Dec 9, 2021. Carlsbad, CA It is the only facility to offer a certified Piper Meridian flight training device in conjunction with practical first-hand training in the aircraft. You have entered an incorrect email address! SimCom offers simulator-based training for the Beech Baron and Duke,Cessna 300/400 twins, and Piper Aerostar, Mojave and Navajo. So, being a newly minted math whiz, I compared the cost of the two leading providers of sim training-Flight Safety and SimCom-and made the decision purely on price. The training is extremelychallenging and rewarding, and I always come away feeling that my flying skills are sharpas a tack. Orlando, FL Letit Pbram $5,475, B727 While thought of as primarily catering to the professional pilot world, it aggressively markets to owner pilots, especially for smaller jets such as the Cessna CJ series and the HondaJet. By the time the threedays were over, I became convinced that anyone who flies a multiengine aircraft withoutthe benefit of regular simulator-based recurrent training is an accident waiting tohappen. As you get near the end of sim training, ask the instructor for her or his scenario. Every instructor who knows his or her airplane well has one. If you want to stay proficient while at the sametime treating your aircraft with TLC, you should seriously consider doing your recurrenttraining in a simulatoror in someone elses aircraft! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. But, they said, we learned something this time, because of our small class size and personalized instruction. Seattle,WA Rates for SimCom training span a fairly broad price range, since a Piper Seneca FTD costs significantly less than a Hawker 800 full-motion simulator, but daily course rates run between $620 and $2,200. $9,875 That may not sound like a lot, but I can assure you that its avery intense training experience, about all a person can assimilate in one day. A good measure of a training event is if the student would willingly repeat it and recommend it to others. The combination of our, high fidelity simulators, small class sizes and experienced instructors provides the ideal learning environment. He knew his stuff, and his easy-going, southern-gentleman style was refreshing, right down to the unnecessary, Mr. Make sure you have time to talk with your instructor before things begin so she or he knows the type of flying you are planning to do and your background so that the course can be most effectively tailored to your needsyoure the customer. SIMCOMs PC-12 recurrent courses give you the opportunity to practice normal and emergency procedures using realistic scenario based training. FB. The price goes up from there based on the type of aircraft involved and the amount of training you require to reach proficiencywhich may include a mentor pilot flying with you for some hours following the formal training course. Certification Course However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent over which cookies are allowed. However, the actual flying of the sim left enough to be desired that it did, indeed, reduce the effectiveness of the practice. The sims offer full motion and dynamic controlloading, both accomplished via hydraulic actuators. Class sizes are strictlylimited to two students, the ground school classrooms are small and intimate, and thetraining sessions seem a bit less structured and more interactive. His reasoning was that, good as any mechanic or group of technicians might be, everybody sees different things. 31/31A Pilot Initial We heard from piston twin owners who had trained in FlightSafety Internationals motion-based simulators before FSI stopped doing piston twin training and who told us that they have been unable to find any training provider that now gives piston twin training at the level FSI did. A three-day multiengine recurrent course (Beech Duke and Baron, Cessna Skymaster,300/400, Piper Aerostar, Navajo, Seneca, Aztec, Twin Comanche, Commander 500 and 680)costs just $995 at RTC, and includes 50% more sim time than similar courses atFlightSafety or Simcom. ViaMichelin will help you to determine the best route based on various options and, by default, offer two to three routes with varying costs, distances and journey times. As multi-type-rated pilot Michel Litalien told us, You can do pressurization failures in a simulator all day long, but until you pressurize the airplane, take it to 14,000 feet, dump the pressurization and feel the effects, you dont have a gut-level understanding of what depressurization in the flight levels would really involve.. Either by offering an equivalent product at a lower price, or more product at the same price. That creativity is being especially challenged in todays economy fewer aircraft purchases mean fewer pilots needing initial training in a new airplane. (Yes, its a 421 sim, but has profiles and swappable instruments for other Twin Cessnas. At one point, SimCom was paired with the Pan Am Flight Academy, which provides more regional and commercial airline-geared flight training. Aside from multiengine and instrument refresher courses, a pinch-hitter course and a light jet familiarization course, SimComs training programs are all aircraft-specific and last between 4 to 10 days. David also decided to offer customized training, with no more than two students in a class. The upset training provided by Patty Wagstaffs company was, I believe, one of the most important aircraft training events I have completed since becoming a professional pilot. Unfortunately, its the pilots who have never experienced such training (andunfortunately this includes the great majority of owner/pilots) who dont know whattheyve been missing. Both locations have multiple full-motion simulators representative of the latest model M-Class aircraft, and state-of-the-art classrooms, standardized training curricula, and professional and experienced flight instructors. Any owner with the financial wherewithal to step into the world of aircraft with engines that go whoosh is smart enough to immediately talk the idea over with his or her insurance broker. The annual cost is about 60% higher than the One Time tuition, and the minimum contract period is two years. In addition to getting a ballpark estimate for the cost to insure a used King Air, Citation Mustang or new HondaJet, one of the first things the prospective owner will hear from the broker is that any insurer is going to require upgrade training at a facility approved by the insurer. Initial My motivation was the usual one: insurance.Despite the fact that I had 180 hours in type, 4,000 hours total, and 23 years ofaccident-free flying behind me, I was having a heck of a time finding aircraft insuranceat reasonable rates. Now offering Gulfstream G650, Challenger 300/350, Phenom 300, and Pilatus PC-12NGx training! "For operators who cannot bring their aircraft to Orlando, SimCom will arrange for its instructors to go to the customer on an expense basis." Customers can get even more training in their. There are in-the-airplane-only training operations still in existence, but they have become rare. When the stars align and multiple clients are there for the same training, it is conducted in a small classroom seating up to perhaps six clients. 2080 Phillips Lane Legacy Flight Training has two training facilities, one in Vero Beach, Florida, co-located at Piper Headquarters, and a second at Scottsdale, Arizona (KSDL). Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC). $12,400, Flight Safety International Initial Type Rating I found that SimComoffers the same sort of professional-caliber sim training as FlightSafety, but with a fewsignificant differences. I didnt find that the addition of motion added any significant training value tothat simulator. SimCom also has obtained FAA approval for a Citation single-pilot course/type rating thats conducted entirely in one of the companys simulators. We did not find any piston twin training centers that used motion-based simulators. To keep the cost to a minimum, show up ready to goinstrument current and with the decks cleared so that you arent distracted during training. Until youve gone through serious simulator-based training, its hard to appreciatejust what a poor training platform your aircraft is. Even little things like a runway incursion causing you to go around just cant be done realistically in the airplane, but are trivial in the sim. A multiengine recurrent course usually takes three fulldays and costs $3,100 for Beech Baron/Duke, $3,000 for Cessna 300/400, and $2,700 forPiper twins. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Simcom took . Like the initial course you will receive systems training and simulator training but with reduced hours reflecting your experience other PC-12 Series aircraft. In reality, I had a couple weeks. There we quickly completed the necessary paperwork and I paid for the course. OK Aviation Group has been a leader in flight training provision since 2006, receiving full EASA approval as an aviation training organization (ATO) in March of 2013. Finally, in-aircraft training tends to be a lot tougher on your aircraft than normaloperations. You just sit down unceremoniously and get to work. Being a solo student, I met with my instructor in an office. Simcom International Inc 6989 Lee Vista Boulevard Orlando, FL 407-275-1050 : Learjet 20,35,36 PIC Init $11,040: 86.5 hours: Citation I, II, III, V, Bravo PIC Init This means that much of their training is one on one. In an airplane, how many approaches can you fly in an hour? I managed to kill myself quite a few times during sim training and then when I had an actual engine failure four years ago in the airplane, it was pretty much a non-event (except for my wallet, of course)., Busch went on to point out something that we hadnt considered: The ground school portion helps with maintenance costs. Gary Santos, SIMCOM's Scottsdale Training Centre Manager stated: "I'm very happy to announce that our PC-12 NGX Flight Training Device Level 6 - the highest level of realism for a fixed-wing Flight Training Device - has passed its FAA evaluation today in our Scottsdale facility. And no sim, regardless of how faithful the aerodynamics are, accurately replicates the feel and behavior of even the simplest aircraft. Boulder City 800-441-5387, Flight Control Academy A New Pilot Gets an Accelerated Course in Flying, Flight Instructor Dies Mid Lap in Pattern at UK Airport. $17,400, Flight Training International The single-engine sims are less than 10 years old, and have electriccontrol loading and no motion. Cessna 300/400 training is also available at FSIsfacility in Long Beach, California. 480-377-0222, B737-200 Abbreviated What could have been a very difficult situation was not an issue at all. You can expect to save at least 10% or 15% on your annualpremiummore if youre a low-time pilot. But that wasnt the only feature that set SimCom apart. 60 weeks, Crew I trained in that sim in non-motion mode forseveral years, whereupon FlightSafety built a motion base for it and put the sim up onlegs. It is solely the pilots responsibility to ensure that his/her actions comply with current best practices and regulations. But, I checked with them and found a somewhat different attitude. Themost difficult parts of doing this in a single-pilot cockpit scanning between thegauges and the windshield and deciding whether or not adequate visual references areavailable to make the landing are never practiced at all. On the other hand, SimCom simulators offer a panoramicprojection-type visual system that permits daytime visuals and allows circling maneuversand other visual-reference maneuvers that are impossible to train for in the FlightSafetysims. The system displays show what is going on as the pilot works through normal, abnormal and emergency operations of the various systems. In a previous article about recurrent sim training facilities (Sim Training Centers in November, 2016), Id somewhat bashed SIMCOM, saying, SIMCOM training is top tier, but their business model recently seems to mirror the big corporate centers with pricing to match. Because of that conclusion I really didnt want to go to SIMCOM. 52 hours/week I skipped Recurrent Training Center (RTC). For pilots who trainregularly, alternating between the type-specific recurrent and the instrument recurrentcourses provides a well-rounded program. This comprehensive approach to flight training replicates forces that govern and influence aeronautics, while providing practical experience in the cockpit. Recently, the Baron simulator inFlightSafetys Ratheon/Beech Learning Center in Wichita was retrofitted with a new,state-of-the-art visual system that provides a wrap-around daytime visual displayincluding terrain data for about 90 airports worldwide (plus a generic Anytownairport that the sim instructor can place anywhere and orient however he wishes). Now, almost 45 percent of the 8,000 people who train at SimCom each year are professional corporate pilots, sent there by their employers. Chris jotted down his first impressions of theexperience, and I think youll find them interesting. Partner Pricing Program provides reduced tuition for two pilots who train together, taking the same FSI course at the same place and time. My insurance agent suggested that if I was willing to take a Cessna310 course at FlightSafety International, he might have better leverage with theunderwriters. Thus, their pricing no longer seemed "breathtaking" as I'd previously described it. While a light- to medium-piston-twin pilot or even a single-engine pilot will likely find quality offerings at SIMCOM, class pricing can leave the pilot breathless, especially if you're on an annual recurrent schedule. Finally, training in a good simulator is a helluva lot of fun. Its not clear to me that the SimCom philosophyis better or worse than the one FlightSafety uses. ABARIS Training Drsov 201 Simcom is located in Orlando, Florida and has two visual-motion simulators, classrooms and a team of professional flight instructors located in Orlando, Florida. Another big difference between SimCom and FlightSafety is in the simulator technology.SimComs simulators are non-motion and use electric servo motors (rather than hydraulics)to provide control loading, so their control feel is not quite as realistic asthe FlightSafety sims. Ferris State University Online Application. The reality is that just complying with the FARs will not be enough for your insurance companyit will require that you go through training at a program it approves, and most of those are simulator-based, something we applaud. I wrote a detailed chronicle of that experience (Trainingat FlightSafety) because it was a watershed event in my flying career. A good simulator allows you to train for these and many other real-world challenges ina highly realistic setting. I was then shown to the break room where I waited for the instructor. Thats amazing.. Initial Training The size and number of SimCom facilities, however, has expanded. The Cessna Learning Center (also in Wichita) offers sim training for the Cessna210, 310, 340, 402, 404, 414 and 421. The training facility should have a viable plan B that is satisfactory to you and be willing to use it. Destinations outside of this boundary run an additional $1.25 per mile. Initial and or Recurrent Training, at either location, includes flight training in the customers aircraft, or in the full motion simulators, or a combination of both. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); IFR ensures that every attempt was made to provide accurate information at the time each article is originally published. For those 30 years, each of dozens of mechanics had missed it, many multiple times. That tells us that the procedures learned in the sim are directly transferable, even if the sim isnt a faithful replica of what you fly. The only thing that seemed different than the sim was all the firetrucks lined up and down the runway!, T310R owner Mike Busch said, Sim training is absolutely essential for anyone who flies a piston twin and doesnt have a death wish. 1071 East Aero Park Blvd. the cheapest) may suggest quieter roads or avoiding . 3814 Curtis Parkway I recently learned of a facility Id not previously known. 1201 Airport Road Our take on the matter is that a training customer is paying big money for good instruction and the training organization should be preparedand willingto smoothly change instructors if a customer runs into a problem. All Rights Reserved. SimCom offers simulator-based training for the Beech Baron and Duke,Cessna 300/400 twins, and Piper Aerostar, Mojave and Navajo. Yet, quality recurrent training isnt cheap. If you get confused or make a mistake, the instructor can freezethe sim and discuss the situation with you, or even back up a few miles and let you tryagain. RTCs founder and president John Killeen, a high-time piston twinpilot and working air traffic controller, makes the point that very few accidents arecaused by equipment failure, and that most mishaps result when the pilot makes poorin-flight decisions or forgets to do something important. FlightSafety Internationalis considered by many to be the gold standard for type-rating training. Its just different. And again, and again, and again. The dismal G.A. The vision system is a differentmatter. It gives him far more opportunities to exploreoften unsuccessfullythe edges of the envelope. To the extent practical, SIMCOM schedules its training on client demand. Ihavent seen this new visual system yet, and I dont yet know whether FSI plans toretrofit similar visuals to their Cessna 300/400 and Piper Navajo simulators, but it surewould be a worthwhile addition from the standpoint of training value. 520-670-9583, Aircraft Dispatcher A one-location, three-sim training operation in Champaign, Illinois, RTC offers alow-cost, no-frills approach to simulator-based recurrent training at prices sharply belowthose charged by its higher-priced competitors. 702-293-7038, Community College of Southern Nevada It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Hinson emphasized the importance of using simulators that were as close to replicating a customers aircraft as possible. Or, perhaps your goal might lean more toward a systems refresher. 305-871-5557, B737 With the new graphics technology, a non-moving Flight Training Device (FTD) might be able to provide a realistic sensation of movement simply by incorporating high-quality, 180-degree wraparound visual displays. Most pilots whogoes through the experience of top-notch sim-based training become convinced that it isimpossible to remain proficient in a piston twin without this kind of training. Scores are presented in relation to the national average of 100. What If I Hit an Animal with My Airplane? Although a number of flight schools throughout the United States use simulators intraining pilots for certificates and ratings, there seem to be only three companies thatspecialize in sim-based recurrent training for pilots of piston-powered aircraft:FlightSafety International, Simcom Training Centers, and Recurrent Training Center. All training organisations operate modern training centres, including classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art presentation technology. $5,995, Air Excel The standard price for my training used to be well over $3500, but many discounts were available. TO SCHEDULE YOUR TRAINING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. These cookies do not store any personal information. Email We graded it only to define where we needed to review. Aviation Services, Inc. A good recurrent training curriculum will cover all of these. A simulator also provides a far more efficient trainingenvironment than an aircraft. TheChampaign training facility is housed in an off-airport storefront building that RTCshares with a travel agency, and is functional but hardly plush. For pilots with at least a few hundred hours in similar airplanes, a simulator-only program is, in our opinion, perfectly satisfactory. Myconclusion is that if cost and distance were no object, the best possible trainingstrategy might well be to rotate among the three firms in order to obtain the best thateach one has to offer. Factor in that you do more in an hour in the sim and the sim gives you at least a four-to-one cost advantage. 3401 Quebec Street, Suite 9150 The facilities we spoke with said that they train to proficiency so the cost, simulator time and course time is subject to revision upward based on the ability of the pilot to meet the course standards. Stalls, slow flight, missed approaches and especially engine cuts can generatea lot of wear and tear on the equipment. Although the tuition was quite expensive, I rationalized that most of thecost would be offset by reduced aircraft insurance premiums and reduced wear and tear onmy airplane. SIMCOM is committed to delivering training solutions that allow our customers to become safer, more proficient pilots. So whether we go because the insurance forces us to, or we just go because its a good idea, what are we looking for while were there? Pilatus PC-12 Series Aviation Training, Simulator Training, SIMCOM | SIMCOM Aviation Training PILATUS PC-12 Series TO SCHEDULE YOUR TRAINING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 866-238-4468 Contact Us SIMCOM offers training on the following PC-12 Series models: PC-12/41 PC-12/45 PC-12/47 PC-12/47E (PC-12NG) Composite Structures: Limits and Advantages. There the pilot can work through lots of malfunctions, practice lots of approaches, and make lots of mistakes; none are fatal. Airline-Geared Flight training of sim training, with no more than two students in a new airplane run an $! Thats conducted entirely in one of the various systems its not clear to me that the simcom philosophyis better worse... A Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check ( IPC ) appreciatejust what a poor training platform your aircraft normaloperations. 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