I underwent an ovarian cyst surgery and got my one ovary and tube removed. , I just got done with an Antibiotic cream for bacterial vaginosis and my period started and I am having very strange black clots that feel like wet tissue papers. Any significant changes in diet, stress levels, and exercise can all affect the length of a menstrual cylce. If you want someone to love you, you can do a love spell, but you will want to do some mundane work to invoke love between you and your lover as well. Unsubscribe at any time. This sounds about right because day 6 will be towards the end of your period! One traditional method of preparing these "personal waters" is
to use in love spells of control is to wash your
own face and body parts with the liquid,
collect it, and use it to feed back to the person you are working on. Possible infections that you may have are. However, if you see a colour that isnt usually what youd expect, its always best to check in with your doctor, especially if youre experiencing other symptoms that are out of the ordinary for you. Vagninal infections can cause spotting between period. I honestly love this guy more than anything. Im not due my period for another 4 days. REGISTERED MEMBER. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If its abnormal for you we suggest you see your doctor if possible! I havent asked anyone which is stupid but it has ern going on for about a year know, I got my period when I was 9, but it was really pink. Hi Warona, have you experienced any significant lifestyle changes recently? Most of the rootworkers who have told me about
how to capture semen have noted that it is important that the woman not
have an orgasm when capturing semen, because then she might get "mixed up in the spell,"
and fall victim to her own conjurations. In addition to being used in love spells, it is used for healing, protection and to break spells. However, the basis for the utilization of urine in women's
sex-attracting spells makes ready sense to anyone who has ever
raised goats -- because smelling and even tasting
the urine of a doe goat is the prime way that a buck goat
has for determining the female's readiness for mating. First, let's talk about dominating someone with YOUR stuff. I have seen some poorly made love spells work and make everyone miserable because the target gets obsessed. I keep on throwing up on the first day of my period, like I throw up everything I eat even water and medication and the pain lasts for 72hrs. I have done this often, with uniformly good results. Or, serve as an aphrodisiac. Passing thick, stringy red clots while urinating. Say you use
that {her public hair} to stop her. But, if the stringy blood at the end of your flow happens . This is called "feeding the mojo," and the
use of the word "feed" is, of course an indicative link to
African magico-religious thought, from whence this custom
derives. It looks like light pink discharge! They may function as territory markers to other females, of
course. He practically worships the feet I walkon. (As the old slogan for the Steak-and-Shake drive-in
chain reads: "In sight -- it must be right!"). Hi Kei, periods differ from person to person. What you've done, is 100% illegal. Hey Mona, this sounds like it could be absolutely normal, but please check in with your doctor if youre concerned. Hey, stringy blood can be normal, but slightly older. Changes in diet, stress levels, and exercise can all affect your period. When a period starts, your vaginal mucus discharge may mix with some fresh, bright red blood, which then gets diluted. Outside of your regular period cycle, pink spotting can be from mid-cycle (ovulatory) bleeding, this is quite common and normal for some people. the thickness of menstrual blood) is normal throughout your period and no cause for alarm. In the past, periods were only talked about in whispers, if at all. A girl typically learned about menstruation from her mother or girlfriends. The Four Menstrual Phases Explained I originally posted to the relationship advice sub. Gray Period Blood. If you're looking for some information that's important to you (such as research for work or learning how to manage your money), then the advice here is to first write down the relevant keywords on a piece of paper to figure out exactly what you want, which will be a lot more efficient. If youre experiencing any prolonged changes in your menstrual cycle or any of the following signs, reach out to your doctor: Period blood colors and textures vary throughout your cycle this is completely normal! Really heavy flow passing clots the size of golf balls very dark red soaking both a tampon and pad in less than an hr day 2 of this. While you here, why not check out our range of organic and natural period products? McDonald's Medium World Famous Fries. Hi B, some people have heavier periods than others! My Sicilian
grandmother believed in its efficacy completely. Who are u people to judge me.. Its very common when you first start menstruating to have periods like this sporadic brown spotting and irregular bleeding. Hi Audrey, this sounds like your body getting ready to start having periods! The color, texture, smell, and more gives us great insight into how our bodies are operating, allowing us to get more attuned and in touch with ourselves. When he came over, he was none the wiser. The most popular way to do this in
hoodoo is by making a knot-spell on the man and keeping it
tied up in a nation sack. I am a very emotional being. You make
potash or pot ash lye by concentrating water that has run
through the ashes collected from the fire under your cooking
pots. I couldnt believe this chick. Hi, I am Peri menopause stage. Since I got married I can beat my chest and say my husband has never misbehaved outside. They can be used like hair, foot skin scrapings, sweat, sexual
fluids, et al. Today we were just casually talking after phucking and she asked me do u ever wonder why we fell in love?. Saving lives! I never bled much after giving birth. Strange Comics as a magical system, by cat yronwode
The Spirit Checklist: a 1940s newspaper comic book by Will Eisner, indexed by cat yronwode
Fit to Print: collected weekly columns about comics and pop culture by cat yronwode
Eclipse Comics Index: a list of all Eclipse comics, albums, and trading cards
Hoodoo Rootwork Correspondence Course with cat yronwode: 52 weekly lessons in book form
Hoodoo Conjure Training Workshops: hands-on rootwork classes, lectures, and seminars
Apprentice with catherine yronwode: personal 3-week training for qualified HRCC graduates
Lucky Mojo Community Forum: an online message board for our occult spiritual shop customers
Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour Radio Show: learn free magic spells via podcast download
Lucky Mojo Videos: see video tours of the Lucky Mojo shop and get a glimpse of the spirit train
Lucky Mojo Publishing: practical spell books on world-wide folk magic and divination
Lucky Mojo Newsletter Archive: subscribe and receive discount coupons and free magick spells
LMC Radio Network: magical news, information, education, and entertainment for all! Am I okay? It depends on them and the adult carers around them! It was also an abnormal amount of bleeding and it was pretty watery. It's pure wickedness/madness 4 a lady 2 add her menstrual blood in a meal 4 her man 2 eat. Today I saw a big splatter of bright red stretchy fluid. It turns out that there are people out there who enjoy cooking with it. And while most said they would never do it again, a significant minority said they would do it more often if they could get away with it. FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, what would be the male version of this? When i have my period, it looks like it has been mixed with oil or like blood with mucus. I get heavy clotting on the first two days, plus my cycle is irregular at times, is this normal? Most of us are glad to be rid of it when Aunt Flo comes to town, disposing of it along with tampons and pads or those cup things some of you are into shoving up your vajayjays to gather your blood. Sometimes magic can be gross and at the end of the day u do what u feel is right or wrong to you. Spaghetti made with menstrual blood. cleaning your vagina from front to back, and please no douching at . I was phuckin grossed out, immediately started gagging. Should I tell him?because I am feeling very worried and confused.. Hi! It is mild-to-heavy and lasts around 6-8 weeks after birth, but youll know if youve given birth recently. Im not to sure why though? However, if youre worried or this feels very different than normal for you, do ask a health professional for advice. Lochia is natural bleeding that occurs after having a baby. You dont need any spells to go along with it supposedly the womans scent is added to the mans consciousness and hell either become obsessed with her, commit to her or never stray, depending on what the owner of the period blood is trying to achieve. Menstrual Blood in Spaghetti Fellas, ever wonder why your momma told you not to eat from just anybody? Since there is no one chemical formula for lye; in
common parlance it can be any really strong alkaline
solution. They do other things, and effectively at that, The topic of love spells came up in another subgroup, and I personally would like to point out that you cant make someone love you. My auntie has been doing it and she is married for 12 yrs. Its particularly common with darker period blood color because its had time to build up, in comparison to quicker flows of fresh bright red blood. Had a good friend in college that thought it would be a good idea to bust one, over a red female image candle. Bring a large pot of salty water the water should taste like the ocean to a boil. I have PCOS and my current period, Ive been having a lot of blood clots that vary from stringy to the size of a half dollar. I have started bleeding very like pink now then bright/ dark red still light and back pink its not full enough to fill a pad all day. It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with. Hey Corinna, if youre experiencing pain during sex we recommend speaking to a doctor if you can. It usually occurs around 10 to 14 days after conception. Lots of clots, this month its rather lighter than normal, still have clots. Familiarizing yourself with this information will be helpful for making the most of your next OBGYN appointment. OTHER SITES OF INTEREST
Arcane Archive: thousands of archived Usenet posts on religion, magic, spell-casting, mysticism, and spirituality
Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: psychic reading, conjure, and hoodoo root doctor services
Candles and Curios: essays and articles on traditional African American conjure and folk magic, plus shopping
Crystal Silence League: a non-denominational site; post your prayers; pray for others; let others pray for you
Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World
Hoodoo Psychics: connect online or call 1-888-4-HOODOO for instant readings now from a member of AIRR
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: spirit-led, inter-faith; prayer-light services; Smallest Church in the World
Mystic Tea Room: tea leaf reading, teacup divination, and a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Satan Service: an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists
Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including ex-slave narratives & interviews
Spiritual Spells: lessons in folk magic and spell casting from an eclectic Wiccan perspective, plus shopping
Yronwode Home: personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists
Yronwode Institution: the Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology, 6632 Covey Road, Forestville, California 95436, Open 7 Days a Week, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Pacific Time, HOODOO IN THEORY AND PRACTICE by cat yronwode. My period were light up till the last one, yet the one I just experienced was awful. My flow was light, but was heavier than my spotting, is this my period? Different Colors of Period Blood Explained. Press J to jump to the feed. Myth 6: Only. If the gambler and his partner can retire to an
alley to perform the act while the game is in progress, so
much the better. Hey Erin, we recommend taking a pregnancy test and possibly speaking to your doctor to be sure! Menstrual blood that is slippery and has a jelly-like texture is mixed with high levels of cervical mucus, which is totally normal. Some people might describe their old period blood as black, but this can be a sign for something else (keep reading!). The name for pasta sauce in God's country. Another is to urinate into a red ants nest. In most states, this is Assault by Bodily Fluid. I did get it, and it was quite mild. One story is that if a guy consumes your menstrual fluid, hell be super devoted to you forever. However, even in the most ascetic forms of
karezza, intercourse
during menstruation -- not involving blood per se, but taking
advantage of the woman's typically increased level of
desire at that point in her cycle -- is perceived as a "rite" in the mystical sense. We hope this helps! Hi Nancy, it is quite normal to experience variations in menstrual cycle length between periods. I am currently on no contraception as me and my partner are trying for a baby. I have used menstrual blood or vaginal fluids with equal success when anointing
idols (statues of deities), amulets, and curios -- for
instance, when dressing lodestones in spells for sexual attraction and bonding. This shedding of the uterine linking is the menstrual blood flow. PUTTING PERIOD BLOOD IN MY HUSBAND SPAGHETTI.. (BAD IDEA)P.O BOX 599Katy TX, 77492Amiyah's Channel https://youtu.be/uNDY06Dki7INesha channel https://youtu.be. I dont ever experience that shade when Im menstruating. Maka why! my period is between black and brown and its quite thick. I do not have much pain. ( pregnancy and breastfeeding) it is normal for a period to be this long? Congrats! Today its a red-brown and its heavier and clotty. This sounds like a perfectly acceptable period to us! It'll take some time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), menorrhagia is when a person has unusually heavy menstrual bleeding or periods that last for more than 7 days. I find that dried
tampons work fine, though, if you swish them through coffee like a tea bag. What if he doesnt really love me? The same thing happened to me actually, after about 4 periods it became more reddish for me. Periods can also be months apart from each other when you start puberty. (I am impermeable to peer pressure when it comes to menstrual baking, my friend said, after being accused of wowserism). T. Tantrum Well-Known Member. I had an early miscarriage 3 weeks ago and started bleeding last night with moderate cramps that woke me up in the night.. if its just my period then its 6 days early.. But do what feels right for you! If youre unsure please speak to a doctor or your parents. In a Dutch oven. When your period is at its heaviest, the blood will be red. I have really bad periods. You can also use a person's bath or drinking water to water a
plant in which you have "planted" a
honey-apple spell. Hi Bailey, if you are going through puberty it can take some time for you period to get going. When it comes to how quickly our bodies develop, there is no normal, if it makes them more comfortable in their own skin, why not. Im uneducated but if it is persistent then id see your doctor or something. "Period blood is made up of thickened endometrial cells that slough off if there isn't a pregnancy, actual blood from. I noticed I was bleeding and it was a Bright Redish/Pink color. Salt content: 190 milligrams. It is completely normal to have very light periods, or spotting to begin with and this can be a reddish brown colour. There are a variety of reasons why this might have happened. Passing blood clots during menstruation can be normal. No, Sir, place it in a secret
place right over the door there or anywhere you can hide it -- up over
her, where she goes through. No, you can stop
her to make her stay where you are, have no connection with nobody but
you [I stop machine and let him talk (see dots) and then attempt to
summarize.] at the outset of her period) she should be
allowed to have all the orgasms she wants and that the man
should go along with her and come too. Is that normal? Im breastfeeding and had a baby 14mths ago, Ive only had 3 periods in that time and theyve all been super dark brown and gritty. Stringy period blood, usually dark red to dark brown in color, means older blood. ive never had this before. I already feel like crap about what happened so please dont be too harsh. You just have to wear pads/tampon with Considering that this act seems especially heinous, would feeding someone period blood without their consent be considered a sexual assault or a regular assault? A couple days in a davvero I had some cramping and today I notice a lot of slightly reddish brown in my underwear that had been coming out of my vagina. having spotting for a week. They found it
exhilarating in proportion to the degree to which they
judged it to be daring, provocative, and naughty --
and their 20th and 21st century followers
have continued in the same vein, especially as the possibility
of blood-born and sexually-transmitted diseases has made
working with these substances seem dangerous. My friend responded: I think it would be an ordinary assault. Red Gravy is used to put a spell on a man which keeps him from leaving the woman who gave him the Red Gravy. Men can make use of their sexual fluids in love spells. Have a bloody mucus discharge before your period current boyfriend a little over a year ago some. 3207. In some cultures such as the African-American hoodoo culture, and in Sicilian folk magic, its believed that serving period blood to a man will capture his sexual attention. I did a pregnancy test and it was negative. 8 Countries and States Where Sex Toys Are Illegal or Restricted, this one lady claims that she is upfront about feeding her period blood to her other half. Im assuming he was just looking for some lustful fun. period blood) may have healing and regenerative properties. Stringy period blood, usually dark red to dark brown in color, means older blood. Passing blood clots larger than a quarter. Instead of my normal period Ive had stringy, dark red/brown bits just when i wipe for 8 days, never had it before? There are forums and webpages discussing this unusual ingredient period blood. Arby's Medium Curly Fries. What could this mean? Menstrual blood or period blood is the most powerful magical ingredient. Every menstrual cycle you experience will differ slightly. I usually been having a heavy flow during my period and red/brown and would fill up the pad but this time around its not as heavy , I barely fill up the pad , and it changes color from bright red, red, brown/dark brown. Simply use the soaking water from your Mme L'Ovary panties or the blood collected by your menstrual cup. Follow Us on Facebook: get company news and product updates as a Lucky Mojo Facebook Fan, ONLINE SHOPPING
The Lucky Mojo Curio Co.: spiritual supplies for hoodoo, magick, witchcraft, and conjure
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the eclectic and eccentric author of many of the above web pages
nagasiva yronwode: nigris (333), nocTifer, lorax666, boboroshi, Troll Towelhead, ! Thanks for sharing! I havent had my period yet, ever, and I have brown goey stuff and a little bit of blood in my underwear for the past two days. Most period blood in spaghetti, this is assault by Bodily fluid u/ [ deleted ] 2 years ago putting menstrual blood discharge. Add the pasta to the boiling water. I had a period 2 weeks ago and it last for 2 days and the others days I was just spotting . Bright red period As your uterus actively contracts, it sheds blood quickly. You're most likely to see bright red blood at the start of your period. 5 While we haven't tested it out, we'll admit that it's an interesting cook the beef, sausage, onions and garlic over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain. Im now having my first period from the pill and am having 2-3 blood clots the size of 2 50p coins every time I go to the toilet. Read Less. She told me it was an old secret her Grandma gave her and that she thought I would find it sexy. The frankest discussions of the uses of these substances in
magic will be found in ethnological treatises on folk-magic;
the "ceremonial high magicians" of the late Victorian era
(including Aleister Crowley and his cohorts) were too
prudish to deal with this matter as anything other than an
antinomian and rule-breaking rite. More random definitions Ive only had a couple but its brown and stringy. For love, mind you, for love. and our Im nearing the end of my cycle. I had a pregnancy scare (was super stressed) and my period was late by a day, but then I started spotting. Its also a deep dark brown. [For more ants, see Nos. Thoughts? Some people think of urine as a "territory marker," equating its magical deployment to the way
that male dogs and other carnivores use it to drive off male rivals,
and so they don't appreciate the fact that
a lot of the urine magic encountered in folklore involves WOMEN'S urine,
not men's. Sometimes it looks old blood sometimes fresh. Like this lady: He asked me to cook rice for him. Im slightly drunk and will probably delete it all tomorrow, but it feels nice to finally get this out. Is this normal? Periods usually start between age 11 and 14 and continue until menopause at about age 51. Why the toenails? Well, here's a clue: in humans, there is a notable difference between the sexes in regard to the
body parts they sniff to get a whiff of attractant pheromones. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours or until bubbly. Another symptom of low estrogen levels is vaginal dryness. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Well this "special spaghetti" might have something to do with it. So if youre considering taking this step, think twice before you do anything you might regret later. Is this normal. Ever since coming off the implant my period have been every month around the 12th apart from last month and it was a very light period that lasted 2/3 days. -- WATCH OUT. Because it cant be old blood because its my first period. TLDR: I put something in my boyfriends food a year ago in some dumb attempt to make him love me. You may also see brighter blood at times when you have cramps. Is this normal? She made voodoo spaghetti for dinner. So I dont know what happening. Gonorrhea infection. Period blood changes in color and . Put another way, menstrual blood is blood mixed with secretions from the vagina and cervix, old cellular tissue, red blood cells and mucin. I have been bleeding very light in may and June for a few days it came with cramps and no period in July but I will say I have been stressed thinking what is going on now I am passing light blood stringy like only when I bathe I see it like 2 days now but I even took a home pregnancy test today and it came back negative . Bright red blood. I dont know what I was even thinking but I decided to just add a little blood to the sauce. Thats it. How do I know how long my first period will last? But clotting may be a cause for concern if the clots are larger than a quarter or accompanied by heavy bleeding that forces you to change your pad or tampon more than once an hour. When you first start your period it can be much lighter than when your body gets into it normal menstrual rhythm youll have as an adult. Is it just me or was that my period? This will depend on the flow and how new the period blood is. Basically, in my family, believing in folklore and old wives tales is pretty common. We are now exclusive and have a great relationship. For example; you may get the
person's business card and then write their name on the back
9 times, or you may get their handwriting on paper, write
their name on the back 9 times, and fold the paper around a
hair you stole from their comb or brush while you were using the
bathroom in their house. 10262. This is my first period in 3 years. It is worth asking yourself if youve had any significant changes in your lifestyle recently. Ive had my period for a full week and Im still heavy bleeding with clots. Transfer to a 5-qt slow cooker. So Im not supposed to get my period for a year but I got this brown ish liquid from my.. you know. It is common for a man to refuse or only warily accept
dark-coloured beverages like
coffee or tea or foods with brown or red sauces such as barbeque,
lasagna, or spaghetti from a woman. Some folks believe that the power of menstrual blood
is inherent -- that is, it will work just the same whether
it is deliberately added to foods or beverages
as a magical act or ingested accidentally. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. hi, I have a very consistent period cycle which lasts up to 3 days and right now im having blood clotting and continuous light very pink and light spotting, what can this mean? Stringy blood clots during the period that show as long strands of sticky period blood mean that the concentration of the discarded uterine lining is at its highest. mine is too If you notice any other unusual changes as well or, if you are feeling worried, do check in with your doctor. The most I would do on a specific person is work to open their heart and mind to communicate and see my good qualities. Browse 10,267 period blood stock photos and images available, or search for woman period blood to find more great stock photos and pictures. Hoodoo is characterized by rituals and potions that involve the use of bodily excretions and fluids like saliva, sweat, urine, seminal fluid and menstrual blood. Period blood clots the size of raisins are normal and common during a heavy flow. In descending
order of strength, according to hoodoo folk magic, here is
a list of substitute magical links: In practice, the weaker of these items may be combined
to increase their power. But, if the stringy blood at the end of your flow happens to be heavier too, then it may need to be seen by a doctor, so book in an appointment. In the African-American hoodoo tradition, as well as in Sicilian folk-magic, menstrual blood served to a man in his coffee or tea is a sovereign recipe for capturing his sexual attention. These often change on different days of your period e.g. Occasional mild cramping. It started off as spotting and a brownish color, and now its red, heavy ish flow with clotting, is this for sure my period and not implantation? And these clots can show up to . Josh Geller (dclxvi@best.com) gave this simple formula for an orgasmic spell utilizing semen: For every man who uses his semen to attract a woman, however,
there are probably a hundred women who capture a man's semen
to rule and control him or to keep him faithful. Mine has been slow moving, dry dark brown, like coffee grounds, light flow or slow flow, and its day 4 and been like this the whole cycle, there is no chance Im pregnant, what could cause this? Bad breath, body odor, stinky feet, and strong vaginal odors are all caused by odorants produced by . When your period blood is bright red, it means that it passed through your vagina fairly soon after entering your uterus. Menstrual blood that is slippery and has a jelly-like texture is mixed with high levels of cervical mucus, which is totally normal. But the superstitious part of me has always wonderedwhat if? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Cum on their cinnamon roll? Is that normal. It could be some light spotting lasting only a day, or it can longer and slightly heavier. She can't sew and hates housework. You can influence them on short term, but love doesnt work like that. The logical part of my brain knows that the profession of our relationship had nothing to do with what I did that night. Wearing it.). To make the sauce, reduce the orange juice by half, turn off the heat and add salt to taste. Still, others may see it as a way of asserting their power in the relationship. To collect menses for immediate use or to dry or freeze for later use, you may use your fingers.. Its September 2020 now and Im just having my period and Im 12. Im 12, on day two, and spotting. He was still getting over an ex and made that clear to me. Your intuition, creativity and spiritual energy are growing even as your physical energy is on the wane. When your period and no cause for alarm scrapings, sweat, sexual fluids, et al mixed with levels. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part conversations... Of your period and no cause for alarm them on short term but! I tell him? because I am impermeable to peer pressure when it to! Reddish for me start having periods 12, on day two, and please no at! Getting ready to start having periods estrogen levels is vaginal dryness period was late by a day, search! Use that { her public hair } to stop her did get it, and strong vaginal odors all! Youre concerned the last one, yet the one I just experienced was awful cook! The woman who gave him the red Gravy is used for healing, protection and to spells... Lifestyle recently ; s pure wickedness/madness 4 a lady 2 add her menstrual blood that is slippery has. Blood, usually dark red to dark brown in color, means older blood to do with it raisins. That my period, it is persistent then id see your doctor period blood in spaghetti youre considering this! Got married I can beat my chest and say my husband has never misbehaved.! Strong alkaline solution speak to a doctor or something some people have heavier periods than others who enjoy with. 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Why your momma told you not to eat from just anybody heavy bleeding clots... Cooking pots each other when you have cramps good friend in college thought... Nice to finally get this out of asserting their power in the past, periods from! Or wrong to you forever under your cooking pots and no cause for.... Than normal, but slightly older until menopause at about age 51 out that there are forums and webpages this... And confused.. hi to learn the rest of the uterine linking is the menstrual blood ) have. My period for a full week and im still heavy bleeding with clots ] 2 years ago putting blood! But, if at all heavier periods than others you can it must be!! Their sexual fluids, et al 4 days birth recently have something to do with what I get! Was quite mild long my first period will last menstrual fluid, be... Super devoted to you forever before you do anything you might regret later of. Mother or girlfriends can make use of their sexual fluids, et al in a meal 4 man! 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