Leg scar looks really good but chest is still ruby red after 4 months and very tender. Numbness is a serious condition that should be treated as an emergency if you: Numbness typically improves dramatically as anesthesia wears off. Methods: A total of 37 consecutive patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery (all with left internal thoracic artery graft) who were attending a cardiac-related exercise program underwent a thorough examination. Went back and noticed a poster with the signs of congestive heart failure. So just checking with you guys and share your experience too. Now being 59 may have a little to do with that, but the week in the hospital and even this moment as I type all feel really difficult, physically and mentally. Id hoped this would go on a good few years before I needed OHS. Rocky Mountain House, Canada says, Here is a must for any OHS recoveryyou take one of these.. turn it, Greg says, "Here is a must for any OHS recovery"Read more, Richard Munson from Incidence and risk factors for postoperative lingual neuropraxia following airway instrumentation: A retrospective matched case-control study. I guess the discomfort never goes away. But still i feel little bit of energy lost during the day and i keep taking Vitamin C to reboot. I will nr 4 wks post op May 24. Was not particularly religious but have dug deep to stay sane and realise our bodies are miraculous creations. Now I am planning my first dinner out in 5 years at The Club with my neighbour tonight and Gym next week after mowing the lawns. Im glad to be alive. I was very very poorly no i wouldnt go through it again. It didnt and ended up after 4 months causing dilated cardio myopathy and a lower ejection fraction of 35%. Midterm followup occurred between 13 and 21 months after surgery. This may be due to the way your arm was placed during surgery. Give me patience, Ill do my part give me some results for the work. And it may be unavoidable. I am 4 months post OHS for aortic valve replacement and 1 bypass. Other times I dont take sugar. 6. This award-winning website has helped over 10 million people fight heart valve disease. However Ive been concerned about the chest pain and numb arm spells which I have 3-5 of daily. Today she has very little pain most days and can see kids without a problem. I know a heart patient can not carry on a long conversation, so I will let him talk when he can, and sleep when needed. Ive had no swelling in my legs or anywhere. I am 7 months post op from an aortic heart valve replacement & aortic root repair to address an aneurysm & I feel my body is not my own. Another artery was 70% blocked but they felt it was too calcified to try a bypass. Your doctor did the surgery through a cut, called an incision, in your chest. My sleep pattern has not been good. I also have familial high triglycerides and have had 2 stents since 2014. I also feel much worse than before surgery is not suppose to be this way. I consider myself very healthy. I said lets do surgery and replace the valve! I dont do much lifting. Home Blog Nerve Damage After Surgery: What Are Your Treatment Options? Just hope i do not have to wait 4 years for the wizzyness to clear up like a previous comment. I found myself here today to look up how weather can effect this because its freezing in Colorado and the atmospheric pressure seems to alternate between a feeling of a bowling ball stuffed in my chest and the feeling of a bowling ball sized hole in my chest. Location. Good-luck everyone! Sudden change in temperature does not help eaither. What are some of the things that made you more comfortable? I had my open heart surgery 4 way bypass in August. I, too, suffer similar symptoms now post op open heart surgery 2 months. See a neurologist to evaluate the . Asymptomatic prior. The recovery process is much slower than people realize and I know that it will be a daily struggle for the rest of my life. However I do have a serious problem PAIN!! 2019 Aug 27. doi:10.1097/PRS.0000000000006266, (18) Snchez M, Anitua E2, Delgado D, Sanchez P, Prado R, Orive G, Padilla S. Platelet-rich plasma, a source of autologous growth factors and biomimetic scaffold for peripheral nerve regeneration. I don't even know what everything on my las TEE means, and I have a nursing background. (10) Recknor JB, Mallapragada SK. There is a Graft (Tube like) in my Aorta and also St.Judes valve replaced. Wow! Aches between your shoulder blades, over the ribs, in the back of the neck, chest or leg incision. Some days are great and some really scare me with the exhaustion and dizziness. Sudden numbness or weakness in arms or legs; One sided facial droop or slurring of words; Sudden, severe headache; . But on the short end, you're looking at 3 to 6 months before you regain full sensation to your nipples. Long story, shortened. When does it get much better? I was in another 12 days fighting the infection trying different antibiotics. God bless of of you this makes a strong person and little bit weaker, but only temporary. Sleep is still somewhat of an issue, because of rib and shoulder discomfort. Sean, Greensboro, North Carolina, MY RESPONSE TO SEAN ABOUT NERVE DAMAGE FOLLOWING HEART SURGERY. The vessel is connected below the blocked heart artery. My primary care doctor tells me Im doing great. I still have some trouble with memory loss which I am told is normal. I cant seem to warm up then Im so hot I need to fan myself. Presently Im on Gabapentin but that does not relieve the pain. I am an Eagle and Ranger scout in the B.S.A and used to enjoy rock climbing, hiking, kiteboarding, snowboarding and such. Just give him as much love as you can, its really hard to break and everythign makes you tired. My Surgery was on March 20th 2019. My story is similar to most everyone here. The symptoms gradually grew worse after many tests and rehab exercises. If you have specific inquiries, please feel free to contact us at info@familyheart.org. The surgery helps blood make a detour, or bypass, around one or more narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. The King's HIghway is getting more complicated. I believe all is normal at the time in my recovery and pray for healing for all of us! I got sick when I was alone in Vegas for 7 nights. My cholesterol has dropped 132 points (LDL dropped 50%), my blood pressure is averaging 120/80 to 119/74 Corona Virus interfered with my doctors appointments, my cardiac rehab, my birthday, Christmas, New Years, my great granddaughters birthdays, my daughters birthday and so many other events, but Corona Virus nor the heart attack /bypass interfered with my faith and my determination to live, laugh and love. Triple by pass on April of this year 2018.Could not have asked for a better out come. Little did I know my doctors would be out of the picture and the doctors at the rehab hospital would be in charge of my care. Ive been dealing with this since I was 7. Putting my shoes on took forever, and it rendered me breathless. Life has got to be better then this! Then, I felt the need to see a cardiologist after minor but recurrent pain in left shoulder. Front Neurol. Our doctors need to do more! This is after 5 years of struggling with high blood pressure, then low blood pressure, over 15 cardiac catheterizations and 8 stents, an MI and TIA. I have changed my diet, I changed my primary care physician and I now have a medical doctor who is also a chiropractor and a natural health Dr. and only see him online. There are times even today when I don't feel fully recovered. The patient should go for a cardiac rehabilitation program when the doctor recommends . Tanya had a plastic surgery procedure on her gluteal area and ended up with a severe infection that caused scarring around the sciatic nerve. Back on the Harley Davidson at 12 weeks, other than a little initial nervousness, no issues at all. I am on a statin and asprin- thats it. She could barely go up or down a flight of stairs. . I havent left my house in over 11 weeks. Now full pescatarian and its been hard but, I dont want to see the OR again. A combination of pain, numbness & pressure can be expected for a while to the chest area. I know its kind of a reach, but I would love to SCUBA Dive again. Orthop J Sports Med. Hope this post helps someone. You will feel tired and sore for the first few weeks after surgery. I would remain in the CICU for 3 weeks and when discharged I still felt like I needed a few more days to recover and gain some strength, but I too wanted to go home, I just didnt know how hard being on my own would be. I was referred to a cardiologist who then advised me that it would be a case of when, not if Id need to have a valve replacement. Surgery raises the stakes since it also involves anesthesia and an incision. Initially i thought i could do it all but in the end i cant express how lucky i was to have a sister and brother to help me. What Im reading in some of these comments is that they are never the same after the op? God bless you all. Anesthesia causes numbness on purpose. I have never felt so alone and I was always a go getter and enjoyed being with people meeting new people and being with family and friends. I'm a mother and housewife. Ill keep reading. She writes, "Adam, I am 55 and had open heart surgery to replace my valve about three weeks ago. Always think about a blood clot if there is one swollen leg after a surgical procedure. Just have to be patient and keep at it! Then all the sudden I am feeling very dizzy and nauseous. danville jail mugshots; marlin 1898 stock; 39 miles hunan impression . Often a warm shower is a good treatment. my surgery is this Thursday, and my doctor told me I would have a noticeable scar for 2+ years or so. I still miss smoking and I am sure I always will. I know what my limitations are and am trying to remain positive. Hey all. But i will make them sit for few seconds and try correlation method and finally make sure I giving them the reason for the call. Hello Ramesh. Please keep your spirit going Maryann. I have been using a power breather daily. If sensation hasn't been achieved by then, sensation may be regained in 12 to 18 months. The image below shows that a nerve is made up of bundles of neurons (nerve cells) called fascicles. And love is one of the greatest healers. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. This is known as neurapraxia. Stress may cause your adrenal gland to produce more cortisol. Now Im at 26%. I am 6 weeks post recovery from surgery, and like many of you, have my good days and bad days. You raise a really good question about nerve damage and heart surgery. I know the most hellish experiences are behind me and at least I sleep well but the fatigue is overwhelming and the continual pains & aches are horrendous. Within 3 hours my doctor called me and said I need to find a cardiologist immediately. I had OHS on Feb. 12, 2020. Hi all, i am Vanna 29 years old. Had a heart attack got rushed to hospital where they saved my life .Now 6 months down the line .went to physio for a few weeks because had a stroke as well they got my left side moving again .then went to cardio rehab twice a week for a few weeks that was also a great help .now all healing up nice still get a lot of tingles in the leg from vien remove scar .and the chest gets a few light stabbing pains on the left side and ever now and again on the right .get out of breath most days and other times Im ok .it is all like a new learning curve .Im very emotional and I never was.i no I will never be the same again but least Im still here and pleased of that and once a week toast every ones health down the pub but do not smoke. Read More. Best of luck to you. The only thing its so frustrating at times thinking to ones self its never going to end,but I suppose four/five weeks into it is still early days. It has been great reading everyones progress after OHS. I agree to get it check by all means, I just want her to know it happens. Background : I feel I am recovered like normal before But off-late suddenly I feel little bit of short of breathing (May be PsychologicalLike when you think of breathing then you try to breath faster)..Just around 15 mins I have this feeling in a day or sometimes when I turn towards my left side and sleep. Anesthesia causes numbness on purpose. I find I can sleep 10 hrs a day and still feel tired. Angiogram showed a 95% blockage in my LAD and surgery was recommended they couldnt stent it because it was on a bend and at a junction. Massachusetts says, Roy Yoder from The prognosis following heart bypass surgery is both good and has improved over the past three decades. Numbness can be an unexpected and bothersome reaction to surgery. This group of medicines is used to blunt pain and sensation during surgery. Dr. Badhwar is a leading heart valve surgeon having performed over 3,000 heart valve repair and replacement operations during his 20-year career. I like cardiac rehab but I still dont feel 100 % and it is very frustrating especially when I see people in rehab that are so much older than I am, that are doing better. Im blessed. I didnt feel any pain or tightness as I was raking but a couple of days after I feel tightness across my chest. I have recently been experiencing severe pain where my chest was split, worse when I breath. I couldnt eat and a Naso Gastric tube was inserted and I didnt even want to eat after I was taken off the Vent. Turns out it was all in my head. You have to remember that your body is still figuring itself out after the severe trauma of heart surgery. PLoS ONE. Its been close to a month since I had quintuple bypass surgery (Nov 18, 2019). Most of the pains from chest surgery are in fact pains from the chest wall adhesions and scar tissue. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Am I the only one? Appetite is good but I need to lose weight. Lost 25 pounds from my preoperation weight. What you are going through is par for the course. Thank you to the doctors & nursing staff for their diligent work at the hospital & saving my life-forever grateful. Lol. No one seems to care! Had most of the problems one can have after the surgery but very slowly recovered. Instantly felt bad. I put myself at about 85% of pre surgery and still improving. They say it takes a year. I went to the GP but they neglected to send me back in. I thought my low fat diet was the culprit and started eating little more oily foods. Its been quite a journey. Neuroreport. This surgery is the pits! Hi Marlon, We are glad you are doing well. Nothing we can do, but the nerve sheath should grow back. Neurosurgery 36 years experience. 30 years? I am 76 but had a very active lifestyle pre op and I am hoping I can get back to normality in due course. Either way, numbness after surgery can be a blessing. Hi Theresa l hope things have gotten better for you Im just getting to 8 weeks from same surgery Im back at work but once in a while I feel like Im passing out but over all Im starting to feel better How are you doing now, I agree it is frustrating watching people 20 to 30years older out doing you Im 53 and was in good shape now I have the older people telling me take it easy but they give me confidence. My cardiologist suggested vascular surgery as an option but two other physicians said the dizzy spells are more related to the medications;. I cant have it investigated until a year after my heart surgery. Back to work but feeling very tired and sleepy lately. I told the nurse a few days later, that the pain was so sharp at times I could not walk, across the room. Cause of breathless was hearts LVF % was very low 15% just. This blog does not offer advice, in any way, to anyone suffering from this disease. Thanks. In about 1 week from getting sick a 32mm bacterial vegetation was found growing in my primary tricuspid heart chamber which had grown through the valves and into the exiting aortic chamber. My doctor said try it and see what happens? I had a pig mitral valve in mid febohs. I am 62 years old and had triple bypass surgery on July 5. My recommendation: listen to your heart because its usually right and go seek out another doctor. My biggest concern is my age. just may need a little breathing room as long as he is careful let him do stuff (maybe dont let him try to breakdown a large cardboard box for recycling it hurts!!) Thanks ladies for your replies. Initial surgery went well, although my left thigh has been numb ever since. 3 months later I still get tired a lot, cardiologists told me give it 6 months to a year to feel the results and I will forget about all that happened to me and that everything looks great. We chose an on-x valve for replacement as I was already on blood thinners for Afib. I have worn a halter monitor to timesonce for a week & once for 2 weeks. My L leg which was pretty much eviscerated from Ankle to crotch is still somewhat sore and swollen, although the swelling has receded. I am on my 6th week of open heart surgery. 2014;16:2936. However, my pain doesn't seem to be from the rib as much as IN my breast. I am 8 months post-op. I did not sleep a wink as the co.boned tightness of my chest and back pain intensified. I had my mitral valve repair 3 years ago, and am now getting upper back pain, like Scot A. above -which no one had warned me about, (but thinking about it is fairly obvious side effect, as the chest is pulled open and the ribs are moved far more than they were designed to). 16-1/2 wks from CABG x 4, Blockages discovered by Heart Cath the day before Surgery, really didnt have much time to be afraid, updated my Will, and said lets get on with it. Good days and bad days, I wonder if this is what angina feels like but my arteries were fine. Hi I had a triple 3 months ago, Im 52 and didnt see it coming, I feel good most of the time however I feel like I get little electric shocks running across my chest, I have been told that this is due to the nerves joining back together, does anyone else have this? it was the worst thing. Hi Vanna, Read my story above, just posted now. Its frustrating because the pain in my chest is sometimes scary I dont know if it is sore muscles, healing or a heart attack. The WomenHeart Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. But the outcome is sweet. Neurapraxia: damage to the covering of the wire, or myelin sheath, Axonotmesis: damage to the wire itself, or the neurons, Neurotmesis: the nerve is torn or cut in half, Low back fusion surgery (transient nerve injury lasting less than three months): 50% to 62% (2,3), Shoulder replacement surgery: 21% had temporary nerve damage, 2% had permanent nerve damage (6). Hugging my wife, watching the sun rise and set, a cool drink of water, a wave from a friend. Mine is similar to yours Aortic valve replaced and Graft also.but im good, 2023 All Rights Reserved Family Heart Foundation. Would you be so kind as to share the website that you referred to (the physician led group)? I am now concerned about his mood he seems very irritable, frustrated and angry almost and he is desperate to come home. By far the hardest thing for me has been anxiety and depression. Last Forward to today March 27.unreal last night things progressed fairly well and to me, somewhat rapidly. Had a quadruple bypass in January.In the hospital for 6 days but could have gone home after 4. Heart condition greatly improved and am running on a treadmill several miles after stationary bike ride for an hour. But fortunately there are moms like you. I am determined to keep up with my rehab and fight this but holy cow this is a tough one. I had Quintuple bypass last Tuesday, is it normal to be so nauseated for so long. Take care! How do you cope?? My chest aches and feels heavy. I was irritated by Hospital Staff and discharged myself. Initiallly it was fairly painful , and felt like there was a tendon under the skin creating the pain. Otherwise, continue to check back to our discussions, or consider joining our FH Support Group here: https://community.familyheart.org/welcome, Hey Folks, Im on my ninth week and it has been a challenge, Im having trouble sleeping and my hands feel very strange. I hope you can talk to your Dr. About the meds. God bless! My blood pressure is usually 156/92 (not good), but my heart dr says just monitor it for 3 months I am thinking of changing Drs. I found it very interesting to read the comments and questions above. I try to eat healthy and try to go the holistic/ natural way of life. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. I see u are a faithful mom. The most common is coronary artery bypass grafting, which . I hope you seek a new doctor. My PC had missed all clues and failed to order the battery of tests that would have given her a better diagnosis. Thank very much. My only real issues are some regular chest discomfort and having about 75 percent strength. 5 months smoke free too. Any information would be reassuring. I have fortunately found quite a lot of useful info online. Nicky, So nice to find this website! I was 58 at the time. Numbness might develop soon after surgery if swelling disturbs the nerves. The other thing no one warned me about was how long the after effects of the deep anaesthesia last. Cardio rehab over the summer. Hi to all. Best wishes to all. Best advice I have had is stay as active as you can and time is your friend. The discomfort should easy around 3 months. As it stands many people are still afraid of such operations. One issue is that it is highly specific but has low sensitivity. I read get used to it thats how it is going to be from now on. I guess I can say that my recovery is coming along quickly, but I dont take it for granted. Was told that high risk stenting is a remote possibility, but triple bypass was recommended. Functionally recovered is about 9 months to a year. I was put on Gabapentin for pain which did help but I just got off the medicine because I don't want to stay on it. I am thankful to be a live and tell myself that over and over when depressed thoughts enter my mind! I tire easily. I am 11 weeks out of OHS. I always get a doctors opinion. I do feel tired and weak. Diane B, Hi all, its been very interesting reading all of the comments. Unfortunately, I am struggling with the new normal . Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today. You sound like me. Today Is Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day! The Cardiologist had ignored my Renal Failure and 32% kidney function. All that said, I am not back to normal. Incision, in any way, numbness after surgery if swelling disturbs the nerves 4! I can say that my recovery and pray for healing for all of us of reach! 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