help you achieve your business goals easily. We achieve this by screening our lists, providing weekly updates, and a final manual verification before the data is delivered. You can call, write, or sign up for alerts and emails. S.No: Designation: Name of Officer: Office Phone: Residence Phone: FAX Number: Email ID: Office Address: Link for Other Officers: 1: Education Minister: Sh. Contact Stride K12 for enrollment & information. Rohit Saxena, Vice Principal, KV 1 Agra: 5622225523: As an expert and writer, she helped build Understood from its earliest days. - The development of global citizens . Near Dommasandra Circle. Yang Mulia Dayangku Hajah Noooramaliatifah binti Pengiran Haji Ahmad (Lantikan bermula 3 Januari 2022), Yang Mulia Dyg Sinasuria binti Hj Ibrahim, Yang Mulia Dyg Siti Marienah binti Hj Umar, Yang Mulia Dyg Hjh Noordini binti Awang Hj Tuah, Yang Mulia Dyg Vivi Hairani binti Hj Judin, Yang Mulia Dyg Sinorsimah binti Hj Ibrahim, Yang Mulia Dyg Rohayati binti Hj Abd. Our Database of School Principals is 7 steps verified and frequently updated. Copyright The demo database contains a sample of the original with all the attributes, but limited to only first 100 cells in the excel file. Principal: Springfield Middle School (413) 787-7261: 732 Chestnut St. Springfield, MA 01107: Rhonda Jacobs Engaging parents and the community: continued interest, uncertain evidence. This one-page download has spots for you to write down your childs homeroom teacher, principal, and guidance counselor. of Ladakh Delhi Public School Hyderabad Survey No 74, Khajaguda Village Chitrapuri Colony Post, Hyderabad Telangana - 500104 Phone :040 2980 6765 /66 Office Admissions Recruitment website Useful Links Dipscoop Holiday List Site Map Parent Login Whether youre only in need of a particular school (public/private/charter) or customizable data of all school principals in a certain district, filtering by any of our criteria is easily accomplished. Concerns related to human relations may be reported by filing a Human Relations Complaint form through the Office of Employee Relations or reporting to an outside agency as described in the Human Relations Policy. It prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, gender, age, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or religious beliefs, national or ethnic origin, pregnancy, genetic information and veteran status. CLASS VII - XII & Admissions. 3, 2ND CROSS, 2ND MAIN,PAI LAYOUT, K R PURAM, BANGALORE-560016. To attain your marketing goals, you can customize your principal emails from 35+ advanced data attributes. We encourage all parents/guardians to get involved with New York City public schools. EquityCollaborationQualityCommunity, {{CurrentPage.Subtopic_x0020_Level_x0020_1}}, Directory of Educational Entities - Current, Regional Offices of Education (ROE) and Intermediate Service Centers (ISC) Directory, Special Education Service Administrators Directory, Career Training Education (CTE), Education for Employment (EFE), Area Career Center (ACC) Directories, Non-Public Special Education Program Directory (Special Ed Private Facilities). Because these data are not updated as regularly as County-District-School (CDS) data are updated, the CDE no longer includes these data in the Public Schools Database. , K R PURAM, BANGALORE-560016 * by purchasing a geo-targeted and opt-in school principal email list from to... May school principal contact number to the next part of the site rather than go through items! Principal 7032996402 3 ANANTAPUR APMS, Garladinne Esapathi Padmaja Devi principal 7032996404 you wont regret schools and if &... More contacts you purchase, the lesser the cost invest in it achieve business. Menus and escape closes them as well and use demographics to sort out specific! And energy leadership at understood to only include grades 7 and 8 accurate data 3 ANANTAPUR APMS, Pagidela! Kids will likely have different teachers for each subject emails from 35+ advanced data attributes have JavaScript enabled Superintendentspage. 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