Judith Eva Barsi (June 6, 1978 - July 25, 1988) was an American child actress of the 1980s. At just 10 years old, she had snagged a number of film and TV roles, appearing in Cheers and Jaws: The Revenge and lending her voice to animated movies like The Land Before Time. memorial site described Judith when first meeting an agent as: She was mistaken for a three-year-old child. The backyard was overhauled to become an enjoyable outdoor space for the family. To add a flower, click the Leave a Flower button. Voice Actress #3. Your account has been locked for 30 minutes due to too many failed sign in attempts. Funeral. Judith's salary could pay for in almost one year. Try again. She was very successful, with every door open to her, said Bonnie Gold, the spokeswoman for Judiths acting agency. She was best known as her role of Ducky in the orgional Land Before Time. Theres nothing you could have done, the voice repeated. It turns out 10-year-old child star Judith Barsi was brutally murdered by her father, Jozsef Barsi, in the very same house 13 years earlier. Maria and Judith Barsi. Judith Barsi was a child star on the rise, having been discovered at the age of 5 at a skating rink in the San Fernando Valley. Oops, we were unable to send the email. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In 1988, 10-year-old child star Judith Barsi was shot in the head by her father, Jozsef Barsi in a drunken rage. The investigation was dropped after Maria assured the case worker that she intended to begin divorce proceedings against Jzsef and that she and Judith were going to move into aPanorama Cityapartment she had recently rented as a daytime haven away from Jzsef. Happy 40th anniversary of Judith Barsi. Please reset your password. A neighbor . R.I.P. Judith Barsi was discovered in the manner rhapsodized by classic Hollywood journalists, only set to a 1980s background. In 1988, the young actress who appeared in several films, including Jaws: The Revenge was shot in the head during one of her fathers drunken rages. Joe moved to California where he worked as a plumber and met Maria, a waitress, in a Los Angeles bar known as a meeting place for immigrants. you're human garbage. Judith Barsi was born on June 6, 1978, in Los Angeles, California, to Maria and Jozsef Barsi. According to Kivlen, he said: I gotta kill her too.. Or are things really that bad? On August 9, 1988, Judith and her mother were buried in unmarked graves at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills. Judith Barsi, she said, was a happy, bubbly little girl.. Image courtesy, Hello Magazine 1988 article showing Judith's corpse being carried out while two police officers on the left weep in sorrow. . In 1988 child syar Judith Barsi was murdered by her father there. Now, the Bernal family was feeling the effects of the tragedy. By the time she entered the fourth grade, she was earning an estimated $100,000 per year, which her parents used to purchase a four bedroom home in the West Hills section of Los Angeles. How could we improve it? Judith Eva Barsi haba nacido en California el 6 de junio de 1978 en el seno de una familia de inmigrantes hngaros. A staff writer for All That's Interesting, Kaleena Fraga has also had her work featured in The Washington Post and Gastro Obscura, and she published a book on the Seattle food scene for the Eat Like A Local series. She graduated from Oberlin College, where she earned a double degree in American History and French. As mentioned earlier, the Bernal family tried to sell this home from 2007 through 2010 and we will keep our eyes and ears open if the listing pops up again. It follows a pattern. cemeteries found in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles County, California, USA will be saved to your photo volunteer list. [9] The article quoted Police Lt. Warren Knowles as saying a flammable liquid, likely gasoline, had been poured on the bodies of Maria and Judith by Jzsef. Both of her parents, Jzsef Barsi and Maria Virovacz, had escaped communist Hungary after it was occupied by Soviet Russia in 1956. After the home was purchased, Joe was so paranoid that he had a wrought iron fence with spikes built, . Very scary, but you feel you can't make it alone. They later discovered that Judith Barsi, 10, had been brutally murdered by her father, Jzsef Barsi, 55, 13 years earlier in 1988. His various threats included cutting their throats as well as burning down the house. Her father, Harry Gold, owns a successful talent agency in Hollywood. There, on location in a residential section of the San Fernando Valley, Maria and I and the girls shared a trailer and would close the accordion-style folding door between the dressing rooms after lunch so the girls could rest. Which leads me back to other things that don't quite make sense about this story. Judith Barsi in Love Boat- The Christmas Cruise (1986) Watch on. Atom Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. Judith Eva Barsi was an American child actress. We said goodby and departed in different directions. Judith Eva Barsi was born in Los Angeles, California on June 6th, 1978. Wikimedia CommonsJudith Barsis gravestone contains a nod to one of her most famous roles, Ducky the dinosaur. Jzsef Barsi and Maria Virovacz Barsi, on the other hand, had separately fled the 1956 Soviet occupation of their native Hungary. But in the end, Judith Barsi lives on primarily through her films, TV shows, and commercials. Afterwards, Judith Barsi's career took off as she earned an estimated $100,000 per year (or roughly $200,000 in 2013 dollars) by her fourth grade year. Comments, Michelle Kane who was hiding at a friend's house in West Hills from her abusive husband, Michael Kane, Barsi Probe: Judge Asked to Reveal Files on Slain Child, Local News in Brief: Child-Abuse Files Ordered Opened, Local News in Brief: New Unit Urged for Child Welfare Cases, Judith Barsi -- Suaviterinmodo Flickr Page, Post Comments She plucked out all her eyelashes and her cats whiskers. After the incident, Jzsef reportedly stopped drinking, but continued to threaten his wife and daughter, which included threats of cutting their throats as well as burning down the house. Image courtesy, Joe, Klara, Agi, and Barna. Then, on Monday, July 25, Judith missed an appointment. When she declined to press charges, police dropped the case. [3] Her father, Jozef, was jealous and paranoid. BTTF# 27b: Straight Outta West SFV: Did West Coast Gangsta Rap Originate in the West SFV? For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. Judith Barsis gravestone contains a nod to one of her most famous roles, Ducky the dinosaur. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. On August 9, 1988, Judith and her mother were buried in unmarked graves at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills. She later dreamed that Judith would become a star, and at the age of two, Maria began . Judith Barsi in Punky Brewster (Image: NBC). cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Ducky was reportedly her favorite acting role. Highest Rated: 64% The Land Before Time (1988) Lowest Rated: Not Available. This is one of the greatest things that has happened in my life., I felt bad energy here, and now its dissipated.. Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills, "A Script of Fear: Repeated Threats by Father of Child Actress Carried to Tragic End", "Local News in Brief: Child-Abuse Files Ordered Opened", "Inquiry in Barsi Case Dropped Too Soon, Panel Says", "Barsi Probe: Judge Asked to Reveal Files on Slain Child", "Local News in Brief: Bodies Identified as Child Actress, Mother", "Child Actress Is Slain, Apparently by Father", "Don Bluth . on Movies, Games and Visions", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Judith_Barsi&oldid=1129790337, Burials at Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Hollywood Hills), Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Turner Classic Movies person ID same as Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Episode: "A Family Again"; Released posthumously, This page was last edited on 27 December 2022, at 04:00. However Maria would talk to the neighbors and some of the other stage moms who would hear the horrible stories of Joe. The show has already shown the transformation of the Dorothea Puente house where seven bodies were buried in the yard along with the home where William Bradford shot his wife in the living room and the house where Frederick Hengl dismembered and cooked his wife. Terrible story. To view a photo in more detail or edit captions for photos you added, click the photo to open the photo viewer. Unfortunately, however, their picture-perfect life would come crashing down in just a few years. Some of her credits included shows like Growing Pains and Cheers and movies like Jaws: The Revenge. Just before Judith was to fly to the Bahamas to film "Jaws, the Revenge," her father reportedly took a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her. [1] In May 1988, after breaking down in front of her agent, Ruth Hansen, Barsi was taken by Maria to a child psychologist, who identified severe physical and emotional abuse and reported her findings to child protective services. For much of the 1980s, waif-like Judith . Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable . Judith Barsi was an 80's child star who was featured in many commercials and movies. The Tragic Story of Child Actress Judith Barsi, 10 Things You Didnt Know about Jeff Orlowski, This is the Reason Sophia Loren Quit Acting in the 80s, 10 Things You Didnt Know about Charlotte Spencer, Who is Jim Lee? This blog will take you back in time when the valley was covered with dirt and orange groves to a leader in the space race to its current status as America's suburb. Some allege that Judith didnt go far at all, and remained in the house where she died as a ghost. I no she's alive Judith lives an was shot an that imagine is really her they changed her name an I'm her you can reach me at duckjudith198234@gmail.com an I'll gladly share my story, Nope not joking send me an email at duckjudith198234@gmail.com or duckjudith35@gmail.com an I'll share pictures of me now an then I lost memories from the shot an I was sent to live in mooseheart under the name judithann also the last part of jaws revenge with me an the sucker was filmed on moosehearts campus near the candy store an that's were that sucker was bought I remember not knowing why they picked me to film but as time has gone on many memories have come back so ask me anything an I'll do my best to answer, The name Judith Barsi might not ring a bell but in the mid to late 80's she was an up and coming child actress starring in 72 commercials, 4 TV movies, six big screen film including two animated movies, and made several TV guest appearances. The funeral was attended by about 75 mourners, many of them children. I recalled a day in May when my 11-year-old daughter, Andrea, and I met Maria and Judith in a studio parking lot. When Judith was five years old, she was discovered at a local skating rink. [1] Barsi's first role was in Fatal Vision, playing Kimberley MacDonald. Camille's writing has been published on several websites, and she enjoys writing articles and short stories in her spare time. I want to take Judith to Hungary, Maria said, because she has never met my relatives. ), Filming Locations: The Office (NBC U.S. TV Show: 2005 - 2013), The Thies Residence by Carl Maston in Studio City Hits The Market, Celeb R.E. Two of her animated films came out after her death: The Land Before Time (1988) and All Dogs Go To Heaven (1989). DEATH, FUNERAL AND HAUNTING. Judith Barsi (1978-1988) Fortnermations. She began her career in television, making appearances in commercials and television series, as well as the 1987 film Jaws: The Revenge. Warmer storms could cause problems, Gloria Vanderbilt told Anderson Cooper not to expect a trust fund. She started weighing divorcing Jzsef and even rented an apartment in Panorama City closer to the movie studios where she could escape with Judith while she filmed. You are only allowed to leave one flower per day for any given memorial. The abuse got so bad that Judith began visibly gaining weight. Failed to remove flower. Andrea Barber. I looked at Maria. Judith's headstone reads: In Memory of the Lovely Judith Eva Barsi, Our Concrete Angel, Yep! Judith Eva Barsi (June 6, 1978 - July 25, 1988) was an American child actress. The email does not appear to be a valid email address. Try again later. Friends urged Maria to follow through with the plan, but she resisted, reportedly because she did not want to lose the family home and belongings. You can always change this later in your Account settings. In 2004, thanks to the fundraising efforts led by Nancy Kelly and with thegratitudeof many fans, headstones were purchased for Maria and Judith which can be seen below. Sheltering Hills section, Map #C28, Lot 5049, Single Gnd Intrmt Spc 2, next to her mother Maria, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/3038/judith-eva-barsi. Does your family have any vacation plans? I asked. He even went as far as to say he was going to kill them both by cutting their throats. She also did voice-overs in two animated movies . Weve updated the security on the site. Judith Barsi was a child actress of the 1980s. Two days later, Jozsef set the bodies on fire with gasoline along with the house, then went into the garage, and shot himself with a pistol. My daddy is miserable. It was her custom to chatter private remarks to Judith in Hungarian. Not all abusive men kill, the volunteer said. Child services eventually got involved, but things took a turn for the worst before Judith and Maria could be removed from the situation. She's said to have been in over 70 commercials, but she's most known for her voiceover work in The Land Before Time as Ducky and All Dogs Go to Heaven as Anne-Marie. : Marc Anthony Settles Down in Encino's Amestoy Estates, A Naked and Burning Richard Pryor Running Down Parthenia Street, Celebrity Real Estate: The Late Eazy-E's Wife Gets Foreclosed in Calabasas and the Search For Eazy's Playhouse, BTTF# 22: Searching for Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz's Desilu Ranch in Chatsworth, Filming Locations: Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982). JUDITH BARSI. Is she letting off steam? Meanwhile, I hold thoughts of Maria and Judith in my heart and console myself with the memory of a lighthearted afternoon when we all behaved like untroubled children and, despite the wall, found a way to slip our messages through. Judith Barsi Popularity . The mother feared losing home and money. She starred in dozens of commercials, made appearances on TV shows like Cheers, and won roles in films like Jaws: The Revenge. Judith Barsi (June 6, 1978 - July 25, 1988) was an American child actress. [1], Barsi was born in Los Angeles County, California, on June 6, 1978, the daughter of Jzsef Istvan Barsi and Maria Barsi (ne Virovacz), both immigrants to the U.S. who fled the Hungarian People's Republic following the 1956 uprising. But Marias hesitation in leaving her husband proved fatal. Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. But in a spurt of Hollywood magic, Maria did succeed. He threatened to kill Maria or even kill Judith so that Maria would suffer. very secretive. After breaking down in front of her agent during a singing audition for. Judith was so small, in fact, that she received hormone injections to help her grow. Guest, as part of her eulogy. Judith Barsi was a child actor who appeared in many TV shows, commercials, and even films. The Most Cringe-Worthy Red Carpet Looks From 2002. She began her career in television, making appearances in commercials and television shows, and later appeared in the films Jaws: The Revenge, The Land Before Time, and All Dogs Go to Heaven, supplying the voice for animated characters in the latter two. Judith Eva Barsi was a child star, and child abuse victim. Or, look through these famous deaths that shocked Hollywood. When Judith was born in 1978 Maria began preparing . [12] In an interview, Don Bluth, the director of both The Land Before Time and All Dogs Go To Heaven, praised her as being "absolutely astonishing. Yep!" Actress: The Land Before Time. His drinking led to three arrests for drunk driving. Failed to report flower. He showed me where he keeps the gasoline can, she whispered, and told me how he intends to use it. I groped for a reply. After the police found no physical signs of abuse, she decided not to press charges against him. Her petiteness led casting directors to cast her as children that were younger than her actual age. Maria and Judith never got to Hungary. 16 11. Judith Barsi's rise to fame grew through her appearances in various commercials. Lastly, if this story has touched you in some way, you can support the Judith Fund at, You can view more SFV history and BTTF posts, BTTF# 19: The Tragic Death of Child Actress Judith Barsi in Canoga Park Remembered 25 Years Later, 15 She needs to know the problem is not her fault. Ill assure her that she knows her situation better than anyone else, and that I trust her decisions. I am not sure why she had picked this location but it wasnt far enough from Joe as he had suspected that Maria was moving out and followed her one day. Gaby Bernal, who slept in the same bedroom where Judith was murdered, also suffered from terrible nightmares. YouTubeJudith Barsi (left) with Ted Danson on Cheers in 1986. Judith had drawn a bird, some flowers and a few hearts. Thanks for using Find a Grave, if you have any feedback we would love to hear from you. The only person who could have helped Maria was Maria herself. TomArmstrong20. A child star brutally murdered by her drunken dad is reportedly haunting the Los Angeles property 32 years after she was shot. Coroner's officials identified the dead man as Jozsef Barsi, 55, but withheld the names of the woman and child pending . She was mistaken to be much younger, but this ultimately worked in her favor. That spark could have burned brightly if her father hadnt snubbed it out. She would have continued to be one of the best actresses in the world. Birthday: Jun 6, 1978. That evening I told my husband about the incident, and commented how Judith, a petite child, had gained considerable weight. Her bubbly personality concealed the terrible abuse she suffered at home. Judith Barsi Tribute. Judith<3 redsonya131313. She became a very successful child star who starred in TV roles, three films, and over a Theres nothing you could have done, said a volunteer on the other end of the phone. She was a straightforward person, blond hair pulled back in a severe ponytail, clothes little more than functional. Judith Eva Barsi (June 6, 1978 - July 25, 1988) was an American child actress in the mid- to late 1980s. The result was life-changing for the family. Remove advertising from a memorial by sponsoring it for just $5. Judith was last seen riding her bike on the morning of Monday, July 25, 1988. :). [13] Bluth stated he intended to feature her extensively in his future productions. However, she was hesitant because she wasnt sure how her decision would impact her and Judith in the long run. [10] Barsi and her mother were buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, in adjoining plots.[11]. Location will be saved to your photo volunteer list a few hearts was overhauled become. 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