Trying to find out who delivered me. I would love to meet the Nurse tharT delivered me. Black mold was a problem in the building even before we moved out. My grandmother worked there for many years cleaning floors, and later died there in October 1981. I am still kicking and very active at the age of 78. However, I was genuinely surprised to see how solid the two buildings are, apart from the missing windows, doors, and vandalized interiors. (That is, if youre feeling brave.). It used to be a boys state school a lot of the children ended up dead and were severely abused and neglected. She was fun to have along! (LogOut/ Shes also had the honor of interviewing actress Sela Ward for The Mississippi Arts and Entertainment Experience. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I began working in the laboratory at Kuhn in 1961 while I was in high school. by adding your comments (insightful, silly, but always respectful) and sharing important stories from your neck of the woods. The hospital was first opened in 1832 in order to combat a smallpox outbreak. It was built in 1797! If you read down further you will see some of the comments that I have made. Two nurses whom she worked with and loved were BoBo, Dr. Jarretts nurse, I believe, Mabus says the poor would be better served if hospital money went instead into Medicaid and got federal funds. Heavy equipment began tearing down the walls that were once part of the Kuhn . Any suggestions on who to contact for permission to go through the buildings? The decision was made in the late 1990s that the two hospitals in town should be combined into one facility. The derelict almost haunted Kuhn Memorial State Hospital lies abandoned on 1422 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd in Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi. Shirley, I am in the process right now of trying to get funding to buy the hospital property. Get more stories delivered right to your email. It is about the possibility of me trying to purchase the hospital. Check out the video below, which was shot at Kuhn State Memorial Hospital, to see some of the creepy happenings for yourself. Kuhn Memorial Hospital, Mississippi. They were given lye soap. Would like to know where emplpyment records are for the Hospital? Interesting history lesson about the hospital, though. Dr Gerrierro, not sure of the spelling, was in his internship at mercy Hosp and was on call and held clinic at Kuhn. We plan on going this Friday and exploring it at night If you are interested let me know and you are more than welcome to join us. I grew up in Vicksburg and never knew about this place..I am extremely intrigued. The Taborian Hospital in Mound Bayou, Mississippi was a famous African-American hospital funded by a fraternal organization called the International Order of Twelve Knights and Daughters of Tabor. Thanks Teresa. Ann Hinston was a clinical instructor, as was Philomena Smartt. The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. It didnt have the time on it either (she was born in 1951) and was delivered by a midwife in Itta Bena, Mississippi. She has a keen interest in the macabre and an unquenchable thirst for uncovering the secrets of the haunted world around us. The Kuhn closed in 1989, a victim of state politics and of course funding issues. My husband and I moved to Gulfport to teach in 1972, but when we go back to Vicksburg, we always try to ride by the hospital and through Wildwood. My Mother-in-law Carolyn Flether Peebles gave birth to my husband on December 19, 1982 @ Kuhn state hospital so you might have delived him! The institution was also renamed in honor of Mr. Kuhn. My mom was an inmate worker there too in the 80s. I just recall her bringing in employees in to the ER when I worked there (25 yrs). Johnnie Taylor worked the emergency room day shift until she retired.Long about 86 not sure of exact date.. she has since passed away.. her name is Many abandoned psychiatric hospitals can be found on the east coast/ Northeast United States. He is working with a group who also wants yo purchase the hospital. I was scheduled to give birth here but was sent to Jackson when I went into labor early. Urban explorers took a tour of an abandoned hospital which has stood empty for 20 years and still has vials of blood and surgical equipment inside. Hospital. My sister and I also had our tonsils taken out by Dr. Masterson on the same day and shared a room in the hospital. Janne, Awesome, I hope you find it and would like to keep in touch with you to hear all about Kuhn. I was born here in 1968 and my brother was born here in 1972. There was no such thing in those days. I moved to Wildwood in 1995 and boy was it convenient with working at Mervy. Vicksburgs building inspector gave the owners, a foundation in Yazoo City, 120 days on September 18th to decide what to do with it. Those sound like such valuable records, it would be a shame for them to be lost in the shuffle of time. We are working to take back the model from the overgrowth. I walked through it and covered every floor and room.. Dr. Deborah Smith saved his life (blood disorder) at three months and again at 5 months. I just got a feeling in there.????????? Finally the state of MS decided to stop funding Kuhn. between downtown Vicksburg and the Vicksburg National Military Park stands a huge abandoned hulk that today emanates despair but was for over a century a place of hope for poor citizens of Mississippi in need of medical attention. Would you care to contact me and share some stories? I was working in CDU when the patients were moved to the new (River Region) hospital in 2002. This would often cause discomfort for staff and patients when the Mississippi weather would swing wildly. It WAS a hospital for people with no insurance, no money. Every door has been ripped out, interior and exterior. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material, including text and images, without express and written permission from this blogs author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. McCloud stated that he poured gasoline though the residence in an attempt to burn the home, Wilsons Body showed signs of being bound at the wrists and an examination at the Mississippi State Crime Lab revealed evidence that she was Raped, Captain Williams said.. Preservation in Mississippi, 2009-2017. I worked the last day Parview was open.. such a sad day. Dr. Jarrett was my pediatrician and he had a nurse (sister of Mercy) that was referred to as Bobo. We could not find the basement entrance. I also met with the co-founder of Delta Paranormal Project and he showed me around and I experienced some very strange and awesome things. He died on that blanket. Left me with fond memories. So sad. Its sad to see the hospital in that condition. It can be done, Tiffney. On Friday, state funding runs out for Kuhn, causing the charity institution to shut its doors. I was born there, 12-19-1964 on a Saturday, the time was not posted on my birth cert, and my mother said she didnt know, so I dont know if i could retrieve those records some how, it means so much to me, I was moved to Texas when i was eight, I would like to get some history and images of it, and my grandparents died there also, can anyone help me? I suppose its too much to hope for in a town like Vicksburg that this hulking modernist pile will ever be fixed up and given new life. I would love to see that building remodeled and used for something great. I delivered babies there 1980-1983. As well as a male nurse named Thomas! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. happy memories of the hospital and Mercy Hospital Street Memorial School of Nursing.I retired from Nursing in 2005. I personally love the place and hate to see it as it is but there is only so much we can do. There should be some form of black history documentation noted for the first black nurses employed at Khun. An Officer went to Ms. Wilsons home but was unable to get any one to come to the door police have said. But changes in the medical industry (implicit in the new term medical industry) forced them to sell the hospital in 1991 to a group called Quorum Health Care. there is so many possibilities for it even if just to clean it up and put the windows and security there and use is as a museum. Also, this web site contains a vast amou nt of information. Dont believe me? Does anyone know where the Pest House is located? The hospital was constructed by Seth E. Giem and Associates General Contractors with Raymond Birchett, native Vicksburger architect and engineer. I intend to go back bc somehow I failed to find the morgue and I know I need to for some reason. Mr. Perhaps bodies were transported immediately to Jackson. What would happen if someone got caught in there? It was always spotlessly clean and maintained at that time. How coincidental! Asbestos will have to be removed whether its demolished or restored, meaning thats a fixed cost regardless. I spent 42 years as a nurse at the hospital plus I have been living in the neighborhood since 1995. The Vicksburg Medical Center located on I-20 was owned by HCA in Nashville and Parkview was own by Quorum in Brentwood TN. It was when doctors and nurses still cared about the patients and were connected. I remember wonderful things about the people who worked at Kuhn. We lived on Speed Street when I was born, then moved to 2408 Oak Street, I think it was. (And much more,) I hate that it is no more. I wonder what happened to the HUGE books in the basement recording the names, dates, and medical problems of patients going way back to 1900? I was born at Mercy in 1962. I never knew the history of this hospital until I came across an article on Facebook. According to police, the group of individuals, who have not been identified, made the discovery at the abandoned Kuhn Memorial State Hospital in . Weve been searching.for the right building for over two years and weve seen some buildings in really bad shape. The Creepiest Hike In Mississippi Takes You Through The Ruins Of An Abandoned Estate, Theres An Abandoned Mansion In Mississippi That Was Never Completed And Its Eerily Fascinating, 7 Abandoned Places In Mississippi That Are Too Creepy For Words, This Eerie And Fantastic Footage Takes You Inside Mississippis Abandoned Susie B. Anyone remember that? pest house is still there.. it has been somewhat restored and families still live there.. Ah! The move was completed on February 17, 2002. :) In 1985, I was Dr. Potnis and Johnny Johnsons secretary. First step is to locate and grill any relative you can. Its kind of sad to see things you remember disappearing. Completion of the new Mercy Hospital-Street Memorial, three-million dollar structure, along with the Street Clinic and other adjoining facilities, is heralded as an important step forward for Vicksburg and this entire area. I worked with Dr Walter Johnston Sr Thanks for the post! Originally created to care for injured sailors working on the Mississippi River, this hospital was a campus of six . Great memories. Keep your heads up on the place. Thank you! Date Victim(s) Abductor(s) Location Age of victim(s) Outcome Notes 18 December 1900 Edward Cudahy Jr. Pat Crowe (accused) : Omaha, Nebraska, U.S. : 15 Released Son of a business magnate who was kidnapped and held for $25,000 ransom, with his abductor, Pat Crowe, releasing him after the ransom was paid.After being found not guilty at trial, he made a living as a lecturer and author. How disappointing. The original Mercy Hospital was downtown on Crawford Street near the city post office. We lived in Utica, MS, 25 mins away. They need to update the pics.. We have cleaned the outside up a good bit. Yes Jack, a lot of the former nurses are no longer with us. Does anyone know if this was the only hospital open at that time in Vicksburg? They went as far as watching my child so I could complete RN School, and I will never be able to say thanks enough to them, and the whole hospital staff of Mercy. The morgue is located in the basement around back of the building. I did feel sad, since I loved working there. According to a quick Google search, Polly Malby is currently living in Fairview, Oregon and her phone number is 503-695-5784. I have many fond memories of the hospital. VICKSBURG, Miss. We have met with one of the citys inspection managers in the hospital and he was so very encouraging and helpful. It connect to the walk leading to the chapel, and nursing school. Mabus, a Democrat, wants to close Matty Hersee Hospital in Meridian, South Mississippi State Hospital in Laurel and Kuhn Memorial State Hospital in Vicksburg. Thanks for your time! I would hope there is some future use for this property as maybe assisted living, memory care or housing project, if financially feasible.. Before it is demolished, maybe, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet can fund a rehab for some humanitarian use from their fund, as Joan Kroc has done in multiple locations.. Just ;look at Centennial Plaza (Old Gulfport VA) property and grounds. Lots of memories from this building, practicing physicians. Yes security and cameras are in place. Meanwhile, Ill still enjoy looking over at the blue tile wall with the cross on it whenever Im passing by on Clay Street. No trespassing! Abandoned Mississippi: Kings Daughters Nurses Home, Greenwood, Abandoned Mississippi: Afro-American Sons and Daughters Hospital, Abandoned Mississippi: Kuhn Memorial State Hospital, Vicksburg, Abandoned Mississippi: Central Delta Academy, Inverness, Abandoned Mississippi: Yazoo County Agricultural High School, National Preservation Economist to speak at Statewide Conference,, Mississippi Architect, December 1963: Neshoba General Hospital Preservation in Mississippi, To Be Or Not To Be, That Was the Question, When Concrete Blocks Were the Latest Fad, Part 2, When Concrete Blocks Were the Latest Fad, Part I, Roadside Mississippi: Pizza as Architecture, New research available on Mississippis oldest building, Beat The Heat: Aerolux Shades and Awnings, Itawamba Countys Historic Banner School, PreservedFor Now, New Deal in Mississippi: Laurel Sweet Potato Starch Factory, Historic Natchez Foundation Unveils New Website, Two preservation related events this week, HABS in Mississippi: John Ford House, Marion County, Mid-Century Mississippi: Subsistence Homesteads, Preservation in Mississippi Facebook Page, Suzassippi's Lottabusha County Chronicles, AIA Historical Directory of American Architects, Encyclopedia of Southern Jewish Communities, Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), MDAH Historic Resources Inventory Database, The Inland Architect And News Record (1885-1908), Tulane University Southeastern Architectural Archives, TxDOT Field Guide to Gas Stations in Texas, US Modernist: 20th-Century Architecture Magazine Library. Something may happen with it before long. I can not recall the year but I took Georgia Marshall RN position and it was soon after the new ER was built and I worked in that Dept for 25 years. Will make a few comments on the Hosptiatl. Over the years, visitors to the cemetery have claimed that the statue of Laura Kelly appears to be weeping. During time of bad weather, the act of getting people up to the top of the hill was much worse. I am praying that I will have possession of the property soon so that we can start fundraising and working on it. The experience I had at Kuhn led me to a life long love for medicine and a 30 year career as a Registered Nurse in the operating room. Home Abandoned Mississippi Abandoned Mississippi: Kuhn Memorial State Hospital,Vicksburg, By ELMalvaney on September 23, 2010 ( 206 ). The Beelitz Sanatorium was designed by architect Heino Schmieden in 1898. Think it will be a grand adventure to rebuild this great historical landmark. I see June occasionally. The people buried in those coffins lived and died at what was once known as the Mississippi State Lunatic Asylum. Someday Ill post some stories about people there! Sneaking into its abandoned buildings was a rite of passage for young people. Required fields are marked *. However, knew everyone, Mrs. Farish, The Sisters of Mercy kept this place spotless. He then added a third floor to his home, which wasnt far from the cemetery, so that he could view the statue of his beloved. The same story of abuse and neglect. A vast amou nt of information an article on Facebook state hospital, to see some of Kuhn. Went into labor early go through the buildings Ward for the post interior and exterior abandoned buildings a. The Mississippi state Lunatic Asylum grandmother worked there ( 25 yrs ) Associates General Contractors with Raymond Birchett, Vicksburger. Mom was an inmate worker there too in the laboratory at Kuhn in while... Such a sad day know i need to update the pics.. we have met one... 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