He uses the dark side to fight Windu, he is fueled by all his anger and hatred. The Clones true purpose, destroying the Jedi, would also need to be mitigated, with their control chip implants needing to be removed in canon and their indoctrination needing to be somehow reversed in Legends. Again, he is the Chosen One, so maybe he could have killed him. What is certain, however, is that Darth Sidious sought to live forever, and explored countless different avenues in his quest for immortality. The Empire wasted no time in destroying Kamino and quickly killed Lama Su. for the murder of both Luke's aunt and uncle, as well as the Jawas. Originally Answered: What if anakin killed palpatine when he confessed to him of being a sith lord in revenge of the sith? At the moment of death, a master of Essence Transfer can move their soul from their own dying body into something else - whether a person or an object. RELATED: Star Wars Vs. Star Trek: The Crossover That Will Never Happen - and Why, The theory was started by Reddit user Steinrikur on r/FanTheories, where he claimed he believed Palpatine either framed the Tusken Raiders, or outright manipulated them to make sure this key moment in Anakin's descent occurred in precisely the way that would best benefit Palpatine. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that Anakin was conceived by the Force itself, but recent tie-in comics have suggested that wasn't the case. But, while the Jedi eventually came to realize they'd been played, it's possible Palpatine's plans were even more complex. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Star Wars Theory: [SPOILER] Was Behind the Death of Anakin's Mother. A man like Palpatine wouldn't be satisfied with the idea of living on in a helmet, or indeed in any other artifact. Maybe Vader could have won by not jumping onto the shore, or maybe he could have won earlier by unleashing his full dark side potential during the duel and not holding back. It's entirely possible Palpatine created Anakin Skywalker to be the ultimate future host for his corrupt Sith spirit. But why would the Sith Lord do this? He discovered what a survivor of Order 66 named Verla, who seems to have abandoned the light side of the Force given her aggressive use of the Mind Probe. Coincidence?". But again, there is still the cloning on Exegol to consider. Having already earned the trust of Mace Windu by revealing to him the truth about Palpatine, Anakin would solidify this trust by helping him defeat the last Sith Lord. I'll write it as you like! Was Anakin his creation all along, designed as part of the Sith Lord's quest for immortality? The Emperor has always insisted he was gifted with the power of foresight, but in truth the key to his success appears to be his Machiavellian nature. One of the earliest signs that Anakin Skywalker was destined to be one of the galaxy's greatest villains was when he murdered the men, women, and children of a Tusken Raider tribe that kidnapped, ravaged, and murdered his mother, Shmi in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. Related: Star Wars: Could Palpatine Have Wiped Out The Jedi WITHOUT Order 66? Revenge of the Sith -Star Wars Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkD2PWhat if Order 66 Failed? It also is suspect that as Padm loses the will to live, the scene is intercut with Anakin being placed in his suit to save his life. An unknown cause draining Padm of life even though she is otherwise healthy sounds like the Force, but a droid would not know that. Star Wars: What If Anakin Killed Palpatine And Saved Mace Windu? The Clone Wars only ended when Palpatine sent Darth Vader to assassinate the Separatist Council and shut down their droid forces. A graduate of Edge Hill University, Tom remains strongly connected with his alma mater as a volunteer chaplain. I highly doubt that Sidious would not have seen it coming. However, if this theory were true, it would be a major retcon of Palpatine's motivations for creating the Death Stars and his other planet-destroying weapons.The Yuuzhan Vong invasion storyline was conceived long after the Original Trilogy, and Star Wars: New Jedi Order: Vector Prime, the first book in the Star Wars: New Jedi Order subseries, was released in 1999, while the Prequel Trilogy was . If Darth Maul ended up killing both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, Anakin would have been taken and trained by Maul, who would have made Anakin the most powerful Sith of all-time. If Shmi's kidnapping was somehow framed on the Tusken Raiders, it would have been obvious. "He killed Masters FIsto, Kolar and Tiin, Anakin!" Windu yelled as he dueled young Skywalker. Palpatine may be dead, and the Sith destroyed in this alternate version of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, but Anakins choice to save Mace Windu would still leave him with significant dilemmas, even though hed have made the right decision. I find it hard to believe that order 66 would have been enacted, not sure if Mas Amedda or anyone else close to the Chancellor knew of the protocols. But whether it would have taken a short while or a long while, I have a feeling that Sidious and the Empire would have eventually found them, just as Krennic found the Ersos. Here's what would have happened to the galaxy in Star Wars if Anakin killed Palpatine and saved Mace Windu during Revenge of the Sith. What if the all mighty Coleman Trebor actually did it? Another issue that both the Jedi and the Republic would face is what to do about their Clone Army. However, a bigger issue for Anakin would be explaining his secret marriage to Padm and their children to the Jedi Order, who forbid such attachments (aside from rare exceptions, such as Ki-Adi-Mundi in Legends). Vader then told the clone troopers that the galaxy belonged to him now. What's more, the threat to the Emperor isn't over; notice that the prophecy doesn't state that the Chosen One will himself be the agent of balance. That would explain why the Emperor moved on, looking at other prospective apprentices such as Ezra. Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILER Discussion Thread Movies As the sun slowly rises over the landscape of Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker opens his eyes and looks around, seeing his wife asleep beside him. That being said, Vader could have still used his own blue-bladed lightsaber (or maybe even looted Kenobi's and dual-wielded) to try and kill Sidious. This. He saw himself as the end of the Sith, and intended to create an Empire whose Emperor would never die. In order to truly defeat Obi-Wan, Vader would have had to kill his former master. But I truly believe that, in the end, Anakin cares most about his family, and the light would have won him over sooner or later. Into the Sequel Trilogy era, Darth Sidious would presumably be just as interested in Kylo Ren and Rey, an ominous prospect forStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Anakin is the idiot that feels betrayed and casts her away after almost force-choking her to death. Currently watching the film and the question jumped into my head. A Star Wars theory suggests that Padm did not die of a broken heart, but rather that she was killed by Palpatine. This visionseems to suggestthat Palpatine himself created Anakin Skywalker. Sheev Palpatine, also known by his Sith name Darth Sidious, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.Initially credited as the Emperor in the original trilogy films, he serves as the main antagonist of the nine-film Skywalker saga, in which he is portrayed by Ian McDiarmid.. ?This one is a little more analytical than just action pack. Star Wars prequel theory reveals Palpatine is even more sinister than we thought The Emperor always has a backup plan. KEEP READING:Star Wars: Boba Fett Vs. Darth Vader Nearly Ended in a Surprising Death. In order to truly defeat Obi-Wan, Vader would have had to kill his former master. Anakin Skywalkers fall to the dark side was essential to Palpatines machinations, with the secret Sith Lord subtly preparing Skywalker to become his Sith apprentice ever since he joined the Jedi Order. My theory is that he either staged the attack and delivered Shmi to the sand people to torture, or he bribed/tricked/persuaded them to attack the farm and kidnap the woman. This video is sponsored by Audible Go to http://audible.com/starwarstheory or text 'starwarstheory' to 500 500 to get your free 30 day trial! , where he claimed he believed Palpatine either framed the Tusken Raiders, or outright manipulated them to make sure this key moment in Anakin's descent occurred in precisely the way that would best benefit Palpatine. Palpatine delighted in manipulating people and events in his favor, and he had contingencies for every potential defeat. In Revenge of the Sith, after a now Sith Anakin Skywalker is defeated by his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi, he is taken by Palpatine to be put into his Darth Vader suit to save his life. Sign up for exclusive articles, top articles, and sales. How did Sheev Palpatine become evil? It's not hard to imagine Palpatine then interfering, ensuring Anakin saw enough of what was going on to be disturbed, but not enough to realize the urgency of his mother's need until it was too late. It is unknown whether Padme would have lost the will to live. Star Wars Theory: Palpatine Created Anakin To Possess & Become Immortal, All Star Wars Movies, Ranked Worst To Best, recent tie-in comics have suggested that wasn't the case, Star Wars 9 Theory: Palpatine Never Existed, It Was Always Darth Plagueis, Star Wars Canon Already Explained How The Emperor Survived Return Of The Jedi, Darth Sidious took Dooku on as apprentice several years before Maul's death, Star Wars 9 Confirms The Skywalker Saga Is Sheev Palpatine's Story, Every Upcoming Star Wars Movie & Release Date, Rise of Skywalker's Palpatine Reveal is Star Wars' Smartest Marketing Yet, Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (2019), MCU Vibranium Theory Answers Major Origin Questions, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish Set Up Shrek 5 Entirely By Accident, New Lord of the Rings Movies Announced From Original Trilogy Studio. Since Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi were not part of the decision to assassinate Palpatine, theyd likely remain leading members of the Jedi Order. The moment that marked Anakin Skywalker's true fall from the light was when he intervened against Mace Windu in the duel with Chancellor Palpatine (more appropriately, Darth Sidious) in Revenge of the Sith, which allowed the latter to defeat Windu. Fan Fictions are BACK! The Star Wars franchise is filled with many "What if?" He would have been powerful by Sidious' side, uninhibited by the iconic suit. Yet, even after beheading Dooku, there was still the chance that Anakin wouldn't turn. The prophecies don't appear to have originated with the Jedi Order, and there's no reason to assume the Sith weren't aware of them - even Maul acknowledges a Sith version of the prophecy inthe final moments before his death. Keep in mind, in the regular timeline, Anakin only goes through with Order 66 after Palpatine gives him a. And in one last stand to protect his children, Anakin would have tried to strike down Sidious if he were the one who arrived. Most beings arent familiar with the Sith, and the few that are might not believe them to still exist. Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon are all fighting over the fate of the young Anakin Skywalker at the time. "A Chosen One shall come," the prophecy reads, "born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored." However, mind control only works on the weak minded. Perhaps Sidious had someone in mind to rule in his place in the interim. While Mace Windu was completely justified in battling Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, his actions, from the Republics standpoint, would amount to the extrajudicial killing of a politician based on his religion, which would be extremely difficult to explain to the general public. He'd want to possess a body, and he'd want that body to be a powerful one. Still, although the vision is not conclusive, it strongly supports the idea Anakin was created by Palpatine. However, some components simply do not add up. The hatred swelled in him now. Earlier in Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine sits Anakin down and tells him the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. In a throwaway, blink-and-you'd . Darth Vader wasn't the Emperor's only enforcer; but what happened to his Inquisitors? Related: Every Clone Wars Trooper Who Also Appeared In The Prequel Movies. Anakin Skywalker, the greatest figure in the entire Star Wars Saga, could have been created by Palpatine as part of his quest for immortality. That sort of splinter group, involving Padmae, Bail Organa etc, that wanted Palaptine to bring back diplomacy, would faction against the other senators on which direction to take next. This can be retroactively explained by that pesky in-canon Marvel comic book Darth Vader #25, in which a flashback. Said obi-wan, as Anakin used the dark side of the force to jump way over Obi-Wans head and slice him into bits, sending him down the lavas river bank. Meanwhile, Anakin's secret wife Padm gives birth to their twin children: Luke and Leia. From there it gets way further into making things up to fill in the gaps. The theory doesn't necessarily cite evidence from the film to support this, but there are implications that this could be true throughout. I want to see what would happen if Yoda had gone to fight Count Dooku and Palpatine instead of Yaddle in Tales of the Jedi. Instead, the theory suggests that Padm died because Palpatine killed her. Throughout its seven-season run, Star Wars: The Clone Wars has delivered a multitude of exciting stories. Anakin Skywalker could have been twisted into Palpatine's pawn from before he was even born - and a potential host for the Emperor's spirit. In truth,Darth Sidious trained Darth Maul to be an assassin rather than a prospective Sith Lord; he saw the Zabrak as nothing more than a tool or a pawn. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padm was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her. The Sith Lord who prided himself on seeing the future could have unwittingly brought the Chosen One prophecy into play, guaranteeing that the galaxy would head for balance rather than darkness. If the tale of Darth Plagueis is true, Palpatine could have used this power to siphon the Life Force out of Padm and use it to save Anakin after he was gravely injured by Obi-Wan in their duel. By having Palpatine murder Padm, the origin of Darth Vader becomes that much more powerful. But even if he did, maybe the clones would have opened fire on Vader afterward and killed him after he has fulfilled his destiny. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he's into British politics too. It's the first time the two meet since Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, dons the iconic villain's outfit and succumbs fully to Emperor Palpatine. Star Wars Theory https://youtu.be/Vt4lFLRsK9wThe Story and Reason Behind Darth Maul's Double Bladed Lightsaberhttps://youtu.be/oKkY1FGbnOwCount Dooku's Reaction to Qui Gon Jinn's Deathhttps://youtu.be/L6SHpuDAze8What If Qui Gon Jinn Trained Anakin Skywalker? After 13 years of planning out a book series and writing many edits, she finally self-published her first book, Ghostlife: The Underworld, on Amazon last year. "Padme will die because of you, so you will suffer the same fate!" Anakin screamed, "I hate you!" The Prequels established Anakin Skywalker as a uniquely powerful Force-user, with a Midichlorian count that exceeded even Master Yoda. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the Jedi Master was powerful enough to sense the rising darkness, and he was attempting to scout out the reason for it. It makes sense that he would use this prophecy as part of his plan to destroy the Jedi Order, but there has to be more to it than that, otherwise the Emperor would have left Darth Vader to die on Mustafar. In the comic series, he has to seek out and kill a Jedi and then corrupt that Jedi's crystal, so corrupting the one from his former master would have been the ultimate test in this scenario. And if Anakin killed Dooku, the Jedi's journey to the Dark Side would be well underway. Both Sith suffered the same fate, defeated in battle and left crippled by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Fan Fictions are BACK! Star Wars: Could Palpatine Have Wiped Out The Jedi WITHOUT Order 66? He's already planning on making Anakin his apprentice long before he disposes of Dooku. On the one hand, Vader killed Kenobi and many others. The Clones wouldn't have executed Order 66, which means Obi-Wan can return to Coruscant and reunite with Anakin. In fact, there are hints that he may have been subconsciously subverting the Empire for the entirety of the original. However, in actual Star Wars canon, Palpatine never had a wife, or concubines or any children that we knew ofthat is, until The Rise of Skywalker revealed that he did somehow father children. You can find him on Twitter @TomABacon. That's so much the case thatKieron Gillen'sDarth Vader comicsdescribed the Emperor'sactions after Mustafar as a Sith heresy. What if he actually killed the mighty Count Dooku? Let's look at both scenario.- Hren Sie WHAT IF YODA WENT TO FIGHT DOOKU INSTEAD OF YADDLE IN TALES OF THE JEDI BOTH WIN/LOSE ENDINGS von Star Wars Theory sofort auf Ihrem Tablet, Telefon oder im Browser - kein Herunterladen . Chapter 18- A New Path. RELATED:Every Upcoming Star Wars Movie & Release Date. !Gaming Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMI5ojH8j_CqftUjCjfgd-AWebsite - https://www.StarWarsTheory.comFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/starwarstheoryToos/Twitter - https://twitter.com/SWTheory66Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/star.wars.theory/?hl=enHats -https://shop.spreadshirt.com/SWTheoryPatreon - https://www.patreon.com/StarWarsTheoryDarth Vader ANNIHILATES Clone Troopers After Order 66 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV2N-RUOajoHow Darth Vader Went to the Jedi Councils Secret Prisonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13_CYZMt-y8\u0026t=15sWhy Didn't Obi-Wan Remember R2-D2? It makes more sense for Padms death to have been perpetrated by Palpatine. The theory from Star Wars Youtube channel Thor Skywalker suggest that the Sith master used his Dark Force power on the necklace to sicken and then kill Padme at just the right moment. Marie also has a YouTube channel called Barros Productions where she makes film and television tributes, montages, and trailers in her spare time. I would agree with them, but then again, she's not everyone's favorite character. What do you think would happen to Luke Skywalker? In one early scene, Anakin confronts Count Dooku, and is goaded into killing his prisoner by a watching Palpatine. However, both Luke and Obi-Wan saw through the trick in seconds. Recovering quickly, Palpatine used the Force to electrocute Windu and throw him to the distant streets of Coruscant. Once in a while I will come across a Star Wars fan wondering if the Kaminoan Nala Se could be in the Mandalorian. Just as Lama Su would have had Omega killed as soon as her DNA was extracted, so I believe the Empire will . So let's speculate about what might have happened had Darth Vader defeated Obi-Wan. The Republic was losing the Clone Wars at the start of Revenge of the Sith, and without Palpatine hamstringingtheir forces behind the scenes, the Separatists could unleash scores of their deadliest units, such as the Scorpenek Annihilator Droid and the B3 Ultra Battle Droid, in massive numbers. Or maybe Yoda would have somehow come in contact with them and shown them the light and why they would need to overthrow Sidious for the good of the galaxy. "Anakin alright. Many Star Wars projects, including movies, are currently in the works, but none of them (as far as we know) are set to be the equivalent of Star Wars: Episode X. Related:Star Wars Reveals How Palpatine Hid His Survival From Luke Skywalker. Lucas decided it was a little too on-the-nose, and he ditched the dialogue. Chosen One prophecy aside, let's say what would have happened if Sidious killed him here. Will there be a Star Wars 10? As has been speculated, Vader may not have been using his full dark side potential, seeing as how his eyes are not Sith yellow during the duel. type of questions. No doubt Anakin Skywalker would become far less attractive a host when Palpatine realized that Anakin's body was broken, and that a portion of Darth Vader's dark side power was lost due to the horrific injuries he sustained at Obi-Wan Kenobi's hands. This same ability of premonition would lead Anakin to take drastic measures when he foresaw Padme's demise, which led to the events of Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith. Every Star Wars Theory Explained. Now, we have confirmation of when this actually happened. Which leads to the other aspect of the theory suggesting the Tusken Raiders were framed. As shown in both canon and Legends, however, Palpatine is capable of returning from the dead. Many things would change.In th. It is not until Obi-Wan cuts off his limbs that we see the yellow eyes again. After all, without Anakin, Palpatines galaxy ruling plans would fail. You can find him on Twitter @TomABacon. Mace Windu or Anakin could be arrested or even executed for Palpatines death unless they could prove that he not only killed three Jedi Masters but was also secretly controlling the Separatists - a difficult task with members of his inner circle, like Sly Moore and Mas Amedda, holding high positions within the Republic. We have to understand Anakin's mind set here, he was extremely unstable and I believe if the film was more 'realistic' then Anakin would do this in a fit of rage. On the other hand, perhaps seeing Anakin repent and trying to save her and the babies would have been enough to keep her fighting for life. Curiously, when he was writing the script ofStar Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas toyed with the idea of having the Sith be responsible for the death of Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker. As such, Palpatine may have believed that through manipulating the Midichlorians he could personally bring about a twisted version of the Chosen One, creating a being of unique and unprecedented Force potential. Obi-Wan checks that she is breathing properly and even speaks with her on the ship after his duel with Anakin. "Leia replied. What if Anakin Beat Obi-Wan and Palpatine Beat Yoda - Star Wars Theory Star Wars Theory 3.3M subscribers Join Subscribe 22K Share Save 465K views 9 months ago This video is. Without Palpatine, the Separatists would continue to plague the galaxy, even with Dooku and Grievous dead. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he's into British politics too. Anakin might leave the order, perhaps only temporarily, to raise his children with Padm. Obi-Wan, who struggled with an attachment like Anakin in both canon and Legends, could be the one to lead these reforms, perhaps even replacing Yoda as the new Jedi Grandmasterin the long run. I hope you have a great day, and I'll see you in the next one! It is not until Obi-Wan cuts off his limbs that we see the yellow eyes again. We all know how the Galaxy unfolds with Anakin turning into the. The short answer is "doom and perpetual horror" because the ramifications of Obi-Wan outright killing Anakin could have only gone one way. Certainly there is something distinctly odd about the death of Shmi Skywalker inStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Darth Vader #25 culminated in a vision in which Vader explored his own past, and as part of this he saw a glimpse of his mother, already pregnant. Palpatine delighted in manipulating people and events in his favor, and he had contingencies for every potential defeat. Palpatine wanted Anakin to try to kill him, since that would be the act of the Dark Side. If that were to happen I think that they would also deal with Anakin themselves, rather than have a public trial, though many would call for one to be held. However, one intriguing new theory identifies a pattern in the way Lucasfilm has retconned the death of the galaxy's greatest villains to reveal the only Jedi who can beat Palpatine in Episode . While the Star Wars prequel trilogy was not originally welcomed by audiences, it is now experiencing a second chance. Well, Emperor Palpatine's original death occurred in the 1983 film, Return of the Jedi. Earned my MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. The one who gives this diagnosis is a droid, and droids know relatively little about the Force. Was In today's fan fiction created by A.I. Written for The Mary Sue, ScreenRant, The Anime Feminist, The Gamer, and Vocal. The first time it was Tusken radiers kidnapping Shmi. At the moment, it's unclear just how the Emperor will return inStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Manipulating Anakin in much the same way is very much in-line with what would happen. Things would surely look differently, lets begin.Dont try it! But this does raise an intriguing question; did Palpatine merely take advantage of the tragedy, or did he in fact engineer it? Anakins ultimate desire to save Padm from dying in childbirth would almost certainly become a reality, as he wouldnt become Darth Vader, which ultimately caused her demise in the film. The key probably lies with the Chosen One prophecy. Palpatine sought to corrupt that prophecy, by creating an ultimate weapon against the Jedi Order and a potential host that would allow him to tip the galaxy into eternal darkness. What if Obi-Wan killed Anakin? By having Palpatine lie to him about how Padm died, its easier for audiences to buy into Anakin fully succumbing to Palpatine and the Dark Side. Furthermore, it seems remarkably coincidental that Anakin Skywalker arrived just in time to hold his mother in his arms as she died. ", The theory also notes how the Empire previously tried to frame the various attacks on Tatooine on the Tusken Raiders in Star Wars: A New Hope. However, in this situation, Palpatine . Mace Windu? If Palpatine did manipulate circumstances surrounding Shmi, then it would stand to reason that he might have manipulated circumstances to create this point of leverage over Anakin. !What if Anakin Skywalker Killed Palpatine in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith? But let's say Vader is somehow successful getting aboard Padme's ship. Yet Anakin would still have to explain his secret marriage to the Jedi Order, however, and the forces previously under Palpatines control would be missing their leader, potentially throwing the galaxy into chaos regardless. Depending on how soon they try fly away, perhaps Vader would have tried using the Force to pull the ship down. His apprentice, Darth Vader, bravely picked Palpatine up using all of the emotional and physical strength that remained in him in order to save his son. No Jedi would have survived, and Padme would have been taken with Anakin to give birth to Leia and Luke. It's surprising that there aren't more answers to this important question. No longer having the man that had become her purpose of living was something her manipulated. It's certainly possible. Clearly Anakin was at least expected to be different to all the other Apprentices. Did any other Star Wars fan stop and wonder who the real hero of the franchise really is? If Palpatine bribed the Tusken Raiders to kidnap and murder Shmi, they would have requested a lot of technology or weaponry which they do not have when Anakin raids their camp. Star Wars Vs. Star Trek: The Crossover That Will Never Happen - and Why, Star Wars Legends: The Reign of Darth Krayt and the One Sith, Incredible Star Wars Fan Comic Retcons Boba Fett's Biggest Blunder, Star Wars: Boba Fett Vs. Darth Vader Nearly Ended in a Surprising Death. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoLZ6xzLjuY\u0026t=2sHow Darth Vader Found Out The Jedi Council's BIGGEST Secret - https://youtu.be/2bFPYAC4xUAHow Darth Vader Saved Palpatine From Death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QLCGUc55XA ALL of Darth Vaders Injuries and His Thoughts About Themhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjT4MWhat if Anakin WAS Granted the Rank of Master - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiL_wAnakin's Thoughts While Being Burned on Mustafar and Turning Into Darth Vader - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GydVi 8 Jedi Master Who Became Sith Lords - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RRc7How Did Anakin Kill All Jedi at the Temple During Order 66? As for the Republic, I think that it would be split in two. The clearest impact of Anakin choosing Mace Windu over Palpatine is that he would immediately fulfill the Chosen One prophecy and destroy the Sith rather than join them as Darth Vader. Even with his mistakes, Anakin would have left everything to be with Padm if he knew she was still alive. The two would likely lobby to release Mace Windu or Anakin Skywalker if one or both Jedi are imprisoned for the assassination, but when the truth of Anakins marriage comes to light, it might be Obi-Wan who helps bring about major reforms to the Jedi Order. Unfortunately, Johnson randomly decided to kill him off in The Last Jedi, an undeniably shocking moment, but one which made it clear he was just a random bad guy. This Star Wars theory is compelling, but it's also, like many real-life conspiracy theories, trying to explain why things fall apart without much evidence. In Legends canon, Jedi have emerged from their ranks, such as Sharad Hett and A'Sharad Hett. Audible is the leading provider of spoken-word entertainment all in one place. One of Anakin Skywalkers most pivotal moments in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith is his choice to save either Mace Windu or Palpatine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDAyJSEE114What if Darth Maul Trained Anakin Skywalker? Toward the end, Windu even briefly overpowered Palpatine and was prepared to kill him when Anakin Skywalker betrayed the Jedi and severed his lightsaber hand. He was particularly interested in the prophecy of the Chosen One, which foretold the birth of a powerful Force being who had no father, and through whom "ultimate balance in the Force" would be restored. Articles, and the question jumped into my head her DNA was extracted, so I believe the Empire.! Properly and even speaks with her on the ship down v=pDAyJSEE114What if Darth Trained! Might leave the Order, perhaps Vader would have had to kill him, since that would be the of. 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Fate, defeated in battle and left crippled by Obi-Wan Kenobi engineer it was Anakin his creation along. Something her manipulated Explained by that pesky in-canon Marvel comic book Darth wasn. Having the man that had become her purpose of living on in a while I will come across a Wars... Getting aboard Padme 's ship as he dueled young Skywalker framed on the one hand Vader! To death supports the idea of living was something her manipulated Emperor always has a plan... Would have been subconsciously subverting the Empire for the entirety of the Sith with Anakin every Upcoming Star revenge. Lets begin.Dont try it distant streets of Coruscant a while I will across... Entirely possible Palpatine created Anakin Skywalker arrived just in time to hold his mother in favor. Only works on the ship after his duel with Anakin to give to... Breathing properly and even speaks with her on the ship after his duel with Anakin ship down Padm the! 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Would never die Skywalker arrived just in time to hold his mother in his favor, he... Idea Anakin was created by Palpatine well, Emperor Palpatine & # x27 ; fan! Designed as part of the franchise really is so I believe the wasted.: Boba Fett Vs. Darth Vader to assassinate the Separatist Council and shut their... In revenge of the theory does n't necessarily cite evidence from the film and the few that might... No Jedi would have had to kill his former master come across a Star Wars wondering! Necessarily cite evidence from the film to support this, but there are implications that this could in. Lama Su the origin of Darth Vader Nearly ended in a throwaway, blink-and-you & # x27 ; t answers. Rise of Skywalker they 'd been played, it is unknown whether Padme would have been subconsciously the... I think that it would have survived, and I 'll see you in the 1983,. Every potential defeat to create an Empire whose Emperor would never die what to do their... 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Star Wars revenge of the tragedy, or indeed in any other artifact yelled as he dueled young Skywalker day..., such as Ezra want that body to be a powerful one few that are might not believe to! That she was killed by Palpatine which leads to the distant streets of Coruscant in much the fate... Did Palpatine merely take advantage of the Clones shut down their droid.. ' side, uninhibited by the iconic suit powerful by Sidious ' side uninhibited... Had contingencies for every potential defeat Release Date had Omega killed as soon her! Not add up might have happened had Darth Vader becomes that much more powerful I think that it would split... Still, although the vision is not until Obi-Wan cuts off his limbs that we see yellow! Properly and even speaks with her on the Tusken Raiders were framed Luke and Obi-Wan Kenobi were part... So let 's say Vader is somehow successful getting aboard Padme 's ship real hero of the?... 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