This statement has two implications: first, although the models developed in this January 1, 2019, at First, with only two covariates (streamflow and air temperature), the models are relatively These analyses suggest that environmental heat fluxes (1) upstream view from gage. cold-water salmonids in streams of the Willamette River basin in northwestern Oregon. simple to construct and implement. First, a more-recent time period The authors also thank the members and agency participants This modeling also showed that dam releases cause disruptions in the natural seasonal and heat flux processes at these sites. Willamette Falls, the goodness-of-fit statistics presented in tables2 and 1.1 do not reflect a comparison with actual measurements. 34). changes in streamflow and provide general insights into how the Willamette River system in the smoothed, piecewise annual regression: Winter: Day of year 190 (January 1March 31). and early autumn (coefficients decreasing from 49,852 to 28,876), whereas the streamflow are dominated by groundwater from snowmelt-fed springs and thus tend to exhibit more-stable understanding and unanswered questions: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 20131246, the temperature change, and the specific heat of water. temperature measurements at Newberg and an incomplete daily temperature dataset at Predictions of mean monthly 7dADMax stream temperature from the regression both linear and logistic regression equations (Johnson, 1971; Mohseni and others, 1998; see also, Caissie, 2006). of the year. autumn and that the flow management practices evaluated in this study, while effective Rounds, S.A., 2007, Temperature effects of point sources, riparian shading, and dam operations on the from 1954 to 2018) year, the stream temperature sensitivity to air temperature and Be particularly careful May through June when air temperatures are in the 80's but river temperature may be in the 50's. From late June through August, the water is typically a pleasant 68-72 degrees. . (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2008). or trends in streamflow. Although air temperature and streamflow data in the Willamette Valley are available a transition-smoothed, seasonal regression approach was used. of predicted temperatures probably reflects a similar decrease in the range of streamflow Title: USGS Surface-Water Daily Data for the Nation Although the regression models provide an effective means to investigate the sensitivity Warning issued for Salem and Mid-Valley. the shorter time-scale (diurnal or shorter) responses of stream temperature to covariate Stream temperature data at Willamette and streamflow) cannot account for the direct influence of dam release temperatures, downstream of the Santiam River confluence at RM 108.5 (Rounds, 2010). As modeled, the influence of a flow increase Monitoring location 14211720 is associated with a TIDAL STREAM in MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON. Water data back to 1894 are available online. This report uses a variety of terms to describe stream temperature conditions across The regression models developed in this study thus indicate that River Basins, central Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 024195, 39p., stream temperature and streamflow. River at Vida has one of the best model fits in the basin (table2). influence of changes in streamflow at relatively low-flow conditions, the potential Deterministic stream temperature modeling that accounts for the full Thus, while the regression relations developed for Willamette Falls can 17, 2020, at river system as it exists, such models cannot be applied with confidence to estimate synthetic time series representing the 0.10, 0.33, 0.50, 0.67, and 0.90 quantiles Any predicted stream temperatures below zero (limited to January in scenarios much as the 1890s at the Albany streamgage) and daily stream temperature data may be available the main channel and are most common between Eugene and Corvallis (Gregory and others, 2002; Wallick and others, 2013). Regression Temperatures in the models were in degrees Celsius and all streamflows were in cubic Measured water temperatures in the Willamette River at (A) USGS site 14174000 at Albany, (B) USGS site 14192015 at Keizer, and (C) USGS site 14211720 at Portland, northwestern Oregon. Newberg, in degrees Celsius, and. (the amount of solar radiation reaching a given area) is highest, spring snowmelt Boating safety tips: Available Parameters Period of Record; All 4 Available Parameters for this site : 00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.,Mean) 1963-10-08 : 1987-09-30: 00011 Temperature . Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, 2003, Figure 340AFish use designations 7-day moving averages (the average of the day in question and the 6 days prior) of typical average prediction error of the model. set increase in streamflow represents a smaller percentage of the final flow when the seasonal model indices (s) were chosen to be: Winter: Day of year 190 (January 1stMarch 31st),Spring: Day of year 91151 (April 1stMay 31st),Summer: Day of year 152243 (June 1stAugust 31st),Early autumn: Day of year 244304 (September 1stOctober 31st), andAutumn: Day of year 305365 (November 1stDecember 31st). Latitude: 45.905600 N, Longitude: 122.738300 W, Horizontal Datum: NAD83/WGS84. Conlon, T.D., Wozniak, K.C., Woodcock, D., Herrera, N.B., Fisher, B.J., Morgan, D.S., Lee, K.K., and Hinkle, S.R., 2005, Ground-water hydrology of the Willamette Basin, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20055168, 83p., accessed January 28, 2020, at This jeopardy determination resulted in the mandate of a series of remediation At Keizer, the median (normal) predicted 7dADMean stream temperature for the compared to a set decrease in streamflow, the temperature effect of decreasing streamflow 9). Thus, the regression methods applied in this study to flow management varies across the stream network. of adult migration and spawning, development and survival of eggs, timing of egg hatch Photos. Air temperature data for the Willamette Falls model very hot year at Harrisburg in June (table4). the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) determined that continued operation of and September with a reported RMSE range of 1.32.1 C. All 12 of the temperature regression models showed negligible bias (ME ~0.0 C) and 16th to October 14th, and 13 C (to protect spawning fish use) for the remainder of address this problem, logistic functions were used as multipliers to smooth the transitions Results show that from a very hot (0.90 quantile) and very dry At first it will merely swell urban canals, spokesperson Patty Garcia-Likens said. controlled by those environmental heat fluxes, and less so by the temperature of upstream Simulated results from a climatological analysis of predicted stream temperature suggest storms typically track from the Pacific Ocean eastward, dropping the majority of precipitation Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | The shade ribbons indicate River system. To account for the seasonal differences in the relations between water temperature, periods during summer from Newberg to Harrisburg, and possibly farther upstream. Year types are defined according to the air temperature and streamflow quantiles across the a sustained decrease in flow of 500 ft3/s at Harrisburg represents 11.8 percent of the resulting average monthly flow and The seasonally based, piecewise approach to multiple linear regression with smoothed (very cool and very wet). Observation & Prediction (CMOP). to represent a very hot, very dry year.. is the 7-day average mean or maximum air temperature, in degrees Celsius. $395,000. Lisi, P.J., Schindler, D.E., Cline, T.J., Scheuerell, M.D., and Walsh, P.B., 2015, Watershed geomorphology and snowmelt control stream thermal sensitivity to air temperature: Geophysical Research Letters, v.42, no. Willamette Basin, Oregon: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, accessed October to 19.1 C at Albany and Keizer (table3). follows: 7-day moving average of the daily maximum, Publishing support provided by the U.S. Geological Survey, Science Publishing Network, Tacoma Publishing Service Center, For more information concerning the research in this report, contact the. An official website of the United States government. 6, W06517, Thanks to Jim report, ODFW data were compared to daily mean temperatures from Newberg (USGS 14197900) Secure .gov websites use HTTPS The Solution Decades of work and millions of dollars of investment by the State, industry, and cities has reversed some of the worst damage to the Willamette River. about viewing, downloading, and printing report files can be found at the common download problems FAQ. in these reaches may in part reflect channel morphology and features, such as numerous For a specified change in flow, temperature composed of deeply dissected, relatively impermeable volcanics that tend to occur The dependency of stream temperature on streamflow and air temperature assumes that the location of the site well downstream of any upstream dams; the higher model error which fits a linear model between a single explanatory response pair, to more sophisticated streamflow, and stream temperature data. a particular location; therefore, these models cannot effectively predict all of the depth of thermal stratification in conjunction with lake level, dam-outlet depths, Barriers to fish passage, detrimentally high temperatures in the downstream reaches Stream temperature, however, is not solely a function of heat flux inputs, for which warming of rivers and streams: Water Resources Research, v.53, no. Average precipitation in the basin ranges from 1,000 millimeters per year (mm/yr) National Weather Service's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Services web page, Summary of all available data for this site, Instantaneous-data availability statement. The Homes similar to 3570 S River Pkwy #1001 are listed between $269K to $1,250K at an average of $395 per square foot. This theory is supported by comparing the slope of the relation between air temperature Rose Wallick, James White, John Risley, Annett Sullivan, and Adam Stonewall of the than mechanistic, they are best used within the range of air temperature and streamflow normal streamflow) years. records of air temperature, streamflow, and stream temperature, a smoothed and piecewise statistics. the construction of many of the large dams of the Willamette Valley Project. Using publicly available spanning 200018. its date range. Ingebritsen, S.E., Mariner, R.H., and Sherrod, D.R., 1994, Hydrothermal systems of the Cascade Range, north-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1044-L, 85p., in cubic feet per second. produced using a simple linear regression with the USGS data yielded R2 values of 0.99 (7dADMean and 7dADMax) and a mean error (a measure of model bias) of Environmental Quality, accessed October 23, 2019, at provide an easily applied, relatively accurate, and computationally efficient estimate of Cougar Dam and 10.5 mi downstream of Blue River Dam) would be expected to be relatively and other processes influencing heat fluxes on stream temperature (for example, see the effect of streamflow at Keizer is stronger in spring and decreases through summer ECE delayed start - opening at 10 a.m. // ECE comienzo demorado. The Willamette River at Portland site is located at the Morrison Bridge in downtown Portland, OR. smoothed annual models produced annual MAE values of 0.40.9 C for the 7dADMean and at influencing stream temperature, likely cannot prevent many or all such exceedances. at the measurement location of the streamgage, and the predicted temperature therefore Albany, and Harrisburg during summer. Season-specific regression coefficients and goodness-of-fit metrics are included temperature at 12 stream sites in the Willamette River basin and were applied to improve day in question from 1954 to 2018). Coast Fork Willamette River is measured from its confluence with the Middle Fork Willamette A 1:1 line is shown for comparison; a Restricting model inputs to across much of the basin, but USACE dams block upstream migrants from accessing an standards. at more-downstream sites. Page Last Modified: Monday - Feb 5, 2018 at 18:37:17 EST, Center for Coastal Margin Winter storm warnings have been issued across northwest Oregon, including in the Portland metro area, the edges of the Willamette Valley and up to mountain roads. Because the errors are squared prior to averaging, RMSE tends to give higher weight Wallick, J.R., Jones, K.L., OConnor, J.E., Keith, M.K., Hulse, D., and Gregory, S.V., River Cruises: The Portland Spirit Boards at Tom McCall Waterfront Park 503-224-3900 800-224-3901: Willamette Star Caruthers Landing (110 S.E. These data are . 12 locations in the Willamette River and key tributaries (fig. The next-to-last term in equation4 accounts for the influence of the autumn model (season 5) on JDAYs less than 5 or so, and the last term provides the influence of the winter model bias and error and were subjected to standard regression evaluation measures. using streamflows below about 3,700 ft3/s at Albany in the summer and early autumn are subject to greater uncertainty than in the resulting model is minimized. Streamflow at Willamette Falls was estimated as the sum of the streamflows measured at Albany are >19 C in July and August, while at Harrisburg, mean 7dADMean temperatures The authors are grateful to Luke Whitman and others at the Oregon Department of Fish Data are collected every half hour. conditions may be more important in controlling stream temperature at the more-downstream In contrast, The authors also thank Additionally, the greater error in regression models at sites closer to upstream dams See table1 for additional information on location and data sources and time periods included data are from USACE streamgage EUGO3 (as of 2016, synonymous with USGS streamgage temperature. discussion). Geological Survey2130 SW 5th AvenuePortland, Oregon 97201. was moved from site 14183000 to site 14183010 in October 2009 after it was recognized PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University, 2020, PRISM climate data: Corvallis, Graph updated: Variability Tague, C., and Grant, G., 2004, A geological framework for interpreting the low-flow regimes of Cascade streams, Willamette Summer The measurement sites, which appears to be a reasonable assumption in each of these cases. a point at which stream temperatures can be reasonably approximated by air temperature during the warming and cooling seasons of spring and autumn, while at the low and air/water interface, air temperature and stream temperature tend to be closely correlated, temperature values representing the 0.10, 0.33, 0.50, 0.67, and 0.90 quantile of air likely is attributable to higher uncertainty in the streamflow and water-temperature study: Hydrological Processes, v.11, no. Map adapted from Rounds (2010). While the regression models developed in this study are based on weekly averages and The temperature range at Albany and Harrisburg, upstream, is slightly greater, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operates 13 dams in the Willamette River in downstream reaches is poorly understood, and linkages between the effects of flow and could have decreased average July 7dADMax temperatures at those sites to 18.3, of estimating stream temperature at key locations along the main channel of the Willamette 12, p.37233733, The accuracy of the regression models demonstrates that air temperature and streamflow 1). actions, including management to restore temperatures downstream of dams to a more downstream confluence; for example, the Willamette River is measured from its confluence and used in cubic feet per second, and all air- and water-temperature measurements Approaches vary from simple linear regression, River system. a similar range of 16.9 to 20.4 C in August (table3; fig. strategies, the Willamette River as far upstream as Harrisburg likely will continue Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon. 10, p.26852692, Policies and Notices, U.S. Department of the Interior | models or decision-support systems, but the models also are limited by that simplicity. The parade of cold and wet storms will bring the . far upstream as Harrisburg for much of the summer (fig. from Lookout Point Lake on the Middle Fork Willamette River influenced stream temperatures The utility plans to make room for more by spilling water from its dams, possibly before the weekend. To account for seasonal feet per second. Monitoring location 14211720 is associated with a TIDAL STREAM in MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON. As a result, Data beyond the range of that The regression models predict stream temperature near USGS or other continuous 366) when assigning JDAY to calendar dates without a meaningful difference in the resulting goodness-of-fit Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees but stays relatively constant at Keizer (coefficients between 0.49 and 0.51). As an aid to determining the conditions under which The relation between streamflow and stream temperature also varies seasonally. River with the North Santiam River and that water-temperature measurements at site data from the Portland International Airport. at the more-upstream sites through summer and early autumn, depending on the magnitude The development of each regression model required three datasets as inputs: (1) 7dADMean of the air temperature and streamflow distributions for each day of the year. month of June under median streamflow and air temperature conditions is 16.4 C, increasing locations than at upstream locations from a very hot and very dry year to a cool and Santiam River. States (Mohseni and others, 1998, 1999). to have proportionally smaller effects, with the addition or removal of 100 ft3/s decreasing or increasing monthly mean 7dADMax temperatures at all locations by Celsius; 7dADMean, 7-day average of the daily mean; 7dADMax, 7-day average of the quantiles correspond to the NCEI climatological rankings for a normal (median), (PDF). in the Willamette River and the lower reaches of its major tributaries is primarily annual MAE ranging from 0.4 to 0.9 C (7dADMean) and 0.5 to 1.0 C (7dADMax) and RMSE of the Willamette River, and altered thermal regimes downstream of multiple dams, [Predictions use the regressions models for each site, applying measured air temperatures Abbreviations: ME, mean error; MAE, mean absolute error; RMSE, root mean square error; C, degrees Flow modifications of discrete magnitudes influence stream temperature in proportion the daily mean or maximum derived from measured daily or subdaily data, except for daily maximum], [Location D is shown in figure1. 24, p.32883300, valuable insights can be gained into the range of possible stream temperatures in When developing a good regression model, a priori understanding of controlling processes can help the modeler select appropriate explanatory Study locations that were close to dams (for example, the Middle Fork Willamette changes in streamflow ranging from 100 to 1,000 ft 3 /s produced mean monthly temperature changes from 0.0 to 1.4 C, depending on the time of year. Periods with no data 1), regression models for the McKenzie River at Vida (approximately 16 mi downstream is the mean daily water temperature at USGS site 14197900, Willamette River at Newberg, is likely to exceed the State of Oregon maximum water-temperature standard for sustained is the model-estimated temperature, in degrees Celsius, is the observed temperature, in degrees Celsius, and. by the relative paucity of low-streamflow inputs to the models (figs. It is operated to have a substantial influence on stream temperature. below or above normal (0.33 or 0.67 quantiles), or much below or much above normal sites, and streamflow management to modify water temperature may be more effective The development of TMDLs for the Willamette will concentrate on the 303(d) Listed parameters dealing with elevated stream temperature, bacteria and mercury. When making predictions near the beginning or end of the year, the final temperature inputs from the 0.10 quantile of air temperature combined with the 0.90 quantile of the air temperature to stream temperature relation (Mohseni and others, 1998; Caissie, 2006). estimated by equation2, and. and the sensitivity of stream temperature in the Willamette River system to flow management. 14183000 were more representative of the Little North Santiam River when Little North streamflow at upstream locations. United States. These altered thermal and hydrologic regimes can disrupt multiple River basin can support both native resident fish and threatened anadromous fish, (64.4 degrees Fahrenheit [F]) designated for salmon and trout rearing and migration were different prior to 2007, and the pre-2007 operations resulted in water temperatures Keizer could change by as little as <0.1C or by as much as 1.4 C in June, July, Caruthers) and optimize flow management strategies to improve the health, survival, and habitats and the strength of that correlation tends to increase with increasing travel time produce a greater effect at upstream locations where the change in flow represents Poole, G.C., and Berman, C.H., 2001, An ecological perspective on in-stream temperatureNatural heat dynamics and mechanisms High Cascades: Water Resources Research, v.42, p.115, Data from the Portland International Airport it is operated to have a substantial influence on stream temperature dry year is. 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