Outside of Sparta, a standing stone was discovered that marked the burial of more over-sized skeletons. The Missing Skeletons and the Great Smithsonian Cover-Up. In 1794, it is reported that an ancient furnace was discovered and in association with it a bar of iron was discovered, as well as annealed and hardened copper implements. In the same mound and at the same level, a normal sized skull was found. AUSTIN, Tex., June 14.If the report that the fossilized skeleton of a giant eighteen feet tall has been found near Seymour, Tex., is true, it is the most important ethnological discovery ever made in the world, remarked Dr. J. E. Pearce, professor of anthropology of the University of Texas. In addition, researchers have also determined that copper mining activity resumed again around 900 A.D. individual to begin with." In many respects the West Virginia Mounds are key to understanding the true story of the Giants who once ruled America. As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. Hugh investigated this famous report back in November 2008, by visiting the area of the ranch it was discovered on. It Is one of many sites that the Incans were credited for building. It was set back from the Guadalupe River about 250 feet in a jungle-like underbrush. A few of the professionals reporting these skeletal finds were Dr. Walter B. Jones, Moundsville Alabama (7ft 6 and many 7-footers); Dr. Forrest Clements Head of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma (six 7ft skeletons); Dr. Donald A. Cadzow Cambridge University (7ft 5in skeleton found in Pittsburgh with many other large skeletons with anatomic anomalies reported); Dr. Byron Cummings, head of the archaeology department at the University of Arizona, considered the Dean of Southwestern Archaeology" (several over 8-footers); Thomas Wilson, Curator of Prehistoric Anthropology at the Smithsonian (verified an 8-foot skeleton with massive jawbone); W. J. Holland, curator of the Carnegie Museum (unearthed an over 8 ft skeleton in Pennsylvania as reported in many scientific journals including Scientific American ). Several hours drive from this site where thousands of skeletons were found in the year 1900 buried in some ancient Texas city after some great deluge is Rockwall Texas named for a 20 mile long megalithic wall (or a natural one). The article from 1940: Ancient remains of gigantic shark found near Fort Worth, Texas. information. Later the same year, Altmann reported finding more giants on an island in the Santa Barbara Channel, including one skeleton that measured in at 74 tall. Arabian Giant Variations of the giant photo hoax include alleged discovery of a 60- to 80-foot long (18- to 24-meter) human skeleton in Saudi Arabia. Rephaim23, AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. 1 University Station, R7500 http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/morhiss/index.html. Summit Books. WebGiant Skeletons - Mayan Artifacts Found In Texas. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, Medieval Hygiene Might Have Been Better Than You Think, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. Miamisburg Mound is believed to have been built by the Adena Culture anywhere between 1000 to 200 BC. Don W. Dragoo . WebGiant Skeletons - Mayan Artifacts Found In Texas. When accurately measured it turned out to be 8ft 4 inches and was carefully inspected and measured by Prof. Thomas Wilson, Curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology in the Smithsonian Institution, and by other scientists.. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? Moreover, other crania from the same site approximate the skull in question. Several hours drive from this site where thousands of skeletons were found in the year 1900 buried in some ancient Texas city after some great deluge is Rockwall Texas named for a 20 mile long megalithic wall (or a natural one). The Walls of Benin: Four Times Longer Than The Great Wall of China! There are over 1000 accounts of seven-foot and taller giant skeletons reportedly unearthed from ancient burial sites across North America. It makes me feel like adding them into evolution would contradict everything we know about our existence. In 1931, The San Antonio Press announced that the a Federal WPA archaeological team digging in association with the University of Texas, discovered what at that time was called the largest human skull found in the world in Victoria County Texas. Dubbed the giant on the beach, photographs reveal that this skull was twice the size of the skull of a normal man. These finds were held at the University of Texas, where Dr. Hrdlickson of the Smithsonian examined them and related discoveries and in a joint press release it was said that these finds in Texas are beginning to give weight to the theory that man lived in Texas 40,000 to 45,000 years ago.. Marcus B. Goldstein, physical anthropologist, employed on the WPA project, formerly was an aide of Alen Horliken, curator of the National Museum of Physical Anthropology. Mr. Kinney writes:I estimate that this man weighed from two thousand to twenty-five hundred pounds. But what I found to be the most interesting, is that when the Incan people were asked who built them, they clearly stated that it was the giants. All rights reserved. Further digging brought to light a sword which measured nine feet in length.. It is a matter of official record that in digging through a mound in Iowa the scientists found the skeleton of a giant, who, judging from actual measurement, must have stood seven feet six inches tall when alive. Our countdown begins at one of the most important mound sites in America, and quite possibly the world. At sites like Oconto and Osceola, copper artifacts including spears, arrow-points, knives, adzes, gouges, fishhooks and harpoons have been found in association with textiles, drilled beads and even bone flutes that can still be played. They sometimes take a while to do if i am starting from scratch an exact mold takes the shortest amount of time. Murray Foubister / Flickr That Texas had a giant in the beach in the long ago appears probable from the large skull recently unearthed on a mound in Victoria County, believed to be the largest human skull ever found in the United Estates and probably in the world. WebA number of unusually tall skeletons have been uncovered at Scaieni, in Buzaului Mountains. Illustration showing the excavation of a giant skeleton. Please welcome for February 2014 Author of the Month, writer and researcher Richard Dewhurst. When partly joined the largest skeleton was almost ten feet tall. That this region of the country had high culture as early as 8,000 B.C. (most preferred and best result) His epithet Panoptes means the one who is all-seeing and reminds us of the symbol of the all-seeing eye of God. In July 1797 he wrote to Dr. Samuel Jones, "Thus having explored and charted the Missurie for 1,800 miles and by my Communications with the Indians this side of the Pacific Ocean from 35 to 49 degrees of Latitude, I am able to inform you that there is no such People as the Welsh Indians. In 1804, Lewis and Clark spent time visiting with the tribe and it was here that they met Sacagawea, who later aided them as a scout and translator. The Smithsonian Institution is mentioned dozens more times as the recipient of enormous skeletons from across the entire United States. Courtesy of Jeffrey Wilson. Although traditional archaeologists reject outright any European heritage for this mysterious tribe, no definitive Haplogroup X testing has ever been done on any of the surviving tribe members and until scientific blood work is performed, all theories as to their original origins are purely based on superstition, academic bias and ill-founded opinions. The article claimed that the skull was two times normal sized. There are over 1000 accounts of seven-foot and taller giant skeletons reportedly unearthed from ancient burial sites across North America. possibility of abnormality, perhaps an endocrine disturbance,
In 1905, Congress was petitioned to save the mound builder sites from destruction. In addition to numerous giants and pygmies, Haywood discovered grave goods including bloody axes, a stone trumpet hunting horn, carved mastodon bones, soapstone statues and pipes. Among his many amazing discoveries are accounts of giants found in a walled spring, caves with stones that rolled away containing more giants, and four upright standing stones that formed a square box inside of which was the body of another giant. Serpent Mound survey by Squire and Davis. , Professor Thomas Wilson, curator of prehistoric anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution, said the following after examining the find: "The authenticity of the skull is beyond any doubt. I can only cite the early observations, as there are
WebLost Ancient Race of Texas-Some Enormous Individuals-Thousands of Skeletons Found. Similar tales were told across the nation, since the majority of these sites were on private lands and the government offered no compensation for preservation of the mounds. He was told of a legend while in Mexico of a giant and noble race that lived on the Island, who existed long before the white man and had since vanished. The skull is six times the size of that of an ordinary man.Mr. The name "Poverty Point" came from the plantation which once surrounded the site. The exhibit of these bones in ethnology building of the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo will be a most valuable one in view of the wind interested cited by the fate of thousands will pierce recently in the same part of the country in the same way., A puzzle for the antiquarians was that the bodies were found in abundance in one level and then again in another level 21 feet lower causing some to suggest that perhaps there had been two tidal waves. But recently, some experts went there because they believed the Incanscould nothave built it because when you look at some parts of the structure, you can see that although the bottom consists of the original stone, there are some parts on top where you can clearly see that different stones were used to fix or add to the existing structure. Working for the Heye Foundation of New York he unearthed a 9ft 2 in skeleton and several measuring over 7 feet: A skeleton of a young girl, evidently of high rank, within a large funeral urn, was surrounded by those of sixty-four children, and in various parts of the island more than three thousand other skeletons were found, practically all the males averaging around seven feet in height, one being seven feet eight inches from the top of his head to the ankle, and another being 9 feet 2 inches tall.. Why is that? Our ancient Austin, Texas Gnostic Warrior news bureau reported long ago, that an oil prospector had found the remains of a giant human skeleton that is an incredible 18 feet tall. crania from the same site approximate the skull in
Although the Cliff Dwellers are generally thought of as a recent tribe, Smithsonian field reports from 1910 report signs of contruction dating back at least 5,000 years at some of the kivas that they explored. Outside of Sparta, a standing stone was discovered that marked the burial of more over-sized skeletons. Poverty Point is constructed entirely of earthworks. During excavations south of Monks Mound, archaeologists even found a series of wooden post-holes that they called an American Woodhenge, which they likened to Stonehenge and Woodhenge in England. large skull was not the result of endocrine pathology.". We include 250 of these accounts in our book Giants On Record: America's Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files . Twice the size of the skull of a normal man, the fragments were dug up by W. Duffen, archeologist who is excavating the mound in Victoria County under a WPA project sponsored by the University of Texas. We disagree, as there is ample evidence within Native American mythology, genetic data, ethnological studies, scientific reports, early excavation records, first-hand accounts, and discoveries featured in newspapers and town history books to suggest otherwise. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Finds made through excavations in Texas are begining to give weight to the theory that man lived in Texas 40,000 years ago, it is said. WebSubmission statement: this is an article from a Texas newspaper from July 11, 1919. The soldiers consulted a local tribe of Indians, who after going into trance, exclaimed they were geographically displaced Allegewi Indians from the Ohio Valley area. We do not believe they are all authentic, but what you have read here constitutes only 1% of what we have in our archive. ~Chris L Lesley, Interestingly, Marcus S. Goldstein in his report says The bones of this individual do not indicate excessive stature but they are remarkably robust.. It was a very short time ago that the evacuations were begun which resulted in the singular an extraordinary discoveries. Hence, it is my opinion that this exceptionally
One of the largest finds on record was reported in A History of Jennings County Indiana, published in 1885, it was reported that in 1881 a nine-foot tall skeleton was unearthed in a local mound, along with the body of a blond-haired child. The size and scale of the Cahokia Mound Complex has been compared in scope and grandeur to the Great Pyramid. in his description; I'm sure extra fingers would have
Geologist say that the whole section of the state was once covered by the Gulf of Mexico. As a point of policy, most
It measured 8ft 5 inches and was on display for a few months, where it was seen by several people before it disappeared. Dad Riggins showed us hieroglyphics covering the Palisades thought to be thousands of years old., In 1819 an old lady saw a gigantic skeleton dug up by soldiers at Purisima on the Lompock Rancho. Scholars believe almost 62 percent of these were sacrificial victims, based on signs of ritual execution and method of burial. As far as the story he told me i cant say if any of it is true but i did or do have this stone which i used as a tire chock many times.. if i can find it i think im gonna put it in a glass case or donate it to rockwall somehow.. One of these, although much mended
As part of the Search for the Lost Giants show, Jim and fellow researcher James Clary investigated the following account that had this heading: An Ancient Ozark Giant Dug Up Near Steelville: Strange discovery made by a boy looking for arrowheads, gives this Missouri Town an absorbing mystery to ponder.. Since rock-cut pictures of Cretan trading vessels have been found in the area, this lends credence to the Cretan connection in North America at a very early date. no new studies on that particular skull. Other Big Men and Women of Fact and Fable Who Are Famous Types if Gigantism. In 1930, hundreds more skeletons were unearthed near the beach in Carpinteria. And as we know, there are several other structures around the same area that were built in the same way with these giant stones. It was a small shed with a locked door but we surely didnt try to open it. The strange twists, and Smithsonian involvement, and the immense amount of money spent on this makes this worthy of inclusion in this Top Ten. Since traditional researchers refuse to analyze European copper for its probable Michigan signature, no one has been able to account for where all this copper ended up. Extremely ancient human remains have been found throughout New York State and New England that date back to at least 9,000 B.C. In 1871, an archaeological dig at a native American burial ground unearthed 200 giant skeletons, some measuring up to 9 ft tall. Various sized skulls found at Potomac Creek, Stafford County, Virginia, 1937. Other reports of the discovery of buried giants were also found in and then abruptly ended around 1500 B.C., contemporaneous with the volcanic explosion on Cretan Thera (Santorini). In addition to the human skeletons found in NY State, there is also the famous case of The Cardiff Giant, a white alabaster-like statue of an 11-foot man which showed an exposed penis and hieroglyphic inscriptions. Now confirmed by the university records! And further down the Cheat River in 1774 settlers found what they dubbed The Giant Town, with numerous gigantic skeletons the most significant being that of an 8-foot tall male. In one notable case, it was reported that an 8-foot tall giant was unearthed near Pelican Lake, while in another report from Westport, giant burials were found in association with ten-pound axes and an eight-foot high wall, which was 15-feet thick and ran across a river embankment for 1500 feet. This story from the 1947 edition of The Nevada News relates how Dr. F. Bruce Russell, following up on reports that the Smithsonian had hidden evidence of giants found Death Valley, eventually uncovered a complex of 32 caves in an 180 square mile radius around the California/Nevada border. The skeleton in the picture is 7ft 8 in example. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Several thousand skeletons were removed in the process of evacuation. robust. In addition to the spear points, some of the oldest pottery every discovered comes from South Carolina. Then, when you add the Davenport Stela to the mix, things get even stranger. The headline of this chart-topper reads: . The New Age Magazine, Volume 18, 1913, pg.207. Mr. Dahl contacted the University of Texas, and confirmed that they had the skull (and other giant skulls) in their collection, but that it had been missing for quite some time: What are we to make of these undeniably authentic artifacts? 1) come in direct contact and make a mold of the object. The body of a man more gigantic than any ever recorded in human history, has been found in the Miami Valley, in Ohio. When measured in the tomb his length was approximately 7.04 feet. While the authors certainly support this law, it does present a moral and ethical conundrum in terms of trying to ascertain the proof everyone wants to see - physical evidence of giants. The Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the Hurons, the Omahas, and many other North American Indians all speak of giant men who once lived and roamed in the territories of their forefathers. Sometimes people wont let people handle their evidences, so try to work out something for the people that have the artifacts to have a replica done, and find out what it would cost for a reproduction to be made. AUSTIN, Tex., June 14.If the report that the fossilized skeleton of a giant eighteen feet tall has been found near Seymour, Tex., is true, it is the most important ethnological discovery ever made in the world, remarked Dr. J. E. Pearce, professor of anthropology of the University of Texas. All over what is now the U.S. are traditions of these ancient giants. Please welcome for February 2014 Author of the Month, writer and researcher Richard Dewhurst. Now confirmed by the university records! In an earlier related find at the site by the Smithsonian two 1011 inch sandstone tablets were discovered which contained inscriptions in Roman-like capital letters. These tablets were shipped to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. where they are to be held for scientific investigation.. It was set back from the Guadalupe River about 250 feet in a jungle-like underbrush. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, Film Footage Provides Intimate View of HMS Gloucester Shipwreck, Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History, The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II), The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I), Bloodthirsty Buddhists: The Sohei Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan, Legends Of The Oracle Of Delphi At The Centre Of The World, Ancient Animal Bone Ice Skates Found in Chinas Birthplace of Skiing, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, Translation of 5,500-Year-Old Babel Text from China Reveals Oldest Known Map of Inner Solar System, 3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions, The Gristhorpe Man: A Bronze Age Skeleton with a Story to Tell, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, The Fall of the Giants and Their Fate According to Ancient Texts, Top Ten Giant Discoveries in Ancient Britain, The Giants of Ancient Albion & the Legendary Founding of Prehistoric Britain, The Giants of Ancient Egypt: Part 1 - A Lost Legacy of the Pharaohs. 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