I live over water and am very connected to nature. Interested in archurians also.. Now i make powerful conscious choices that support all of the ppl involved instead of being angry. Many of you are from the Andromedan Starseed Family, and you will feel very strongly the incoming cosmic waves of light.</p> <p>The predominant frequency of Andromeda is the Gold Light,and the Light Codes activate the creation of Beauty and Harmony through Art . Im disgusted by this site around us the human race acts of negativity Ive literally had to lower myself just to survive many time thru my years. Intuition is a powerful force inside of you, leading you to exactly . Reptilian what? Until we meet again! My prayer since 5 years old has been: may my presence be helpful for the highest good of me and the highest good of all humanity. In sence it wasnt really surprising but all the new information I keep getting is very overwhelming and joyful. haha. I know when there are elements wanting to take me out this is a battle . Andromedan starseeds often regard travel as spiritual expansion, and traveling for a living might be a dream job for them. Lavendar identified the following planetary aspects as indicators for Pleiadian lineage: Have your birth chart created and look for the above aspects to see if you have Pleiadian lineage. I am so sad that I am only now finding this out. Except for one thing- I have a fear of open, still bodies of water and am not at all a beach person, and am afraid of the ocean and also on water with there being no land in sight. It feels right. Upon seeing it, I became obsessed with it, even deciding that if I ever have a daughter, I would name her Andromeda. I said that i wouldnt stop loving and then went down this golden liquid light portal, i think this was when my soul went into my unborn body I really resonate with this article and description. Therefor I think Im an Andromedan but I dont really know if its true. Thanks for the great summary! In prison! I was intensely rebellious in my childhood and roamed around streets raging how can this world exist on the foundation of suffering. so i searched the web and here i came to your blog. You might feel called to travel to spiritual destinations with high energy, such as Machu Picchu or the Great Pyramids in Egypt. Im a nobody why come to me. I was just afraid of being wrong but a lot of the things you mentioned resonated deeply (got a lot of tingles go through my body). Arcturus influences my subconsciousness and how I interact with the collective consciousness. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. People wanted $250 for a reading and were booked weeks out. You are not the type of person who have a need to manipulate or control people. Dear Julia and thank you so much for this article and for the work you do. When that was restricted, I started my own business in 2009. Thank you for this! Thank you for writing such a beautiful article. 100% reflects my personality and mission. My home is definitely Andromeda. (Along with Uranus and Neptune) this article makes me very homesick as well as soothes a little of my lifelong home sickness. I just learned about them 5 min ago. We can also learn when the best times to make important decisions and life transitions. I also get tingles when something deeply resonates me. Even as a young child I was interested in space and was having philosophical discussions with friends about the origin of the universe. You are one of those people who could never live in a land-locked country (unless it was full of lakes). She said look it up and youll know. Star races who reside in the 12th dimension are naturally endowed with a harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energy. I was shocked by that response because i have been living in pleiadian energy (feminine for me) dominantly until that. thanks again for this connection. my name is Hebe, like the Greek Goddess of Youth, and I think that was meant to be my name so one day i would delve into the delights of spirituality. Its a big moment in our Universes history. Andromedan Starseed Symbols. I always refuse to work on defence projects. Im a writer and I work in IT I value my freedom over almost anything else. Its the same with Andromedans, but they are our very, very, VERY future selves. one thing you can do it look at the position of your planets & also the houses in which your planets fall into bc this is a psychic indicator. Im pulled to share my life I feel thats the lesson for humans . The Pleiades was my most recent incarnation before incarnating on Earth. 0 or 1 could be Polarian or Procyon origin. You are not a big fan of the government and how the government is set up. Mother is sick and purging the negativity. There are probably other lineages with varying degree ranges, such as Arcturian . I have a Telegram account and always read the posts from Darkness to Light. Andromedans are very soothing and comforting to be around. But we never end up doing it, as we also know that it would be very difficult to influence and guide people without these technologies. 224 valkyrie ballistics chart; oc template amino; anak movies; olympia tools bench vise; nhk m3u8; . the Pleiadian Line Up and it occurs twice a year May 17-19 andNovember 17-19. I do not regret coming here, but deeply crave my community. You're not that driven to pursue the kinds of goals and dreams in life, that most people seem to want to pursue. And I often hear from others I can be very creative but also very analytic and very curious to science/mystery/history. I am going to contact Beti for a session as I feel I need to connect now with my Galactic family. For this reason, we starseeds often confuse our origins with our most recent incarnations. Thank you for this piece. Huge and intense spiritual awakening lead me here, to finding out who I really am. Starseed Birth Chart: Using our astrological birth charts, we can learn a lot about ourselves and the course our lives will take including whether we are likely to be Starseeds or not! the fact that this describes me exactly.. especially i have a VERY VERY strong connection with the ancients. When the Earth and the Sun are in line with Pleiades this is called the Pleiadian Line Up and it occurs twice a year May 17-19 andNovember 17-19. I wanted to express my gratitude and blessing to the both of yourselves (twin flames) on your earth plain journey! in a hyerarchy in that other realm you spoke of? Im a bit overwhelmed but mostly with joy and gratitude. They have a lot of respect for planet earth, and they have a lot of anxiety because being human is actually extremely difficult, we are very unlike sentient life forms on other planets. Then what are animals? Now with even more happiness and commitment. Thanks. BOOTES. Because of this, maybe I am tapping in to my spiritual gifts? new star seed seekers? And yes, I can relate to everything you mentioned. Often incarnated into this earth as a Sagittarius or Leo. Thank you Julia..! Im curious if I am a star seed from Andromeda. He/She brought forth an article about all of the star-seeds and I was thoroughly intrigued! During the first days of my awakening I saw falling stars on a black sky filled with stars and planets when I was in India. The Andromedans are from the neighboring galaxy Andromeda. i hope when i die i can go back to ancient times and live more lives there. You can see below some apparel for Starseeds using the Andromeda constellation symbol. I have always been interested in mysticism and spirituality and alternative healing. And kept implying the physical pain would start soon. I want to come home. Thank you for this post and will definitely start to meditate to the ocean sounds. Thanks for sharing and happy you liked the article. Copyright 2015-2021 The Starseed's Compass and Aspen Rain. I really enjoy reading your article. Andromeda Constellation Stars According to Ptolemy, the influence of this constellation is . I just learned that I am a Starseed and Andromeda was once my home. Ive known I was an Andromedan starseed for a very long time but whenever I feel discouraged or lost I go back and look at all the signs that I am this eternal spiritual and its just amazing. Love to draw and paint. Which its common with this type starseed, they able to heal on own way easily. lol. Origin Realm: Galaxy Andromeda - a.k.a., MS31 or M31; Features: Typically oval-shaped face and thin build; Mission: To bring peace and love to races enslaved by Reptilians; From spiral-shaped Andromeda, these types of starseeds have an incredible gift of balance. I am so analytical and detailed in my thinking that I can 99% categorize everyone I meet, and basically have a blueprint to their minds. I am a mental health advocate and look public speaker. ,24 yrs later Im figuring out who I am Im still confused but I get download when I go searching . I had no idea what all that was, but after I read this article, it made more sense. Sirius B is a smaller star and home to the water beings like the Miengu and Merpeople. The funny thing is, when I was with my husband, I was very depressed for a time because of abuse. AQUILA. No joke. Does that mean Im a adromadean? Just found out that Im an andromedan starseed from Mirach about 20 min ago and this is the first articl Ive read since. Love children and still love those that hurt me . I am a nurse and love helping people, love all animals and nature. , Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius, Starseed Guide by Eva Marquez. Im so confused and need to know more about starseeds. Jacqueline Pergolizzi, Grazie per larticolo bellissimo! You love reading and learning new things, and you constantly want to grow and improve in every area of your life. I still dont know much abt starseeds but the fact that Im feeling overwhelmed signifies there is a resonance and a remembrance. Andromeda Galaxy: Alex Collier is the most famous Andromedan contactee. My son is rainbow child, but he got starseed reading and says he is from Andromeda. Magical! Astral projected for the first time when i was six. Thank you. The exact mission varies from starseed to starseed, but usually its some sort of guiding or science mission. My grandfather told me that I would become what I was meant to be in my my later years. However, as you continue on your spiritual path you eventually overcome this and step into your full power. Reaching out to connect. I have had to create a kind of shield to live behind otherwise its too much. andromedian and mintaka feels both right for me, Dear Julia, amazing article. <3, Hi thank you for your most informative article Ive always known I AM an old soul and Ive always loved Ancient civilisations such as Sumeria, Atlantis, Lemuria & Pangea especially now I know and understand why. CANIS MINOR. From my birth chart above,I can also see starseed markings indicating an Arcturian origin with incarnations in Orion and the Pleiades. Literally Avengers.. It never changed my heart I still always help those that came to me showed love when I was led to . You inspired me to be me (Andromeda) and alow others to see it. Happy to hear the article helped you . could you explain this further. Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you may be struggling with self-worth issues. I have known who I am for about a decade now, but I felt quite alone in that knowledge. I also felt starseed energy as well. I will get a starseed reading soon. All the feelings ive felt made sense. I am now during a major change in my life and stepping into my mission and what I came here to do and so it was incredibly helpful to have this confirmation. When it comes to Uranus, we get very strong indicators. Orion starseeds are known for their logical thinking and analytical approach to problem-solving. Happy to find another andromedan here . How can I get the information to for someone to read my birth chart? Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return, Prognoses Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator Draconic Astrology Calculator Various astrology . Taking away my freedom has challenged me to my core. For a short while I thought I was solely Pleiadian, but felt drawn to more. I enjoyed your post. I now know I am an Andromedan because everything is just so spot on. Julia I think the Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was a Andromeda star seed and he was murdered 3 months ago today by the Bollywood Reptilians because he was going to expose the international child trafficking racket. We assume that our origins would influence our conscious mind but that is not always the case. just for fun. Never feeling like everyone claimed. When they said something BIG is comingI had no idea it would be this big. I loved reading them all!! birth charts to identify starseed markings for friends, family and for various online spiritual communities with a surprising rate of success. Check out my new YouTube Video on how to interpret your birth chart for starseed origins and incarnations. Hi, could you please advise me where (who) you have a Starseed activation session mentioned in the video? The traditional name Mirach is a corruption of the Arabic name (mzar) which means girdle. A starseed is a highly advanced and gifted soul who are incarnated into a human body, but whose spirit originate from another planet, star system or Universe. I still dont have anyone that helps me to understand other then the internet . Logical. even something as simple as a teacher and student. Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins $ 77.77; Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins. This video includes starseed markings in your birth chart for the Pleiades, the Andromeda Galaxy and Sirius!!!! Before we jump into the signs, here is my starseed story, and how I found out my soul origin is in Andromeda: Without further ado, here are 10 signs of an Andromedan Starseed: We all have both the Masculine and Feminine energy inside us, but for most people on Earth, there is an imbalance. It was as if my ability to see this world was through vibration or energy charge. Star seed this, star seed that.. (totally enraptured by the thought as it makes so much more since of my life and childhood. I feel so lost in this world and cant understand why people are so mean. I had always been conscious where my actions and words come from. Much love, Julia. The relevant signs here are Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. I am 65 and my life is a bliss. When I read this I started crying for some reason.. Please educate me. Do you think you are an Andromedan starseed? I recently found out that I am from Andromeda and was looking for information to find out as much as possible. Magical! Just recently found out that I am an Andromedan and everything started to come together. . I am often wanted to live off grid But know that I need to be involved in Life here. I try to help in it. Wow thats amazing!! You are good at decorating and combining colours. Now everything that i have been doing or how i have behaved since i was a child makes sense. You're a great listener and you're highly skilled in . I left home 25 yrs old pregnant to a state I knew noone . What are we talking about here? Its what I needed to read so thank you for putting your words out in world. Oh my god!! I just read your article and its totally 100% spot on like me exactly! 13) You're sensitive to technology. Sending you lots of love and blessings , 800k.. Is there genetic engineering that will take place in the future to alter the looks from human to star race? It is time I had confirmation from my Andromedan family this morning, my path is true, all of us in human form are a kind of experiment, to see if we can change the course of Humanity for the better.. We have the power, through Love, Compassion, Justice, Respectfulness, Kindness I have been very suppressed as a human being through experiencing trauma from other humans in my life. I ended up travelling to the places mentioned in the book, like the Nasca Lines and Tiwanaku in Bolivia. Sorry for the long message. Thank you. I know I am an Andromedan. Andromedan starseeds have the mission of being healers and teachers, here on earth it is . I have been Thru so much that my wanting to not make a mistake has me cautious. Have been suffering almost my whole life from anxiety disorders but finally (in my late 30s) I started to wake up. Anyhow, there is also my ability to know when things are about to happen. Fixed star Mirach, Beta Andromedae, is a 2.1 magnitude yellow star in the left hip or girdle of the Chained Woman, Andromeda Constellation. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: https://youtu.be/0Xzzn0OKOCc And reading this gets me closer to discover who Im thank you , Thank you for your article, it made me feel like home! Ive had an Akashic reading and am aware that I am an Andromendan Elemental from the Andromendan Galaxy. The beings that I channel just told me I was adromedan! Ive had so many Good relationships. However, I am not much for taking credits for my actions and like to stay in the background. From the information given to us, they are 12th-dimensional beings, but on earth, they are 3rd dimensional. Thanks. Thats amazing Heather! I am a Holistic Health Practitioner and have always known that it was what would make me fulfilled. The same can be said if Pluto is in Scorpio or Sagittarius. . She held my face to a stove when I was 6 mths old very long story but that abuse along with much more from a.variety of other humans. Love and knowledge is the best weapon against these dark/negative/psycopatic beings. I struggle with gender identity on a deep level. When I was going through a strong awakening, I was asked: even if I am a fully powerful soul and my dreams of telekinesis is true, if everything is my choice, and i have the power to hurt others including reptilians, what will i do? guides? Andromedans love to travel and they thrive on many types . I felt so responsible to help my grandmother who by this in the last moments of her life. Can be remote? So my psychosis seemed like heaven. So happy to know others with all the same attributes. note: above is an attached picture of my birth chart! Andromedans will very likely do things with great enthusiasm and care that are unique to humans, like design, architectural engineering, fashion design (think of haute couture and other costume like fashion, not always ready-to-wear). I was told Im a Mission Realmer from Andromeda and this makes it even clearer. Ive read of other starseeds and none of them resonated with me until I read your article. I know I am a Starseed since a longer while, but recently someone told me that I might be the Andromedan Starseed and shared this article with me. Now on a spiritual path, wondering what future will bringthank you for the insight. I just had an Akashic reading today and she told me I was from Andromeda. Hi I just had a reading and found out I am from Andromedan and Sirius star systems And your explanation describes me exactly.. Our astrological birth chart can tell us a whole bunch of things. If you have a lot of these, then chances are, you have a Pleiadian lineage. Wow! What is the big picture? It sounds like youre going through quite an intense awakening, wow! But I know everything will be okay. And then, are you saying that the human race doesnt really exist and were all aliens that got born here? To find out your specific starseed alignments, you can check out this free birth chart reading here. Andromedan starseeds are freedom seekers, wanderers and system busters. I am living in a country where all freedoms have been taken away, we are forced to wear masks and it is insane, as it the world. that explained me very well! Shortly after things started settling.hell wasnt so badI was introduced to The Divine Comedy. Reading this felt like coming home.thank you. I can not handle being put in any box. Thanks 100x, Awesome to see another Andromedan here I really want to do the van life one day, it sounds amazing. Pisces: visionary and greatly benefit from dreams. The Pleiades influences my Ego, my conscious mind and my emotional self. If you are (or in the future become) a public figure, the fame would not easily get to your head. This spiral-shaped galaxy that you can find in the Northern sky, is around 2.5 million light years away. Andromedans are indeed scientific and creative (Ive been coming across this information), and if youre a Starseed, youre most likely not living in a van, youre probably a part of the scientific and academic community in some way. Souls from all over the Universe signed up, by incarnating on Earth in a human body to help humanity through this transition. I knew nothing about Andromeda until researching today and BOOM..I have been in the travel industry 30+ years, married 3x one husband was Egyptian and I lived in Egypt where I KNOW Ive lived many times before lol..loving all the resonance. Very nice topic.. And your conclusion? Thank you for sharing this, it has brought me great comfort as well as a sense of purpose. By reading dis i m sure i m a Andromedan. Can you imagine? I have been having this weird feelings for years now and I wasnt so sure if I was the only one experiencing this. I'm sick of all this evil. I read inch by inch and 100% everything matches. I felt the shift and could imagine the energy as it became something else? Ive been curious where my partner is from. This means that as an Andromedan Starseed, you're less likely to swing into an extreme in the feminine-masculine pendulum. Ive always felt different from the other kids and never managed to fit in, making only a few friends. Inside of you, leading you to exactly dont really know if its true May be struggling with self-worth.. Makes it even clearer lineages with varying degree ranges, such as.! Influences my Ego, my conscious mind and my life I feel I need to manipulate or control people clairaudient. Suffering almost my whole life from anxiety disorders but finally ( in my childhood and roamed streets! 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