Some of the more common genetic conditions include cystic fibrosis, Huntingtons disease, and sickle cell anemia. It is a negative commotation. It is now widely considered a derogatory slur. AP style: The style book suggests using the term survivor with care because it can be imprecise, among other reasons. Neurotypical refers to a person who is considered part of the normal variation in the human population. NCDJ Recommendation: Do not say someone has had a seizure unless there has been a medical diagnosis. Use lower case unless referring to the Great Depression. en abril 28, 2022 abril 28, 2022 moaning minnie synonym. The federal definition of a service animal applies to any guide dog, signal dog or other animal trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. This may include animals that guide individuals with impacted vision, alert individuals with impacted hearing to intruders or sounds, provide minimal protection or rescue work, pull a wheelchair or fetch dropped items. Refer to a disability only when its relevant to the story and, when possible, confirm the diagnosis with a reputable source, such as a medical professional or other licensed professional. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using deformed as an adjective to describe a person. National Institute of Neurological Disorders. Congenital is not interchangeable with genetic, as a genetic condition is present from birth but a congenital condition is not necessarily genetic. Background: The two terms often are used interchangeably. Instead, be as specific as possible. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having dementia only if the information is relevant to the story and you are confident there is a medical diagnosis. Many dislike the terms because hearing impaired describes a person in terms of a deficiency or what they cannot do. Opinions vary on how to refer to someone with autism. However, its use is relatively rare and not generally accepted. Many people consider defect and other forms of the term offensive when describing a disability as they imply the person is deficient or inferior to others. A nonverbal person would theoretically communicate with the help of a facilitator by typing on a keyboard, pointing to an image, or pointing to letters on an alphabet board. The phrase abnormal behavior reflects social-cultural standards and is open to different interpretations. With identity-first language, the disability is mentioned first. Avoid using psychotic as an adjective to describe a person; instead refer to a person as having a psychotic condition or experiencing a psychosis. Avoid using the terms colloquially. Use the term dwarf only when applied to a medical diagnosis or in a quote. Background: The Oxford English dictionary defines an invalid as a person made weak or disabled by illness or injury. It is probably the oldest term for someone with physical conditions that are considered seriously limiting. For example: Eds: Graphic details of the killings could be offensive or disturbing to some readers.. NCDJ Recommendation: Specify American Sign Language on first reference, capitalizing all three words. This condition happens when a childs brain cant coordinate the muscles that enable speech. WebHearing-impaired This term is no longer accepted by most in the community but was at one time preferred, largely because it was viewed as politically correct. Brain Damage There are many degrees of brain damage that range from mild to severe. Some people prefer person with diabetes rather than a diabetic.. Background: The terms insane, insanity and mentally deranged are commonly used informally to denote mental instability or mental illness but can be considered offensive. Typical can be a better choice. question whether there is such a thing as a gifted child. NCDJ Recommendation:Avoid using invalid to describe a person with a disability except in a direct quote. Until recently, the term deaf-blind was widely accepted, and it is still in use today. Its symptoms include muscle weakness and paralysis. Those with dysarthria often slur or drag their words when they try to pronounce them. Sometimes people with quadriplegia refer to themselves as quads. In these cases, use in quotes. Neurodiversity basically means that brains operate differently and thats not a bad thing. If a medical diagnosis is not available, use quotes around the term and indicate that a diagnosis has not been confirmed. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having dyslexia only if the information is relevant to the story and if youre confident there is a medical diagnosis. NCDJ Recommendation: Treatment is an acceptable term for medical interventions, and treatment center is acceptable for the establishment in which such practices take place. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid describing people as gifted or twice exceptional unless they have been identified as such by a professional. Alternatively, it is acceptable to say that a person has had a disability since birth or was born with a disability. State the specific disability if possible. And so we are no longer offering advice regarding a default. NCDJ Recommendation: Both terms are acceptable, although many people prefer people-first language, stating that someone is a person with an intellectual disability rather than referring to the person as intellectually disabled. It has been criticized by some in the Deaf community who are concerned that the device could threaten Deaf culture. Those with such disabilities often require lifelong or extended support. Nasal, raspy or strained voice. People may refer to themselves as limb different or as being part of a limb different community or as having an upper or lower body limb difference. See Dwarf, little person/people/midget/short stature. Bipolar disorder used to be referred to as manic depressive illness, but that is no longer the case. However, AP advises against the latter formulation. NCDJ Recommendation: It is preferable to use neutral language when describing a person who has a disability, simply stating the facts about the nature of the disability. Disorder is ubiquitous when it comes to medical references; and the same is true for special when used in special education, so there may be times when its appropriate to use them. Noisy environments make understanding even harder No matter where you find yourself, untreated hearing loss can make understanding speech difficult. Web"Deaf" usually refers to a hearing loss so severe that there is very little or no functional hearing. You also may want to provide a more detailed description of the disability. Other terms are acceptable for those with some vision loss. Background: The word deaf describes a person with profound or complete hearing loss. Jonas Salk introduced the polio vaccine in the 1950s, which drastically reduced cases of polio in the U.S. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having autistic spectrum disorder only if the information is relevant to the story and if you are confident there is a medical diagnosis. See entries on Depression and Mental illness/mental disorder. If the source is not available or unable to communicate, ask a trusted family member, advocate, medical professional or relevant organization that represents people with disabilities. It is often used informally to describe someone who is in a stupor-like condition. This is caused by the muscles that are used to create speech not functioning properly or to their best ability. Specific disorders should be used and the source of the diagnosis identified whenever possible. Why is it often considered more PC to say "Hard of Hearing" instead? NCDJ Recommendation: Since the term is not in widespread use, its meaning should be explained for a general audience; ask sources how they prefer to describe their relationships whenever possible. For example, Down syndrome girl or autistic boy. An example of people-first language is a girl with Down syndrome or a boy with autism. With regard to most disabilities, , people-first language is preferred, but in some cases most notably in the Deaf community and among autistic people identity-first language is strongly preferred. The field was founded by Sigmund Freud. Use interpreter only for those who have completed advanced training. Its best to avoid using clean and dirty with regard to drug test results, according to the Center for Substance Abuse and Treatment. See also Insane/mentally deranged/psychopathology, Background: The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines cretininism as a usually congenital condition marked by physical stunting and intellectual disability and caused by severe hypothyroidism and goes on to say, Chronic iodine deficiencies in diet can result in malfunctions of the thyroid gland, the gland that produces hormones necessary for normal human development. AP style: The style book suggests naming the specific condition when possible rather than making a general reference. Background: The Centers for Disease Control define traumatic brain injury as an injury that affects how the brain works.. Common symptoms of autism spectrum disorder include difficulties in communication, impaired social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities, according to the Institute. Background: The University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living describes these as chronic medical conditions characterized by neurological impairment, muscle pain and weakness, respiratory problems and gastrointestinal complaints. Many times, though, the cause of a seizure is unknown.. A birth defect is a physical or biochemical difference that is present at birth. Background: Disability and disabled generally describe functional limitations that affect one or more of the major life activities, including walking, lifting, learning and breathing. This condition happens when children slur their words AP style: Disabled is described as a general term for a physical, mental, developmental or intellectual disability. Special thanks to Rebecca Monteleone, University of Toledo; Jon Henner, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Sherri Collins, Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; journalist Sara Luterman; Cronkite student Haley Tenore; the NCDJ advisory board and graduate assistants; and all the style guide readers who offered suggestions for this guide. Senator John McCain died in the summer of 2018. People with psychosis are described as psychotic. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Tourette syndrome with no possessive or capitalization of syndrome. Refer to someone as having Tourette syndrome only if the information is relevant to the story and if youre confident there has been a medical diagnosis. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid using the terms unless used in a direct quote. slurred slowed hoarse stuttered rapid Depending on the underlying cause of your speech impairment, you may also experience other symptoms, such as: drooling However, some readers object to trigger warnings and view them as patronizing and stifling to academic freedom. Partially sighted: Used most often in British publications for those not legally or completely blind but less acceptable in the U.S. Visually impaired: Similar to the term . The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment recommends using people-first language when referring to alcoholism, such as someone with alcoholism or someone with an alcohol addiction., NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone who harmfully uses alcohol as a person with alcoholism rather than an alcoholic, which tends to identify someone solely by their disease. Ask individuals how they prefer to be described. Some people with autism prefer being referred to as autistic or an autistic person. Others object to using autistic as an adjective. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its derived from the Italian wordritardato, and the first definition of the adjective version is held back or in check; hindered, impeded; delayed, deferred.. However, this term is not widely used. NCDJ Recommendation: Hard of hearing is almost always acceptable. The technique was originally developed to help those with significant developmental disabilities, such as some forms of autism and cerebral palsy. The stylebook suggests using terms such as mentally disabled, intellectually disabled and developmentally disabled., See also Intellectual disabilities/intellectually disabled, See entry on Dwarf, little person/midget/short stature, Background: The term was commonly used in the late 19th century to refer to people who had Down syndrome, due to the similarity of some of the physical characteristics of the disorder to Eastern Asian people, who were called Mongoloid, according to the Oxford English dictionary. Some organizations suggest avoiding the terms demented, dementing, dements, senile or senility to refer to someone with dementia. AP style: Addressed in entry for Trauma, suggesting that traumatic brain injury is an acceptable use of the word trauma., Background: A caregiver is an individual who provides direct care to people with disabilities and others, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. People with albinism also are sensitive to the effects of the sun and are at increased risk of developing skin cancer., According to the National Organization on Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH), there is debate over whether albinism is a disability, but it is often referred to as one because of issues associated with vision. If thats not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization representing the relevant disability for preferred terminology. However, Little People of America recommends using the descriptors short stature, little person or someone with dwarfism., NCDJ Recommendation: Only refer to a persons short stature if it is relevant to the story. Instead, refer to the persons specific condition or use person with a disability. The terms are still widely used and generally acceptable when citing laws, regulations, places or things, such as handicapped parking, although many prefer the term accessible parking. Avoid handicapable., Conforms to AP style with regard to handicap and handicapped. The stylebook does not address handicapable., Background: According to the University of Washington, hard of hearing refers to any hearing condition that can be helped by an auditory device. Other visual disabilities include reduced sight in conditions such as bright light or darkness and distortions of the visual field. If you have two or more seizures or a tendency to have recurrent seizures, you have epilepsy. Its traced to religion in 1636 (he to his long retarded Wrath gives wings); to medicine in 1785 (Polypus, sometimes obstructs the vagina, and gives retarded labour); and later to politics (Arguably, the legacy of communism manifests itself most acutely in the retarded economic development of the east). Be cautious when using the term abnormal behavior. Explain what it means in the context in which it is being used. At times, words that are considered outdated may be appropriate because of the storys historical context. It is preferable to say, He had polio as a child;She contracted polio as an adult, or He has post-polio syndrome rather than He suffers from polio or He is a victim of polio., Background: Injury is commonly used to describe any harm or damage to an individual as the result of an accident or other event. Avoid the terms vertically challenged and midget., AP style: Dwarf is the preferred term for people with a medical or genetic condition resulting in short stature. Midget is considered offensive. It is frequently used in such references as injuries suffered in a car accident.. Background: Disabilities often are referred to in terms of impairment, as in hearing impairment or visually impaired. Such terms are widely used in medical and governmental contexts as well as by disability advocacy organizations and the general public. Use obsessive-compulsive disorder on first reference; OCD is acceptable in second reference. In addition, there is a difference between impairment and disability, according to the Institute of Human Services. There's nothing inherently negative about spasticity aside from the pain that can result from it but like many neutral words, people have used "spaz" to make has a good list of related resources and more information. AP style: Cripple is considered offensive when used to describe a person who is lame or disabled. Mayo Clinic. The association recommends using people-first language to describe mental illness in order to avoid defining people by their disability. However, some argue that the term often is used inaccurately (people who are color blind usually see some colors) and can be considered ableist. Many people prefer people-first language, such as a person with Tourette syndrome or a person diagnosed with Tourette syndrome. Avoid the acronym TS, as it is not widely known. Legally blind is a broad term for various eye conditions but generally refers to someone whose visual acuity is 20/200 or less even with corrective glasses or contact lenses. Those in Deaf culture have never seen themselves as disabled. Background: These phrases refer to a condition in which the mouth, jaw, tongue and vocal tract do not work together to produce recognizable words. Onset could be in infancy, childhood, middle age or later. NCDJ Recommendation: When writing about Tiffany Yus group, use Diversability as a proper name. NCDJ Recommendation: Use nonspeaking unless the individual indicates another preference. People with OCD usually exhibit both obsessions and compulsions but sometimes exhibit only one or the other. NCDJ Recommendation: The term may not be understood by all, so an explanation may be required. See also Bipolar disorder and Mental illness/mental disorder, Background: The Centers for Disease Control defines developmental disabilities as a group of conditions (that arise) due to an impairment in physical, learning, language or behavior areas. Background: The terms mentally retarded, retard and mental retardation were once common terms that are now considered outdated and offensive. Programs in Disability Studies should encourage a curriculum that allows students, activists, teachers, artists, practitioners, and researchers to engage the subject matter from various disciplinary perspectives.. WebApraxia. Archaeologist Elisa Perego coined the term long COVID to refer to people with lasting symptoms. Background: Service animals are trained animals, usually dogs, that provide services to people with disabilities. Environments make understanding even harder no matter where you find yourself, untreated hearing loss may want to provide more! 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