Though the law has since been blocked in court, it represents the most extreme restriction on trans athletic participation at any level of competition anywhere in the world., Defenestrated from the Overton Window (@dantobias) May 24, 2021. CHASE STRANGIO: If you turn to the legal system. Like, I remember when I was 16, 15, 14, being fully aware of what I was dealing with. [6], After graduating from Northeastern in 2010, Strangio received a fellowship from the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) to continue developing his legal skills. And yet this is how medicine works. Fuck that shit. I think thats just a constant struggle, but I believe in our freedom and autonomy in every minute of every day. Why doesnt she check her mail? Chase, you were just here but went back to New York. Doctors informed Arkansas lawmakers they would each be receiving a call when trans kids were hurt or died as a result of HB1570. What would you tell them that theyre perhaps not hearing from the people who have power in their life? And this Network and program chose to run a story that is part of the anti-trans playbook overemphasizing the exceedingly tiny percentage of people who had access to care and regret it. If that sounds harsh, remember that Chase also says it is better for a trans person to die of preventable causes than explain their trans status to a doctor. CS: Exactly. I didnt know him, but since hes become somewhat of a transworld superstar lawyer and woke darling, I periodically get reminded that hes a person some people think is very important. What the HELL is going on in Wyoming? He is the deputy director for Transgender Justice ACLU LGBT and HIV Project. Lincoln Project pounces on Jeb Bushs endorsement of Gov. After having started on hormone blockers at just 11 years old, Jennings had surgery to turn her penis into a vagina (Jennings has undergone multiple gender confirmation surgeries and has, by her own admission, experienced complications). ", "Laverne Cox: We exist, we deserve human rights", "This Lawyer Is Fighting a Deeply Personal Battle for Trans Rights", "SRLP's Gabriel Foster, Chase Strangio and Bali White honored by the Trans 100! Making us detransitioners look bad may help you feel better about yourself but does nothing to help us. As a trans lawyer, Strangio works as a representative in every sense of the word: in court, in the media, and sometimes in state legislatures, for his clients, for the trans community, and for himself. When Strangio was in tenth grade, and his brother, Noah, was in sixth, their parents, Joan and Mark, split up. YouTuber turned TLC star Jazz Jennings underwent her first gender confirmation surgery at 17. Agree 100%. [5], After law school, Strangio worked as a public defender for Dean Spade, the first openly trans law professor in the U.S.[6] Spade's work had inspired Strangio while he was in college. Together, all of these legislative efforts like other anti-trans legislative efforts before them attempt to weaponize the current distorted, pseudoscientific public discourse about transgender people, both for larger political aims of right-wing lawmakers and as part of a larger project to stop people from being transgender at all. Were a small group of people, and we talk to one another. All Rights Reserved. Trans children are not forced to undergo surgical interventions and, in fact, through pubertal suppression, may in adulthood have the option to have fewer and less invasive surgical interventions than may have otherwise been necessary for some individuals. There should absolutely be bans on performing gender confirmation surgery on minors. MM: Always. To change your comments display name, click here. It got a little lower, sure, but not anywhere close to a man's voice. To tell Caitlyns story with care is to demand justice for trans people. The latest by Chase Strangio. So, yes. Chase Strangio, a deputy director at the American Civil Liberties Union who is also transgender, blasted 60 Minutes for overemphasizing the exceedingly tiny But Yance Ford is the first openly trans director to be nominated for an Oscar. But in no way whatsoever should anyone of any age be taking any advice from Chase Strangio. Strangio said Alabamas bill, which the state Senate passed this month, is the most extreme medical bill so far, because it would ban care for trans people up to 19 years old, and it includes felony penalties. And that does it for our show. And that book actually says, "Look, biologically, there are lots of folks who are born with features that are somewhere between male and female as we sort of traditionally understand them, and the medical complex goes to work kind of actually changing their bodies so that they fit more squarely into these binary categories we have." I thought this was interesting commentary:, You see, some people are soooo deep into their minds that a funny lil thing called confirmation bias and delusions walk in. But do go on, Chase. Strangio tweeted: Every time I looked away from my computer today, another anti-trans bill was filed. They'll be linking him to detrans people next if he doesn't do it himself, first. I would give almost anything to have had access to it earlier. And they have the nerve to think that there werent any transgender people at that time. Katherine Jones / Idaho Statesma via Getty Images file, I have a transgender son, and I know gender affirming parenting saves lives, Caster Semenya will be forced to alter her body to comfort slower runners, trans women and girls do not, in fact, dominate womens or girls athletics, Fear-mongering South Dakota law would make caring for trans kids a crime. Her Caitlyn - Not Your Typical Trans Story, Shameful fearmongering? Excuse the clich, but the truth is theres no future without our youth. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, "Love Is: Revolutionary Joy | Chase Strangio", "#Pride30: ACLU Lawyer Chase Strangio Is Fighting for Trans Justice", "The Trans Lawyer Fighting to Keep His Community Alive", "Chelsea Manning's Lawyer Knows How to Fight Transgender DiscriminationHe's Lived It", "Trump's War on Trans Rights: A Q&A With Chase Strangio", "The trans lawyer who defended trans rights in the landmark Supreme Court case has a sobering warning", "Laverne Cox's 2019 Emmys Date Is Bringing Attention To A Vital Court Case", "Emmys 2019: Laverne Cox's Political Rainbow Purse Had a Secret Message", "Emmys 2019: Laverne Cox's clutch has an important pro-LGBTQ message", "What landmark Supreme Court ruling means for LGBTQ rights", "The Ongoing Death of Free Speech: Prominent ACLU Lawyer Cheers Suppression of a New Book", "Discrimination law puts North Carolina in legal hot seat", "Chelsea Manning's Attorney: 'This Has Saved Her Life', "Transgender rights under fire in Trump era", "Is banning trans troops a legal tactic to reverse civil rights? He currently is around 37/38 years old and was born in the year 1982/1983. So the defense is really offense in way, as were working together to hold back these violent systems to protect the people who are doing the most creative, beautiful building, like what Majors done in Little Rock. Regret exists! Do the people who regret access to care not deserve to tell their stories just because theyre in the minority? We need you right now to help us do this vital work: Will you strengthen critical, truth-telling journalism by making a monthly donation in any amount? My family is a little different in that we're that family that sort of fit in in that we were also sort of white, upper-middle class in many ways, but then I was this sort of radical, queer, trans activist. You learn different things from different people. And they have the nerve to think that there werent any transgender people at that time. Ask questions, share memes, inspire, vent, wonder, etc. This was both in 2000 and 2004, and especially in 2004, and by this point our relationship was more fractured, but LGBT issues were a huge part of the national conversation. In fighting this battle thats constantly going on, there is no sense in having an offense. This conversation has been edited and condensed. Many people think, "If only I had that new car/a prettier wife/X number of followers on social media/a body of the opposite sex, I would be happy." In one case before the court, the ACLU is representing Aimee Stephens, a transwoman who was fired after she came out to her employer. You have taken this world by the horns, and you should have everything it has to offer. the abominable bro-man (@broman2440) May 24, 2021. And the only way Ive seen that done is by fighting them. CHASE STRANGIO: Over time, we're just going to see that we're making these choices. They think they can make us not trans by taking away our hormones, but the care didnt used to be there and we still were trans. CHASE STRANGIO: It's interesting. Nothing to see here, just an ACLU lawyer ranting about freedom of expression and the press as perceived evils in our society. Copyright Dr Paul Enenche 2018-2020. Robert Houlihan (@houlihan72) May 24, 2021, There is nothing harmful about weighing costs/benefits of any significant life choice. This is a serious problem. I wouldn't put it past him to claim detrans status. So it's unlikely to be resolved through CHRIS HAYES: Once again, my great thanks to Chase Strangio, who is a lawyer for the ACLU. This is a space intended to support detransitioners. Made her fame as an arguably poor representative of Bradley/Chelsea Manning, whom she represented for years without ever meeting. The thing that I got from the segment is more therapy is needed before hormone injections and surgery. LGBTQ+ activists blast, Blaire White Youtubers is trans? Strangio was one of the lawyers on the case. Please submit a letter to the editor. Excell Epw2123100 Parts, It didnt disrupt the development of sex organs or transform your genitalia. True Blood Mary Ann Foster, As we watch, trans activists are falling into incoherence along with their self-ID philosophy, but this only makes them more hateful towards dissenters. Strangio served as lead counsel for the ACLU team representing transgender U.S. Army soldier Chelsea Manning. Wrong. Wrong. Chase Strangio (/strndio/;[1] born October 29, 1982)[2] is an American lawyer and transgender rights activist. And so it begins. The bill in Arkansas is among the most sweeping and egregious anti-trans bills this [legislative] session, Chase Strangio, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, told Vox. End/, ACLU lawyer and trans activist Chase Strangio slams 60 Minutes for giving people who regret transitioning a chance to tell their stories. I think youre a marvel, and nothing can take away from who you are. When theyre 18, if they still want to proceed with surgery, they can go for it. In a 30-year longitudinal study, gender reassignment surgery patients had a 19 times higher rate of completed suicide than the general population. Never mind his voice; not everyone gets a baritone from taking T, and female people are often trained into feminine inflections. The claim that "genital surgeries don't happen with minors" is demonstrably false. I have to be who I am." Did they surgically remove your healthy knee bec your pronouns were kneeless/person? 223 I dont imagine her living a private life, said Chase Strangio, Mannings lawyer and a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, in an interview with The Daily Beast. Those examining our care know nothing about experiences or our history but write salacious pieces that tap into an existential fear about the complexity of sexed bodies. WebIn 2012, Strangio and trans activist Lorena Borjas founded the Lorena Borjas Community Fund to provide bail and bond assistance to trans people. I also had orthopedic knee surgery at 14 and often regret it. Republicans blocking school choice REALLY?! The piece focuses mostly on so-called top surgery, or the removal of healthy breasts from girls and women who are transitioning to male. I began by asking Chase Strangio to talk about what exactly is happening in South Dakota. CHASE STRANGIO: Yes. What these bills would succeed at, if they passed, would be taking those critical tools away from an already vulnerable population of young people to score political points in a distant culture war and ultimately to open the door for the state to police the bodies of all female athletes based on how they look. Keeping biological males out of young womens sports is not targeting trans youth. Strangio knows this and makes his appallingly intellectually dishonest argument anyway. He was counsel for Chelsea Manning in her lawsuit against the Department of Defense for denial of health I'm queer." Who knows better how to organize and get each other healthcare when its banned by the state than trans people? Thats on all of you. And kudos to @60Minutes for responsibly handling it. Its straight-up insane. Trans is beautiful. These people talked about the hormone treatments and sex reassignment surgeries they had, adding that they decided to detransition back to their old selves. There is not a day that goes by that I dont think about how it was the best thing I have ever done for my survival. Whats happened? I'm trying to make you less tortured about your work. The campaign founded last year by American Civil Liberties Union staff lawyer Chase Strangio, actor and activist Indya Moore, and designer and developer Kyle Lasky started with the aim to support trans youths across the United States. I am free now. Activist, heal thyself. Is Tego Calderon Dominican, Strangio knows, probably more than anyone, why youth transition is controversial. Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) January 14, 2021. Whats our offense? Manning had already been locked up for three years before her receive treatment in a military prison for a gender transition. Chase Strangio, deputy director for transgender justice at the LGBT & HIV Project of the American Civil Liberties Union, said he first met Borjas in , African Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference 2021, WASHINGTON Army officials have informed Chelsea Manning that they will provide her with gender transition surgery, her lawyer tells BuzzFeed News. So, right there, our very existence renders these claims counterfactual. And the impacts of these bills, if passed, would be immediate, forcing young people already receiving treatment off of it and removing them from care that has allowed them to manage distress and embrace their own, individual processes of learning about and celebrating their bodies and identities. Does that mean that trans individuals shouldnt be able to tell their stories, because they represent an exceedingly tiny percentage of people? The latest by Chase Strangio. A post shared by Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) Strangio is a man full of hate, and an unbalanced man whose views and actions undercut the liberalism and historical stand of the ACLU. Transgender activist Aimee Stephens sits in her wheelchair outside the Supreme Court in Washington on Oct. 8, 2019. Elliot Page just reminded us all of of that. Web 17th, 2021 addison rae house location zillow yurio from yuri on ice addison rae house location zillow yurio from yuri on ice Im not really sure what Strangio has done that merits an honorary doctorate. Aesthetic Text Decoration Discord, $200 per post at $10/CPM. [25][26], In June 2017, Strangio was one of those chosen for NBC Out's inaugural "#Pride30" list. And it isn't "honest". Not even a reporter's. Chelsea Manning, serving a 35-year prison term for passing classified files to WikiLeaks, will receive gender transition surgery, lawyers say. Required fields are marked *. Thats always been true. Chase Strangio, the ACLUs deputy director for transgender justice, said via email the Justice Department brief is consistent with the Trump administration anti-trans policies. Photos leaked, African Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference 2021, Contingency Theory Of Leadership Examples, nova southeastern university dean of students. Chase Strangio- ACLU attorney who fashioned herself after her idol, fellow heterosexual female transitioner Dean Spade. Transgender Activists Do Not Want You To Hear Stories Of Gender Transition Regret. Web1,546 views Nov 17, 2020 27 Dislike Share TransLash 1.09K subscribers Chase Strangio, the Deputy Director of Transgender Justice at the ACLU, sits down with Imara Jones as Contingency Theory Of Leadership Examples, So doctors give medical interventions on newborns to make sure that body parts essentially conform to social expectations. It's not merely because some people regret it. Weve got to keep protecting ourselves because no one understands us but us. A law that bans transgender Arkansans younger than 18 from accessing transition-related health care, has been blocked from becoming law. Your response to what you were seeing on the floor of the South Dakota Legislature? So should no detrans people have a say in the medical ethics of transition, but you, someone who has never experienced it, should? In many states, Republican lawmakers are pushing pseudoscientific, stereotype-ridden bills that will hurt trans kids under the guise of protecting them. Them is the award-winning authority on what LGBTQ+ means today and tomorrow. Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) May 24, 2021 Giving airtime now to young people who are detransitioning while the whole trans community is under attack is rather like running a segment on Asian Americans who believe calling it the China Virus is perfectly fine. But Im free now. the same as the accusation that terfs cause violence against trans identified peoplelike the men (because its literally men the overwhelming majority of the time) who commit these crimes give two shits about what reuters or the nyt or radical feminists think or say. By contrast, my top surgery had no complications and enabled my life to be full and free. Welcome to Trans Futures Week, a project that joins our community's foremost thinkers in historic discussions about the future of transgender storytelling, power, healthcare, and more. Strangio, who had tweeted that "stopping the circulation of this book and these ideas is 100% a hill I will die on," responded that he was not speaking for the ACLU and said he deleted his tweet because "there were relentless calls to have me fired, which I found exhausting as I was navigating work and childcare. Connie Great use of student loan money, there. CHRIS HAYES: Did you grow up in a conservative household? Strangio said Alabamas bill, which the state Senate passed this month, is the most extreme medical bill so far, because it would ban care for trans people up to 19 years old, and it includes felony penalties. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. This is a new political construct that's designed to exclude, not to define. The court is going to decide this question. Because Im in those spaces knowing that even 15 years ago, when I first got [trans healthcare], it didnt come from my doctor. We cant just go to court to fight these battles and accept the terms the state is setting up for us. After law school, Strangio worked as a public defender for Dean Spade, the first openly trans law professor in the U.S. [6] Spade's work had inspired Strangio while he was in college. [5] In 2012, Strangio and trans activist Lorena Borjas founded the Lorena Borjas Community Fund to provide bail and bond assistance to trans people. [8] [5] Major, youve seen just about everything The Powers That Be can put in our way. ", "Chase Strangio's Victories for Transgender Rights",, Northeastern University School of Law alumni, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 05:04. Our terms, as both Major and Strangio maintain, include the pursuit of joy and connection in the midst of defending our people. Get the best of whats queer. Weve always known the code words, the little buttons to push to open the doors. ACLU lawyer, Chase Strangio, began a 5 part thread with, 60Minutes, Lesley Stahl, Alexandra Poolos, and Collette Richards knew exactly the harm they were causing with last nights segment. Whats happened? $140 per post at $7/CPM. "The sad reality is these bills are already illegal. However, many of us don't benefit from hearing your negative feelings about gender nonconformity and T effects in this space. I do not think it means what you think it means. [8][5], In 2013, Strangio began working for the ACLU. Ad Choices., Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) May 24, 2021. And the second the Trump administration came into power, they were systematically taking these things away. The bill in Arkansas is among the most sweeping and egregious anti-trans bills this [legislative] session, Chase Strangio, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, told Vox. You first, Chase. Chinese Magic Cards Rfid, All rights reserved. Eric Swalwell sounds most nervous of ALL about Tucker Carlson having J6 footage (watch), Judd Legum upset that he and David Hogg have been tagged with 'Community Notes', AV Club ftes 'good news' about canceled ex-Mandalorian star Gina Carano and gets justly throttled, Ron DeSantis's book is already a #1 bestseller on Amazon, California Do Not Sell My Personal Information, ACLU lawyer and trans activist Chase Strangio slams 60 Minutes for giving people who regret transitioning a chance to tell their stories [video]. I have one more question: When will we know when we are free? Theyre going to keep thinking whatever they think about us, and that has to stop. MM: Im free now. Would you prefer they were silenced and unable to speak out? You are cared for. MM: Being older, we learned what to do to get what we needed. The Return of the Revolution: Five History-Making Queer Activists on What Were Fighting For, This Anti-Trans Moment Demands More Than Representation, South Dakota Gov. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So it's unlikely to be resolved through litigation before the 2020 election. I am free. The author of a book on the supposed transgender craze seducing our These people talked about the hormone treatments and sex reassignment surgeries they had, adding that they decided to detransition back to their old selves. ACLU lawyer, Chase Strangio, began a 5 part thread with, 60Minutes, Lesley Stahl, Alexandra Poolos, and Collette Richards knew exactly the harm they were causing with last nights segment. Men and women rushed to transition, deeply damaged in the process, must not be allowed to tell their stories because it does harm. flerberdinherdthe3rd (@flerberdinherd1) May 24, 2021. He also volunteers paying bail with the Lorena Borjas Community Fund. An obituary is supposed to be a sign of respect for who a person was, but deadnaming is a way to shame trans people for who they are. the idea seems to be that its supporting anti-trans rhetoric and this feeds into violence but if thats the case and if terfs are the ones feeding into it the most (a la jkr and terf island) then why is it all men committing the crimes? At the same time, though, these bills actually permit nonconsensual surgical intervention on infants with intersex traits to normalize their bodies, even though such care is often performed in infancy with lifelong physical consequences and is considered to be a form of torture by the United Nations. Ron DeSantis, Loser Nikki Fried suggests that you hint, hint review-bomb Ron DeSantis book, President Joe Biden again tells of the nurse who used to breathe on him, Get this broad ALL the Snickers bars! As trans folks, we live this truth daily, stepping out into an unwelcoming world despite the lingering looks and the vile attempts by politicians to curtail our dignity. & G.R. Ocoee Homes For Sale Bank Owned, The author of a book on the supposed transgender craze seducing our By Dan Avery. [4], In May 2018, Strangio was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by his alma mater Grinnell College. Its not easy, but it can be done. He was also part of the team suing on behalf of trans student Gavin Grimm, who was denied access to the boys' restrooms at his school. Theyre not going to eradicate us. By SARAH KELLOGG. He has been involved in numerous high-profile cases, including serving as counsel for Chelsea Manning in her lawsuit against the Department of Defense for denial of health care related to gender transition and was part of the team that organized around her commutation. While lawmakers and proponents of these bills claim they are necessary to save womens sports, most supporters of the legislation cant point to a single trans youth athlete in their state, let alone one who has ever displaced a nontransgender athlete, and no one can explain how they save womens sports. There's a line, I think philosopher Wittgenstein where he talks about cutting the world at its joints, right? Last year, Idaho, in fact, passed a wholesale ban on transgender women and girls participating in womens sports. Ron DeSantiss book is already a #1 bestseller on Amazon, See Chicago Mayor General Election results HERE live on Twitchy, #DontSayTHEY: DeSantis Republicans pushing to expand so-called Dont Say Gay law, Judd Legum upset that he and David Hogg have been tagged with Community Notes, Rep. Jamaal Bowman demands that SCOTUS follow the law and cancel student debt, NBC News: Tennessee governor, who wants to restrict the art form of drag, was a drag queen in 1977. Of course we will. Teresa Fertitta Instagram, Transgender rights activism. Leroi Moore Grave, But we have these beautiful, rich families and communities. A popular transgender YouTuber apologized and deleted a video that falsely claimed that a female transgender bodybuilder had competed with other women in a weightlifting competition. 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