oh, and if you feel called to any type of spiritual or healing initiations (reiki attunement, shamanic training, priestess initiation, catholic baptisms etc etc), do it. Astrocartography is . Answer (1 of 2): Wherever that Uranus line shows up (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or Nadir) is where the Uranus energy would fall. We have delivered over 11 million discreet and confidential psychic readings by phone since 1995. An Astro*Carto*Graphy Map is 7 1/2 x 15 1/2. Posts: 820 From: New York, NY USA Registered: Nov 2013: . What does Uranus line mean in astrocartography? One of the most significant parts of any natal chart is the sign rising up on the horizon when the chart is created (a.k.a., the time you were born). What does Neptune mean in AstroCartoGraphy? This line is probably giving me the vibes of Saturn as a stern teacher more than anything. We are likely to be hypersensitive here, especially if substance use, even addiction, opens our emotional field to any and all illusions and temptations. Dream of Dog Meaning: What Does It Mean if You Dream About Dogs? wow! Jupiter MC helped me escape poverty, but the crossings were to intense. On the sun/MC line, you can attract fame in almost any field because it puts you in the spotlight. Call it your ego line, if you will! we can investigate the impacts of traveling near certain lines. Lilith represents the awakening of your repressed rage or wild sexuality that is desperately seeking acknowledgment. Astrocartography, also known as locational and relocation astrology, is used by astrologers to map out the geographical locations that support your endeavors and the ones that sap you of energy. However, it is a reasonably new subfield in the astrological tradition, considering that it only emerged in 1978. (I was thinking of moving to my jupiter/neptune line. Planets on the DC (Descendant) line will impact your closest one-on-one interactions, particularly committed relationships such as marriage and business partnerships. AstroCartoGraphy - Neptune Imum Coeli Line Line Stories. All astrocartography lines and highlighted locations have different meanings and purposes. This is how you read an Astrocartography chart the easiest way. Considering the situation of the world right now, traveling is near impossible and ill-advised. Neptune: a dreamy place of bliss, confusion, spiritual happenings, unexplained phenomena, and the possibility of escapism Pluto: a place for deep soul healing, psychological plumbing, and exploration of the circle of life Heres Time Passages:With Neptune on the Midheaven in this locale, you will find that your ambition transforms and your worldly life takes on a sense of mystery. If you want to explore the best places for you all over the world, the astrocartography map is the best place to begin. Privacy Policy We can translate this into distance when viewing the astrocartography chart. You may find yourself strongly attracted to artists, healers and other highly sensitive types of people. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 2002-2023 Outlook Amusements, Inc. All Rights Reserved. It may have significant strength or it may be strong in Taurus, Gemini and Virgo; depending on its nakshatra and navamsha placements within these signs. What is Divine Timing and Should You Put Your Trust in It? You can also find the IC by counting the lines, starting with the AC (Ascendant) at the 9 oclock point on the zodiac wheel. James Lewis, an astrologer of high repute, introduced this new way of creating birth charts to the world. It does not store any personal data. Aquarius Compatibility: How to choose the right love from the (Zodiac) stars! Must be 18 years or older. Astrocartography is driven, in many ways, by the understanding that no matter where you go, youll still be you. North and South NodesWe already tackled this topic in another article. The relocated chart is the basis for most locational astrology, even astrocartography, perhaps the most common (and prettiest) locational astrology technique, where planetary lines of a million hypothetical relocated charts are condensed onto a map of the world in vibrant colored lines. Think of it as the places where you can be emo, and no one will judge you! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Neptune in your chart is your higher self, your highest bliss. The best that you can do is channel the spirit of the place that your astrocartography map is telling you is your best place. Others who see us as intriguing and beautiful may not see us at all Marilyn Monroe said, They dont see me, the only see thier own desires but may only see us as a mirror or remedy for their own sad self-image. lots of sneaky people unwilling to be open and honest with me. Going to these areas is undoubtedly going to be your new place, new me moment! Whether youre born in Tokyo or Boston, the planets in your chart will stay in the same signs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Or you could be drawn to individuals who are eccentric and intriguing, but also super independent and hard to pin down. . After all, this card isnt part of the Tarot Major Arcana. Maybe youre planning a big move but havent decided where or when to go. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. It benefits you to engage in grounding spiritual practices that can help you make the most out of the subtle energies you will access as you move through this part of the world. Learn more about how psychic readings work and explore the California Psychics blog. But why is this relevant? What does the fool tarot card mean as a person? would definitely recommend if you have good NN aspects. saturn line: don't do it! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A conjunction is where two planetary energies are blended and the midheaven in a natal chart represents the highest point . Astrocartography, or locational astrology, involves comparing your birth chart to a map of the globe. She is also the Contributing Astrologer and Content Specialist for Jan Spiller's Legacy and co-host of the podcast Love & Stardust. Planets on your AC (Ascendant) line will color your personality and self-expression, influencing how other people view you. When we look at the astrocartography for the area where Leonardo lived, this is where his chart truly comes alive. Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or just starting to learn about the subject, Anna's blog is a must-read. I have lived near (i.e., within 100 miles of) my Jupiter line and Mars line (Jupiter and Mars make an exact conjunction in my natal chart, with Jupiter being my dominant planet) for the past 7 years. What is astrocartography? For example, your astrocartography chart says that you have a strong affinity for Spain, especially in your career. Under this line you might find a renewed sense of freedom or an energy that breaks away in a rebellious way. The nature of Jupiter is Kapha. You may experience a great deal of artistic sensitivity in your pursuits. Thats Neptune in a nutshell. In addition to these themes, in astrocartography its essential to consider the sign where the planet lives in your chart because it will flavor your experience. But not always. funnily enough, mercury line is good for loosing weight, and when i lived on my sun line, i was able to loose some weight, so that was cool! you must have some hard aspects to your sun, natally. All you need is your date of birth, birthplace, exact time of birth, and an astrology website. The time that Ive lived here has been hugely transformative. generally, people were nice to me on my jupiter line. A graduate of the Portland School of Astrology, she approaches astrology with a background in science, psychology, and health, and an insatiable curiosity for the human mind. In this part of the world you tend to relate to others you encounter with compassion and empathy, and could find that in turn, people cast you into a savior role. Neptune line: Have you ever wanted to chill out and spend time in a fantasy world? Tbh I always feel SO active whenever i visit places that has my Mars line. Stellar Sixth Sense: The Most Intuitive Zodiac Signs, Compatibility under a Horoscope: Mercury in Aquarius. in general, i've enjoyed living on my NN line and venus line the best. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. It is a good location if you are young and single and want to learn and ex. Astrocartography is . It's the self-sacrificing saviour linked to spirituality, escapism, fantasy and mysticism. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This card usually carries the meaning of disillusionment and abandonment of things which have not been emotionally fulfilling. This line tells you the locations where doing a 180 on yourself is your best bet. I moved to my Venus Ascendant line 12 years ago, with no negative crossings. Required fields are marked *. This line is sometimes called the Hollywood Line, for the thousands of people who go there every year hoping to be Brad Pitt or Nicole Kidman, only to find that their dream is far tougher than they thought, if its realizable at all. Find an astrology psychic or learn more about astrology readings. First things first: enter your full birth details (date, year, time, and location) here to create your astrography chart. West is best for water-bearers Aquarians may be air signs, but they take on the symbol of a water-bearer for their ability to heal communities through water (life). i'm so glad that your jupiter/mars line is working for you! lots of family secrets, things left unsaid. More than a prediction, we are your guide for lifes journey. I do worry about my upcoming Saturn return, but thats a different topic of discussion. What it's Like Living on your NEPTUNE Line in Astrocartography 1,410 views Nov 27, 2021 61 Dislike Share Be In Your Worth 58 subscribers Hey Everyone! It is also said that Neptunian energy wants to merge with the divine, but will settle for any substitute. Like a regular birth chart, an astrocartography map uses the data on the exact date, time, and location coordinates of your birth. An Astrocartography chart is created by mapping out your own personal planetary lines from your Natal Chart on to the globe. As it turns out, she was directly on a Uranus line, which wouldnt be my first choice for relaxing vacation conditions. This line tells you the places where you can feel yourself connect to your spiritual side even better. Heres Dan Fursts interpretation:On Neptune on the Nadir lines, we often suffer from false hope and delusion in the areas of home and livelihood, and we may be prone to disappointment from business associates who are either actively dishonest, or are ethical enough, and have the best of intentions, but seem to live in a Neptunian fog, unable to deliver what weve agreed. If you want a laid-back lifestyle, but still need to make a living, its great for buying and selling real estate. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.mindbodygreen.com/articles/what-is-astrocartography Cucumber12211 2 yr. ago Whatever you plan for your life, the cosmos will always point you to a site that will help enhance that aspect of your life! Heres Dan Furst:Neptune on the MC lines can apply to both professional and spiritual paths, and can certainly yield impressive successes in art-related field, especially performing arts for Neptune rules music, theatre and dance and creative work in the realm of fantasy. i also felt the energy of dead people/ghosts here (although that's pretty common for me). How do you find out where these lines are located and which ones are good or bad? Now the chart also describes what energies might plague you based on what planets run over that line. Living on your Pluto line can often lead to shocking events happening, while living on your Mercury line can often be associated with going back to school. If the baby born in Boston is a Leo rising and the baby born in Tokyo is an Aquarius rising, they will have vastly different personalities, life experiences, and birth charts just because theyre born in different locations. Whether a line is good or bad depends on the aspects the planets make in your chart, and even then, your experience may vary. Her natal Neptune T-squares her Aquarian Sun and Leo Vesta/Uranus (currently super stressed by transiting Uranus). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Neptune is in my 6th House and Venus in my . However, for anyone who has been struggling for years and years, it is likely they are living on a difficult planetary line. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". This line presents the spots where you can experience a surge of abundance, especially on the material side. You have to trust in the divine. Pluto:Pluto's lines have some of the greatest concentration. It may not be the most comfortable line to have, but the values will leave an imprint on you and your future works. Jupiter and Neptune lines may also enhance your spirituality. For this article, though, we will only be covering the most basic concepts of astrocartography. i could feel people open and interested in who i was (sun line), i could perceive some ease (also sun line), but there was an intensity (pluto aspect) which was too much of me. David writes a 2x/weekly blog in both relocation astrology and other astrological topics of interest, on relocationastrology.guide. When you are operating under this line, you can expect to experience a surge in popularity and influence. Neptune meridian line energy is the perfect place to get away from it all. In my astrocartography readings, I use an in mundo map and prefer distance-based orbs as opposed to degree-based orbs when looking at astrocartography maps. Since these feelings and realizations run counter to the ordinary way of seeing things, there is also the possibility that confusion will overtake you in pursuing your perceived mission. Locations on your sun/IC line are perfect for retirement and vacation because you can relax and be content in your surroundings without feeling the pressure of chasing success. Neptune: Your Neptune line guides your dreams, hopes, and fantasies. What are your thoughts on IC line vs. MC line vs. AC line vs. DC line? This is a place where you feel at home and emotionally attuned to your surroundings. Their . The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. venus line: i live here now. It is the astrology of location, some people call it travel astrology. jupiter energy really wants you to do do do! Leonardo has a strong Neptune line running off the coast of Tuscany, where Neptune conjuncts his midheaven. All in all, I cant imagine living anywhere else at this point. (Fursts book came out in 2015 and is essential). Once you cast the chart, you'll see listed planetary glyphs (symbols that represent each planet) and houses. It is a tool for discovering where in the world you are affected and how, and it has given me so much insight and power! When a planet is relocated to an Angle, it indeed becomes very powerful. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Site Map | Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Terms of Use And it's true that there is a certain heaviness, but I'm also improving myself. However, it is also important to remember that you are not required to go to that place when determining astrocartographically apt locations physically. Being under the Neptune line causes a somewhat dreamy, mystical feeling, as its the planet that deals with imaginationbut also delusion. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. For instance, when you reside in a location with the sun on your AC line, you may find that your disposition becomes sunnier and brighter. Here, you'll be able to drift away from reality and embrace the magic of. on the flipside, i did a lot of spiritual activities on my neptune line, was spiritually initiated on my neptune line, lots of spirit work etc etc. Saturn conjunct IC is very near my hometown/where most of my family live. Generally though, that location would feel exciting, chaotic, unsettled and inspiring. You might have experienced the power of locational astrology before without even realizing it. To be more precise, you will be more emotional and dependent on your instincts when operating in these areas. If youre not familiar with the term, thats quite alright well go over that. Required fields are marked *. What Does Your Saturn Sign Mean? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. From what she told me living on her Venus line was nice but she felt like she lacked ambition. Saturn may be strong or very strong in Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius; depending on its nakshatra and navamsha placements within these signs. Astrology plays an important role in your day-to-day life. Incredibly, though, it will also help you develop a sense of responsibility for the coming times ahead. . Neptune in astrology represents dreams and disillusion, illusions and idealisation. In our other article, we mentioned how Chiron is all about revisiting old wounds and healing. Vibrationally, the energy lessons the farther you move away from the planetary line. A planetary descending line is the planet on the cusp of the 7th house. we can investigate the impacts of traveling near certain lines. The difference between a baby born in Tokyo and a baby born in Boston at the exact same minute of the same day is the sign on the horizon the rising sign! Here's the Time Passages interpretation of the Neptune Ascending line: I grew up on my Saturn line on the East Coast and couldnt figure out why I disliked it so much until I discovered locational astrology many years ago while living on the West Coast, a place where I felt like I could finally breathe again. Checking perceptions with truthful friends, and being open to what they really say, is essential. The rejected, traumatized, and wounded parts of you as well as your darker behaviors, patterns, and tendencies. It's a great place to escape reality. An increased sensitivity to suffering could add a whole new dimension to your life. Lilith can be: The hidden, powerful, and instinctive feminine sexuality within you. consciously ask for upfront clear and honest people to show up in your life. I've recently become aware of astrocartography as I move around the U.S. and change careers. She is known for her down-to-earth approach and her ability to make complex astrological concepts accessible to a wide audience. For entertainment purposes only. However, bear in mind that some astrologers do not see the nodes as too significant to your present. my experience living on my sun line (raleigh nc, usa), was very much of contrasts. Not even close choices for this Capricorn. This line depicts locations where you will be a tad bit more serious. It takes 165 years for the planet to . While you will always default to your natal chart using the location where you were born for just about any astrological inquiry, you can learn a lot about how you will experience a place based on whats known as the relocated natal chart.. At least two of my clients with tight Saturn-Neptune aspects went from being heavy drug users in their younger years to becoming drug counselors, and both . Its the self-sacrificing saviour linked to spirituality, escapism, fantasy and mysticism. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. natally, my moon is in the 4th H conjunct neptune. If youve ever traveled to a place that felt absolutely magical but you couldnt figure out why, this might be a favorable place for you astrologically. Responsibilities abound, and they seem to have no end! as a general rule, in astrocartography, it's usually recommended to NOT live on your saturn line . It is associated with luck, higher wisdom, philosophy, generosity, coherence and expansion.. Theres no telling if things will go smoothly in the process, but these sites will surely help you in your journey towards maturity. Topic: astrocartography: manderin Knowflake . I am more grounded and everything in my life is steadier. dive into spirituality as much as possible. Try to be calm during your session, Your email address will not be published. Your psychic sensitivity increases along with your desire for the attainment of beauty and grace, and for experiences that are literally out of this world. What does living on your Neptune line mean? Neptune was indeed the highest planet in Dylan's chart, positioned in his 9th house. This cookie is used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in. Neptune Imagine floating in a lake for 24 hours a daythat's what it is like to be under Neptune. This art can help you identify the ideal place for you to be at any given time, whether you want to work, find love, or head to your dream vacation spot. Living on an astrocartography Neptune line can be extremely challenging for some and can lead to a distorted sense of self or reality. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Excitable energy abounds, and you will indeed feel yourself bursting with life as you go along with your tasks here! Somewhere where the chemistry is just right. In Sydney I have the astro map lines of Neptune and Venus for my relocated chartnot too far off the East Coast and going down towards Melbourne. The third and final piece of critical information is often the most overlooked. It gets exalted in Cancer sign at 5 degree whereas debilitated in Capricorn at 5 degree. What does Jupiter mean in astrocartography? Neptune: Being near the line of . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Tied to the illusionary planet of Neptune, these lines are thought to signify places where you may feel out of touch with realityeither in inspirational ways, or escapist or self-doubtful. Neptune is also exactly conjunct the MC of her relocated chart. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. While Neptune strengthens your imaginative and transcendental powers, it can also cloud your sense of reality and clarity of judgment as it applies to the routine world. The ascending line is the location on the earth where the planet is rising. Eventually she moved to New York for a better job and while it was definitely a slow start, shes in a much respected position at her job. Required fields are marked *. The cookie is used by cdn services like CloudFare to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. Your focus tends to turn away from the mundane and instead toward the vastness of your inner life. It's a great place to escape reality. The idea is that astrocartography can explain why specific places . With Neptune closely aspecting his natal Venus, George channeled mysticism instead of his normally strong Mars. Recite sacred mantras. However, its methods will be unorthodox; it will force you to confront the realities you have been stubbornly repressing at the back of your memories. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Personal concerns? Private concerns and worldly issues could take a back seat with regard to interpersonal relationships that you focus on cultivating. Planet Sun in Astrology represents the Soul, the Father, Govt, Power, authority, and how you come out and deal with the people. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! It's the self-sacrificing saviour linked to spirituality, escapism, fantasy and mysticism. What exactly do, Divine timing meaning What does this really mean? This line graphs the places where you can experience a considerable boost in your self-confidence and reputation. I have to say Ive actually had a good time living in my Saturn line. The MC lines are where a planet would be at its highest point of the day in the sky, or essentially on the prime meridiem. would recommend if you have a good jupiter placement. Still, to refresh your mind, the North and South nodes depict some critical aspects of your life. i will say natally, my neptune is conjunct my IC and it was awful and traumatizing for me, to live on my neptune line, so there's probably something to IC line being a bit hidden/underground etc etc. Why cant Bruce Banner transform in Infinity War? Brianna was having trouble moving forward in her career as a project manager but wanted to break into a new niche putting her passion for music to work. Meaning what neptune line astrocartography the fool Tarot card mean as a person vacation conditions issues could take a back with... Will color your personality and self-expression, influencing how other people view.... `` other Mars line lines are located and which ones are good or bad what they really say, essential... 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