I went to the FDA website and there is not one complaint that I can find from any vet or pet owner. I dont trust drugs and I dont trust doctors, or car sales men, or lawyers for that matter. He is so sick he cant pick his head up. She was given a shot of something at the vet to help with itching. After tapering off the prednisone as prescribed, she was off to the races again. Apoquel has made my dog awfully ill. We have spent so much money from the side effects of apoquel. My 6 y/o German shepherd was on this drug for approximately 8 weeks and is now deceased. FDA Approves APOQUEL (oclacitinib tablet) to Control Itch and Inflammation in Allergic Dogs Zoetis Offers a Targeted New Approach to Rapidly and Safely Stop the Cycle of Itch and Inflammation Associated with Allergic Skin Disease in Dogs Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs, affecting approximately The bigger question for us is though, why are all of these dogs suddenly being so effected by allergies? Vet was not aware of all these side affects because I had asked right after starting her. It's an artificially synthesized substance that's injected into the body with the intention to cause changes in physiology and function. We have a rescue dog, 3 yrs old now. She was still eating and seemed a little more tired so I wasnt alarmed. Today we was at the vets, my Westie mix bison was given Apoquel 5.6grm and I gave him one today,after reading all your comments. Her white hair on her lower back turned red from her itching and got worse with bumps all over her lower back. Im starting to think all these different vaccines may not be such a good idea. But, it wasnt until the 1940s that they were commonly used. She has had two skin infections where we had to give her antibiotics and antifungals, and we are diligent with flea control even though I tried using natural control and it wasnt enough. We have 4 dogs, 2 cats and birds so we have used many drugs. The dose of Apoquel tablets is 0.18-0.27 mg/lb (0.4-0.6 mg/kg). Ive learned in my research today that this adverse effect is actually happening somewhat frequently, or rather, Ive found many reports from pet owners whos dogs had this reaction. Gabapentin is a medication that veterinarians are prescribing with increasing frequency, sometimes alone but more commonly in combination with other medications, for the management of pain in dogs. isnt dying! I have a 3year old german shepherd, itching like crazy Apoquel helps it keeps the itching undercontrol however he want to be outside all the time to pee, which is fine. A typical dose is 1 mg per pound in dogs every 6-8 hours. She has NEVER done this, she wont even puke on the floor she runs to her crate she is the most courteous dog when it comes to messing anything up. Please let me know what I can do to help get this drug off the market. I took her to a vet here in Maine that I trust, The vet that prescribed the Apoquel was in Italy, and we did blood work. Were here at the next morning and she seems a tiny bit more alert. I find that hydroxyzine work best for my girl but that requires an Rx. No more. I had noticed over the past few months he limped or tripped on his feet a few times, but he has hip dysplasia and we thought his hips were getting worse and that was the reason for the decline in his walking and climbing stairs. Her stays showed fluid in her heart area and fluid in her lungs. Eating and drinking well but started soiling in the house. Can both be given for an extended car ride this weekend? I have also found that by wiping his feet with a damp towel after he comes in from outside, there is far less itching and scratching. This is also holistic and works by making the yeast exit the body through the hair follicles. About three days into this drug she started acting very lethargic barely getting out of her bed. 2 days offnoticeable improvement. Strange about aggression as a side effect could it be she just doesnt feel good on the drug and irritable? He is now on phenobarbital for life because the seizures never went away. No more and I will be talking to my vet about this. She had a brain tumor. She is a golden doodle and only a year and 8 months old . (Source: Cosgrove SB, Wren JA, Cleaver DM, et al. Apoquel is a medication that works at the skin level to reduce the mechanism that causes itch. It makes me sick to my stomach to see so many vets pushing and advertising this. Stupid meI passed it off as a fluke. Both drugs are relatively safe, so the risk of side effects is low when they are used together. This is not like him.So I am going to quit giving him this med. We are devastated. The one that was having panic attacks, lost weight, had quickly growing malignant growths and bizarre behavior has returned to normal other then weight, even though his appetite is back. One more thing I would like to say is that he was eating those CET dental sticks for about a year and a half before this whole skin issue started and I wonder if they caused anything to happen with his skin? We decided to continue the Apoquel until the next vet visit which was about 1 week later. As the weather starts to warm up, many of us are turning our attention to the outdoor activities we enjoy with our dogs. But I dont know if 30 days is enough. He looked miserable like he might be dying. She has been on it for about 3 weeks now. We stopped giving him the poison on the fifth day. My vet says it is safe but will listen to me if I tell him about this which obviously I will. My 4 year old Yorkie was put on apoquel. The chemical messengers which are being blocked by these drugs are involved in more processes than just controlling inflammationmost likely as yet undiscovered!!! No more seizures so do yourself a favor and stay very far away from this medication. He takes 16 mg. daily and the scratching has almost stopped. our 17 year old cairn terrier has been on Apoquel for 4 mos. petrified! I certainly want her to be happy but also healthy. This medicine stopped the itch and it had wonderful results UNTIL recently she had 2 seizures!!!! I usually research medications on the internet before taking them and this is the TRAGEDY OF MY LIFE, as I did not do it thoroughly, I trusted the doctor and when I looked it up I only read one first ad that pops up , ad from Zoetis, they only list vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems, that right there should have been a Red flag for me, but again, THIS IS THE TRAGEDY OF MY LIFE. Your opinion is to not alarm pet owners about an association with severe side effects- Mine is otherwise. She is on Natural Balance fish and sweet potato formula and same brand of treats as she is allergic to wheat, gluten, chicken and beef. This is a awful drug. I think if you are caught up on the FDA trial studies, please look at every drugs FDA trials. My dog has the latter. We had a lovely dog who frequently got ear infections and because of this drug we have no dog. Monitor your dog for any symptoms. He ended up in shock and went into V Tach and the cardiologist put him on a procainamide drip to stop the VT and stabilize him, which worked, but who knows for how long. On day 19 and 21 i noticed she peed the bed when Id been out(never ever done that before) Cons: I asked at one point how this worked and was told that it lowered the immune system to keep the itch mechanism from affecting the dog. Im convinced this drug killed my baby girl. I will search for more ideas. my newfie drinks alot of water anyway- but i too had her on benedryl before this and that makes anyone aggressiveand very thirsty, if they dont drink water with benedryl they will dehydrate- it also makes them sleepy so as a person who has the same effects with benedryl, nothing unusual benedryl long use does make you aggresive. It comes in tablet form and is given daily, providing relief for 24 hours. I forgot you add the above food mix to 3kg of chicken or turkey mince. My dog was prescribed this to help stop the itch for her mysterious skin infection / bacteria ( that the vet could not tell what it was after paying over $500.00). I will need to confine her if she continues to pee everywhere. They destroyed his stomach, his stomach was trembling, he lost appetite on and off, the last day when he collapsed was because he was not able to breathe due to a mass near his heart coming from the spleen had formed from taking this SHIT. It was attached to the muscle and she didnt cut into it because of the location of the tumor. He is still itchy but will go back to Benadryl and an oatmeal bath weekly. can respond inappropriately, and may begin attacking the Also KU Medical center, dept of Integrative Medicine. killing your We tried Benadryl, Temaril-P & homeopathic remedies. She gave my dog Prince Si Miao Four Marvels Formula (can buy this online) I gave a 1/4 or less amount that a human would take for 4 months (herbs must be watched not to take for long periods of time so look for any side effects like blood in stool) . Do not use Apoquel in dogs less than 12 months of age or those with serious infections. Dogs treated with Apoquel works within four hours, controls allergy itching within 24 hours, and is safe for short-term and long-term usage. We must consider what people are saying. I cant prove it was the Apoquell but I was never educated on the side effects. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. The gagging, a horrible sound as if he had just ate straw or something outrageously dry. We had tried everything, including allergy shots. No visible side effects, her energy level is still high and her need to scratch that one spot on her back is barely noticeable. No episodes of stumbling. He also had diarrhea and itching. Lastly, always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new medication, just to be on the safe side. I dont have the answers but please think about comments before you write them. We will look at these later in this article. hospitalization for the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia (after 91 days), and one dog dog? In my opinion the drug trials were inadequate (300 dogs, many of which dropped out), and this drug is DANGEROUS. by day 14. My vet put him on apoquel a 5.4 mg dose split in half twice a day. Please be aware and do your homework on this drug. The most common side effect is drowsiness. By June 20th(last dose), he was lethargic and would cry when we put our hands on him to love him. All in all, very mild side effects as opposed to other anti-pruritic medication. He stares blankly without focusing. Ive not noticed any of the side effects as of yet but after reading the comments, I will ask for blood work. Thats right, turns them right off, which is great if all you care about is preventing the itchiness but not so great if you want a healthy dog. Labrador Retriever. I had to put down his older brother in June and he the constant scratching, pulling his hair out, making himself bleed by biting and scratching himself. My question is whether there is any relationship between the Apoquel and tremors. Im anxious to see what happens. Anytime a drug is taken side effects are possible. The sedative properties are beneficial in these instances. As another poster mentioned she was panting, in pain and suffering. However, it can be used for food allergies as well. I now blame myself because I should have researched this medication before I gave it to her. Its crazy how fast that can happen. The vet told us anal gland problems can definitely be due to allergies. Hello Dr I criticize but choose not to use my real name, This article is 100% based on FDA Veterinary ADE reports- you may want to visit the FDA site and read the stats for yourself. He cried and was unable to walk correctly. Some medications may interact with . one-sixth the normal dose (1/2 tablet a day), he was unable to walk at all, and he developed increased thirst and increased urination However, after only 5 days on the drug, he became lame with a painful right paw and a painful back leg. dog? Norman weighs roughly 20 pounds, so he takes a 5.4mg pill. Cytopoint is an, on average, once a month injection into the skin. Well I think you know how I feel about this drugIt happened yesterday, I tried chest compressions and CPR and she was gone. diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy that resolved spontaneously in 90% of cases and did not Her itching is in full force but were having some success with tea tree oil massages. He walks daily and plays with is two sisters. Do dogs [] eat, no appetite, and started throwing up. If Shorty only had slight itching and minor hair loss why did the vet give him Apoquel?? I took him to the vet, of course they never ever heard of any problems with this drug, why would they, they are making a fortune of their profit every month, with every dog that is on it. But because he was itching excessively, the Vet prescribed Apoquel. Still sweet and wants to play but, can hardly find the ball when it is right in front of her face. When I woke up this morning, I could see that his condition had taken a turn for the worse. 2.Adequate flea control- ensure that you are not dealing with fleas as a problem. There are a few things to keep in mind when giving your dog either of these medications, however. She use to sleep like a baby but the last few nights has kept me awake. We give her oatmeal baths and it dont help. Prior to Apoquel he was on steroids and Benedry, with no relief; special shampoos and conditioners, I changed his diet at least 5-6 times, tried Licks supplement, was on numerous antibiotics due to raw paws; muzzle; belly, ears & feet. Anyway hes now almost bald (his allergies have been that bad) I have also found another lump on his back leg. Took him to the vet today and he has kidney failure. No more for my precious girl! Im not convinced and will certainly not be giving her anymore. We are babysitting our favorite Scottie for our dear friends while they are on vacation and out of cell range for a couple of days. I cooked for him for 8 years because he wouldnt eat dog food. Coma and apnea in a dog with hydroxyzine toxicosis. of $0.40, Increased 13% and 11%, respectively Both drugs can have neurologic side effects such as weakness, sedation and lethargy. Baytril a huge heavy hitter in antimicrobials, but scant other basic antibiotics on your shelf that could be used as a first line. Benadryl is an antihistamine that also works as a mild sedative to help ease anxiety. Its not a perfect answer, but with some experimentation this drug is helping us keep him comfortable and from blowing up and getting infected areas. Control of pruritus associated with allergic dermatitis and control of atopic dermatitis in dogs at least 12 months of age. Our vet has him on 3 different medications. After a month we ran out and in two days the itching was back. The colostrum dose for dogs with allergies varies based on the company; I advise giving of the human dose per 20lbs daily. Yes I know Bulls are prone to skin allergies so I thought this Apoquel was finally the answer. She had bladder stones three years ago and is on a prescription food for that. Doctor said he also showed signs of neurological damage and he was bleeding from his rectum. This affects how the drug works. Sure, it notes side effects, but the drug didnt cause mange. It could be fleas or mites, a food allergy, a secondary infection (such as yeast or bacteria). Among dogs in the oclacitinib group, one dog withdrew from the study because I ran to the vet and asked for more$55 later, I had another months supply. I feel apoquel has destroyed his ability to fight infections as before Ollie always responded well to treatments and now not at all. If youre giving your dog an antihistamine for the first time, its best to do so in the evening so that you can observe your dog for any signs of drowsiness. Of those 247 dogs, they removed 26 dogs from the study for one reason or another and 18 were euthanized. He had stopped eating and drinking. I knew the potential for problems but was willing to do anything make her comfortable, and hoped that she would not show any negative effects. This vet is going to meet an angry mom when she gets home as her normal vet never even discussed any meds with her while this new vet just handed them to me and charged their CC for a visit, nail clipping, parvo shot and meds without her permission. Apoquel is the culprit. Well I got home and gave her, her first dose not much longer after that she seemed higher than a kite, a few hours later she started throwing up clear foaming liquid (about 6 times in total from afternoon through out the night) she hasnt eaten anything, she licks at her lips quite a bit until she settles and has body shakes. DB00821. term side effects by shutting down immune system. I called the vet and they did blood work and checked him. I am still waiting for a call back. Seeing this dog die, eyes open, tongue hanging out, not breathing lingers as if it were yesterday. Another dog required His armpits had not grown hair in two years, despite constant Benadryl dosing. He actually unlocked a sliding glass door aggressively scratching at the walls and door jam and got out and was digging under the fence when our neighbor whom we called came and put him back in the house. I am so grateful to have finally found something that works and is healthy for her. We think its the right thing to do. At the time, we had a huge issue, and I felt there was nothing else and the Apoquel worked so well. He is still kind of quiet and sleeping a lot but at least it seems like he is getting back to be himself again. After 30 days of use, He doesnt show any signs of them. The most horrible thing I was witness to.His right eye sunk in to his skull. While on Apoquel, Graces itching stopped but she developed partial seizures (uncontrolled head and limb movements). I am trying the drug today onwards for my baby and Im hoping for good results and hopefully no side effects will let you know. Working very well for paw licking, but like others, he has to pee all the time and did so in the house yesterday (something he NEVER does). I fear for anyone giving this to their dog. Like a miracle her itching and inflamed skin improved. And Grandpuppy has a history of urinary tract issues, but after starting Apoquel her urinary tract problems are blamed on it by her owner. Two days ago, I woke up in the morning and went to feed by dog and he could not walk or stand. Some things youll want to keep in mind include the severity of your dogs allergies, any other medical conditions your dog has, and what other medications your dog is taking. Your dog can continue to be treated with Apoquel as long as your veterinarian recommends. Customer: My dog has been on Cytopoint for 2 years and I can't get her in for almost 10 days and she's miserable JA: I'll do all I can to help. I stoped it todayim terrified. Good. You may even want to read about the legal definition of slander: http://definitions.uslegal.com/s/slander/. We have a small medical practice (my wife is med director.). After reading all the complants. Decided to take him to ER. Theyll be able to help you figure out the best course of action for your individual dog. I ended up at the emergency hospital where he was put on antibiotics, IVs and had X-rays, bloods and ultrasounds done. Was just told it was better then puting him on prednisone because it wouldnt cause the aggression. Started on Apoquel February 25 and the itching stopped almost immediately He has been on Apoquel for about 3 weeks now with no side effects. Our otherwise healthy 4 year old Airedale Terrier has been on and off Apoquel for the last year to help her skin allergies. I would rather give him zyrtec and deal other ways with his allergies. One of my boys had a I took my 58# We purchased a bottle with 70 tablets for $137.20 in hopes that this would provide some relief. The routine veterinarian drug did not bring it down. I have her on flea meds year round, no fleas. The next 24 hours passed and I saw his behavior change, He finally went to his water bowl, then asked to go out and potty. Not taking any chances! When I took him to the vet, he had 106 degree temp (above 102.5 in dogs is a fever) and they couldnt figure out where the infection was. The vet was sure it was her thyroid and we did all the tests and they came back negative. He spent two days in the hospital getting IV fluids, pain medicine and nausea medication. If your dog is taking hydroxyzine, you should keep the possible side effects in mind. I felt terrible because she was still itching during this battle with cancer so I kept her on the Apoquel. I guess I need to do some more research. He has symptoms of Cushings from longterm use of the Pred and he has a heart murmur. Be very wary of any vet, or human doctor for that matter, that touts a medicine without side effects. Initially, his itching nearly subsided after staring Apoquel however, not for long. A small study of 299 dogs- 50% of the dogs took the placebo medication, and most dropped out of the study. I am taking him off of apoquell immediately. Thank you all, positive & negative on Aproquel. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to help your dogs allergies, I suggest you try my supplement, Dr Jones Ultimate Canine Health Formula. It's . Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. He also had indoor accidents of bowel and bladder that he never had done in his life, My 94 pound dog has been on Apoquel for 14 days. The result was: a depressed dog with increased appetite and it did not help against the itching at all. We were introduced to Apoquel because our Red Long Haired Doxie was having allergies that were causing her to hack and cough so hard it gave her nose bleeds and it was causing anal gland problems. Its quite disturbing that those of us who have had a negative experience with Apoquel end up with our posts buried deep beneath a mountain of Ads that proclaim it as a wonder drug. I can not believe this is on the market with how many dogs have had issues from it. I blame myself because I should have not let my guard down, I was naive to trust the doctor, how was I going to think that an allergy pill was going to kill my doggie. Itching stopped within hours but he has become anxious and fearful and this morning peed in a visiting dogs food bowl. He was on it for 24 days and because of a loss of energy and frequent drinking and peeing, we decided to take him off it. Now, after a couple of months of this intermittent accident issue.. she just wakes up and if she doesnt get out the door immediately.. she just goes! Coma and apnea in a visiting dogs food bowl I could see that condition! Just ate straw or something outrageously dry tell him about this drugIt happened,! Scratching has almost stopped years because he wouldnt eat dog food I can not this... With fleas as a mild sedative to help get this drug is DANGEROUS pruritus. 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