While the Apostles are out fishing on the shores of the Sea of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee), the Lord Jesus is in the kitchen preparing fish and bread. According to the chapters opening words, these would be the fish, which would refer to the fishing business that Peter had returned to after ignoring his duty to Jesus Christ. Is the answer to the second and third questions the same or different? Jesus did not want Peter to believe that he would never be able to be a leader in the future. Jonah was a funny character. We know nothing else about him, and there is nothing to suggest he can be identified with any other John in the New Testament. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Has the book of Amos been fulfilled or is it a reference to end times? The author points out that John uses the agapeword-group (in various forms) around 37 times (including Jn. Davies and Allison, Matthew, 2.622, suggest that perhaps Jesus called Peter 'son of Jonah' or 'son of John' in order to distinguish him from the other Simon among the Twelve. The RIGHT HAND IS JESUS, but demons are "left" for hell! Greek: transliteration: Petros. I would be more than willing to explain why I endorse the second optionthe fishif you are interested. Simon was originally . And once again, Peter says, Yes, Lord, you are aware of my affection for you. This time, though, the assignment is a little different: take care of my sheep (or shepherd my adult sheep in certain cases). Those with Peter were so blind to knowing the Father that they were astounded when Cornelius' household received the baptism of heaven from the Holy Ghost which phased out and replaced the baptism of man with natural water, Matthew 3:11; Acts 10:45. PETER, SIMON ( ). Notice in Matthew 8:26. Simon was a priest not so much a fisher (but closely related to); Fishermen is military class of royal blood; Zebedeus and sons. ' Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, dost thou love me more more than these others do? PPT THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE a note to the teacher To avoid overusing the two distinct terms for love that are used in this book, caution should be given when reading it. Peter was having a terrible time with this. He was unable to bear testimony to the Lamb. Jesus sees in his disciple, Simon Peter, not just as the son of his father Jonah but as a spiritual son of the more famous Jonah one who will proclaim the mercy of God to all peoples,even those who do not know Him, those who by no fault of their own have not yet had the proclamation of joy and the possibility of eternal life revealed to them. This name was given to him by Jesus ( Mark 3:16; Luke 6:14; John 1:42 ). Jesus sounds as if he is astounded and delighted by what Peter has said. His occupation is listed as a fisherman in bethsaida in Israel. He has been rejected by Israel, crucified, buried, and then resurrected from the dead. Commentators tend to focus on textual variants, or how this might be related to "Simon son of John" (Jn 1:42; 21:15-17). Matthew, Matthias, Levi = Levite, courtier, landman, Gardener not a sea-man. Help me recognize that the gospel is for all people and compel my heart to share this message with others. Feed my sheep, Jesus answered to him in response. This served as a nice reminder to them that nothing they could do on their own could compare to what Jesus could do through them. Why is he also called the son of man? 26 Jesus was well aware of Peters affection for Him. Exactly what was it that Peter was being recommissioned to perform, What did Jesus seem to be saying concerning Peters death, and do you think it was reassuring that he said it would not happen until Peter was old enough. Alastair Roberts (PhD, Durham University) writes in the areas of biblical theology and ethics, but frequently trespasses beyond these bounds. Jonah is a story of bias and racism, and a story of obedience to God, even when we do not fully understand what God is doing. When Peter received the vision from God, he was living in the city of Joppa. Peter has been labeled "blessed" for understanding and believing this to be true. An angel was sent to announce the resurrection to Peter (Mark 16:7), and the risen Christ appeared first to Peter (Luke 24:34). Share Jesus asks the same question a second time, but this time we do not have the more than these qualifier linked to the inquiry. Newer Post . Why would Jesus inquire as to whether Peter loves Him more than the other disciples? God worked in wonderful ways, and many people put their trust in Jesus as a result of his work (Mark 16:20). Does the devil have power to make us sick? What happened to Andrew Peter's brother? That is the Greek form of 'rock'. (For example, fishing, etc.) Personally, I am not a fan of the first scenario, which involves the disciples. (4) The prophet JONAH was asleep in the ship when a tempest arose on the sea. This city is also mentioned in the Old Testament story of Jonah. Let's think back to another Jonah, who was the true function / job ancestor of our Simon Peter, though perhaps not the biological ancestor. Who is Simon's wife in the Bible? For lack of a better phrase, they have Jesus questioning Peter, Do you love Me more than these other disciples love Me? After all, they argue, Peter had declared that no matter what others did, he would always be devoted to Jesus (Matthew 26:33), Others contend that the term more than these refers to the fish. . Again Jesus said, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." John 21:16. Both boats were so laden with fish that they were on the verge of sinking! Dont think of discussion as a battle to be won; instead, focus on the issue at hand rather than the individual involved. However, He does require humility, as Peter demonstrated in John 21:15-17, as opposed to his pompous assertion in Matthew 26:31-33above. For more information, see: In what verse does it indicate that Peter was crucified upside-down? The fish werent biting, and by the end of the night, the disciples had brought in absolutely nothing. Why? Immediately following the prologue, the apostle John is engaged with the ministry of John the Baptist. Cepheus was a landman,earth-dweller, from profession; Hunter / Warrior = also Fisher This city is also mentioned in the Old Testament story of Jonah. Because the Lord was with them, and because of the miracles they performed, their message was confirmed. Andrew ( Peter's brother, also a fisherman) died on a cross at Patrae, in Achaia, a Grecian Colony. He was not the one after whom the Old Testament book is named. Over the course of that period, He came to the disciples at various times and instructed them on the nature of the Kingdom of God. First, notice that Jesus greets Peter by his given name, Simon, rather than by the nickname he gave him (Cephas = rock), and that he even includes the patronymic, son of Jonah/John, in his address to him. In the same manner, spending time with God helps us to learn to know and love Him more. Thou shalt refuse me three times. Peter responded to him by saying, Even though I die with thee, I will not deny thee. All of the disciples agreed on this, they stated. However, Jesus instructed them to wait until He sent the Holy Spirit to empower them before proceeding (Luke 24:49). Son of Jonah and brother of the apostle Andrew, his birth name was Simon (or Simeon). Possibly, the Hebrew form of the name was Yohanan and Jonah is an Aramaic abbreviation, while John is from the Greek form of the same name. You can check these in your browser security settings. Jesus asked the question three times, not only to highlight the point, but also to provide Peter with an opportunity to be restored to his rightful place. Rocks stabilize things and rocks can also break things. Peter is referred to as son of John in the sense that he is a disciple of John the Baptist, who was born as a result of the witness of John, which was mediated via his brother Andrew. Peter refused Jesus in front of a charcoal fire in the high priests court; now, in front of another charcoal fire, at the altar-table, where Jesus is preparing breakfast, Peter is restored to fellowship. And, who knows, God may choose to use you to spread His message to the ends of the planet. Open Mo-Fr 10am - 6pm, Sa until 1pm; Facebook-f Linkedin-in Instagram Pinterest Twitter Tumblr. Once formed, they can be used to do things that give us stability rocks are used to form foundations, they are used to shore creek beds and fill ravines. Apostle Simon Peter Cephas ben Jonah was born in 0001, in Roman Empire as the son of Jonah and Joanna. You should pray that God would keep you close to Him if you are just starting to come to know Him. The answer that Jesus receives from His first question (Who do people say the Son of Man is?) Boanerges is defined in the passage as "the sons of Thunder"; however, the name Peter is not defined. What would be some verses from the Bible to save a marriage? Jesus Restores Peter - So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Feed My lambs." He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him . background-color:#990000; While on the boat, a huge storm broke out, and Jonah was thrown overboard and swallowed by a big fish. Yes, Lord; you are aware of my affection for you, he said. JONAH was sent to preach repentance to the gentiles, and God chose the Assyrian city Ninevah for that purpose, Jonah 1:1-2. He chooses not to talk because he believes that speaking would be detrimental to his character, which is pure, righteous, just, loving, merciful, kind and incapable of deception. "I'm sure you're aware of my affection for You." "Feed My lambs," Jesus instructed. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. When Jesus again calls Peter "Simon of Joannes" in chapter 21, the title refers back to chapter 1 and highlights once again Peter's connection with John the Baptist. The same can be said about following Jesus in whatever we do; He will do incredible things in our life if we do so. Jesus might have responded to Peters query by providing him with an itinerary of Johns life, which is exactly what he desired, but instead he guides him to what is significant in his own life. Jonah means either "dove" or perhaps "disobedient" whereas John means "God is Gracious." So was Peter's father's name Jonah or John? They are cold. In that verse Jesus described Simon as son of Jonah. Elsewhere (John 1:42) Simon Peter is called son of John. John and Jonah reflect the variants, or slight differences, in the Greek text. Did you find this entry to be interesting? He got Peter to tell him three times that he loved Him! Peter. Saint Peter the Apostle was a well-known figure in early Christianity.Although there is no information on the life of Peter outside the Bible, in the Christian tradition, he is often depicted as the first on many occasions: the first to be called by Jesus, the first who recognized Jesus as 'the Christ', the first disciple to receive a post-resurrection appearance by Jesus; and retrospectively . 17 Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me? he inquired of him for the third time. In the Scriptures he is also called Simon bar Jona (meaning Simon the son of Jonah). It is only permitted to be duplicated for personal, charitable, and non-commercial purposes. Tend My sheep, he instructed him. border:1px solid #990000; | Theme by SuperbThemes.Com, How Did Jesus Know Mary Martha And Lazarus. Salome = Elisabeth = house, family of Elisa (the baptist and his father), royal family(of mary the E.). Feed my lambs, he explained to him. The majority of Jesus disciples came from Galilee. Many of us are familiar with the story of Jonah and the big fish. It is Peter's faith that will strengthen his brethren (Luke 22:32) and Peter is given Christ's flock to shepherd (John 21:17). This was a display of arrogance and self-centeredness. These men did not walk the water, because Jesus said they were "of little faith.". Are you angry like JONAH was and the disciples at Jerusalem were because God practices mercy? Every time Peter answers to Jesus query with the term phileo, he is expressing his affection for the Lord. Click on the different category headings to find out more. Barjonah; Son of the Vexter. It was critical that Peter communicate the truth about Jesus to the large number of people who would come to trust in Him. So his father's name was either John or Jonah. Home; Blog; Bible survey. Follow me! he said as he approached him. It was in Galilee that the disciples were since Jesus had instructed them to travel there. We may request cookies to be set on your device. Then there are bigger groups of individuals, such as the children in your class or the members of your sports team. He participates in the weekly Mere Fidelity podcast, blogs at Alastairs Adversaria, and tweets at @zugzwanged. Here, truly, is the church, out of which no one can be saved." - D'Aubigne, London ed., b. Come and dine with us, Jesus says to them in verses 12-13. Asked January 10 2017 After all, just half a dozen verses after Jesus called Peter Barjona, he called him satan (Matthew 16:23). Im sure youre aware of my affection for You. Feed My lambs, Jesus instructed. What was the number of times Jesus asked Peter? He lived in Roma, Lazio, Italy in 42. Jesus wanted to teach him and all of us that we need revelation from "above" to know who Jesus is. Peter was first known as "Simon bar Jonas" as name assigned to him by his father as was the Jewish custom. He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.". He was the earliest of the prophets and close behind Elisha in his place in the Old Testament. You are in a boat amid the floods of the dragon. In our short gospel for Sunday, Matthew alludes to Jonah, a well familiar figure an Old Testament prophet. Would he still see Peter as a close buddy and companion if he knew what happened? Why did Jesus call Peter "Simon Barjona" in Mt 16:17? Sometimes, an unstable way. In every nation whoever believes with all his heart in the Lord Jesus is accepted of God. The order is as follows: I am not aware of any critic who considers the development of synonyms for feed my sheep to be very noteworthy, so why should we believe that the evolution of synonyms for love is noteworthy? Jonah 1: 3; Mark 14: 72; Jonah 3: 4-5, 10; Acts 15: 7-11). If this describes you, please pay attention to what follows. He was the son of Jonas (Matthew 16:17). You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John. Peter, who at the time was called Simon, was a follower of John the Baptist and was the very first disciple that Jesus called, along with his brother Andrew (John 1:35-29). 2023 Copyright - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Simon's brother, Andrew, is never called son of Jonah or "Barjona." A comparison and contrast of incidents in the lives of both will show how God did this. Optional Application (without volunteers): Just as the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, each and every one of us is filled with the Holy Spirit when we place our confidence in Jesus and put our lives in his hands (Acts 2:38). So he tells him to take care of his flock. You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter). 16 He asked him a second time, Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me? He replied to him a third time, Do you love Me? Yes, Lord; You are aware of my affection for You, he said. In Bethsaida, he grew up with his younger brother, Andrew, and moved to Capernaum later. Peter was a fisherman from Galilee, but Jesus called him to be a fisher of men ( Luke 5:10 ). Jesus hailed him by his family name at the time he bestowed on him his new name. Each of you has a group of pals that you might regard to be your own personal Jerusalem. Select a willing participant. Walk the water or the prince and power of the air, who is much worse than a God-sent fish, will devour and sift you like wheat. What the story of Jonah reveals to us is that it was always in Gods heart to reconcile all people to Himself and to one another. Learn about the many aspects of WELS ministry work. Alternatively, it might be translated as Do you love me more than the other disciples love me? It may be interpreted as Do you love me more than you love them?. He received it and went on, reluctantly. How did Simon of Cyrene help Jesus? Afterwards, God told Jonah to go and preach to the Ninevites, and Jonah obeyed. Who better to take on such a role, to form the foundation of the new Church, but he, who like all the wayward children of God, is receiving the vast wealth of Gods mercy and compassion. He draws upon the stories from the Old Testament, with which the devout Jews of his day would be very familiar. So I am thinking about rocks. Peter and the other disciples were being entrusted with an extremely critical task by Jesus. So Cephas and Peter are a bit like "Juan" being the Spanish form of "John". Can you relate? 0 responses The fact that what has happened is not shocking. Where are we reluctant to go and reach the lost for Jesus? He headed the meeting that elected Matthias to replace Judas (Acts 1:13-26), and he . And without a moments hesitation, Peter said, Yes, Lord,.you are aware of my affection for you. Afterwards, Jesus gave him the order, Feed my sheep. (See John 21:12-15 for further information.) In doing so he calls his disciple "Simon." Little Satan (Satanas), the old Simon was a sinner; Lord goeth out from me because I am a mam of wrong-doings (lke Jonah was). (Ask pupils to keep their signs down until you call them on it). He denied knowing Jesus on three separate occasions. Peter is referred to as son of Joannes in 1:42 and again in chapter 21, but never between the two passages. Consider supporting the work of the synod by making an offering online or investing in ministry work. Just as Jonah fled from the presence of the LORD, so did Peter deny the Christ, the Son of the living God, but God did not give up on either one of them, and used them both to save the Gentiles. When they arrived to the shore, they discovered a fire with fish and bread burning over it. Then someone else could believe you and start telling their friends. Despite his papacy, Peter had humble beginnings and became one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. Jesus first began teaching people in the open when he first began teaching them in the open. Jesus was introduced to Simon by his brother Andrew ( John 1:42 ). There is also additional relevance at the level of Johns linguistic expression. The Apostle Andrew was one of the twelve main disciples of Jesus Christ and the brother of Simon Peter. When God called Jonah to go and warn the violent and . Waukesha, WI 53188-1108. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. It is assumed by most people that this means that Simon was the son of someone named Jonah. He isnt contributing in any way, and he isnt in a state of mind where he can physically care for himself. Mark and Luke tell us he was coming back from the country. background-color:#990000; When Peter received the vision from God, he was living in the city of Joppa. But in the reverse act, he and the disciples woke up the Son of God to save them from perishing, Matthew 8:23-25. Because the Lord was with them, and because of the miracles they performed, their message was confirmed. NIV And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus wasn't asking because He didn't know the answer. I am familiar with him since I have spent a significant amount of time with him. On the third day, the fish vomited Jonah on a beach. If the Bible is inspired it must have a meaning which must be preserved. He was ordained by Jesus in the "Rock of My Church" written in Matthew 16:17-18, which says, "Jesus replied, 'Simon son of Jonah, you are a blessed man! Perhaps one of your parents has looked at you and questioned, Susie, who damaged my lamp? or something like. Knowing Him on a personal level allows us to love Him more fully. A good answer provides new insight and perspective. Matthew 26:33-35: It is written, In response, Peter stated, Even though all men are offended because of thee, I will never be offended because of thee. Im going to put it into practice. Differentiating between these two types of love is a realistic possibility, given the fact that we can observe for ourselves the various motivations that lead us to care for others. Therefore, he was angry because God did not destroy them, and he asked God to destroy himself instead, Jonah 4:2-3. Emeka Nwokoye. } In John 1:42 and in John 21:15, Simon is called the "Son of John." Although John and Jonah sound alike in both Hebrew and English, they are not the same name. He tells him, Feed my lambs, and he does. Consider the following story:One day, Peter announced to the rest of the disciples that he was going fishing on the Sea of Galilee. Later, in John 21, Jesus repeated calls him Simon, son of John (John 21:15-17). Despite the fact that she loves him unconditionally, she also loves him in a relational and intimate way after years and years of sharing her life with him. 1:42, 21:15-17) The proof that Jesus, in referring to Simon as the son . If you found this article useful, please consider sharing it on social media (Facebook or Twitter) using the links on the left. This is also the only time I can find where Jesus specifically refers to Peter by reference to his father. Each of you has a group of pals that you might regard to be your own personal Jerusalem. Then there are bigger groups of individuals, such as the children in your class or the members of your sports team. He tells Peter, Im sorry, but. What do you think it is worth to me if I want him to live until I return? Peter did this a lot before he thought about it. If we have a love for Jesus that is sufficient, He will begin working on us. The Apostles, on the other hand, would rather go back to fishing. But there is no additional evidence that Simon's father's name was Jonah. The Greek term for love, agapao, is used by Jesus the first two times he asks Peter if he loves Him. Jonah was called to go and preach to the Ninevites, a pagan people whom he viewed as unclean and undeserving of Gods grace and compassion. By indication of John the Baptist, he was taken by his brother Andrew to meet Jesus Christ. Are there examples in the Bible where a prayer was answered before or during the prayer. Yes, Lord, you are aware of my affection for you, he said. The brothers grew to become best friends and when they became teenager and finished Hebrew School . Simon was the first disciple that Jesus called to follow him. While this may be true, the name does not serve this function in the NT contexts in which it occurs. Peters deep love of Jesus and his profound knowledge of WHO Jesus is, is stable, substantial, immovable, like a rock. Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? Jesus asked Simon Peter after they had eaten their meal in John 21:15, the Message translation. According to others, the phrase more than these alludes to the other disciples of Jesus. Jesus is called the son of God because God is his father. We know the fathers of the other apostles, but, with the exception of John 1 and 21, we know nothing about Peters father. Peter's original name was Simon, the Greek form of the Hebrew Simeon. Why did Jesus tell us to cast the net on the right side of the boat? We have one tantalizing bit of information about him, which has led to ongoing debates among Bible scholars. In the reverse role the SON OF JONAS was always catching and eating the fish, Matthew 4:18-20, but it was the Son of God who stayed in the heart of the earth three days and nights for salvation of more than just himself, Matthew 12:39-41. A new study, OneBook: The Gospel of Johnby Ben Witherington, takes readers on a journey through one of the most treasured and essential Gospels in terms of comprehending the identity of the Son of God and his purpose in our society today. Usually he was referred to Simon Peter. Feed My lambs, he instructed him. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. Peter is Simon Bar Jonah. The foundation of the church is the same Rock, the same Christ, that gave Peter his name because he confessed him faithfully. At that first meeting, Jesus called Simon "Cephas", which in Aramaic means "stone". The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before Me. But Jonah ran away from the LORD and headed for Tarshish. Who are the they that John refers to in John 21:15? Jesus spoke those words after Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Savior, the Son of God. Welcome to Baptist Board, a friendly forum to discuss the Baptist Faith in a friendly surrounding. The Holy Spirit was sent to fill the disciples just a few days later, just as Jesus had told them (Acts 2:1-4). But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. This to be won ; instead, Jonah 1:1-2 after they had eaten meal! Is astounded and delighted by what Peter has said the variants, or slight,! Extremely critical task by Jesus the first scenario, which has led to ongoing debates Bible... Telling their friends had eaten their meal in John 21, Jesus repeated calls him Simon the. 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