During a molt, a tarantula sheds its exoskeleton and forms a new one. But I didn't, Mine is a sling about 3/4 inches large, how can I tell the difference to confirm what mine is, and finally when I tried to research it some said they need different care, some say they're the exact same. These are very moderate conditions, meaning that they wont require a lot of special care when it comes to the climate of their enclosure. Make sure the tarantula you choose is alert and in good body condition. It moves about its enclosure frequently, stays quite visible, and even rearranges its enclosure regularly. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Description . The safest way to do this, for both your tarantula and yourself, is to very gently nudge it into some soft of container with a chopstick or a paintbrush, cover the container and then place that inside the new or temporary enclosure. Avoid adding prey in the enclosure when your spider is molting. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". A lot of hybridization takes place due to such cross-breeding. However, theres also some species that are enjoyed by everybody due to their all-around great appearance and temperament. The main difference between the Nicaraguan curly hair tarantula and Honduran curly hair tarantula is that the latter has more bronze-colored hairs. The first two appendages are called pedipalps and are used to hold prey, transport eggs and dig burrows. Bedding should be changed out completely every 4 to 6 months or so anyway. They typically grow to be around 5-7 inches in legspan and are brown in color. When using heat mats always use a thermostat alongside to help with temperature control and prevent overheating. A tarantula uses its pair of teeth to inject poison into its prey to kill it. Brachypelma albopilosum, or the Honduran Curly Hair tarantula, is one of those species. Unreceptive females are likely to be aggressive towards approaching males and may try to kill and eat them.[4]. Curly Hair tarantulas need at least a 5 to 10-gallon tank. It is vital to offer appropriate-sized feeders to decrease the danger of injuries during the feeding procedure. Common Names: Curly hair tarantula, wooly tarantula, Scientific Names: Tliltocatl albopilosus (formerly Brachypelma albopilosum), Adult Size: 5 to 6 inches long (including its leg span), Lifespan: 8 to 10 years on average in captivity (females), 4 years (males). Remove any unwanted worms or prey since it could stress your buddy out. Type: Terrestrial. This color gives the spider an overall bronze sheen shade, which is very attractive. The male curly hair tarantula has a lighter coloring than the female. Is the Curly hair tarantula good for beginners? The Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula is a giant spider with curly hairs on its body. As long as the tarantula's enclosure is sufficiently sized, your pet should get the exercise it needs. Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula. Also, you can mist or spray the walls of the enclosure as well as the substrate. However, a much more experienced keeper on this forum informed me that he is indeed Honduran form. That's why it's very important to wash your hands well (and don't rub your eyes) after handling a tarantula or anything in its enclosure. Its also exceptionally accessible and provides great visibility. However, they are also rather delicate, so handle your buddy with extreme care. Temp: 24 - 28C. The way tarantulas essentially groom themselves is via molting. But if your spider has become tired or isnt eating, consult your veterinarian to help you diagnose the root cause of its condition. They are known for their docile nature and hardy disposition, making them a good choice for beginner tarantula owners. Curly Hair Tarantulas require a higher level of humidity. 1. The Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) is a popular species of tarantula as a pet. These tarantulas do not require UV rays or heating lamps. Yes, to defend itself, this docile and mild-tempered creature could bite its handler. Directly after molting, they will go on the hunt for food following this excruciating growth period. These tarantulas aren't big climbers, so ground space is more important than height. Curly hair tarantulas are great for beginners because of their docile nature and easy care requirements. Generally, they are not an aggressive species unless you really give them a reason to be. Brazilian Black Tarantula This terrestrial bird spider also likes to burrow. This characteristic of these spiders makes them ideal for those who are new to raisingtarantulas as pets. If you observe that your Tliltocatl albopilosus is refusing to eat or hiding more than usual, and is slowing down, do not be panic. The Nicaraguan curly hair tarantulas have lighter hair, with a darker shade of body compared to the Honduran variety, which has bronze-colored hair. This way, your pet wont get injured if you accidentally drop it. The spiderlings develop quickly, molting again over the next couple of weeks, by which time they disperse to live independent lives. These tarantulas aren't big climbers, so ground space is more important than height. The Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula is a popular pet for spider enthusiasts. However, some spiders tend to get trapped inside their carapaces and could die a slow painful death. From $9.99; Quick View. The insects should be no larger than the size of your tarantula's body. We also have Classifieds, Reviews, Bite/Sting/Breeding Reports and more! Curly hair tarantulas make for interesting and quiet pets. Brachypelma (now Tliltocatl) albopilosum (Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula) quantity. Remove any uneaten prey after 24 hours to keep the enclosure clean. Care Sheets; Gear; Shipping Supplies; About Us; Order Issue; Customers. A tarantulas exoskeleton does not expand. Expect to pay between $20 and $50 on average, though this can vary based on factors such as the animal's age. However, curly hair tarantulas are easily spooked, so you should keep any handling to a minimum. NewMoonReptiles. First of all, this is a terrestrial tarantula, meaning that it spends all of its time on the ground. When you see two tarantulas in the enclosure, the second one will be the molt, which must be taken away from the section. Growing to a legspan of some 5 - 6 inches, it has only modest requirements in captivity. To avoid accidentally becoming a breeder yourself if you're taking home multiple spiders, simply house them individually. Also, during a molt, don't feed live prey, as it might damage the fragile new exoskeleton. "Curlyhair" redirects here. So an ideal terrarium or enclosure would be 40 x 30 x 30 (L x W X H). So, unless you trust your source for the exact species, please do not attempt to breed them. At time of sale they are eating a few hydei fruit flies a week, as they grow so should their prey. To know more interesting facts about tarantulas visit here. The venom of a curly hair tarantula's bite typically causes a local reaction in people that's similar to a bee sting. In today's video we discuss the question, is the curly hair. Like all tarantula species, the female curly hairs live longer. Home Curly Hair Tarantula Everything You Need to Know. In captivity, the curly hair tarantula lifespan is 5 years for males and nearly 20 years for females (some even last up to 25 years!). Mombasa Golden . This is usually significantly warmer than room temperature, so to boost your temps, you will need to use a small heat mat stuck to the long side of the enclosure and connected to a thermostat set to 84-85F to create a temperature gradient. Make sure the female has molted before she is bred. A tarantula bite has never killed anyone. It has, The majority of tarantulas are black and brown, but some species are tremendously attractive, having dark and vivid colors. Otherwise, it is quite likely that cannibalism can occur. Their body itself is about 3 inches long. Curly Hair tarantulas are a great first pet spider, especially if youre a beginner. Fanciers of the curly hair tarantula recommend not to breed this species unless you are sure you have a pair that are truly Nicaraguan or Honduran. Humidity: 70 - 80%. Mount Sinai Health System. Spiderlings are given flightless fruit flies due to their very small size. . Occasional substrate changes and replacing other worn items in the enclosure can run around $10 to $20. A large take-out soup container is suitable for some substrate at the bottom. An extremely common and excellent first choice tarantula is the fluffy spider known as the "Curly Hair" but better described by arachnid keepers as "T. Albo" which is short for Tliltocatl Albopilosum. The width of the tank should be two times the length of their leg so that they can spread their limbs. This can be achieved through a heating pad which can be placed under its tank. When Your Pet Has Eight Legs. They are native to Costa Rica and Nicaragua where they roam the tropical scrublands and sometimes live in burrows on the ground. The Nicaraguan flag is simple and classy, primarily featuring white and a light shade of blue. Remove moldy substrate, eaten prey carcass, and other unwanted stuff. Molting is normally a safe process and it is also natural. You can use a heating pad under the tank to maintain the appropriate temperature, which you should monitor regularly with a thermometer. Curly hair tarantulas get most of their hydration from their food. Curly hair tarantulas have a leg span of around 5 to 6 inches across. 2 year old curly. The term spiderling refers to a juvenile spider. Keep the tank out of direct sunlight. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. If you have any questions or are looking for a specific tarantula please Contact Us. At time of sale they are eating a few hydei fruit flies a week, as they grow so should their prey. I bought mine as a Nicaraguan curly hair sling, at the time I did not realize there were apparently two forms of this spider, considering the gentlemen selling them at the show had both I should have asked.. Lighting For the texture of hair, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Brachypelma Albopilosum | Honduran Curly Hair Care and guide, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tliltocatl_albopilosus&oldid=1103887573, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from April 2016, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from ARKive, Taxonbars with multiple manual Wikidata items, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 August 2022, at 10:25. The curlyhair tarantula is a plump-bodied spider, covered with dark brown to black bristles that start light in coloration as a juvenile and darken as the tarantula ages. [4] This usually docile tarantula will kick hairs off the abdomen with its hind legs when threatened, which cause blindness if they hit the eyes of a predator and can also cause a rash on the skin. They often like to hang around near large tree bases, in cleared patches of rainforest, and near rivers. The tarantula sheds its exoskeleton as it becomes more prominent. This essentially means that new world tarantulas are easier to care for and are highly recommended for beginners or keepers that dont want to deal with dangerous species. It does not store any personal data. It is also quite bold and wont hide although it does burrow in its substrate. Unlike arboreal spiders, these guys will need more legroom than height, so you should consider the ground space they will need rather than height. If your home goes below 65 degrees, you might need to turn on the heat for your beloved pet spider. $24.99; . Very docile. These fluffy tarantulas are amongst the most popular and easiest tarantulas to care for, making them a perfect fit for new keepers. Here are general tips to help you breed your curly hair tarantula: If all goes well, you can expect about 300 to 500 curly hair tarantula spiderling to emerge from the eggs. The Curly-Hair and its cousins like the Mexican Fire-Leg (B. boehmei) and Mexican Red-Knee (B . Curly hair tarantulas are fairly low-maintenance pets, requiring regular feedings and periodic cleanings. Best Bird Cage for Cockatiel 2023 Top 6 Picks! Fortunately, its quite easy to help a tarantula due to the copious amounts of helpful guides online. Ideal temperature range for this species is 25 to 29 C or 70-85 F during the day and 20-22 C or 68 to 70 F at night. If you are raising a young spider, they can generally eat every 2 to 5 days. A curly hair tarantula will move around its enclosure and might even rearrange some of the items you provide, such as pieces of bark. The infantile is inclined to be a bit on the shy side, but as the adult, this species will spend more and more time out in the open areas, though they may always run away rapidly to a burrow if they feel threatened. Our Editor's Pick: Hagen Exo Terra Glass Terrarium Kit. More studies are needed to know the exact differences between the Nicaraguan curly hair tarantula and Honduran curly hair tarantula. . $179.99; Sold out. Best Book on Tarantula Care. This tarantula is covered in long bristles that have a characteristic curl to them giving them a unique look, which is why they are nick-named "curly-haired" tarantulas. Unlike other tarantula species, your little guy or girl would be more willing to come out in the enclosure and show its cuddly little self! Sunlight can cause cooking your spider in its house. Another option is coconut husk bedding, which is available at many pet stores. [1][2] A burrowing species, the curlyhair tarantula is found in tropical scrubland, either around the base of large trees, near rivers, or in patches of cleared rain forest. It ensures that your feeders are gut-loaded if they are fed healthy; your pet is fed healthy, too. Refresh the dish with clean water daily. You can easily find curly hair tarantula feeding prey in pet shops. . You should keep the temperature of the section around 75-80 degrees. 4. Dont forget to keep a shallow water dish in the enclosure for your pet to sip water from. They are ground-dwelling, calm, beautiful spiders, and like many other tarantulas in the genus Brachypelma. 25K views 1 year ago Curly Hair Tarantula (Tliltocatl albopilosus/previously Brachypelma albopilosum) tarantula care guide. They like to burrow, so look for substrate that allows this activity. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Although, if you keep that your tarantula is sitting with its legs tucked under itself, or if it has a withered and pitiable-looking abdomen, you should ask for the help of an exotics veterinarian to identify your tarantulas situation correctly. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. While its rare, its possible that your tarantula may experience problems with its molt. Tliltocatl albopilosum 'Nicaraguan' - Unsexed - Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula. Welcome to the tarantula world if you are new, and go ahead and leave a comment below if you have any questions. The Honduran curly hair tarantula is also known as Brachypelma albopilosum, and falls under the same species as the Costa Rican and Nicaraguan curly hair. Housing, diet, heating, lighting, substrate and more. The Best Tarantula Species for Beginners; The Tarantula "Death Curl" Tarantula Sling Husbandry - A Comprehensive Guide; Tarantulas As Pets - The Good, Bad, and the Misunderstood; DKS (Dyskinetic Syndrome) in Tarantulas This is one of the most widely available and affordable species of tarantula. Yes, this is a docile creature so Curly hair tarantula handling is quite safe. A fall from even a few feet can seriously injure or kill them. My pretty girl. What Do Curly Hair Tarantulas Eat & Drink? Adults are typically given an adult cricket every single day, or two adult dubia roaches per week. A young curly hair tarantula or 'spiderling' can grow 3 inches in a year - this is half of their adult body size, which reaches around 5.5-6 inches in length. They have 8 legs and 4 appendages near their mouths. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". A height of around a foot is sufficient. In the South Africa region, another fascinating tarantula is the Brazilian Blue Tarantula, which is found in Brazils Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Chapada Diamantina regions. The other two fang-tipped appendages are called chelicerae. Its also not predisposed to any health issues. The whole process can take weeks, but the authentic molt is complete in a few hours. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. To maintain humidity and temperature levels, plastic or acrylic enclosures are better at keeping both. This is a very hardy tarantula and easy to care for. Very average climate with decent humidity and higher year-round temperatures. It is a docile species that is relatively easy to care for. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. But if your spider has become lethargic or isnt eating, consult your veterinarian to help you figure out the root cause. Curly Hair Tarantula humidity It is best to keep it in an enclosure with at around 65%. But for the most part, your spider will sit in a restful state unless it is hunting its prey. These colors form horizontal stripes and hold symbolism. Misting can be behind the walls of the section, so the substrate sucks it up. Is there a real difference? Also, don't handle your spider during the molting process, as this can damage the fragile new exoskeleton. These spiders are fine, skinny expansions from the spiders exoskeleton that have a gentle poison that can irritate if exposed to the skin of humans. Inland Sea. The recommended temperatures for these tarantulas are between 70 - 85 degrees F ( general room temperature). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These guys are sometimes called Wooly Tarantulas due to their furry appearance. This tarantula has a dark-colored round body wrapped with long strands that have slight and beautiful curls. [1][2] They are largely terrestrial, opportunistically burrowing spiders. Some spiders won't mind sitting on your hand or arm, as long as you handle them very calmly and gently. . If someone is allergic to curly hair tarantula venom, then there is a chance that they could go into anaphylactic shock. As you know that, Tarantulas are the enormous spiders in the whole world. Young tarantulas generally will need feedings every two to five days while adults eat roughly once a week, though this can vary. Spend some time cleaning the enclosure every few weeks or once a month. A good mix of pesticide-free potting soil, vermiculite and sphagnum moss can help keep your humidity inside the enclosure at proper levels. And many spiders molt while lying on their backs with their legs curled up, which some owners who arent familiar with the process can mistake for a spider dying. Prices do vary widely, but theyre typically all around that range. Khiri Khan Earth Tiger -1/2"-Chilobrachys Sp Prachuap Khiri Khan Tarantula. Species Name: Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) Physical Description: The Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantula is a medium-sized species with a leg span of up to 6 inches. Curly hair tarantula molting is usually not painful but it can be a sensitive and vulnerable time for your spider. Curly hair tarantula enclosure This terrestrial bird spider also likes to burrow. The humidity level is important for your pet's well-being, especially during hot months. JavaScript is disabled. Overall, while its coloration isnt as crazy as, say, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, its a very attractive tarantula that catches the eyes of beginner and experienced keepers alike.. The prey should be half the size of the spider's abdomen and it should always be live. 2. Now with new benefits! Natural sunlight should also be avoided since it can burn them. They have round black bodies with distinctive bristles of hair on them that come out to a slight curl, which is how they got their name. Try to keep handling to a minimum if you have an anxious or nervous tarantula. However, like all New World tarantulas, this one can send urticating hairs when handled. This can take anywhere between 15 minutes to several days. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. During the process of molting, a tarantula discards its exoskeleton and forms a new one. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Popular tarantulas like Avicularia aviculariatend to be quite cheap and accessible because everybody wants one and theyre relatively common.. Even a small cricket can hurt your pet at this stage. The Curly Hair Tarantula likes temperatures close to that of their natural habitat, which is around 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Moreover, this tarantula needs a humidity level in its tank that's around 65 to 70 percent, which you can measure with a hygrometer. Tarantula Spider Bite Information. Plus, they're not very active animals for those who prefer lots of excitement. Also, you must change the substrate or bedding every 6 months. Ask to visit with the animals before taking one home. You should be tremendously cautious when handling your tarantula if you are known to be severely affected by bees. Because not all veterinarians specialize in exotic pets, make sure there is a vet near you who will see a tarantula before you acquire one. Eats crickets once a week, temp 73-82, humidity 45-65, 10gal tank. Reputable sellers should be able to give you information on the animal's history and health. These hairs can range from dark browns to blacks, but you may also find longer golden, which can give them a bronze-looking finish. Another thing you can do to keep humidity levels high is to mist the enclosure. Maximum size about 6inches, Life span - Male 4 years, female 8-10 years. hm Ill skip on adding water and let it dry out an extra week, ive been doing it once a week, half the cup. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Advice from"mikebasictarantula" and seller is to keep tarantula~ 70-85 F. and humidity around 65-80% for adults ~80% Needing help. The egg sac is incubated for about seven to eight weeks at 24 to 27 degrees Celsius, after which pale-colored young emerge and cluster together. If you find some mold in their bedding where its most likely to happen, remove that portion as soon as you catch it to avoid growth. Keep pet tarantulas away from any other animals in the house, as well as children who might inappropriately handle them. tarantula but withburrowing instincts. This medium-sized tarantula is very docile and has a calm temperament. Curly Hair Tarantula Everything You Need to Know, Best Filter for Betta Fish 2023 Top Picks Reviews. They are terrestrial beings and do not usually climb high heights anyways. The "Honduran Curly Hair" that has been imported for decades were coming from both Costa Rica and Honduras as the country of origin. A curly hair tarantula can be a good pet for children who understand its handling restrictions and are comfortable with feeding live prey. When this happens, they will then use their sensitive leg hairs to pick up vibrations in order to attack. This approachable tarantula has brought many tarantula owners into the hobby and made it a favorite. Unlike many other species, the curly hair tarantula can frequently be seen out and about inside its enclosure. These curly hairs are either dark brown, black, or golden in color. . This is very important for your curly hairs health. If the male is successful, he has a few minutes to run away since female tarantulas will be entranced with chemicals right after fertilization. Your primary monthly cost when keeping a curly hair tarantula will be its diet. Curly hair Tarantula with glass enclosure and stand. [1] As of November 2019, the genus Brachypelma was split into Brachypelma and Tliltocatl, with the curlyhair tarantula being a part of the latter. Because tarantulas bodies are so delicate that prey animals may damage them, captive tarantulas are not fed for about a week following molting. Tarantula venom is seldom harmful to humans, although they are nasty creatures. These Nicaraguan Curly Hair Tarantulas arent considered fussy eaters, as they are opportunistic feeders in the feral. But its often easier to go through a reputable breeder or exotic pet rescue group. Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a small animal and exotic pet expert with over a decade of experience writing about veterinary care. Its scientific name is Tliltocatl albopilosus although, it is also called Brachypelma albopilosum. When you do handle them, you should be sitting on the floor and doing it in a calm and gentle manner. Tarantulas: Terrible or Terrific! The Tliltocatl albopilosus are known as home decorators as they redecorate their enclosure and can be caught many times moving a bunch of dirt and dcor. Nichepets.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, amazon.ca, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. And many are bred in captivity for the pet trade. B. albopilosum is quite a heavy-bodied tarantula that's covered in dark/brown hairs as a base, while tan and gold hairs that are characteristically curly sprout up all over, giving it a fluffy and, frankly, adorable appearance. But you still should provide a shallow dish of water in the enclosure. just changed her tank I have no idea how to care for tarantula. Add to cart. Required fields are marked *. Their scientific name Tliltocatl albopilosus comes from Tliltocatl which stands for the genus. . The Nicaraguan Curly Hair tarantula is a fast growing species, with spiderlings reaching 3 inches in a year. If she molts between mating and cocoon formation, then the eggs could remain unfertilized. Consult your veterinarian for the appropriate variety and quantity of food to give to your particular animal. Great eater that can eat an adult cricket every day when fully-grown. I did not get mine at tinley, it was at a show me show in st louis, the sellers were simply spiders I think? 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Hand or arm, as they grow so should their prey necessary cookies are absolutely essential for most... 24 hours to keep handling to a minimum best bird Cage for Cockatiel 2023 6... Around 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit humidity levels high is to mist the enclosure can run around $ to. Know, best Filter for Betta Fish 2023 Top 6 Picks at keeping both as they grow so their... An ideal terrarium or enclosure would be 40 x 30 x 30 ( L x W H. Beautiful curls name Tliltocatl albopilosus although, it has, the female curly hairs live longer 6 Picks s we... Time I comment after 24 hours to keep a shallow water dish in the enclosure can run around $ to... Water in the enclosure is usually not painful but it can be a sensitive and time! Around 65 % to hold prey, transport eggs and dig burrows more keeper... Your pet is fed healthy, too forum informed me that he is indeed Honduran.... You know that, tarantulas are n't big climbers, so you should be cautious... Terrestrial, opportunistically burrowing spiders directly after molting, they will then their... The feeding procedure when using heat mats always use a thermostat alongside to help with control. Because of their hydration from their food spooked, so the substrate sucks it up aggressive unless... In Order to attack week, as well as the tarantula you choose is alert and in good condition... Tarantulas due to their very small size high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies to. The house, as they are also rather delicate, so handle your buddy out pet for spider enthusiasts animal...